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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:07:54 PM  Show Profile
Linda Mericle, (Bakermom #2064) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Aprons badge.

"I have designed a new line of aprons made from used shirts as well as jumpers.

My favorite one I sent as a gift to my sister. It is a his/hers double sided apron with the cuff of a sleeve used as a pocket! Some of the ones I am sewing I keep the collar on, others I remove it. I wear them all the time."

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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:09:44 PM  Show Profile
Lisa Birkner, (Lisa Marie #1196) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Recipes badge.

"I talked with Mom about food and meals as far back as she could remember. We went through one small recipe box.

I found a few recipes that had been forgotten, Finnin Haddie being one, brought to the US from Nova Scotia with my Great-Grandmom Rockwell. It needs getting used too. Looking forward to getting together again and going through my other great grandmom's recipe book."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:10:49 PM  Show Profile
Maria Day, (#3965) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Birds badge.

"I researched birds of the American River Parkway. I wrote down a wish list of birds that I hope to see on my walks.

It turned out well and I look forward to looking for these birds in the wild."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:46:41 PM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Greatest Generation badge.

"I have continued spending time with my friend Jerry. We spend hours talking. He encourages me to try new things in life and find the one thing I am really good at.
We have organized some of his photos. We found some of a childhood friend he has remained friends with for 86 years. They now have photos of when they were 2 years old together and one now at age 88.
I cooked his favorite meal of homemade spaghetti and meatballs.

It is so heartwarming to share my time with the elderly. They can teach us so much. We have a wonderful friendship."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:53:13 PM  Show Profile
Peggy Smith, (forever young #1815) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Recipes badge.

"I email with my family every day. We are always sending tried and true recipes to each other. Some are old family recipes that have been forgotten about until we look through recipes and find them.
After my Mom passed away, my Dad gave me a thick notebook full of recipes my Mom had cut out & pasted on paper, hand written recipes in her handwriting. It is such an heirloom.

I ask my aunts and cousins if they would hand write a few of their recipes on cards and send to me. They did.
I truly have an heirloom of family treasured recipes."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:54:44 PM  Show Profile
Dena Sawka, (denabeans #2989) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I made the decision to make my apron so that I can sew my badges that I earn to the apron. I chose a fun polka dot pattern and for the ties of the apron I picked out a matching ribbon. I have for whatever reason found sewing to be a bit intimidating (maybe its the machine??) Well no more! Time to conquer those crafting fears!

I am very pleased with the apron. The bottom hem is not perfect, but I am working on letting go of the perfectionism and enjoy the process. Time to fill it up with badges!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:56:03 PM  Show Profile
Dena Sawka, (denabeans #2989) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Buttoned Up badge.

"I was blessed by my grandmother to receive her button collection that has been passed down by her mother. I opted to get rid of the Maxwell House coffee tin and put mine in a spice rack re purposed for my buttons. I separated them by color (VERY time consuming) I have also obtained buttons from estate auctions. In addition, I was given as a gift from a dear friend of mine several buttons that she obtained while collecting and competing with her button collection. (I had no idea there were button competitions!!)I have (in my opinion) an awesome collection of these beautiful works of art. My 13 yo daughter has started her own collection as well.

I enjoyed my collection so much and because I had done so much research on my buttons, our pastor asked me to teach our ladies group about the history/types of buttons as well as teach them to make a button bracelet. It was a great time! The ladies enjoyed the lesson and I brought my buttons to share. We played several button games as well-guess how many buttons in the jar, a button scavenger hunt and a race to see who could find matching buttons in a mixed pile of buttons. We had a great time. It has been an addicting hobby! I am considering joining a local button club."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  1:57:33 PM  Show Profile
Maria Day, (#3965) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I asked my mother about buttons my grandmother had when I was a child. We would play with these buttons every time we went to visit her. Many of these buttons are now part of my new collection.

I love my buttons. This is going to be a fun thing to look for when out shopping at second hand stores and flea markets."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  2:37:12 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena #4153) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Know Your Roots badge.

"I was adopted and I discovered my biological family about 3 years ago when I petitioned to have my adoption papers opened.
After receiving my original birth certificate, I contacted the adoption agency and spoke to a woman who knew my family and birth mother. She gave me the names of my siblings (4 SISTERS!) and I was able to contact them. I learned that my bio-father was still living and in his 80's.

I called and spoke to all my sisters and Pops.
He and I talked about the "good old days", of fond memories of the 1st Cav (Army), "Mom" and growing up poor. I learned about his brothers and sisters and what life was like growing up in the 1930's.
My sisters filled me in about life with our parents and we talked about getting together."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  2:46:07 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena #4153) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Know Your Roots badge.

"After locating my biological family, I decided to continue with my ancestry research. Although I was at a dead end with research on my adopted family, my bio family proved easier. I used, Roots Web, the National Archives, Ellis Island site, and google searches to run the family names through.

AMAZING! I have actually been able to research my bio family's genealogy to 1705/6 on my father's side. My mother was a foster child so there are dead ends there. In addition, I am in contact with other families that may share links with my bio family. Research is continuing and I hope to be able to gather documents to prove much of the research ongoing."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  2:47:38 PM  Show Profile
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Blogging badge.

"I read Blogging for Bliss and picked out a blog of my own to start up.

The book was loaded with great information on how to start a blog which made it easy for me to start my own. I decided to blog about the house and homestead me and my family will be starting for ourselves in the next few years."
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  2:48:32 PM  Show Profile
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Blogging badge.

"I started up my own blog and emailed it to .

I am really excited about this blog and sharing my dreams with everyone. I can't wait to have some pictures and some more to say!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  3:26:41 PM  Show Profile
Elizabeth Guerrero, (Etguerrero #3709) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Blogging badge.

"I started a blog called Contemporary Farm Girl at . I've already written 13 posts, and I've requested that it be added to the GirlGab network.

It's going awesome! I love writing, and the best part is getting comments from other like-minded women. I've got 26 followers through Google Connect... very exciting for this small-town girl!"

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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  3:27:56 PM  Show Profile
Elizabeth Guerrero, (Etguerrero #3709) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Blogging badge.

"I've customized my Contemporary Farm Girl blog and love the way it looks. I've written 13 posts that all have photos, and I use facebook to connect with other bloggers and to comment on their posts.

It's so much fun! My favorite part is reading the comments that people leave on my posts, especially when they've tried a tutorial I posted and enjoyed it."

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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  3:29:16 PM  Show Profile
Elizabeth Guerrero, (Etguerrero #3709) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Let's Get Physical badge.

"I've started eating fresh salad for lunch every day at work, and I'm eating smaller portion sizes at dinner. I take less than I would normally put on my plate, and usually I find that that's enough to fill me up. I'm also trying to eat less sweets, which is very difficult!

I'm getting leaner and feeling more energized and strong. It's great!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  3:30:34 PM  Show Profile
Christine Johnson, (Misskitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level What's Your Beef? badge.

"I just finished reading the book "BEEF: The Untold Story of How Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World". I am not a history buff, so the first half of the book was a little difficult to get through. But the second half, which speaks more about our contemporary history with cows and how we have come to treat them as a society, was fascinating. It provided me with even more knowledge and motivation to support ranchers who provide us with grass-fed beef.

With that extra motivation, my husband and I have made our final decision on which local provider we'd like to buy from, and are planning a trip to take our family out to tour his farm and operation. We are very excited about our decision!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 19 2012 :  3:32:06 PM  Show Profile
Christine Johnson, (Misskitty #3760) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Bustin' Out badge.

"For the month of February, I tried one new organic food per week.
Week one: Organic spaghetti sauce
Week two: Organic rolled quick oats
Week three: Local organic eggs
Week four: Organic whole wheat spaghetti (to go with the organic sauce, which we loved!)

I have enjoyed discovering all of the organic alternatives to the foods I regularly feed my family!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:30:50 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.

"I've thrown out almost every toxic chemical in our house. We do have some bleach, but that's just for emergencies. We use only green products from the store and some I've made with vinegar, baking soda etc. There are so many simple ways to clean up without all the expensive cleaners!

My grocery budget is much leaner with fewer high priced chemicals!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:32:13 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Going Green badge.

"We have all green cleaners (do have some bleach in reserve for emergencies)for each area of the house. I have written a mission statement for our house:
"To keep our family safe from toxic chemicals, fumes and residues, I pledge to use only green cleaners in our household."
I have quite the collection of print-outs and notes from the internet on green cleaning and living and share ideas with people I chat with.

Our lungs are happier, our heads feel better and I am very thankful for taking this step in changing things over. Yippee! :)"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:34:52 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.

"Last spring I helped some friends clean up all their manure/hay from the winter. We were digging it up and getting it to their compost pile. It was a lot of work, but it felt great to help them with it.

They didn't get it all finished the day I helped, but it certainly put a large dent in it!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:36:13 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Spirit badge.

"I actually started this in March of 2010. All the ladies were intrigued, but slightly confused as to what we were all doing. I showed them the MJF books and magazines. We wore aprons and I shared why I was a farmgirl and asked if they thought they were one too. It was a funny meeting and I forgot to take pictures. I did remember to take pictures at subsequent ones, which I will upload below.

Even though the first meeting was entirely comical, it turned out great because I have met so many wonderful ladies from the great state of Minnesota and beyond!"

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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:37:28 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Know Your Food badge.

"I read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Loved it! I didn't do the sprouts, as they always make my tummy feel funny. I found that if I have fruit in the fridge and on the counter, the kids eat it more often for snacks. We are all home all day, so this is great for the hunger pains in the middle of the day. We've also been eating way more salads and I've been filling the salads with a ton of veggies. The kids have done really well.
So here are 10 ways of incorporating more fresh fruit and veggies:
1.Frozen berries for smoothies!
2. Offer fruit and veggies as a snack instead of bread or cookies
3. Making homemade salsa or store bought salsa for a snack.
4. Eating veggie loaded salads
5. Grapefruit for breakfast! Yummm!
6. Cutting up apples into slices for easy snacking.
7. Cutting grapevines into small chunks so they can grab a handful instead of sitting and picking.
8. Carrots fresh from the garden and right from the ground...makes it so adventurous!
9. Clementines are easier to peel than oranges.
10. Cut up broccoli/cauliflower so it's ready to snack on straight from the fridge.
We have been eliminating hydrogenated oils from our house for a very long time and never buy anything with artificial sweetner in it. The only thing left to kick out of the house with hydrogenated oils is the ice cream...which we only have on special occasions.

It's really been a 10+ year battle to get the bad stuff out. It's so hard to get rid of those old favorites. I've found that if it's not in the house, we aren't tempted by it! It's all about shopping smart and only bringing in what we want in our bodies!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:41:51 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"Before we moved last year, I really went on a purge of all my tupperware. I decided I really didn't want to use it anymore and got rid of almost all of it. I did buy some small inexpensive ones to help with kid meals on the go. But everything has a lid!

It was so liberating to get rid of all those things I was constantly battling! I love my new streamlined kitchen!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:42:37 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.

"I have had more than I need for a complete working kitchen and I know that I'll always find one more thing to add, but really I am set for our kitchen. I've enjoyed being able to pass on items or donate things I don't use anymore. More cupboard space and an easier time in the kitchen! My new home has allowed me to store the seldom used items/seasonal in a space outside my kitchen. Love the ease of it!

While I'll always need more things to replace worn out ones. I'm so glad that I can really say that I can do most anything in my kitchen! It's only with more skills in new endeavors where I'll need to add to my list again!"
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Queen Bee

16463 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16463 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2012 :  10:47:30 AM  Show Profile
April Choate, (Sonshine4u #658) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"I'm so excited! I just started our flock of laying hens last Friday! We have 27 hens. 10 Plymouth Barred Rock, 12 New Hampshire Reds, and 5 Ameraucanas. We ordered the chicks from WELP, which is in IA. It was fun to get all ready for them and to pick them up from the post office. They are growing so fast!
I almost went crazy looking for organic feed, but I found some that I didn't have to drive a million hours for or pay the big bucks for shipping.

They are all alive still and from the picture you will see how cute they are! We are in the midst of getting the big coop ready for when we move them outside. For now they are in our heated garage with a toasty heat lamp."

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