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 Two more scrap book pages

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nancy Gartenman Posted - Apr 28 2022 : 07:51:24 AM

Really hard to get a good picture, but here it is.
This book is almost full, just a few empty pages left.
Hope to get to the post office today have several cards
for" you got mail" girls.
Still cold here, got spoiled a few days ago with 70's out,
now it 40's.
Richard doing pretty good, goes back to the cancer
Doctor next week. Always hope for good news.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
margie38572 Posted - May 03 2022 : 11:49:26 AM
I love your pages! I have so many photos just waiting to be scrap booked. It's the spur that's helping me get my work space organized. I hope to see photos of your finished scrap book.

Farmgirl #7915

Dreamer42 Posted - Apr 30 2022 : 11:11:13 AM
Beautiful, Nancy jo! I too, love all my scrap books and journals and anything paper relate.! So much fun to go back and enjoy each page when you're feeling nostalgic. Soooo therapuetic too.

Farmgirl Sister #7038
MaryJanesNiece Posted - Apr 29 2022 : 1:42:28 PM
Your scrap book pages are always so neat and pretty. I bet it’s fun to collage all those together. I hope everything goes good for Richard next week.

Marcy Posted - Apr 29 2022 : 10:00:30 AM
Love the pages. They are so pretty. I have two large hard cover scrapbooks that I want to turn into junk journals, I will get to them soon.


Farmgirl #170

FGOTM August 2012

Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give...Eleanor Roosevelt

levisgrammy Posted - Apr 29 2022 : 06:21:26 AM
Beautiful pages! We are waiting for Spring too and to have more warm days than just these teasers.
Prayers for Richard and all to be well!

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"I am a bookaholic and I have no desire to be cured."

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
suny58 Posted - Apr 28 2022 : 11:10:54 AM
Oh Nancy Jo, LOVE those scrapbooking pages!! You are so good at that! I tried mixed media and now I'm just painting my pages but its a very slow process. Praying your hubs is cancer free!!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
Wanda Sue Posted - Apr 28 2022 : 11:06:10 AM
Nancy I love your work! I have been saving all kinds of things to make something like this. You inspire me to get started with it. Prayers that Richard gets a good report. Also that Spring is on its way to stay!! Hugs, Wanda Sue

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

Farm Girl #3677

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