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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 2:20:02 PM
Ruby Slider, (Narjay #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.
"This was drawn with pencil, I drew it from a photo of a horse.
Although it does not look like the photo, I think it turned out great."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 3:01:14 PM
Peggy Smith, (Forever Young #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Know Your Roots badge.
"I looked up the web site on researching your family. It has a lot of good information about genealogy and how to trace your relatives. I started researching my dad's family. He was an only child and talked very little about his family. I found information about his father. I am still researching his mother. There is very little info about her.
I have joined the Genealogy society in the town and state where I was born and family still live there. I am hoping to travel there, visit the genealogy library, cemeteries and family." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 3:02:24 PM
Peggy Smith, (Forever Young #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Greatest Generation badge.
"I have a friend of the Greatest Generation born in 1924. He is wonderful company and very knowledgable. He tells me stories about his childhood, how his mother and grandparents raised him, how they lived and about all the new inventions. His first car was a Model T.
He has introduced me to music, singers, big bands, and movies of his generation. I have come to enjoy listening to some of his music from the 1930's & 40's. I really love the songs from the World War II era." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 3:33:58 PM
Christine Clark, (ChristyC #2737) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"This is something I have needed to do for a long time, I had a drawer I couldn't close because it was full of plastic lids. I pulled out all of my storage bowls and matched up the lids and discarded the rest. I didn't realize I had so many useless lids.
Wow! What a difference! I can close the drawer! Yea! I also have tons of room in that drawer now and it looks so neat and orderly. I love it! I should have done this a long time ago!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 3:36:10 PM
Christine Clark, (ChristyC #2737) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.
"We live on an old historical fort, and part of the old stables are still used for local residents. It houses only 2 or three horses at a time, quarter horses, and I have seen a draft horse there also. I drive by it most every day going to and from work and enjoy seeing them. We also own a quarter horse that my son uses for our local high school rodeo.
I have been trying to convince my husband that we need a paint horse, they are my favorite. I love all the patterns and colors, no two are alike. Maybe someday!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 3:37:34 PM
Christine Clark, (ChristyC #2737) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Birds badge.
"I work in an office near a natural spring so we have lots of birds, I put a feeder out a couple of years ago. Naturally I had to buy some bird books so I could identify what I was seeing. I have seen so many native birds, I continue to observe and identify birds, and keep my reference books close at hand.
Wish list to see:
Oriole Blue Jay King Fisher " |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:10:15 PM
Diane Kasperzak, (DiDi #3657) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.
"I made a simple scarf with plain knitting. Because I have not knitted since I was a young girl, I forgot everything except casting on and the basic knit stitch. I learned how to add a skein of yarn and tuck in the ends, cast off, and finish the scarf with fringe by watching videos on line. I taught my niece how to knit, and inspired my mother (who knits very well) and my sister (a beginner) to pick up knitting needles as well.
I wore my new scarf to work today and got lots of compliments! The scarf is beautiful and warm and I'm very pleased with it. I look forward to my next knitting project."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:11:51 PM
Joan Nordquist, (Simple Living #3842) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Recipes badge.
"My gramma is 85 yrs young and comes from Rome, Italy. I sat down with her and asked how she learned to cook. Then we started talking about certain recipes that she still cooks but I had no clue how. I took a journal and started writing down her recipes. I have about 9 family recipes that will be handed down to my 2 daughters (her grandchildren).
I made her Sicilian Potato casserole. Not bad for the first try, but can't compare to my grams dish. She loved it because she says "it shows love"."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:13:28 PM
Heidi Gonzales, (whitewolfsummitfarmgirl #3844) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have been collecting reusable shopping bags for about 5 years now. I have more than six of them. I have committed myself to using them when shopping since April 2008.
On Earth day in 2008 I volunteered at my college Garden Fest to assist customers by carrying their purchases to their vehicles. We grew veggie plants and horticultural plants and they were all for sale. We used garden wagons to transport big items like trees and reusable shopping bags for smaller items. I noticed that many of the people came with their own bags ready. That's when I decided to commit to using reusable bags. I have done it ever since.
The way that I make sure I use them is to keep a bag full of at least 5 other bags inside my car and I keep another bag full of re-usable bags on the coat hook next to my front door. I never forget that batch, and grabbing them helps me remember the other ones that are already in the car. It works like a charm.
I estimate that I have prevented a few hundred plastic bags from entering my local landfill on my account, since April 2008. That makes me feel good."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:15:31 PM
Justine Thompson, (JThomp #2904) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.
