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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - May 25 2011 :  09:51:25 AM  Show Profile
Tanya Murphy, (Turtlemoon, #1737) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Unprocessed Kitchen badge.

"My daughter returned home from college and had a slumber party with all the old gang. They were wanting to have something "evil" that night but are all trying hard to be a bit more healthy. I helped them to take a traditional Whoopie Pie and convert it into a healthy, organic (albeit Carob vs chocolate) Whoopie Pie.

We had so much fun that next weekend we are going to try blue potato chips from a few of our homegrown potatoes from last year.

We also made a thick whipped cream for the filling vs a shortening type. The cream was made from raw cream sweetened with a neighbors honey. Yum!"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2011 :  4:31:46 PM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend A Hand to Families badge.

"A friend of mine got laid off from her job a few weeks ago so I went down and brought her some food from my garden (salad fixings were the only thing ready) and a dish from a supposed new recipe I was trying out. (Really I was trying it out!) I helped her plant tomato seedlings that I had germinated (heirlooms) in four Topsy Turvys plus some herbs and a small garden. She was majorly depressed but "had" to help me so it cheered her up.

She got a new job just last week! So maybe it isn't exactly what she would like to be doing, but it takes the strain off of her thinking about finances. She was very worried about buying food so by planting the garden, she can at least know that some of her food bill will be cut down and it's small enough that she can handle it."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2011 :  4:37:19 PM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating, #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Know Your Roots badge.

"My partner Brian's parents were coming up on their 60th wedding anniversary and I interviewed them to put together something for the occasion. This January, I finally finished taking some of the family pictures and putting them together with captions and songs chosen to represent the area in their lives that I was depicting and put it together on a DVD. Boy, it was tough learning how to do that since I'm not very computer literate.

I think it turned out great and I am very pleased with it. It chronicles their separate lives growing up, their lives together and the lives of each of their kids, so it is a family history of sorts. It's only 15 minutes but it took a long time to get that much together."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2011 :  4:45:49 PM  Show Profile
Joanna Fedewa, (Tansyshy, #907) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.

"A few days ago, I finally had a chance to look at the stitching room book by MaryJane. I checked out the embroidery section because I wanted to learn how to embroider, or rather, how to do it properly. I saw the little Farmgirl at Heart sampler so, I decided I would make it.

I think the sampler turned out very nicely. Except, I spelled heart wrong on it lol. I spelled it hart. Oh well.

The sampler was fun to make too. And I even added a few of the other stitches onto it. I think the chain one could have turned out better. But the French knot was fun to learn.

I am going to have to make more little samplers."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2011 :  4:55:48 PM  Show Profile
Tanya Murphy, (Turtlemoon, #1737) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Know Your Food badge.

"I have been journaling my food for the past two years. Helps me to keep track of what I eat and how I feel after.

I have been growing sprouts since I was a little girl.

My diet primarily consists of fruits and veggies with the extras thrown in afterwards.

Very well, most is second nature to me with the occasional impulse craving, but it pays me back later. My body does not digest many foods easily so at a young age (age 5) I started looking at labels. Living on a farm helped and even today I garden, can, freeze, etc a good chunk of our food. I buy honey in the 12# jar from a local neighbor, eggs from a fellow 3000 mile transplant classmate who now lives down the road, extras from a local farmer and three households all go in on a cow each year who gets spoiled and then slaughtered for organic beef. Sounds horrible but give them a good life and receive back from it, the circle of life.

I love the book "Animal Vegetable, Miracle," actually just recommended it to a friends daughter earlier today! That reminds me I need to get my copy back from someone!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 01 2011 :  5:00:13 PM  Show Profile
Tanya Murphy, (Turtlemoon, #1737) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Shopping Green badge.

"I organized a market bag swap at our local knit shop. We knit bags and swapped with each other.

While we sat in our evening knit group we discussed why we were doing this, the benefits such a small act could make with more people using their own bags, etc.

I also participated in an online swap with an eco friendly farmgirl of folks who made bags from old tshirts for shopping.

It worked out well! Everyone loved the bags so much another girl organized a smaller bag swap for toting lunches to work.

We converted some newbies into the market bags!

Love the idea of recycling an older item into something new, giving it new life. The tshirt bags are fun as well because of the quotes on some shirts, shows a persons humor!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:14:53 AM  Show Profile
Sherry Buck, (sweettea59, #2215) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"A friend of the family is learning to sew and since I have quite a collection of sewing items already I decided to put a sewing kit together for her. I purchased a few of the items (scissors, straight pins, thread and needles) and gathered up some out of my own collection (buttons and safety pins). I also made the pin cushion out of some fabric I had and a paper mache box out of my closet. I embellished the pin cushion with jute and rubber stamping to make it look western.

After I got all my items together I wrapped the sewing kit and am planning on giving the gift next week."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:20:08 AM  Show Profile
Amy Dement, (Amy Dement, #3107) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"I gathered all the remaining commercial hazardous cleaners from around the house. We haven't used them in several years as we make our own, still they lingered.

We are taking the remaining chemical to hazardous disposal when we drop off our recycling this afternoon.

Thanks for the prompt to finally take care of these toxins and get them out of our life for good!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:24:05 AM  Show Profile
Amy Dement, (Amy Dement, #3107) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Going Green badge.

"We make our own cleaners and have for years. We use lots of baking soda around here :)

We've made soap, window cleaner (why pay for the blue tint in Windex's 'natural' vinegar solution right?), are making laundry soap this weekend (as the 7th generation is almost gone).

I clean my wooden cutting board with lemon and salt regularly.

I have found that for the most part - just plain scrubbing works very effectively. I do not understand why people sacrifice their health for instant results with long term permanent consequences.

YES - the spray on tub cleaners work VERY well and very quickly, but the petrochemical migraines I'd suffer just aren't worth saving 10 minutes - never mind what those fumes might be doing to my children or pets.

We do not make our own soap, but we do buy handmade natural soaps - making it on our own just wasn't for us - too much time and mess to justify the process. Handmade Soap is something I'd rather pay someone to do - someone who loves making soap and is better at it than I."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:26:49 AM  Show Profile
Amy Dement, (Amy Dement, #3107) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"We've got shopping bags galore and use them - WHEN we remember right?

No more - I put a set in each car and assigned the children to make sure they get returned there. Also I clipped the fold-up bag to my purse so I always have one on me!

Now it is easier to make sure we use the bags wherever we shop!

Thanks for the 'kick in the pants' about something so very simple!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:29:49 AM  Show Profile
Amy Dement, (Amy Dement, #3107) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.

"We've used household items for cleaning in a non toxic way for years. One thing I still use too much of is paper towels.

I bought several (I think that was the key) micro fiber cloths and now them for ALL household cleaning.

This has cut down on the paper towel use considerably - in just two weeks.

As soon as the swiffer dry cloths run out I am going to stick a micro fiber on the vac and use it! Looking forward to the cost savings, ease of use, and packaging reduction of that choice!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:34:29 AM  Show Profile
Amanda Henning, (mamahenning, #2492) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"The first thing I did was borrow “Secret Life of Bees” on cd from my local library. I once owned the book, but passed it on when I was finished so others could enjoy it as well. I have limited time to sit down and read now that I have two wonderful baby boys to keep me busy, so I borrowed a recording so someone read the book to me while I was doing my housework. When I got a free moment I was able to watch the trailer of the movie, vanishing bees online. This was interesting and went along with articles that I have read online and in magazines about the topic.
When the weather got warm enough, I added some more bee-friendly flowers to my flower garden. I planted more foxglove, marigolds, and put in three rhododendrons (which now have beautiful pink blooms).

Since the spring here is Western New York has been very wet, I have not seen very many honey bees at our flowers, and most of our flowers have not blossomed yet. I am looking forward to seeing the honey bees around this summer."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:39:00 AM  Show Profile
Debi Chandler, (herb19355, #2515) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I recently participated in the Apron Swap. I toiled on a retro apron from my swap partner. It was a full apron with brown bias tape and brown lace.

Here is my message from urbangril11

"Posted - Apr 23 2011 : 6:04:24 PM


I just wanted to thank you for my fantastic apron and the book you included. Both will definitely be put to good use :) I apologize its taken me so long, but as I mentioned in my email, I was scheduled to be away for work and unfortunately the trip lasted a few weeks longer than anticipated.

Thanks again,
Erin "

I had so much fun and loved the apron Erin sent me. I have decide to join the swap for the summer."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:42:51 AM  Show Profile
Debi Chandler, (herb19355, #2515) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Aprons badge.

"I made an apron for my new mother-in-law. She raised chickens as a young bride and her kitchen is decorated in chickens.

I found an apron panel that had a LONNNG red ruffle. I used bias tape for the ties and the shoulders and applied the ruffles (and kept on applying and applying) and two pockets. When I gave it my mother-in-law, she loved it so much, she has it hanging in her kitchen on display. I wear the apron I received in my first apron to visit my mom and my mom-in-law."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:46:21 AM  Show Profile
Debi Chandler, (herb19355, #2515) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"I have 6 lovely chickens to raise.

Alice (who we thought was a girl),
Bubba (who started out as Besty)
Claire, Dora, Emma Jean and Fancy.
We built their chicken tractor and love getting their eggs."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:54:20 AM  Show Profile
Kate Martin-Moran, (chickadoodle_km, #2958) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I've been collecting buttons for a while now. Whenever I buy a new garment that supplies you with the extra button(s), I add them to my button jar! I've also received some of my buttons as little gifts! Some of my favorites were gifts actually (heart shaped, pretty pinks, jewel styles). I've also purchased some as well, because they were too fantastic to pass up! I have a pair that looks vintage 20's! So much fun!

Although I've met (slightly surpassed) the 50 button minimum required for this merit badge, I have no plan on stopping! I love buttons, there's so much you can do with them when crafting and they add a special flair to your creations! So far I am loving my collection: the colors, shapes, styles! Just perfect!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  10:58:47 AM  Show Profile
Debi Chandler, (herb19355, #2515) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.

"We have started a worm ranch. I have downloaded tons of information about raising worms in GA. We created a worm house from a plastic shoe box and currently have it stashed in the dining room.

We currently have 36 worms, and are planning on starting a small worm business."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:03:27 AM  Show Profile
Pilar Stevens, (retasos2, #2498) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Self-Sufficiency badge.

"I made 4 spice mixes for my hubby. The labels were printed on used paper bags.

We use the mixes on fish and venison with great success. Will definitely make again."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:07:47 AM  Show Profile
Sheri Jenkins, (#3016) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.

"For this badge I reorganized my storage container drawer and several other cupboards. I buy my grains, beans, etc. bulk and many of these items had been stored in plastic bags from the store. Now all of my bulk products are in storage jars or canning jars with reusable lids.

I’m very thankful for my deep drawer for storage containers; it’s simple to keep things tidy and find matching lids and containers. It’s easy to see what I’m looking for in my cabinets and everything looks great!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:13:23 AM  Show Profile
Sheri Jenkins, (#3016) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I have a fairly well established crafting area which keeps getting better supplied with every project I attempt. I’m reaching the point in which the storage bins/drawers are going to have to be upgraded to a better system. While I do have several homemade pinkeepers, I find the magnetic pin holder is more functional and easy to use for most projects. I use my homemade pinkeepers for display only!

My sewing area works very well and is quite functional. I'm sure better storage will come in handy though!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:17:49 AM  Show Profile
Sheri Jenkins, (#3016) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Nellie Will-do badge.

"We used disposable diapers with our first son but in my effort to make my family more green we decided to cloth diaper our second child. After much research I decided upon one size AIO diapers and wanted to sew them myself. I have completed thirty-six diapers and I have been using them for about three months now. Now that I've got the hang of the pattern, I can complete one diaper in about an hour and twenty minutes.

Laundering them is easy and I’m very pleased with my decision to use and sew cloth diapers."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:21:36 AM  Show Profile
Sheri Jenkins, (#3016) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"I started keeping chickens two summers ago. The first year our flock kept our family and friends supplied with eggs. Last spring I built an incubator and set eighteen eggs hoping I might actually get five or six chicks out of the process. Surprise, surprise, seventeen chicks hatched which seems like an unprecedented success rate! The pullets joined our flock and the cockerels lived a fulfilling, yet short life free ranging on our property. My husband and I had never butchered before but on a warm summer day we successfully processed six cockerels. This spring we hatched out more chicks and obtained day olds from our local farm store. We will be replacing some of the older hens in our flock this year as well as butchering twenty Cornish Cross.

We love raising chickens. Eating our own eggs and chickens is so satisfying and they taste so much better than any purchased in the store."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:25:15 AM  Show Profile
Sheri Jenkins, (#3016) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Unprocessed Kitchen badge.

"I love honey wheat pretzels and decided I would attempt to make them. I use locally raised honey and whole wheat flour from my parents’ farm. I’m trying to perfect the recipe to start with my sourdough starter instead of using yeast.

Great snacking and lots of fun to make. I like crunchier pretzels so I’m still tweaking the recipe and baking time to get a pretzel which is more similar to the grocery store variety."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:29:52 AM  Show Profile
Susan Smithburg, (#2212) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I researched the difference between raw and processed honey and placed an order for some organic raw honey from New England. Our local vendors at the Baton Rouge Farmer's Market do not sell raw honey. I finished "Bees: Nature's Little Wonders." It was an easy read with a great little history of the research of the wonders of bees' communication and social networking. The illustrations and poetry were wonderful.

Great--I'm going to try the raw honey--2 different forms--and see how that goes. I was happy to learn more about bees, particularly different types of bees."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 03 2011 :  11:37:30 AM  Show Profile
Susan Smithburg, (#2212) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge.

"I researched the difference between grass-fed beef and that raised corporately. We are lucky to have a source of grass-fed beef close and actually enjoy its taste better.

We were fans of grass-fed beef before, but the research I did convinced me to never buy/eat anything but grass-fed from now on. The living conditions, lack of stress and better nutrition surrounding grass-fed beef make it a clear choice--even with the higher price. It's worth it!"
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