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T O P I C    R E V I E W
katmom Posted - May 16 2022 : 12:51:59 PM
Hi all,,,
I was phone chatting with our dear MIA 'Ninibini' this morning... she asked that I tell you all, how much your cards meant to her.. She has a 'full plate' in life right now and is kind of in a holding pattern on the sell of her house.

I wish I could convey to you all, good news about her husbands health issues, but alas,, he is not getting any better and recently had a minor heart attack..

Nini did not want you all to think she was ungrateful for the cards, she just hasn't had time to sit and rest and visit on the MJF Forum.

'nndairy" aka Heather,,, a special "Thank You" for the lovely apron,. It made Nini's heart over flow with joy.

Please keep Nini and her husband wrapped in love and prayers.

Farm girl hugs-n-squisches to you all from Nini.

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
melody Posted - May 26 2022 : 08:34:16 AM
Thinking of you dear friend. Miss our conversations.

katmom Posted - May 20 2022 : 12:57:26 PM
Yes,, she has had her hands full,, but she is a tuff cookie,,

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
Red Tractor Girl Posted - May 20 2022 : 11:36:07 AM
Grace, thank-you for this update as I have been wondering how life has been going for Nine. These last years have been hard ones for her and her beloved hubby.

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
FGOTM- October 2018
katmom Posted - May 17 2022 : 9:59:59 PM
It means a lot to her, knowing we all care about her...

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
windypines Posted - May 17 2022 : 5:23:24 PM
Prayers and strength to both NiNi and her husband.

Farming in WI

FGOTM June2019

craftingram Posted - May 17 2022 : 05:34:52 AM
Thank you for keeping us updated. I too wish there was better news about
her husband. Miss seeing her here.

Sister #2708

Romans 8: 38,39
katmom Posted - May 16 2022 : 7:20:08 PM
Linda, sending you her addy.

Happiness is being a katmom and Glamping Diva!
ddmashayekhi Posted - May 16 2022 : 6:17:13 PM
Thank you for letting us know Grace. I too wish the news would have been better for Nini and her husband. Praying for the both.

Dawn in IL

“May means long walks in the evenings, eating outside in the garden whenever possible, and lots of healthy, fresh salads to use up all the lovely summer veg that’s available.” – Sophie Morris
nndairy Posted - May 16 2022 : 5:10:01 PM
Thanks for the update Grace. I'll keep praying for her and send some more happy mail her way.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
quiltee Posted - May 16 2022 : 4:50:17 PM
Grace - would you please email me with Nini's full name and address? Thank you.

Farmgirl hugs,
Terrell, TX

Farm girl #1919
Farm Girl of the Month August 2015 and April 2017

"Women are Angels, and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly . . . on a broomstick - we're flexible, like that."
suny58 Posted - May 16 2022 : 3:09:56 PM
Sending lots of love and prayers for sure!!!

Farmgirl #7103
FGOTM January 2018
"Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing." Pissarro
Blessed in Colorado Posted - May 16 2022 : 2:57:53 PM
Poor Nini, I will send her happy mail.

Big Hugs,
Blessed in Oregon
With Colorado on My Mind
Farmgirl of the Month September 2012 and February 2018
“My altars are My Mountains
and the Ocean.” Lord Byron”

When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple !!

MaryJanesNiece Posted - May 16 2022 : 1:56:32 PM
Oh Grace how sad. I wish it was better news for Nini. I think about her all the time and miss seeing her here. I hope she can get a break soon and relax from all her stress.


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