T O P I C R E V I E W |
Montrose Girl |
Posted - Feb 03 2012 : 08:37:41 AM I never know if I should list badge ideas on the forum or just email the farm. In the past I've done both. So I thought what if we have a thread for everyone to start putting their ideas in one place. This may be easier than said, but let's try.
http://www.inntheorchardbnb.com/ |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
kymomma4 |
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 8:48:05 PM Teresa, that's a great idea. I took Appalachian Art in college. It was a small college and I live in Kentucky. One of the things we worked on was whittling. It was fun. There are some great ideas here. Better get started on some of the others.
Farmgirl #2361 "Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me
"For she is clothed with dignity and strength and without fear of the future"-Proverbs 31:25 www.marykay.com/rcarson4 |
Brian |
Posted - Mar 17 2014 : 11:32:22 AM Awesome idea Teresa. We'll think on that! |
TeresaJ25 |
Posted - Mar 17 2014 : 10:26:30 AM I love looking at all these badge ideas and seeing them turn into actual badges! I often wonder to myself, what's the best part about earning a badge? The knowledge gained? The satisfaction of accomplishment? Or the mystery of what the badge is going to look like?! I LOVE all of it! I was reading MaryJane's Stitching Room book last night and I was intrigued by the part when MaryJane talks about learning to whittle. What a great idea for a badge!! Beginner could be whittling with a butter knife and a bar of soap. Intermediate could be whittling a simple project out of wood and maybe learning which types of wood works best. Expert could be perhaps an animal or two and to teach someone else to whittle? Just a thought! Whether it becomes a badge or not, I am totally going to whittle my own crochet hook one of these days!
~Teresa Farmgirl Sister #1348 Little Henhouse on the Island
Keep reading. Keep learning. Keep loving. Keep giving. Keep smiling. Keep listening. Keep forgiving. Keep praying |
Jackie Ferri |
Posted - Aug 07 2013 : 7:42:52 PM I thought a great badge would involve indoor gardening. Building a terrarium, maintaing a bonsai tree, starting a fruit tree from seed such as grapefruit, lemons etc. make a topiary, forcing bulbs in water, a water garden, growing herbs,grow plants from cuttings such as from potato, pineapple. Grow a cactus garden. Repurpose items to make creative planters such as using a vintage tub, a bird cage etc. Make a "wall" of plants. Learn how to propagate a houseplants, make own fertilizer and insecticide. Which plants do well in direct light and indirect light. Which plants are beneficial for indoor air quality, and which offer relief from burns etc. These are just some ideas!
Resourceful Creative Organized Mom |
DandeeRose |
Posted - Jun 13 2013 : 12:02:48 PM Thanks Mary Jane!! Don't know how I missed it!
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 http://dandeelionrose.blogspot.com/
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
MaryJane |
Posted - Jun 12 2013 : 5:40:41 PM Hey Alicia,
We've got you covered right here: http://www.farmgirlsisterhood.org/badges-sc-quilting.asp
Welcome to the Sisterhood!
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
DandeeRose |
Posted - Jun 12 2013 : 5:36:21 PM I haven't read through all of the replies, but I am hoping to start learning to quilt this year. That would be a cool badge, as I didn't see it!
Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 http://dandeelionrose.blogspot.com/
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." |
ceejay48 |
Posted - Apr 24 2013 : 4:07:37 PM Mary Jane, I think it's a super idea to wait until a new year in 2014 to add more badges! I'm still working on some of the older ones! I like to see new ones that are doable for as broad a population of us "farmgirls" as possible. Thanks for all you do! CJ
..from the barefoot farmgirl in SW Colorado...sister chick #665. 2010 Farmgirl Sister of the Year Mother Hen: FARMGIRLS SOUTHWEST HENHOUSE
my aprons - http://www.facebook.com/FarmFreshAprons
living life - www.snippetscja.blogspot.com
from my hands - www.cjscreations-ceejay.blogspot.com
from my heart - www.fromacelticheart.blogspot.com
from my hubby - www.aspenforge.blogspot.com |
MaryJane |
Posted - Apr 24 2013 : 2:19:16 PM These are marvelous ideas. Keep 'em coming. We'll put our merit badge thinking caps on. Based on advice from some of our Emeritus Sisters (well, not exactly retired but certainly revered and honored), we might not create new ones again until early next year. (We posted new badges this past January.) Hopefully, the current merit badges are keeping you plenty busy!
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
wendaful |
Posted - Apr 24 2013 : 1:30:42 PM I totally agree that there should be a beading/jewelry badge since there is obviously not one. Any thoughts for the requirements of each level?
Also, I have a few badges that I would like to suggest myself.
1. Clay miniatures & figurine making (any type of clay is applicable):
Beginner level: Research all the type of clay available out there, how each one is different and the same. If possible, pick out different kinds and try them out. Research and play with different brands of clay. Choose one that works best for you. Make around five simple miniatures with your clay such as cookies, burgers, pies, cakes, etc. They have to be all different.
Intermediate level: Now that you have tried making stuff with your clay, examine your works. Are there ways you can make it look cleaner (less hairs and lint in your works)? More realistic (detailing)? Smoother? Less dull-looking? Research these and any other factors to make your miniatures look even better. Make an additional 10 different miniatures.
Expert: Now with all your clay making experience under your belt, make a figurine modeled after an image, character, whatever you like. Match your figurine to your model as close as possible. If your figurine that was modeled after something comes out well, create one out of your own mind without any inspiration. You can choose to make just one subject, a subject or two and a scene, or just a large scene. Be proud of your new collection of miniatures and figurines and display them or store them together somewhere special.
2. I would love to have a badge for Millinery or hat-making. Here's a few ideas for the requirements of the badge.
Research the history of millinery and milliners, the significance of hats in history, and/or the significance of wearing hats for style, etiquette, and protection as a woman. Research the several different types of hat; recognize the different designs of hats and all the different types of materials hats can be made of. Decide on a hat you would like to make in either straw, fabric, wool, or other material hats are made out of. Research or find a pattern on how to make that hat. Commit to wearing that hat; especially when you go out (style hat) or when you work (protection hat). Try to find a local hat shop, milliner shop, or a museum that has old hats exhibited.
There should probably be more requirements for this badge, but here is a few ideas.
I have literally so many ideas for badges, but I'll add those suggestions later when I have thought them out more. |
Sharon Denise |
Posted - Apr 13 2013 : 2:47:00 PM I could have sworn there was a beading/jewelry badge! :-(
Farmgirl Sister #3754 www.facebook.com/bellcountybelles http://bellcountybelle.blogspot.com/ http://pinterest.com/bluemonarch/ "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning." ~Louis L'Amour |
FieldsofThyme |
Posted - Apr 04 2013 : 4:48:39 PM How about a badge for archery. One that adults and kids can work on together. For skill or hunting.
My Life: http://pioneerwomanatheart.blogspot.com/ Recycle Ideas: http://scrapreusedandrecycledartprojects.blogspot.com/
alterationsbyemily |
Posted - Aug 08 2012 : 12:23:14 PM What about paper flowers, there are so many possibilites
--- Farmgirl #2951 No longer renting, offical farmgirl. Check out my new blog at http://simpileeliving.blogspot.com/ And my new Etsy listings http://www.etsy.com/shop/alterationsbyemily |
houligan19 |
Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 6:06:11 PM I really like the fermentaion badge idea. I have been looking for the motivation needed to try and learn how to make things like cheese and yogurt etc. I have learned so many new things with motivation from these badges already, I'd love a few more.
http://earthhomevt.blogspot.com/ |
Chelsea |
Posted - Jun 14 2012 : 10:10:29 AM Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that after listening to some input from our sisters, and because this is an extremely busy time of year at the farm, we have decided NOT to create any new merit badges for July. Instead of giving our sisters new badges to work on, we’ve decided to give you all some time to review and work on the badges we already have, and maybe get you inspired to finish up some you have started. The next round of new badges will return in January.
That being said, I love seeing all these new ideas! Keep up the great work!
-Chelsea |
Sugar Girl |
Posted - Jun 13 2012 : 12:40:07 PM How about American history or the constitution. 
Stand for What's Right! |
alterationsbyemily |
Posted - May 31 2012 : 11:34:44 AM I love all of these ideas!
--- Farmgirl #2951 No longer renting, offical farmgirl. Check out my new blog at http://simpileeliving.blogspot.com/ And my new Etsy listings http://www.etsy.com/shop/alterationsbyemily |
grammytammy |
Posted - May 28 2012 : 10:03:50 AM Love all those badge ideas
FarmGirl 2495 God loved us so much He gave His only son to die in our stead. |
ruthie218 |
Posted - May 27 2012 : 12:40:59 PM Flower Badge Beginner: Research flowers. What grows in your area. What are annual flowers? What are perennials ? What flowers are fresh cutting flowers? Learn what grows best in the sun and shade. Plant annual flower garden using seeds only. Intermediate: Learn what perennials attract butterflies and birds. Plant a butterfly and bird garden. Share what you have learned with 3 other people. Plant perennials in a shady area. Expert: Share what you have learned with 10 people. Host a plant exchange. Plant a garden for fresh cut flowers and make a table decoration with your flowers give to a friend or use for a holiday centerpiece. Learn how to save seeds and replant them. Trade seeds with others.
Farmgirl sister#4072 |
Madelena |
Posted - May 27 2012 : 07:16:07 AM HI Gals.. what a great chat.
I had been thinking about an EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Badge. We live close to a railroad and major highway (think spills), close to one of the largest military bases in the free world (think of potential problems), and in tornado alley... How about something that would incorporate...
(1) Learning about types of emergencies and things to safeguard your family and household (don't forget the pets and livestock) (2) Making an emergency 72 hour kit for personal use (for each family member and don't for get kitty and fido) (3) Prepare a well stocked first aid kit for the home. (4) Take a basic first aid course (may cross over into another badge??); (5) Putting aside at least 2 to 3 weeks worth of food/water for "sheltering in"; (6) Learn about your Community's emergency response programs, CERT, Red Cross emergency certification availability, etc.
LOVE THE IDEA OF THE HERB BADGE !!! ......................YES !!!!
How about a MOSAIC Badge? Might look something like this..
(1) Read a "how to" book on making mosaics. (2) Learn about the different materials that you can use for the mosaics. Learn about types of cement and glue that can be used in the process. (3) Learn grouting techniques and make some simple coasters or other project and grout it. (3) Make a simple stepping stone using the mosaic methods you have learned. Put it in your garden or patio/balcony. (4) Progress to a more advanced mosaic piece such as making a mosaic table top or other large object for your home or garden area... Either create the design yourself, or use a design from a book. (5) Read about the use of mosaics as an art form in older civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Spanish Moors, Roman churches and buildings.
AND LASTLY.. How about a WEATHER Badge... Weather is soooo important to farmers and ranchers.
(1) Read a book about weather. Learn about cloud formations, how wind is formed, types of storms and their cloud formations associated with them(thunder, hurricane, tornadoes). (2) Be able to identify 5 cloud formations and explain the weather they represent (clear, changing conditions, storms ahead, etc.) (3) Learn about a barometer and how it works. Try to find directions to make a simple barometer and construct one. (4) Keep a weather chart for at least one month recording: high and low temperature, cloud formations, weather conditions (especially if changing during the day), and how what you learned has affected your ability to "tell" the weather better.
I bet there are a lot more really good ideas out there! Let's here them, gals!!
Farm Gilr #3153
grammytammy |
Posted - May 27 2012 : 04:59:05 AM Geocaching? So good to use you muscles and mind.
FarmGirl 2495 God loved us so much He gave His only son to die in our stead. |
Sandyrev |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 4:41:50 PM Emily....Your idea for an herb badge sounds great! How about a badge for preserving food...like drying , canning,etc? |
grammytammy |
Posted - May 24 2012 : 2:22:22 PM How about a fermentation badge. The last 2 magazines have had articles. Maybe, kombucha, yogurt, cheese?
FarmGirl 2495 God loved us so much He gave His only son to die in our stead. |
alterationsbyemily |
Posted - Apr 21 2012 : 9:39:21 PM Tammy, I love that badge, "Finish it up!"
Another badge idea, hat making
--- Farmgirl #2951 No longer renting, offical farmgirl. Check out my new blog at http://featheredhattrading.blogspot.com/ And my new Etsy listings http://www.etsy.com/shop/alterationsbyemily |
ruthie218 |
Posted - Apr 18 2012 : 2:40:55 PM scrapbook badge sounds great but how about just sharing with club sisters nad teaching them how too make these items. If want share a scan that would be fine but not required.
http://simpleindianagirl.blogspot.com/ |