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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Aug 24 2012 : 1:14:25 PM
Nancy Witko, (Annielaurel #2301) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Aprons badge.
"I drew out a pattern for an apron that I saw in a book about 1930's. I used that to make a pattern and then used an old tablecloth as fabric. I wore the apron into my little town and got so many wonderful comments on it. I then made another one to give to my sister-in-law.
My sister-in-law reall loves her apron. I have worn mine a couple of more times into town. I think the one I made from the tablecloth turned out really nice."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 11:25:57 AM
Amanda VanDusen, (AmandaVanDusen #4117) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Blogging badge.
"I read the book Blogging for Bliss. I decided to write a blog about my family and all of our activities. I even got my husband interested in helping out with some of the posts!
It's great, I love it!" |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 11:26:40 AM
Amanda VanDusen, (AmandaVanDusen #4117) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Blogging badge.
"I started a blog on Blogger. I've written and published 5 posts so far. I emailed to be added to the list.
I love it! It's been so fun to write and my friends and family are enjoying reading it." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 11:57:50 AM
Tina Shillington, (BlackRabbit #4511) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.
"Well, I have about 30 odd chickens which I attempt to raise as organically as possible. I buy locally grown corn for them, let them go free range as well as supplying them with an endless bounty of weeds. I provide for them because they provide for me its an equal exchange. Eggs for food. I do have the occasional meat bird, this season I do not. Focusing more on egg layers. After I saw my oldest brother kill and butcher a chicken (which did not go all that well), I decided to take matters into my own hands, thus butchering them myself.
I'm deeply fascinated by my chickens. I love to sit out and watch them especially after I just threw them a batch of new weeds. The root stock still had plenty of dirt and worms in it so they went ballistic. As for butchering them, I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to have enough force to my swing. So (don't judge now) I use the flat end of my pick axe to chop their heads. I have got good aim, so it is quick and I hope minimal pain. Then the rest of the butchering process is relatively easy. Scald, skin, or pluck. My chicken (breakfast) was delicious."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:03:29 PM
Tina Shillington, (BlackRabbit #4511) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.
"I made a collage of my dream goal, my B&B.
It turned out awesome!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:04:42 PM
Tina Shillington, (BlackRabbit #4511) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.
"I own an Arab QH and I absolutely love him. I've had him for a year and am training him myself. So smart. We're both learning together. Blaze is 2.
It's ongoing, he now knows how to lift up all 4 feet on command, touch objects I tell him to, and give me your right hoof boy!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:33:09 PM
Dawn Perry, (#2493) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Service badge.
"One would think that a "farmgirl" could find a lot of places to volunteer. How ever with my ever changing work schedule and other obligations it wasn't as easy as I thought. I did decide on 4-H as it is a program that I truly believe in and is great for for the kids involved. I work on the "PAC" committee and we work on everything from the county fair, workshops and fund raisers. Most of this is behind the scenes and people don't realize how much work goes into to get programs up and running. I obtained my hourly requirement by working on paper work and getting thing supplies ready for spring workshop.
Everything went great we were able to get supplies donated and over 50 kids showed up to make some great projects." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:33:52 PM
Dawn Perry, (#2493) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Community Service badge.
"I continued working with 4H putting in my 20+ hours. People just don't realize the behind the scences work. The committee that I work on has been getting/planning this years youth fair. It's a lot of work. Paper to send out, judges to contact supplies to order. Everyone who works/volunteers at the 4H office has to go through a screening and finger printing process to keep up with regulations. Several senior citizens help out a couple times a month filing paper work. The local high school requires the seniors to do some sort of community service prior to graduation... several fulfill that requirement at the office... they do everything from cleaning closets to counting supplies.
I continue to enjoy volunteering at the the 4H office and am now planning winter workshops." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:34:34 PM
Dawn Perry, (#2493) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Community Service badge.
"4H youth fair....exhausting I worked with 4H from Tuesday afternoon until Sunday pm. I was involved with fair cleanup, setup...everything from cages to displays, ribbons to state fair paperwork. I stayed on site and the actual 4h barns were open form 9am to 10pm. Community beautification, litter plucks, town news and pictures for the local paper, they are always looking for volunteers at the library and project volunteers for scouts and of course 4h.
The fair was a great exhausting success!! I was even asked to be a barn superintendent for next year!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:35:24 PM
Dawn Perry, (#2493) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Know Your Roots badge.
"I have been listening to stories form the "old days" for years but really didn't care much about them until I got older. Now I love them and have gotten some of my elders to write some of them down.
I have started a story 'collection' to pass down to my children." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:36:03 PM
Dawn Perry, (#2493) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Know Your Roots badge.
"I have been using tri-county genealogy which covers three local county's and its loaded with information!! I've been able to connect with people who are looking along the same lines. It's so interesting.
I've been able to fit a few more pieces of the puzzle together and have actually spent time with a cousin from another branch of the family tree." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 12:37:26 PM
Dawn Perry, (#2493) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Know Your Roots badge.
"We had family get-togethers when I was little but they seemed to go by the wayside somewhere. So my cousin and I have hosted one for the last 5 years. They are such fun!! I'm trying to get one together for the other side of the family but that hasn't worked out yet.
We all love it, the number seems to vary year to year and we have lost several of the older generation which is sad but I think that having the reunion helps to keeps their memory alive also. We have two family boards... one with pictures and info about past generations and one with us now... both of which keeps getting added to each year. The reunion keeps our extended family closer!!" |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 1:17:05 PM
Melissa Warner-Talcott, (Melissa Warner-Talcott #3555) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I put together my little sewing box over the winter this year. I both bought items and had items handed down to me from my step mother. Right now I have in the kit: Scissors, measuring tape, needles of all sizes, thread of all colors, elastic banding, pins, buttons, snaps, safety pins, seam ripper, threader, and my favorite thing is my hand made pin cushion! Made from a Lake Michigan rock and 100% wool locally grown!
So far I have been teaching myself how to hand sew and embroider thanks to the Farmgirl Sisterhood badges that I am earning. I am also learning from my step mother who just recently helped me make my Tron Costume which was my very first completed project! It turned out great, I learned how to read simple patterns and alter them, I made a pattern of my own and hand sewn the items. So far I feel much more comfortable hand sewing, it gives me a feeling of pride that I am able to make something without electronics. I like working the old fashioned way! :)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 1:19:30 PM
Kelly Peters, (kelly22 #4518) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I collected all of the reusuable shopping bags we have and put them in the back of my van. Including my favorite one that my friend made for me out of a feed sack :) I put a reminder sticker by my steering wheel so that I would remember.
The note helps! I remembered on my grocery shopping trip yesterday. I also used one when school supply shopping."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 1:21:48 PM
Brenda Fish, (brightmeadow #66) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Dyeing for Color badge.
"Today I demonstrated Kool-Aid dyeing on a wool sock blank to visitors at the Wolcott Mill Farm Park Metropark's Harvest Festival.
I included dyeing safety information in the presentation, and discussed other types of dyes that can be used on wool or animal fibers. I discussed the importance of using separate utensils for dyeing than for cooking, and the importance of protecting your clothing and work space from the dye.
I knit the sock blank on my knitting machine from two strands of yarn, so the resulting "painted" blank will have variegated colors. After the blank is dry, I will separate the two strands using a ball winder.
People seemed to be very interested in the demonstration. Several told me how much they liked the Kool-Aid colors.
I am doing the same demonstration again tomorrow for the second day of the festival." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 1:26:13 PM
Colina Washburn, (rubyleesmom #3408) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.
"No need to drive around town to earn this badge as I am blessed to have 4 Quarterhorses of my own! My neighbor has Morgans and I am lucky enough to live close to Ocala, Florida, a thriving horse city! I have gotten to interact with other breeds as well such as Arabians, Thoroughbreds and Drafts. I prefer the Quarterhorses though because they are great for trail riding!
Horses are a girl's best friend! I have found they are great therapy!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 1:28:28 PM
Sally Lias, (Sally55 #3766) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"Last week I gathered up all my buttons I had stashed "here and there". I snip buttons off of garments no longer wearable and also keep the garment to reuse the fabric for other projects.
I ended up with a bowl full of buttons! It's nice to have them all in one place ready to reuse for another project :)" |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 04 2012 : 1:29:45 PM
Amy Hickman, (amydawn #4538) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"Most of these buttons were found while we were going through my grandmothers things over the last year or so. I started some of the projects for the merit badges when I decided that I wanted to join the sisterhood, and this was one of them. We would find one here, a couple there, and I got quite a collection. There were some that were still on cards too! We still have lots of things to go through, and I hope to find even more!
I love buttons and have a lot more (1000's) that I have been collecting for a long time, but I thought these would be the funnest to use for this merit badge."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 10:15:11 AM
Micah Prine, (hawkin_farmgirl #1478) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I started using reusable shopping bags roughly two years ago. When we moved to Austin, I soon learned that the only way to shop at the many farmers' markets, was to use reusable bags! So I immediately bought some and started filling them up with fresh veggie goodness!
I'm very pleased with my use of my reusable shopping bags. I keep a couple in my car at all times for the "emergency" grocery store runs. It's also the only way to carry my farmers' market haul with a one year old strapped to my back. :)"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 10:16:22 AM
Micah Prine, (hawkin_farmgirl #1478) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"We recently moved into a new apartment and I have less kitchen cabinet space. I went through the junk drawer and pulled out the storage containers that had been collecting over the past few months.
The picture shows exactly how it turned out! I pulled together what I needed and gave the rest to friends. :)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 1:35:00 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"I kept an online journal of gratitude and can be found at I ordered the book and read it on my kindle!
My plans were to keep this ongoing but due to the busiest of summer months I failed to keep up. However, it did take me to a higher level of gratitude. And though I don't physically make a hard copy of the things I am grateful for, I do make alot more mental notes. While canning apples... "I am so grateful for all these cores and peelings to throw to our fattening hog, and I should write this down". And I too, love warm clothing right out of the dryer!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 05 2012 : 1:38:35 PM
Patty Byrd, (thebyrdhaus #1840) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an intermediate level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"I wrote a thank you to the county animal control after we adopted a stray expressing my appreciation. I also wrote letter to our local newspaper, encouraging others to adopt from our local pound when choosing a pet.
To the staff: We recently lost a "pound puppy" that we acquired 16 years ago. Our hearts were broken and I knew I would need another to fill his void. He was a lab/boxer mix, a wonderful dog and a wonderful part of our family.
We visited the Macoupin County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center. The staff at your center were very helpful and informative. The cages were very clean, and all of the animals had food and water. We appreciated that your shelter allowed for the animals to have outdoor access. The fees are very reasonable for the services received. Brody, now known as "Remington" was introduced to us. We bonded with him instantly, and he bonded with us right away as well. We can’t believe how quickly he became a part of our family. He is without a doubt the best dog we could have chosen. Remington displays no aggressiveness. He has adjusted well with other dogs and cats in our extended family. I am sure he loves his new home. Thanks to Macoupin County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center we have the sweetest, most lovable pet, who seems to appreciate us as much as we appreciate him.
Thank you for putting us together with Remington. We could not be happier.
Dalous and Patty Byrd
Carlinville, Il"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 06 2012 : 10:13:13 AM
Theresa Atkinson, (atkinst2 #1632) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Knitting badge.
"For my intermediate badge I knitted the "Tree of Life" Afghan. I worked on it every day for 1 hour and it took me approximately 90 days to complete.
Once a week I meet with a group of friends to knit during lunch.
I think it turned out well. I didn't even have to pick it out once."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 06 2012 : 10:14:12 AM
Theresa Atkinson, (atkinst2 #1632) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Greatest Generation badge.
"Everyday at 6:30 am I go to the local gym where I swim with the elderly group that goes there in the mornings. We share alot of laughs and sometimes act like a bunch of kids. (what a great time) We have supported each other during moments of grief as well as moments of joy!
Also, on Saturday's I go to my Mother's house (she is 85) and we go to breakfast and/or play 500 Gin Rummy. We spend the whole morning visiting.
I love hearing the stories of the past the way only someone who has lived it can tell.
What a treasure!" |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Sep 06 2012 : 10:46:07 AM
Katrina Peabody, (katnip05 #2763) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Spirit badge.
"I hosted a Farmgirl style bridal shower for my sister and shared how much I love being a Farmgirl with my friends and family who came to the shower. We wore aprons that were passed down from my Great Grandma, decorated with flowers from my mom's garden, and ate cupcakes that we made and decorated ourselves.
One of the guests said it was the cutest shower idea she'd ever seen and went home to learn more about MJF!"
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |