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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clarks Summit PA
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Posted - Aug 08 2009 :  06:20:41 AM  Show Profile  Send yarnmamma a Yahoo! Message
Honestly, I like the high waist and full blouses (used to be only for PG's) because that is the way most women are shaped!...older women and mothers are!
What do you think? And they ARE modest!

Linda in Scranton, PA

Put on the apron of humility.
1 Peter 5:5
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True Blue Farmgirl

890 Posts

Delano Minnesota
890 Posts

Posted - Aug 09 2009 :  3:55:14 PM  Show Profile
Megan, I think you have something there. The ladies back in the day had beautiful clothes. however, they didn't have a lot them either. I think there are some clothing lines/brands that knows how classic and tailored is better than the tramp look. Ralph Lauren, Eddie Bauer and Talbot's come to mind. However I am rather biased to those "designers" as that is what I look for at the thrift store. Their classic elegance, comfort, ease of care and quality can't be beat.
That said, if I could truly sew, I'd have fabulous clothes I made myself.

Don't miss out on a blessing, just because it isn't packaged the way you expected. ~MaryJo Copeland
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Farmgirl in Training

26 Posts

Alliance OH
26 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2009 :  06:32:33 AM  Show Profile
Kate- I wish I could sew too! I really want to make one of the paper tape dress forms in the Jan. issue of MJF and make my own clothes! Something modest and trendy that fits perfectly!

Yes I play the spoons, but I do it with perfectly manicured nails...
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True Blue Farmgirl

890 Posts

Delano Minnesota
890 Posts

Posted - Aug 10 2009 :  4:09:41 PM  Show Profile
I can barely thread my needle. I can sew on a machine, when it cooperates. But it has to straight lines only. No curves. LOL

I have a friend and an Aunt that can just whip stuff up, no pattern necessary. I hate them both. *giggle* I'd have them make me stuff, but they are both big procrastinators.

However, neither of them can bake a pop tart to save their life, and I make fabulous breads and chocolate cake.
I guess it is a trade off.

Don't miss out on a blessing, just because it isn't packaged the way you expected. ~MaryJo Copeland
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Farmgirl in Training

22 Posts

Malvern PA
22 Posts

Posted - Aug 11 2009 :  11:08:47 AM  Show Profile
Hey girls,

I have purchased patterns and ready made skirts from They are a lovely family and the skirts are beautiful and perfectly made.

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Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl

1499 Posts

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Posted - Aug 11 2009 :  11:41:52 AM  Show Profile
Thanks, just looked at the site, such bright pretty colors as well.
I love the frilly, girl looking things!!

Farm Girl #647

...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

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Farmgirl in Training

26 Posts

Alliance OH
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Posted - Aug 11 2009 :  12:23:51 PM  Show Profile
Those are so cute! That's it. I'm making an A-line skirt. I can do it! (Right? I think?) :D

Yes I play the spoons, but I do it with perfectly manicured nails...
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True Blue Farmgirl

170 Posts

Washington State
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Posted - Aug 13 2009 :  09:14:54 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Old Spirit

Don't you hate that, seeing guys underwear. Drives me nuts and their pants hanging off. I am sorry but nothing attractive about that!

Farm Girl #647

...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

Drives me crazy too, I want to buy those gentlemen a belt..or teach them how to use one! I have two girls and I really try to dress them modestly. They aren't in just skirts dresses but I have rules on what they wear. They are only 6 and 2.5 but in my house no camo, nothing that ties or zips in front (unless it's a sweater over a shirt) no V- Neck shirts unless they have an undershirt, etc.. It's hard to find modest clothes for young girls. Surprisingly and frustratingly hard! I find that Target and Old navy usually have things that are nice, I wish I could afford Hanna Anderson or I would dress my girls in those clothes all the time, so sweet!

Lara #327

"Boots" Becker Homestead Farmgirls
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Farmgirl in Training

26 Posts

Alliance OH
26 Posts

Posted - Aug 13 2009 :  09:34:36 AM  Show Profile
That was actually on our morning news program. There's a woman in Akron, OH who's started the "Pull em up" movement. She's even having a rally!,0,1675855.story

Yes I play the spoons, but I do it with perfectly manicured nails...
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True Blue Farmgirl

177 Posts

Chapin SC
177 Posts

Posted - May 23 2010 :  2:01:48 PM  Show Profile
I try to keep covered. It's hard to find cute modest clothes these days because every things cut these days to show as much skin as possible. I think it's sad when I see these young girls walking around in clothes that don't leave much for the imagination.

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Room To Grow
True Blue Farmgirl

974 Posts

Kingston Georgia
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Posted - May 23 2010 :  2:52:50 PM  Show Profile
My DD and I have a really hard time finding things for the oldest Grandaughter(11). There are to many things out there that will turn there head to wear things that are not approprateI(sp). Last weekend my granddaughter went shopping with her friend and her mom. My DD was pleased when she came home with some shorts that came to her knees...She knows her mom would have taken them back if they were to short. I am glad my granddaughter has a good head on her shoulders.

we have moved to our farm...and love it
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True Blue Farmgirl

1854 Posts

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Posted - May 23 2010 :  4:33:54 PM  Show Profile
I try to dress modest. Being a teenager, I am sometimes tempted to wear skimpy things, but I don't want to attract that kind of attention. I want people to like me for I am personality wise, not how much my boobs are hanging out, or how much of my bra you can see. I don't wear skirts a lot, but I also don't wear booty shorts or jeans that are ripped in strategic areas.
God's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
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Farmgirl Legend Schoolmarm

322 Posts

Corona CA
322 Posts

Posted - May 23 2010 :  5:06:35 PM  Show Profile
Hannah Andersson - that's all I have to say about little girl clothes! Dresses have matching pants/capris or shorts. They are all high-necked and knee-length and made from Organic cotton in Sweden of all places. They also have matching jammies & outfits for the entire family. We really love their stuff and it really does LAST forever! All of my daughters old Hannah Andersson dresses & pants have been saved for the next one. They are a bit pricey, but you can get a great price if you wait for a sale or check the clearance section. But they really are worth the money - they wash beautifully and feel almost like jammies they are so comfy. You can find them on-line, They do carry boys and baby clothes too as well as a small selection of Women and Men items. I have never purchased the "grown-up" sizes, so I can't attest to their quality, but the girls & baby stuff is GREAT!!

Melissa ~ Farmgirl #724
Mother Hen to The Knitty Gritty Farmgirls of the Inland Empire
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True Blue Farmgirl

70 Posts

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Posted - Jun 05 2010 :  8:57:02 PM  Show Profile
I consider my dress as modest. I prefer to wear longer skirts, but at times will wear jeans or capris. I never go sleeveless, or too low cut. usually a t-shirt or tank under a blouse or jacket.

I am trying to set an example for my dd's (and ds's) so far, my dd's dress modest also. they don't prefer skirts, but wear them to church or special occasions. most days it's jeans,capris or bermuda shorts for them (in the summer) I never allow them to wear 2 piece swimsuits,and only sleeveless shirts when it's really hot-and only at home. If we go out, they wear a t-shirt.
Because we homeschool, and most of my dk's friends dress fairly modest, it 's a bit easier. we don't have that peer pressure to deal with. I really feel for those that kids' are dealing with that- it's so powerful!
I am continually shocked at what people are wearing in public. Maybe I'm a prude, but it's just not attractive to have your (fat) stomach hanging out over your too-tight pants, or your chest half exposed. One day in the grocery store, there was a lady about 40, wearing a very skimpy bikini top,and too skimpy,too tight jean shorts. I was in shock. I can't believe someone would shop for groceries like that!
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Old Spirit
True Blue Farmgirl

1499 Posts

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Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  07:10:02 AM  Show Profile
Oh Amy I know what you mean, sometimes I just have to do everything to keep from laughing!! Really they think they look good and look like a bad dressed clown


Farm Girl #647

...those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles:...
Isaiah 40:31

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  1:31:52 PM  Show Profile
I do dress modestly- rarely a skirt but if I do it is long- mostly jeans and shorts and the shorts are long ones- a take top with wide straps once in awhile.
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Newest Scent
- Brown Sugar Pecan

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True Blue Farmgirl

1854 Posts

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Posted - Jun 07 2010 :  8:04:46 PM  Show Profile
Amy and Rae, I agree! There are some people who are just not meant to wear certain clothes! I have no problem with people who can wear those types of clothes and decide to wear them, but in my personal opinion, I want to get attention for my personality, not my body parts hanging out.
God's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
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Posted - Jun 09 2010 :  06:26:48 AM  Show Profile
Lol! Amy, I know what you mean. I think it is disgusting to go to a place you are going to buy food and see all that hanging out. Really makes for a quick shopping trip as it takes away my appetite when I have to look at that. Good grief!
When ours were younger we did do only dresses and I'm glad because I believe it taught each of us how to be ladies in the way we sit and carry ourselves. I hate seeing women wearing anything that shows off their underwear, bra or otherwise. My mom always said it left nothing to the imagination though I'm not so sure that was a good way to put it either. But she meant well.
I wear mostly slacks or jeans now and they can be modest as long as they are not too tight, which is bad for health reasons anyway, and I like to wear t shirts but usually the fitted ones (they go in at the waist a little) because they are more girly looking. I just found some patterns on e bay for a couple of dresses. They are more of a 40's style. Not extremely long but not short either and I love the way they made women look like women. Not frumpy. I think they called them day dresses.
I also like to shop at North Style or Serengeti online. You can find some nice things in the clearance section or the sale section for a decent price.
Thanks girls for listing some of the places you shop. I think it is refreshing to find those who like to dress well.
I choose not to wear shorts but I do wear capris and do not wearing a bathing suit. Just too much skin showing for me. We tend to stay away from the crowded beaches. It makes me ill to have to see that much bare skin all in one place.

"All you need is faith, trust and......a little bit of pixie dust" ~Peter Pan
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True Blue Farmgirl

6784 Posts

6784 Posts

Posted - Jun 09 2010 :  09:20:45 AM  Show Profile  Send maggie14 a Yahoo! Message
My friends often say to me that I am to modest. lol Can you believe it?!
they always see me in a nice sweater, long skirt that goes down to my feet, leggings underneath, and socks.
I will wear sweatpants, capris, jeans, etc. But nothing that shoes my chest area,etc. I am always covered from head to foot.
So if you see a girl walking around that has no skin showing but her face and her arms it is probably me. lol
I really want to look in-style but it is really hard when everything is made so nothing is left to the imagination.
I don't like that kind of attention.

Farmgirl sister #1219

Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

1854 Posts

1854 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2010 :  12:33:39 PM  Show Profile
Channah, I don't like that attention either, but it's so hard to wear teenagerish clothes when everything is so immodest! I usually shop at adult stores anyways, but sometimes I can find cute, modest clothes at "teenagerish" stores.
God's Blessings,
Megan aka Loretta Rae

At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
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True Blue Farmgirl

6066 Posts

6066 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2010 :  2:52:07 PM  Show Profile
I dress modestly, and so does my daughter and her girls. They are only 7 and 4, but they know the word modest, and what it means. I think this is a very important topic, because women can be so beautiful and girls so lovely, without dressing to show too much. There are a couple websites I have found for modest dressing, but anyone can find skirts and dresses that are long enough and tops that are high enough if you look. I am so glad my daughter grew up during a period of time when all the "streetwalker" clothes were not popular!!! My daughter wears capris and kneee length shorts, and knit tops that are high enough and she looks really cute and like an up to date young mom. I think young teens could do this too, and I feel for those of you who are trying to look good and current!!

Farmgirl Sister # 31

Psalm 51: 10-13

Edited by - jpbluesky on Jun 10 2010 2:53:58 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

6784 Posts

6784 Posts

Posted - Jun 10 2010 :  3:26:36 PM  Show Profile  Send maggie14 a Yahoo! Message
Same here Megan. That is why I can't wait to make my own clothes!

Farmgirl sister #1219

Just a small town country girl trying to live her dreams. :)
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Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts

new york new york
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Posted - Feb 14 2021 :  11:25:05 PM  Show Profile
you should try tri rocker tank with black denim, have a look
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5 acre Farmgirl
True Blue Farmgirl

1007 Posts

1007 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2021 :  10:26:57 AM  Show Profile
I LOVE reading all of your posts ladies....
MODESTY IS A FORGOTTEN thing in this day and age.....
More power to each and every one of you that keep modest...
I am 64 and am still dressing modest....
However my grandaughters....welllllll...have alot to be desired...
Keep on, keepin on ladies...dont quit doing and teaching what is right from "The Good Book"....

Farmgirl Sister #368
Life is too short, it is just a vapor, live it like you wont have another minute with the ones you love......
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