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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  12:09:30 PM  Show Profile
Jill Arthur (Clickinchicken, #1989) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"Our Farmgirl chapter meets on the 2nd Friday of the month and we have just started to work on merit badges. For this badge I gathered together the supplies that are required for a small sewing kit. In addition to the ones I needed, the needles, scissors, buttons,assorted threads, straight pins and safety pins, I also added a seam ripper and a thimble. I made a homemade pin keep by cutting out a circle of fabric (pink cheetah print). Then I did a running stitch around the edge to gather it in. I stuffed the circle with polyfill and closed the circle around it. Using red embroidry thread I wound it from top to bottom several times (to look like a pumpkin) and then tied it off.On the top (to cover the hole) I cut out a circle from red sparkly felt and blanket stitched it on to the top. Voila one home made pin keep!

It turned out great. I used an old tin that my friend gave me - it has a picture of a woman and her daughter using a singer sewing machine, to store all my items in. My home made pin keep fits in it perfectly and keeps all those pins safe. :-)"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  12:19:15 PM  Show Profile
Jill Arthur (Clickinchicken, #1989) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"For this badge I gathered up all my buttons. I had them squirreled away in all corners of my house. I didn't realize that I had such a large collection. I moved to the USA from England 25 years ago so my button collection began then. Sorting through them brought back memories of cardigans knitted for the children, craft projects I had done with my friend who has now moved to chicago. Successful projects, and some not so much haha. All in all my button collection is around 300.

I really enjoyed going down memory lane. It was no surprise to find I like the same colorful buttons now that I did 25 years ago. I now need to find a cute container to display them in. :-)"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  12:25:40 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a intermediate level Woman-at-Arms badge.

"I have completed Hunter Safety and Gun Safety Courses and refreshers in both.

I have learned about my own handgun, how to aim, shoot, prepare for/respond to recoil, clean it, wear ear/eye protection and help my husband with reloading ammo for it.

I have also learned how to do the same with several of the rifles and other handguns we have and have used them safely.

Because we are avid gun owners and users we DO keep up on any changes in state/federal laws or pending changes and do take action whenever it is required of citizens.

I/we spend many regular hours at practice to test reloads and to hone our skills. This has been and continues to be a practice for both my husband and myself.

Gun safety, proper care and maintenance are a high priority.
Protection and predator control are high priorities. We are currently seeing sign, and kills, of mountain lions on our property and the neighbors property.
We strive to stay properly prepared."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  1:24:48 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Brown (rileybrown, #2007) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"Since I am a fairly good knitter, I did two dishcloths for my requirement. One is a great pattern that forms a waffle look and the pink one in the picture is of two infant feet with bobbles for the toes. I had never done bobbles before so that was sort of a challenge. This gave me something to do as well during the football games! I work in a school and I taught one of our teachers how to knit. She is shown with her beginner scarf.

You can see from the pictures they turned out great. I was very pleased with the result of the bobbles as little toes."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  1:33:55 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Brown (rileybrown, #2007) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.

"My sister lives in Lone Oak, Texas and she and her husband have 6 horses. Paints. I went to visit this weekend and had fun participating with their daily routine with the horses. I was
fascinated that there is an "alpha" horse and nobody gets in the lead but him. They all came in to their stalls to eat and he is in the lead. They all find their own stalls. If a horse gets in the wrong stall, a little fight ensues with nipping and rustling around. Thankfully, that didn't happen on my watch! There are two babies and I went in with them while they ate. That is the picture you will see. I will then research paints for my intermediate level.

I had so much fun being out with "the nature." I also have a donkey out there. I bring him treats and hug and kiss on him and everybody makes fun of me, but us city girls don't have the joy of the country very often! The donkey's name is Elvis. I'll send a picture of him, too. He wants to feel just as important as the horses."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  2:31:55 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Drogalis (rosie.the.riveter, #2522) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I started collecting buttons when I started to knit. I like to add buttons and flair to my creations and that is where it all started. I keep my buttons (that fit) in an old milk jar that I got from an Amish farmers market (the chocolate milk was AH-MAZING).

My button collection is still growing and I don't intend on stopping any time soon. =)"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  3:24:40 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Drogalis (rosie.the.riveter, #2522) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.

"I knitted a bracelet and added my "Victorian," buttons as I knitted.

I am very proud of how it turned out. I can't wait to wear it out!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  3:30:25 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Grease Chicks badge.

"My father taught me, at a very young age, to keep a mileage/gas log in my car. My husband taught me how to check fluid levels in the vehicles.

I have since taught my son, since he is driving my van, how to check the fluids levels of oil, coolant etc. A daughter will soon be taught as she is taking driver's education classes and driving now."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 26 2011 :  3:36:45 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Green Energy badge.

"We took great lengths last summer, in fact the entire summer, to reduce our electric bill. I could not find a local farmgirl to assist, so I encouraged others to stop using their air conditioning and to hang their laundry outside.

I wrote articles on-line encouraging the use of outdoor clotheslines, indoors lines and other ways to reduce electric usage. Last summer we refrained from using our window air conditioners, and have not used the blower on our wood burning stove this winter. Our lowest electric bill came at $64.00 and we have the highest electric around. We roasted over the summer, but we spent more time outside. The electric company even came out for the first time, banging equipment on our poles, stating that they were doing a maintenance check on them. I'm guessing the low bill caused them some concern that the poles were working correctly - ha ha! Our highest bills, before we made such drastic cut backs, were around $600.00/month for electric alone. I also mixed baking dishes with a non-electric hand mixer vs. an electric one. We also continue to watch TV usage and computer usage."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  1:00:20 PM  Show Profile
Nora Noltensmeyer (Bobbette, #1079) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level First Aid badge.

"I thought this was a great place to start. So many families, mine included, rest quietly unprepared for emergencies. Following the requirements of the badge I put together first aid kits for the truck and my VW bug. I also checked the first aid kit in my master bath then made additional kits for the garage, garden shed, kitchen and guest bath. They varied in size but only slightly in content.
I used waterproof boxes with handles for the vehicles, potting shed and garage. The kit in the master bath is semi ridged red material, water resistant and zips with handy handles. The kitchen and guest bath are smaller boxes, all with individual compartments easy to label and see the contents of each compartment. All kits are clearly labeled "First Aid".
I placed in each box a first aid guide with emergency information clipped to the inside cover. Tweezers, scissors, cotton tip applicators, finger splints, ace bandage, triangle bandage, safety pins, assorted bandages, waterproof adhesive tape and paper tape, non-aspirin tablets, eye pads, a moleskin pad, 4x4 gauze pads, latex free gloves, a child and adult rescue breather, a pencil, note pad, antseptic cleansing wipes, ziplock bags, gauze roll, small folded emergency blanket, a small penlight, one kotex pad (makes a terrific pressure dressing) and antiseptic ointment.
In addition to the above all bathroom kits hold a thermometer, small bottle of 100% aloe for burns, an eye flush cup and cotton balls. I keep 250ml of sterile saline next to the kits. The master bath kit also containes a sterile needle for splinter removal, a 20cc syringe to flush minor wounds, alcohol pads that are good to remove sticky or greasy goo from intact skin.
Each kit is dated as a reminder when last used and to provide guidelines to check batteries or outdated supplies.
The vehicles and kitchen got outfitted with fire extinguishers. The door from the house to the garage had one that could be recharged, an ABC dry chemical industrial approved fire extinguisher. I simply added smaller units to the vehicles, moved the original one to the inside garage wall and put a duplicate of that original on the wall near the door opening that separates the utility and
kitchen. All were dated and tagged by the safety equipment shop that sold them.
Our home is equipped with smoke detectors for every level and garage. We change the batteries every fall when we turn back the clocks. They also are connected electrically to the house. We have carbon monoxide monitors in the areas of the house that could have potential risk, those areas where heat source and propane are in use. But, the garage area did not have one so now it does.
Having accomplished those requirements I realized that I had not provided for other emergencies. Our pets came to mind, so I got busy and contacted our Vet and made up kits for the pets. One for the car they most often ride in and one for the house. Their kit contains tweezers, assorted gauze and rolled bandages, collapsing water dish, emergency blanket, closeline rope, leash, muzzle, cotton swabs, scissors, plastic ziplock bags, rectal thermometer, antibiotic ointment from our Vet, antiseptic cleansing wipes, pet first aid booklet, pen light, pencil and note pad, leather work gloves, non latex gloves, tongue depressors, eye wash and Vet phone number and our pets shot and medical information records. Their first aid kits are stored in handheld plastic waterproof tackle type boxes.
Next I moved on to a personal emergency kit. I used a well used back pack that I couldn't part with and it does a great job. I put 3 days worth of food for us and the pets, can opener, one of those multi-use knives, water purification tablets, whistle, work gloves, hygiene kit, masks, toilet tissue and wet naps, hand sanitizer, sewing kit, note pad and pencil, closeline rope, bulldog clamps, folded tarp and emergency blankets (the silver tinfoil looking kind), candles, waterproof matches, hiking camp stove with non liquid fuel, batteries, battery radio, flashlight, 3 in 1 light, and some cash. The food is mostly freeze dried except for the pet's food. I also have 3 days worth of water and copies of our medical prescriptions and 3 days worth of the necessary medication which I will rotate out with every prescription refill to keep it current.
Each car got outfitted with reflecting triangles, jumper cables, 3 in 1 light, flashlight, tow rope, waterproof poncho, tarp, duct tape, basic took kit, multi-tool knife, gloves, whistle, solar blanket, water, energy bars, can of peanuts, toilet paper, gas can, and a folding shovel. Everything gets stored in a box or canvas roll. I made the rolls out of used tent canvas.

It sounds like I went on one horrific shopping trip but I didn't. I gathered much of what I needed by what we already had; just not in an organized bundle. As scuba divers we had plenty of waterproof containers on hand, every year we get new flashlights from someone. I raided the storage areas of the garage and attic for what I could use. As a Registered Nurse I already had much of the first aid kit materials on hand. I just needed to divide the items into smaller kits to put in the designated areas. It wasn't until I stated this project that I decided to add the first aid kit to the garden shed where I am working with tools, wood, pruners and saws during the day.
I don't know that anyone is ever totally prepared for every emergency, but there is a sense of accomplishment that I have done something good for my family and pets should an emergency or accidental injury occur. This project took about 2 hours once I had everything collected and assembled. The collecting and assembly took another 4 hours approximately. And the biggest expense went to the new fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide monitor and a new gas can."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  1:41:00 PM  Show Profile
Krystle Townsend (countrymommy85, #2595) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I have been saving buttons for a few years now. My Great-Grandma had a huge button collection that I was able to craft with every time we visited her! I always wanted to have my own acquired button collection too! I get the buttons from old clothes that I repurpose the cloth for some other project. The buttons go into my container. I have a plastic wet-wipe container nearly full now!

Thankfully I have so many various types of buttons and near matches now I have been able to do quick fixes on dress clothes that have lost a button! Now I never have to go "buttonless" out the door! I am also going to continue collecting because it is so much fun!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  2:27:55 PM  Show Profile
Remi Davis (Cibola, #2547) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"I pulled out all my storage containers in a large cupboard area. I gave away all the ones I don't use anymore (to Goodwill and to my niece who can use them and loved them), ones without lids I recycled.

I can't believe the room I have now and how much I crammed into that cupboard. It felt very freeing to see an organized area. We are recently "empty nesters" and re-inventing our lives and living space."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  3:11:19 PM  Show Profile
Gail Springman (gspringman, #486) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level ChillOver ComeOver badge.

"I purchased the ingredients to make the Goodness Gracious and the Layered Surprise ChillOvers. I then placed one of them in my old jello mold and one in a square pan. I took both to our monthly Charming Chicks meeting for all the Farmgirls to try.

They turned out wonderful. As you can see very pretty to look at also. The girls loved them and wanted to know all about chillover powder. With being a good success, I will have to try other recipes."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  3:40:03 PM  Show Profile
Fiona FixMitchell (labohemefiona, #689) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I made a half apron with pockets to hold clothespins for my Mom when she is hanging things on the clothesline. I made my own pattern, so it's simple, but I made polka-dotted bias tape to trim the pockets.

It turned out very well. My Mom loves it, and she says it makes hanging the clothes out easier and more fun."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  3:47:27 PM  Show Profile
Fiona FixMitchell (labohemefiona, #689) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I made a sewing basket to keep at our beach house. I added needles, safety pins, scissors, thread and buttons in bright colors (we are mostly there in the summer) and a cupcake pincushion I made out of a doily, a pom-pom and a tart tin.

I've used safety pins out of it twice already, and the needle and thread came in handy when I pulled the tag off a throw pillow and made a hole in the seam. The nearest fabric store is forty minutes from our beach house, so I'm sure my sewing basket will come in handy often."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  4:40:05 PM  Show Profile
Valerie Oliver (valgirl, #2356) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.

"On December 1, I began my gratitude journey. I found a journal that I had not used for some time and sat down to pen each day.

I enjoyed each day sitting to think about which thing to write. I had to choose only one for each day, which was a bit hard. I am so grateful for so many things, but I managed to put just one thing down for each day. :)"

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  4:45:33 PM  Show Profile
Valerie Oliver (valgirl, #2356) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.

"I went through the phone book to find the community service providers in my area. When I finally decided on which to send note to, I wrote them down, along with their addresses. My journey began by trying to find time to sit down and write but finally managed the task.... I chose to write to the following...
1. Fountain Lake Fire Dept.
2. Fountain Lake Family Medicine
3. Fountain Lake Health and Rehab Center
4. Garland County Sheriff's Department
5. National Park Ambulance Services

I am proud to send a bit of encouragement and thanks to those that serve us with their dedication and commitment."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  4:52:15 PM  Show Profile
Krystle Townsend (countrymommy85, #2595) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"Yesterday I just had it. I went through and cleaned all my cupboards and made sure I had lids for the bottoms, organized, put them in boxes and wrote on them what was inside the boxes. Over all it took about 2 hours to complete and surprisingly enough I had all the lids and no extra bottoms! I also used leftover drawer paper for the labels on the boxes!

Now when I need something I can pull out the box, take what I need, slide the box back in the cupboard and I am done with it! With everything in boxes I can pull all the boxes and appliances out and clean a lot easier to keep the spider web, and dust from accumulating once and for all!"

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 27 2011 :  4:59:53 PM  Show Profile
Lorrae Moon (Moonshines, #1649) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I have had my own bags since 1992. This was my new years resolution for that year and I have continued to use my bags. I have tried to pass this along to my boys. Its only taken when I send my bags, I have to believe they will do it more as they get older.

This has been huge in my life, I just keep them in my car and they get used for the craziest things along with groceries. They are stronger and there are so many less bags being dumped."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2011 :  09:58:42 AM  Show Profile
Lorrae Moon (Moonshines, #1649) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Scrapbooking badge.

"I made a friendship book for my girlfriend that was turning 45. I contacted her husband and he gave me addresses and phone numbers of her girlhood friends back in ND. I called all of them and asked for a recent picture of them and family and a note of a special memory or just about how great a friend she is. They all sent this to me and I made a themed scrapbook.

Of course she had to fight back tears and would not read the whole thing in front of us, she loved it and it made me realize what a great person I was friends with for all the people that I contacted so eagerly helped me."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jan 28 2011 :  10:04:43 AM  Show Profile
Lorrae Moon (Moonshines, #1649) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"I have cleaned and decluttered my whole kitchen. I have gone through each drawer and tossed or given away anything that has not been used in the last year. I cleaned five bags of trash out of my pantry (containers, old food and misc).

Great I can open my drawers and walk into my pantry. I know where every thing is, and I am putting everything in its place."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 28 2011 :  10:12:03 AM  Show Profile
Nora Noltensmeyer (Bobbette, #1079) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.

"Following my physical in 2010 I knew I needed to lose weight. My goal was to lose weight but also to improve the quality of my life overall health.
Time: 5 month trial
Plan: Go vegan
Target: 10 pound weight loss and sustain it for 3 months, see improvement in physical energy and strength, improved labratory blood work findings in 3 to 5 months and learn about healthy eating and develop new healthy habits regarding food and exercise.

April 1, 2010, I went vegan. I consulted my physician and he approved.
I also discussed a physical exercise plan that would accommodate my recent injury and resulting orthopedic surgery. In September, 5 1/2 months after my vegan change I was over 30 pounds lighter, had much more energy and improved interest in life. I was happier. Most of my lab work was unchanged (it was good to start with, just not perfect). But my vitamin B12 was low, not uncommon in "older" persons and vegans. But I did learn a lot about healthy living and eating. I added several great books on healthy foods to my library, learned not to trust advertising and the USDA to dictate what is good for me, learned more on sustainable living. I eat foods that are locally grown or homegrown and organic whenever possible. Greatly reduced sodium, preservatives, refined anything and fat from my diet. And had the opportunity to try new foods and recipes that are wonderful. And, a prescription medication for my thyroid has been reduced. I'd say it turned out great."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 28 2011 :  10:26:38 AM  Show Profile
Gail Springman (gspringman, #486) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Homespun Christmas badge.

"For Christmas gifts I decided to make the majority by hand. I sewed, crocheted and stuffed what I could.

I made crochet rugs, dishcloths and scarfs, sewed critters, teddy bears, grocery bags and hats. Everyone loved their gifts. I think this way they are appreciated so much more."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 28 2011 :  10:37:47 AM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an intermediate level First Aid badge.

"Every job that I have had has required that I take First Aid and/or CPR training;

- Three different hospitals
- Two different multi-physician offices
- Public school
- Oxygen equipment/medical equipment

CURRENT: In-home caregiver for person with severe traumatic brain injury.

It has also been essential while raising a son with a developmental disability and related special health needs.

Every job that I have had has required that I take First Aid and/or CPR training;

- Three different hospitals
- Two different multi-physician offices
- Public school
- Oxygen equipment/medical equipment

CURRENT: In-home caregiver for person with severe traumatic brain injury.

It has also been essential while raising a son with a developmental disability and related special health needs."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jan 28 2011 :  10:51:31 AM  Show Profile
Gail Springman (gspringman, #486) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.

"This was not easy for me as I haven't kept a diary since I was a little girl. But I began in October and every night before bed I would sit and write in my journal what I was grateful for that day.

It made me stop and examine my daily life even more so rather than just doing and going through each day, I had to think about what made me happy and realize I do have something to be thankful for each and every day no matter how small or uneventful it was."

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