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Author Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!:  Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees 
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 25 2010 :  3:30:49 PM  Show Profile
Carrie Meerwarth (CarrieM, #147) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Going Green badge.

"I have earned this level of the Going Green badge by converting to green methods of cleaning and decorating and living. I use my six-strand clothesline all summer long, and I use my large clothes drying rack (a beauty inherited from my grandmother-in-law!) during the winter or when it is raining. I can fit up to 5 loads on my lines outside and two loads on the rack. (See photo) Wow!! My husband also added a bar in the basement where I can hang more clothing when necessary.
I am also now aware of the fact that there are natural paints available to use in houses. I am also researching “milk paints” for future projects. And since my carpets are all 17 years old, we are REMOVING them from the house!! We are slowly refinishing the lovely wood floors underneath and getting rid of the dust-making, mildew-harboring, gas-expelling, allergy-inducing, nasty old carpets!
I've donated way more than six hours to helping my friends get their houses organized around green. I am very verbal about what I am learning and always willing to help with a project when it comes up. I offer use of my books whenever needed. And, I am aware of the titles available through our large library system, which is a good resource, and frequent use of the books ensures their lifelong availability as well as encouraging the library administrators to continue to add up-to-date titles.
I'm just one little homemaker, doing what she can to change the world!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 25 2010 :  4:17:20 PM  Show Profile
Susanne Bender (josy, #467) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an expert level Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I harvested my own honey and shared some of the honey with family. I left some for the Lakeland Bee Keepers and was nominated to the board.

I helped start the website for Lakeland Beekeepers, and participated in many educational programs."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 25 2010 :  4:25:42 PM  Show Profile
Susanne Bender (josy, #467) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.

"When I moved from Vermont I brought my pony with me. I had inadvertently inherited the 2 horses from a former owner and my pony had a difficult time adjusting. The end result is that I had adopted an extremely thin horse, but after 2 years of care has become a beautiful animal and friend to my pony.

The sound interaction and communication between these animals is amazing and very educational. They all come for food and carrots and let me know of any pending danger foe or friend."
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  2:17:32 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Lee (missjlee9, #1687) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"I've always had a small collection of reusable bags that I would only remember to use once in a great while. This entire summer, however, I got those lil' babies out and hung them on a wall right next to the door and have taken them every single time to the market! I even have a basket, which I use for everything and have to empty out when I go grocery shopping.

It's WONDERFUL!! I've become so aware of how bag crazy everyone is. I love going knowing that I'm collecting one less item to recycle or throw away and, honestly, who doesn't feel adorable carrying around a basket full of food?"
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  2:40:20 PM  Show Profile
Jennifer Lee (missjlee9, #1687) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a intermediate level Shopping Green badge.

"Our local farmgirl chapter, The Dirt Lovin' Dames, has meetings about once or twice a month. Our 'Natural Cleaning 101' meeting was hosted by the most wonderful farmgirl sister, Danyelle. Danyelle, who has been making her own cleaning products for years, grabbed some Dr. Bronner's, white vinegar, and yummy scented oils and had us all bring empty squirt bottles (most emptied out cleaning bottles) and we got to it!

I am AMAZED at how well these products work and SMELL!! I can use one multi-purpose mix to clean my entire house, saving me money and providing me with peace of mind (my roommate cleaned the ENTIRE bathroom with bleach once when we first moved in together - BLEK. It made the entire house stinky and I couldn't get out of my head how bad those fumes must be...). And when I'm out, I simply doctor up a new bottle, tie those apron strings into a bow, and get right back to work. It's WONDERFUL!"

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  2:53:04 PM  Show Profile
Rusty McHale (RustyM, #1572) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an expert level Safe Toys badge.

"Here she is = my "Topsy-Turvy" heirloom doll. She was a real challenge to my sewing expertise but she is finally finished. Along with an apron for a child and a doll (which my rooster now proudly wears).

I love primitive dolls and she just fits right in. She will eventually go to La Casa (a home for battered women and their children) after I show her off a little."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  3:28:27 PM  Show Profile
Chrissy Mayhew (Skootandstiches, #1904) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Secret Life of Bees badge.

"I watched the movie of "The Secret Life of Bees," I could never get the movie trailer to load from the website provided so I hope watching the movie itself will satisfy the requirement. I went to the library and checked out the book, I am such a fan of the public library. The book was definitely better than the movie but both told such a great story of mothers sisters and friends. It truly touched me, also taught me so much about the lives of bees and beekeeping. I was hesitant on the requirement to plant bee friendly plants/trees and bushes only because my sons friend who also is our neighbor is highly allergic to honeybees and their stings. She has already been to the doctor once this summer after being bit and the bite swelled and became infected. We have 5 acres of land so I decided as long as we put the bushes/plants/tree far enough from the house where everyone is then the bees can live in peace and it would be okay. So in our front yard along the bank we planted two Colorado blue spruce trees, two recurve privet flowering bushes, two rose bushes and one butterfly bush. The nursery told us they would attract bees and butterflies also. I also learned from the book that bees love sugar water, as they would cool off the hives with sugar water on sweltering summer days. We love hummingbirds so I put up a larger humming bird feeder off the deck and have noticed when we have several very hot weeks the bees would come to enjoy as well.

I really loved the book and movie and it made me think on many subjects in life. This badge was so fun to complete."
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  3:41:06 PM  Show Profile
Susanne Bender (josy, #467) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Action badge.

"During my fist year in South Carolina I was invited to join the Boonsboro Historical Society. I was asked to help with the planning of the South Carolina fence garden. The purpose was to add a garden to the existing cabin which was designated as a historical site by the co-founder Jane Wilson who returned the cabin to its original site build circa 1762.
Jane was deeply committed to South Carolina history and obtained a grant to restore the Templeton - Drake log cabin but on March 17th 2000, Jane was tragically involved in an automobile accident.

My plan was to learn about the South Carolina fence garden. The garden uses very basic elements both natural and cultural, and used symbols of South Carolina. The fence can adapt to a variety of settings but should be a showcase and symbol of the natural and cultural history. It's also symbolic to attract and support native plants and animal life. The garden site was part of the building so no permission had to be obtained."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  3:49:57 PM  Show Profile
Susanne Bender (josy, #467) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a intermediate level Community Action badge.

"I contacted the historical president, Jim Pinson, Dr Janet Haldeman professor at Erskine College Due West South Carolina, fence builder Mr Hershberger, and provider of South Carolina native plants, Lakelands nursery in Greenwood, South Carolina. We had many meetings to design a plan and finally by the fall we had groundbreaking to allow plants to adjust and have a better chance then planting during extreme heat.

The plants made it through the winter. Spring I added a wood pile for snakes, a butterfly basin for water, and a rock pile for more small animals."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  3:57:54 PM  Show Profile
Susanne Bender (josy, #467) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning an expert level Community Action badge.

"I notified the master gardeners of Greenwood and had their recognition. I have also shown the project to several friend and gardeners. My ongoing project is to water and weed, someone else is mowing the lawn. This summer native trees were added and are staying alive despite the heat. The only thing missing is a bench and a plaque to recognize the garden Jane Wilson's and my name.

We can add more trees and make some historical use of the house itself, but not this year."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:04:54 PM  Show Profile
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.

"About a year ago our local market had canvas shopping bag on sale, I purchased 10 of them and love using them. They hold so much more than the plastic bags.

I love the canvas bags for their durability and capacity. I can get more into the house at once from the car, less trips!"
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:11:38 PM  Show Profile
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Green Energy badge.

"I researched our local power co-op and found that all of the energy generated for our area is purchased from the Western Area Power Administration, a subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Energy and Xcel Energy.
Energy sources for Colorado include Coal, Wind, Solar, Hydroelectric, and natural gas.

I was amazed to discover how much energy is produced in the state of Colorado and that it serves so many other states in the U.S."
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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:21:20 PM  Show Profile
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Families Forever badge.

"Thursday nights are family game night! Slap-Jack, Old Maid, Yatzee, Skip-bo, Canasta, just a few of the family favorites. Our children love cards. Personally I would love to completely do away with the TV so that we could have family game night every night, but that is a battle I will not win with my husband. We have kept this tradition in our home for two years. If we could sell the laughter we would be rich!

We also have family reading time. Some days are books picked by the boys, others are our family novels. We just finished reading "James and the Giant Peach," and we started reading C.S. Lewis's "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."

Family game night helps to bring us all together, it is a wonderful time to connect and just have fun.

Our family reading has developed a love of books in our home. Thank goodness for Public Libraries.

Here is a photo of our boys playing Candyland with their Grand Char."

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Queen Bee

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Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:28:37 PM  Show Profile
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Shutterbugs badge.

"Thanks to The Pioneer Woman, Ree, for if it were not for her website I would not have even attempted to understand my camera. Also for encouraging me to open up and read my owners manual! I researched the basic photographic terms and started experimenting with them.

F-Stop/ Aperture- How much light you let into your lens. Effects of light.

Shutter Speed - The longer I leave it open the more blur will result, the shorter the sharper the image. When you want to capture motion.

ISO- The amount of Grain or noise present in a photo. Low ISO = Not a lot of grain. High ISO = A lot of grain.

Depth of Field- The area where objects are "in focus" or sharp enough for the human eye to still perceive as "focused" .

Rule of Thirds-The rule states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.

Leading Lines - lines that guide your eye through the painting or photograph.

Framing- Technique that brings attention to the focused object.

Here are some photos of how I live the farmgirl life and my family in action. Everything from cooking lessons to raking hay."
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:42:32 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning an expert level Know Your Food badge.

"I discovered that there is only one "official" CSA in this community. I believe that there aren't any more than that because this community is rural with agriculture as a main "industry". There are many local growers of produce, beef, pork, chickens, dairy, etc. Some of the produce growers have greenhouses and products are available year round.

We are members of the local Farmers Market group (there are three in this county) and have close association with all the producers and KNOW what they produce, and how they produce it.

We purchase from these producers what we don't grow ourselves. The market also includes artisans who bake, make cheese and body care products from what they produce. There is also a honey producer from whom we purchase our honey.

Our diet is and always has been more than 50% local organic. We grow and "put away" a lot of our own garden produce and we raise our own beef.

Discussion of this has been shared in the FARMGIRLS SOUTHWEST HENHOUSE . . "Farmers Market, CSAs . .and Such" posted just today.

As stated in that post, because of the local "BUY LOCAL" and "Agri-Tourism" heavy focus the newspaper is not interested in publishing any interviews.

"In Defense of Food" is excellent! I would recommend it to anyone who really doesn't "get" what we are getting "fed" these days. Nothing like REAL FOOD!!!!

As far as teaching goes . . well, I've been teaching for years the virtues of eating GOOD FOOD!!!! Eating food that is produced locally and without all the "junk" that gets added to it. . . and preparing it without the junk and so it is yummy!

Students have included: developmentally disabled clients,
members of our church, students that I have worked with both on a college, high school and middle school level . . .and family. Always teaching the family (they all live in a city). My husband's family has no experience in raising a garden so we have been able to help teach them about GOOD food.

Most recently a teaching session for our son-in-law and his tri-athlete friends. (photo of my daughter and me at that session)"

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:49:37 PM  Show Profile
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farmgirl Legends for earning the Schoolmarm Farm Kitchen badge.
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 26 2010 :  4:58:28 PM  Show Profile
Melissa Bailey (MissLiss, #724) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a intermediate level What's Your Beef? badge.

"I read the book "Beef: The Untold Story of How Milk, Meat and Muscle shaped the world," by Rimas and Fraser and I found a local grass fed meat producer.

Well I thought parts of the book were very interesting, although I have to admit that I also thought there were parts of the book that I found hard to get through. But I can say that I have never thought so much about the cow as an animal that we as people are so dependent on. I have already switched my child to organic milk because of the hormones and antibiotics in "conventional" milk but was having a hard time finding a place to buy beef free of chemicals. After doing some research, I found a market in our area (a bit of a drive, but worth it to stock up on good meat) that sells a brand of beef called Open Space Meats ( It is a family run farm that believes in grass and clover fed, pasture loving beef. They sell directly to the market, there is no feedlot middleman. You can also buy their meat in bulk directly from them on their website. We love the taste and will never switch back to "conventional" meat again!"
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  12:41:06 PM  Show Profile
Diane Rathje (CountryPotter, #1641) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.

"I had a little experience in crochet but hadn't picked up a hook for a while. I started with a small dish rag in the granny square pattern and then crocheted a neck scarf in a double crochet and half double crochet for trim.

They both turned out great. It was nice to start crocheting again. Seems a good way to stay productive even when you're traveling or visiting."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  12:52:39 PM  Show Profile
Diane Rathje (CountryPotter, #1641) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.

"I put together a sewing kit to keep upstairs to have handy. I found a nice hand woven basket with cover to hold all my sewing items:
Several different colors of thread, buttons, scissors, needles, straight pins, safety pins, and measuring tape. I also included a handmade pinkeeper made from a crochet piece, fabric and stuffing.

I now have a kit that can be easily picked up and placed on my lap for those "in a rush quick fixes."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  1:07:10 PM  Show Profile
Diane Rathje (CountryPotter, #1641) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.

"Living in Nebraska I see farm horses everywhere. Getting to meet one up close proved a little more challenging until I asked my husband if he knew where I could get some horse hair. I'm a potter and I had always been interested in learning the technique of using horse hair as a way to create unusual designs on the surface of pottery. My husband made a call and scheduled a time to meet with a man who had a few horses on the outskirts of town. He said he was going to be trimming the mane of his pony and we were welcome to come on over and take what we needed. I couldn't believe how everything worked out. What a great experience.

Not only did I get to meet some horses but I received the horse hair I needed for my pottery project, I was able to complete my beginners badge and my grandaughter got to go on a pony ride! He invited us back anytime. What a great guy! I promised him the first piece of pottery."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  2:06:17 PM  Show Profile
Ruby Slider (narjay, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level BakeOver MakeOver badge.

"I made a ham and potato bake-over from Mary Jane’s Special recipe issue. It was just coming out of the oven when we had unexpected company from our neighbors. I ended up making two more. One just veggies, the other one with fresh canned tomatoes and homemade sausage (from one neighbor) and homemade mozzarella (that I make), and of course fresh herbs from the garden.

Very easy to make and everybody loved them! They were all delicious but the sausage combo was a definite favorite of all."

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  2:26:10 PM  Show Profile
Melissa Bailey (MissLiss, #724) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a intermediate level Horse Dreams badge.

"I read the book The Soul of a Horse and researched my favorite breed, the Clydesdale.

I really enjoyed the book! The author gave me so much to think about in terms of how we treat animals as we PRESUME they like to be treated, not looking at how they actually behave without human interference for guidance. It was a real eye-opener. I do not own a horse, but have fond memories of riding lessons I took as a girl and know that all I know about horses came from those lessons and that they are almost all wrong! I wish I had enough land to have my own little herd, but I know that I would use the Join-Up method and listen to what teachers like Joe and Monty have to say about horse care as opposed to those who just do it because "that's the way it's done."
I did a lot of research on Clydesdales and found a bit of interesting information. I had no idea that the breed was not really that old and originated in Scotland. I also didn't know that in the 1970's there were fewer than 60 of them! Now they are becoming more popular and there are about 5,000 of them with an average of 600 foals born a year. I had no idea that this breed had such small numbers. After doing my research, I have to say that I am delighted that my favorite breed would actually make a good horse for me...if only I had the room for a few of them! Maybe someday!"
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  2:33:16 PM  Show Profile
Christy Harrill (Merry Heart Sister, #1951) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.

"We went for a drive today. The cotton is white in the field, Many fields were covered with hay; drying, in windrows and baled. We saw about 30 horses. Most were American Saddlebred, Paints and Quarter horses. I would love the opportunity to ride every once in a while. However, I have always been drawn more to draft horses. In my visions of the perfect homestead, a pair of Belgians or Percherons would be awesome.

We enjoy seeing the quarter horses at the university. When the students are feeding, we have stopped to pet the horses. The kids love it."
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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  3:09:53 PM  Show Profile
Elizabeth Chamberlain (Farmhousegirl, #1747) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Backyard Farmer badge.

"We started our flock about 6 years ago and now have about 12 chickens 3 roosters and 7 brand new chicks. We have always bought the chicks but this time we were fortunate to have our hens sit on the eggs! We feed them organic feed.

It turned out great. We love all the eggs, and watching the chicks with their mommies, so cute!"

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Queen Bee

16513 Posts

Moscow Idaho
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Posted - Aug 30 2010 :  3:27:27 PM  Show Profile
Lindsey Kirby (AmeliaLin, #1998) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a beginner level Pay It Forward badge.

"This past spring our Church hosted, One Meal One Day. My husband and I participated by skipping one meal each day for an entire week. At the end of the week we gifted what we would have spent on each of those meals to the cause.

We gave $100.00 toward the cause, our church raised over 1500.00 in total for donation."
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