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 What did you name your farm/ranch and why?
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Goat Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

51 Posts

Lunenburg Vermont
51 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2015 :  05:42:17 AM  Show Profile
Silly me, I didn't put the why. Capricorn because I was born in January and one of my girls has the name of Capricorn (her grandpa did too) and Caprines for the obvious reason.

Vermont Goat Girl
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True Blue Farmgirl

110 Posts

110 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2015 :  12:40:10 PM  Show Profile
we are on the verge of purchasing my FIL's house that has a little hobby barn. They had named the place Edgewood Farm, but when (if) we do buy it, I'm going to change the name to Edgewood Acres mostly because it sounds a little more romantic and because I always think of Christopher Robin and the 100-Acre woods.

Denise - Farmgirl #1976
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Farmgirl at Heart

4 Posts

Wasilla AK
4 Posts

Posted - Aug 21 2015 :  10:10:54 PM  Show Profile
Everyone has some great names for their little pieces of joy. We are still looking for the perfect spot but have had a name for a while: "D'yoks Onu". You have to say it fast but it matches the punster's (the DH) twisted sense of humor. Hopefully, we will find a place in time to plant a spring garden!

Farmgirl Sister #657
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Farmgirl in Training

47 Posts

St Augustine FL
47 Posts

Posted - Aug 24 2015 :  10:09:23 AM  Show Profile
"Ausbrechen"....roughly translated from German, it means to break away or escape, which is what our little homestead means to us. It is our escape from the mundane, the rat race, society, etc.

St Augustine, FL
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Bonnie Ellis
True Blue Farmgirl

2474 Posts

Minneapolis Minnesota
2474 Posts

Posted - Aug 26 2015 :  3:45:33 PM  Show Profile
Ours is Rabbit hill because they seem to think the land is theirs. I love your name and your story.

grandmother and orphan farmgirl
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Farmgirl at Heart

8 Posts

Yellville Arkansas
8 Posts

Posted - Oct 07 2015 :  03:52:14 AM  Show Profile
We have Surepop Farm and Sunrise Farm. Surepop Farm is on the site of an old mining town. There are three abandoned mines and the foundation of an old ore crushing mill and vestiges of a hotel. Surepop was mining slang for a reliable or successful blast to expose ore.

With Grace & Truth
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Farmgirl in Training

11 Posts

Blackfoot ID
11 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2015 :  1:23:34 PM  Show Profile
I like that name. Very fitting!
Originally posted by EastTXFarmgirl

Naming our farm was one of the hardest things we did. Nothing seemed to fit. My husband and I had been looking for that "perfect" piece of land for 5 years. We got it but not without many battles along the way. It took us 6 months to close the deal because (for lack for a better description) the sellers were just plain crazy. It was a product of a divorce and everyone was fighting to make the other "pay" for the ordeal. Anyway, after the sellers no showed at 3 closings, legal action had to be taken to force the sell since we had a signed contract to sell. Both parties wanted to sell they just didn't want the other to get anything out of it. Just when I was ready to give up we finally closed. At that same time my son, who was 25 at the time, was given the all clear after a 4 year battle with cancer. I had just completed 2 grooling years of nursing school. I had been in business consulting for 20 years but saw that field quickly falling apart. I had not been in school for 25 years and if anyone has been through registered nursing program they know it is tough. My husband was one of the unlucky souls that lost their jobs during the big layoffs. He went back to school to be a licensed AC contractor and had just passed his state exam to obtain his license. (He had never been to college and was the first in his entire family to graduate with a degree). So after trying out many different names for the farm the one that stuck is "Victory Farm". This farm came with many victories. I have planted an old fashion victory garden every season since we "won" it.

Begin each morning with a song in your heart.

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Farmgirl in Training

11 Posts

Blackfoot ID
11 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2015 :  1:28:03 PM  Show Profile
My 400 acre farm in NY was named Brookhaven Farm. I created a special feed for my goats and the feed store up there still sells that feed with my farm name. We are working on getting a place in Idaho so we haven't chosen a name yet and I know it will be a challenge but I can't really pick out a name until we acquire a property.
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Farmgirl in Training

11 Posts

Blackfoot ID
11 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2015 :  1:32:41 PM  Show Profile
I like that name. Very fitting!
Originally posted by EastTXFarmgirl

Naming our farm was one of the hardest things we did. Nothing seemed to fit. My husband and I had been looking for that "perfect" piece of land for 5 years. We got it but not without many battles along the way. It took us 6 months to close the deal because (for lack for a better description) the sellers were just plain crazy. It was a product of a divorce and everyone was fighting to make the other "pay" for the ordeal. Anyway, after the sellers no showed at 3 closings, legal action had to be taken to force the sell since we had a signed contract to sell. Both parties wanted to sell they just didn't want the other to get anything out of it. Just when I was ready to give up we finally closed. At that same time my son, who was 25 at the time, was given the all clear after a 4 year battle with cancer. I had just completed 2 grooling years of nursing school. I had been in business consulting for 20 years but saw that field quickly falling apart. I had not been in school for 25 years and if anyone has been through registered nursing program they know it is tough. My husband was one of the unlucky souls that lost their jobs during the big layoffs. He went back to school to be a licensed AC contractor and had just passed his state exam to obtain his license. (He had never been to college and was the first in his entire family to graduate with a degree). So after trying out many different names for the farm the one that stuck is "Victory Farm". This farm came with many victories. I have planted an old fashion victory garden every season since we "won" it.

Begin each morning with a song in your heart.

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Farmgirl in Training

11 Posts

Blackfoot ID
11 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2016 :  10:56:53 AM  Show Profile
We finally got on our little piece of property in ID. We are using shipping containers for the walls of our "barn" and will put a fabric roof on it. Fast and easy. We have had such a long road to get to this point that we decided on the name Ups-N-Downs Ranch. The idea came from on of my favorite movies, Mame.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Jan 09 2016 :  11:49:34 AM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
Awesome Holly! Congrats!!

We have been looking for our farm for 4 years. Due to happenstance, relations, and a bit of tragedy, we are 90% sure we will be the owners of 46 acres north of Louisville, KY this year. It is a part of my husband's great aunt and uncle's farm. His uncle passed way last summer and his aunt is in a nursing home and the farm is being sold off. The never had their own children, sadly. Anytime someone would go visit, they would say "We are going up to the farm". Since Matt's uncle was Swiss, we decided on the name der Bauernhof, German for "the farm".

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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True Blue Farmgirl

6418 Posts

Mary Beth
Stanwood Wa 98292
6418 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2016 :  12:29:06 PM  Show Profile
My place is called Strawberry Hill simply because years ago it was a strawberry frm and the kids from Stanwood boarded a bus and came out to pick berries. All gone now except our barn was at one time rooms for the seasonal workers. Woodstoves and all.
Bobs place is called Frog Song Farm because of the noisy frogs every spring.

"Life may not be the party we hoped for...but while we are here we might as well dance!"
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Farmgirl in Training

32 Posts

Dover TN
32 Posts

Posted - Apr 23 2016 :  3:36:22 PM  Show Profile
The 20 acres that I share with my husband and three kids is called the Bell Homestead. We bought it while living in Germany, sight unseen.
I named our home after our last name because it is great watching our kids grow up here. My 3 and 4 year old have no clue that you can buy eggs at a store or that pumpkin pie can be bought freezer department of a store.
I call our 20 acres a homestead and not a farm because I have moved all over the world with my husband of 16 years while he served in the Army. Moving to the 20 acres was our last move because he is retiring next year after 21 years as a soldier. There is a saying "Home is where the Army sends you" This homestead is the last place we will be sent and will be staying here after he retires. So HOMEstead is our home and it felt right.

Sister #6881
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True Blue Farmgirl

1509 Posts

Charlestown, IN
1509 Posts

Posted - Apr 25 2016 :  8:14:29 PM  Show Profile  Send DandeeRose a Yahoo! Message
That sounds really awesome Sara!

Many Blessings- Alicia #5232 Farmgirl Accessories and more!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."
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Randi in N Idaho
Farmgirl in Training

10 Posts

10 Posts

Posted - Mar 09 2017 :  12:46:40 PM  Show Profile
I had a blast reading through everyone's post!

Our currently property and ADGA heard name is Hera's Homestead. Hera is the name of a beautiful and motherly cat who also happens to be the first animal we acquired after moving to our property. From my own children to other critters who have joined us, Hera makes sure everyone is well nourished and taken care of. She also joins me for all my outdoor chores around the 'stead, so it seemed perfect naming the place after her.

My husband is currently looking for a new job, which means a move is in our future. Of course Hera will be going along on the journey, but it will interesting to see what our next property is named.

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Farmgirl in Training

30 Posts

Massillon Ohio
30 Posts

Posted - Oct 04 2017 :  6:03:33 PM  Show Profile
We call our little homestead "Pagan Acres". It started as a joke when we got our first chickens, and then just kind of stuck. I love this name because it works on two levels. The first and most obvious is that my wife and I are practicing Pagans, and we try to work our reverence of Mother Nature into our farming practices. The second meaning is a little more obscure. Many people don't realize that the word "pagan" originally had nothing to do with religion, and actually means "country dweller".
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Oct 05 2017 :  12:55:44 PM  Show Profile
Hi Ambrosia
I had heard this info before. Not many people know this about the word Pagan. Thank you for sharing.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

9475 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9475 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2017 :  11:58:43 AM  Show Profile
Our place is called Lilac Hilltop for those two reasons. I was surprised to find so many lilacs growing in the woods here when we moved in.

Farmgirl Sister #43

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

1022 Posts

Southern California
1022 Posts

Posted - Oct 06 2017 :  12:07:06 PM  Show Profile
and what is the second reason Denise?


Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. ~Author Unknown
All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt! ~Charles Schulz
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True Blue Farmgirl

1334 Posts

Flat Top WV
1334 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2018 :  08:56:15 AM  Show Profile
I inherited land from my grandfather-we have been on the land since the 1800's. I am the seventh generation here. We built a house here in 1998. We named it Rock Bottom Farm because it is so rocky and we ae always broke.It is a hobby farm and we do farm but it is fun, We returned here and reclaimed the land in 1998. It has been a long journey but a great one.
we m
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True Blue Farmgirl

147 Posts

Newport WA
147 Posts

Posted - May 13 2018 :  08:03:23 AM  Show Profile
I have really enjoyed reading the posts from the beginning of this thread and the stories of how your properties were named!

My husband and I were friends in high school. He went off to the Navy and we both moved on with our lives. Twenty-eight years later, we reunited and were married in 2005. I had a house on 2.5 acres in So Cal and after he moved in we built a 20x40 building we called the ShanDar Saloon (my husband’s name is Shannon). We had many parties out there over the years. Almost two years ago, we bought a house in eastern WA on 23 acres. Shannon retired and has been working on that property, while I finished out my teaching career. I retire next month and we will be completely relocating to our retirement home. We call the WA property ShanDar Too, which has the double meeting of the Too (Two). We have 4 chickens and 2 dogs (had 4 more chickens but cayotes wanted a chicken dinner) in WA. In So Cal we have 11 dogs and a cat. All 13 dogs and lone cat will be riding with us in our motor home when we leave in June for WA. Should be an interesting journey!

Dream - Believe - Manifest
Farmgirl #7049
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True Blue Farmgirl

1334 Posts

Flat Top WV
1334 Posts

Posted - May 14 2018 :  10:39:06 AM  Show Profile
You are sure braver than me. I have seven dogs and they are so badly behaved I don't think I could stand to go two miles with them. I will be thinking of you on your June journey. Good Luck.

Life isn't finding shelter in the storm. It's about learning to dance in the rain.===Sherrilyn Kenyon
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True Blue Farmgirl

882 Posts

Linneus Maine
882 Posts

Posted - May 21 2018 :  07:38:23 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Ladybek9756's MSN Messenger address  Send Ladybek9756 a Yahoo! Message
We have owned our farm going on year 2. While the name has been a struggle to find the right one, we finally settled on The Thumb-Print Farm. The name came about while looking at farms for sale here in Maine, when we say this one from Google Earth, the pine tree area looked like a thumbprint. So that is how the name came about.

Friends, like heirlooms, are a special treasure!
FGOTM June 2017

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True Blue Farmgirl

523 Posts

Clarington Ohio
523 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2020 :  1:14:29 PM  Show Profile
My great grandfather purchased this farm about 80 years ago. I am the 5th generation to live here. When my mother and I were working on crafts and baked goods to sell, we found a need to come up with a name. We settled on JENT Harmony Acres. Judy(Mom) Edna(Grandma) Nancy(lil' sister) Terri(that's me) Harmony (Music has always been very much a part of our lives.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
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True Blue Farmgirl

2728 Posts

Central Oregon
2728 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2020 :  09:53:16 AM  Show Profile
While we don't have a farm or any acreage yet... we call our corner of the earth: Casa di Tre Re which means home of three kings in italian. Italy calls to my heart and soul and three kings represents my hubba hubba and two sons!

Farmgirl Sister #7038
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