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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - May 10 2011 :  2:39:45 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth, (Carrie M, #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Weaving badge.

"An interesting fact that I learned about weaving is that the technology involved has remained basically unchanged over several thousands of years! Although baskets were possibly the first woven craft, clothing was not far behind. Unfortunately, textiles do not withstand time well, so we are limited in the number of examples available from the early years of our created world, but historians have found woven fabrics preserved in sealed Egyptian tombs dating to 5000 BC. These linens were predominately linen (from the flax plant). Most of these textiles were plainly woven until about 2500 BC when patterns began to emerge. Wool is not among the tomb offerings as it was considered a low class fiber and used mainly among farmers and herdsmen. Cotton, however, has been found in some Egyptian tombs. Around the year 2200 BC, Mesopotamia was a booming textile region, and the first, apparently, to introduce embroidery! The Hebrew nation were among the earliest people to ply their yarns, sometimes including threads of silver or gold. Hebrew textiles were mostly woolen, with white wool being considered the finest. Priests, however, could wear only linen. China, of course, discovered silk and kept the secret of this mystery fiber for more than 3000 years! Silk was special as it did not require carding and spinning before being woven. Swiss archeology reveals spinning whorls and woven linen textiles dating back to 5000 BC.

Since cultures on all continents reveal a history of looms and “webbing,” historians believe that the fascination with spinning and weaving must have come from observation of the animal world—humans watching beavers, spiders, and nest builders in action.

So, armed with this interesting history of the loom and textiles, I could not help but dive into the weaving world! I borrowed many books from the library and tried out several different kinds of looms. I have made bookmarks, a rectangle tea pot pad (shown in progress in the photo), a round pad on a cardboard frame, and a small purse. I've used fabric strips, wool, and acrylic yarns.

I can't wait to send my gifts to my friends and show them what I've been up to!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  09:16:30 AM  Show Profile
Rebekah Jamison, (rebekahj, #2173) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"1. I went through my cleaning supplies and donated ALL of my toxic cleaners to a free table at my work.

2. I researched online and in the MJ chat rooms how to make my own cleaning products, bought the supplies and made my own cleaning products. I even used up the last of my store bought dryer sheets and made wool dryer balls.

3. I wrote a mission statement and pledged to only use green products.

4. I started a green journal online and I share it with all of my farmgirl sisters on my blog.

I love being green. I was already for the most part, but this badge forced me to get rid of those last few toxic cleaners I was using. I have really enjoyed making my own cleaners and dryer balls. I also really enjoy keeping a green journal of ideas, recipes, plans and projects. This has been a rewarding badge to work towards. I am attaching a picture of teh dryer balls I made."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  09:59:20 AM  Show Profile
Rebekah Jamison, (rebekahj, #2173) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Bustin' Out badge.

"I have completely converted to organic foods over the last month. I joined a local CSA, Farm Fresh to You, and I have been cooking and eating all organic fruits, veggies, rice, beans, meats, dairy...everything organic.

I am sold on organic foods. The meat, dairy and veggies taste way better than non organic foods. I have really enjoyed having my refrigerator stocked with organic fruits and veggies from my local CSA and farmers market. The farmer's market near my house is a lot of fun; they have live music that is wonderful and great breakfast burritos and coffee. I am sticking to 100% commitment of all organic foods."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - May 11 2011 :  10:13:37 AM  Show Profile
Rebekah Jamison, (rebekahj, #2173) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"I went through all of my cabinets and got rid of all of the dysfunctional containers I have. I donated everything that doesn't serve a purpose to the Goodwill. I went a step further and did this for every gadget in my kitchen.

My kitchen feels so organized now. I only have things that serve a purpose that I actually can use left in my kitchen. Thanks for this wonderful badge that motivated me to get organized."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  10:43:52 AM  Show Profile
Rebekah Jamison, (rebekahj, #2173) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.

"This is actually the very first merit badge I started working on after joining the Farmgirl Sisterhood.

I got on my local email list serve and posted that I was looking for a composter and a worm bin and I got both for free! My city offers discounted bins if you take classes, so there are an abundance of them floating around Santa Cruz County that people are willing to give away.

I got a black post-consumer plastic compost bin with a sliding door in front and a Can-O-Worms worm bin.

I immediately got both bins going. I read Worms Eat My Garbage and learned how to get my worm bin going. I also found a book at my local Goodwill bookstore about composting and read it.

It took almost a full year to get my first batch of worm castings; I just harvested a huge tray full of worm castings last week. It was so rewarding!

I still have not gotten a batch of ready compost from my composter since I don't turn it or do anything fancy, but let it sit and rot. However, it looks like it is breaking down and I should have a lot of compost in time for next years garden."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  10:58:08 AM  Show Profile
Marie Hilliard, (horselover, #2214) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Spirit badge.

"We held our first farmgirl gathering on March 12th at my farm. We had 7 farmgirls attend. We discussed what each person wanted out of this, what they would contribute, our community goals, our service projects. We have a very diversified group, all the better. Everyone brings something different to the group. Second gathering planned for April will be on getting your garden ready to plan. At that time we planned to have a traveling apron ready.

Everyone enjoyed the gathering and were so excited to see the different talents each farmgirl had to offer. They cannot wait till the next gathering."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  11:04:08 AM  Show Profile
Marie Hilliard, (horselover, #2214) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"By making a going green basket for a newcomer, I included products made for the home, and laundry. I also included some cloth diapers for great dusting, and glass cleaning towels.

It was a great newcomer basket, she loved it, and it included all the recipes for home products."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  11:11:03 AM  Show Profile
Marie Hilliard, (horselover, #2214) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Connecting Growers and Eaters badge.

"After I had my first farmgirl meeting a fellow farmgirl was as excited as I was to get our hands and feet in the dirt we decided to help each other prepare the garden. We tilled, composted, tilled again, raked and drew up our garden plans.

Wow, does my garden look beautiful, rock free, smooth as silk waiting for those seeds to go in the ground."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  11:25:56 AM  Show Profile
Marie Hilliard, (horselover, #2214) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"We started building our chicken coop today, turning out nicely. We put in 6 nesting boxes, hung the waterer and feeder. Now we are painting the coop, and decided we needed a top on the coop due to recent hawk who's be watching my handy work anticpating the arrival of baby chicks. The gates up we're ready, lets go get the chicks and guineas, and 2 peacocks.

I am loving it and I do believe they like it. My husband even cut down an old cedar tree to put in there for them to also roost on."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  11:39:59 AM  Show Profile
Darcy Toft, (mustang rider, #1315) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"Last year I bought four different breeds of chicks from a local feed store. Buff Orpington, Ameraucana, Golden Lace and Australorp. I bought them for my own farm fresh eggs and they have not let me down.

The hens are now a year old and enjoying life in my backyard. I get three to four eggs a day, far more than my husband and I can eat so I share them with my neighbors and family members. My youngest daughter has chickens and two baby chicks this year. I love my chickens and will always have a few around for the rest of my life."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  11:49:07 AM  Show Profile
Darcy Toft, (mustang rider, #1315) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"Watched the movie The Vanishing Bees on Dec. 15, 2010 and finished "The Secret Life of Bees," the same month. I have bee-friendly flowers in my garden and I will continue to plant bee-friendly flowers as I learn more about the types of flowers that bees are attracted to.

I loved the book and I found the movie interesting because I have my own hives. It has made me keep a closer look at my hive and their activity. I have a bee journal that I keep records on the hives. Their honey production, queen and her brood, growth and loss of any bees. My dad taught me this. Lavender, golden rod, rosemary, sunflowers, herbs, veggies and fruits that bees love to visit are just a few the plants that I grow."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - May 11 2011 :  12:21:38 PM  Show Profile
Tracy Gilchrist, (Camismommy, #2883) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I found an old picnic basket in my house that we no longer use. I collected the random sewing supplies I had floating around and purchased a few more things I needed and made a great sewing kit!!

We keep the basket in plain sight so we always know where it is and it looks cute in the re-purposed picnic basket!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  12:50:38 PM  Show Profile
Linda Mericle, (bakermom, #2064) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"My husband built a chickenwire run, my older son and I built a coop and I raised 6 baby chicks into our laying hens.

They are a wonderful investment/pet. It is soothing to watch them scratch around, they give us eggs everyday and our grass has never been so green! Now we have adopted a couple other hens that have come our way. One older hen started getting mean to all the other hens, stopped laying and was eating eggs. She eventually made it into the soup pot, my first try at eating one of our own chickens. She did make great broth! The others get to scratch around every day in the yard and get locked up every night."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  12:55:50 PM  Show Profile
Linda Mericle, (bakermom, #2064) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.

"This is the last badge I thought I would work on. Yet here I am. Last November I wrote out a business plan for a home baking business. I am going to call it "la petite kitchen" which is my blog site. I have started a web site for it and a friend made a logo for me. I made up a menu and am already practicing on my friends.

Mostly baking for friends at church, as their own private baker, I have been doing a brisk business. Its nice that most of my work is just a couple days a week. I am always on the lookout for flours on sale, sugars and natural ingredients and second hand pans. I would need to move up to the church kitchens, with their large double ovens and requirements I would need to get a business license and expand my clientele."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 11 2011 :  2:25:22 PM  Show Profile
Linda Mericle, (bakermom, #2064) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.

"I made a quilted table runner from a kit for my aunt and her B&B. It included appliqué, which I did by machine and hand quilting.

It was beautiful and I did not want to give it away. But of course, in the end, I did. And I never make the same thing twice. So she will have the one and only. It was fun to make."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  2:19:03 PM  Show Profile
Linda Mericle, (bakermom, #2064) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Quilting badge.

"I made this quilt for my sons, since we are a chicken family now. They love helping with the hens. They especially love eating the eggs. So I made this star quilt with chicken fabrics. Its pretty simple. It is 90% hand quilted, then I got fed up with not having time, so I finished it with machine quilting.

It turned out great. Took a long time, but is now resing on one of our beds. Now its time to start the boy scout 100 year commemorative quilt, better late than never."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  2:25:09 PM  Show Profile
Jill Nesheim, (36quilter, #2861) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner and intermediate level Let's Get Physical badge.

"I have earned the beginner and intermediate level in Let's Get Physical. I have been using my eliptical or working out most days with a 3 lb hula hoop or playing tennis with my Wii for the last 70 days. I like to vary what I do each day.

I have been firming up and have dropped a few pounds. My goal is to drop 10 pounds by the end of the summer and keep my heart healthier."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  2:31:51 PM  Show Profile
Emily Hack, (alterationsbyemily, #2951) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Know Your Roots badge.

"My grandmother once again was an immense help. She had done some research on the family. She showed me the ORIGINAL discharge papers from my Great-Great-Great-Grandfather William Carroll from the “War of the Rebellion.” It was amazing to see something that he touched and owned and now it is passing on in the generations.

I am such a civil war nut and found that William Carroll was not at the battle of Gettysburg, narrowly missing it by being in Virginia. It was a touching thing for me to be able to track him all during the war between the states. I cannot be happier to know my relative fought in the great war between the states."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  2:37:22 PM  Show Profile
Nancy Smith, (minismith, #1991) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.

"I made a Goat sampler designed by Barbara Ana.

Words really are inadequate for describing the experience of making this sampler. My husband selected the design. I stitched it using material and floss I had inherited from my mother, grandmother, and aunt. They've been gone a while but, while making this project, I felt closer to them again."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  3:05:11 PM  Show Profile
Lyn Bleiler, (Taos Lyn, #2702) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Carp-hen-try badge.

"I borrowed "Dare to Repair" from our local library and found tons of really helpful information, especially info about lighting pilots on gas heaters and the home safety chapter.

This book contains info that will come in handy for future projects, so I'm seriously considering getting a copy to have on hand. "We can do it!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  4:12:25 PM  Show Profile
Lyn Bleiler, (Taos Lyn, #2702) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Carp-hen-try badge.

"To make a safe garden area for my chickens and dog, I started building what we call in the Southwest a coyote fence using old latices and fencing wire.

It turned out really well - and was so much easier than I thought it would be. I felt like I bona-fide ranch hand with my work gloves, snippers and wire latching those latices onto a vertical cross bar."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  4:24:23 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Brown, (rileybrown, #2007) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I have my grocery bags in my trunk at all times. Now that we are empty
nesters, it is very easy to use them as I don't have big grocery shops anymore. I especially want to point out the orange bag from Home Depot. The best 1.99 investment I ever made. It stretches across the basket hooking on with those black clasps. So easy to fill, empty at the checkout and then just refill. I highly recommend it!

Turned out great I guess, especially with the purchase of that orange Home Depot bag that fits on the side of the grocery cart. I also shop at an Aldi and you have your own bags or you pay for a bag. Nobody wants to do that! I would say this is an ongoing merit badge."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - May 18 2011 :  4:33:13 PM  Show Profile
Lyn Bleiler, (Taos Lyn, #2702) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Embroidery badge.

"Inspired by photos in MaryJane's book, I learned how to crochet borders on vintage dish towels using a variety of stitches I found on the internet (what a great resource that is!). I also showed my friend how to make granny squares, and after scouting around on the internet found lots of wonderful new variations.

I love the way these look! Now I am obsessed with adding trim to all of my vintage towels (of which I have stacks), and am thinking these would make great gifts. This photo shows two matching towels - one with trim and one without. The crochet adds so much charm!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  4:40:28 PM  Show Profile
Lyn Bleiler, (Taos Lyn, #2702) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an expert level Carp-hen-try badge.

"A friend recently built me a new chicken coop structure. I put on a tin roof, painted and caulked the windows, and attached a good sized chicken wire enclosure. (Oh, and added lace curtains and wooden rooster, too.)

I'm really happy with how it turned out and checked every nook to make sure it is safe for the girls' arrival!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 18 2011 :  4:46:11 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Grammar badge.

"I post an average of 1-2 posts per day on the forums. I actually have a personal copy of "Woe Is I" and have read it several times.

This badge made me more aware of what I was writing in my posts."
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