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Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 03 2010 : 09:48:23 AM
Loyce Krogel (traildancer, #1272) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Get It Together badge.
"I matched up all my plastic storage containers. Any leftover lids or containers I took to Salvation Army.
The extra lids and containers I delivered to Salvation Army for resale in their thrift shop.
After 25 years of marriage, I think the only "wants" I have are a garbage disposal and a metal colander. Although now that I am trying to compost my kitchen waste, I don't really need a disposal." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 03 2010 : 09:58:17 AM
Kristina Nelson (MissLiss, #724) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level 'Out There' Women badge.
"I put together a survival pack for my first day hiking this year. I also identified plants.
I had the chance to see Wild Ginger, which prompted me to research it. At one time, it was used for medication to treat flatulence (fancy word for gas). I also saw a Poor Man's banana tree. And of course, the dreaded poison ivy." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 03 2010 : 10:05:01 AM
Mary Riensche (Red Headed Farm Girl, #1975) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Aprons badge.
"I made a John Deere green bean pickin' apron for my husband. I used the harvest apron pattern and modified the pocket. Instead of connecting it to the waist band, I moved it down 2' and sewed the bottom and sides completely. I only sewed about three inches in on each side of the top seam. This created a "poof" pocket that was perfect for two handed green bean pickin. He just dropped the beans in the pocket and moved on.
It turned out very good. I have extra material and plan on making another for next years green bean crop." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 03 2010 : 10:26:55 AM
Mary Riensche (Red Headed Farm Girl, #1975) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Crochet badge.
"I made a dishcloth.
I then taught my oldest daughter Sarah how to crochet and she does excellent, consistent stitches.
It tuned out well. As a family we really like the way it cleans dishes and are making more." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 03 2010 : 10:31:44 AM
Mary Riensche (Red Headed Farm Girl, #1975) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Knitting badge.
"I knitted a straight dark, burgundy, multi-flexed scarf for my husband. I made it extra wide to fit him better.
I taught my son Nathan how to knit and he made a yellow scarf for his sister Rebekah.
My stitches were very even and I was thrilled that it turned out so nice. Putting on the fringe made it look really good." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 12:26:06 PM
Melissa Bailey (MissLiss, #724) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Going Green badge.
"I use a drying rack indoors to dry our clothes. I clean with green homemade cleaners. I have used green paint in repainting my daughter's room. I have created a green lending library containing many books on all sorts of subjects. I also promote green living and cleaning wherever I go. I have convinced my mother to change many of her cleaning/living habits too.
I live in a neighborhood with a HOA which does not allow clotheslines, so we have purchased a clothing rack where we can dry almost all of our clothes hanging on hangers. It doesn't take up much room and can dry a lot of clothes at once. I also use all my homemade green cleaners around the house and am always looking for ways to make better or more green replacements for anything I have yet to greenify! When I repainted my daughter's room, we used a green low- VOC paint which I plan on using for the master bedroom when we repaint that after the baby is born next month. I have marked all of my green books so that in lending them out, they won't get lost! And I've spent probably 15-20 hours over the course of the past year that I have been a member of MJF teaching my mom all of the green cleaning and living tips that I have learned during that time. She now uses vinegar to clean and has taken home some of my homemade laundry soap to try. She's also starting to make her own Christmas presents! Going green really can inspire others to join in and go green."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 12:32:42 PM
Liz Taylor (Leilaht, #1932) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Sew Wonderful badge.
"I have been sewing for years, but never made a pinkeeper. I had all of the other things. I used a ceramic turtle my daughter made in class to make my pinkeeper. I put steel wool inside to keep my pins sharp, then glued some pretty fabric over top. I glued some cord around the edge to fill the space between the fabric and the turtle. I think it is pretty."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 12:47:39 PM
Heather Boykin (oneroomschoolmarm, #1860) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Nellie Will-do badge.
"I recently completed a spinning wool class. I spent 9+ hours in class. While there, I learned fiber theory, spinning techniques on a drop spindle and a traditional wheel. I learned how to test twist, measure the length of my spun yarn, how to use a Niddy Noddy, how to wash my yarn, make skeins, and ply my single strands.
In practice I spent approximately 12 hours spinning for the class and several hours washing/drying my yarn. Along with this, I spent several hours of reading and studying.
All total, I estimate that I spent about 30+ hours in the learning process.
I am currently waiting on parts for my vintage wheel so that I can finish plying all of my spools of single strand yarn. Both the cream/brown yarns together actually turned out much prettier than I thought it would.
I can't wait to make a project with my finished yarn.
Now if I can only transfer what I learned over to my 1850s great wheel and learn how to spin cotton!
My picture is of the rougher brown wool that I worked with after it came off of the niddy noddy. It reminded me so much of a Victorian Hair Wreath that I took a picture of it in that state."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 1:17:14 PM
Ruby Slider (narjay, #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a beginner level Embroidery badge.
"I learned to embroider from a booklet. I made a sampling of the things I've done so far. I haven't decided whether to frame them or make a quilt or purse or?? many choices.
I think they look great. I‘m really happy with the way they turned out and I enjoyed making them. Look out tea towels – here I come. ;-)"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 1:24:54 PM
Ruby Slider (narjay, #1663) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level 'Out There' Women badge.
"My survival pack includes: Matches in waterproof container, metal mirror, whistle on a leather necklace, high energy bars and freeze dried meals, a blue rain suit, foil for reflective purposes, first aid kit, blue and white reflective nylon rope (short piece in photo, I actual have 50 foot), two knives and tablets used to purify water. This all fits in a small lightweight backpack. I am also going to include a couple of disposable cameras.
We have lots of edible wild berries in the area along with wild grapes, wild greens, and onions. We also have lots of poisonous plants that include poison ivy, poison oak, and bull nettle.
This pack came together nicely. Looking forward to getting to use it this fall."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 1:58:52 PM
Catherine Biderman (urban chickie, #1370) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Gratitude badge.
"I kept a gratitude journal for the month of August. Every day I wrote at least one thing for which I was grateful, in a lovely cloth bound journal I have had for a while.
At times it was hard to remember to write it down every day - I missed a few days on and off and had to start all over, so really I have been doing this for several months now. August was just the first month I managed to remember every single day! It was easy to notice the things for which I am grateful, though. Depending on what life threw at me, they were either small things or big things, but it was nice to be so disciplined about it. Makes you take the crap a little easier LOL. I think I have actually been doing a mental "daily gratitude assessment" for a while without writing it down." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 2:17:17 PM
Jennifer Jill Greenfield (draiodoirmna, #752) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.
"I am just wrapping up my warm weather garden. I grew several different types of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, basil, melons, and flowers. Sadly none of my summer or winter squash survived. I used no pesticides/herbicides on my garden. The fertilizer I used was Neptune's Harvest which is fish emulusion oil + seaweed - a great source of nitrogen and trace minerals! I also helped a co-worker learn how to grow and fertilize her own crops.
Since I am in NC and it's been one heck of a hot summer, I am still harvesting my summer crops, though my harvest has been less than last year because of the heat and lack of rain. Next year I need to get ahead of the squash borers (which got my summer squash) and the squash bugs (which got my winter squash)."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 2:46:54 PM
Jennifer Jill Greenfield (draiodoirmna, #752) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Gaining Ground badge.
"I moved into my house in November 2009. At that time, I constructed a very crude compost pile made of hardwire cloth. I still use it but I just bought some cedar to make a more solid structure. I also experimented with worms this year.
I'm ready to move on to a more solid and user friendly compost bin. I ceased being a vermi-composter last month as it wasn't working out for me. But I'm glad I tried!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 2:56:04 PM
Jennifer Jill Greenfield (draiodoirmna, #752) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Heirlooms Forever! badge.
"All of my seeds I've used in 2010 were heirloom seeds. I like Botanical Interests and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds as my sources.
I love these companies and have had great success with their seeds. I'm just getting ready to start my fall/winter garden and I am only using heirloom seeds."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:02:20 PM
Jennifer Jill Greenfield (draiodoirmna, #752) has received a certificate of achievement in Make It Easy for earning a beginner level In the Garden badge.
"I built an A-frame trellis for my heirloom Early Hanover melons. I learned to use a drill and circular saw prior to starting the project.
Fabulous! The trellis was a great support for my 3-5 pound melons. I am so proud of myself."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:11:14 PM
Catherine Biderman (urban chickie, #1370) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a beginner level Shopping Green badge.
"I have a collection of reusable bags. Some are sturdy canvas, some are that cheapy "paper" polyester fabric, and some that are cute bags made just for me. While some get used regularly for certain projects, I always have a few on hand to use for regular shopping.
I have used canvas and other fabric bags for years, but it is only in recent years that I have made a concerted effort *not* use plastic bags on a regular basis. While my reusable bags were always great for lugging stuff around or going to the library, I never really utilized them for grocery shopping. After a bit of retraining my thinking, I now always use my bags and never use plastic!"
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:23:00 PM
Adrienne Wilson (addybelle, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Horse Dreams badge.
"By chance, we obtained some new "family" members by ways of a new addition that joined us. And, as luck has it, they have horses. I have only been on a horse one time in my life as a young teen and haven't forgotten it since. I didn't know anyone with horses to get up close and personal with. They have three horses, Cash, Shotgun, and Yellowstone. Yellowstone is actually a descendant of the horse from Black Stallion. They allowed us to come out to their farm and even ride the horses. My 3 yr old daughter and I didn't want to leave. She was smitten with Yellowstone and rode him, at first with Jenna, my new niece's other aunty, and then by herself. No fear and she cried and cried when it was time to get down.
It was amazing to get on and ride a horse again. It was even more amazing to see my three year old get up there with no fear as well. She looked as comfortable up in the saddle as she does sitting on the couch at home. When she gets a little older, if we don't have a farm of our own, we will definitely be looking into some riding lessons for her."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:38:47 PM
Adrienne Wilson (addybelle, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level What's Your Beef? badge.
" was very interesting. It's sad, but it all makes perfect sense why farm-raised beef and all other meat sources are better for you, mind, body, AND soul. It's a shame that we live in a society where the belief is faster=better. How can we mass produce meat, eggs, produce, animals, who cares? They don't have feelings. A chicken who doesn't know the sun doesn't know any better. WRONG. My flock of 9 girls are happy girls because of sunshine and bugs and grass and rolling in the dirt. Their eggs will unfortunately be superior to that of the grocery stores because of that. The thought of a chicken not getting to live that lifestyle breaks my heart. It sounds silly, but it's true. My girls go crazy when they see me and can't wait to get out. They follow me around the yard, they know and show love, which means the caged animals know that they are being tortured. My hubby, much like every hubby, is very frugal with our grocery money. Earning this badge means something different for me because I already knew the differences. To me, earning this badge was done by convincing him. He watched Food, Inc. and came to me with the proposal that we buy our meat from local butchers and farmers. He said he wanted to start buying more of our food from local sources that we could trust.
My heart swelled to hear him agree with me. Not for the agreeing part, although I do love being right, but for what this means for our family as consumers. We are becoming more aware and more responsible of the impact we can have on the world and our local farmers. This is setting a foundation for my daughter to do the same thing."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:45:03 PM
Adrienne Wilson (addybelle, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Community Service badge.
"Back in February, I started getting involved with a group local to Louisville called 15Thousand Farmers. The idea behind the group was that in 5 years, we get 15k people in Louisville and surrounding cities to start growing some or all of their own fruits and vegetables. At first I just became a member. I spread the word, went to meets, and learned a lot. At each meet, on the 15th of every month, they have a different speaker to help us with a gardening issue such as getting started in veggies, mushroom growing, canning and preserving. It's just a wonderful group. They have a message board where we all congregate and help each other. A few months ago, I started volunteering to help with the meets and donating materials such as office supplies to help them out. I average about 10 hours a month and want to give more. Last month we hit our first thousand members!!
I am so happy to have found a group that is as passionate about helping others become as self-sufficient as they are. Next spring I get to help with some kid activities and my chicken-gals are going to help me out!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:49:38 PM
Catherine Biderman (urban chickie, #1370) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning a intermediate level Shopping Green badge.
"As with so many of the merit badges, I have to say that I have been working on this one for a long, long time. Joining MJF forum just sort of crystallized my thinking on these issues, though, and got me going to the next level. After recently reading in a few books on green cleaning, and researching all sorts of formulations online, I can say that I finally was able to get rid of the last of the toxic household cleaners. Really the only two I had left were toilet cleaner and tub/tile cleaner. The germ killing and self-scrubbing actions seemed nice to have, but I learned that I really didn't need either. Vinegar can disinfect just as well, and unless my RA is really acting up, I can scrub enough to use baking soda just fine. It felt very freeing to discover that!
About four years ago, I taught myself how to make soap. It was mostly just interest in the process, but my skin loved the stuff and I soon experimented with lotions, creams, scrubs, lip balm, pain cream, liquid shampoo, masks, etc. About a year after starting soapmaking, I developed RA and became even more aware of all the chemicals around me. I wear very little makeup, if any, and virtually all my toiletries are handmade. I have made my own window cleaner for decades, using sudsy ammonia, Dawn dish detergent, and water. After this gentle push from MJF though, I now use a simple water and vinegar mix that works just as well. Between water, vinegar, and baking soda, virtually all my home cleaning needs are met. My laundry is done either with handmade soap mixed with washing soda and borax or soap nuts. I recently tried one of those laundry balls with the various ceramic balls, but it's my least favorite. Fine for simple everyday sweat and all but not stains or greasy spots. Still, way better than irritating detergents. I have gotten a handful of folk to switch to soap nuts! I think it really makes a difference to use these non-toxic cleaners and I feel healthier for it." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 3:58:00 PM
Adrienne Wilson (addybelle, #906) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a beginner level Farmgirl Shutterbugs badge.
"F-stop is the diameter of the lens, or the focal length. Shutter speed is the exposure time. ISO measures the sensitivity of the film to light. Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. Framing refers to cropping in camera to only include the subjects desired. The rule of thirds is a compositional rule for any work of art stating that it should be able to be divided into 9 equal parts and the subjects of the work should be placed along the lines of the grid. Leading lines are a sort of jumping off point, they take your eyes from one part of the photo to another. I've been into photography since highschool so this was an easy badge to earn.
Thank you Photo 101, 102, 200, 301, and 400. Doesn't feel like college when you're having that much fun. I've always loved photography. The picture is of my 3 yr old daughter, Sophia, holding one of our 9 baby chicks back in May. She was so gentle with each one of them. This link to to my Facebook page where I keep most of my photo albums.!/album.php?aid=23701&id=1225652618
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 07 2010 : 4:13:06 PM
Amelia Woodcock (Ruralsweetheart, #1960) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a beginner level Bee Good to Your Mother Earth badge.
"I spent the summer growing my vegetable garden in my backyard, which included three different kinds of tomato plants, cucumbers, carrots, & an attempt at onions! I did not use a single fertilizer. Just a small compost pile and a lot of gardening knowledge from my grandma!
To explain how well my tomato plants grew, I'll say this, my mom - who eats tomatoes like someone eats chips or grapes - said there were too many! We had to give some away to family members because there was so much! The cucumbers also turned out great, we just pulled the last one a couple days ago. The carrots are wonderful!" |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 08 2010 : 2:58:47 PM
Janie Edwards (janiee, #390) has received a certificate of achievement in Farm Kitchen for earning a intermediate level Get It Together badge.
"I have matched all tops and bottoms of containers together. I wanted to learn how to can so I now have a water bath canner, funnel and tongs to lift out the jars. That was pretty much all I needed in my kitchen. I have gathered up all duplicates and will be taking them to Goodwill tomorrow.
I feel more comfortable in my kitchen since I know what containers I have and will use." |
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 08 2010 : 3:08:11 PM
Kristina Nelson (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning an expert level Disconnect to Reconnect badge.
"I went camping for 3 nights.
My husband felt it was not safe to camp by myself, so he joined. Honestly, I think he wanted to get away as much as I did. We cooked every meal over the fire, including corn on the cob. I wrote in my camping journal and read a book."
Queen Bee
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Posted - Sep 08 2010 : 3:14:34 PM
Kristina Nelson (FieldsofThyme, #800) has received a certificate of achievement in Outpost for earning a beginner level Outstepping badge.
"I went day hiking during a long weekend camping.
I did not see our state bird, flower or tree (buckeye tree) on my hikes. All of those are more prominent in the city. We see cardinals close to the house when there is snow on the ground, and we have planted the state flower (scarlet carnation) in one of our flower beds. I attached a photo I took of our state bird during winter."

Merit Badge Awardees - Woo-hoo Sisters!: Farmgirl Sisterhood Merit Badge Awardees  |