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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 05:04:04 AM
Good Morning! Aren't we all a chatty bunch. LOL I got to read some posts yesterday morning but didn't have time to chit chat and the rest of yesterday was insane so I couldn't get back on at all. Today hopefully will not be so crazy.
Angela~ We are gonna miss you so much. Still sending lots of hugs and prayers!
Tammy (RFM)~ What a cruddy friend your man has! I wouldn't take that as a joke either, more like an insult. Why does wedding planning have to be so stressful? I thought it was supposed to be fun. Lots of hugs from one bride to another. heehee
Peggy~ You are right the dress isn't that much, especially compared to what other women spend on their gowns. I guess I'm just worried about money since we will still have some remodeling work going on, even though the biggest part should be done before my honey and his son move in. But I may not have to worry so much. Honey man went for an interview earlier this week at a steel foundry. He went through three interviews and toured the plant and got hired on the spot! (That's unusal for this place.) He starts next Monday. It's a really good job as far as pay and benefits go, but they work super hard.
Well Lady Bugs, it is time to take the kids to school and go to work. We are having my momma's birthday party tonight and the weather man is calling for snow. Poor dd and niece, their ball games may get cancelled tomorrow.
Hugs~ Melanie
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"
Blog~ Etsy~
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 05:04:54 AM
Morning girls. Thank you all for the Birthday wishes. I don't care that they're late. I can celebrate all month if I want too, right? There's no hard & fast rule is there? hahaha Deb, I loved the e-card. Cute little fairy. Darlene, mmmmmm beef/noodle soup and orange-poppy seed bread...TY Hi Emily...nice to meet you! *lifts coffee cup in greeting* Peggy, so sorry about your Sister. I didn't know about her. How sad. I only have the one Sister, I can't even imagine. She's everything to me.Sorry you've been having such painful days. *gentle ((hug)) to you* If I lived in WA, I would be calling you for the weather report *giggle* And what do you mean, do any of us stay in our jammies all day, for a day...? Are you kidding? Oh you silly girl. LOLOLOL I've been known to stay in them a couple of days in Winter, especially if I have no place to go, which is my life now since I've retired. I always hated HAVING to go out in the snow/ice/wind when I was working. Now winter days are a joy because I can have "Jammy-Days" alllll the time. It's like a Holiday whenever I want it!!I've also been known to put my other clothes on over my jammers to go outside to sweep snow....then peel them when I get back inside and resume "comfort"...but that's our little secret, ok??? ROFL Also Girly...I'm doing the "SnoopyDance" and Praising God that they moved that shak!!!!!! Praise His Dear Name!!! So...Mother-Earth-News is going to be interviewing you soon because you have new "Things" growing in your garden. LOLOL Good for you. If I could even SEE my garden right now under all this ice and snow, I'd be tickled. I went out and *banged* on my ice with the rest of my neighbors yesterday because the sun softened up the upper layer...and of course, hurt my back, but I took my pain herbs along with some ibuprofen, so I'm not too bad today. That ice is 4 inches thick. Then it snowed on top of that. I had to stomp with each step to break thru. Ok...That didn't help the back either. *sigh* guess I'll just have to declare anothr "JammyDay" today girls. Anybody with me? LOL Make it a great day girls. Time for tea!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
216 Posts
216 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 07:46:14 AM
Peggy- It's about 2 hours drive...not bad and it's good to get out of Reno from time to time. Kind of ironic that now everyone else is complaining about the shack, huh? :-) And we have jammy days around here alot, they're my favorite days! Hope you're feeling a bit better too
Darlene- I just got your teas and can't wait to try them!Thank you!
Judy-Take care of that back girl and enjoy jammies day!
Dana-farmgirl #1432
"He who throws mud only loses ground"-Fat Albert |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 09:47:06 AM
Good morning everyone. Sounds like there is no shortage of life going on here. The weather is not being nice to so many. My son is stuck in Dallas today as the ice storm cancelled his flight. Hopefully he will make it home soon. Peggy, I'm so sorry about your sister. It is hard when a family member is so sick. I hope it is an easy passage. I knew when I read about you working outside that it wouldn't be long before you paid for it with your body. I'm sooo glad the smoking shack is moved. Good for you! Maybe if enough people complain, they will find a way to deal with it better.
Angela, I know you probably are gone by now.. but I'm saying a prayer for you and your family. I'm so proud you have the strength to do what is right for you. Your husband will figure it out as soon as he see's how much work it is to take care of mom.
Well my mom broke her ankle. We were at a gas station getting a discount card and she walked out the door and the curb was uneven and she stepped on it crooked and went down. Thankfully an ambulance was there and took her to the hospital. So now I'm her offical driver to take her to all her other doctor appointments. We go to the doctor about her foot on Monday. She has been using a walker. I hope she doesn't have to keep using it. It is hard to get around the house with it with all the clutter. My sister is here cleaning out her stuff from the basement. We have already had it out twice. My mom and I pretty much stay in our rooms to just lay low. Her poor son takes most of the abuse. It was all I could do to cook dinner for everyone last night without her ragging on me. I can't wait for her to go home tomorrow.
Other than that, not much going on. I checked out the little quilt shop in town. I'm going to go talk to the owner on Monday and see if she wants to hire me part time. My mom said she did. I could really use the money and the time away from the house.
Later for now ladies. Prayers for all of you facing major life issues. Stay well and warm!
Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 12:50:33 PM
afternoon porchies another sunny day but ow its cold and snow on the way toight.. DARLENE thank you so much for the birthday gift you are so sweet and i love all the teas and are right about my MIL i have an alarm on the bed and a baby monitor so i know whats going on..i just do ot get any sleep as i worry and i have keyed and alarmed doors i also replaced all the doorknobs with keyed ones so every door is a key lock even the closets.. did that awhile ago for another reason and works great for the visits.. but my dh feels bad ??? but he knows she needs to be in a home and would be if his sister was not so greedy..another story.. Bunny prayers for your mom for a speedy recover how awful and painful. Angela dear praying for you. well i've been sewing and baking to keep busy as really can't do anything outside . have a blessed evening deborah
inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 5:26:16 PM
Darlene, I got my B-day card and gift and my "TeaBag" teas too. Wow! I really felt special with all that.TYTYTY. Did you really make that dishcloth? Sooooo beautiful. Love the colors. Uh...Ya...It's a (doily) now. It won't see dirty dish water. I even took it too my Moms today to show her. Her neighbor was there and he said, THAT'S home-made? It's so tightly woven. hahaha Bunny, I'm sorry about your Moms' ankle. You know what my first thought was about the walker in the crowded house?? she'll realize how cluttered she is! uh....I hope! God can use this! Amen??? Praying about your stress-level Deb.That's got to be hard for you. (((HUGS))) Girly. More snow on the way tonight after midnight. Possible ice and rain tomorrow. UGH! Here we go again. I just finished cleaning the walks off this evening, after the sun did it's (softening) job. More herbs and ibuprofen tonight for the back. Be safe Porchies. Love yuns!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Feb 04 2011 : 7:05:19 PM
Evening porchies, It was actually sunny and believe it or not we were at freezing. It felt like a heat wave after this week. I take what I can get especially when the weatherman is bracing us for another arctic front in the next few days. OH I so can't wait until spring! I am not a winter person!
Parent conferences went well yesterday but I was tired it was a long day. I have been fighting a bit of a cold so today we had the day off so I just puttered around here in my pj's....I so love days like that. My sons said mom are you getting dressed and I said is pj day!
I hope each of you are having a blessed evening. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.
love to you all, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God. Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 01:04:43 AM
Yeah...My Fellow Porchies are also PJ Girls!!! I thought only my sister and I stayed in our Jammies all day. Well, actually my sister hasn't been in real clothes for over 2 years...with all her health issues. But I have at least two days a week that I don't get dressed...sometimes three. I stayed in my P.J.'s today until 5:00 but then my youngest son came to pick me up to go into town to meet my hubby. I wasn't going to go...but I told myself that I need to keep I don't end up in the same condition my sister is in. So, I took two Aleve, put on a Therma-Care Patch for lower back pain and drug myself out for about an hr. and a half. But I was wiped out tired! Some times I push myself too much when my pain levels are high and then I pay for it for a couple days. ~ Today they brought Hospice in for my Sister...but then her Dr. decided that he doesn't want to totally lose control of her, they are sending in a different group next week for her in Home Health Care. They should have done this two years ago...but I guess better late than never. Anyway, he doesn't think she is at the point where she is ready for Hospice (though I don't agree with him) it gave me a renewed hope...that she will still be with me for awhile longer. Even though she lives in Spokane, we talk 2-3 times per day...just because she is scared and overwhelmed and I am the only one that has half a clue what she is enduring.
Darlen Darlene...I got the Sweet Valentine's Card and Tea's from you today. Thank You girlfriend! I love Chai Tea...don't purchase it very that will be a real treat. Thanks! ~ Hope I didn't overwhelm you with my long email response last night. But thanks for reaching out with those wonderful caring arms of yours. I needed that.
Same with you Judy, Tammy, Bunny, Pam, Melanie, Dana,Deborah and all the rest of you...beautiful brave hearts. I Love each one of you for the uplift that you each are in my life. Good days, bad days and everything in between. You are THE BEST!
Well, my bed is calling me early tonight. Need to stretch these aching muscles out on my heated mattress pad and just relax for awhile before I fall asleep. Have a little conversation with Papa God, read a little and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
You poor Snow Babies...I feel so badly for how heavy hit you have been this winter. You must be all wanting a vacation to California or Hawaii about now. I would start getting depressed by it. I will take rain any day over snow.
Well goodnight my Lovelies...may God continue to bless others through your selfless lives and hearts! Hugs and Sweet Dreams, ~peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 05 2011 01:10:29 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
838 Posts
838 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 07:10:27 AM
Good Saturday morning sweet sisters, it is cold with freezing rain here right now. I'm watching the little birds around the feeder - such a simple pleasure. They don't seem bothered by the weather at all. I'm sorry so many are tired of the snow - I haven't had my fill yet, we've just been getting little bits here and I want dumped on at least once. (Hey, what was that?....Some one just whizzed a snowball at my head! I think it came from Jersey!.. ) Peggy,I'm so happy to hear the news about the smoking shack. It will be interesting to see where it finally ends up...they should cluster all the smoker's homes together and put it smack dab in the middle. They probably wouldn't like it either.  I'll be praying for you and your sister. Peace, comfort, no pain...
Darlene, THANK YOU for the teas and sweet vintagy card. The teas smell delicious, one reminds me of the bavarian roasted nuts sold at all the festivals around here. yummy. 
We're having a little SuperBowl party tomorrow, so I need to get busy. Love to you all. Stay toasty. BTW- I love staying in my jammies as long as possible on my days off. Cozy.
Blessings, staci FG# 973 :o )
Joshua 24:15 - ...choose this day whom you will serve, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Edited by - staci860 on Feb 05 2011 07:14:05 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 07:42:56 AM
Ms. Peggy, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are just too much! I'm drinking my tea right now. I've gone through 1 1/2 packs of the letters. They are so interesting! I don't need your address. I have it in my address book.
Darlene-thank you too! I got your wonderful card and tea yesterday. The card is perfect!
Mark played last night (his jazz band). It was good. I took my embroidery with me and stitched while they played. Something kind of interesting did happen though. A teenage boy was there with his girlfriend and she had given him a scarf. Not a wool one but more like a bandana. Well, Mark was taking a break and we were just kind of watching this new romance blossom. The aunt came in to pick him up and she started telling him to take the bandana off, that it looked stupid and no one on the west coast would wear something like that-not in Oregon. That he was trying to be fashionable and no man would wear that. Well, it really got to Mark so in the middle of her brow beating this boy, Mark spoke up and said-ya know, I used to wear one just like that and they are back in style. She asked if Mark grew up here, and he said-I've lived in Oregon my entire life. He is in style and looks great. Plus, cowboys wear them all the time, musicians wear them. Well, it shut her up! It made both of us so upset that she was not letting this kid just be a teenager and wear clothes that a 50 year old wouldn't wear. There was nothing distasteful at all. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a bandana. I'm kind of use to people giving me stares. I have a whole arm of tattoos and one across my chest so it doesn't bother me when people stare or give me strange looks, but dang lady-let the kid be a kid, wear funky clothes and don't be mean to him in front of his new girlfriend or put her down cause she gave it to him. I realize that she may be unhappy with her life, but it's not necessary to project it on to others. Plus, he had good taste-he was listening to good jazz, drinking a cup of coffee and being very respectful.
True Blue Farmgirl
838 Posts
838 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 07:48:24 AM
Way to go, Mark! Way to go, Pam, for picking such a great guy.
Blessings, staci FG# 973 :o )
Joshua 24:15 - ...choose this day whom you will serve, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Edited by - staci860 on Feb 05 2011 07:48:55 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 08:16:31 AM
Hi my Lovelies! Yes I am a Jammie sister too! I spent so many years getting up at 5am or working and getting home at 8am that I never knew if I should be eating, sleeping or whatever, so now I enjoy my Jammie days tremendously and don't have to worry about all those crazy shifts!
Megan...Happy BD a day late! Hope you enjoyed it. Hugs!
Deb and Judy you are welcome.
Deb...Glad you are well prepared when your MIL comes. It really is a terrible thing to deal with for her and you. When I was still working, I would have all the staff yelling,"Get Darlene", whenever they couldn't handle someone with dementia. I could always gain there trust and gain control of the situation. It was a battle sometimes until you could make a connection but once they had it they always knew me and all was well. One lady was wicked wild when she was admitted and had a cast on her arm. She would hit us with the cast, took the cast off and hit us, bit us. Whew, but when I gained her confidence, we were buddies. She loved chocolate so I would bring her something everyday and after my med pass was done I would take her in her room and give her the snack and talk. I loved her as well as many others. It wasn't uncommon to see many gathered around my med cart or holding onto my shirt as I worked. I miss my dementia patients. Actually I have a great empathy for the elderly and disabled. I am figuring out how to do some things to continue reaching out. I will let everyone know what I do at some point. Bless you for caring for your MIL for she is one of the forgotten ones in our society!
Peg...You didn't overwhelm me with your email and I will email you later. Bless your poor sister and you!
Staci...I'm with you...A winter person! Of course everyone thinks I'm nuts! The more snow the better I like it!
Please pray for my son Ryan as he flies to France tomorrow for his job. He will be there for about 2 weeks. With all this upheaval in the world it scares me to death when he has to go. Al Quida has targeted France as an attack site so I am really worried.
Bunny...How awful for your Mother.You too because now you are her caregiver! Hang in there. I really feel for you!
Prayers out to you all and have a Blessed day!
Be Blessed, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 08:32:27 AM
Pam...I was still typing when you posted. WAY to GO! My daughter just got more tatoos and she has hair down to her butt and now has neon Pink hair on the front of her hair. Her 2 boys think she's cool! I'm sure when the other 2 are old enough they will too! She's a good Mom so WHATEVER! Would I do it? No! Do I wish I had done some things? YES! God loves us all no matter how many tatoos, scarves, color hair or insert what you can think of here. He just waits for us to love Him back!
Be Blessed, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 09:07:01 AM
Awwww Pam, that was so sweet of Mark to do that. Moms sometimes just don't realize what they're saying and how it affects the kids. That poor boy. And he probably wanted to crawl under the table. And as for his girlfriens...I can't even imagine how she felt. Sad! Well it's 36 here. Woo-hooo! Heat wave. Gonna make myself a pina-colada. lol We are expecting ice and snow (IF) it drops in temperature. I hope it stays (warm) THAT sounds funny....but, ya, if it stays up there until around 6PM, we will escape this storm and just have some rain. *crosses fingers...and toes* ( NOT try this without parental supervision) Peg..."PapaGod" cute, warm & fuzzy is that? I Love it! Well I'm gonna have a cuppa tea and do some laundry and make some bread in my bread-machine. Just finished up the old loaf. Have a great day Girls.
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 09:34:38 AM
Hey everyone! Ball games were cancelled this morning. I'm not a sports kinda gal, but I love watching the little ones play. I love jammie day. I don't get to have very many though. You know since we are in for the rest of the day, I may just go dig out my fleece jammies. Ooooooo so warm and toasty!
Darlene~ I got your sweet Valentine's Day card and teas in the mail yesterday. Thank you! I think I will sit curled in the bed later with a book and a cup.
Sening hugs and prayers to all you ladies!
Not too much going on today. Just gonna veg out. Hall's having basketball withdrawls. LOL She's practing in my room with her bouncy ball and the laundry hamper. Poor girl was really looking forward to running that extra energy out today.
Have a wonderful day! Hugs~ Melanie
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"
Blog~ Etsy~
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 11:03:05 AM
Afternoon porchies, I would like to know who ordered freezing rain in my neck of the woods. I so enjoyed the sun yesterday. Bah Humbug! I know I shouldn't complain...but I don't like cold weather and we have been hit by one storm after another. Sheesh! I so can't wait for spring! Ok I am done now.
I have been working on my quilt. Sewing the binding down on it. I have almost two sides done. It will go in my bedroom. Hubby said we should have some of my handy work in there. It has been a long process on this quilt. But it is pretty. I will post a picture when it is done.
Do need to get a few groceries but the weather kinda put a hinge in my plans today. HOpefully tomorrow after church I can pick up a few;
Peggy hope you are feeling better today. I totally understand where you are coming from. My mom suffers from fibro and she says there are good days and bad days. But she is a tough cookie like you are.
WEll ladies off for some tea and work some on my quilt.
love to you all, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God. Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 12:03:41 PM
good rainy afternoon porchies tammy i'm with yourain rain go away..though it is helping melt some of this snow. only to make room for MORE snow mon wed thur,,bah humbug is right wow waht a winter!! Luanne thank you for the wonderful Bd card and yummy tea...your too sweet..and i love being here amoung such wonderful women..i am truly blessed.. tonight my DH and DS and her BF are taking me for dinner to celebrate both my and her BD hers was jan and the whole week the weather would not cooperate so its a double celebration !!!! this restaurant has the best apple tea i every tasted... angela sweetie stil praying for you honey.. finished sewing up acouple of things for some swaps and had fun ad got ispired so doubled and may send to some of our RAOK farmgirls... Pam sounds like she was having a very bad day ..who does that??really come on .. poor should al wear scarves everytime you see her..LOL well porchies time to go get ready .. blessings and hugs deborah
inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
True Blue Farmgirl
92 Posts
Old Town
92 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 3:46:48 PM
Hi porchies, Im new to this site and I love it :) It is rainy and cold even in Florida. I took advantage and started planting some seeds indoors today. I am so looking forward to this spring. When do you girls start planting up north? Anyone going to plant anything fun or new? I am basically planting herbs, and veggies. I am also planning on making a wildflower garden for some bee hives that I want to get. I have never done the bees before so anyone who knows anything please share. Hoping you are staying warm. Sweet T |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 6:01:12 PM
Gooding evening everybody. As usual our weather forecasters where off on the forecast - majorly again. Forecast was for 1-2" total accumulation over today AND tomorrow - so far today we've gotten about 5+ inches. They'd forecasted that the snow wouldn't start until later tonight so we decided to get our errands run this afternoon. We stopped at our ReStore (Habitat For Humanity store) to check out some things as df has never been there. Scored a cabinet to put over the washer & dryer for $50. While we were in there the snow started and it was coming down at a rate of 1 to 1.5" per hour. I have an app on my phone to notify me of severe weather conditions and got a text saying they'd issued a severe storm advisory just after we left the store. We stopped at Joann Fabrics so I could sign up for a class to only find out their computer was down and they didn't think anybody had signed up for the class and it probably wasn't going to be held (Learn to Spin (drop spindle). I was bummed. Picked up some yarn for my dishcloth exchange for next month while I was there. We were supposed to go to Costco but it was nasty so I told the man to head home. Driving from the ReStore to Joann's there were cars all over the median that had slid off the road. I hate being out on the roads when they're like this. I prefer to be safe at home. He went to Costco after he dropped my son off at work - wonderful man took him so I didn't have to go out and drive in this. It will be interesting to see how much we get tomorrow.
Got my first swap package from the dishcloth exchange. I still haven't gotten anything from my January partner but oh well,I'm sure that occurs on occasion. Got 2 dishclothes, some socks with valentine's on them, some pins, and a rose hair clip. She also included a container of chocolate candy coated sunflower seeds that I've never seen before but are delicious. Nice balance of salt and chocolate. It definately perks up the day to get a nice gift package in the mail :O)
Hope everybody is safe and warm. I'm off to cut out the baby quilt for df's niece's baby. Need to get that done before the baptism in 2 weeks.
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Warren, MI
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 7:50:35 PM
Good Evening My Porchies....I love it when the Porch is just buzzen with chit-chat and love!
Welcome to The Porch Tina...Glad that you found us! Once you are here you are an Official Porchie!
Pam...give Mark a big ol-hug from "Mom" here for sticking up for that young man! I am Proud of him! And you too because you found it as harsh as we did when you told the story. Individualness and uniqueness is what makes The World Go Round. Even God didn't want a bunch of Drones or Robots that would just do what He wanted them to do...that is why He created us with Free Will. He wants each of us to respond freely to his love for us. It's kinda of funny but I told my first two husbands that if God stood up on a cloud and screamed down at me..."You Will Obey Me Because I am God!" I wouldn't follow Him anywhere either. I love him because He first loved me. That is just how He works. If that Aunt (or however she was related to that young man) wanted his love and respect...she needed to show him love and respect first...not dress-him-down in front of his girlfriend. That is just heartless and cruel. ~ Pam, I don't have room to keep those letters from our soldier and that is why I want you to keep them. And besides they need to be kept all keep the thread of the story intact. I so enjoyed reading them though...and letters like that will now be added to my "favorite finds list" when I go to the Antique Shops. sorry to hear about your mom falling. That is awful! I am sorry it has now turned you into her caregiver for awhile and her taxi service. I know that is NOT what you signed-up for...but what would she have done if you weren't there? Hopefully she will not take months to heal. Still praying for you GF and hoping LIFE will smooth out for you. I know there are lessons to be learned in everything...and it is usually the hardest stuff...where we learn the most and are drawn closer to the Heart of God.
Darlene...can you explain to me why people get grouchy and mean when they suffer with chronic pain? I have seen very nice and sweet people get very ornery and even start up swearing at everyone when they have never sworn in their lives. Or people who do swear get even worse. I know for myself that my pain will make me easily frustrated, overwhelmed and irritable sometimes...but I don't really get the mental (or psychological connection) nor can I explain why it is even worse in some other people. Do you understand it? You can email me if you have an answer from a Nurses perspective. I am curious!
Deb, Judy and Megan...I hope your Birthday Celebrations do go on all month long. I know it is fun for me... when my celebrations just keep going and going and going over a two or three week period. IF we must get older then let's Make Everyday A Party!
My hubby and I took a nice drive today out to Sandy OR towards Mount Hood. We stopped at one of our favorite Restaurants out that way. It is called "Calamity Jane's". It looks like an old Western Saloon on the outside and the inside too (pretty much!) They have the best hamburgers (like 30 different kinds). I had a Mushroom, Bacon, Guacamole Burger. Brought half home for dinner. Then they have a Fruit Cobbler to die for. Brought half of that home too...but I have already eaten the rest of it. YUMMY! Pam...have you and Mark ever eaten there? If not you must go out and try it sometime. It is on the left hand side of the road just about a mile + past the town of Sandy. I bet your dad has eaten in there many times.
Well, I started working on some Family Valentine Cards tonight...but didn't get very far. Not really in the mood I guess. Feel more like snuggling in with a good book and some hot-chocolate.
Will hop on again tomorrow and see if you Snow Bunnies got buried again. ~ I wonder if they are going to even have a Super Bowl Game tomorrow??? With all the snow problems is making it hard for people to even get there. And then with the snow sliding off the stadium roof...injuring doesn't sound like a good football day. We shall see! I love Football, so I will be watching.
Love and Hugs, ~peggy 
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 05 2011 8:04:06 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
516 Posts
516 Posts |
Posted - Feb 05 2011 : 9:05:20 PM
Hi Porchies! My mother actually found my name in a teen magazine. I believe it was in the pen-pal section (when they still did that) and the other person lived in California? She held onto that name and thought she was going to get to use it with her first child, but it was a boy and he got the name Rodney. She thought I was going to be another boy and was going to name me Wesley Steven....steven after the 10 million dollar man. :) Turns out I got the name! My middle name is DeNay which my grandmother thought up.
We got some sleet today and we should be getting some more snow within the next week. So all that snow that you all are getting up north is heading for Kentucky. You never know though here. My dad has a saying "If you don't like the weather here in Kentucky wait five minutes and it will change." So true.
Bunny: I will be praying for you mom! Sorry to hear about her fall. You're a wonderful daughter.
Peg: Calamity Jane's sounds really good. Wish we had one around here. BTW: I love my pjs. They are so comfortable. Some days when the kids are out of school and it's too cold to go outside we have a big pj day. :)
Well, ladies I guess it's time to head for bed. Tomorrow will be here soon and my hubby plans on watching the Super Bowl. I'm just there to watch the commercials! Have a blessed day.
Farmgirl #2361 "Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me |
True Blue Farmgirl
557 Posts
557 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2011 : 04:34:55 AM
Darlene, Thank you so much for the tempting teas you sent. I received them in the mail last night, and I will have a "cuppa" later today. Dianne in the Hudson Valley
Sister #749
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." --Leondardo da Vinci |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2011 : 08:11:40 AM
Peggy-I love Calamity Janes. We go there when we head up to the mountain to see my dad.
I can't believe how much snow everyone is getting!
Last night we went to the Professional Bullriders event. It was fun! I haven't gone in almost 10 years and it was Mark's first time going. We went out to dinner first-it was our early Valentine date night.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2011 : 2:02:18 PM
Good Afternoon porchies. Well I have been cleaning today and needed a break. My mom has surgery on her foot on Thursday. Big Bummer as she will have a cast. Hopefully it will be a walking cast. The house is just too small for a wheelchair. My sister finally left yesterday. We only had two big blow outs. I pretty much stayed in my room and laid low. She spent most of the time yelling at everyone and having major attitude at having to deal with all her stuff. I did help by taking stuff to the second hand store and going to the dump for her. When she finally had an asthma attack, it pretty much stopped the yelling, but I had to help carry the last of her stuff out to the truck. I was happy to do it as it got her out of here faster. So I'm finally working on organizing the first wave of my sewing stuff. I still have my quilt shop in the garage to deal with. But, I'm busy and that's what I want. Darlene, thank you so much for the valentine's card. Very pretty and I love the smell of the winter spice tea. I'm putting all the teas in the kitchen to share with my mom. I read a wonderful book yesterday. "Heaven Is For Real". It is about a 4 year old boy that during a life saving surgery, goes to Heaven. Months later he mentions things about it and his parents keep asking more and more questions. It is a wonderful happy book that will give anyone peace about the afterlife. Peggy, it would be a wonderful book to send to your sister. It is by Todd Burpo.
Welcome to the porch RoDonna and Tina. You will love it here!
Anyway, I'm rested up.. back to work.
Bunny |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2011 : 2:07:21 PM
Oh, I forgot to comment on the scarf thing for the young boy. A bandana in California is a bad idea. The gangs use them as a way to identify themselves by the color. Even wearing too much of one color was a problem. In certain areas wearing a lot of red or any other color associated with a gang was like advertising you belonged. So that is probably why she was upset. Not so much as to the fact is was a bandana but the possible gang wantabe connection. Like wearing your pants falling off. Bunny |
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