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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  2:09:06 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily, #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Crochet badge.

"A dear friend of mine is having her first baby. I was invited to the baby shower. There were a few things I was making her, I decided to add a crocheted blanket for her new bundle. I used the double crochet on each end and then used a very interesting V pattern with the puff stitch. Alternating the pattern on each row. I added the fringe to finish. The new stitches were very slow goings at first, I kept missing stitches and the first few rows had to be redone because of unevenness but I got the new stitch.

It turned out so much better than I expected. I love the stitch it looks almost like shells. I will add this stitch to my granny afghan that I will work on for the expert level."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  2:21:39 PM  Show Profile
Crystal Casto, (nursekat424, #2218) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"A)I started out making a skirt, and being very new to patterns I messed up a bit on making it a little bigger, so rather than scrapping it I decided to turn it into a half apron. I added lace where the waist band would have been for ties. It took me 4-5 hrs total to make.

B) I made this one right after the skirt mishap. I found a book at the library and thought the pattern was cute. The pattern was simple to make on newspaper. I used a print fabric for one side and solid for the lining. I made a matching head scarf to go with it. It took me about 8 hours to make over a several day period.

A) I like this apron just not for me, it stops right at my sides instead of coming around to cover my backside a bit as well, which I really need since I dust my hands off on my hips and rump.

B) I love this one, but again to small for me. I gave it to my best friend for Christmas. She love, love, loved it. She is really tiny in the waist so it fits her really great. I'm going to try this one again only making it larger.

I also don't really care for half aprons since I get my top half just as messy."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  2:34:10 PM  Show Profile
Virginia Zombek, (GinnyEllen, #2697) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I had previously used one or two reuseable bags on most trips, but always felt I was imposing on the baggers with all the bags. I added 4 more to my collection and now have no compunction about using them. The first ones came from a grocery store, 1 from an organic store and 1 each from my library and a college canvas bag.

I keep these in the back seat of my car, ready to use. I won't be worrying about the baggers anymore - I'll just be extra nice to them and thank them for helping me recycle. I like the fact that I don't need as many trips from the car as the reuseable bags hold more!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  2:40:39 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily, #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.

"I started by designing a early 18th century style of Sampler, very simple, letters and numbers. I stitched and stitched. I added a house and rising sun and tree. Embroidering it all on a classic flour sack towel.

I was very happy with how this came out. As soon as I find the perfect vintage frame it has a home in my kitchen, to remind me of enjoying the simple things."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  2:48:57 PM  Show Profile
Susan Chenoweth, (coloquilter, #2678) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Know Your Roots badge.

"Since my parents have both passed, I have become one of the oldest living members of my family.
My father has been gone for 35 years and never talked about his family history. I didn't even know the names of my grandparents. I knew my father's date and location of his birth , so I contacted the county clerk where he was born to obtain a birth certificate which provided me with his parents names and their birth places. The clerk also sent me birth records for his 2 brothers and the information of his step father and half siblings.
With that information, my daughter and I have been able to trace his mothers family back to 1795 .They were Pennsylvania Dutch.

My Grandfather remains a mystery. I now know his name and that he was born in Sweden. The county clerk told me that near my fathers birth place, there is a large Swedish settlement. I hope to take a trip there in the future and see if I can find more information."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  2:53:36 PM  Show Profile
Susan Chenoweth, (coloquilter, #2678) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.

"As an antique collector, I have been decorating with recycled things for years. I love decorating with items that have been repurposed. I have been known to pick things out of dumpsters and with permission from the landfill.
I use a heat gun to remove old paint and when needed I use the less toxic citrus based strippers and finishing with pure tung oils or milk paint. I always dispose of the waste as directed by the manufactures.
I am also using eco friendly paint that is made from egg shells and as I replace light fixtures, I replace the incandesent fixtures with low voltage and LED.

I rarely buy new furniture only 2 pieces since the 1980's. I have found that antiques were built to last where most furniture manufactured today is not. I feel proud saving something from the trash and making it a lovely piece again."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:17:14 PM  Show Profile
Susan Chenoweth, (coloquilter, #2678) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Spinning badge.

"In the summer of 2009 Lorrae Moon/Moonshines invited me to her house to join a group of spinners. I had always had a love of spinning wheels and an interest in spinning.
The ladies taught me basics of spinning and I have since gotten a used wheel that I practice on.
In Sept of 2010 I helped Lorrae at "Sheepwagon Days," a local festival that celebrates the wool/sheep industry. I helped to demonstrate how to card wool in preparation for spinning.

While my yarn is still imperfect, I am improving. I call it designer yarn because of the imperfections. I think it will add interest to a project when mixed with a professionally spun fiber."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:21:44 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily, #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Embroidery badge.

"I did a bit of research online and found some vintage days of the week towel someone was selling. I took the pictures and blew up the graphics. I then made my own black and white conversion of them. I then starched 7 flour sack towels and waited for the starch to dry completely. After it did, I penciled on the designs. I worked on one everyday for 7 days.

I love Scottish terriers and these towels turned out super amazing. I can’t wait to start using them. They have a designated basket in my cubbard for easy storage."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:25:55 PM  Show Profile
Patricia Nickols, (#2414) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Horse Dreams badge.

"I have always been enamored of those gentle giants, the draft horses and having Amish communities around us I have seen many Belgians used on the farms. they are the most widely used draft horse in the US, usually chestnut colored and able to pull great weights. they stand just under 17 hands and weigh about 2000 lbs, that is a lot of horse. I worked one summer in out zoo in high school and in the childrens area was a beautiful gentle Belgian horse, I used to visit her every day on my break.
I also read The soul of a Horse and shared the book with my sister who is a horse mommy.

I love horses and reading about them is very interesting. The book especially, such a wonderful way of caring for our animals, by learning about them, how they react, think and learn and it becomes a blessing to the owners as well."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:29:58 PM  Show Profile
Nancy Maguire, (maguiren, #1107) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I collected all the items for completion of my sewing kit as well as a few additional supplies like; a seam ripper, iron-on patches, and a measuring tape.

My sewing kit worked out just fine after I found a larger tin in order to accommodate my scissors."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:35:32 PM  Show Profile
Judy King, (Patchwork Peace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I made 6 reusable tote bags for shopping and handiwork. I used fabrics from my stash, including leftover upholstery material. I have used them many times. I still find it difficult to remember to use them.

This was a good opportunity to applique some of the veggies from MJ's Stitching Room."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:39:48 PM  Show Profile
Virginia Zombek, (GinnyEllen, #2697) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I chose a bright red recycled tin from a Hickory Farms Christmas present for my sewing "basket" as I love red.
Went up stairs and pulled out my Mother's hand-made sewing stand from the Farm Bureau days, my picnic basket style sewing basket from the top of the closet and then ransacked my top drawer of my sewing table for all the things that were basic to a sewing kit.
I staged both my and my Farmgirl Sister's sewing kits and took a picture of both hers and mine. We had a blast and shared tips and tricks the whole time we were doing it!

I've been sewing on and off - mostly crafts-- for most of my adult life and have three big sewing kits. However, I relished the thought of putting a small tin just big enough for scissors and the basic stuff to have to do quick button sewing and "fixing" in the family room. Having this small kit is much easier to get out and use than both the bigger ones I have. I want to decoupage it with old valentines from elementary school at some point and will send it through at another time. I find doing all the beginner level projects is helping me de-clutter and organize myself better. Thanks -- did you notice the miniature apron pattern in the picture?"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:43:36 PM  Show Profile
Judy King, (Patchwork Peace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.

"We've been working on re-decorating our ranch style home the past couple of years. In our bedroom I made a quilt from recycled blue jeans and embroidered designs on some of the squares. I spray painted a chair that was given us a coordinating color. Throughout the house I have framed cross stitches that my mother and I have done throughout the years. We try to keep things simple and reuse as much as possible.

I like the simplicity and hominess of homemade and recycled things. This is still a work in progress. We have a living room set and tables to reupholster/refinish yet."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:48:29 PM  Show Profile
Judy King, (Patchwork Peace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I made a sewing kit for my daughter from materials from my stash and a recycled container. The kit included a variety of threads, buttons, scissors, needles, straight pins and safety pins.

My daughter liked it."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:52:13 PM  Show Profile
Judy King, (Patchwork Peace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.

"Using MJ's Stitching Room, I learned to sew edge-stitch seam, french seam, imitation french seam and a flat fell seam. I also sewed a plain seam and pinked seam. I've been sewing for some years and have hand-quilted several quilts as well as hand sewing doll clothes seams.

I enjoyed learning how to sew new seams, and was surprised how simple they were. I use french seams on all the clothing I make now."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:55:34 PM  Show Profile
Judy King, (Patchwork Peace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Aprons badge.

"I designed a lined apron and sewed it up from material from my stash. The blue one I stitched with my sister in mind. I wore my apron to my Mother's birthday party.

My sister loved hers and wore it to a get-together work party with her friends."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  3:59:49 PM  Show Profile
Susan Smithburg, (#2122) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Horse Dreams badge.

"I researched both the Arabian and Thoroughbred horse breeds. I read Joe Camp's "The Soul of a Horse," which I found very interesting. Furthermore, I researched some of the natural shoeing farriers in the area where I live and may be moving.

Once we move and get horses on our property again, I will be incorporating some of Joe Camp's methods and ideas."
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:04:43 PM  Show Profile
Judy King, (Patchwork Peace, #932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Quilting badge.

"I've made several quilts, most scrap quilts. The one pictured was a lap quilt for my Dad's birthday. It's not unusual for me to quilt in the company of others, particularly my sisters. This quilt took well over 20 hours.

My Dad loved it and uses it to keep warm on cool days."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:09:36 PM  Show Profile
Stephanie Schaefer, (BoPeep214, #2920) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge.

"I researched the difference between grassfed cattle and feedlot/commercial cattle. I learned how much difference a grass diet can make in every meat, dairy product, and egg we eat. We raise some livestock and have always grassfed with only supplemental grains in the winter. The health and happiness of our animals is apparent. The only disagreement I have with what was said was that it was mentioned that feedlot animals due to not getting grass get acidosis and bloat and grassfed livestock didn't really. Actually, those two things are common among grassfed livestock also. I imagine though that the sympotms are quite a bit less stressful and more short-lived in grassfed animals though. We experience bloat sometimes, rarely bad enough to require anything more than a nibble of corn syrup. Acidosis has not been seen for years here though. I also learned about how greenhouse gasses can be absorbed into the soil and help plants even. I also learned a few practices that I think we will try on our farm!

We (my family and extended family) all raise several different species and we all grassfeed our livestock. We all use the same small slaughterhouse/butcher/packer that we know personally and are humane. Then, when we get our meat back ready for the freezer, we trade and share. I would never go back to commercial meat. Even the taste would be too big of a difference. I am proud of how our family raises livestock. And if I do ever end up running out of the meat in my freezer, I always look up local farmers and their meat. I just can't bring myself to go back to that commercial stuff!

I found the website very interesting and useful. Not only can people locate grassfed meat, but I found a few farming/ranching practices that we may try here. We sometimes have lambs that seem like they should grow bigger, faster than they actually do. We try to wean reasonably early and with the mothers with the babes as much as possible. But the idea of delayed weaning seems to be a good one. I have noticed lambs that we have a tough time weaning do actually grow better. I just never put two and two together! I've also done research in the past on high sugar pasture grasses, and was excited to read that the seed can now be purchased! This was such a great website for practical information!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:15:45 PM  Show Profile
Lyn Bleiler, (Taos Lyn, #2702) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Get It Together badge.

"A friend who occasionally helps with dinner prep at my house frequently comments that my knives are dull, so I knew just who to ask about how to sharpen them.
He showed me and let me practice on my four knives and some of his. And I've asked him to keep me on my toes about keeping them sharp.

It wasn't hard at all, and the knives are a pleasure to use now."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:19:41 PM  Show Profile
Lyn Bleiler, (Taos Lyn, #2702) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.

"For months I've been saving compostable materials bu keeping a good sized plastic container in my kitchen and when it got full, I'd transfer it to a larger plastic bin (former dog food container) outside. Recently I found a old wooden tile crate that was a perfect size for a compost bin. I staple-gunned chicken wire to it, and it is working out great.

It's perfect. Especially since it is close to my chicken coop, so when I clean the coop it goes right into compost."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:24:05 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an expert level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.

"I took 2 nights and 3 days, and stayed in a secluded cabin, uphill in the woods. It was about a 2 1/2 drive from where we live.

Although I was to go by myself, my husband needed this "retreat" as much as I did, and I have a very sore foot. There were no close neighbors, and we were secluded in the woods. We spent most of our time relaxing in the rocking chairs on the porch. I embroidered, read books, journaled, and he read, relaxed, and grilled us food. We also had a fire pit, but due to the rain we could not cook over it. We had no TV, phone, or radio in the cabin. It was wonderful, and we plan to go back."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:29:05 PM  Show Profile
Mary Johnson, (bag lady, #2762) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.

"I made a tote bag from 100 plastic bags from the grocery store. My daughter bought a pattern on the internet to give me directions. After collecting the bags, I straightened them out and laid them flat on a cutting mat. With a ruler and a rolling cutter blade I cut off the bottoms and the handles. I did this on an assembly line system. After that I opened the bag as they have a little pleat in them. I folded them three times in the same direction as you would use the bag. Then I cut them in ¾ inch slices. That created a loop. I connected all the loops together and made a ball of “plarn.”

I chained 31 stitches. I then single crocheted back to the beginning and around the other side. This allowed me to keep going around and around until I had 12 inches of crochet done. I then folded the bag in the middle and marked the center. There is a 10 stitch opening to allow for the handles. I counted five from each side of the center marker and placed a marker there. I continued crocheting until I got to that marker. At this point I made a 31 chain strip. I connected this to the other marker five stitches from the center. I connected this chain to the next marker and kept going to the markers on the other side. I did this to the other side as well. With that I had these flimsy looking handles. No fear though, after four rounds the handles were quite sturdy. I finished on the side of the bag and tied off the plarn.

Excellent! I have made five bags out of plarn. I also made two of you regular yarn. My workmates love too see what I will do next."

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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:33:49 PM  Show Profile
Margaret Taffi, (maggimae, #2824) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"I learned to knit and have knitted four scarves for gifts!

Turned out great. Never thought I could do it but having lots of fun at it!"
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Queen Bee

16508 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 27 2011 :  4:37:46 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M, #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.

"This badge is just what I needed for the new year. I have started my lifestyle change with a reduction of sugar in my diet, an increase of raw (organic, of course!) veggies on a daily basis, and outdoor walks when the weather permits. I have dropped a few pounds and I feel good. Winter is a difficult time for being active, so I have tried to avoid sitting for prolonged periods, and I am stretching on an (almost) daily basis. This is really good for my back and neck, and relieves tension well.

Just for fun, I posted a nutrition quiz at
Feel free to email me with your answers and I'll tell you how you did!"
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