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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:48:44 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Greatest Generation Merit Badge!
“For this badge, I choose to spend a weekend with some favorite older friends. It's always special when you can spend time talking, enjoying a meal together, and working on puzzles over coffee. Because of the pandemic, time has been limited to very short visits with some of my older friends and family.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:49:27 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level Greatest Generation Merit Badge!
“My friends finally got to spend three days with me! We looked up ancestry online and shared fun memories of childhood. We all grew up in different parts of the United States, so it was interesting comparing lifestyles, religion, and traditions. It's nice to be safe and enjoy the company of others again.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:50:56 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Expert Level Civic Heritage Merit Badge!
“The oldest standing non-residential building in my town is the Yolo B building. It was built in 1910. The bank remained in the building until 1933. The bank did not survive the Great Depression. Today is under renovation again to become another restaurant. It apperars it will be an Asian theme to fit the Pho restaurant style.
This was fun to be able to look back into history. I've been on the historical walks in my town but the talks are about the residential buildings and thier families.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:51:49 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Families Forever Merit Badge!
“We had family game nights starting after Christmas and through January and February. but it will continue into the future. Because there are little kids we play very simple games. A few of the games are Chutes and Ladders and Operation! Having two little ones, we are always reading books. Their favorite books are from the Pete the Cat series. Keeping two little grandchildren busy is always a challenge, but they love games and books.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:53:14 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Know Your Food Merit Badge!
“Keeping a journal for this badge was an interesting thing to do. People assume that they might know where their food is coming from, but not really. In journal keeping I found out that locally grown can have many different meanings. So now I read labels more carefully. Reading the book was also helpful.
Being a sprout farmer was fun! I tried lentils, alfalfa, beets, and mixed spouts. I like to incorporate them into my salads and sandwiches. I'm incorporating fruit into more salads and vegetables into more casserole dishes, but the best way I've found to use more veggies and fruit is into a smoothie drinks.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:54:04 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Intermediate Level Know Your Food Merit Badge!
“There is a great farmer's market where I live with lots of organics. I wrote down the CSA's in a 30-mile radius. In this area, there is 15 CSA's. It will be great to do a summer drive to the various CSA farms. I've been looking more closely at labels to eliminate high fructose corn syrup.
I'm looking forward to all the summer fruit to add to breakfast as well as desserts. Michael Pollan's book Omnivore's Dilemma is just another in his series of food and agriculture. I've listened to his talks on YouTube. Michael has lectured at the college in my town as well.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:55:07 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Spinning Merit Badge!
“I started out by getting some alpaca wool from the summer shearing. Piking out debris is not always fun, but the end result is clean wool. I carded the alpaca fiber and started finger spinning. There are many ways to get the fibers to twist and stay together. Next time I'm trying the drop spindle! I've been wanting to spin for a long time. It was fun trying.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:56:24 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Farmgirl Gratitude Merit Badge!
“I wrote in my gratitude journal for the month of February. I found out that I have a lot to be thankful for, especially great weather in the month of February with no snow, just sunshine! There are a lot of little things to be grateful for that we just sometimes take for granted. I also read The book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha and it was great! One of my favorites "when you're driving late at night on an empty gas tank and a gas station appears on the horizon" ... been there a few times!”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 2:57:25 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level Farmgirl Gratitude Merit Badge!
“I remember reading how many people blamed the fire department when a fire broke out in the neighboring county. They said that the fire dept. did not respond quickly enough. So I decided to write to the local newspaper.
"People can improve the chances that their lives, property, and the firefighters responding will survive a wild-land fire by following the guidelines that the fire district recommends. Every year, Fire Districts gives out information about wild-land fire preparedness. So please take the time to review the information. It could save you and your loved ones lives."
Maybe one person will read it and maybe take the time to protect themselves from devastation. Writing this letter to the newspaper reminded myself to be aware and take my own advice.
I always say "Thank you for your service" when I see a uniformed person. Sometimes little things can make a day brighter!”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:07:03 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Expert Level Know Your Roots Merit Badge!
“Since I've been working on my family genealogy, I wanted to share with my children pictures of their great-great-great grandparent. We had a zoom meeting on Valentine's Day and I sent the picture with information about their ancestors. I like researching my family history it's fun and challenging.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:07:57 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Expert Level Water Conservation Merit Badge!
“I calculated how much water I was using. It was quite surprising, so I decided to cut down on washing clothes to 2x a week and my dishwasher use to 3x a week, and also cutting back on watering the lawn to 2x per week instead of 4x. I calculated the savings to 11 percent. This was a good start to conserve more water in the month of September.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:08:53 PM
Rea Nakanishi (Lacey, #8284) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Community Action Merit Badge!
“Bike theft is one of the leading property crimes in my hometown of Davis, and identifying stolen bicycles and returning them to their rightful owner is difficult. On average, more than 600 bikes are reported stolen each year.
This might sound unusual, but in our university town the estimated amount of bikes is around 50,000. Davis is considered the Bike City of the US.
This is an ongoing problem in our area. It has increased with a lot of blame going to people that steal and then resell them.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:36:01 PM
Aidan Murphy (aidanm, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Connecting Growers and Eaters Merit Badge!
“I worked at two local community gardens. Learned about composting and spent time taking care of and planting edible plants. I enjoyed learning more about gardening. It even inspired me to take home an aloe vera and tomato plant.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:38:02 PM
Aidan Murphy (aidanm, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Collect It! Merit Badge!
“I've been collecting tiki mugs for over seven years now. I chose to focus on a personal favorite of mine to showcase.
It was produced for Hale Pele in Portland, Oregon. All tiki mugs are hand-casted. It's likely that there is another item just like it. This was an open edition from the tiki bar in Portland.
I started collecting tiki mugs on my first date with my current partner. It's something we love to do together. There are multiple Tiki Mug collection groups on facebook. My favorite is Trader Sam's Tiki Collectors.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:38:50 PM
Aidan Murphy (aidanm, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Carp-hen-try Merit Badge!
“I read Dare to Repair and installed a shelf for my tiki mug collection—something I was very afraid to do as I was worried about not installing it properly and breaking my mugs.
The shelf has been up for a few months now and is sturdy! The book inspired me to keep trying new home improvement projects.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:39:32 PM
Aidan Murphy (aidanm, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a Beginner Level Let's Get Physical Merit Badge!
“I set goal of attending at least 2 cycling classes each week for a month. I started Feb and went to March. I'm up to 4 classes per week because I'm enjoying cycling so much.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:40:21 PM
Aidan Murphy (aidanm, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Intermediate Level Get It Together Merit Badge!
“Started gathering items for a more functional kitchen—I finally have everything. I bought a spice rack with 24 different spices, got reusable containers, and was gifted a very functional grater for Christmas 2021, finishing items needed for a kitchen.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 3:40:57 PM
Aidan Murphy (aidanm, #7664) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an Expert Level Get It Together Merit Badge!
“I asked my boyfriend to show me how to properly handle a kitchen knife and how to sharpen them. He regularly sharpens them with a tool and showed me how.
I'm feeling more comfortable with my knife handling skills and now can sharpen our knives if need be.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 4:04:02 PM
Allison Clark (#8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Intermediate Level Living Zero Waste Merit Badge!
“I performed a waste audit and came up with a list of three things that I learned. The first was that learned to look for reusable alternatives to paper goods. These alternatives can save money, and keep waste out of the landfill. The second was to buy used things to fix up and make them look new again. The third thing was to recycles much as possible. I've been doing this for a month and have learned so much.
I do plan to work on continuing to practice these solutions. I cleaned out my closet and was able to get four big garbage bags of clothes between myself and my husband to give to a shelter. They were very grateful. I purchased a bedroom set used for such a great price. I had to repair the foot board and sand the top of the nightstand. I enjoyed doing this.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 21 2022 : 4:05:33 PM
Allison Clark (#8292) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an Expert Level Living Zero Waste Merit Badge!
“I've replaced four different single-use items with reusable alternatives. I would buy a case of bottled water every month. We now have reusable water bottles. We would spend $58.20 a year for the water. The reusable bottles were $38.45. Paper plates cost $98.38 for a year. I'm now just using my glass dishes. I've been bringing in my own reusable bags when I go shopping. In Texas, they don't charge for bags, but I just moved from California and had my bags. So I continued to use them. I've started my compost here in Texas, I plan to have it ready for my garden, which I will be doing this spring. I shared what I learned with my neighbor and some friends from my church.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2022 : 10:56:48 AM
Nancy Joplin (Nancy Joplin, #8352) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level Her-story Merit Badge!
“I read Wilma Mankiller's autobiography and shared five things that I learned on Farmgirl Connection.
I've always been impressed by Wilma Mankiller. She did something that no other woman had done; she became the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. She grew up in a poor family, one of eleven children. She worked hard all her life to make things better for her family and Native Americans as a whole. She worked for women's rights and was able to make improvements for her whole Nation. The whole time she was doing this she was also fighting her own serious health issues. She is an inspiration to me.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Mar 22 2022 : 10:57:30 AM
Nancy Joplin (Nancy Joplin, #8352) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an Intermediate Level Languages/Culture Merit Badge!
“I researched an influential person of my chosen culture. I shared what I learned in the Farmgirl Chatroom under Merit Badge Chit Chat.
I chose Edward Teller as my person of influence. He is known as "The Father of the Hydrogen Bomb." He was born in 1908 and died in 2003. He was given the persona of the mad scientist because he believed in nuclear weapon strength. He made many great contributions to the study of Physics.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

16508 Posts |
Posted - Mar 22 2022 : 11:32:28 AM
Candy Hogan (Tigger9777, #8283) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Intermediate Level Quilting Merit Badge!
“For my intermediate project, I chose a livestock animal block because we raise large animals. I had the hardest time putting the binding on the edge because it kept skipping and missing catching the backside. I had to go back and restitch to catch the backside of the binding. I have 20 hours in the project. Every Wednesday I go down to the senior center and we quilt, sew and work on projects in a group.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Mar 22 2022 : 11:34:30 AM
Candy Hogan (Tigger9777, #8283) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a Beginner Level Organic on a Budget Merit Badge!
“I ordered MaryJane's Budget Mix and it arrived January 18th. I penciled out my monthly budget using the Budget Mix and I committed to shopping in the outer perimeter of the grocery store whenever I went shopping. We enjoyed making pizza several times and rolls, muffins, cookies and pancakes. They were great. I used the Budget Mix for almost two months.”
MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Queen Bee
16508 Posts

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Posted - Mar 22 2022 : 11:36:33 AM
Candy Hogan (Tigger9777, #8283) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner Level Lend a Hand to Families Merit Badge!
“I started this badge back in September of 2021 by helping a stranger who advertised on Facebook they needed help. She worked as a construction site inspector and she stepped through a hole in the floor, badly injuring her legs and ankles. I went and helped her do her laundry at the laundromat, her banking, grocery shopping and cleaned her house.
Recently I helped my sister who had heart surgery. She has a 5 bedroom house that she wants to rent out to college students and I was able to get all her furniture for free on Facebook marketplace but it was all just a jumbled mess in all the rooms. So I've started going over there, moving furniture, reorganizing the rooms and cleaning to get it set up so she can have students renting the rooms. I have more than 10 hours at this level. It has been good.”

MaryJane, Farmgirl #1 Plowin' Thru ~ giving aprons a good wrap for 45 years and counting ~
Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |