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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  12:13:57 PM  Show Profile
Carla Garner (phonelady, #1186) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"This badge was right in line with my latest endeavor. I decided that my house needed an organizational makeover and I started with the kitchen pot cupboard. That’s where those plastic storage containers used to end up flung here and there. What a mess. And in a small space, disorganization is a disaster! So even though I hate to waste anything I got rid of those plastics that didn’t have a partner.

And here it is! My homemade Hoover cabinet with all the storage and pans in proper order. Easier to take away and put back. Woo Hoo!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  12:30:10 PM  Show Profile
Michelle Standley (jaschelle, #1132) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I have had a button collection for quite awhile, as I am an avid sewer!! They are always nice to have around for mending, new projects, kid's crafts, etc., etc.!! Some of my buttons have been purchased new, but most of them I have salvaged from old clothing. I have been busy taking buttons off of a closet full of oxford shirts I received when my grandpa passed away last year...(thanks grandpa, I love and miss you!!)

I have 196 buttons so far, and cannot wait to add lots of vintage buttons, as those are my faves!!!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  12:38:25 PM  Show Profile
Kristie Norwood (Bugabee, #1165) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"Read the book "The Secret Life of Bees." I have always loved bees. I used to help my dad smoke them when it came time to harvest the honey. It was also my job to bang on the pans when a queen would leave the hive. My dad has gifted me all of his old equipment and I have joined our local bee club in order to learn about todays challenges.

I saw the movie and read the book. I liked the book always."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  12:56:26 PM  Show Profile
Christine Veert (northernkid, #955) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Pay It Forward badge.

"I missed lunch and realized what an uncomfortable feeling it is to go hungry. I donate often to the food bank. We bought a local cow at the fair in town and donated 60 lbs of ground beef to the food bank. They were so happy because they said they never get beef donations. But I have never given up a meal for the food bank.

I think it was good for me to feel hunger and it also felt good to donate the money."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  1:07:04 PM  Show Profile
Christine Veert (northernkid, #955) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"I knit a washcloth and I taught my daughter to knit a washcloth too. She struggled but caught on to it.

Our washclothes turned out good and she was so proud she invited her friends to have a knit in at our home and she was the only one who could knit on needles, the others used a ring to knit with. It was really cute to see three teens knitting and laughing together."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  1:17:53 PM  Show Profile
Christine Veert (northernkid, #955) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level 'Out There' Women badge.

"I made a survival kit with all the trimmings and a few extras. I even found the cutest swiss army knife my dad gave me as a child and I forgot all about it. I also identified 10 native plants we have locally.
1. Blueberries - we have tons of them and I pick them every year in abundance. Sometimes it is blue everywhere you look and I just sit in the middle and pick. They are soOOOO good for you, full on phytonutrients and antioxidants. 2) Wintergreen - you pick the fruit which are little red berries and use them for flavoring or tea for sore throats or aches and pains.3) Yarrow - used for digestion, colds and treating wounds as it is an antiseptic.4) Labrador - we have lots of it and it makes a nice tea. Can be used for heartburn. 5) Fiddleheads - Picked in the spring and steamed these are lovely to eat and full of vitamin A and C. 6) Poison Ivy - common plant in our area and I try to avoid it as I get a nasty skin rash. 7) Cattails - can be eaten as food. I have tried it. 8)Stinging Nettle - common weed found locally that can be picked and dried for tea to help with kidneys and aches and pains. 9) Wild Strawberries - these are lovely to pick and eat with ice cream. 10) Wild Rice - We have lot of it in our area and many people make a living off of harvesting it. It is very healthy and delicious. We eat it all the time.

Turned out great. Can't wait to use it."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  1:38:22 PM  Show Profile
Adrienne Wilson (Addy731, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Action badge.

"I love my neighborhood, but it's not in the best of shape. It has so much potential and I think some people are just letting it go to waste because they don't see that potential. I got on my local government's website and learned that there is such an organization for neighborhood restoration. There are even workshops where they show you how to do little projects to perk up your house on the inside and outside.

As it turns out, they have an upcoming workshop to help you become a leader in helping to turn your community around. They give you tools and training and even a website. I'm very excited about this. It may make or break my decision to leave and start someplace new. I want to make a difference and help people and this is the perfect place to do that."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  1:44:49 PM  Show Profile
Adrienne Wilson (Addy731, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Little Squirts badge.

"It's coming around the corner to Spring, so I got all of my garden tools in order and cleaned up. I went around the house and checked all the windows and doors for loose parts and drafty spots. Included in checking the doors, was the mailbox door which was ridiculously rusted. (Hope the mailman has had a tetanus shot). Fixed it!

Doors and windows in good shape. Garden tools ready. Mailman is safe from lock-jaw!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  1:56:40 PM  Show Profile
Adrienne Wilson (Addy731, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Plant It Forward badge.

"I started my seeds a few weeks ago with quite a few little guys really taking off and growing. My goal this year is to make little container gardens and give them to at least 10 of my neighbors. The planters will contain an heirloom tomato plant, green pepper plant, and a few herbs tucked in. We have great dirt around here and I think people are missing out so I'm trying to encourage gardening. I'm also in the process of trying to find a small soup kitchen that I can donate salad greens to because those are easy to grow and they grow fast.

I have four trays of 72 plants each all growing like crazy. I found these great recycled plastic earthy-looking planters for relatively cheap that will be perfect for holding the plants until its time to transplant them. I've been journaling my plants' progress including seed company, variety, when, where, and how."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  2:20:54 PM  Show Profile
Adrienne Wilson (Addy731, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.

"My sister is having a baby in May and I wanted to make her a quilt. I took her to the fabric store, let her pick out what she liked, and then hit the books. I've never made a quilt. I have always loved them.

It's very simple with a dot velour border and backing. Total time invested is probably about 10-15 hours stretched over a month. I don't have any snazzy cutting tools or special machines to get the job done quicker. I can't wait for my first little niece to get here and wrap her up in it!!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  2:27:24 PM  Show Profile
Adrienne Wilson (Addy731, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Get It Together badge.

"As much as I love being creative, I love having an organized, clean space thats ready for whatever mess I'm about to make. I'm a sucker for storage and odd ways to store things.

I'm quick to recycle any lid/tub combo that gets separated from its partner. I regularly check the dates on stuff in the fridge. My can goods are organized by type and size. It makes it easy for Hubby to find something I'm looking for when I'm up to my elbows in whatever mess I'm making for dinner." :-)
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  2:37:20 PM  Show Profile
Elisha Andrews (Elisha Ann, #1232) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I have collected 8 reusable shopping bags and have committed to using them for all of my shopping trips!

It is wonderful!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  2:57:30 PM  Show Profile
Debbie Hughes (bdhughes77, #1223) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"For my beginner “Shopping Green” badge I assembled six reusable totes. To make it even better, five of the six were FREE!!! The four beige ones came with memberships, the blue Walmart bag my husband found on the interstate (he works for the highway dept maintaining the interstate in our area of WI) and the tapestry one I made from left over fabric from a re-upholstering project!

I’ve actually been using these for quite sometime. As soon as I get them unpacked I hang them on the door knob going outside so whoever goes out first is in charge of putting them back in the car! Works like a charm! We also have a few extras that we keep in my husband’s work car for when I call him with a “honey do grocery list” on the way home…just in case it’s one of those weeks I don’t go to town!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  3:47:05 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Lend a Hand to Families badge.

"A Farmgirl Sister was critically injured in horseback riding accident, she lives less than a mile down the road.

She had to be airlifted to metropolitan area 400 miles away with intensive trauma care and husband traveled with her.

Immediate assistance needed at their place to care for animals, irrigation, chores in house and taking care of their mail.

Initial tasks included washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning out refrigerator, feeding cats and dog and irrigating the lawn and garden.

Time involved in initial assistance during the first week totaled approximately 20 hours."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  3:57:27 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a intermediate level Lend a Hand to Families badge.

"In follow-up to the farmgirl sister critically injured who lives less than a mile away:

She was in a coma for a month and in trauma care and rehab in the metro city 400 miles away for an additional 3 months.

So, long-term assistance for this family was necessary.

When she was able to return home I organized a "Clean-Up Party" of neighboring ladies to clean their house and get it all ready for their return. I was also part of the cleaning party.
Also I organized neighboring men to come to help with getting the bedroom furniture rearranged to accomodate her significant safety and mobility needs.
I prepared several dishes/meals for them and had them in the freezer.
Arranged for other family members to shop for perishables and restock their refrigerator.

Because of their meal needs I also organized their church, our neighbors and another organization they were members of to provide meals for them for several months after their return.

Everyone was stellar in their willingness to help, very concerned, very compassionate and WANTING to be involved!!!!

It was encouraging to pull all these folks together for a common cause and see the benefit to everyone involved.

Unfortunately no photos were taken of the helpers!!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:08:14 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Lend a Hand to Families badge.

"Further follow-up to farmgirl sister who lives less than a mile away:

Assistance continued in this situation to irrigate their lawn, finish planting, weed and water their garden.
I also planted, watered and weeded flowers so that when they returned these growing things would be available for them.

Assistance and visitation continued after her return home . . . continues to this date.

ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE: provided to our neighbors who have a daughter with cerebral palsy to help give them a break for time for themselves. Also to take care of animals, etc. as necessary. This is also ongoing.

ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE: we do have a pregnancy crisis center locally. Over the past year I have made donations of baby clothes, diapers and baby equipment to the center.

Again, it is encouraging to see how neighbors and friends are there to help out.

These are ongoing situations that require continued support and assistance. I have been and will continue to be a part of providing assistance in all situations."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:19:15 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Nellie Will-do badge.

"My daughter and I participate every year in a major breast cancer walk event. Some years we walk, other years we work as crew members. Our favorite job as crew is as a "SWEEP TEAM". They are the ones who drive a large passenger van provided by the event along the route, keeping an eye on the walkers for safety, pick up those who are struggling, etc., etc.

We are the CELTIC HEARTS Team and our decor is tartan plaid stuff, anything having to do with that theme, including our own pink tartan plaid costumes, etc.

Pink is not used in traditionally constructed tartan plaid attire such as kilts, etc. We had to do a major search for fabric that would meet this description and I had to design our own patterns for tartan skirts (such as are worn by ladies . . . actually ladies are NOT supposed to wear kilts), tartan sashes that resembled those worn by ladies and our own little tams.

By researching the designs of tartan clothing worn by ladies in Scotland I designed the skirts, tams and sashes.
I also measured, cut and constructed these outfits for our own pink tartan plaid "breast cancer" event attire.

We were happy with the results, they were comfortable and we received multitudes of compliments on them!

This part of the project took approximately 40 hours of time.
Photo shows us in the tartan skirt/tam outfits.

Furthermore, we had . . . and will continue to have tons of fun!!

We are signed up to do 2 major breast cancer events in 2010!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:29:24 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Nellie Will-do badge.

"In follow-up to the pink plaid tartan project, we decided to break with tradition and make ourselves pink kilts.

Further search for just the right fabric. And, this meant an even more complicated design of a kilt with all the little sewn down pleats in just the right manner.
I designed, measured, pinned very precisely. . . working with plaid!!.
Then constructed and designed our own little kilt pins using safety pins, plaid ribbon and breast cancer themed beads.
It also required the construction of a sash to match . . . and the pink wool patch Scottish style caps.

Again, these outfits came out well. The kilt pleats, while tedious, came out well.
We had LOTS of fun with these outfits and were complimented on these as well.

They not only spoke of our Scottish heritage but also of our commitment to the breast cancer event and having fun with our work.

This project required approximately 60 hours of time!!!!

(Again, working as Sweep Crew . . and we wear the "Crew" shirts that are provided by the event)"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:38:22 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Nellie Will-do badge.

"Another project to use with our breast cancer event participation was to construct a banner with our team name on it: "CELTIC HEARTS"

We couldn't afford to have one made and we wanted to be able to have one to use on the van when we drive as SWEEP CREW for our events.

We also use it across the top of our canopy/tent setup when that is what we need it for.

Purchased several yards of heavy canvas, washed it and had the local dry cleaners iron it on their mangle iron.
I then came up with Celtic style font lettering and printed stencils off the computer.
My daughter helped me with cutting out the stencils so we could paint them on the banner. I also designed stencils for the hearts and we painted them on, making them "plaid", using primary colors of pink and purple.

I then sewed a tube all the way around the banner, making openings in the corners and threaded yards and yards of nylon rope all through in such a manner that we could pull from all corners and tie it off however we needed to tie it off.

We have used this banner several times and have gotten it dirty. I am able to hang it up and wash it with pressure fitting on garden hose comes up clean!!

A tough, hardy, well constructed, multi-functional, artsy, colorful banner that we have used and will be able to use over and over.

Again, have gotten many compliments on this banner and how well it is constructed.

Still having fun . . . !!!!

This project took approximately 125 hours!!

(In this photos you can't see all the hearts behind my daughter. You can see them better in photo submitted with beginning level application)"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:46:01 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.

"We have access to a cabin at a high mountain lake about a one hour drive from our home. It is a nice and comfy place to go but it is isolated and therefore a PERFECT place to "disconnect."

It is not accessible during the winter months because of the snow. However, we do get there at least once every year in the summer/fall months.

No TV, no phone . . . stunningly beautiful! Serenely quiet!!

Access to LOTS of hiking, fishing, canoeing . . or sit on the deck, take a nap, read, write. . . nap . . whatever.

Rested, rejuvanated, recharged!

Able to breathe fresh, clean mountain air, enjoy the spectacular scenery.

Able to "disconnect" for a time!!!

Will continue to seek out this haven!!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:52:45 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a intermediate level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.

"Camping is one of our favorite pasttimes and we do it regularly, every year during the months that we can.

We have done FAMILY camping. My husband and I have done backcountry backpacking. We have done "girlie" campouts and, most recently, my daughter and I have camped together.

Have camped in our mountains in SW Colorado (dozens of times), took a camping road trip up the coast of California from LA to Monterey, camped near San Diego; in Charlotte, NC; all over Arizona; Frisco, CO.

And we will continue this fun and regenerating activity.

We know how to gather wood, build and maintain a campfire, both for warmth and for cooking.
We know how to pitch a variety of tents and where to pitch them, set up the inside for sleeping, dressing, etc.
We know how to gather water, clean-up, leave NO destructive evidence and do NO harm!

We have tons of fun and are happier for it!!!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  4:59:45 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an expert level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.

"I have spent a lot of time on my own roaming the mountains. I love "my" mountains here in SW Colorado.

HISTORY: In the early 1980s I did a lot of "solo" cross-country ski trips. Planning my location and leaving that info with family.
I have done some "solo" camping trips, sleeping in my van most times, but cooking on a fire, resting and relaxing.

I also do a lot of day hikes "solo", again planning my hike, leaving that info with a family member.

For several years I worked for a school and had 2 months off in the summer. In 2002 I took EVERY Wednesday as my "hike" day. I went on 8 hikes and "solo" on 6 of those. On the other 2 a hiker girlfriend went along with me.

I went on a different trail each time, carefully planning it out before I left home on my trail map. Carried a camelback style pack with lots of water, snacks, emergency/first aid supplies, map, hat, etc.

Nope . . I never got lost and my anticipated return home time was never wrong.

ALONG the way, I stopped to nap, read a little in a small Bible I carried, take pictures, soak my feet in the river, pray and relax!


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO glad I was able to do that that summer.

I continue to take day hikes, sometimes "solo", sometimes with family and always with my pooch pal!!

I will continue to engage in this kind of activity! It helps keep me limber, healthy, sane and happy!!

The photo is of my hiking log for the 2002 summer hikes."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  5:05:56 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Outstepping badge.

"I have been hiking, backpacking and camping for 40+ years.

I hike the same trails many times if I enjoyed them, a favorite is to Hope Lake.
Crystal Lake
Ground Hog Drive Trail
East Fork Drive Trail
Wilson Peak Basin

There are others and there will continue to be others.

(have 100s of photos of them)

(have 100s of photos of those too,
it is my favorite flower)
State bird is: LARK BUNTING
(hard to find in our mountains because of the TALL trees and vastness).

I love "my" mountains, never get tired of seeing them, of being in them, of "living" in them.

I am ALWAYS refreshed and inspired with having spent time in "my" mountains!

I return and I return . . I will continue to return to hike, camp, ski . . everything I can possibly do.

And we don't usually do it in established campgrounds . . most of the time, bouncing our way along the rough and rocky backroads to get IN THE MOUNTAINS!!!

My faithful pooch pal, Bramble, female Australian cattle dog . . . such a pal and a sweetie, goes everywhere with me."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 15 2010 :  5:15:16 PM  Show Profile
TJ Wierenga (Hens at Home, #813) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.

"I invited my husband's real-deal farmgirl aunt over to teach myself and several friends (including two preteen girls) how to knit - and she did! I knit several washcloths, a scarf for my son (attached photo) and just yesterday finished a scarf for my daughter too.

I'm not fancy but I can get it done! I love knitting in the car on our long Montana highways! I knit while watching Australian outback television (McLeod's Daughters!) on Netflix. I knit when I have 5 minutes and need to disengage my brain and engage my hands. My grandmother is delighted... she told me, "These hands (holding up her own) love to knit. They love the feel of yarn. They love to knead bread. They love to dig in the soil." and that's the same love that I'm passing on to my little girl!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Mar 16 2010 :  10:57:27 AM  Show Profile
Kimberly Galbreath-Fleming (missgive, #927) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I have collected my six bags and have shopped with them EVERY time in the past four weeks! I have only gotten ONE bag from a store in the past four weeks and it was when I went to Michael's for craft supplies. I had forgotten a bag. Now when I forget, I put it in my blue jean bag/purse so I don't use a plastic bag.

I love doing my shopping that way - it feels good and I don't have a bunch of plastic bags to have to figure out what to do with (they don't recycle them here unless you take them back to one certain grocery chain that I don't shop at). Now I am plastic bag-free and love my totes. I have one in each of our cars and the rest hang on the door knob that leads out to the vehicles."

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