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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  12:42:40 PM  Show Profile
Malinda Niper (Malinda Niper, #8119) has received certificates of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning the Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert Levels of the Recycling Merit Badge!

“This badge was a no brainer for me. I've been recycling probably all of my life! Each week we go to our transfer station and have way more recycling than trash. We also compost! We go to our transfer station because they recycle a lot more than our pick up groups do. We shred a lot of bills and things with our names on them. The carting companies don't take this, but our transfer station does! I've been using a lot of recyclables in my garden this year for climbers and animal deterrents. We have two large cans in the kitchen that we put papers and plastics etc into. When these get full during the week, we move the mass into large paper leaf bags in the basement that eventually get recycled too. We redeem our deposit cans at least once a month. I've implemented stronger recycling guidelines in my classrooms, and my kids have picked up on my habits. I had a friend who was throwing straw wrappers out her car window. I got her to stop this practice!

This is my first badge with you. Probably my favorite. I feel good when I'm able to recycle things and use them for other purposes. My first teacher was Mr. Rice in middle school who ran a science class in the early 80's where he would give us extra credit to create things with recyclables. I loved creating things then, and it has carried over into my adulthood. New York has finally banned those stupid plastic bags and I couldn't be happier! This will be a lifetime badge for me!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  2:42:27 PM  Show Profile
Darla Armstrong (Darla J. Armstrong, #4391) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Intermediate Level Birds Merit Badge!

“I grew bird house gourds last summer ,dried them and hung them out for bird houses this year. Unfortunately, no one is living in them! I've seen chickadees, black birds, robins, ravens, oriels, hummingbirds, and grey jays at the feeder, but no one has taken up residence in the gourds.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  2:45:55 PM  Show Profile
Darla Armstrong (Darla J. Armstrong, #4391) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a Beginner Level Farmgirl's Best Friend Merit Badge!

“I've and have had several pets in the past. I'll never have a mouse, ferret, rodent, as I'm not a fan. Like EVER! I'll pick a tick off of anyone or a leech off anything but a rodent!

My favorite so far is a horse. I don't have to ride her necessarily, but just being by her and loving her is sometimes enough.

I have two horses, both trained by my Dad who was a horse whisperer and so was his Dad. Dad loved horses from when he was a little boy and rode his entire life. I was put on a horse probably before I could walk, and it was something Dad and I did together, though he was not willing to give up the reins...ever. My Dad passed 11 years ago. I wish I'd learned more about horses from him. I think that's the biggest regret I have. I have his horses now, and love them to death. I'll have to rely on his friends to help me to learn to drive my mare better. I drove the gelding— basically he showed me what it was supposed to be. Now he has cushings so he is retired and I'm having to try my mare several years with out being driven. I'm scared, but hope to get help this summer.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  2:50:06 PM  Show Profile
Darla Armstrong (Darla J. Armstrong, #4391) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an Intermediate Level Farmgirl's Best Friend Merit Badge!

“My husband and I have several pets. Obviously I have the two horses that were my Dad's and got them 2 years after he passed. We have one rooster, MR. Big and 5 hens. Rose was killed the other day and I'm still very sad. Blanche, Mr. Big (who was supposed to be Dorthy) are Brahmas. We also have Little Blackie (Ameraucana hen), and the three little red hens (Rhode Island reds), who are sort of like The Supremes. The Ameraucana came from a backyard dealer, The Brahmas from the local Cluck-and-Quack show and the three reds from the neighbor when their dog ate their flock except the three. We aslo have one cat that was found abandoned by its mother and we took her and her brother in. He brother ran away right after we had him fixed and she is such a 'fraidy cat she never followed but has been with us since she was a baby. The only way to catch her in the house was to put out food! Our other cat, Mouse, was born as one kitten to the litter to my sister-in-law's cat. My son made me pet it and the rest is history. Buddy, our dog was bought when he was a puppy. We love him. When he was a puppy he jumped out of the back of the truck and landed in the ditch and damaged nerves and tendons. The tendons heeled but has lasting nerve damage.

My hard keeper horse gets supplements for senior horses. His cushings flare up here and there but is comfortable. They both get dewormed regularly and depending on the year inject them with west nile needles. Kitty cats got their first shots and nothing after that. They are very healthy. Buddy gets heart worm pills and rabies shots. The chickens don't get anything but their feed. We don't have any trouble with them nor when we had them plus 30 meat birds. However, when we had 50 meat birds we had quite a bit of sickness in the flock. We only have our layers this year.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  2:52:43 PM  Show Profile
Darla Armstrong (Darla J. Armstrong, #4391) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an Expert Level Farmgirl's Best Friend Merit Badge!

“I did not choose the horse's breeds. One is full Arabian and the other is an Arabian/Quarter Horse/Paint. They both have spunk. When my Arabian was young, riding him was like riding and moving on a cloud. He was and is smart! My mare is amazing when she gets going. Definitely not as smooth as the gelding, and acts up a bit when she's cycling, but is lovely and has a little woo-hoo in her, thus I'm a bit intimidated to start her driving again. The chickens, I wanted an Ameraucana for the blue eggs. The Brahmas are big and beautiful. I love how they swagger when they walk. The rooster is stunning but almost got the chopping block because he attacked me a couple of times. Hopefully in his new coop we are making he will be happier. He protects his ladies well. Cats, we just took them to love them because nobody else wanted them. Buddy is a German Shepard/lab cross. He was chosen because he is a family dog and Labs are know for their lovability and with the German Sheppard he has the protective instincts. He is an amazing choice for our family.

I love them all!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:19:51 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Going Green Merit Badge!

“I began this going green journey during the summer of 2017, after another bout of bronchitis brought on by Lysol spray used in the workplace. I rid my home of all harsh cleaners and pledged to learn how to make my own cleaners, using green products, and to introduce others to switching over to green products. In November 2019, I began writing down my ideas and green recipes in the back chapter of a book, “With Love From My Kitchen.” This will ensure my loved ones will know my passion for green living and saving this earth for future generations. I’ve shared some of the recipes with my oldest grandchild, and she has shared with me some of the things she has made.

By using white vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, vegetable glycerin, organic castile soap and essential oils, I have learned to clean my house economically and certainly healthier. I'm still tweaking recipes, learning to make other products such as hand sanitizer. Learning is essential for continued growth. We are never too old to learn and have fun doing it! A plus-my health is better.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:23:02 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Going Green Merit Badge!

“I've made 2 kinds of laundry detergent. I ordered soap nuts and followed the simple directions. I liked the smell. My only complaint would be soap nuts are produced by the soapberry tree in China or India and are imported into the US. I'll simmer the nuts again but probably will not reorder. I made a liquid detergent using organic liquid castile soap, baking soda, sea salt, essential oils (lavender and geranium), and hot water. This detergent is easy to make, use, cleans well, and leaves a pleasing scent without a film. My latest recipe is for a body wash using the unscented liquid castile soap, raw honey, jajoba oil, vitamin E and essential oils. Using MaryJanesFarm May 2017 issue, pages 46–51, I have also made all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, antibacterial spray, linen spritz for the beds, furniture polish, wood floor mop formula, mop it up formula, and soft scrub for the tub. Toilet bowl bombs, recipe from Young Living, clean beautifully and are easy to make and also make great gifts. I made my own hand sanitizer recently using Everclear from the liquor store because I couldn’t find 91% Isopropyl Alcohol or hand sanitizer anywhere!

I'm always looking for new recipes. I attended Mother Earth Conference/Workshops in Asheville, NC in late April 2019. I brought home a plethora of books, and I am constantly learning and experimenting on new ideas and homemade products. I gift many of my items and the recipients usually ask for the directions. It's been enlightening to help others on this going green journey.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:25:16 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Public Service Merit Badge!

“I registered to vote at 18 years of age and have voted in every county, state, and national election for 50 years! I was a member of The League of Women Voters of SC for 10 years. I attend school board meetings monthly. We've had a few local ballot initiatives, a vote to build a new school and most recently, an initiative to reconstruct a closed, centralized school into a county school district office which in turn would increase the tax mill.

My interest in politics began when Kennedy and Nixon ran for office. I listened intently to family members as they discussed both candidates. I remember the disappointment when Kennedy was elected and the horror of his assassination. In my high school journalism class, I wrote a paper on who killed Kennedy. I wish I'd kept it, despite the meager details I found in my public library to contradict the popular version. I could barely wait to turn 18 years of age so I could vote! I don't understand how one can live in the USA and not be interested in who governs the county, the state, and nation. I'm proud to say my adult children share my interest. Yes, I voted in the Statewide Primary on June 9, 2020 and received my sticker!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:26:48 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Expert Level Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge!

“Hurricane Season in SC officially began on June 1. My 72-hour kit is packed into a large wheeled Samsonite luggage my carry-on airline bag stands ready, packed with everything I will need. A reminder list of items is taped to the top of my bag. Water coolers are clean and ready to fill, gallons of water purchased, two small dog hard crates are clean and ready to go in case of evacuation, dog food, dog snacks, pee pads, medications, vaccination records, harnesses with ID, both chihuahuas microchipped, new photos for identification, cash money and rolled coins are safely hidden, everything ready to go. I keep gas in the car, never going below 3/4 tank full this time of year. I purchased extra batteries last week, charged the Bolt charger, and keep my cell phone and Kindle fully charged at all times. Flashlight and a roadside flood light remain in the car at all times. My 2-week of food and supplies are stocked in the cupboard. Fuel canisters to run the Coleman stove are stored in the emergency supply cupboard. I'm ready and prepared but praying I won't need it!

We take hurricanes seriously in South Carolina. I live approximately fifty miles from the coast. I live in my childhood home, and we've only evacuated once. The brick house has survived many years; new impact windows were put in several years ago. The huge oak tree was recently cut down. I can swiftly move patio furniture inside the enclosed porch. My years of being a Girl Scout Leader taught me to always be prepared, and I am!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:28:08 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Intermediate Level Let's Get Physical Merit Badge!

“After having my teleconference with my doctor in early April, I set a weight loss goal of 5 lbs and keep it off, increase in daily exercise, better portion control, and to increase my organic vegetable and fruit consumption. To fully commit to these goals, I chose to keep a food and exercise journal. I've lost the 5 lbs. and kept it off for over a month. My garden vegetables and blueberries are producing abundantly so it's not hard to eat healthy. The Southern heat and humidity has made it impossible this week to keep up the 15 minute twice daily routine, so I hop on the stationary bike. I celebrated my 68th birthday in May ,feeling healthy and limber. I have my 71 year old brother (birthday also in May) to thank for showing me how to age gracefully by "strongly" encouraging me to stay active. No, I'm not lifting hay bales for him anymore!

I have Type 2 Diabetes! Enough said. Sometimes I just need encouragement from my doctor and my family to set goals and keep a journal to help me successfully complete those goals. I need to lower my A1C by eating properly and proper portions. After 21 days, the behavior becomes instilled forever. I don't want to reap the consequences of uncontrolled blood sugar levels!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:29:29 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Intermediate Level Rootin' Tootin Merit Badge!

“The red onions are bursting out of the ground. The carrots are few this spring, but sweet. I pulled the last of them for supper last night. There are none left to can but I will attempt a fall crop. I prepared soft tacos with butter, sauteed wild caught Alaskan cod, fresh chopped kale, steamed diced carrots, delicious sweet red onion, fresh tomato, fresh-cut kernels of uncooked sweet corn, and a homemade cooked vinaigrette made with just picked blueberries, a touch of sugar and apple cider vinegar. I bought the soft taco from the deli section of a local grocery store. Delicious!
I researched native root plants of SC and found only Jerusalem Artichokes are supposedly native. When I was a child, Jerusalem Artichoke grew near roadways or on old homesteads. I haven't seen those in years. I have my own small patch I planted last year.

It's so refreshing to go out to my garden, pick the vegetables I want to cook and prepare my meal. I know my produce is all organic, side-mulched with decayed horse manure, and free of weeds. This was a first time recipe for me, based on a fish taco I ate in Idaho. There were no peaches available so I substituted blueberries. I really enjoy the gardening although it can be hard work! I will continue to reap the bounty throughout the coming year. Another plus for the Covid-19 pandemic, we've learned to make do with what we have in the garden, freezer and the pantry. There is no need to drive into town. Make do!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:30:41 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Home Insulation Merit Badge!

“During my Christmas vacation 2019, I went throughout my house with an incense stick to find the leaky drafts. I did this mainly to seal the leaks so this old house would feel less drafty and save on the electricity bill. I bought socket sealers and put them behind each exterior wall plate. I caulked around an old fireplace mantel and brickwork in the dining room that had never been sealed. The side glass door was a huge problem area because of settling. I no longer use this door so I bought a slide-under-the-door wrap to seal out the cold air at the bottom. There was still the gap at the top of the door. I made a stufer out of a piece of old blue tarp, stuffed it with old worn pantyhose, flattened it, then duct taped completely around it. I positioned and stuffed my homemade sealer tightly in the gap. Problem solved. I installed a weatherstrip around the attic hatch and new weatherstripping around the back door. I stapled heavy duty plastic across the front of the back porch. The other sides of the porch are recessed into the house. I also added an accordion door to block off the laundry room from the den. Project completed!

I did this project all on my own with no help. My Mom would be proud of me because she too was a worker. Money has been scarce at one time, and I still hate paying someone to do a job I can do myself. It may take me longer, but I get it done. The house was certainly more comfortable this past winter in the den, kitchen, and dining room areas. My next project is to insulate above my bedroom, slowly but surely.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:32:07 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Relaxation Merit Badge!

“Going back to work after Christmas break was so stressful, and the thought literally made me sick with anxiety. The work wasn't the issue; the talkative, narcissist co-worker was the issue. Our office moved to a new location in November. We now work in side-by-side cubicles. The constant noise is distressing because my job demands complete concentration with no room for error. I know what stress does to a body, particularly for someone with a health issue. I devised a plan: Discuss the issue with my co-worker and boss; Run all office errands throughout the building daily to add steps to my weekly time and alleviate stress; Lunch outside everyday with 15-20 walkabouts in the parking lot, weather permitting; Take time out down the hallway to breathe deeply when I'm feeling stressed (4 seconds inhale, 4 seconds exhale) and need to decompress and clear my mind; promptly leave at the end of the day.

I accomplished my goals most days until we were sent home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety is a terrible condition. I've learned over the years to conquer my fears head on. I was determined to change the environment or retire completely.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:33:02 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Intermediate Level Relaxation Merit Badge!

“Since the pandemic shut down work and life as we knew it, I've found so many things to calm me. Morning coffee on the deck as I look and listen to the birds is such a wondrous way to begin my day. Gardening calms me, be it in the flower beds or my small vegetable garden. Mowing grass with a push mower is arduous but very calming. Ironing, cooking, cleaning, de-cluttering, putting jigsaw puzzles together, reading, writing, walking everyday, and cuddling with my dogs—so much keeps me calm and grateful for this time at home. I've continued to walk daily, 15 minutes twice daily. My favorite calming, ultimate peaceful time is the early morning as I watch the birds build nests, search for worms to feed their young, listening to each distinct voice as they flutter about. So many birds call my yard home this year or is it that I have time to stop and listen.

I've taken time to stop and listen, to smell the roses. I have no complaints about staying home. All is WELL and I hope it is well with all of you also.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:41:06 PM  Show Profile
Teresa Roberson (Carolinacateyes, #7386) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Expert Level Ink Slinger Merit Badge!

“My favorite genre to read is short stories, especially those written by Southern writers. I chose to read Downhome: An Anthology. I had this book on my bookshelf but had read only a few of the short stories. I bought an ebook for .99 from Amazon entitled, The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain. I love Mark Twain’s writings and his dry sense of humor. His stories are funny yet typical of life back in the day.

I wrote a 20-page short story about a young boy, age 11, whose grandmother died from Covid-19 in the frozen, bitter cold month of February 2020. He wraps her body in a blanket and puts it under the house until he can bury her later. Her Social Security check is still deposited into her bank account because no one realizes she is dead. When asked about his grandmother, he tells everyone she is too sick for visitors. He locates his grandmother’s check book and forges her name on checks to provide basic needs such as gas for the stove and electricity. He balances the checkbook monthly, then realizes he has to withdraw funds to stash away.With no one to take care of him, he lives on his own but knows he must be cautious to keep his secret. He must keep up the ruse that all is well at home. He takes advantage of school meal delivery each weekday, hot meals from a local food kitchen on weekends, and cooking what is available at home. He learns to work the food stamp debit card to purchase food items from the local store. He walks the three miles to school to obtain his packets of worksheets each week. The body under the house? In the cover of darkness for many nights in late March, he digs a 6x6 hole and places his grandma’s body in the grave. This is a continuing story about a young boy learning to survive on his own so he doesn’t end up in foster care. I predict his story will go on for a very long time while learning new skills, experiencing trials and tribulations, including how to lie with a straight face. How long can his grandma’s absence go unnoticed? Only time will tell.

I finally have time to write and to do so many things I've put off. As an English major, I've enjoyed writing short stories, poems i.e. haiku, and keeping a journal. As this short story came together in just 20 short pages, I constantly critique my work, deleting and adding, careful to keep the voice of an eleven year old in my head. I modeled my narrator after my same age grandson who could in fact take care of himself! What would Jep do in this situation and how would he solve problems?”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  4:54:20 PM  Show Profile
Susan Whitakerhill (Manyleaves, #4114) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Intermediate Level Music Merit Badge!

“I first noticed my two composers many years ago when I was researching music for a second level dressage musical freestyle—a dance of horse and rider to music. They are Sir Karl Jenkins and Antonio Vivaldi. Composers 300 years apart, but with each with a composition that blended perfectly with the other. Each with a very similar beginning in life.

Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice Italy in 1678. The son of a professional violinist, who taught his son to play, toured Italy with him at a very early age. His father was one of the founders of Sovvegno dei musicisti di Santa Ceclia—an association of musicians in Italy. Vivaldi was a composer in the Baroque era. His most famous compositions are the four violin Concertos known as the Four Seasons. He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest, however he was given a dispensation from celebrating Mass, so was withdrawn from his liturgical duties. He was also a virtuoso violinist. The Four Seasons are four concertos that reflect the four seasons of the year. The music represents flowing creeks, birds singing, storm, icy landscapes, etc. Each concerto is associated with a sonnet describing the season depicted in the music. They were published in 1725 in a collection of 12 concertos, Il ciento dell’armonia e dell’invtione, Opus 8. He also wrote many operas, but it is for his concertos that he was and still is well known. At the height of his career he was knighted by Emperor Charles VI. After Charles VI died he was left without funds or protection. He died impoverished in 1741.

It's the first movement of his Concerto No 4 in F minor, Op 8, RV297m “Winter (L’inverno) Allegro non molto that first piqued my interest.

It's a very dramatic piece, full of soft pianissimos that crescendo to fortissimo, then back down again. The music is very regular, but full of contrasts. It’s associated sonnet is thought to possibly be written by Vivaldi himself:
Allegro non molto
"Aggiacciato tremar trŕ neri algenti
Al Severo Spirar d' orrido Vento,
Correr battendo i piedi ogni momento;
E pel Soverchio gel batter i denti;"
Allegro non molto

Shivering, frozen mid the frosty snow in biting, stinging winds;
Running to and fro to stamp one's icy feet, teeth chattering in the bitter chill.

Sir Karl William Pamp Jenkins was born in Penclawdd, Gower, Wales. His father was a local school teacher, chapel organist and choirmaster. He studied music at Cardiff University, and the Royal Academy of Music. His career was extremely varied as is his music. He has played in the rock band Soft Machine. He also played in a new age music group called Adiemus. He has composed choral works, classical religious music. He is well know for writing advertising music. He holds a Doctorate of Music from the University of Wales. In 2015 he was made a Knight Bachelor. So his beginnings and career is a modern version of Vivaldi’s. It is the music that he wrote for the DeBeer’s Diamonds commercials that caught my interest.

The music could have been written 300 years ago by Vivaldi! So after some searching I found the album. Sir Karl took the commercial music and expanded it into Palladio, a three movement Concerto Grosso for Strings. The Diamond music is the first movement Allegretto. He said it was inspired by the sixteenth century Italian architect Andrea Palladio – his buildings known for their harmony and order.

Both of these compositions have soft beginnings, gradually building into a big, full sound, then back down again. Both endings are bold and very “forte”. They both are concertos for strings, and are usually played by a full string orchestra. Both composers wrote music that was varied, and of different genres for their time. The phrasing of Sir Karl’s composition is just slightly more flowing than Vivaldi’s – just a hint more “modern”.
When blended into music for a dressage freestyle, the two pieces blended into one another with very little editing needed. Jenkin’s music for the trot, Vivaldi’s for the canter and walk. In the dressage freestyle the music is to match the tempo of the horse’s gates. These matched my horse’s walk, trot and canter perfectly. Both written in 4/4 time. Both beginning with a very regular, basic beat underlying the melody. Both for strings.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  5:49:50 PM  Show Profile
Hennie Collazo (#8088) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Make It Pretty Merit Badge!

“I drew out pictures for a Christmas scrapbook. Took a good bit of time and quite a lot of examples. Well one thing's for sure—I am no artist.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  5:51:09 PM  Show Profile
Hennie Collazo (#8088) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level In the Garden Merit Badge!

“I planted beans. On each side did 2 wood-coated painted green limbs to hopefully look blended in—added cotton string up level to make a trellis. Trellis looks funky but it's doing its job. Got a few bean plants. Let's see if I get any beans. Lol”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  5:57:02 PM  Show Profile
Hennie Collazo (#8088) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Sew Wonderful Merit Badge!

“I made a small sewing kit listed in book for a friend. Added tape measure and bobbin. Took a bit longer and made a squirrel pin cushion filled with fiberfill and saw dust. This took the longest time. She loves squirrels.

I think it turned out pretty good, she liked the squirrel. And the small container keeps everything inside nice and together when she needs it.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  5:59:05 PM  Show Profile
Hennie Collazo (#8088) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a Beginner Level 'Out There' Women Merit Badge!

“I took a day trip to Calhoun falls in SC (state park) to try and identify some wild plants. Some were easy others not quite so sure of. I gathered wind breaker, energy bars, bandana, water bottle, space blanket, bandaid, creme, rope, paracord bracelet (with whistle, compass, cutter), pocket knife, matches in candy tin. Did research on these 10 plants:
Dandelion, cattails, wild rose, black walnut, goosefeet, lavender, wild chives, black-eyed Susan, saw palmetto, and dogwood.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  6:13:25 PM  Show Profile
Hannah Frankowski (GinnyBelle, #6994) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Let's Get Physical Merit Badge!

“I set a goal to walk at least 15 miles a week and also to do 20 crunches a day. Tracking my progress really helped to motivate me to keep at it, even when I didn't feel like it or was "too busy". I even managed to lose 3 pounds! :)”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2020 :  6:15:32 PM  Show Profile
Hannah Frankowski (GinnyBelle, #6994) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Intermediate Level In the Garden Merit Badge!

“I used 15 cans in the garden by transplanting mint in some and making a tin can horse to scare birds with the rest.

I built a birdhouse and used a flattened coffee can for its roof.

I built an enclosed raised bed off our back porch to plant my herbs in.

I was pretty pleased with how everything turned out. I was especially proud of my raised bed, which ended up absolutely perfect.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 17 2020 :  5:20:29 PM  Show Profile
Lily D'Angelis (#8098) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Scrapbooking Merit Badge!

“I made three scrapbooks from events in our childhood with our parents for my sister and I gave it to her.

It turned out beautifully and she loved it. One of the books was from when we traveled to Disney World. The other from mom and dad's time with the Lions Club. And the other from our family trip to Argentina.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 17 2020 :  5:35:56 PM  Show Profile
Trinity Clark (Mentoring Sister: Annette Widmark, #6518) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Knitting Merit Badge!

“I learned to knit a scarf from my grandma. She gave me yarn needles and sat with me as I learned how to knit.

I knitted the scarf and gave it to my grandma for her 60th birthday.

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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Queen Bee

16470 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16470 Posts

Posted - Jun 17 2020 :  6:00:22 PM  Show Profile
Hennie Collazo (#8088) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Herbs Merit Badge!

“Did research at a garden nursery about plants. Then to library.

Oregano: Italian food, sauces, used to treat infections
Mint: Full sun tea, salves, good for breathing opens up airways, upset stomach
Rosemary: Bought and planted 2 plants. For fish /chicken- stimulates digestion, reduces joint swelling
Lemon balm: Tea, fish drinks, detoxes liver, has calming effect/PMS
Basil: Pesto -blood circulation

I learned more facts but am keeping it short. I was surprised by some of the things herbs help the body with. Decieded to try and grow rosemary since it an annual plant.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
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