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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2010 : 3:51:15 PM
Angela Labbee (naturebug #1063) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge!
"This is the first quilt I have made. I have about 15 hours in it and tried to create something different and that I would like. My family is an outdoor family so I think this quilt reflects our lifestyle. I appliqued the fishing theme on the quilt blocks and just guessed at the size I wanted. For the quilting part I just went through all the layers around the appliques. I used all scraps for this project. I cut all my patterns from paper and put them together until I was happy with the way it looked.
It was harder than I thought it would be but even with all the mistakes I made, I love the little quilt. I made it the size of a lap quilt so I could keep it on my couch and use it to cover up with when I had a chill. I want to make more now that I have a feel for it. I think I will try to stick to more traditional quilts next time."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 05 2010 : 4:02:45 PM
Heather Burke (Heather B #662) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge!
"In earning this badge I have collected 12 reusable shopping bags. I leave these bags hanging in the front hall so everyone in the house has access to them and remembers to take them when we shop. Just in case I have two fold up ones that are no bigger than a wallet when folded. These I keep in my purse for those unplanned trips. My daughter has the "bug" and uses them regularly or opts out of a bag when she can slip purchases into her backback or purse.
Having the bags and using them was a challenge at first, It was easy to forget. However, we as a family have worked hard to use them and it's finally becoming second nature. Having the folded/wallet size bag in my purse has really helped when something comes up. My daughter is so into making sure there are always bags available she has decided to make bags for her friends that are more young adult. Cool!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 11:47:08 AM
Kathy Johnson (feralKat #911) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I loved the Harvest Apron in MaryJanes Ideabook.Cookbook.Lifebook (p222), and decided to make it in order to get my first Farm Girl badge. To make sure I got the dimensions right, I created a pattern using some left over Christmas tissue paper. It was very easy to make - much easier than the "store bought" pattern I had used before - and perfect for beginners!
It came out so good, my daughter and I have decided to make several of them as Christmas presents for our friends! Instead of the tissue pattern though, I plan to make one out of some inexpensive muslin so it can be reused several times."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 12:08:15 PM
Brenda Becker (North Rose #711) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I was able to buy a lot of vintage material last summer at a yard sale! One of the things that I made with the smaller pieces was aprons! Half aprons. I gave most of them away but have kept 2 for myself! They were so easy to make and I enjoyed adding to them using rickrack, contrasting fabrics, etc. I also made extra long ties to be able to tie a big bow in back!
They turned out so cute! Now, my grand daughters all want them!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 12:23:42 PM
Brenda Becker (North Rose #711) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.
"I learned to knit when I was very young, but never did anything with it. I would get frustrated because my stitches were always very loose or very tight. Over the years I have tried to start projects, but would put them down, then give away all my yarn and needles. This winter I decided that I could knit, and would just work harder at it. Well, lo and behold, I made a dishcloth! It was a little crooked but I kept it and use it because I am proud of it! This past week I made 2 sweet little baby washcloths for my new grandson who will be here any day now!
They turned out very cute! Both are the same size! And, they were easier than I thought they would be. This has given me the motivation to do more knitting in the future!"
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 1:57:10 PM
Victoria Montoya (EastTXFarmgirl #549) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Homespun Christmas badge.
"I actually hand crafted more than 75% of this year's presents and ornaments. Gifts for everyone in the family included homemade lip balm (I learned to make this past summer), homemade Christmas ornaments (boys got "gingerbread men" using the applesauce and cinnamon recipe in MJF and the girls got ribbon angels), and a handmade fleece ski cap. For my three sisters I also made them each an antique teacup pin keep. Friends received a handmade ornament and lip balm. The only purchased items were a GPS for my son and husband and a game camera for my husband and the book 'Recipe for Raising Chickens' (featured in MJF) for my sisters. For the home, I made the 'gingerbread' ornaments and ribbon angels. I already had several crocheted ornaments that my mother had made several years ago.
Everyone loved the gifts! and my tree was beautiful. I plan to make more ornaments for next year. I would like to find an old quilt to make soft stuffed hearts, stars and stockings."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 2:05:46 PM
Victoria Montoya (EastTXFarmgirl #549) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Homespun Christmas badge.
"One of my nieces had a very traumatic experience occur the day after Thanksgiving. She woke up that morning and her husband was gone. He had left her and their 5 year old son. She had no idea he was planning to do this and she was completely devastated. His reasoning was he 'just couldn't do it anymore'. She became very depressed and started withdrawing from everyone and everything. Her son was suffering too. He was not going to have Christmas. Money was tight and she did not have any extra to buy a tree or decorations. I had an extra tree in the basement. I pulled it out of the basement along with some extra ornaments I had stored. I whipped up some of the apple-cinnamon ornaments featured in MJF and some ribbon angels. I took the whole package to her and the boy and gave her a good talking to. I gave her the old Aunt Vicki theory on life "The strength of a person is not measured on how hard a slap you can take but on how you get back on your feet after that slap". I then told her I expected the tree to be put to use. I didn't actually decorate the tree for her. I felt it would be a better experience if her and her son decorated it together.
It took her a couple of weeks to get the desire to decorate it but she did. She later called and thanked me. She is still having bad days but she has picked herself up, brushed herself off and taking one day at a time. I want to think it was the little push I gave her. The "it's not going to be fun everyday but you can do anything you put your mind to" talk. And the simple act of decorating a Christmas tree. It does a body good."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
16470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 2:26:32 PM
Victoria Montoya (EastTXFarmgirl #549) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I never had much use for a half apron since it is always the front of my shirts that seem to catch the brunt of my kitchen mishaps. So for my first apron I made a very simple full apron. I followed the pattern to a tee. It definitely took more than 2 hours. I spent 2 hours just trying to understand the pattern. My mother had given me 2 panels of a Christmas door hanging. I spent a lot of time cutting out the pieces so that the fabric pattern would come out like I wanted it. My sewing skills are improving but at the time I made this apron I only had 2 potholders and a tote under my belt.
I sent this apron to my Christmas apron swap partner. She said she loved it. I always wear an apron in the kitchen simply for the preservation of my clothes. I am sort of a messy chef."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 2:37:22 PM
Victoria Montoya (EastTXFarmgirl #549) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Aprons badge.
"I liked the look of my first apron so I decided to expand on it. I added pockets and a different style neckline and lots of embellishments. It turned out prettier than I expected. It took me about 6 hours to complete.
I made this apron for a barter. I got a whole set of Harry Potter books in hardback. Great barter! I did not want to wear this apron to a friend's since it was going to someone else. So, I wore my Christmas apron, that I received from my partner, to my sister's (she is my best friend) Christmas lunch."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 3:11:03 PM
Wende Wagner (Wende #660) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.
"Spent time on a farm as a young girl many, many moons ago. As an adult the sights and sounds are so different. Learned to bottle feed, bucket train calves. Learned to feed dairy cows before and after milking. The how, what, and why will depend on milk production.
Also, bathed English Shire draft horse team for a parade and braided their manes for an added flair.
I don't think anyone fully appreciates the glass of milk they have before them. The amount of hard work, dedication, and life sacrifice is overwhelming.
I return to the farm to help out quite often now. It is addictive."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 3:23:48 PM
Wende Wagner (Wende #660) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a intermediate level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.
"Okay.. so filling a hay mow (loft) is not for the faint of heart. It was grueling. Had to quit and go make dinner. Learned to feed silage from the tractor and feeder wagon. Learned about planting fields, rotating crops and how a silo works. ARGG!
Sunburned, broken nails, chapped and blistered hands and feet.. but all in all.. a great experience.
Learned about different varieties of corn from the seed dealer. Got a cool pen and hat. LOL
I now call it Farmer-cize for exercise. It like Jazzercize without the music."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 3:28:57 PM
Wende Wagner (Wende #660) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Lend a Hand to Farm Families badge.
"Farm families can ALWAYS use a spare set of hands and an occasional truck.
To earn this badge I stayed for a week (and often) and helped with milking and calving. It was a lot different than puppies being born. WOW!
There were six total. Four girls and two boys. Boys are not the best for a dairy farm.
AND for an added treat at the end of my stay we attended a dairy cattle show and I had to show a cow. I show saint bernards at home and what an eye opener this was.
Glad I could help out. Learned about vet care for a dairy herd, breeding by insemination and calf care.
Also, watch your step with your new boots on when showing a cow.
I have returned several times to fill in since being shown how to run the farm."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 4:05:09 PM
Beverly Sherman (KMop #799) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.
"We unplugged and turned off all TV's, computers, phones and such from Friday morning 9:00 until Sunday evening 11:00.
It worked very well, we'll probably do it again now and then, very peaceful. I worked on my Dear Jane quilt." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 4:16:51 PM
Beverly Sherman (KMop #799) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"I just ordered heirloom seeds for tomatoes, 3 different beans, hollyhocks, beets, and squash. I read the book "Gardening with Heirloom Seeds," Lynn Coulter.
My garden will be at least 50% heirloom this year.
Heirloom seeds are working out very well for me, in time I hope to be 100% heirloom." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 4:22:38 PM
Beverly Sherman (KMop #799) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Little Squirts badge.
"I have oiled every door in my house, even the squeek on my new refrigerator. We have no bikes, so I can't oil them, and I cleaned and oiled my garden tools last fall.
Works great I don't like squeaky doors." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 4:29:36 PM
Beverly Sherman (KMop #799) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level BakeOver MakeOver badge.
"I read about bakeovers in my Mary Jane Ideabook, then we had three families over for Sunday Supper.
It worked out great a good time was had by all."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 10:25:43 AM
Wende Wagner (Wende #660) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Spirit badge.
"Started Farmgirls of the Heartland chapter in Kansas City, Missouri. There were fifteen in attendance of our "Meet & Greet". Rene Groom solidified the group with her farmgirl fun and guidance. The picnic was moved inside due to the weather.
The chapter is growing slowly. I would like to see more members. There are diverse interests among the farmgirls which will make for interesting classes."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 10:36:47 AM
Wende Wagner (Wende #660) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"We have over 6 bags we take regularly to the grocery. I keep zippered totes in my purse for spur of the moment shopping. We always take them back to the van when finished unloading or it just won't happen. We have really saved on bags.
My little bag sleeve is almost empty. I ask for a paper bag once in awhile because we have to seperate out papers to recycle in a brown paper bag." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 09:38:17 AM
Angela Labbee (naturebug #1063) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.
"I went through my cupboards and got rid of the containers I don't use. I am not too bad about collecting the small plastic containers but I am terrible about keeping empty coffee cans. My husband drinks coffee non-stop so they build up quick. I always think it's a shame to get rid of them so I end up keeping them. We have used many for different things but you can only use so many. I decided to put them in the recycle bin and until I have an immediate need for one, that is where they will go from now on.
I took a few plastic containers and kept them to start plants in. They were perfect size and should hold up well for this purpose." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 09:54:51 AM
Angela Labbee (naturebug #1063) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level Build It Green badge.
"I looked up many ideas to decorate "green". I started by clearing out items that we no longer needed and donated those items. This past fall my husband and I helped tear down an old barn so we could keep the old oak wood. We will use this wood to build new furniture. I thought about how to redecorate with things I already have. We also refinished an old chest of drawers and a night stand that I got when I was 5 yrs old. You can't buy that kind of furniture anymore and they look great now.
I am into old family pictures so I found about a dozen old picture frames and painted them all black. They all looked great. I then took mats that I had around and framed the old family photos (some 100 years old). I arranged them on the wall and they look great. It looks like it came out of a magazine and it was everything I already had. NO COST TO ME. My husband and I are in the process of building new end tables and book cases out of that old oak we saved from the barn and replacing the ugly, cheap made wafer board bookcases we have now. The ones we are building should last our lives and our kids too." |
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 10:03:04 AM
Donna Partridge (indypeartree #1123) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.
"For my first merit badge, I created a knit hat for my daughter's friend. I have taken a knitting class in the past and taught my daughters basic knitting.
It was a fun and quick project."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 10:32:05 AM
Angela Labbee (naturebug #1063) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I did not have a pattern for this apron so I just made one up. It took me about 4.5 hours to complete. I got the idea for the style from the black/white/red apron you featured in one of your magazines.
I loved picking out the fun fabric and I feel so frilly when I put it on. It has inspired me to get more creative with other projects."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 10:50:39 AM
Stacy Keely (Stacy K. #896) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Safe Toys badge.
"I made "5 stones," a bean bag game. We are studying ancient Japan and China and decided on this kind of game. I used linen and filled them with adzuki beans. I am also making bags to put them in. I started more sets to give to friends that have adopted some children from China.
This turned out very well and I will make many more sets."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 11:21:25 AM
Stacy Keely (Stacy K. #896) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.
"I went around the house and collected all the buttons I could find. I even went through the stuff I inherited from my Nana and even bought a few at the local flea market. Now I have a nice collection. Still room left in the jar. How do I get my daughter to not take them all to make button jewelry?
I love having them all in one place and love that I put one of my old jars to good use."
Queen Bee
16470 Posts
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Posted - Feb 11 2010 : 11:29:38 AM
Stacy Keely (Stacy K. #896) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.
"Well this one was a bit harder then I thought it would be. I learned a lot and just in time because both the french seam and flat seam work great on hiding raw edges of linen that love to fray. I used it on my apron and on a unlined bag but I didn't take pictures of the seams. I think this will be great on items that need to be washed often as well.
It was a great lesson to learn because I am finding it very helpful with the many yards of linen I bought to make household items." |
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |