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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Jun 19 2012 : 3:53:39 PM
Tammy Claxton, (Tammy Claxton #152) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.
"The chicken coop that my husband and I built is made from all recycled materials! The coop is made from a Little Tikes playhouse and it is used for the younger hens before introducing them to the older hens.The wood is left over from other projects and used for nesting boxes and a door. The screen is from old windows too!
The coop turned out great! It's roomy for the "girls" and easy to clean. It also stays cooler in the summer and easy to clean on the outside as well as the inside!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 19 2012 : 3:55:23 PM
Pamela Lobaugh, (Sugar Girl #4235) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"I live at 7,200 feet and we are just putting out our garden. I decided try heirlooms after reading more about it here, I ordered seed from heirloom seed savers on ebay, got them, and spent the day getting them in (I've had my beds ready for a month, just waiting for it to get warm), glad I did so I could try these old varieties. I would say I planted 10% so far in heirlooms. I had started Peppers and tomatoes indoors 2 months back so none of them are Heirlooms but plan to use them next year, want to try Brandywine, black krim and others. I also got Gardening with Heirloom Seeds from the library.
So planned and planted. Time will tell, I put in several varieties of each ex.. Ronde de Nice Summer Squash, Speckled Hound Squash, Red Swan Beans, Fin Des Bagnol Beans, Golden Beets, and Chioggia Beets, so I could see which ones grow the best up here."
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Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 25 2012 : 1:07:25 PM
Nicole Strait, (KansasFarmMomma #4209) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Wild Game badge.
"Research different types of wild game. - Out here in Kansas, the most common things to hunt for food are deer(white & mule), quail, pheasant, duck, goose, turkey, & squirrel. Some folks do also hunt things like turtles, beaver, antelope & rabbit for food but it is not very common. We personally eat a LOT of venison. In the region we live in, my husband and I can EACH take up to 6 deer per year. We usually harvest about 4 and that gives us enough venison to make it through the year. On years that we have a little extra money we’ll take an extra doe and have her made into sausage. Once we get the equipment to do it ourselves we will make it every year. We also hunt pheasant & turkey for food.
Research safe handling of wild game meats. - Wild game is definitely different when it comes to handling than store-bought meat. Some of the safe practices we are always sure to use is keeping the meat cold at all times, using gloves when butchering, with large game we always cut open & check the liver because often times, if the liver is bad, the whole carcass is bad. With small game, the outside & inside are always thoroughly checked for anything that looks “off”.
Research the laws in your area concerning wild game. A good place to start is your state’s Department of Fish & Game website. - Kansas has great laws when it comes to wild game. Long seasons, high bag limits, there isn’t any place better to go hunting. They publish a book every year with all of the hunting regulations in it. It’s wise to keep a copy in the pickup, in the house, anywhere you might need to refer to it quickly. The Kansas Parks & Wildlife website has all the same information but it is really not very easy to follow.
Hunting is part of our very survival so it's something we always have to be knowledgeable about."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 25 2012 : 1:09:59 PM
Nicole Strait, (KansasFarmMomma #4209) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an intermediate level Wild Game badge.
"Successfully complete a hunter safety program -I completed my hunter safety program years ago.
Go hunting with someone who has a license. - I have my own license so I usually go hunting alone although I have gone deer & pheasant hunting with my husband.
Make your own jerky or sausage. - Every year I make venison jerky with cajun spice seasoning & Worcestershire sauce. It always is amazing although it takes forever to make. I usually make about 10lbs a year.
Well the hunting trips with my husband while fun, are usually unsuccessful. The jerky is wonderful however!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 25 2012 : 1:11:36 PM
Nicole Strait, (KansasFarmMomma #4209) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an expert level Wild Game badge.
"Buy a hunting license and go hunting. - I buy a hunting license every year although I am hoping to get drawn for an antelope tag this year!
Follow proper care in the field while dressing. -We don’t usually field dress the deer unless we shoot them very early in the day on a day that the other person is out hunting as well. We hunt all around the farm, none of which is more than a mile from the house. I actually shot my first deer just outside my yard. It was on the other side of the horse pasture. Once we get the deer loaded, we take them over to the haybarn to dress them. The scent glads are always removed from the legs asap, the carcass is skinned & gutted, and thoroughly washed out. It is then wrapped in sheets and hung in the barn for a couple of days(provided it is cold out) to age. My husband and I have got the process down to where he & I can skin, gut, wash, hand & wrap a deer in less than 30 minutes.
Process your game or visit a local processor to learn about the following: importance of temperature control aging cutting and the location of various cuts curing and smoking - All of these are things are knowledge that we use on a regular basis. We always make sure the temperature is cool enough, the meat is aged as long as possible to ensure the best flavor, we always cut our cuts small to get more meals out of them(i.e. three 1lb roasts versus one 3lb roast). We don’t do any curing or smoking. We just freeze & then cook it(unless I’m making jerky and then we use the dehydrator) Use as much of the animal as possible for culinary purposes and otherwise. Nothing of the animal goes to waste. All of the edible meat goes in our freezer, the hides are brain tanned and then used for crafts, most of organ meats are fed to the dogs as part of their semi-raw diet and the bones are given to the dogs to chew on. It’s not uncommon in the winter to see our Corgi running around dragging an entire deer leg behind him. Nothing is wasted. Even the scrap pieces like the intestines, etc are hauled out to the pasture and left for the coyotes & vultures to eat.
Well we have a freezer full of venison so I would say it was rather successful :-D"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 25 2012 : 1:12:57 PM
Nicole Strait, (KansasFarmMomma #4209) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an intermediate level Woman-at-Arms badge.
"After completing your hunter safety course, further familiarize yourself with your gun and spend at least 20 hours at a firing range to earn this badge.
- On average, I spend approximately 10-15 hours a month on the range. Between practicing trap & skeet, practicing for hunting season(sighting in the rifle, etc), & maintaining my proficiency with my handgun I spent far more time on the range than I planned to. In the past 6 months I have spent approximately 50 hours at the range(I missed Jan because I had a baby in Dec). It’s a fun but expensive hobby. Ammo is getting expensive!!!
I can maintain a solid vital shot on a deer from 350 yards so I'd say the time at the range turns out pretty good."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 25 2012 : 2:32:35 PM
Thelma Adams, (Thelma #3568) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.
"I really enjoyed making my button bracelet. I used supplies from the jewelry making dept. at my local craft store. I purchased a bracelet, some small rings, and the buttons. I opened the rings and slipped them into the button holes, then used a small pliers to close the rings again. I set up a blue and brown pattern and enjoyed watching my bracelet grow into a nice piece of jewelry.
I really enjoy wearing my bracelet, and when I do someone always comments on it. I have arthritis so struggled to pinch the rings so they would not reopen, but as the piece grew so did my need to finish it. I plan of making some more of these bracelets to give as gifts. I want to use buttons from my stash for these gifts."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 25 2012 : 3:08:30 PM
Thelma Adams, (Thelma #3568) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have reusable bags in every shape, size, and color. I have been working very hard this spring to remember to use them. I keep some in both of my truck and van, and a few around the house as they come in very handy when I want to pack things for when I'm on the move. Since I have a hard time remembering to take them into the stores, I came up with this idea. When I put my purse in a vehicle I place it in an empty reuseable bag an add more reuseable bags also. When I get to the stores I grab my purse and the bags are right there.
This is a work 'in progress'. I am getting better at reusing the bags, but if I forget I ask for paper, and I never allow baggers to bag things like milk, laundry detergent, watermelons, cereal boxes - you get the idea. When I'm forced to use plastic I always recycle them as small wastebasket liners, storage bags, wet bathing suit bags, ect." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:07:43 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I have been gathering up buttons for quite some time. I have bought a few, found some at yard sales and also cut buttons off of clothes that I used for quilt blocks.
I sort my buttons by color and store them in baby food jars."
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Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:09:19 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Little Squirts badge.
"I walked around my house and checked each door. I oiled the doors that squeaked. I also oiled the chain on my grandson's bike. I make sure my tools are wiped off after each use and I oil them as needed and at the beginning and end of each season.
My doors are now squeakless and my grandson can ride his bike with less effort." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:10:35 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Little Squirts badge.
"I adjusted the screws on the bathroom door because it was rubbing when closing.
Now the door closes easily and no more rubbing." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:11:31 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Recipes badge.
"I asked all of my relatives at our Family reunion on June 9th to email me a few recipes so that I can put together a family cookbook. I have received a few already that I am starting to work on.
When I get all the recipes put together, I will make a cookbook and all my family members will receive a copy." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:12:24 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Get It Together badge.
"I have gone through my kitchen and made up a list of things that would like. I added a food processer, more wooden spoons, a blender and more storage containers. I gave a lot of things that I had extra of to my daughter when she got married.
My kitchen is more tidy and will be more efficient when I purchase the things on my list." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:13:21 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Greatest Generation badge.
"I have been spending a lot of time with my mother. We sit and talk or work in her garden. She is 80 years old and loves to have people spend time with her since my father died. Besides spending many hours with her at home, we spent time talking at the lake in Oklahoma this weekend.
It is fun to hear the stories that my mom tells about when my siblings and I were younger." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:14:12 AM
Deborah Meyer, (dmeyer #4099) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Greatest Generation badge.
"I have gone on vacation with my mom for the past two years. Last year, we went to the Amish Country in Indiana for a week. I took lots of picture of us on vaction and put them in an album to share with my mom.
Vacationing with my mom is a great way to spend time together and to see places that neither one of us have seen before. We are leaving on our next vacation together on July 9th. We are heading to New Orleans. :)" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:53:51 AM
Pamela Lobaugh, (Sugar Girl #4235) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"I just put my pullets out (they have been in my shower, ugh). First time chicken raiser, only allowed 6. I get organic vegetables from a Select Foods in town, an organic vegetable market. They save me their trimmings and throw away vegetables.
So far so good. Glad to have them out of my house. And they're happy to be out. Next is to build them a better coop."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:58:16 AM
Pamela Lobaugh, (Sugar Girl #4235) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Cross-Stitch badge.
"Finished my first ever counted cross-stitch. Just saw there was a badge for it. A friend from church showed me how. Going tomorrow to needlecraft group at our library, where I will start a new one, Fun!
It turned out not too bad."
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Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 10:59:19 AM
Pamela Lobaugh, (Sugar Girl #4235) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.
"I have several compost piles, 2 of which I grow my potatoes in, as the the plants grow, I add more kitchen and garden wast, in the picture I just added tomato skins. When the potatoes are ready I just lift the hardware cloth cylinder up and harvest my potatoes.
It works very well."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:00:18 AM
Pamela Lobaugh, (Sugar Girl #4235) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Woman-at-Arms badge.
"The hunter’s safety class is a 10hr class in CA. The closest class is an hour away and only given when they have a group of 12 or more at this time only 2 people are requesting the class, the fee is $10. I will keep in touch with the instructor, he has me on the list. I will say I am not a hunter and not interested in hunting but it is a skill I need to have. I do own a registered shot gun and know how to use it.
Been reading up on safety until the class starts."
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Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:31:33 AM
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"I continued my Gratitude Journal for another month. I finished reading "Awesome" before the first month was over. The Letter to the Editor was interesting because it was directed to a fellow residence after a very bad situation occurred. When a police cruiser, ambulance, and fire truck had difficulty getting through an intersection, I was angry and wrote a letter. I sent a thank you card to the local Emergency Room. They were so caring when my Grandmother was killed several years ago in a car accident.
The gratitude journal continues to bring me joy and remind me of all my blessings. I hope the Letter to the Editor will remind everyone to think when they see emergency vehicles, especially since one of those workers is my daughter. As for the card to the ER, I will never know how or who it will affect, but it did remind me of the good people that appear at the darkest points in life." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:32:56 AM
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.
"My home is new to us and little of the lawn is grass, so the change to a Butterfly Garden was already in my plans. One of the best parts of the garden was finding local, native grasses at the Nature Conservancy.
I love watching the fluttering wings. For water, I found a stone that my grandfather used for grinding. It has a small hole just right for a small amount of shallow water. The seeds I saved were from my Columbine last season. I can't describe the feeling when the seeds broke through the ground."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:33:48 AM
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.
"Watching local horses was a blast. Carrying the book "The Soul of a Horse" openned a surprising door for me to meet a horse up close. One of the students I am teaching this summer works for a stable. When she saw the book we began talking and I went with her to meet some of the horses. Although I am drawn to Paint horses, there were none at this stable."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:35:05 AM
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an intermediate level Horse Dreams badge.
"The internet makes research a breeze. I learned so much about Paint Horses, and reading "The Soul of a Horse" was profound.
Paint Horses interest me. I did not realize until I started the study that a Paint Horse means more than the spotted coloring. A true Paint must be breed from Quarter Horses and Thoroughbred bloodlines. While the spotting confirmations are called Overo, Tobiano and Tovero demending on where and how the spots appear. But more than this knowledge was the change reading the book made in how I look at my interactions with all animals. Animals are not humans and not humanizing their action or needs make all the difference. It changed my mental picture of animals."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:36:15 AM
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.
"My kids always said my stick figures didn't look like people, so this was a BIG deal for me. I found that I can draw.
I signed up for a short class on Seeing Like an Artist. It made me look differently at the world. This is just one of the pictures I've drawn since the class."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 26 2012 : 11:37:24 AM
Sue Sensenbaugh-Padgett, (suellen5 #3992) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level First Aid badge.
"First aid kits, fire extinguishers, and keeping smoke detectors clean come from my husband's military experience. Always be prepared.
So far, I have not needed the first aid kits, extinguishers, or smoke detectors and hope I don't have to use them. But I do feel better knowing where to find them if I do need them." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |