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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 18 2011 :  3:05:01 PM  Show Profile
Jacqueline Ferri, (Jackie Ferri, #1664) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I ordered a vintage apron pattern from McCall’s # 3979. Then I bought lightweight fabric at JoAnn’s. It has chickens all over it! I laid out the pattern, cut it out, and started sewing in July 2010. Whenever I could, I’d work on the apron. I finally finished it Sept.2010!

It turned out beautifully and I received lots of compliments for it! My family and friends especially liked the edging around the pockets. Sewing the bias tape was very tricky! I like the way the apron fits, it gives good coverage. I always wear an apron when I cook and clean up, I just can’t start without donning one on! I wore it at our Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters chapter get together."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  09:36:14 AM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.

"I continued to express appreciation and gratitude.

I have been posting blessings, my appreciation, and gratitude on my blog, and have written over 40 cards and letters to say "thank you" to people. This is not that hard to do, when you consider everyone in your life, such as family, teachers, volunteers, friends, neighbors, store clerks, and many more people. Thank you's can also be a gift. I have reused thank you cards, to cut and fit in canning lids, to fill and give as thank you gifts."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  09:48:08 AM  Show Profile
Marlene Cryar, (Marlee, #3127) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I watched the movie trailer of Vanishing Bees
There are wild flowers around here and a lot of Talla Trees which bees love. And I watched the movie of Secret Life of Bees, which was a good movie, I really liked it. My husband and I had bee"s in 1990's-2000.

There were alot of info on the trailer of the movie Vanishing Bees, there are enviromental issue with bees and people do not realize how fragile the bees really are and how important they are to are surrounding. The bees use trees, flowers and plants to make honey, pollen and pollinate. Bees will fly a long way if they have to, so that is why they have different color honey in an area."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  09:53:17 AM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young, #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Carp-hen-try badge.

"I repainted my bathroom, washed the walls and woodwork down, then painted the walls a lavender, the woodwork pastel green.
I bought the Dare to Repair book, read it and learned alot. It is very easy and useful book for me to use in repairing things around the house.

The room look so fresh and clean. I have also decided to make my own curtains. I have been trying to send a photo, but it is in my documents and I can't understand how to send just one picture without all them."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  10:44:26 AM  Show Profile
Justine Thompson, (JThomp, #2904) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.

"I started my kitchen needs list in April and I've worked throughout the summer to pick up the few things I still needed and wanted to make my kitchen complete. I really didn't need much my focus being mostly on organization and canning supplies. I have thinned out quite a few things from my kitchen and gifted those things to my oldest son's girlfriend who was just starting out in her own place.

I like my kitchen and cooking even more now that things are easier to get to and easier to put away. I've really enjoyed my first year of canning and jam making and I will be doing much more of it."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  11:07:14 AM  Show Profile
Justine Thompson, (JThomp, #2904) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Get It Together badge.

"I learned to sharpen knives using a sharpening steel several years ago when I worked the line in a restaurant. I keep my knives sharpened all the time, it is pretty much a habit when I'm working in the kitchen.

Sharpened knives make my chopping and cutting working in the kitchen a little easier."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  11:14:03 AM  Show Profile
Denise Meister, (Denisemgm, #1976) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I cross-stitched a butterfly sachet.

It turned out great. It's colorful and lovely. I've been cross-stitching for several years, so it was actually very nice to stop to make a simple project for the beginner level. I plan to fill this with a lavender blend and give it to a college student I know."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  11:23:47 AM  Show Profile
Kim French, (french08, #2997) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"Going green with household cleaners was not hard at all, especially after smelling my bathroom the first time I used vinegar and lemon juice. I have a green cleaner replacement and recipes for anything I may need in the future. I have my mission statement for green cleaners in the future. I have given out laundry soap recipe to three different people! Very exciting!

I feel better about what I'm using for household cleaners now. Nothing poison or toxic."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  11:33:21 AM  Show Profile
Kim French, (french08, #2997) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Going Green badge.

"I have made my own soap, laundry detergent and household cleaners. I have recipes that I share often for all of these. They are simple ingredients and easy on the pocket. My daughter and my very close friend are now making their own laundry detergent too!

So glad that we had this badge to work for. Homemade cleaning supplies are so much less expensive than store bought brands. My house no longer smells like chemicals on cleaning day."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  12:01:41 PM  Show Profile
Georgie Bender, (Georgie, #2538) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner and intermediate level What's Your Beef? badge.

"I went on line to read more about grass-fed vs. grain fed and searched different grocery stores for grass-fed beef. I read the book Beef by Rimas and Fraser and found a place where we can get grass-fed beef.

For the beginner level I started looking on line at Eat Wild. I read all the articles on the difference between of grass-fed beef and corp. raised beef. I have to say that my family has raised cattle and shown them in stock shows and although I was very young when all that took place, my grandparents sold their farm and ranch when I was about 12 years old, I never really talked to them about how they raised their cattle and what they thought about grass-fed vs. grain fed. I just knew that we always had good beef to eat. I am going to have that conversation with my mom and dad to see how they really raised our beef. I have never really thought about what cattle ate. I didn’t know that grain was not really the best choice for them to eat let-a-lone gum!?? Or worst.
I have been looking at the stores that I shop for food to see whether or not they offer grass-fed beef. I have noticed that they have started carrying it, but at twice the price. My husband and I were at our local farmers market and there was a booth for grass fed beef and we bought their small package of assorted cuts. We really enjoyed their beef.
For the intermediate level I read the book, Beef, by Rimas and Fraser. I found it to be very interesting. I never knew there was so much to know about the cow. told my husband about the book and he started reading it and I also purchased the book for my dad to read.
My husband and I went back to the farmers market a few weeks ago to purchase more beef and that rancher was not there so I looked on line and found a family that sells grass fed beef that would be close to us when we move. They did not have any beef right now but we could get on a waiting list when they slaughter this fall."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  12:12:51 PM  Show Profile
Rachael Bott, (Rachael, #1451) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level In the Garden badge.

"Beginner Level:
I crocheted trellises and added it to a handmade frame out of some old barn wood in the wood pile. I made a ladder and attached the beautifully colored yarn netting. I also took bamboo sticks leftover from a previous plant "stakings" and made a lattice pattern by tying them together. I put it in my garden and the ivy just loves climbing all around it!

Intermediate Level:
I used tin cans to first organize all my tools. By drilling them into a scrap wood piece it's easy to make a home for all your garden helping tools. You can also make some for seeds, wire, and string dispensers! I learned how to safety cut the cans apart and make all kinds of shapes, including shingles for a fancy cottage birdhouse, which became a gift for a special friend! This year I really took the effort to make sure my soil was the right kind for my plants. I made 2 raised beds, one for flowers and the other for potatoes! My potatoes grew like weeds. I had a very bountiful harvest in a small box. This fall I plan to make more small boxes around the yard for different plants including a berry box.

Expert Level:
My husband taught me how to use a saw! I have always been scared of them! With his help we built a lot. He taught me how to measure and cut corners and angles. He also taught me which screws I needed and what wood worked the best. Together we build some pretty awesome gates. Especially the one for our goose pen!

We are in the process of changing out and creating new gates for not only the pens but the garden too! With the knowledge I gained from my husband and with the inspiration of MaryJane I made some fun cold frames! I painted the frames fun colors! I am excited to use them this fall!

I overcame the fear of using power tools, and had some great times with my husband on our backyard farm! I can know build anything, and now don't wander aimlessly waiting for a man to help me at the Home Depot! I can do it by myself! How liberating! It's so fun to create something all your own and from scratch! You can really turn your living space into a magical place!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  12:21:38 PM  Show Profile
Rachael Bott, (Rachael, #1451) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"We became chicken farmers! What an experience it has been! We sure love our "farm friends" We have 12 laying hens, and they are so much fun! We have all different breeds and spent a lot of time researching each breed. We sure love our "Silkies". They are so fun, and they loved to be held. It's almost like having a family. They each have names and personality to go with it! With our gardens, and chickens we have plenty of fresh produce and eggs, which we love to give to neighbors, family, friends, and the food pantry!

It takes time, but its so worth it! It fun to watch them play and grow! We love feeding them food from the garden, and they never let the veggie scraps go to waste! It has been a learning experience! All though I could never kill my own, I do have new appreciation for the life of chickens! I do support buying only free range chicken meat. After seeing our chickens, and learning how commercial chickens live, I am so happy they are living the good life!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  12:38:26 PM  Show Profile
Donna Demaris, (Alaska Donna, #3186) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Community Service badge.

"I signed up as a Team Captain for Relay for Life (cancer) and put together a team from where I work. I attended meetings for the captains and found myself a mentor. We held a few meetings as a group, made a plan and started working it. We choose summer as our season, spent several weeks and hours making the decorations. We put together and advertised a yard/bake sale and later a discount day at the salon (all proceeds donated). We also had a Salon Day raffle. We did all of this in just three months because we decided to enter late. Some of the girls at the salon had never did charity before and I wanted their first experience to be a fun one. I had been involved in Relay before, just never as a Team Captain.

It was wonderful. We set our earning goal as $1500 since we were starting so late and we made around $1750. Yeah us! Our decorations were wonderful and we took first place in our category. I myself missed walking the most miles by 2, having walked 33 in the 24 hours. I set a personal goal of $150 and made $194 which I considered great since my mother passed away 3 weeks before the relay and I missed out on some fund raising. Overall I feel really good about the whole event. Two of the women had a great time doing EVERYTHING and to me that means I was successful in helping them to find charity work rewarding. The only thing that went wrong was with my mother being ill, I was gone for several weeks and the team didn't quit follow through on a few things. Also, during the relay, I fell apart having not yet grieved for my mom, especially the luminary ceremony. And preceeding the event a few days before, I should have followed through better with the women. I am assured that is normal under my circumstances. I have great dreams for next years event!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  12:46:10 PM  Show Profile
Kim French, (french08, #2997) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I really enjoyed reading The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd. It was one of those "can't put down" books! I just wanted it to go on and on. I have recommended it to several people. I also watched the trailer of the movie at I have several bee friendly flowers planted in several locations around the property.

Although I am horrified of bees, it was interesting to read and learn more about these little workers. All summer long, I have seen them buzzing in and around the many flowers I have planted."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  1:11:48 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Morris, (#2052) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.

"Next to our 'big garden' we began a compost pile in hopes of free rich black soil next year. We also purchased a lawn mower that has an attached bag so we can keep the clippings for the garden.

So far the pile is still hard at work and we are adding to the pile daily. Our trash waste has reduced significantly! Can't wait until next year to reap the harvest and maybe start a worm compost bin."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  1:16:30 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Morris, (#2052) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Backyard Farmer badge.

"After taking a soap making class I began to save money for my own milking goats. I befriended a goat farmer and learned all I could about the trade. This weekend we brought the girls home!!

How satisfying to bring in our 'own' milk daily. Can't wait to learn how to make butter, yogurt and cheese."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  1:30:15 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Morris, (#2052) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge.

"We would love someday to have grass fed Highland Cattle on our farm. Until then we were able to research and then took a day to attend a seminar on the benefits of these lean meat cows.

We walked away with lots of knowledge on how to get started when we are able. We're looking forward to the day when we're able to add these beautiful creatures to our farm."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  1:47:54 PM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Nellie Make-do badge.

"I recycled fabric scraps from fabric sampler books found at furniture stores.

I cut circles, make yo-yos, and made a few projects using them, including a table top cover."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  3:10:23 PM  Show Profile
Dori Onnezi, (#3265) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I put 6 reusable shopping bags in my trunk to use for my next shopping trip.

I look forward to using them!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  3:57:27 PM  Show Profile
Dori Onnezi, (#3265) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Nellie Make-do badge.

"I've saved all my plastic shopping bags. I folded them lengthwise and cut off the handles and end seam. Then I cut rings of plastic and knotted them together, wound up the "plarn" and started crocheting them to make a camping mat for my parents.

I'm not done yet, and it's a little slow going-the plastic doesn't slide easily through my fingers in the summer, however I am really proud of re-using my plastic bags."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 19 2011 :  4:36:46 PM  Show Profile
Julie Felton, (FarmDream #3069) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I had thought about doing this badge but hadn't found the right fabric. I went for the first time to a quilt shop and loved the quality and colors of their fabrics. As soon as I found the fabric I was ready! It definitely took me over 2 hours to make it.

I was already wearing an apron in the kitchen but now I have my new pretty apron to wear."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 22 2011 :  2:19:22 PM  Show Profile
Scarlett Winters, (silver3wings, #2044) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Unprocessed Kitchen badge.

"This time, I made my own sweet potato chips and dried blueberries.

The sweet potato chips turned out a little more floppy that I would have liked, but they tasted great. Once I discover the perfect cooking time, I’ll never have to look longingly at the Sweets and Beets in the grocery store aisle again. Most dried fruits have preservatives and color protectors (or worse) added to them. Rather than buy dried berries for granola, trail mix, or baking, I will just make my own in the dehydrator. They turned out perfectly."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 22 2011 :  2:28:07 PM  Show Profile
Scarlett Winters, (silver3wings, #2044) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Bustin' Out badge.

"For this badge, I decided why stick to five families? I took my message viral via the Internet through a health forum and Facebook.

I shared information about how to tell the difference between foods labeled certified organic, organic, and contains organic ingredients. I also post photos of my weekly CSA share from a local organic farm on my Facebook page and encourage people to support our organic farms through the CSA program. Then, I made a YouTube video explaining the importance of talking to farmers at the farmer’s market to find out who does not use chemicals on their crops."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 22 2011 :  2:39:56 PM  Show Profile
Scarlett Winters, (silver3wings, #2044) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I read the book Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd and shared it with my mom. It was meaningful to both of us. I watched the trailer for Vanishing of the Bees. I also made a point of researching bee-friendly plants for my garden. I wanted to choose plants that would attract a variety of pollinators. I put nasturtiums in the hanging baskets and lavender down below and bergamot out front.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any screenings of Vanishing of Bees available in my area yet, but I did go see another documentary called Queen of the Sun about colony collapse disorder and the importance of bees to the environment. Unfortunately, all the bee-friendly plants I planted burned out this year, except for the bergamot, but not before they blossomed for a couple of weeks. The bees also seem to like the coreopsis, lilies, and other flowers that were already there."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 22 2011 :  2:49:53 PM  Show Profile
Anneke Penn, (Annekepenn, #3391) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I stitched my membership badge so my hen would match the hens I have in my backyard. I also added bright pinks, purples, and blues for the octagon and border.

I am very pleased with the finished product and can't wait to put it in my Jean jacket!!!"
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