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 The Flamingo Palace is out..update...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
katmom Posted - Apr 26 2020 : 7:36:56 PM
The Flamingo Palace is out of the barn,,, thanx to Nicole and Sherone's encouraging me...

spent the afternoon cleaning, dusting and washing.... now she is all ready to camp in.. can't deco outside yet,, the winds are to strong,,, and I would have to nail everything down...
(oh, actually , I still need to wash the windows, outside...)

The vtg. pink radio,,, we gutted,, and I stick my ipod and mini speaker inside it.. and no one is the wiser.. But I do have a cream colored vtg radio (stashed in the cabinet)that works, in the cabinet.. in case I want to listen to a radio station...

ready to chillax and read a Nancy Drew book...

I am actually thinking of either painting the fridge front... or.. maybe decogauging over it... hmmm....

as for the Scotty,, she is still in the barn for a few more days...

but I have been puttering inside the Scotty...

when I do bring her outside,,, I'll do a through cleaning...

Ahh,,, Glamping, no matter where,, is so therapeutic...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
katmom Posted - May 02 2020 : 8:20:01 PM
and here is Le Chat...

and a couple of hours after these photos were taken, strong winds came through and I had to pick up the chairs,, and had to go fetch some of my deco stuff out of the field...

This morning I had to put everything back in the barn until our storm blew over this evening... and I will wait until tomorrow to put everything back out....

In the mean time, Texadane aka Nicole got to spend quality family time around the glamp fire by her trailer... Lucky ducky!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

katmom Posted - May 02 2020 : 5:35:48 PM
and so is the Scotty.. both trailers are out now,, but we have a big storm brewing,, gonna be a gusty windy, raining evening... so no decorating... until the storm passes thru...

********* and it's here,,,wowzers,, thunder and big Lightening...but at least the winds are not horrendous...***********

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

HollerGirl56 Posted - May 01 2020 : 1:58:40 PM
Beautiful! Beautiful! Rock on Grace---it has been so cold, wet, and nasty---no cabin shack stays for us---and last year hubby showed me a big snake skin hanging up over our loft bedroom curtains and I am not thrilled to go back---LOL. He lied to me all summer and knew there was a hug black snake in there. He loves them and leaves them in the barns and chicken house. Good for him retired and he can see the ugly things!

Old Age Ain't No Place For Sissies!------Bette Davis
katmom Posted - May 01 2020 : 09:17:05 AM
Thanx Deb... now go have fun with your new camper.. Back yard camping is fun!

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

City Chick Posted - May 01 2020 : 06:30:02 AM
How adorable! I love your campers.


Farm Girl #790

katmom Posted - Apr 27 2020 : 11:53:46 AM
OOPS!,,, RTG,, had a glass last nite,, should have taken a photo! lol!

Woke up to crazy winds this morning,, and suppose to get stronger today,, also, grey rain clouds are moving in,, had to secure anything that can/could blow away...

But the good news is,,, unlike the Wicked Witch of the West (OZ) I won't melt if I get wet!! snorks....

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva! &

Red Tractor Girl Posted - Apr 27 2020 : 10:57:27 AM
Grace, what adorable campers you have and what a fun idea to create a little "camp ground" to enjoy until weather and travel improve!! I don't know which one is the cutest because they are both so beautifully equipped and decorated. You will have to provide a photo when you are enjoying your first glass of wine outside one of these cuties!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Apr 27 2020 : 10:31:47 AM
How exciting Grace! I’m so ready to go camping myself. I need a break from this crazy and get some fresh air and distance. Plus a s’more is sounding really yummy right about now lol! Have fun getting your trailers ready for the season!

ddmashayekhi Posted - Apr 27 2020 : 06:16:28 AM
What a beautiful place to hang out in Grace! You are definitely a true blue (or should I say pink?) glamper! Enjoy getting Scotty ready to join The Flamingo Palace!

Dawn in IL

Bloom, where you are planted.

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