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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 12:46:57 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Bustin' Out badge.
"My family tried at least one new organic food each week for a month.
It was very interesting forcing ourselves to try something new once a week. There really wasn't anything crazy that we tried, many of the things we already eat come in an organic version that is usually better than what we were eating." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 12:50:17 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"I started a gratitude journal and read "The Book of Awesome" one a day each.
Once you get past the easy stuff that you are greatful for and really sit and think about what you have that others may not, it really starts to make an impact on you. How many people can really say that they are thankful for their jobs that they love? I am a nurse by the way." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 12:51:24 PM
Sarah Houlihan, (Houligan19 #3828) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Shutterbugs badge.
"I had taken a class in college on photography and actually worked as a photographer for a short time.
I am having a lot of fun taking pictures of all the projects I am working on out in my mini farm. I have started posting the pictures on my blog ( as I am finishing more projects."
Queen Bee
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16475 Posts |
Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 12:52:47 PM
Joan Nordquist, (Simple Living #3842) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.
"I just love black crows. Any shape, style, on paper, ceramic etc. I purchased the hanging crow many years ago and thought this would be a time to try out my drawing/coloring technique.
I used Marvy brush marker No. 1 black for outlining the crow and lettering. Then I colored the inside using General's Kimberly watercolor 715 black and then used Crayola crayon for shading in Timberwolf (grey). I think it's cute, but I'm very partial to crows :)" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 12:53:48 PM
Joan Nordquist, (Simple Living #3842) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"Microwaves – Mix 1/2 of water with a few teaspoons of baking soda in a microwave safe bowl. Put the bowl in the microwave and run it for 2 minutes. Take out the bowl and wipe it clean with just a rag; every last spot will come out
Spotless and no choking smell while cleaning." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 1:00:13 PM
Sarah Corley, (Valkyrie922 #4069) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I searched for a few days for a free, easy pattern for a half apron that appealed to me. Finally I found this one: So, then I found a pillowcase that I thought would make a cute apron, and dug in. I actually spent more than two hours working on this, and I threw in some buttons & buttonholes for embellishment.
I think the final result is really cute, and I wore the apron all day today, BUT I am a little too big around the middle for this apron to really work for me. If I lose 5 or 6 inches off my hips, I think it will work just fine. I never thought I would say that an apron didn't fit! I will definitely have to make some more aprons because I like wearing them - they are so handy, no matter what I'm doing - and they will extend the life of all my clothes.
Also, a friend of mine came over today. She closed the door as she got out of her car and started talking about running errands in town, and then she turned around and interrupted herself: "Is that an apron?!"
"Yeah, I made it yesterday." I proceeded to tell her about how I thought it was too small.
"You made that out of a pillowcase, didn't you?"
I smiled and took it off, "Yeah, here. Try it on." Of course, it looked really cute on her, and she said that she was going to find some old pillowcases and bring them to me so I could make her a couple!"
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:42:52 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Blogging badge.
"I purchased and read the very informative book "Blogging for Bliss: Crafting Your Own Online Journal: A Guide for Crafters, Artists & Creatives of all Kinds by Tara Frey". My topic is my farm lifestyle. I have included tutorials, recipes, stories,and good old fashioned chit-chat.
I have been posting on my blog for over a year now."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:44:54 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Blogging badge.
"I have been blogging for a year. I chose blogspot as my host for my blog and I have added my blog to MaryJanesFarm .
The URL for my blog is ."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:46:27 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Blogging badge.
"I have learned how to add pictures and customize my blog. I have publish over 75 posts along with photos. I have created a blogging circle by visiting other blogs, writing comments, and leaving my blog’s address so they can visit my blog.
I have created several pages including a "grateful" page. I have still yet to figure out how to do certain links, but even after a year I am still learning. I had 36 posts in 2011 and already have 39 posts in 2012. All posts have pictures."
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:57:39 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Green Energy badge.
"I spent an afternoon at the local library doing a lot of research, as I have a difficult time understanding energy. I also visited our power company's website and visited the local Rural Electric Company.
According to the most recent issue of the “Monthly Energy Review” by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, renewable energy (biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, wind) provided 10.51% of domestic U.S. Other findings report as low as 4% provided by renewable energy. Our power company offers a program called "Pure Power". It allows you to purchase REC"S (Renewable Energy Credit). Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), also known as “green tags,” are proof that 1 megawatthour (MWh) of renewable energy was generated and delivered to the regional power pool. They represent the environmental attributes of the power produced from renewable energy projects. I discussed this with the girls from my local Farmgirl Chapter, and sadly during this period with the economy the way it is, no one felt they could afford to pay the extra charges for Pure Power." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 1:58:56 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Water Conservation badge.
"I have checked for leaks around the house. I made a list of ways I can save water. 1) I will place a tote in the shower when running water to get warm water and put it in the bathtub for bathing use. Then I will only add hot water until I have the amount I need. My shower and bathtub are separate so this is an easy task. 2).I will use bath water to water plants. 3). I will place water in a reusable bottle and use it to brush out teeth as to save from running water. I will make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are full before running a load.
You can see on my blog the steps I went through to replace a leaky faucet. After bathing we bucket the water into a tote to use for watering plants and the garden. Sometimes we use it to bath the dog and then water the garden.
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 3:07:19 PM
Anita Kammerdiener, (#4035) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I purchased 6 reusable grocery bags at Giant Eagle, I will use them every time I get groceries. I also reuse the plastic ones I already have, can't wait to get them used up.
I like how the reusable bags are not as easy torn with boxes. They are sturdier to use too." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 3:31:39 PM
Anita Kammerdiener, (#4035) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"I cleaned out my cupboard, I could not believe how many containers there were without lids. It was crazy.
My cabinet is so much neater and you can find what you need when you need it. Thank you." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 3:39:59 PM
Emily Race, (Simply Satisfied #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Let's Get Physical badge.
"Eight weeks ago I joined the local gym. I found I just couldn't workout at home. There were too many distractions and chores. Since joining I have routinely attended a spinning class and on the other days I go to the gym I enjoy various cardio machines.
I am eating smaller meals and making healthier choices. Although chocolate does sneak in some.
I have lost ten pounds and I really notice the inches slipping away. I didn't actually measure but things are definitely fitting better. I am really enjoying the workouts both physically and mentally.
I signed up for a 12K next month and have been really trying to improve my running endurance." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Apr 30 2012 : 3:41:51 PM
Justine Thompson, (JThomp #2904) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Unprocessed Kitchen badge.
"I chose to make a homemade version of salt and pepper potato chips. I sliced the potatoes in my food processor, coated them with olive oil, sprinkled them with sea salt and pepper and baked them in the oven until crispy.
They were so tasty and definitely worth making again." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:06:34 PM
Norma Hart, (njhart #1661) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I found some muslin bags and the with my machine, embroidered the following catagories ,one on each of the six bags; Fruit,Veggie, Meats, Baked, Dairy & Misc.
I am glad to have six bags the same. I have had reuseable bags, but only a couple. I commit to having these bags ready at hand as I do my shopping.
They came out rather nice. I know I won't worry about what items get put in what bag, the idea is to have enough bags as to not take home any plastic bags at all in the future."
Queen Bee
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:07:55 PM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.
"A friend and I decided we needed to be more physically active. Our daughters are not the same age, but attend the same dance studio. We decided to try it. It has been a lot of fun and a great exercise program. I did not lose a lot of weight but has helped with endurance and muscle tone. I have attended class every Tuesday since September and our recital is this coming Saturday.
When I first started class, I could hardly keep my breath. We dance to Tina Turner's "Rolling Down the River". Now we run thru the dance at least 4 times a lesson. I am sweating, but not out of breath." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:08:54 PM
Tami Linamen, (#4029) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Birds badge.
"I contacted our local extension office and asked for info about native birds in western PA. The information will help in 2 ways. I have read it for this project and my daughter will use it for her Girl Scout I.P. Birds.
There is a hawk that has a nest on the next street over. It is amazing to watch. I have some wonderful pictures of it. I pulled into the drive way and it was sitting on a low branch of a tree by our walkway. One day a couple of weeks ago, we watched it scoop down and scoop up a bunny. The kids were a little yucked by it but amazed that it could fly holding a bunny." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:10:26 PM
Lora Rosencrans, (FARMALLchick #358) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilling badge.
"I gave myself a challenge - see how many badges I can earn without spending a dime. For this one, I looked up online how to make the shapes. I cut my own strips from used note paper and since I didn't have any glue where I'm at today, I used clear tape. For the card, I used a 3x5 index card and a green marker for the stem.
I think it's cute. I am going to try to use more scrap paper this way. Wouldn't it be fun to put a color wash on plain paper to see what happens?"
Queen Bee
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:11:16 PM
Lora Rosencrans, (FARMALLchick #358) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Wild Game badge.
"I started on the Indiana DNR webpage. I read about the different types of game that are found in Indiana - the biggest being White Tail Deer and in southern Indiana - Wild Boar. I read about the laws and regulations concerning hunting, bag/tag limits, age requirements for different licenses and seasons. I also learned how quickly game should be field dressed and processed to prevent spoilage.
I was able to refresh my education on the rules and regulations of hunting and game processing. Now I just need to get a license and go hunting. I used to go with my husband, but when I out shot him, he wouldn't take me anymore!" |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:12:19 PM
Lora Rosencrans, (FARMALLchick #358) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Let's Get Physical badge.
"Back in February, I set a goal for myself to go gluten free. It's not been easy, but I've stuck to it. I signed up for a gluten free online cooking class. I checked out books from the library and did research online.
I don't eat bread and I read every single label before food ever passes my lips! I've lost 2 pant sizes and am still going strong. I am still trying to get my family more involved. They are reluctant, but willing." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:13:01 PM
Lora Rosencrans, (FARMALLchick #358) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Let's Get Physical badge.
"Expanding my effort to go gluten free, I have managed to drop more pounds. My family is getting on board and trying to limit the about of gluten products they eat. We have all but stopped eating out, and only order salads with grilled meat when we do go out.
It's going well and even my boss and co-workers have noticed. At the last company dinner, there was a basket of rolls right in front of me and I didn't even flinch! Before, I would have snarfed down 3 before the meal arrived." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 1:14:18 PM
Lora Rosencrans, (FARMALLchick #358) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.
"When our home burned in October 2011, we decided that upon rebuilding, we would use a contractor that would utilize products made in the USA or North America.
The construction is underway and we look at everything that comes in. The concrete blocks were made locally, the lumber has come from Oregon and Canada. The bricks are made in here in Indiana. The steel roofing is made in the USA. The insulation is USA along with the plumbing and fixtures. Unfortunately, some of the lighting has come from overseas. The paint will be American made. The furniture, although parts come from overseas, the assembly is American."
Queen Bee
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 2:00:06 PM
Beth Kresge, (bkresge #4091) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have gathered up and/or sewed together six reusable fabric shopping bags and taken them on several trips to the store.
My fabric bags are great! I love the sturdy construction and handles - I can carry so much more, so much more easily. I love not having zillions of plastic bags floating around after my shopping trips." |
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - May 01 2012 : 2:04:42 PM
Beth Kresge, (bkresge #4091) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"I researched using safer, non-toxic products to clean my house. I decided to incorporate vinegar and baking soda into my cleaning routines. I have also purchased a steam mop for cleaning floors without the use of chemicals.
I have young children, and I'm glad to eliminate whatever chemicals I can from our house. I wish I had known of a way to clean my floors without using toxic [strong-smelling!] products when my boys were babies crawling around on the floor!" |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |