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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 3:07:37 PM
Hello porchies! Tammy, you have been quite busy! Good luck with the musical! Peggy, it's on I'm using characters from a tv show (hence the point of fanfiction). My pen name is Kathleen Capri. Melanie, it was really fun to watch, and all of the dresses were pretty too! Pam, I hope Jujube feels better soon! Today I got some homework done and hopefully I'll be going to Target soon to buy a three-barrel waver. It makes your hair look like it has beachy waves, and since I have pin-straight hair, I really would like to use one of those instead of leaving my hair in braids all the time. It's been a fairly relaxing weekend so far! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 3:48:08 PM
Well I see everyone is busy as usual. I think the spring weather has thawed us out at last.
Judy, I love your funny ecards. They do perk up my day. Thank you.
Peggy, thanks for letting us know how far back to find Sharon for the Xmas ornament swap. I hope she is still around. The weather has been up and down around here. I hope with warmer weather you will feel a little better. Sounds like the pups will keep you going at least.
Melanie, Good for you and dealing with the finances. Putting them down on paper does help. I guess your guy needs a good visual so he can understand. Small price to pay for his attention in the matter.
Pam, I'm so sorry to hear you were sick. I hope you are feeling better!! Too many things going wrong at the same time.. not fun. Hope Jujube gets better. Could it be an abscess? Anyway, can't wait for the tea!
Angela, you are so creative with the incubator. I hope all your babies end up healthy and I guess.. hungry. Poor frogs.....I can see how they would be a pain though.
Darlene, I would love to know what your daughter is doing for an online job. I have both a pc and a mac to work on.
I went to the job fair. It was a bust unfortunately. I saw the HR person for the hospital and she remembered my resume. She said I should volunteer for a while and that would help me get a job. I can volunteer as office help. That would be great if I didn't actually need money for bills. I did apply for a sales person job in the next town over. The lady called me about an hour after I sent my resume. She sounded a little desperate. She had just interviewed a girl with bright blue hair, face piercings, chipped black fingernail polish and really wrinkled cloths. The girl told her she hated retail and just wanted to earn a bunch of money and go back to school. No wonder she didn't get hired. I'll be a big improvement. However, it is part time. I have to work at least 3 days a week just to afford the gas and still have enough to pay bills. I have an interview on Tuesday. I'm thinking I can still do my internet stuff and sewing. I would also like to take some classes at the local JC here. Maybe if I can make enough at the part time job, I can go to school and earn my AA. It would be a big help getting a better job. I still plan on working on the hospital. Even 1 day a week volunteering would probably help. ... so many things to do. Not enough energy or days to do them in.
Later for now. Bunny
Not all who wander are lost... |
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Apr 03 2011 : 5:40:54 PM
Hello porchies,,,Those in the ornament swap should have gotten my email with Sharon's email address. If you didn't email me or go to page 216 and see her there. I emailed her and she said yes she knew she was the April ornament maker.
Bunny...I will let you know more ASAP about the online job. I will be watching the 2 little ones while she does the online training M & W.
Pam...The worst thing in the world for me is throwing up!!! So sorry for you. Hope you and JuJuBe are better. How in the world can you work for that boss if you get panic attacks? Poor you!
Megan...Post a pic of yourself with straight and curly hair! We can vote on your best one.
Judy...Funny April fool card GF! And the rest!
Tammy...Busy as a Bee...Butterfly! Better Busy than Bored!
Everyone...Prayers and Hugs!
Be Blessed, Darlene Sister 1922
God first, everything else after!
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2011 : 6:26:52 PM
Hello My Porchies...RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! and low 50's. I am so sick of this weather. Even two sunshiny days in a row would be so awesome. I took the dogs out this morning and we actually had little river-lets flowing through the parking lot and the ground is just a slushy marsh land. I know...I know...whine, whine, whine...I sound like the Israelites...and God is going to make me wander for 40 yrs in the wilderness of rain! lol
Pam...darlen, I am so sorry that you and Jujubes are sick. OOOhhhh! I hate throwing up too and PTL that I don't do it often. Nothing is worse than food poisoning!!! Gut wrenching to say the least! Praying for you girl! Hope you didn't have to work today. Oh, by the way...I wanted to recommend a movie to you. Larry and I went to see "Lincoln Lawyer" over the weekend. It was a fabulous movie and one I think you could relate to. I liked it so much...I might want to read the book. Can't wait to see what you find for an Easter Tea! Just so it doesn't taste like a hard-boiled egg...I will love it. ha ha!
Teacher Tammy...OK, I am the Chief of the Butterfly Police and I just ticketed you for being MIA too long off the Porch. HA HA! You sound very busy, but you know we miss you when you are gone!
Megan...thanks for the website honey, I will try to get on there in the next couple of days and read some of Kathleen Capri's work.
Melanie...some people do need to see black on white before they can get on board with the expenses. I am kind of one of those people myself, so I get that! Good for you honoring his wishes on that.
Darlene...Hey Birthday Girl of the Month. I picked up one little gift for you today. Will be sending a box out to you closer to your birthday. If we have to get older we might as well "PARTY" and enjoy ourselves huh?
Theresa...I am so sorry to hear about your tumor and spinal disc problem. I tried posting this message to you about 6 times but don't think I was ever successful. I am praying for you and hoping that you will get the medical treatment that you need and that the tumor will be benign. Is it off of your spine or in the muscle or ligaments???? Smart of you to take the time off work to concentrate on your health.
Bunny...I would think that finding work in The Dalles would not be easy. Is the PT job over in Hood River? Are you going to still do Quilting lessons in the Quilt Shop? Sounds like Volunteering at least one day a week at the Hospital would at least get your foot in the door. Volunteering is wonderful when you can afford to do it but in your case it needs to turn in to a real job...sooner than later huh? Continue to keep you in my prayers. Something has got to go your way soon!
I am so tired today. Going to go just stretch out and watch the TV for awhile. Too tired to even read...which is always my you know I am pooped-out!
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Apr 04 2011 : 7:59:42 PM
Hi everyone! Aww, Bunny, I'll be praying for you sister! I hope all goes well! Peggy, please do! I'm really excited! Darlene, alas, I got a new do last week, and the waver does not quite work the way I want it to with short hair. Just another reason to grow it out again! Just another day here! Although, Wednesday is our student auction for Lent, and all of the money is going the Hope House for Human trafficking victims, so I guess that's exciting. I was also talking to my friends today, and I might join them on a school trip to London next spring. Hopefully everything will work out! God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
557 Posts
557 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 03:20:12 AM
Good Morning, All. Did everyone in the ornament swap receive the red felt cardinals I mailed out in March? I ask because I just got Angela's returned in the mail! I'll resend it this week, but now I'm worried. Let me know. Dianne
Sister #749
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." --Leondardo da Vinci |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 11:32:34 AM
Afternoon Girls! It's 39/snow flurries today....very gray....AGAIN! UGH! RFMTammy...I watched "Benny Hill" back in the 70's a little. That was my first British show. Then I discovered James Harriet, "All Creatures Great & Small" Series. I loved that. I read all the books that he wrote. What a great Vet! Then I found "Are You Being Served?" the 90's and they cracked me up. You never knew what color Mrs Slocum's hair was going to be in each episode...and Mr Humphrey....well... he was just funny! lol I also liked "Waiting For God!" The white-haired from that show plays Doc Martin's Aunt. Angela, very creative incubator. Good job! TeaLadyTammy...I've missed you! What new and yummy teas have you purchased lately. I just brewed a pot of Chocolate-Orange, Culinary tea today. So tasty! ;P So what musical is the "Little Butterflies" performing? Darlene...I liked your play on "B's" *giggle* Peggy, so what was "Lincoln Lawyer" about? DH and I may have to go see it...or NetFlix it next month. *snicker* Well Girlies, I hear that Teapot of Choc-Orange tea calling me....JuuuuDeeeeee.....
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) Judy Hugs&Squeezles! I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman- "Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?" |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 12:07:12 PM
Peggy-I've seen previews of that movie. I like Trace Adkins so maybe I'll see it. We have another m*rder case coming up but this one won't be as intense. I am doing better. I just usually have panic attacks about life in general. Working this job reminds me that I'm sane. LOL!
chocolate orange tea sounds so interesting. Is is good. I've missed you guys so much! I love coming here and just chatting.
Dianne-I did get my ornament-THANK YOU! It is so pretty. I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner.
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 12:58:22 PM
Well ladies it has been drama and trauma this weekend. The guy, the VP of the little non-profit has been getting increasingly nasty to the volunteers (screaming at people, being a bully as he is a really large man), myself and another board member, all female. The president has been saying we were all picking on him and that we were making things up. So this weekend was a mass resignation weekend. Myself, the other female board member and her husband all bowed out. The husband bowed out because he is an IT tech troubleshooter and found that the guy had been visiting porno sites on the office computer. Still not enough to get the president to do something. She appears to have the female “Christian” notion that guys are leaders or some such. All she knows to do is to make allowances for him no matter what he has done. He went to another male board member about his addiction so that is being handled. Garbage. He is out of control and she is co-dependant. They are really lucky that I recently got the main report out to one of our big grant organizations. This is really hard in one way as I put 5 years of my life into it but as I dropped off all the documents I had and locked the door of the office, I really did feel a weight lift off. So I am waiting on the Lord to show me where or what he wants me to do next. For now I am r & r. There goes the homeless shelter. Drat!
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 1:01:36 PM
Oh Cherime. Boy, could we exchange stories! I'm sorry you had to endure all of that. There is another plan for you and I'm sure it's bigger and better.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 1:06:31 PM
Oh Cherime, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. It is so sad that people like that get into positions of authority. There will be a big loss for the people who were served. Maybe you will be sent to another organization willing to do it right. I'll be saying a prayer for you and the people you served that another option will open up. Bullies are no fun.
Judy, I feel your pain with the snow. We have had a few days here and there with sunshine.. but tomorrow says snow/rain. Whatever... I wish it would just make it's mind and get on with spring.
Dianne, I also got my ornament. I love it! I have been working on what I'm going to do so they are ready for October. It will be here too soon if I put it off.
Off for a job interview.. hope it works out. Some red flags in the way.. but I may have to just bite the bullet and deal for a while. A job is a job at this point. I'll let you know how it went.
Not all who wander are lost... |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 2:29:09 PM
Cherime....Oh,My Goodness!!! Well, you all did the right thing resigning but how sad! Especially when you are so dedicated and committed to something. It must truly grieve your heart though! Well, for sure God has a plan and a purpose for you and I know it will be exactly where you should be.
Dianne...I did tell you that I got my ornament too. I just love it...It is so sweet!
Bunny...praying for your interview! are sane's the rest of the world that is full of crazies. Are you guys going to be doing that case for the 16 yr. old accused of murder (even though they haven't found her body yet?) Shauntee's cousin Diamond works p.t. doing filing for the office where my son and husband work. The family is just devastated naturally. It seemed like a case you guys might get.
Judy...yummy, orange chocolate tea. I wonder if I ordered any of that. Will have to go check my stash. Sounds good. And you girls know me...I ordered all The Chocolate Teas I could afford from there. :+)
Megan...still haven't made it over to read your work yet. Have had a prescription change and I can't sleep but my mind is too foggy to concentrate on reading right now. I will get there though hopefully, sooner than later. I have been up since 3:30 this morning and I didn't go to bed until after midnight...almost one. I have had this weird sleep schedule for about 3 days. Ugh!
Well, I think the dogs seem, maybe I can go try again. I need some rest.
Hugs and I will be dreaming about Sunshine and warmer weather, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have." |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 2:55:33 PM
Blessings on that interview Bunny. Thanks ladies I needed that!!!
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 4:05:04 PM
evening porchies would anyone be interested in a tea swap ???? there seems to be alot of us that truly love our tea and like to try different teas..just email me if your interested. 
stormy weather and crazy temps one sec its 62 next 46 weird Cherime god works in mysterious ways not always clear to us. we reap what we sow.. bunny lots of luck for your interview. i made a strawberry pie last night and oh my gosh is it yummy.. made a pot of lavender earl grey and i am happy to share,. went to 52teas to see if they had the blueberry creme tea by=ut alas they are sold out again did have some interesting teas ..not quite what i'd like (beer tea, tomatoe basil tea. not sure about these though the sweet potatoe pie tea sounds interesting.. enjoy your the night blessings and prayers deborah
inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
Edited by - debtea2 on Apr 05 2011 4:14:52 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 6:55:20 PM
Hi everyone! Peggy, it's quite alright! You get over there when you can! Bunny, I hope the job interview went well:) It was a very quiet day here. It's getting warmer here, which I am definitely not opposed to! We had such a rough winter here, that I am ready for some sunshine:) Oh, and Dianne, I also received your ornament for May! No worries here. God's and Farmgirl's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 7:50:46 PM
Hello everyone, Well I think I got the job. She talked to me for over an hour. She wants me to come in tomorrow and do some work on her displays. I guess I have to show what I'm made of. I have to walk the walk so to say. Scary!! But it looks like I have the job. It is only 2 days a week right now but soon to be 3 days. Plus I get the impression if I do well it will work into more hours. But at least it is a start.
Anyway, what to wear, what to wear.
Not all who wander are lost... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 7:54:06 PM
Hello my dear sisters, I tell you this madame butterfly is plain tired. School is hopping with this musical. We are performing Sonshine Vacation. Next week we have achievement tests and then confirmation.
Ladies could I ask you to pray for some things on my heart. My dear sweet mama has a compressed fracture in her back due to osteoporisis and it won't heal the dr. say. She can't take any of the meds they have due to serious side affects that would not be good for her heart. She is a real trooper. She had a minor surgery today and didn't tell me. But seems to be doing well.
Also my dear step daughter is heartbroken. She was to get married in September and her fiance called it off today. Apparently his family is part of the decision. She already had her dress which can't be taken back, bridesmaid dresses, etc. I am hoping to find out more this weekend. As a mama, it breaks my heart to know she is so sad and I can't take the pain away. But I tell you I could sure give him a piece of mind right now. I am hoping maybe it will work out. But not real hopeful on that. She has had depression before and so I am bit concerned what this turn of events will do.
Judy I have been having praline's and cream tea of late and a chocolate tea with hazelnuts from Harney and Sons. That has been my favorite ..ahh the world of tea.
Deb what kind of tea swap did you have in mind. I know some of us are in a tea swap but hey I am open to another one. Girlie what you got in mind for us tea flapping porchies.
Well ladies I am going to have my evening tea and have some conversation with God.
Love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~The View From Within
Farm Sister #1889 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 8:26:23 PM
So much going on here. Praying for all of you and sending lots of hugs.
Bunny~ Good luck on the job! Sounds like it might just pull through.
Cherime~ What a tough decision to have to make. As the other ladies have said.. I'm sure God does have another plan for you and will continue to use you for His work.
I'm afriad I'll have to make it a short visit tonight. I'm so sleepy. Good thing honey man insisted on getting the budget down on paper. Seems my head isn't attached and I was skipping over a couple of bills. We could do the loan, but our funds would be way too tight. Too tight for us that is. As we both like to put a little $$ back out of each pay. You know the rainy day fund for when whatever breaks. And well the loan to fix everything wouldn't allow us much for savings. Cousin Bob is going to continue working upstairs. Jeremy and I are going to do what needs to be done to the bedrooms downstairs. My BIL is going to do the windows and siding one side of the house at a time. (I know it's tacky, but it will eventually get there.) And that just leaves our main concern- heating. I like wood heat. I'm still thinking about that. My dad is not so sure about me and a woodstove getting along very well. He doesn't want me up on the roof cleaning out the stove pipe and Jeremy is terrified of heights so you know I'll be on the house. LOL That's all right I hate the cellar and tight places so that's his area. I'm going to check with a couple more heating and a/c places. Maybe we can squeeze by with just getting a loan for the heat. [fingers crossed hahaha] Anyhow I am getting started with my direct selling biz. I found a way to kind of create my own. I have been working on that at night and cleaning during the day and hanging with the kids and critters. Oh goodness girlfriends! I'm wiped out. I better get to bed. You all have a blessed night.
Night, night! Hugs~ Melanie
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"
Blog~ Etsy~
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 05 2011 : 8:39:22 PM
Melanie, have you looked into pellet stoves? They are expensive but can run on a thermostat. You just need to make sure it has a battery back up for the motor. The pellets are cheap and don't make much of a mess. They are easy to find too. Almost any hardware store has them. Bunny
Not all who wander are lost... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1423 Posts
1423 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2011 : 04:21:20 AM
Hi All -
I don't get time to write often, but I'm usually checking in to see what everyone is up to!
Cheremie - how sad, but it sounds like you made the right decision - something better is coming, I'm sure.
Bunny - praying that the job works out for you, you so deserve a break!
Tammy - good luck with the program. Praying for your mom and step-daughter.
Megan - I haven't had time to read your writings yet either, but promise I'll get there one of these days!
Staci - where are you, girlfriend? Any news on the job hubby was going to try?
Darlene - happy early birthday - I think of you often and still wish we could get together one of these days. Seems like the weeks fly by and I don't have time to do anything fun!
Deb - I think I'd like to do a tea swap, but I'm still new at swapping. Could you please let me know how it works?
Also, where do you ladies find all those yummy sounding teas you talk about - like CHOCOLATE?!?!?! I don't think there are any tea stores near me, so maybe I could get them on-line somewhere? All I can get is what they carry in the grocery store.
Right now BF and Mom are both doing very well - so life is slowing down a little. I'm trying to get back into some sort of a routine. I'm still trying to learn low-sodium cooking, and finally bought a small freezer this past weekend so when I cook I can do double batches and put one aside for busy days.
I think of you all often, and am praying for all your needs.
Hugs to all, Luanne
beekeepersgirl #691
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2011 : 06:33:08 AM
Wow, leave for a couple days and there's so much to catch up on.
Judy - I LOVED "All Creatures Great and Small" also. Spurred me to read all the books when I was a kid. "Have You Been Served" always cracked me up. Slocum and Humprey were my favorite charecters. I agree her hair color changing all the time was amusing. I still occasionally catch an episode here and there on tv. I may have to go back and watch all the episodes on Netflix one of these days - good rainy day activity.
Bunny - Hope you find something that will suit you soon. Unfortunately in this economy we sometimes have to take or stay in positions that don't fit us. Sometimes I think it's almost better to have 2 or more part time jobs so all your paycheck isn't in one basket so to speak.
BFY Tammy - Good luck with the production.
Not sure who asked about wood pellets but Tractor Supply carries them in huge bags for really cheap.
If everybody could keep me in prayer. If they don't pass the budget I'll be out of a job and now some are saying if that happens since we're contract employees for the Army we won't be eligible for unemployment. They will allow us to use any vacation days we still have so I will get almost a full week before I'll stop getting a paycheck. Then if they do pass the budget there's talk they may eliminate our positions which is crazy because they keep giving us more and more to do (although no pay increase to go with it) and it would cost more to put a soldier in our position then they pay us. I've been in this position for 5 years and this is the second company that has had the contract. This contract will be up in August so then it becomes dicey again on who will get the contract, if they'll lower our pay, and if they'll keep those currently in the positions on, etc. I'm going to apply for part time positions at Home Depot and a couple pet kennels and hopefully get something to ensure that I will still have some money coming in for a worse case scenario. In a good scenario the extra money could go into the bank and give me an extra cushion. This is the absolute worse time to be out of a job in this area and companies are offering lousy pay for jobs because they know people are desperate for work. Enough gloom and doom, I must get to work.
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Warren, MI
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2011 : 08:25:52 AM
Luanne you are right about the second job. However, I still have a garage filled with about $10,000 wholesale value of fabric I need to sell. My plan is to start getting it on my website and try to sell some of it. I'm still trying to figure out how to design a colorful professional looking website and I want to redo my blog for the same reason. Soo much to learn. But once I do that I have a few other things to do to drive traffic to my blog and then to my fabric sales. That should help with some extra money too. I'm also doing some sewing to put on either Etsy or another site called Artfire. My goal is to not have to have that second job and make money doing what I love the best! BTW, I have heard that if you use sea salt the sodium issue is gone. I have stopped using regular table salt and love sea salt. It has a much better taste... at least I think so. Check it out.
Tammy, what a hassle for your job. The government is trying to get business to create jobs but want to send you out on the street. Maybe there can be a "retraining" program they can offer you. You could go back to school and maybe get paid to do it. I would check it out just in case. I know we all wish government would spend less money but they cut out the wrong things! Jerry Brown in California took away half of all state employee's state paid cell phones and saved $20 million dollars a year. Why can't the Government do that. People can just write it off of their taxes instead. I can imagine that would save enough to keep a few key people working. ..... don't get me started!!! I'm sure you deal with it all the time. Anyway, the extra jobs sounds like a really good idea. I know McDonalds is making a big deal out of hiring 50 thousand people some time this month. It wouldn't be full time but you could work the hours around your other job possibly?
Darlene, Happy early birthday to you! Hope it is a good one. "just in case I forget later on".
I stressed all last night about redoing this stores displays. I have lots of ideas but don't want to step on any toes. The store is a bit lean on merchandise because they are coming out of winter. It will be a challenge for sure. Hopefully she likes what I come up with. Just pray I find a way to be tactful and not come on too strong. Like I know what I'm doing.. lol I have been told for years I do wonderful displays so I just have to build on that.
Anyway, later for now.. weather is the pits so I'll be blown to work today. The Columbia River Gorge is like a big wind tunnel and I'm going the wrong direction. Thank God for my big heavy dodge diesel truck.
Not all who wander are lost... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2011 : 08:49:40 AM
Tammy-praying you and yours. Seems like whatever can be shaken is being shaken right now. All we have is each other and the Lord to depend on. No matter how far we are from each other we can always pray. Melanie-I use a creosote killer regularly in my wood stove. I use wood to supplement the fuel oil because it is so expensive. That way getting on the roof to clean the pipe is not a regular item. Maybe once a year before the season starts. My roof is really steep and it terrifies me just thinking about getting on it but this year I need to as my old roofing paper has a dandy moss population and I am getting nervous about its ability to keep out rain and snow. Yeah and the outside of my place is a patchwork quilt as well. I hear pellet stoves are a good thing once the initial installation is done they are just too expensive up here in AK. Bunny-great news on the job front. Praying that it takes root and grows mightily. Peg-I know he has something good for me and right now I will just continue to wait on the Lord. Besides the one little thing that I and my DD usually do, the Highland Games comes up in June and this gives me time to make stuff to sell. Luanne-I had to go through all the low sodium stuff with my DH before he died. Just remember that some sodium (electrolytes) are absolutely necessary in order to keep the body functioning. We went to smart water with electrolytes in them for him after cutting way down on the sodium. That worked really well. As for the cooking part, I wound up making everything from scratch. Wore me to a frazzle what with everything else.
I really need prayer for my DD, her health and the new job specifically. She had a major insulin reaction Monday night and it almost put her in the hospital. She is really stressed out. Like Tammy the job depends on government funding and the news right now is not good and she just got hired. Further, the daughter of a lady who really is hateful and a real troublemaker is going to be in a position under my DD. Told her to document EVERYTHING! Then the mess with the non-profit and I know that weights on her mind because the president blamed everything with that guy on my DD. Her just being there caused him to do what he did. Rubbish but I know it hurt her. God Bless us everyone ladies and I am off to work.
True Blue Farmgirl
1853 Posts

1853 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2011 : 11:35:44 AM
hi tea loving porchies the TEA swap would be very simple, 1. buy a nice tea me your address 3. send the tea to the person i will email you the person who you will be sending to. no partners you will receive tea from someone on the list it will be a surprise as to who will be sending you the tea until you receive it with a little note. there is no sign up deadline as anyone can jump in or out Its simple and fun and hopefully you will receive a tea you have never tried. just email me your address and i will email you back with all the info you need. blessings deborah ( blue] inch by inch we find our way jersey farmgirl #1330
Edited by - debtea2 on Apr 06 2011 4:32:51 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1949 Posts
1949 Posts |
Posted - Apr 06 2011 : 5:03:22 PM
Hey there everyone! Wow the job thing is horrible everywhere and with the gas going back up. Just awful! My sister works for the USPS and they are still talking about trying to go to a 5-day work week. You know they won't get a Sat and Sun off. It'll probably be like a Wed and Sun. And it would be just enough to knock her off her route and put her back to PT with no benefits and so on. A couple of years ago she talked me into going to take the test for the postal service. I scored well and then they started talking about shutting down several offices and then the talk with the 5 day work week. I decided my cleaning service is more reliable than the government. My family was so mad at me. They thought I was nuts for giving up the not-so-hot health insurance and 401K and all that. rant rant rant... I'm gonna stop now. ahhhh I am praying for you all. I so hope that you will someday have jobs that you love and that last. 
I have looked at the pellet stoves before. I can get the bags at Tractor Supply or Rural King for anywhere from $3-6 per bag depending on sales. Seems like they would be easier than a wood stove. I asked cousin Bob one day about them. He seems to think that with the price of corn going up the pellet stoves might get to be too expensive to run. I am thinking about it though. Cherime~ I had wondered about the creosote killer, if they really work. I've seen them at Wal-Mart. My dad has never used it. I guess he's old-fashioned. He climbs up on his roof every couple of weeks with his big metal brush and cleans out the pipe while the neighbor cat sits up there and watches him. It's crazy. LOL I've also thought about asking about geothermal heat or solar panels. Now I'm sure those are really pricey and out of my league but it doesn't hurt to ask. Couldn't you just see me ask Bob to install solar panels? He would think I'd done come off my rocker. hahahaha
Well I think I'm going to work on my mail art. You all have a wonderful night Hugs~ Melanie
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh Crap, She's up!"
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