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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  1:15:42 PM  Show Profile
Cheryl Eki (#1472) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I read Sue Monk Kidd's "The Secret Life of Bees," (loved it), and wathced the Vanishingbees trailer (can't wait to see entire thing). I planted Bee Balm and Salvia.

I love planting in the garden and not only will I attract bees but the hummingbirds as well."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  2:00:00 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a intermediate level Little Squirts badge.

"We had a closet door that just would not close. We took it off of its hinges and realigned the lock and tightened the hinge screws.

Our closet door now closes nicely."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  2:15:33 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a intermediate level Families Forever badge.

"We have a TV but never watch it unless it is a special DVD or something. So I came up with 10 new ideas for spending time together as a family. Sew, read, play cards, work jigsaw puzzles, cook a meal together, can jelly together, plant a garden, just talk, write letters (on paper), pray.

We are incorporating some of the above ideas and it is really making us feel closer to each other."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  2:55:00 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Pay It Forward badge.

"My husband and I cook at home and eat our leftovers, (novel idea) so I figured we spend an average of $3.00 per meal. I clip coupons to help with expenses and we decided to donate the money from one meal a week along with our coupons and we went shopping. We have a food bank at our church (La Bodega) that helps feed starving students from New Mexico State University. We donated canned goods, beans, flour, sugar, and noodles.

Our church is always grateful for any donations they receive."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  3:19:27 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Self-sufficiency badge.

"I made MaryJane's canned apple pie filling - yummeee.
I also canned spaghetti sauce, pickled onions and mangoes.

Let's just say I will never go back to my old fashioned apple pies anymore. These will make great gifts for Christmas too."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  3:35:39 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Get It Together badge.

"When Jim and I were married two years ago we combined two households. We had a lot of extra pots, pans, dishes, utensils and glassware. We gathered up everything that we haven't used since our wedding and donated it to our church for newly enrolled students at New Mexico State University. They can barely afford tuition much less kitchen stuff.

We are confident that our stuff is being put to good use."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  4:01:14 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.

"We don't have much room for a garden but I did make a hanging plant with tomatoes and another one with strawberries. We used only organic potting soil and are hoping for the best. The book "Montrose: Life in a Garden" was very inspiring.

Our plants are looking healthy so far."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  4:10:44 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a intermediate level What's Your Beef? badge.

"We have made friends with our local rancher who sells grass-fed beef at our farmer's market every Saturday. Maynard Cattle Co. is a local ranch that raises grass-fed beef only.
The book "BEEF: The untold Story of how Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World" is very enlightening. It tells the complete history of cattle and how they (and us) evolved.

The hamburger tacos were delicious (hardly any fat). The book is very interesting and thorough in its research."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  4:19:10 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Sew Wonderful badge.

"Working on embroidering my badges has helped me sew a straight seam by hand. Working on my quilts has taught me to sew a straight, French and flat seam (plus various other stitches) on my machine.

My badges are turning out very cute. I'll keep you posted about my quilts."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  4:31:33 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Crochet badge.

"This is an afghan that I just finished for our couch. It took me over 25 hours to finish.

I think it looks really nice."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  4:47:20 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a intermediate level Knitting badge.

"I knitted this scarf using a lace pattern that I have never done before. It was quite challenging. It took more than 20 hours to make.

I think I will keep this for myself. I just love it."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  4:57:42 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Homespun Christmas badge.

"As you can see by the picture - I made jars of soup mix and baked cookies for friends. I made the filet crochet crosses for my husband, scarves for our daughters and daughters in law (8 of them total) and covered coat hangers for mom's friends. I also crocheted ponchos for our granddaughters (4) but they were sent to them at Christmas. I also made most of my ornaments (in the garage for now) with wooden spools of thread, cut pieces of wool and buttons strung on string for a garland. I also made stuffed angels for the tree and gingerbread men.

Next year I will make more ornaments and take a picture of them."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:02:19 PM  Show Profile
Chelsea Watson (c.w., #577) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I received my great grandmother's stitching box upon my grandmothers death a few months ago.

Now I need to learn how to sew. :)"

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:12:00 PM  Show Profile
Chelsea Watson (c.w., #577) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"Last spring we purchased an assortment of heritage chicks and have enjoyed eggs and meat this past winter. Recently bought this years clutch after an unsuccessful hatching attempt with a broody hen.

It's been a great money saver, considering how many eggs we eat. Enjoyed the roosters until they picked my husband to mess with.....we are now without roosters."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:18:42 PM  Show Profile
Kristen Silvers (crazy*dazey, #1645) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I purchased 10 reusable shopping bags at the grocery store. After getting my groceries home and put away, I folded up nine of the bags, tucked them in to the 10th bag and put the bags back in my truck so I can't forget them next time I go to the grocery store.

It turned out great! I like the reusable bags better than paper or plastic. The reusables are much more sturdier then I expected and it was just easier lugging all those groceries into the house."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:25:16 PM  Show Profile
Joan Van Roo (Tourguidejoan, #1413) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.

"I purchased Mary Jane's Farmgirl Journal to record my "gratitudes" for a month.

It is amazing how many gratitudes I had. I really enjoy going back to see what I had written and plan to keep up the journal."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:34:04 PM  Show Profile
Susan Pace (IrishHarp, #1230) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Quilting badge.

"I've been quilting for about 15 years. I finally took a class after the first 6 years! I have worked my way through regular piecing, paper piecing, applique,and embellished crazy quilts. I prefer small projects, since i like to quilt them myself, and finish them in this lifetime! I have been a member of several quilt guilds and have often quilted in the company of friends. I have completed roughly 25 quilts, over the years.

I still love quilting. I'm not sure if there's any technique that I want to do that I havent already done, but I am considering trying a quilt-as-you- go technique."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:41:31 PM  Show Profile
Susan Pace (IrishHarp, #1230) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level The Secret Life of Bees badge.

"Well, I watched the short film. I wish there had been some science included, instead of just speculation. Frightening!
Secret life of Bees: What a charming book. I probably wouldn't have ever read it, without this incentive! Loved the way that the Bee lore was woven into the story.
I have in the garden many herbs that attract bees, including Bee Balm, pincushion flower, heliotrope and thyme. Boy do they love my lemon thyme!
They also really love lamb's ears, although I had never heard of that being particularly attractive to them.

This was a fun project. I learned a lot! Still kind of scared of the stingers, though!"
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:48:28 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (Rusty, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Entrepreneurial Spirit badge.

"My goal is to open a shop where other crafters can sell their home made/grown products. It would be on a consignment basis (they get paid when merchandise is sold) and would need to volunteer a couple of days a month to offset expenses. I would like it to be in an area that gets a lot of foot traffic. Someplace that attracts a lot of tourists looking for local arts and crafts. It would be along the line of folk art so I was thinking of "The Rusty Tin House" for a name. It will take a lot of research and getting funding to proceed but I really think it would take off.

Of course I'm still keeping this under my pillow in the meantime. I'll keep you posted."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  2:55:02 PM  Show Profile
Rose Lynn (christmasgal, #1486) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.

"I found a pattern in an old leaflet and made a half apron all by hand, it took six and a half hours to make.

It turned out beautiful. It made me feel a connection to my great and great-great grandmas, and appreciate all the hard work they went through on a daily basis."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  3:00:22 PM  Show Profile
Rose Lynn (christmasgal, #1486) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"I went to a yard sale and got a gallon jar of buttons for $5.00 and took 50 out and put them in a small jar. Each one is different.

It turned out real nice, I put a fabric bow on the small jar and can't wait to make something out them."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  3:07:22 PM  Show Profile
Laurie Lemieux (Montrose Girl, #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Bustin' Out badge.

"I've been eating organic foods for about 10 years. I started slow with some grains and a few vegetables and now even buy organic meats. I've turned my mom onto organics and she eats about 30-50%, more when I am cooking!

I love it and won't go back. I buy from local farmer's markets as much as I can. This is the only way to eat."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  3:13:25 PM  Show Profile
Laurie Lemieux (Montrose Girl, #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"I can't have chickens where I live now but I do buy them from my boyfriend's neighbor and sometimes they are still warm. When I worked at Sustainable Settings in Woody Creek Colorado we raised rabbits. Learning how to butcher them was difficult at first but I came to appreciate the meat they gave us.

I was able to make a bag from the hide of one of the rabbits I processed."
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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  3:22:00 PM  Show Profile
Laurie Lemieux (Montrose Girl, #1587) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I made a sewing kit to give to my niece for her birthday. The scissors fit in the lid so you don't see them here, but it folds together nicely.

I was very happy with the way it turned out. We all loved purple and I was able to use materials around the house."

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Queen Bee

16475 Posts

Moscow Idaho
16475 Posts

Posted - Jun 08 2010 :  3:33:23 PM  Show Profile
Stephanie Orr (OrrShine, #1545) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Buttoned Up badge.

"First I gathered all the buttons in the jars, bags, and pencil cases around my house. Then divided into small jars.

I don't have much storage for my sewing stuff, so the baby food jars worked great. They are tiny and I can see exactly whats in it. I love having all the white buttons together."

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