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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 2:37:51 PM
Brenda Pidgeon (BrendaLou, #2818) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.
"I taught myself to crochet when I was 18 - over 30 years ago now! Since that time, I have crocheted many projects - baby sweaters, baby booties, blankets, hats, scarves, afghans, pillows - and the list goes on. Every year I crochet up a bunch of dishcloths and give them away at baby and bridal showers, weddings, birthdays and Christmas.
Here is a photo of one of my most recent dishclothes. I'm getting ready for the holidays already! These are very useful and my recipients seem to like them a lot."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 3:05:01 PM
Samantha Turner (Tillin Turner, #2859) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have purchased 10 reusable bags over the last few weeks and keep 3-4 in both of our vehicles. In order to remember to use them, i keep them in the back seat so my kiddo's see them and help to remind me! We are family shoppin' green!! So far i've used them every time we've gone shopping!
It's been very rewarding to hand them to the bagger as we're ready to leave. And our local grocer gives us a 5 cent credit for each bag, every penny helps! :) I love that my kids are involved also, they are learning young to go green!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 3:56:45 PM
Rebecca McGinnis (Sister Becky, #2598) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I went to a local fabric store and purchased lace and found a baby bed sheet at Goodwill. I made the pockets out of old doilies that I already had. I made two aprons out of these materials for about $4 total.
This was my first apron project so it took me a couple of hours to make. The half aprons turned out really cute. The pockets are not very functional, but they are cute. I think my next aprons will have bigger pockets. :)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 23 2011 : 4:39:31 PM
Lorrae Moon (Moonshines, #1649) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.
"I learned how to knit about 26 years ago, then didn't pick needles up for about 20 years so I had to re-teach myself how to get started. I bought a book and learned how to cast on and how to make a scarf. I taught my friend Kim so we made many scarves for a couple winters.
The scarves were really coming out well, I even tried some of the different yarns. I gave everyone a scarf for their birthday." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 11:48:22 AM
Pennie Still (greenbean, #2875) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner and intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.
"I made a button bracelet for myself, I used buttons that I had taken off an old shirt that didn't fit anymore and my husband used the shirt for wrags around the farm and I took the buttons and added some little pearls and used wire to attach them to an old charm bracelet that the kids lost the charms off of and gave to me.
I think it turned out nicely, in fact my daughter's friends want one too!! So they are searching for old charm bracelets and I have plenty of buttons!! And we will all sit down and I will teach them what I learned!! :o)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 12:09:17 PM
Pennie Still (greenbean, #2875) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner and intermediate level Know Your Roots badge.
"I had sat down with my mom when my oldest daughter was born 16 years ago and started to ask her questions about what she remembered. She gave me old pictures and told me stories as I wrote it all down. I'm happy that I did, because now both her and my dad have gained their wings. Since then I have been doing my family genealogy. I have a book that has my mom's side of the family and my dad's side of the family. I have gotten as far back as the 1700's with my maternal grandparents family. I hit a brick wall with my dad's side, I have gotten as far back with his side as the 1890's and then it stops in the US. So I have to save a little money and try to get the upgrade for And I do have a page at, on this site I found other's that were searching for some of the same people I was. I even met someone that was related to my great great great grandma, it was really neat!!
I love doing this!! I write everything down in my bible when there is a birth or a death. I have an ongoing book that I made up that lists each family and who all their kids are and their kids, kids, lol. It's great - I have even tracked down old photos and corresponded through snail mail and email with distant relatives I didn't even know existed. I also found out that my mother's side of the family is irish (which I knew) and came from "royal stock" and were a well known clan. This is really neat stuff I can pass onto my kids and for them all to pass onto future generations!!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 1:28:47 PM
Deborah Matthews (debtea2, #1330) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Public Service badge.
"Every year I knit and donate items to a shelter. This year, over the winter, I organized a knit for a homeless group.
We were able to donate 130 scarves, hats, and mittens that I delivered to a homeless shelter before Christmas. It turned wonderful and they were so in need this year." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 1:55:43 PM
Lindsay Troyer (Lindsay Troyer, #1548) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"This past growing season I went completely heirloom with all of my crops! I had previously grown mostly heirloom, but decided to go %100 this last year because it is really important to preserve our heritage. I bought everything from Fedco, Johnny's or Seed Savers and planted in my home garden and the garden where I sell shares.
It was great! Besides the groundhog mowing down our lettuce for two weeks, everything was beautiful! I grew purple, yellow, orange and red carrots; purple and yellow potatoes; all kinds of heirloom lettuces (my favorite being speckled trout) and sparkle strawberries which are by far, the BEST strawberries I have ever tasted! Heirlooms forever!!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 2:27:48 PM
Sue Elseth (Vintage Sue, #2647) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have collected a wide variety of over 10 reusable bags that I now use on trips to the market. Some were freebies from various local businesses, others were picked up on shopping excursions to my favorite stores. I keep them all in a collapsible canvas market basket in my car - that way they are always at the ready for a quick trip to the grocery store. the market basket is handy to have available for protecting more fragile items like soft fruits or breads. My favorite bag is one I picked up this past summer during a stay in Germany. Reusable shopping bags are the norm there - stores do not provide plastic bags, and the locals utilize either the reusable bags or a more traditional market basket.
The clerks at the local market are always happy to help me pack up my bags - they are apparently much easier to pack than those small flimsy plastic ones that end up trashing our environment. One a side note - my reusable bags work especially well when I ride my pink cruiser to the local market. As the bike is equipped with a removable front wicker basket as well as 2 collapsible side saddle baskets attached to the back fender, I can easily transport several tote bags of groceries in this environmentally friendly manner from the store back to my home." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 2:55:47 PM
Amanda Henning (mamahenning, #2492) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.
"I cleaned up my cupboards and sorted out everything that I don’t use, and only put back those things I do use. Our church had a spring yard sale last weekend. I sold some items and then donated the remainder to the Salvation Army. Since I don’t know anyone who needed them or was just settling into their first home. After the cleaning and distributing of my unused items I set to the task of making a kitchen needs list. Since there were only a few things I needed (and wanted) I decided to host a pampered chef show to get these items. I had a very successful show, thanks to help from my mom, and I was able to get the new knife set I was hoping for, along with a few other handy kitchen gadgets. The two other items I had been dreaming of were containers to store bulk food and a kitchen counter-composting crock. I purchased my bulk food storage from the container store and my crock from gardeners supply.
I am so happy with the new items in my kitchen. I have wonderful and very sharp knife set, an organized bulk food cabinet and a crock filled with vegetable scraps waiting to go to our compost pile. The crock is one of my favorite new items, allowing me to leave kitchen scraps on the counter until I have time to take them out." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 3:04:40 PM
Cassie Jean McClelland (#1356) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I became friends with a woman at church who keeps dairy cows. (Her children show them.) We took our entire 4h group out for her to teach us about home dairying & milking. Fortunately for us, her milking machine broke, & we mama's each got some practice time! She raises brown swiss & jersey cows, and we are supporting her family (as well as many in our 4h club) by purchasing her milk & cream.
My husband & I are trying to introduce her to the benefits of grass feeding, but she believes dairy cows need dairy feed. (She lives rather conventionally agriculture- wise!) We are planning on investing in a dairy cow of our own as soon as we are able, a jersey I hope, which we will grass-feed most definitely! We live in Florida, & with some care, can grow good grass year round. The Lord will provide..." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 3:17:36 PM
Rebecca Harzewski (#2719) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.
"I made a sampler on muslin. I used cable stitch, lazy daisy, stem, satin, running, couching, fern, french knots, rose stitch, as well as weaving and grid stitch. I also incorporated my initials and a saying from a sampler that I found on line. "Stitch a Little Everyday" which I did in back stitch. This was after practicing for a couple of weeks.
If I had to give myself a grade, it would be a "B." When I was just embroidering stitches row by row on the top half, it was just okay. On the bottom half I used my stitches to make vignettes. I found the stitching much more interesting and the work was a lot smoother and much more fun. On the left side was a group of 4 ferns done in fern stitch as well as in 4 different shades of green. The right side has a flourish with stem and satin stitches in a medium purple. The center has three roses which are done similar to silk ribbon embroidered roses only using floss instead of ribbon. And below that are my initials and the year. My art teacher said always sign and date your work. All in all, it turned out very nice. I matted and framed it today. All that is left is to find an appropriate place to hang it." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 3:27:31 PM
Cassie Jean McClelland (#1356) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level Backyard Farmer badge.
"For awhile now we have been purchasing grassfed organic meats from an Amish farmer up in Pennsylvania. He comes down 4 times a year to deliver to our co-op. It's not easy to save up to buy in bulk like that, but it's important, so until we can buy a few beef cows of our own, we'll keep on! I learned how to make butter in a mason jar from our raw cream, & actually ended up teaching the children & mama's in our 4h club how. I gave some to a friend, who said it made the best pound cake ever! I have also tried making cream cheese, my family won't try it though! Took some pictures of our neighbors black and white shorthorn heifers, the cards are on their way to an RAOK!
I hope I am teaching my children, through our actions, that our convictions are important & they do matter. What we put in our bodies can make us healthy or sick, can be good for the earth God gave us, or destroy it, & we need to share that knowledge. No, we weren't raised this way, but we're never meant to stop learning!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 3:35:45 PM
Cassie Jean McClelland (#1356) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"Bought "Gardening With Heirloom Seeds," it is a beautiful read, & I love the vintage seed advertisements. I love history, so learning the history of the varieties was intriguing to me. Good planting info, also. Searched various websites & catalogs to hunt down my heirlooms. Last season, planted about 50% heirloom, but we moved, so I couldn't save my seeds, except a few flowers.
Learning as we go, what works & what doesn't." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 3:42:23 PM
Staci Wickard (staci860, #973) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Woman-at-Arms badge.
"I've been a hunter for years, having taken my safety course (many) years ago. My daughter expressed a desire to hunt so, as a refresher, I enrolled in a safety course with her.
I had a perfect score and she only missed one. So a'hunting we did go." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 3:56:20 PM
Cassie Jean McClelland (#1356) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"Salvaged some dried sunflowers from a friend, who was just going to toss them out, harvested loads of seeds, and have replanted them this spring. They are growing nicely, bigger everyday! Managed to save some gourd seeds from our only dipper gourd. I am reading about how to save seeds from different types of plants (hang & dry, harvest, cover with a paper sack, then harvest, slice & dry, etc.). Just planted our spring garden last week, with over 75% open pollinated heirlooms!
We are seeing some new sproutings, & hopefully have planted enough to have some to save for next season. (We have 2 good long growing seasons down here. Only time will tell. We have a few friends getting interested in gardening, whom I have been sharing our bought heirloom seeds, & hope to give more this year. Maybe organize a seed swap?" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:05:15 PM
Staci Wickard (staci860, #973) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an intermediate level Woman-at-Arms badge.
"I have owned a revolver for many years and spend a bit of time shooting each year.
I am a very good markswoman and love shooting." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:10:22 PM
Staci Wickard (staci860, #973) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an expert level Woman-at-Arms badge.
"I don't know any other official Farmgirls that live close. But I've been hunting with my daughter.
She has bagged some rabbits and squirrels. I enjoy being in the great outdoors with her and passing down knowledge of wildlife and plants, birds, etc." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:19:46 PM
Staci Wickard (staci860, #973) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.
"I decided to start a hobby/business from home in 2006.
I did not have access to many funds and not much was needed to start at the level I felt comfortable with. I am still making my way forward and enjoy watching it grow as my confidence grows and my vision clarifies." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:26:32 PM
Staci Wickard (staci860, #973) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.
"I went to work in 2006 investigating PA small business laws etc. I registered my business name, printed business cards and participated in some local shows.
Fun! I love putting things out there and seeing who else likes them." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:31:39 PM
Staci Wickard (staci860, #973) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.
"I own SweetBriar Cottage Gifts and Sweet Treats and run it as a small hobby/business from my home. I do mostly craft shows at this point but am getting ready to expand as I learn a new craft.
I have been an active supporter of the Sunshine Fg co-op on the forum (or was until my DH became unemployed). But I love supporting fellow FGs and seeing all the creativity." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:36:54 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Scrapbooking badge.
"I started "scrapbooking" long before it became all the rage. I've used all sorts of memoribilia in babybooks for my children, our wedding book and many, many scrapbooks for myself and family members.
I've studied the chapters, but prior to that have read several books and magazines discussing different materials that are good to use and some that are not so good.
When scrapbooking became a big thing then I started looking at what was being created just for this activity and learning about all the different terms.
I have also always used journaling in my scrapbooks. I am now the honored owner of scrapbooks and photo albums my mother put together, one of them is from the 30s before she and my dad married. As a child and teenager I looked at these books endlessly and THAT is where I learned about the importance of journaling and writing about the photos. Otherwise how would one know the who/what/when/where of that photos and such.
I made a scrapbook for my daughter when she got married that had photos of her from a baby on up to just before she married. It also included old family photos from both sides of the family and it included journaling. It is a book of her heritage.
The scrapbook in the photo is a "remake" of the babybooks, our wedding book and hundreds of photos that were salvaged from our house fire in July 1994. We lost hundreds and hundreds of photos, but we also salvaged, trimmed and put everything we had in this "Our Family" scrapbook
I use ribbon, fibers, buttons, wire, coins, photos, upcycled cards, wrapping paper, postcards, stitched and/or embroidered bits, dried flowers . . . just about everything imaginable." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 4:44:03 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Scrapbooking badge.
"I have been told that I have an excellent eye for color and design in my work. That would include my papercraft cards, journals, calendars, memory books and scrapbooks. I have read the book and many others that I own that discuss ideas, techniques, etc. for working with documents and other important memorabilia. And, I have studied art pieces, photography and other color/art projects to learn more and also prompt my own designs. My parents are both gone and I have been designated as the family “preserver” having been given ALL the photos, albums, scrapbooks, documents and such that were in my family. This is a HUGE undertaking as my parents had been married for over 60 years, lived on our family farm for over 50, had 6 children . . . and then there are all the in-laws, grandchildren and great-grands. Because of the volume of material that there is it will be a long-term labor of love and a huge investment in all the proper materials. I have actually taught some scrapbooking classes to my girlfriends and neighbors and have loaned out my books and magazines for them to use at home. I have also taught my daughter some of the same techniques and she is an excellent scrapbooker herself.
The scrapbook in the photo IS truly a “historical” book as it contains photos of our family farm, including farm equipment and buildings and family members. Some taken before my dad passed away but much of it afterwards before we had a farm auction and eventually sold the farm. I used other elements with the photos and extensive journaling, describing our farm and our family. . . . including the story of the 1948 Diamond T truck which is the design for our brand. This is a work in progress as I will be working on preserving these heirlooms for several years. It will continue to be some trip down “Memory Lane” and a true labor of love . . . by the farmgirl who spent her life on this farm."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 5:04:31 PM
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Grammar badge.
"Spelling has always been one of my strengths with grammar coming in close. I was always spelling bee champion in school and have always enjoyed writing, having written some of my own mystery stories while in high school.
It has also been one of my goals to avoid all the shortcuts of slang and abbreviations. Even when I DO text-message, I spell the words out!
I am a medical transcriptionist and was an instructor in college courses for medical terminology and transcription. My focus has been mostly on learning new medical terms which I find fascinating. But I also have made the effort to dig into Webster and learn new words each day, writing the words and their definitions down and using them in sentences.
I find the English language to be interesting, so I'm always up for learning new words.
The list has gotten quite long and it not only includes medical terms, but words from Webster.
One word I find interesting is "loquacious" and it means given to excessive talking. This led me to "garrulous" which means pointlessly or annoyingly talkative. I certainly do not want to be described by those terms." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Mar 25 2011 : 5:09:37 PM
Sue Elseth (Vintage Sue, #2647) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I have always been drawn to old sewing items, vintage fabrics and buttons. There's just something about how these items were such a personal part of an individual's life, used daily, there as witness to the joys as well as the sorrows. Like many others, I have jars of old buttons, sorted by color mostly. Finding old buttons on their original cards is a special treat, and these I keep tucked into vintage satin lingerie boxes. My most favorite and treasured buttons are the glass calicos - printed with patterns of tiny flowers or checks similar to those often found on old calico fabrics. I envision these buttons embellishing a farmgirl's "best" dress out on the prairie, perhaps the dress she would wear (topped by a fresh apron, of course) for when company came to call or when she went in to town. These buttons I keep in a lovely velvet lined old pink jewelry box. A very regal setting for some very special treasures!
I continue to hunt for buttons to add to my collection. In addition to the calicos, I also keep my eye open for Victorian metal figural buttons, crystal buttons from the 1940's, and the cheerful and colorful buttons used on house dresses from the 1940's and 1950's."
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |