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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  1:06:10 PM  Show Profile
Paula Harris, (PaulaRae37 #3488) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Greatest Generation badge.

"Traveled to Wilmer, Alabama - the town I grew up in, where my parents still live. (It is a six hour drive from my home.) Spent time visiting my parents and helping them with tasks they can no longer do.

Heard stories I had never been told about when they were dating, and enjoyed food and fellowship over the course of three days."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  1:09:44 PM  Show Profile
Paula Harris, (PaulaRae37 #3488) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Bustin' Out badge.

"Visited with my sister who lives out of town and shared with her. Explained some of the dangers inherent in non-organic foods, taught her to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and explained how good organic food tastes.

The seed has been planted!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  1:59:10 PM  Show Profile
Rachel Nelson, (Yart #1081) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Woman-at-Arms badge.

"I have been following the gun safety and regulations in my state for years as we are hunters. I took the hunters safety course years ago.

Actually I was able to find out a few new things that I wasn't aware of before as far as the gun regulations go. So it was nice to do a refresher course."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:08:49 PM  Show Profile
Rachel Nelson, (Yart #1081) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level First Aid badge.

"Each one of our vehicles has a first aid kit. Some are bigger then others. It all depends on what the vehicle is used for. The small around town car only has some band aids and the like. The bigger SUV has a larger kit as we take that car out of town on trips. The first aid kit in the house is in a central location in the hall closet. Everyone knows where it is. We have a large kit in the garage as that's where most of our accidents seem to happen. *smiles*

We check our smoke detectors twice a year with the time change. That way its always done.

The first aid kits have always come in handy, especially since we have 3 monsters. And for the smoke detectors its easy to remember change the clocks and check the detectors."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:11:31 PM  Show Profile
Rachel Nelson, (Yart #1081) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an intermediate level Green Energy badge.

"I kept track of my energy expenditures for the month of September. I found that my car gets 24 miles to the gallon in the city. And from looking over my electric bill I also found that I pay $1.32 each month that goes to help pay for the city's renewable energy program.

We have gone through and replaces all of our light bulbs with energy efficient ones. I don't have room to plant a tree on the south side of my house but what I did do was to get fruit trees and put them into pots. We can't use low flow faucets here, we have very bad water pressure to begin with so this would make any water usage hard. I have been looking into getting a solar oven.

The light bulbs have helped to cut our electric consumption. I'm not sure if the trees are helping yet as they are only about 5' high right now. We have played around with the pizza box solar oven. If the big ones work that well then I think I just might have to go and get one."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:32:28 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I have cups of buttons, but I went ahead and let my daughter pick out a couple of packages of buttons. We bought 200+ buttons last night after getting the approval letter.

Adding those 200+ to my jar makes 4 cups of buttons in my collection. Ranging from the 1920's to now!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:33:15 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Buttoned Up badge.

"I made a bracelet out of buttons and embroidery thread.

The bright blue thread adds a pop of color to the black and white buttons. I can actually see myself wearing it on a daily basis."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:34:11 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I went out and bought all the items needed to make a kit and let my daughter pick out what she wanted. She chose purple for almost everything! I made the pincushion out of the purple fabric and put everything in the canning jar that was needed plus the buttons her Nana gave her.

The canning jar holds everything perfectly and the pincushion lid works amazing. The 5 spools of thread fit great even with the scissors, buttons, button jar, needle holder and safety pins. The straight pins work great on top of the jar and the pincushion stands up straight even off the jar."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:34:55 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I purchased an apron pattern from Simplicity, C2010. It was my first apron pattern!

I chose a sparkly jewel toned stripe and a plain green for this apron. It has four large pockets, it looks like a gathering apron. I am really pleased how it turned out!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:35:47 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Make It Pretty badge.

"I reproduced the photo of us letting go of the balloons at our daughter's memorial service in color pencil.

I haven't done a pencil drawing in well over 5 years. I felt rusty and think I need some more practice. But overall very happy with the picture."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:36:46 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an intermediate level Aprons badge.

"I made a full apron with right pocket and pleated ruffle on the bottom.

I chose a bright colored bird print for the body and a bright blue plain fabric for the accents and trim. It turned out great! I love it and my friends think it has my personality in it!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:37:31 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I read the Wilton's Step-by-step Decorating Guide and checked out their website for more information on cake decorating.

I learn the proper technique for leveling and icing the cake; coloring the icing and filling the decorating bag. The three essentials are Icing consistency, correct bag position, and pressure control. I read through all the recipes and all the tip techniques in the guide. Then I looked up more techniques online. I am looking forward to trying the ribbon rose and the rosettes!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  2:38:21 PM  Show Profile
Kyla Hill, (HoneysuckleHill3 #4640) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Icing on the Cake badge.

"I got a kit of tips, couplers, and bags. Baked the cake from scratch, made the icing from a recipe in the Wilton's Decorating Guide, and used 4 tips. The tips were 107- flower tip (used to make the small flowers); 17- star tip (rosettes and border); 67- leaf tip and 2- round tip (dots).

I loved the rosettes! They were so much fun. The dots were also fun. Not very impressed with the way my swirl drop flowers turned out- but will get better with practice as will the leaves. Looking forward to making another cake!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  3:53:46 PM  Show Profile
Emily Race, (Simply Satisfied #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Water Conservation badge.

"I did not find any leaky spots in our house. I did look though. We already have low flow shower heads and I take fairly quick showers. I did start saving the not so warm water at the beginning of my shower and even managed to wait to take my shower right after my husband took his once so I didn't have to wait for the water to warm up. My daughters still take a bath so I gave them an inch less water in their baths this week. I also just didn't take a shower on one of my days at home when my hair didn't have to look its best.

I saved about 27.5 gallons this week. I was amazed that I saved that much. I am not sure my husband would be that motivated to save water before his shower but it was pretty impressive so I will definitely be trying to find more ways to save."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  3:59:56 PM  Show Profile
Emily Race, (Simply Satisfied #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Self-sufficiency badge.

"Last summer I started by just growing the herbs I could grow here in Montana and collecting them and drying them. I ended up with ten herbs that I dried and bottled. I gave sets to each of my parents and my sister, tailoring each set to herbs they use. This summer I worked on the spice blends from Mary Jane.

My family loved their gifts and commented on how much tastier they were than the store versions. They even let me know what they need more of this year. I really liked the blends and the simplicity of using them over concocting on my own."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  4:01:22 PM  Show Profile
Emily Race, (Simply Satisfied #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an intermediate level Self-sufficiency badge.

"Last fall I canned apple pie filling, three different kinds of jelly, green beans, salsa, and dilly beans. This year I grew my own heirloom tomatoes and canned tomato sauce with and without spices added. I also tried cherry pie filling, nectarines, red currant jelly, and blackberry sauce on top of the things I did last year.

Canning has been so great for our family. We love the homemade, fresher favors of all of it. I also love the pie fillings for a quick pie or crisp without all the mess. They also come in handy when an impromptu dinner party happens. These are actually our most common kind of dinner party as we tend to not be able to think very far ahead in our days."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  4:05:30 PM  Show Profile
Emily Race, (Simply Satisfied #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Self-sufficiency badge.

"I dry pears, banana, and peaches sliced every year. I also usually make strawberry roll ups. This year I also dried nectarine slices and apple slices. I also made deer and elk jerky this fall. I made it out of both burger and strips of meat (separate batches of course).

My husband and I like all of it. My kids are not so impressed. They like the banana slices and roll ups."*
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  4:07:40 PM  Show Profile
Emily Race, (Simply Satisfied #3591) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Civic Heritage badge.

"I didn't grow up where I live now so I chose the museum in town to learn more about the history here. Montana has so much "moving West" history. Lewis and Clark went through the valley I live in twice. I wandered and learned more about the area and its inhabitants. I also learned the museum is privately funded and felt compelled to help them with some funding for some of the archiving.

I was impressed by how big the museum was and by how much it has to offer. I learned it has a new exhibit every 90 days and has started a hands on section for kids that will also change regularly. I also bought a book about women homesteaders in the area to help me start working on the next part of the civic heritage badge series."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2012 :  4:38:35 PM  Show Profile
Angie Bate, (Beavercreek #4633) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner, intermediate and expert level Blogging badge.

"Hello! I'm applying for level 1,2, & 3 blogging. I have been working on creating my blog and being more computer savvy over that last while. I have created my blog & have now written over 10 posts:) I also have applied to network on GirlGab & have become active in the forums!

What a great place to meet people & connect using a blog. Its fun to leave some memories down on a blog so I can look back & see all the things we have accomplished so far this year!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2012 :  11:14:12 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Light the Way badge.

"There were a bunch of interesting "items" lying around our garage and shed, so I started pulling things together to make a chandelier fashioned after the one in Mary Jane's Ideabook. It was such fun to do!

I tried various items in the middle part to give it a different look. I was amazed at how seemingly unrelated pieces could come together so well.

The unusual base part was all rusted and had to be cleaned up and then Brian had the glass pieces that just fit into the rings. I put tea light candles in those.

The metal parts to hold it up were also pretty battered up, but cleaned up well. The glass soldered item in the middle was an after thought but I think sets it off perfectly, even if I do say so myself. Anyone for glamping?"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2012 :  11:15:02 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an intermediate level Light the Way badge.

"Okay, I learned how to split wood using Mary Jane's "Brains not Brawn" method, but I have to say that it is not an easy way to do it. Yes, it is something that a woman can do, but I have to say a log splitter is my preferred method, with my Brian doing it.

It did work out pretty well and I did use the safety glasses and gloves, which were essential. We have a maul and a sledge hammer and I wielded both.

I can see how it is easier than using just a sledgehammer to keep pounding the log, but I'm glad I don't have to use this method to heat my house. There is a Zen saying, though with a few liberties, 'She who cuts her own firewood is twice warmed.' "

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2012 :  11:15:44 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an expert level Light the Way badge.

"About a year ago, we had to cut down a bunch of trees from the bank in front of our house in order to get more light into the area. I had to set up my square foot gardens there because that's the place that faces South.

I cut up the trees for firewood for a neighbor of ours who has a wood fireplace (we do not.) The wood was stacked into quite a nice cord, as she testified.

Thankfully, most of the hardwood trees were slender and didn't need to be split. The big trees were pines, which you can't use in a fireplace because they create too much creosote in the flue.

So I didn't have to split too many, which is a good thing, because if I had to do this for a living, I would starve to death. This year they've cured enough to where my neighbor can use them."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Oct 31 2012 :  11:16:57 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an intermediate level Outstepping badge.

"There are way too many historic locations within a 100 mile radius of me to list here, so I will just highlight a few. The picture is of a watchtower that is near me which still stands but is not used now.

There are three gold mines in the Dahlonega area, including one under the floorboards of the Smith house, a local restaurant. They found it when they were doing some renovations on the place.

I'm too far away from water for any lighthouses but there are historic places such as the birthplace of NASCAR racing in Dawsonville from the moonshiners of yore and the oldest still working courthouse in America there too.

The beginning of the Trail of Tears of the forced march of the Cherokees out of Georgia is near me as well.

Brian and I went overnight camping last night before the weather started getting too cold. It was weird to wake up with dew on our pillows, but it was fun.

Last October, we took a Master Naturalist class and in November, learned how to read maps with a compass and landmarks. Having Amicalola Falls near to us will give us plenty of chances to use that information."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2012 :  09:35:29 AM  Show Profile
Kristina Nelson, (FieldsofThyme #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Pay It Forward badge.

"It was somewhat difficult to figure an exact amount of money we spend on one lunch per day, considering we try to eat from our own garden bounty etc.

After speaking to the director of a local food pantry, I discovered that volunteers cannot use cash donations for hygiene products. They can take donated items, but they are not able to buy them.

We decided to buy personal supplies for women and donate them.

We are already working on a larger donation of food, cash, and hygiene products."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2012 :  11:42:50 AM  Show Profile
Barbara Roberts, (Healthy Eating #2237) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level BakeOver MakeOver badge.

"Using Mary Jane's special recipe edition of her magazine, I tried out a few of her recipes for Bake Overs. Using what was at the end of the season from my garden, in a "must-go" manner, I put whatever I had in a base of sauted garlic and onions and added crab meat which we had just bought. On top of that I put raw Havarti cheese which made it decadently wonderful

I took two of them (a dinner one and a dessert one) to two different Craft-in nights we had with the Farm Girls and let them try out the flavors.

After playing with the dough a few times, I discovered that the easiest way to deal with it was to form it into a ball and then smush it with my hands into a relatively thick round and put it over the filling.

That worked better than rolling it out with a rolling pin or forming it into eight little balls and flattening them into rounds to cover the pan. The crust was surprisingly good and blended well with whatever filling I used."

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