"My family and I have gotten rid of all the cleaners in our home that are not "green". I've written a mission statement. I have a place to keep all our ideas, recipes and projects in. I even made gift baskets for Christmas for two family members.
I have really liked some of my homemade cleaners a lot. Some not so much. I switched to 7th Generation dishwasher detergent because I haven't found a homemade version I like yet. My favorites are my homemade laundry detergent that I've been using almost a year and my homemade air freshener spray. My family and I have pledge to be chemical free with cleaning our home and use only those things that are natural or less harmful to our health and our environment. I have a journal of sorts full of cleaning recipes, ideas, and projects. I'm always adding to it when I come across something or think of something new. For Christmas I made two "green" giftbags for family members. I put together recipes, a journal, dryer balls, homemade knitted dishcloths, and several other little things and put them all into reusable bags. It was a lot of fun and they both loved the gift.
This all has been a rewarding experience. I feel like my home is cleaner and safer. I am grateful that my family has been so receptive to it as well." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:46:41 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Grease Chicks badge.
"I learned how to check all the fluids in my car and I kept track of my fuel usage for a month.
I knew how to do some of this before so it was easy to learn the last few things. I don't use as much gas as I thought I did. " |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:47:29 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Grease Chicks badge.
"I have been changing my own oil since I could drive.
One of the conditions I had for having a car was to take care of it myself. I had to know how to change the oil, check the fluids, change a flat, and things like that. My town dump has an oil dump station so that is where I always bring it." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:48:57 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Safe Toys badge.
"I made 6 bean bags for my daughter.
She likes them very much. I think the beans feel funny in her hands and she seem to like the noise they make too."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 27 2012 : 4:50:01 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Scrapbooking badge.
"I made a scrapbook for my daughter.
Right now it has got quite a few pages in it, but there is plenty of space to add pages as she grows up."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 12:25:25 PM
Ruby Slider, (narjay #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Know Your Roots badge.
"My oldest living relative is my great aunt Clautie, she is 92 and I love listening to her tell stories of her childhood. It was a simpler time and people enjoyed the little things in life. Listening to her talk about how exciting it was when mom needed flour and it was her turn for a new dress. She would get to pick out the bag. They only went into town about once a month and everything they needed they would grow, raise or build. Nothing went to waste and everything was treasured.
This inspires me to try even harder to live my life closer to nature." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 12:27:45 PM
Heather Corbet, (MissHeatherLynn #3925) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I huddled together my favorite bags: 2 insulated, 2 canvas, 2 random material bags. I have a few more I made out of old shirts but have them in my car just in case I forget to take these.
Making bags is fun and easy to me... however I find in the process of making bags and buying them people tend to go overboard and start hoarding bags. So ladies if you find yourself buying a bag when you have a ton at home, the store doesn't mind if you don't use their bags and plop them back in the cart."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 12:30:39 PM
Paula Ricketts, (Sister Ricketts #3354) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Grease Chicks badge.
"1. I covered a composition notebook with scrapbook paper and put "greasy" handprints all over it. Then used it to log all fluid levels and to track my tire pressure and fuel usage/milage in the 1997 Jeep Wrangler I got from a salvage yard and..... 3. Replaced the engine in it before I could use it, plus got all new consumable parts like spark plugs and had to replace the radiator and some hose which included adding radiator fluid. 2. This also includes one oil change/lube job I had to do and I took the waste oil to our local autozone for recycling.
In January we had a flat and I had to change the tire on the side of a busy (rush hour) interstate! There's nothing to changing a tire unless you're on the side of the interstate during rush hour ;o)
I drive my Wrangler all the time, but this summer I'm taking it to the dunes in Michigan. So I'll let you know how that turns out...." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 12:55:18 PM
Lisa Birkner, (Lisa Marie #1196) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I checked out books at the library about green cleaning. Of course the top non-toxic workers are vinegar and baking soda. I now use vinegar for fabric softener and have made a basic vinegar, water and a bit of castile soap surface cleaner. I added a few drops of lavender essential oil for a more pleasant aroma.
I keep it in a spray bottle (looking for a glass one) and it is now my go to cleaner in the kitchen and bath." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 3:09:27 PM
Christine Johnson, (Miss kitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"I hauled everything out of my Tupperware cabinet and matched up all of the lids and bottoms. If the lid had a mate (and vice versa) it got to go back into the cabinet, if not, it was thrown into the plastics recycling bag and taken on our next trip to the recycling center.
