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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 14 2008 :  10:17:19 AM  Show Profile
Christine Zadlo has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I created an apron using the Harvest Apron pattern from MJ's Ideabook. I did all the sewing by hand instead of by machine.

I think it turned out great. It was such a pleasure to sit and sew this project."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 14 2008 :  10:29:25 AM  Show Profile
Caron Van Slyke has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Disconnect to Reconnect badge!

"From Friday morning, July 4th, until Sunday evening, July 6th, I went to a cabin in the woods and had no computer, no phone, no television. We just enjoyed the outdoors with our family.

Wonderful! I admit I missed the computer, but not the television or a phone! A family member had a cell phone in case of emergency, but it was not used."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 14 2008 :  11:48:43 AM  Show Profile
Stacy Stipes has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I dug through my stash of quilting calico for some coordinating fabrics for this apron. I cut it out and made it in a single night, and it turned out beautifully! The hardest part was gathering the top of the apron and preparing it to be attached to the waistband. I found that it was very helpful to stitch another row of running stitches about an inch from the raw edge and gathering both rows of stitching, to keep the gathers neat while attaching the waistband. After the waistband was attached, I pulled out the bottom row of running stitches.

It turned out great! I love the pocket, it'll come in handy while cleaning up. Tonight I wore the apron while making ricotta-stuffed pasta shells for dinner and it definitely got me in the mood for cooking! I've already cut out fabric for a similar apron in blue."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 17 2008 :  10:23:01 AM  Show Profile
Alyssa Reid has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Spirit badge!

"I brought some MJF Thai Fusion that I had hoarded at my parent's house in Wyoming. We feasted on MJF food, looked at the books and I got my dad started on tatting! We made homemade lotion bars that I had learned how to make from the forum. It was more of a farmgirl week than just one party though!

We made plans to do lots of farmgirl activities as a family! I got my mom to sign up on the forum as well as one of my sisters! They are now active members and even participate in swaps!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 17 2008 :  10:40:57 AM  Show Profile
Alyssa Reid has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a intermediate level Farmgirl Spirit badge!

"We just moved into our new place in Billings, MT. About 2 weeks after we moved in, our new neighbors moved in as well. We share a yard, and their front door is only about 10 steps from our back door. This couple is restarting their life and they are really struggling. I brought over extra sheets that she could use as curtains, enough sheets for her to have to cover her bed, pillow cases and I even shared a MaryJanesFarm magazine with her!

My neighbor has been so grateful for the linens I could spare her. They have helped her to have privacy and to shade her house. We are quickly becoming friends and she wants to learn how to do all the "Farmgirl" stuff! She wants to learn how to clean organic and is even wanting to try some of the MJF foods!"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 17 2008 :  10:53:37 AM  Show Profile
Jennifer Gillis has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a intermediate level Going Green badge!

"I've been making cleaning products from baking soda, vinegar & lemons for years but still held on to chemical-laden window cleaner, fabric softener and laundry detergent. I committed to go 100% nontoxic this year, so now make homemade laundry detergent, use vinegar as fabric softener, and vinegar/water as glass cleaner. What products I do not make I purchase solely from Mrs. Meyers, a company that makes nontoxic products.

My chemical-loving mom has recently shown interest in going green, so I sent her some home made laundry soap and the recipe and bought her a book of nontoxic cleaning product recipes.

My clothes smell clean, not like perfume. My mom is now taking baby steps away from toxic cleaning products. And I feel good buying products from a company that believes in helping the environment. "
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 24 2008 :  4:47:55 PM  Show Profile
Amanda Thompson has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge!

"I started a quilt last year when I began hand embroidering Sunbonnet Sue--there are 12 girls.

When I went to visit family this year my Aunt encouraged me to finish her. So we cut up the pieces and began to finish her.

It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. It feels good to know I have something to pass on to my daughter when I go, something that I started and finished."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 24 2008 :  5:24:27 PM  Show Profile
Julie Kohl has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a intermediate level Crochet badge!

"For my intermediate crochet badge I tried several different projects to learn new stitches and techniques. My first projects was a Market Bag with which I learned how to do a mesh pattern. This bag took about 14 hours to complete. I also found out on a recent vacation that it makes a great beach bag.
My second project was a trade with Debi (debinmtns). We each crocheted a back scrubbie and sent them to eachother. For this project I tried to work on my tension and learned to do a popcorn stitch.
For my third project I did a "crochet-a-long" with debinmtns, levisgrammy and tammyclaxton. Debi virtually taught us how to do Charted crochet (not filet) which is really popular overseas. We are working on several doilies "together". My first doily took me about 20 or so hours to complete. I have started the second one.

Overall I was pleased with all of my projects but I did have a few issues I am going to work on as I continue to learn. When making my bag I must have lost count because my last few rounds had extra stitches so it is a little lopsided.
I was really pleased with the back scrubbie.
With the doily I learned that I really need to work on my tension. I was really pleased with my first one but it was uneven in places. It was also really interesting to use such a tiny hook and thin thread.

Also I "virtually" crocheted in the presence of the girls in the crochet-a-long. I also crocheted in the presence of my husband and several family members and friends. All asked questions which I was happy to answer."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 25 2008 :  10:20:34 AM  Show Profile
Dana Schultz has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I used an old pattern and an unused dark green cotton tablecloth to make my apron. I am a messy cook, so the dark color seemed appropriate!

I made it long and full with two big pockets for dish towels. With the two long, full sashes tied in back, I look just like Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast! I can't wait to make a full one for my daughter!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 29 2008 :  09:34:09 AM  Show Profile
Marcy Piggot has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level BakeOver MakeOver badge!

"After checking every recipe I decided to replace ingredients with what I had on hand. The first one had taco hamburger, corn, onion, and a tomato soup sauce with cornbread. The second one was chicken, green beans, cream of mushroom soup with biscuits. The last one had black beans with sausage, onion, and corn bread.

The judges (my kids) helped pick the ingredients (the vegetables came from our garden) and really liked each one. Even when I announced another BakeOver, they were willing to try because they knew the flavors would be different. BakeOvers are a staple now! They are filling and delicious!"
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 29 2008 :  10:01:09 AM  Show Profile
Stephanie Garza has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge!

"I made an apron from two pillow panels. I used the border fabrics to make the ties. I used a solid color fabric to line it.

It's a great workday apron and fits me really well. I like that it goes further around the sides. I wish I had put on a pocket though."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 29 2008 :  11:10:59 AM  Show Profile
Nadine Himmighofen has received a certificate of achievement in Gardem Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge!

"In summer of 2005, right after I graduated from Uni my great aunt and I decided to adopt a flock of bedraggled looking hens from a chicken "farm". They sold the girls to be slaughtered since at one year of age, they were not laying enough and for $2 a piece, they were ours. After the first molt they looked beautiful and they were sweet hens. Of the original flock one hen is still with us. Over time we adopted some more hens and a bantam rooster and hen. The rooster has a crooked leg and the hen was "orphaned" when a fox killed the other hens. So it is a hodgepodge of hens but we get two to four eggs a day so we have never had to buy any more eggs since. Not even in winter! With the eggs we feed the family and the surplus gets traded with the neighbors for produce or mum makes it into "egg liqueur" (think eggnogg but more like a liqueur and it keeps for months!) and macaroons- so the girls really help us.
So far we fed them with the kitchen scraps that are ok for them to eat and generic feed but I did some research on the internet last week and found a company that delivers organic chicken feed, no genetically engineered grains in it, no animal by-products or anything harmful- instead it has lots of amazing ingredients like nigella seeds and herbs! And what is best? The girls love, love, love it! :)

I already had the hens but I do have to add more, having two more layers would give us more eggs to trade with the neighbours or to make the liqueur for gifts or possibly for "sale".

Having made the switch to better feed was so easy thanks to the internet and it makes so much sense to check what goes into the feed. They used to get generic feed (mostly just wheat) from the feedstore but this has more variety and they do like it better. I gave the date when the first hens moved in but there is no "finished date"- all the girls can stay for as long as they live and new ones will always have a place. "

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jul 29 2008 :  11:42:24 AM  Show Profile
Kelly Wall has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge!

"I knitted 10 facecloths for a swap. The face cloths turned out very nice. They are knitted out of a soft cotton."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  09:33:22 AM  Show Profile
Diana Kelewae has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Pay It Forward badge!

"Our church has a food pantry that distributes food twice a month. We serve 65 families.

I have been gathering food donations from other churches for the past 5 years, which I pick up and then deliver to our church to be distributed. I love it when I'm able to completely fill up the back of my PT Cruiser with food!

I really don't have a completed date because I'm hoping that the donations of food will continue for many years.

So far I have been able to get regular quarterly donations of food from some churches in my area, and if there are times when the donations of food are lean, they give me cash contributions so that we can purchase food."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  10:13:04 AM  Show Profile
Diana Kelewae has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge!

"I embroidered my Farmgirl Sisterhood patch and added a ruffled cotton edging, securing it with cross stitching."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  10:25:12 AM  Show Profile
Diana Kelewae has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Pay It Forward badge!

"We have a big glass jar where we put not only the change we didn't use by eating out, but all of our pocket change at the end of the day that will be donated to our church food pantry as well as Haiti Missions to feed the children who are starving there. It takes only a dime a day to feed a child in Haiti a meal.

So far the Food Jar is filling up nicely, and I figure by the time the Thanksgiving/Christmas season rolls around we'll have enough to supply our church food pantry with some nice large roasting chickens and also the trimmings to complete a holiday meal."
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  10:48:13 AM  Show Profile
Diana Kelewae has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge!

"I started a Knit A Long on the Gathered Up Forum and several Farmgirls joined in to knit round dishcloths using cotton yarn and size 8 needles. See attached photo :)."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  3:40:45 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge!

"I earned this badge by learning to do several different kinds of seams. The first seam I sewed was by machine. It was a plain straight seam on a pillow which was then turned inside out to hide the raw edges. I closed it up by hand using a whip stitch to bring the two sides together, neatly hiding the “secret” opening. My mom was so pleased to have this pillow put together—it was one that she had candlewicked many years ago but never took the time to finish. The kit included a ruffle that I hand gathered and added between the seam layers. It came out nice and the finished pillow was a work of art! (Sorry, I returned it to her before taking a photo.)

I learned and practiced the French and flat seams, as well. I had heard of these types of seams but didn’t know what they were. Both were very easy to do, though a little tedious. I used the French seam on my trio of aprons and was very pleased with the finished look—so neat and tidy inside with no raw edges. I also practiced the flat seam and found this one to be my favorite. I love the neat, flat finish. I will use this one on my next apron (which is cut and waiting!).

Another option I've used for seam finishing is to “pink” the edge with pinking shears. I recently bought a pair for a project I did with the ladies at my church and had forgotten how handy they are. When I was growing up, my mother had a pair of these fancy shears that she always used to cut edges that would become raw edges in seams. The edges needed no further treatment. When I grew up and moved away, I didn’t have a pair of these shears so I resorted to using a zigzag stitch along my raw edges to keep them from fraying, which is the method I have used for years and also the method I have taught my daughters.

Blanket stitch is great for many seams and edges. Most fleece can easily be transformed into blankets, hats, mittens, and almost anything else, using just a simple blanket stitch to “finish” its raw edges. Contrasting thread makes an excellent border!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  4:06:47 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a expert level Sew Wonderful badge!


I have finally finished my BakeOver TakeOver! I actually made two at the same time knowing that I would give one to my friend Lynne (who attends many church potlucks and will get much use out of it) but would also want one for myself to use. I used all “found” materials because I NEVER throw craft supplies away! I found fabric leftover from a quilt as well as batting scraps that I pieced together to make the main bodies. I used dowel scraps for handles and stitched them in so they are secure. I used embroidery thread scraps to write “Feeding Friends…Finding Fellowship” on each one. For the firm base I cut two squares from some leftover wall board that I then covered in fabric to make it neat and clean. I was so pleased with each one…especially since my casserole dish fits perfectly inside!

Once I finished the TakeOvers, I dug out some more fabric leftovers and cut enough pieces to make hot pads. I made two hens and one pig, using scraps of rick-rack and bias tape for hangers and the combs on the hens. I added embroidery and buttons for facial features. They’re sooooo cute!!
View them at..."


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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 01 2008 :  5:12:17 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a intermediate level Quilting badge!

"I had a wonderful opportunity arise for this badge—I was invited to join the families of a young couple (married last year) in the cooperative effort to create a wedding quilt for them. I had never done anything like this before, but as a friend to both families, it was a real treat to be included.

The bride chose her fabrics and one of the aunts put together the packages for each participant. I received mine in May and took a few weeks to ponder my options. I finally decided on a tumbling blocks, three dimensional, pattern that was perfectly suited for the three main fabrics. A fourth fabric was used to border off the square and bring it up to the desired finished size. A fifth fabric caused me some trouble—it had a pale background printed all over with pairs of large flip-flops. I didn’t want to leave it out but also didn’t want the print to become “lost” in the square. A little brainstorming with my daughter brought the perfect solution—flip-flop appliqués! The final touch was to add each of their names to the square along with a scripture reference to a verse that declares, “…He shall direct your paths.” I hid my initials in the corner, pressed the square, clicked a photo, and sent it on it’s way to the “aunties” to be added to the final project.

My five+ hours of quilting with a friend (which was closer to 10 hours by the time we finished!) came all in one day as I helped the mother of this same bride (a non-sewer) construct her own square for the quilt. We chose a simple block pattern with a border and I taught her simple techniques for embroidering “Mom” into the corner of her square. She was just thrilled with her success and SO happy to be able to offer her own efforts to the quilt that will cover her beloved daughter and new son-in-law!"

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 07 2008 :  2:22:41 PM  Show Profile
Mariah Moore has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge!

"This spring my husband I an started a flock of egg layers and meat birds. We ordered 35 Cornish Rock Cross, 5 Barred rock pullets, 5 Buff Orpingtons pullets, and 5 Red Sexlinks pullets.

We have lost a few of the Rock Crosses and taken the rest for food. The "Girls" are doing very well. We have 14 of the 15 ordered. One died the night we got them. It has been a huge learning experience. We are very much looking forward to when the "Girls" start laying eggs.

We will be making another order for more Rock Crosses after a short break.

The picture is of the brooder we made out of the ridiculously huge bathtub. We have since taken it out and replaced it with a freezer to put the chickens in. We will be adding shelving to store the fall canning."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 07 2008 :  3:50:29 PM  Show Profile
Nadine Himmighofen has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level embroidery badge!

"The only embroidery I ever learned was crossstitch since my mother is really good at counted crossstitch. I can do crossstitch but as for other stitches- not really. So I was able to get the supplies from my mum, thread, needles, fabric scraps and I sat down for some serious practise.

I first started with a sampler (I plan to sew this as a pinkeeper), then did a farmgirl saying I want to use in a crazy quilt cushion cover and finally I attacked my membership badge which I monogrammed and added my number.

I love what I did and definitely want to do more- I might embroider all my patches. I am currently tracing my first badge onto muslin to embroider. :) "

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 07 2008 :  4:13:54 PM  Show Profile
Nadine Himmighofen has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge!

"When I was in elementary school a friend taught me to crochet a chain with my fingers only. For years that was the only crochet I knew because it was hard to teach me- I am left-handed and while I knit like right-handed people it was tricky with crochet.
I taught myself some stitches a while ago but did not like the results and so I never really pursued it any further. I do love crocheted washcloths and dishcloths and so I used my new books (MaryJane's Ideabook and Stitching Room) as well as a craft book my mum had (it is older than I am!) to learn again. I sometimes used a mirror to show me how a leftie would hold it (I found this tip on the internet!) and after crocheting, unravelling, crocheting, unravelling I came up with a nice dishcloth worked in the round so I also had to count and increase. I used the whole ball of yarn since I wanted some big washcloths and have already started another one (the one on the bottom of the picture in red, white and blue). Mum joined me and she is a novice too so I showed her what I already knew, she tried it and her efforts can be seen in pink/white/brown. She only plans to crochet coasters, we weighed the skein and I think she can get four out of it.

I love my washcloth and working on it showed me lots about tension and matching hook and yarn to get good results. In my washcloth I also experimented with where I put in the hook, most of it is with both loops, then a few rounds of the back loop only so there is an added line and in the last round I was adventurous and did a dc stitch."

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 07 2008 :  4:23:33 PM  Show Profile
Nadine Himmighofen has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge!

"My sewing kit is in an empty chocolate box, tied with some lace. Inside I used a button themed fabric to line the box. I filled it with some neutral threads, a sharp pair of scissors, needles, an old needle book (refilled) I already had as a child and a handmade pinkeeper to wear as a ring when sewing. I sewed this pinkeeper by hand using a kit bought at the lys.

I created a nice box to have sitting in my room to use for projects and mending too. "

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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 07 2008 :  4:33:00 PM  Show Profile
Nadine Himmighofen has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching and Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge!

"I created a button box using partly new buttons and some old ones from my mother and grandmother's button boxes to get a good assortment. Some of my buttons are really fancy and others are plain for everyday shirts and such.

I love the box, I chose a wooden one to display, even when open- I love to look at the buttons. :)"

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