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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Jun 10 2021 : 1:01:03 PM
Cindy Kinion (AussieChick, #6058) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level International Civics Challenge Merit Badge!
“I continued to research the Australian government for this merit badge.
Like other Westminster-style systems of government, the Australian Government is made up of three branches: the executive (the prime minister (elected every 3 years), the ministers, and government departments), the legislative (the Parliament of Australia), and the judicial.
Almost everywhere you live in Australia you will have three elected governments – Federal, State (or Territory) and Local. Each of these levels of government has its own powers, responsibilities and services and each of them is elected by the people they provide government for:- • federal Parliament—makes laws for the whole of Australia; • 6 state and 2 mainland territory parliaments—make laws for their state or territory; • over 500 local councils—make local laws (by-laws) for their region or district;
Representatives are elected to federal Parliament, state and territory parliaments, and local councils, so that all Australians have someone to represent them at each level of government. Parliaments and councils make laws; governments put these laws into action.
The Constitution established an Australian—federal—Parliament. The 227 members of the Australian Parliament—76 in the Senate and 151 in the House of Representatives—are responsible for making federal laws. Sections 51 and 52 of the Constitution describe the law-making powers of the federal Parliament. Section 51 lists 39 areas over which the federal Parliament has legislative—law-making—power. These include: • international and Australian trade and commerce • defence • postal and telecommunications services • banking and insurance • foreign policy • citizenship • taxation • pensions • census and statistics • welfare payments • currency • Medicare • national employment conditions • marriage and divorce • immigration
Because the federal Parliament and the state parliaments can make laws in the same areas, sometimes these laws conflict. Section 109 of the Constitution states that if the federal Parliament and a state parliament pass conflicting laws on the same subject, then the federal law overrides the state law or the part of the state law that is inconsistent with it.
State and territory parliaments make laws that are enforced within their state or territory. By defining federal powers, the Australian Constitution reserved—left—most other law-making powers to the states. These are called residual powers. As a rule, if it is not listed in sections 51 and 52 of the Constitution, it is an area of state responsibility. State laws relate to matters that are primarily of state interest such as: • schools • hospitals • roads and railways • public transport • utilities such as electricity and water supply • mining • agriculture • forests • community services • consumer affairs • police • prisons • ambulance services
There are over 500 local government bodies across Australia. They are often called councils, municipalities or shires. Local governments consist of 2 groups who serve the needs of local communities: elected members, who normally have 4-year terms, and staff who work for the council.
On average each council has 9 elected members who are usually called councillors or aldermen, while the chair or head of the council is usually called the mayor or president. These smaller legislative bodies make by-laws about local matters and provide services. For example, councils are responsible for: • local roads, footpaths, cycle ways, street signage and lighting • waste management, including rubbish collection and recycling • parking • recreational facilities such as parks, sports fields and swimming pools • cultural facilities, including libraries, art galleries and museums • services such as childcare and aged care • sewerage • town planning • building approvals and inspections • land and coast care programs • pet control.
One of the main tasks of local government is to regulate—manage—services and activities. For example, councils are responsible for traffic lights, and dog and cat registration. These tasks would be difficult for a state government to manage because they are local issues.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Jun 10 2021 : 1:02:19 PM
Cindy Kinion (AussieChick, #6058) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Greatest Generation Merit Badge!
“To achieve this merit badge, my husband and I have been spending precious time with our elderly friend, Margaret. Margaret attends our church and we got to know her and her husband, Graham, quite well over the past 9 years. Sadly, Graham passed away last year. Margaret continues to live in their house in Toogoolawah. She does not drive, so we have been picking her up and taking her to church most Sundays (unless she has family visiting in which case they will bring her).
On several occasions now, we have dropped Margaret home after church and then stayed to share lunch with her. This usually turns in to 3-4 hours of great food and great conversation. Last time we had lunch, I brought along a coconut pie for dessert. Margaret enjoys sharing stories about Graham and her family. She will often end the visit with a tour of her lounge room and the array of family photos that she has on display. She has been trying to keep involved in some community organisations, for example the Red Cross, but there are times when she gets lonely and simply misses Graham. We love spending time with her – despite living alone now, she exudes positivity and is a pleasure to be around.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 10 2021 : 1:04:43 PM
Hannah Frankowski (GinnyBelle, #6994) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth Merit Badge!
“Last year I planted a Kentucky Wonder pole bean, but then I never went any further with earning the badge. This year, I decided to revisit it so I planted a Cajun Belle pepper plant. (We actually have several raised beds, but gardening is something my husband enjoys a lot, so I leave it mostly to him. He was kind enough to let me use half of one of his beds to grow my pepper for this badge. Hehe!)
My husband and I also have been paying more attention to our garden products and have been making sure they are natural.
I read the required book, Montrose: Life in a Garden.
My pole beans turned out well last year, as I recall. My Cajun Belle is off to a good start! She already has some little pepper buds on her.
So far, the only pests we have encountered are bunnies. The raised beds and chicken wire has them thwarted. I will be doing research on pest control as the need arises.
Unfortunately, I did not enjoy reading Montrose as much as I'd hoped. The illustrations were beautiful, and the details of day to day life in such a beautiful setting were fascinating, but all the latin plant names and scientific terminology made it a little hard for me to get in to. I wish it had been a little more memoir and a little less text book. But overall, it was an interesting read and I could not help but be in awe of her dedication to gardening.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 11:55:43 AM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Expert Level Quilling Merit Badge!
“I finished my expert 3-dimensional quilling project. I spent 7 hours making it. I quilled two birds, which took me about one hour to make. I then did two dragonflies, which took an hour to make. I worked on the tree trunks which took me about 2 1/2 hours. I then made my leaves, which took me one hour and a half. I spent approximately an hour putting everything together and gluing everything in place. I added some decorations around the edges including a couple of quilled circles and little green S shapes. I really enjoyed making this and had a lot of fun. It turned out the way I wanted it to.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 11:57:19 AM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Intermediate Level Apples Merit Badge!
“I made an apple BakeOver for my family. They flipped over it they loved it so much. The recipe I used was my own recipe. I peeled my apples cut them up into slices. I put a little oil in the bottom of my cast-iron skillet and sautéed the apples for about 5 minutes with some cinnamon sugar. I prepared my Budget Mix and added cinnamon and sugar to it to make it really sweet. I then put it over the top of the apples. I put my skillet in the oven to bake for 35 minutes at 375 degrees. I then took it out, put a plate on top, and flipped it out. It turned out wonderful.
The next night I made my dinner that had three separate apple dishes. For dessert, I made apple cupcakes, which my family loved. For the dinner portion, I made apple-smoked pork chops with apple sauce and I made a salad with cut-up apples and carrots. I deep fried some French fries and made corn on the cop to go with it. My family really enjoyed the dinner. They loved the apple-smoked pork chops. I thought that was an incredible idea. The dinner and deserts were so yummy.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
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Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 11:58:17 AM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Expert Level Apples Merit Badge!
“I looked into which varieties of apple trees grow best in my area. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Rome Beauty, and Winesap are the predominant varieties grown in the Sierra foothills; although recently newer varieties have been planted. Just over 1000 acres of apples are still grown at higher elevations in Southern California. I learned how to care for the trees. Now is a good time to plant them. The variety I chose was Golden Delicious. I planted 3 seeds in a starter pot and will be transferring them to the ground once they sprout. This turned out good.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 11:59:53 AM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Intermediate Level Bread Making Merit Badge!
“There are three main types of commercially produced baker's yeast: active dry, instant, and fresh. All of them will work to leaven doughs in any given yeasted baking recipe, but each has slightly different properties, and, for the more discerning palate, varying flavors. I made just plain white bread using baker's yeast. I then made cinnamon-sugar bread using instant yeast. I then remade my white bread using baking powder baking soda together. When I remade the bread using baking powder and baking soda the texture of the bread turned out different. I liked all of the bread, however. The bread was very good.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:01:03 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a Beginner Level Staying Green Merit Badge!
“I've continued for the past three months to keep going green. I used the cleaners that I made for my bathroom and kitchen floor cleaners. The window cleaners are my favorite cleaners. It is the best window cleaner I've ever had. I've had to make more window cleaner and floor cleaner because I ran out very fast. The only difficulties I had were with the laundry soap. But I now have a good recipe I like. I am having fun doing this merit badge.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:01:52 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Staying Green Merit Badge!
“I've been looking at all my going green products that I've made. I'm pretty sure I have all the recipes that I need already made. But I'm always willing to try a new recipe. I only had one recipe that I had difficulty with it was the laundry detergent one. I tried two different recipes and found a third one that I liked the best for that particular one. I wrote down my favorite recipes and developed a system for safely storing my homemade cleaners when I make them. I store all my cleaners in my garage on a shelf. I stocked up on all my basic ingredients so I can continue making my product. I have 2 gallons of vinegar, 4 gallons of distilled water, some baking soda, some washing soda, citric acid, and some castle soap stored in my garage. I also have my favorite essential oils: lemongrass wild orange lemon lavender and citric bloom. I now have everything in my garage that I need so if I run out of a product I can make it any time.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:03:28 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Get It Together Merit Badge!
“I spent some time pulling out all of my storage containers. I tossed all the ones that did not have lids. I then decided which ones I wanted to keep and which ones I didn't want to keep. The ones I did not keep I gave away. I then reorganized my cupboards. My cupboards look really nice now.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
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16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:04:39 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Intermediate Level Get It Together Merit Badge!
“I made a kitchen needs list it wasn't very long. I got everything that I needed on the list and now my kitchen is complete. I gave away anything that I did not need. I enjoyed doing this merit badge because my cupboards are now clean and I was able to give away stuff that I did not need to a friend who needed it.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:05:48 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Expert Level Get It Together Merit Badge!
“Learn how to sharpen my knives. It was easy to do and now my knives will be sharp all the time. I did not realize that my sharps were that dull until I sharpened them and I started cutting up celery. Oh my gosh—it cut up so nicely. It's nice having sharp knives turned out really good.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
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16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:10:17 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge!
“California is prone to various disasters such as flooding due to excessive rain, fires, and earthquakes. I made a plan with my family on how to respond to these emergencies. We have our emergency cards filled out. We have our two different meeting places if there is an emergency. We also have a backpack pre-packed and ready to walk out the door and our pantry is fully stocked with non-perishable items. We also keep a footlocker with food in it in case we can't get in the house. It's in the garage by the door. We also have a case of water in the garage. We know that if we run out of that water that we could use the water out of the water heater to drink and out of the back of the toilet. I like being prepared.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:10:55 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Intermediate Level Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge!
“I created an emergency kit that will last me for 72 hours. I looked online for a list of what I needed to put in this particular kit. In this kit, I had 3 to 5 gallons of water. I have some food (all nonperishable), I have waterproof matches and a little lighter, a small shelter tarp so I can make a lean-to, a sleeping bag, a lightweight reflective blanket that folds, very small hand warmer packets, a poncho, flashlight candle, a knife, a little camping kit, some rope, a small first aid kit, the pills that I need to have, toilet paper, a couple of pairs of clothes, cash, and I also had my emergency card which is very important, and insurance cards. I included a few extras too: sunblock, a notebook to keep notes on whatever I need to keep notes on, a deck of cards to keep us busy, dice, colored pencils, scissors, and a sewing kit.
I love how this makes me feel about being prepared. My boys were all boy scouts. One of the things that they always said was to be prepared.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:11:59 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning an Expert Level Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge!
“I converted my 72-hour kit into an easy-to-pack kit in case of an evacuation. I was able to fit it in two backpacks. I also made my shelter-in-place kit which is enough supplies for two weeks that stay in my pantry. I also have a footlocker in my garage that holds even more nonperishable foods and extra water. It turned out wonderful.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:13:31 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Mosaics Merit Badge!
“I made dragonfly mosaic on a rock for my garden. It was fun to make and it turned out well.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:14:33 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Intermediate Level Mosaics Merit Badge!
“I made a mermaid mosaic wall hanging. I love mermaids and wanted to put in in my bathroom. It looks good in my bathroom.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:16:03 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Pottery/Ceramics Merit Badge!
“The different types of clay available are earthenware, mid and high-fire clay, stoneware clay, ball clay, and porcelain clay. I read how each one was fired. I read my ceramics book. I really liked the book. Our local pottery supply store is called Mad Potter's it is in Brentwood, Ca. The person who owns the place is a member of my church. I got some clay for my friends Candy and Rea and myself so we could do this together. I made a turtle, 4 crosses, and a heart with the word love. It was so much fun.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:19:28 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a Beginner Level Buzzin' Around Merit Badge!
“I researched different types of chainsaws. There are six kinds of chainsaws: manual, battery-powered, corded electric, gas-powered, pole, and pneumatic. I have started accessories. I have ear protection, eye protection, a hard hat, a protective apron, gloves, and oil. This went well.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:20:13 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an Intermediate Level Buzzin' Around Merit Badge!
“I went online and could not find any chainsaw classes available In my area. I then went to YouTube and found several videos on how to use a chainsaw. However, when I was young, I did use a chainsaw as a child when I lived on my 83-acre ranch—I just need a refresher course. I also went on the woman's only workshop and found a video there and watched that one too.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:21:12 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a Beginner Level Fishing Merit Badge!
“I learned how to tie the knots commonly used for fishing. The clinch, Palomar, turtle, barrel knot, and the double surgeon's loop.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 12:23:20 PM
Allison Clark (Allison Clark, #8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an Intermediate Level Fishing Merit Badge!
“In our area, we can't get a copy of the fishing regulations at the sporting goods stores. You have to go to the fish & game website and download a copy or print out the pages. I went to the website and read it online. The types of fish that are in my area and the bait to use to catch them are.
Rainbow Trout- use power bait. Steelhead- use nightcrawlers, roe, or sand shrimp. Striped Bass- use live bait such as mackerel, roe, eels, bloodworm, clams, squid, or scrub. Catfish: use worms, shad, minnows, anything from the frig. King Salmon- use anchovies, a sinker, and a silver dodger Sturgeon- use crawfish, clams, salmon eggs, and sardines, or shrimp oil. Smelt- use anchovies, silversides, herring, and small baitfish. Minnows- use peanut butter, bread, crackers, live insects, and cat or dog food. Blue Gill- use worms, crickets, nightcrawlers, and grasshoppers. Sunfish- use crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers, and red wigglers.
I liked doing this badge.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 2:41:29 PM
Gwendolyn Deaton (gwennierenee, #8112) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Backyard Farmer Merit Badge!
“I purchased 6 chicks from Tractor Supply and have been raising them ever since. I got the chicks last summer and unfortunately I’m down to three hens now. One of the chicks ended up being a rooster and we gave him to a friend because we are in a residential neighborhood and just can’t have roosters. Before the rooster left, he managed to fertilize some eggs and we hatched a dozen babies which I gave to friends. The mom passed shortly after and I think it had something to do with her brooding. We just found her dead. And then recently a raccoon got another so we made sure to make the coop more secure. I feed organic pellets and we have a tractor coop that allows the chickens to “free range” as much as possible in the limited area. My goal is to someday move to a larger property so that I can have more chickens and I can allow them to actually free range much more. I'm also planning on getting more chicks in the fall in order to fill my small flock out a little more.
So far it’s great. I love my chickens. I love my super fresh eggs with their bright orange yolks.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 2:42:17 PM
Gwendolyn Deaton (gwennierenee, #8112) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Herbs Merit Badge!
“I looked up information about 5 herbs online. I searched for information about basil, oregano, sage, valerian, and echinacea. Basil, oregano, and sage are used as culinary herbs and can have some medicinal properties. Sage can be used in cleaning and as an astringent, as well as purifying the air through burning. Valerian and echinacea both have healing properties.
I learned some things I did not already know and sparked a desire to learn about more herbs.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16475 Posts
16475 Posts |
Posted - Jun 24 2021 : 2:43:09 PM
Gwendolyn Deaton (gwennierenee, #8112) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Intermediate Level Herbs Merit Badge!
“In March I started several herb plants indoors to start growing. Toward the end of May, I transplanted the herbs into larger pots and placed outdoors. When I'm cooking I clip off the herbs needed for my recipe and have been using what I can since the plants started getting big enough to use. By the end of the summer, I should be able to use all of the herbs that I planted in all of my cooking. For some of the herbs, it is beneficial to trim larger leaves from the plants because it encourages new growth. For the purpose of this badge I'm growing basil and sage.
It has been turning out great. I love using fresh herbs in my cooking, and knowing how they are grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides makes me feel so much better about what I'm eating. Plus the flavor is so much better than what you get from the store bought herbs.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees |