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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  11:21:46 AM  Show Profile
Laci Wilcox, (foxxywilcox #1381) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Civic Heritage badge.

"I live in a small mountain community and accompanied my child on a field trip to a our local history museum.

It was really interesting learning about how they cut the roads that lead up higher in the mountains, the logging history of our state and how they transported the logs in huge wooden canals that went for miles. Our town got their name for the logging trucks and horses paying a toll before they headed up the mountain. We learned the history of our schools and way of life up here. It was very eye opening and really awesome to see the artifacts that survived the travels of the wagon trains of pioneers that traveled this way."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  11:22:31 AM  Show Profile
Laci Wilcox, (foxxywilcox #1381) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Families badge.

"I recently lost my grandfather on my mother's side who is also a farmgirl. Being there for her at the hospital and helping with my grandmother was a big help to her.

It was really difficult but I learned that staying together and being there for one another we can get through anything as a family. Even death. Spending more time with my grandmother to keep her company has been beneficial to all of us with the healing process. Mostly for my mothers peace of mind to know that there is someone there with her and she is not by herself."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  11:23:46 AM  Show Profile
Tara Layne, (Sweet_tea #2974) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner and intermediate level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I took the Wilton Cake decorating course 1 in 2008. And ever since then, I have been making cakes for birthdays, special occasions or just because I want to.

I am making a wedding cake in June for a friend of mine that is getting married.

I can do fondant, royal icing and the buttercream icing. I am really good at roses and leaves.

I have several icing tips and re-usable icing bags.

My business has a booth at Relay for Life and our walk is on April 27th. My assistant and I are making cupcakes and decorated pastries for the relay."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  11:24:35 AM  Show Profile
Tara Layne, (Sweet_tea #2974) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I have collected 7 reusable bags to shop with.
Some I bought from our grocery store, and some I sent away upc labels and got them from companies.

I use them everytime I go to the store. The Bi-LO next to me also gives you $.05 back per bag that you use instead of using the plastic bags that they have.

It's turned out pretty good, actually. I have saved a lot of money over my shopping trips and you can actually fit more food and things in the shopping bags than you can in the plastic ones that they give out.

I do recycle the plastic bags if I wind up with them."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  11:25:37 AM  Show Profile
Tara Layne, (Sweet_tea #2974) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.

"The last quarter I was in school, I had a marketing class that required us to write a business plan. I wrote it, with what I thought would be my business plan. Well since I have graduated things changed and I re-wrote the business plan.
I started researching what really went into opening up my clinic. I had all kinds of DHEC hoops to jump through, licenses with the city, the state and even a national license.
After I figured out how much money was actually going to go into opening up my practice, my husband and I decided to sell our herd of cattle. Half of the money went to open my business and the other half went to get replacement heifers to build the herd back up.
I had my big sign made for the front of the office, I advertised with the local community magazine. I had the newspaper come out and write an article on me and I opened up on Monday August 29, 2011.

The business has steadily began to grow. Between referrals and repeat business, I have gotten so busy that I had to hire an assistant.
We are pretty active in the community and involved in Relay for Life, which is on April 27th.
Things are going very well. In fact, more so than I thought they would be going after being open for 9 months. :)"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:09:45 PM  Show Profile
Tosha West, (#3966) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"When my family and I lived in Japan I fell in love with the idea of having my reuseable bags we collected bags while we lived there. Now that we live back in Texas we shop at a natural food store that does not provide bags and places that do I love pulling out my bags and saying no thanks.

This project was very simple for my family and I we carry reuseable bags everywhere and the rare occasion I forget them we carry our stuff out."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:12:32 PM  Show Profile
Tosha West, (#3966) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.

"We recently moved to a ranch. The owners own horses. I have had the privilege in meeting a wild mustang! The owners adopted 3 mustangs about 6 months ago one of them has had a baby!
My son and I have really taken to these BEAUTIFUL creatures.
I have fallen in love with one in particular and have started working with the owners in "breaking" her meaning getting her ready to ride.
So the day before easter we got her saddled and I also got to ride her.
I feel that her and I just have this connection!

It turns out that our bond is so great that I will be adopting her!
I don't have a picture of her but I have a video of me riding her on my blog at "
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:13:29 PM  Show Profile
Tosha West, (#3966) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"We did this one with our local chapter "Hippie Chicks." Sister Amy hosted this get together. They were made with left over tea cups and saucers and mine was made out of a mason jar. I also gifted one to my son that of course I made to suit a boy.

We all now have a sewing kit!
The picture is my son's kit."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:14:13 PM  Show Profile
Tosha West, (#3966) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I decided to reuse a pair of jeans to make my half apron but I didn't just want to have that so I made a ruffle bottom and used the same fabric to make a strap and made it look like a belt.

Love it! It inspired me to reuse jeans that were too short on my daughter and turned them into a skirt."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:15:35 PM  Show Profile
Tosha West, (#3966) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Aprons badge.

"I took a pattern that I used to make my children's aprons and just made it bigger to fit me. I will be making a more frilly apron soon but for now this is perfect for the kitchen. I used leftover fabric."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:16:48 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena #3153) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.

"I was going to attend a local MJ Campout and needed to make an exchange gift and a hostess gift.
So I dug through my scrap basket and found enough matching material to make some pillows. I cut and sewed squares together for the front, put a thin batting and a backing behind it and hand quilted "in the ditch". Then I backed the pillow and inserted a pillow form to fit.

It turned out lovely, I made a shabby chic pink pillow and a blue pillow for the activities. I like them so much I decided to make an extra blue one for me! I can't wait until the next project!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  12:17:36 PM  Show Profile
Mary Duffel, (Madelena #3153) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Quilting badge.

"I was a member of a quilt guild that offered a challege for their quilt show. They gave us some 1930's fat quarters and asked that we make a traditional 1930's wall hanging. I researched quilt blocks that would have been used in 1930's quilts and also what a number of quilts looked like in that era.
I decided that I would used construct a traditional patchwork motif and made my personal challenge TRIANGLES! I completed the quilt top and had a friend show me how to do binding correctly. I entered the wallhanging in the contest for fun.

I thought it was a little stressful because there would be many quilters who would participate in the challenge that were way past my quilting level. However, I worked diligently on trying to make blocks with triangles that did not lose their points - always a challenge for me!
I spent hours on my first block agonizing over triangle points. But finally, I was able to greatly improve as I did more blocks.
My wallhanging did not win a prize, but for me the prize was having the courage to put an entry in a big show, and to challenge myself to improve."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:00:34 PM  Show Profile
Sallyann Dyer-Congdon, (Adirondack_roots #2973) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Scrapbooking badge.

"I am an avid scrapbook and have done many many books so far so I wanted to try something new to earn this badge. I used a printer's box (you can buy them at to make a collage for my friend Amanda's wedding.

Stupid me I didn't take a picture of it, but it turned out beautiful. I will definitely make more of these."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:03:24 PM  Show Profile
Sallyann Dyer-Congdon, (Adirondack_roots #2973) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Stargazing Chicks badge.

"I noticed in March that I could see Mars very close and bright in the Sky. I was really fascinated by it so the girls and I looked it up online. We ended up looking at star charts and which positions planets are in at different times of the year and when you can see them with the naked eye. We found out we could actually see 5 planets in March this year! As far as degrees of arc, I did search and read on that but think I will leave that up to the astronomers!

We saw Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn! Saturn was only visible after midnight so the girls were excited to stay up that late and look for it! I also taught them how to find Ursa Major and Minor and Orions belt. Those are the only ones I know! I showed them on star charts on the internet first."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:04:22 PM  Show Profile
Sallyann Dyer-Congdon, (Adirondack_roots #2973) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Birds badge.

"I used Teresa Julian farmgirl # 1348's link to to find birds native to NY state. From their list I made a list of all the native birds I have already seen and photographed.

Canada Goose-photographed
Wood Duck
Mallard Duck-photographed
Ring-necked Duck
Gray Partridge
Ruffed Grouse
Wild Turkey-photgraphed
Common Loon
Great Cormorant-photographed
Great Blue Heron/ Little Blue Heron
Turkey Vulture
Peregrine Falcon
Bald Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk-photographed
Mourning Dove
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Pileated Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay-photographed
American Crow
Barn swallow
Cliff swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Eastern Bluebird
American Robin
European Starling
House Sparrow
Northern Cardinal-photographed
Evening Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak
Red Wing Blackbird
American Goldfinch-photographed

I have seen quite a few in my backyard since I learned how much they love sunflower seeds over any other birdseed I have tried.

I'd love to see all the birds again since I got a much larger zoom lens for my camera, I can now take much better photos. And that way I can Journal my birds for the Intermediate Level. I'd like to get a purple martin or oriole to come to the house. And I'd like to set up some plants to attract hummingbirds.

I had to look up some of the birds I have seen to find out exactly what they were so I think I learned quite a bit from working on this badge."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:05:27 PM  Show Profile
Sallyann Dyer-Congdon, (Adirondack_roots #2973) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.

"My husband and I work for Corporate America at Corning Inc. We have wanted to start our own business for some time now. We finally have set down a timeline of 3 years at which time we hope to retire from Corning and work for ourselves fulltime. Our business will fall under the category of "property Management". It will include rentals, home repair, landscaping, gardening, etc. I have come up with the name "Heritage Homesteads" and applied for our DBA, a "Doing Business As ... number"

We are on our way to starting our business!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:06:58 PM  Show Profile
Laura Burdette, (lburdette #3859) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"For the beginner level, it was rather easy. I had to collect six reusable bags. I have six in my car at any one point in time. I even have a little sack rolled up in my pocketbook. Next was to commit to using them when I shopped. To be honest, I was much better at this in theory rather than practice. I could look in my trunk and make sure that they were there. I could tell myself I would no longer, use any type of store bag. But, inevitably a store bag would sadly wind up in my car, with me disappointed staring down at my trunk strewn with reusable bags. I decided one day that this had to change and that I had to get things in gear. I decided notes were going to be my friend to make this become a habit. I was on a mission. I decided to put notes on my dashboard, one in my wallet (I have left the store to go out to the car get bags and return... only once!) I have had success!

It has been wonderful! I committed to doing this for 21 days with no mistakes. I have been a successful. I have even dropped one of my bags occasionally in a cart for another while waiting in line. I feel good about my commitment. The noticeable less waste in my house is amazing. The kids and my husband do not ask about the missing plastic bags. I stuck a few in his car and he even uses them. My youngest will search the kitchen for one similar to the one I toss in my purse and clip it to his jeans. Until he has it, he is not ready to shop!"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:08:32 PM  Show Profile
Laurie Conner, (Montrose Girl #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Greatest Generation badge.

"I continued to spend time with our 90 year old neighbor. Over the time frame, I cooked her a loaf of bread, applesauce and a Mexican casserole. We take walks on occasion, otherwise we just visit. I also met another neighbor and was able to spend a few hours with her. She loved the interaction with my young son.

I enjoy spending time with these ladies. I get to hear stories of them raising children, sparked by the presence of my son, and how different life was. Both are full of adventures that make you laugh."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  1:10:51 PM  Show Profile
Deborah Cornett, (DeborahLynn #3980) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I collected the bags for my shopping trips. I had a few reusable bags already but I decided to splurge and buy some that have an insulated lining to help keep food cold on the way home. I really like them and I have to admit that they are really cute (so I will want to use them)! I am trying to do more bulk shopping to cut down on the number of trips I need to make to the store. I am committed to using my new reusable bags so I am storing them in the back of my van so I will have them whenever I need them.

Having the bags ready to go in the back of the van is wonderful! My local store actually gives you 2 cents back for every reusable bag you bring in so I am even saving money."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  2:10:05 PM  Show Profile
Michele Preston, (Batnthebelfry #2622) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Know Your Roots badge.

"Since most of my family has passed on I decided to create scrapbook genealogy books that not only give all the pics of that person but info on who they were, married to, names of children plus any stories I may have on them... this way I have a gift to give family members who may know very little of who their family really was. I was able to do a tape recording with my Uncle before he passed on that really helped me know who my grandparents were & some of their life that I didn't know. I am putting together genealogy scrapbooks to donate to the genealogy sections of the libraries in the States where my grandparents, ect lived so other future family have more info. 7 pics also.

So far it has gone well with the family members I have shared it with. Since there is so few of us left (3 sisters), we now get together every 2 yrs for a sisters reunion so that we can visit, talk & laugh about what we remember... its been a great experience doing this since I have always loved research & to find ancestors."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  2:12:50 PM  Show Profile
Michele Preston, (Batnthebelfry #2622) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Self-sufficiency badge.

"I have started working on herb gardens to better understand how to use them in cooking. I had grown herbs for years to use in my old fashioned lye soaps but never thought about creating herb blends for cooking... I have found that I love making all natural teas for family & friends who are tea drinkers instead of coffee. I invested in a herbal drying rack so I could use that instead of the food dryer... I like that I can see them as they dry & smell them when I walk by.

I must say creating a herb garden has been a lot of fun. Planting herb seeds I never planted before & watching them grow has been a joy & then to smell them drying in the house is great... though the cats seem to think some of it is for them so had to hang them higher. I have also found that living in Massachusetts some herbs do not do well if they have a long growing season & what too much rain does... I had basil the size of lettuce that even the chickens wouldn't eat after months of rain. I have been creating special blends for my tomatoes that I put in when I can them up... still learning to get the amounts right so far most are too bland but that will come with time I think."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 13 2012 :  2:17:04 PM  Show Profile
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (Suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner and intermediate level Shopping Green badge.

"The reusable bags started a long time ago for me. Three years ago I visited my son who is working with orphans in Kenya. While there I was struck by the ubiquitous plastic bags on every fence. The marred beauty hurt. So I picked up two of the local shopping baskets. Now I use them and an additional group of washable bags.

After my first read through the merit badges, I was shopping and saw a book on the clearance shelf about green cleaners. I picked it up and use several of the ideas already.

This badge saved one of my best pots. Shortly after I picked up the book on green cleaning, my husband boiled a pot dry. The burned stain in the bottom was awful, but I remembered an idea from the book. Put baking soda in the pot covering the stain and add white vinegar to make a paste. Keep adding vinegar if it gets dry. I waited two hours and the burned junk came right out.
Now as my other cleaners are used up, I'm replacing them with all green mixes."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 17 2012 :  10:43:34 AM  Show Profile
Deena Burnham, (Deena #3313) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I have been doing counted cross stitch for many years. This was a back up skill project which was a sampler and a great practice piece."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 17 2012 :  10:48:20 AM  Show Profile
Deena Burnham, (Deena #3313) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Cross-Stitch badge.

"I started this project about 4 years ago before a meltdown (my youngest of 3 daughters informed me recently that I had used up my quota of breakdowns)
So, two month ago I picked it back up 1/2 done. Right down the middle of the bird bath. Since then I found my place and finished and framed the piece. I did have a pattern, but I had to improvise a lot to make it match when I literally fell off.
This is a 14x11 counted cross stitch with 8 birds at a bird bath surrounded by hollyhocks.

I was really pleased with the final product. This has been a decoration in it's 1/2 finished state on a stretching rack for 4 years in a corner of my kitchen. It is so nice to see it hanging on the wall.
It inspired me to redecorate the entire corner of the house as a quiet place for me to watch the birds out my window and write."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Apr 17 2012 :  11:27:55 AM  Show Profile
Michele Preston, (batznthebelfry #2622) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner & intermediate level Recipes badge.

"I had in a metal box all the old recipes from family & friends that I never used cause I forgot they were there... so I got out the fancy paper & hand wrote them out so they could go into a nice colorful binder in the sections they belonged. This way when I am in the mood for old style cooking I just grab this binder. One sister wanted the recipes so I did her a binder but put in more blank paper for her to add to as the years go on.

Must say I love it. It's nice to have everything in one place & the binder is so colorful I never misplace it. Now I have been adding recipes to it from my antique cook books that I want to try & use... so now the poor books are getting dusty 'cause I grab the binder more often than them."
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