The project was quick and painless. Thankfully there wasn't too much we had to get rid of. However, the cabinet was in dire need of some organization! I am a much happier mom now when it comes to packaging up lunches and leftovers!" |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 3:10:24 PM
Christine Johnson, (Miss kitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.
"For Christmas this year, our biggest kitchen need was a new set of cookware. So, I surprised my husband with a new set of stainless steel cookware, and we donated our old pots and pans to our local Goodwill store. I also needed a new egg timer, as the old one had been dropped and broken. I also got us another meat thermometer, since our old one mysteriously disappeared.
We have pretty much have everything we need for a working kitchen, so there wasn't anything new that we needed that we didn't already have, just worn-out things that we finally needed to replace. We are thoroughly enjoying our new cookware, and with 5 children, you can imagine the egg timer has many uses both inside and out of the kitchen!!" |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Feb 28 2012 : 3:11:10 PM
Christine Johnson, (Miss kitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Get It Together badge.
"I went straight to the store and bought a manual knife sharpener, read the instructions, consulted my husband, then practiced until I was confident that I was sharpening my knives correctly!
I am still using the knife set I was given as a gift when I was married - over 10 years ago. I had given up hope that they would ever be sharp again, but I've been proven wrong, and I'm so glad!!" |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Mar 02 2012 : 1:27:26 PM
Heather Corbet, (MissHeatherLynn #3925) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I like finding buttons at yard sales but most of my buttons were passed down from my Nana and Mom. Trust me... I have more then 50.... but they are great for projects to add a little farmgirl touch!
I have a thing for color coding... I find old masson jars and keep like colors in a jar. For some reason it looks amazingly unique sitting on the table."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Mar 02 2012 : 1:30:17 PM
Justine Thompson, (JThomp #2904) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"I researched the health difference between raw honey and processed honey. I found a local vendor at our local farmer’s market. I read the book “Bees: Nature’s Little Wonders,” by Candace Savage.
I already knew some of the health benefits of raw honey mostly that it is good for colds, sore throats, and helps reduce pollen allergies. Honey contains enzymes and vitamins that are good for us and aid in healing wounds, sores, helps with stomach problems and several other things. The key difference in the two types of honey is that processed honey is heated and filtered. The heating process kills off the enzymes and some of the vitamins that would be beneficial to us. I found a vendor at my local farmer’s market that raises his own bees. I talked with him a bit and he gave me his card. He raises his bees about five miles from my home, so I’m very satisfied with just how local my honey is. I read Candace Savage’s book, “Bees: Nature’s Little Wonders,” and really enjoyed it. I learned so many things about bees that I didn’t know. I was intrigued by the dances they do to communicate to each other that they’ve found a source of nectar or a new place to live. I really enjoyed the poems that Savage included throughout the book. " |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Mar 02 2012 : 1:31:32 PM
Paula Black, (Sheepless in Seattle #2953) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level The Secret Life of Bees badge.
"I finished reading "Bees: Nature's Little Wonders" last summer - cute, interesting little book. I took a class on raising Mason bees as they seemed a whole lot easier than honeybees. And even though they don't make honey they are much more efficient at pollinating fruit crops than are honeybees. But then I learned that the Mason bee lifecycle was not going to coincide with the timing of my blueberry bushes.
But the upside is that the man who taught the class has an apiary shop and sells all things bees including raw honey. They had several kinds to taste, so I bought a few and brought them home and had the kids taste them and find a favorite. Looking on the internet I was amazed to find all the beneficial effects of raw honey (possible help with allergies, antiseptic, antioxidant, etc) that heat-processed honey does not provide." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 12:02:34 PM
Victoria Montoya, (EastTXFarmgirl #549) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"On January 28 I began a thread on MJR form “Working on gratitude badge together”. It was a daily posting of my gratitude and a daily reading from The Book of Awesome. Several ladies, also working toward the Gratitude Badge, joined me on the thread. Knowing that I had others depending on me to post daily readings encouraged me to continue. I had attempted this badge many times but in previous attempts the workings of life seemed to always get in the way and I would forget to write in my journal for several days and have to start all over.
It has been 33 days since my first post on the thread. I posted my daily gratitude and then a sort of out loud reading from The Book of Awesome. Several ladies joined me in posting their gratitude and read along. I enjoyed the time spent with each of these ladies and the time I had to stop and think about what I am truly grateful for." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |