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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 05:34:31 AM
Tammy-I'm sorry about your day. I hope today is better for you. I'm thinking about ya.
Lida-you sound like me on Monday. I got up at 3am and by the time my husband got up, all the chores were done and I could spend the day embroidering.
Luanne-your friend is in my prayers. If she can afford it, I highly suggest counseling for the little one-it will really help in the long run. I'm sorry that she and her granddaughter have to go through this.
I am up early this morning. Lola (one of my dogs) had a little bit of a sour tummy this morning. She is fine now, snoozing next to me. I'm gonna need some of that coffee and brownies to get me through the morning.
True Blue Farmgirl
838 Posts
838 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 05:55:14 AM
Morning Ladies! Missed you all yesterday....hubby decided to take the day off, so my plans changed and I didn't make it out to the porch. But it was a good day.
Luanne - Hi partner! I'm looking forward to swapping with you and I'm pretty laid back so don't stress about it. I also will be praying for your friend's situation. That's so rough. Your shoo-fly pie recipe looks just like ours - YUMMY!!! We definitely favor the wet-bottom version in our neck of PA, too. Peggy - yep, the UpRise Fest is a Christian music festival - with harder rockin' groups - Skillet, Disciple, Decyfer Down, Red, Fireflight, Newsboys...and a bunch of others. Sometimes hard on the ears but the scriptures brought out in a way that reaches a whole new set of people. Bunny - waiting to hear more wonderful news for you....and am so thankful that your son is getting the time he needs. Megan and Lida - I'd love to swap photos with you and anyone else I may have forgotten. Darlene- I'm praying for you sweet lady. My heart is heavy for you and I just want you to know that we appreciate you and your willingness to be here and organize things when life seems to be knocking you around. Tammy - you are heavy on my heart also, I pray that your family situation will improve and that you will have peace in it. Monica - make sure you're getting those zzzzzs and not getting too worn. Waving to the rest of you, Pam, Cherime, Lea, and all of you wherever you are and praying that you have a great Wednesday!
Blessings, staci FG# 973 :o )
Joshua 24:15 - ...choose this day whom you will serve, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 06:36:33 AM
So sorry Tammy. And I have been through the mill more times than I care to count with the step daughters but it all came right in the end thank God. I made the discovery that my non-paying renters were smoking up stairs last evening. My bed is just across the wall and I was wondering why my sinuses were causing me to lose sleep as they hadn't acted up that badly in years. Had to tell them to go outside with that. This is a no smoking house. Has to be my poor body cannot take going to work on 4 or 5 hours sleep and dealing with sinus problems at the same time. I need to work. I am the one keeping the light and heat on. My girl dog need prayer as she is not feeling well and I do not have the money to take her to the vet. ARRRGH provision is such a pain. More of it Lord!
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 07:21:21 AM
Bunny- so excited for you, I've always wanted to learn to quilt. The shop opportunity sounds wonderful
Tammy-I'm so sorry for all the recent troubles, I hope things get better soon
Megan- I agree, we need to see a picture of you in your dress
Luanne-the shoefly pie sounds yummy, can't wait to try it. Will keep your friend in my thoughts
Cherime- prayers for your puppy
Monica-glad the job is going well, sounds like it's keeping you busy at the very least!
Lida- are you going to guatemala for your charity?-it's such a beautiful country;I would love to see it some day
Peggy- I'm so jealous you got tomatoes, our spring was so terrible here nothing's making it. I'm putting a tarp over the garden in the hopes I'll get some tomatoes be december
Feels like I haven't been on the porch in forever. Our anniversary date was fun. Saw a terrible movie but had a great dinner and I must admit it was nice to be away from the kids for 4 hours and have hubby to myself. Things have been so busy for me recently and don't know why...I guess it's the getting ready for winter around here that's taking up so much time (not to mention 2 babes) Came home yesterday to find my 14yr old dog stuck in the kiddie pool. She has arthritis REALLY badly in her back and has a hard time getting around. She must have fallen in and couldn't get out. I ran out and got her out but she was shaking uncontrollably and wouldn't get up. I gave her some of my husband's Xanax and she slept for a few hours. I really thought she was just shutting down and dying. But at dinnertime she got up, went outside and ate, and seems to be ok now. I feel so bad for her, I don't think she can make it thru the winter but I don't think she's ready to be put to sleep yet either. I hope she'll just go in her sleep so I don't have to make that decision. On a positive note, I'm really excited...flying up to our property in Idaho next week to meet with the well driller and get a well put in. I love it up there and can't wait to spend a few hours walking the land. I wish we could move up there now but the pay is so different for us that we have to stay put for a few more years to save up some money. Oh well, patience is a virtue, right?
Hope everyone has a beautiful day!
farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
Edited by - Rxgirl on Sep 22 2010 07:23:38 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1308 Posts
1308 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 08:01:51 AM
It is cold & rainy here but love to sit out on the porch with a quilt & listen to the rain. Prayers are going out while I am sitting here for all of you who have challenges this week. It seems the world is full of challenges today. Sitting here trying to figure out what to do re: job & not enough hours & money. Maybe a cup of tea will help.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 08:25:09 AM
Karla, let us agree in prayer that the Father who is our provider will indeed provide. My Allan and I used to joke about how it was always "Jesus Just In Time". So we are looking for that just in time rescue again.
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 09:09:57 AM
Cherime-I'm thinking about you and lots of prayers to you pup. Healing, healthy, uplifting vibes coming your way.
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 5:13:21 PM
Hi everyone! Okay, for all of you who want to see in my dress, you'll have to wait until after homecoming weekend:) Which is the weekend of the 16th in October. Luanne, I'm a freshman at an all-girls Catholic high school that's a short distance from my house. Today was an okay day. I've pretty much got my routine down pat. We got our club packet today, and I think I'm going to do Book Club and Best Buddies, which is a program where we mentor kids with special needs. It sounds cool, so I'm probably going to do it! Then I'm also doing Campus Ministry Council. Very busy bee these days, but I will always make time for my sisters! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 7:17:09 PM
Hi everyone.
Poor doggies...Prayers for them both. I could just cry thinking about them.
Megan...We are blessed to have such a wonderful young lady on our porch.. Most kids your age wouldn't be here as you can see! Keep up the good work.
Lida and Pam...Sleeplees nites...Many more than I can count but sure do accomplish alot then. When my kids were home and had friends sleep over they would warn them that I might vacumn at 3am and not to worry!LOL!
Bunny and Luanne...Emailed you.
My garden is still producing zuchinni, butternut squash, peppers, eggplant, waxbeans, and tomatoes. With the temp going in the 90s this weekend I hope the rest of my tomatoes ripen. If not I will pickle them green.
Lida...I'm filling my tubs up tomorrow for a few last dips for Jackie and me. She loves to get in the tub.
First swap partners all set? Any ? just email me.
Other porchies I need your BDs please.
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 7:29:05 PM
Good evening ladies, thanks for all the prayers. Darlene sweet partner...I have never been on a I say lets go..heheh thanks for explaining the swap. I am excited about this swap. I appreciate the prayers ladies. I so need them in regards to stepson... honestly it is exhausting and it is but I trust God with all my heart that no matter what happens He will take care of us all as He always has. I just hate bumps in the road. School was good but I have a little butterfly that bless her dear heart has a learning disability and we had a meeting for her today. Honestly I feellike a failure as a teacher even though they say I have done all I can but there is a possibility she may leave ou8r school to go to the public where they can give her more help. Being a christian school we don't have access to as many resources but we are trying to look at all options so she can stay in our school. My heart is sad. The whole meetting was about all she can't do and I said but she can do so much. But the meeting as they informed me was about what she can't do. I think the two work together. She is the most kind and loving little butterfly and I don't want her to go although I know she needs a lot more help. I am hoping to at least keep her this year. Please pray that we as a team of teachers and professionals can come to a plan that is best for my little butterrfly.
Thanks ladies for letting me share my heart here. This place is so special to me. You are all so special and I feel like I have the sisters I never had.
But on the positive it was a beautiful fall day! God is a beautiful artist.
well need to fininsh my lessons for bible study as it is tomorrow and got a bit behind on my homeowrk
love and hugs Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 8:14:35 PM
Tammy, that story makes me want to become a teacher for kids with disablities! I'm actually probably going to do a club at school where we mentor kids with disabilies (mental or otherwise). God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Sep 22 2010 : 9:18:15 PM
Hi Girls! I have missed you all so much! My life is so busy that I just haven't had time to post much. How are you all doing? I hope everyone is doing well. :) Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 12:36:16 AM
Luanne...I will be praying for your 63 yr old friend who is a Grandma/now turned Mother again. Wow...I cannot even imagine that! But I know that she is the new breed of Grandma...many are having to raise their grand-kids these days because of the drug addictions of the parents. So sad!!! Pam...Oh, a whole day to embroidery...lucky girl! What are you working on this time? Staci...I really like some of the Christian Alternative Rock bands. Newsboys are great! Cherime...I know that cig. smoke is really bad on the sinus system if you are not use to being around it. I actually have an allergy to, I could sympathize with your NOSE! LOL Dana...Great to have you back on the Porch. I figured that the new job must be keeping you pretty busy girl. My tomatoes that I thought I saved...from vine rot...are now just rotting in the house. So, I'm like you...NOT a great year for Gardens here either. Where in Idaho is your property? Is it on a Lake? I have several friends that live in Idaho, so I'm just curious. Tammy...Praying for your little butterfly with the learning problem. Hopefully her parents will let her finish out the year in the Christian School with you. Oh, if we could be all things to all children...wouldn't it be wonderful? But I know God can be! Megan...We could use more specialized teachers for kids with disabilities. It would help the kids and our regular teachers who can't give the much needed extra one-on-one time with these kids. I have a friend who calls them Handi-Capable! I love that! Hannah...glad that you popped onto the Porch tonight. I just love having you and Megan here. You keep us all young at heart! Karla...while you Quilt and pray, I will knit and pray right beside you for all our precious sisters who need lifted up to The Lord. Darlene...I am so happy that somebody had a great Garden this year. Sounds like yours is still doing great. And I would hop over for one last dip in my Red Tub if I wasn't leaving for Seattle tomorrow. Lida...It isn't as sad having to put your Garden to Bed for the Winter when it hasn't produced well for you. It is almost a relief to just let it go and pray for a better growing season next year. LOL
Well Porchies...I will be gone again for another four days. This time to Seattle to babysit the Grand-daughter which I am so looking forward to. I am taking the Train...which will be a fun new experience for me. So, other than missing the hubby and my dog and all you girls for a weekend...I am looking forward for some playtime with my dgd.
Love and Prayers for ALL, ~peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
True Blue Farmgirl
838 Posts
838 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 05:09:33 AM
Peggy, enjoy the weekend with your dgd, and the train ride - I've always wanted to do that. I'd love to take the scenic trip across the Canadian provinces - have any of you done that?
Blessings, staci FG# 973 :o )
Joshua 24:15 - ...choose this day whom you will serve, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Edited by - staci860 on Sep 23 2010 05:10:04 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 06:22:14 AM
I have rocketed down the Alcan to the Carriar and then down to the Yellow Head Hwy to the lower 48 many times. I do enjoy that route as it is much shorter and not quite so touristy. Although I have never encountered anything but courtesy from a Canadian. It always helped that my Scots card carrying alien was able to revert to Canadian in a heartbeat. He came into the USA from Canada as his family emigrated from Glasgow to Canada when he was little. He was a real "Scottie" a mechanic that could fix anything. I never worried even when what we were driving was ten years old. We would get where he was taking us. Have a great day ladies. And the B day is 12/28/43. Hugs to all Cherime
True Blue Farmgirl
1423 Posts
1423 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 06:35:49 AM
Hi everybody!
My boyfriend and I had an opportunity to go to a concert last night - free tickets available through my job. We saw The Drifters. You younger ladies probably don't remember them, but us older chicks sure do. They were awesome! I can't believe some of them are in their 70's now and still sing just as good as they ever did! It was a such a fun evening and brought back a lot of good memories for both of us!
Busy getting ready for the farm show this weekend. Darlene - I'm so glad you are going to come -I just can't wait to meet you in person!
Staci - I'm really looking forward to our swap, and enjoyed your e-mail. I'll write back soon.
Have a wonderful day everybody.........
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 06:42:50 AM
Luanne, that sounds like a lot of fun! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. :) Thank you so much Peggy! Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 5:03:50 PM
Aww, thanks Peggy! Hannah, it's good to see you again! I read your email and thought that maybe you missed the C, but you didn't! Homework, then maybe a little tv, reading, shower, bed. Not neccesarily in that order! Tomorrow we don't have rugby practice, so my Mom and I are going to have a little girls' night out in celebration of her birthday since on Tuesday I had rugby! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
6784 Posts
6784 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 8:25:54 PM
Megan, I hope you have alot of fun tomorrow night with your mom! Tell her happy birthday for me! Hugs, Hannah
Farmgirl sister #1219
Lifes not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Just a small town country girl, farmgirl,loggergirl, trying to live her dreams. :)
P.s. I've been playing around with the spelling of my name ( weird I know) and I've decided that I will stick with Hannah for good. Sorry I got you all confused. Hugs!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Sep 23 2010 : 8:47:34 PM
Just got home about an hour ago. My husband and I were in a terrible car accident today. Someone tried to turn left into our path when we had a green lite and hit us on the drivers side and spun our car around and totaled it. He fled the scene but was caught. We were transported via ambulance to the ER. We were both full of glass and bleeding here and there. Back and neck pain as would be expected. My husband was trasferred to a trauma center closer to home for glass embedded in his left eye. Our daughter brought me home so I could take care of the dog and our son went with Sam. I am sore but know it is all muscular. Will take ibuprofen and muscle relaxer if I need them, but most likely not. I'm not big on drugs. The kicker is the guy probably has no insurance and may be illegally here. The cop told us that. Thank God because if you would see the car, it should have been much worse. God is good all the time and in all things.
Blessings and Peace, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
DNA doesn't make us sisters, Love does!
The road to a friends house is never to long!
True Blue Farmgirl
157 Posts
157 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2010 : 02:51:02 AM
Darlene- Thank you Jesus for protecting you and your DH. I am sure that you are feeling everyone of those muscles, bumps and cuts today. Oh, please be gentle with yourself. How is DH's eye? Hugs and prayers!
Lida |
True Blue Farmgirl
1423 Posts
1423 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2010 : 04:11:30 AM
Oh Darlene how awful - I hope you and hubby are OK. Please keep us posted on how you are both doing.
Bring hubby with you to the porch and relax for the day.
Hugs, Luanne
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
True Blue Farmgirl
838 Posts
838 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2010 : 05:17:25 AM
Oh Darlene, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll pray that your pain will be less than expected and that your husband's eye will be alright.
Blessings, staci FG# 973 :o )
Joshua 24:15 - ...choose this day whom you will serve, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2010 : 08:33:00 AM
Darlene! Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry but I'm glad that you are okay. Healing vibes and prayers sweetie! Rest! Rest! Rest!
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 24 2010 : 09:07:51 AM
Darlene, I'm so glad you and hubby are ok. What a terrible thing to go through. Sending healing thoughts. Let your body heal!
Tammy, I was one of those kids in the 60's with ADD. The teachers just didn't know what to do with me. I made it but mostly on my own. No one ever told me what I could not do so I figured it out on my own. I'm glad she has you to speak for her at least. It's too bad private schools don't do a better job helping kids like her. But at least the awareness is there.
Sales at the shop have been great. I already have the money I needed to move stashed away. I'm doing inventory to see what it is worth. Hopefully one of the ladies I'm in contact with will just purchase it all and I can be on my way to Oregon sooner.
Off to work with me! Stay well all my porch ladies! Bunny |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |