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 Cookbook recommendations please...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
catscharm74 Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 7:34:44 PM
I am looking for a cookbook(s) that covers healthy family eating and also one dealing specificley with women's health.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BarefootGoatGirl Posted - Mar 13 2007 : 10:51:38 AM
My favorite is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and the Moosewood Cookbook. NT has a section dealing with womens reproductive health, but I do not know of a cookbook that deals specificaly with womens health. Sorry!


Of all the things I have created, my children are the best.
Lizabeth Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 10:44:20 PM
I use constantly More with Less... it is a mennonite cookbook. great tasting recipes and interesting write up on food conservation. The dill bread recipe is fabulous, though I use dill weed instead of dill seed. that bread with strawberry jam is delicious. The other recipes from there I make quite often are with lentils (the lentils and sausage dish is a huge hit, even with guests who have never tried lentils!). This is the book I first reach for when I need a quick wholesome easily prepared yummy meal.
herbquilter Posted - Mar 12 2007 : 9:38:01 PM
Whole Foods for the Whole Family by La Leche League. It's the best family cookbook. Over the years we have worn out 2 copies. It covers it all.
Happy cooking.....That means good eating too!

Kristine ~ Mother of Many & Herbalist

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