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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  05:22:21 AM  Show Profile  Send sunshine a Yahoo! Message
I think I read all the rules I am wondering if my children can make ornaments for this contest is there an age limit or a kid category. Sorry if it stated so but I didn't see it so I am asking.

have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  07:30:22 AM  Show Profile
Sunshine, just let your kids help decorate your tree under your name--no age limit. On the other hand, can your girls decorate their own entirely and call themselves a chapter--a farmerette mini-chapter complete with name? That would be pretty darn cute. I imagine there would be a few yo-yos on their tree!

Look for my new book, "MaryJane's Stitching Room," in bookstores now. Coming next in 2008: "MaryJane's Outpost Guidebook - for Cultivating Your Inner Wild."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  07:42:35 AM  Show Profile  Send sunshine a Yahoo! Message
They have their own Christmas tree that they decorate every year Mom and dad are not allowed to help and I have my own too that they don't help with either ( nor does my husband he hates decorating trees). Silly yes mine is covered with European glass ornaments and theirs is all handmade and gifted ornaments to the family. So I guess they could do their own little tree and each submit an ornament on the tree that they will make. Might be fun for them to do an entire tree this year with all new handmade ornaments that they made. I will make one for my tree and try to get it done by the deadline. They , "the girls", are jumping around the kitchen going yes yes we get to do it. They just have to come up with a name. Do I need to open a real chapter for them to do this if so who do I talk to.

my middle daughter is all excited she getting out her quilling suppplies

have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe
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Edited by - sunshine on Oct 25 2007 07:49:39 AM
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  07:54:43 AM  Show Profile
Just post their chapter name here and I'll take care of it. Tell them, we're VERY excited to see what they come up with both for a tree and a name!! I'm sure your little farmerettes are VERY talented, Sunshine.

P.S. One of them needs to be the designated "leader." Also, I will need their first and last names. You can e-mail me that information.

Look for my new book, "MaryJane's Stitching Room," in bookstores now. Coming next in 2008: "MaryJane's Outpost Guidebook - for Cultivating Your Inner Wild."
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  6:25:58 PM  Show Profile  Send sunshine a Yahoo! Message
The girls decided on the Name: Queridas for the name of their group

have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe
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Tina Michelle
True Blue Farmgirl

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sunshine state FL
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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  7:00:21 PM  Show Profile
how very neat that there is going to be a little farmerette cool!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Oct 25 2007 :  7:11:30 PM  Show Profile  Send sunshine a Yahoo! Message
they are all sitting around our kitchen table telling each other what to make some are less diplomatic than others but they are all laughing and having fun. In case any one wants to know what that name means it is dear ones in Portuguese that is what their daddy calls them when he calls all 3 at once. So far they have origami going my oldest and the younger two are working on quilling.

have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe
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True Blue Farmgirl

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MJF Farmgirl
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Posted - Nov 01 2007 :  11:06:46 AM  Show Profile  Send celebrate2727 a Yahoo! Message
I love these farmerette chapters! Sunshine, I know we all look forward to seeing what they create. Way to go Queridas!


I Can

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Nov 01 2007 :  1:18:44 PM  Show Profile
Queridas! what a sweet name. I'm so proud of them. Sunshine, you are blessed with talented and beautiful daughters. And I think I know where they got it =)
Can't wait to see pictures!
Come on all you Farmerettes! group up, we need future farmgirls!

Wishing you joy in small things and peace in your heart

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Nov 05 2007 :  6:27:47 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
How is everyone doing with the contest! I am so excited to see everyone's creations!!

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!

Edited by - Alee on Nov 06 2007 6:09:02 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Junction City Ohio
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Posted - Nov 07 2007 :  12:27:01 PM  Show Profile
I plan to e-mail an entry in me a good excuse to put the tree up a bit early this year

The problem is figuring out which "route" to go...I have a lot of bought ornaments but I also have handmade ones too....I would like to stear to the handmade ones it is just having the extra time to make more to fill in the "gaps".

Edited by - amyartgirl on Nov 07 2007 12:30:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Nov 07 2007 :  3:00:18 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
I am wondering how soon I can set up the tree without Doug rolling his eyes! LOL

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Russell AR
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Posted - Nov 07 2007 :  6:07:23 PM  Show Profile
HAHA! I asked Richie if I could put up the tree the other day! He looked at me like I had horns growing out of my head and said "UHHH...NO!" :) I guess I have to keep tradition and wait til midnight on Thanksgiving.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Delano Minnesota
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Posted - Nov 08 2007 :  8:50:36 PM  Show Profile
Waiting for the day after Thanksgiving to put up my tree. Can't wait. I don't care if I win, I just love Christmas, and love decorating for it!

Can't wait, can't wait!

Found the cutest Scottie Dog ornaments for the tree at Target last night. They are perfect, and remind me of my Angus. Now I really can't wait!!!!!

Don't miss out on a blessing, just because it isn't packaged the way you expected. ~MaryJo Copeland

Edited by - kissmekate on Nov 10 2007 9:16:19 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Nov 19 2007 :  8:16:27 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
How is everyone coming along with this? I realized that the snow today might put a little hitch in my plans as I wanted to go out and gather rosehips for part of my decorating scheme. But the ornaments are coming together when I have time to work on them. Nora has been a bit fussy lately so most of my time being funneled into her.

I can't wait to see pictures of your ornaments and trees!

The amazing one handed typist! One hand for typing, one hand to hold Nora!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Junction City Ohio
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Posted - Nov 20 2007 :  05:37:04 AM  Show Profile
I have our tree up...we were going to wait till this coming Saturday, but we are going to be out of town for a wedding reception. So I have everything up except for a ribbon garland that I am thinking about adding...we have a small tree, so that will help if I need to remove some ornaments to do that. I am going the 2nd route...the store bought ornis. I just don't have time to do handmades this year. I am glad there are two divisions to enter in....if I did not have so much to do in a small time frame, I would for sure have gone the handmade route.

Edited by - amyartgirl on Nov 20 2007 05:38:53 AM
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Tina Michelle
True Blue Farmgirl

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sunshine state FL
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Posted - Dec 04 2007 :  12:08:37 AM  Show Profile
we have our tree up, but I didn't make it this time around on creating an entirely "handmade" ornaments tree this year. I have a mixture of both handmade and store bought. It looks lovely though..very country themed,farm girl themed.
I'll have to get pictures, but since it has a mix of both handmade and store bought I don't think it fits into the categories for the contest..but none the less I think it looks real nice this time around.:0) My kids love it too.

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Dec 04 2007 :  06:46:40 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message

Since you have store bought items on your tree- I think you could enter the contest under "Store Bought" Don't forget to take an upclose picture of your favorite hand-made ornament and send that in as well. Just let the ladies at the farm know that you tree is entering in under store bought, but your ornament is handmade.

The amazing one handed typist! One hand to keep Nora out of trouble!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Dec 04 2007 :  06:49:23 AM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
I'm working on getting out tree up as well. I have an interesting problem. Nora. She LOVES to investigate things. I have never seen such a curious kid before! I am so worried about her pulling the tree over on herself as I had a friend's baby do that once and it scared me so much. He has a scratch from one of the wire branches right by an eye! AH!!! No thank you! Christmas trees are not supposed to put out eyes....

So I am juggling a few ideas. I have a bunch of wire milk crates and I am going to see if they will hold up as a baby barricade. I am also thinking of having the tree balance on a couple of the milk crates- but then the top can't be on at it will be a bit Charlie-Brown looking. Oh well. Wish me luck!!

The amazing one handed typist! One hand to keep Nora out of trouble!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Delano Minnesota
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Posted - Dec 04 2007 :  10:16:21 PM  Show Profile
I put ours up, and let my daughter decorate it. I am not too happy with how she did it, but she is pleased with herself.
Mine is brand new out of the box (yes I have a fake one) and is supposed to be pre-lit. I am glad I got it for 75% off, because two spots are light free. I can't find the one light that is bad. and have tried rearranging the "wires/plugs".
Very frustrated, but at this point I don't really care and refuse to let it "ruin" the tree for me.
To top it off, my digital camera is on the fritz, so pictures aren't possible. I am bummed out, I especially wanted to show off my favorite ornament. If I can get my camera going, I will post pictures-lights or no lights. LOL
Maybe next year-is this going to be annual.

Alee, I can't remember what I did for our tree when my daughter-the curious one at our house-she still is...;) was Nora's age. I think we refrained from putting ornaments on the bottom third of the tree and watched her like a hawk. Babies can have amazingly LONG arms when they want to.

Don't miss out on a blessing, just because it isn't packaged the way you expected. ~MaryJo Copeland
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Dec 13 2007 :  6:40:38 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Hey Ladies!

Lets get some photos of our trees submitted for the contest! MaryJane's tree is looking rather lonely in the contest gallery!

Farmgirl Sister #8
The amazing one handed typist! One hand to keep Nora out of trouble!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 13 2007 :  6:56:25 PM  Show Profile  Send sunshine a Yahoo! Message
i can't seem to get a good photo of my tree mine isn't going in the hand made cattagory it would be called store purchased but 90 % of the ornaments are vintage glass ornaments this year

I am also debating on submitting my advent tree that I have made this year I have 5 more ornaments to make before it is done I don't know if I am going to make the deadline

have a lovely day and may God bless you and keep you safe
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Edited by - sunshine on Dec 13 2007 7:19:21 PM
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farmgirl blessings
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 13 2007 :  8:12:01 PM  Show Profile
Hi Alee ~ I submitted a photo of my little tree earlier this week via email. Did it arrive? I did the photos as attachments which I have never done before and I was hoping that it got there okay.


Blessings, Lea
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Elliot
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Worland Wy
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Posted - Dec 13 2007 :  9:04:55 PM  Show Profile  Send Alee a Yahoo! Message
Hi Lea-

I will check with the farm and get back to you.


Farmgirl Sister #8
The amazing one handed typist! One hand to keep Nora out of trouble!
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farmgirl blessings
True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 14 2007 :  07:22:49 AM  Show Profile
Thanks a bunch, Alee!

Blessings, Lea
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Elliot
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