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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
1487 Posts
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Posted - Sep 18 2011 : 4:38:56 PM
Hi Everyone!
No school for me tomorrow. I am going to miss my cupcakes - I really enjoy spending the day with them.
Darlene~ You are in my thoughts and prayers every single day.
Bunny~ Some days it jut feels right to be the "slug". I think our bodies are telling us to take it easy. I was a slug yesterday also!
Kim~ I have never heard of pickled potatoes before - you'll have to let me know when you find a recipe. Sounds interesting.
I hope everyone has a peaceful evening!
~ Elaine Farmgirl sister #2822
"Find yourself a cup of tea; the teapot is behind you. Now tell me about hundreds of things." ~Saki |
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2011 : 6:24:01 PM
Penny! The Red River ones look like what I was thinking they might/should be! Thanks, I'm going to try this one for sure. Husband found a Mexican version aka HOT that he wants me to make too.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories |
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
Posted - Sep 18 2011 : 6:59:40 PM
Kimberly, I thought I had posted this on the topic you posted on Pickled Potatoes..was wondering why it wasn't posted it there too...
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 07:17:49 AM
Hey Porchies!
Seems like everyone is quite busy lately. I have been too!
My diet is goin nicely. We have lost a few pounds each. I was really impressed with the amount of energy I've been feelin. I've been dietin for 2 weeks now and I feel great!
In the last week I have torn my house apart. I have gone one room at a time and took everything out of it, sorted it, organized it, and put the room back together. I only have the living room left to do, and that is todays job. My house hasn't been this clean since we moved in almost 3 years ago! I have thrown away 8 30 gallon trash bags of papers, broken things, and general junk. I have given 5 bags of things to family. I also have 12 bags of things for donation. I can't believe how much stuff we bought recently that we already had but couldn't find! It's horrible! I also discovered that I have no large rectangle cake pans. I thought I had some in a box somewhere, but they seem to be missing. I'm gonna get me some more next time I go to town. I know a good second hand shop that had bunches of them for $1 each!
I'm lovin the clean, organized, new look my house has! The rooms just seem more peaceful this way, and so do I. I have also gotten rid of the last of my in-laws stuff from the house, so it feels more mine now. I will be paintin over all the dark wood next month. My FIL stained all the woodwork so dark brown it's nearly black. It feels like a cave in here. So depressin. :(
I was loaned a new cookbook! It's called 'What Would Jesus Eat'. I love it! The recipes are, of course, mediterranean, which we love, and are all healthy. They also simplified some of them with american spice substitions. I have nearly all of the spices it calls for anyhow, and I have seen the few I don't have at my local grocery store, so I'm gonna try to stick to the originals as much as possible.
Tonight we are havin garlic dill green beans with our dinner. It's from the book and seems really simple. I'm gonna make curried rice with my new India cooking cookbook and some good ol' american mac and cheese. Of course it will have whole wheat noodles in it and there will be a salad just like every dinner we have. Comfort food from all over, but healthy food!
I do have bad news for those in the 'Tea Swap'. I had planned to blend the tea and get it bagged up for mailing while I was cleanin the kitchen yesterday. Apparently the mice invasion 3 weeks ago had other ideas. I had everything stored in nice, square, deli boxes I had collected over the years. I thought they were safe. The mice chewed right through the boxes and ruined everything but my rasberry leaves. I'm out of homemade tea till next year. I have some of the store bought tea that my family is always gettin me to try, and I will be sendin that out, but it just doesn't seem the same. I'm sorry my plans didn't work out right. My littlest is pretty unhappy too. She loves a sippy cup of what she calls 'flower tea' before bed. It's honeysucle flowers, rose petals, and rasberry leaves blended together. I had a little cookie tin of it that she has completely used up as of last night. I was supposed to blend more and refill her tin, but there's nothing left to blend. I'm gonna try her on some jasmine green tea and see if she likes it. I hope everyone likes the tea I've picked out to send. If we do this agian I will defintely have my homemade stuff next year. I have switched all my tea supplies to quart cannin jars. Let's see those mice chew through that! LOL!!
I'm off to start the living room! I will have a completely clean house by bedtime! YEA!
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 09:04:41 AM
Elaine, how awful! Thank God it was not on a school day.
Darlene, praying for you.
Peggy, may his peace keep you. Blessings.
Bunny, that is too bad that your old boss tells herself lies that she then believes. As far as “hard core” Christian communities go, after watching them for a bit, I think that some of them are in the same state as the Jews when Jesus came. They are so entrenched into the “religion” that they have lost sight of love, forgiveness and all the things that Jesus preached. I had a bad experience with a church that is one big clique. If you are new then nothing you say or do has any meaning or substance for them. Well Jesus did say that there would be people talking about all that they did for Him and He was going to tell them that He never knew them.
Kim, good for you on Children’s Church. I just do not have the patience I used to. Little ones are OK in small doses but ....... I burn out easily these days.
Whoo Hoo! Wall is done. My son and his friend came over and did that. My son did not want me on the scaffolding. He brought his girl friend’s truck over and told me that the petcock on the radiator was frozen and he needed to pull the shroud and the lower radiator hose to drain out some of the old antifreeze so he could get new stuff in. The idea was if I did that job and got everything lose, he would do the draining and put the hose with the new clamp back on then I could watch to make sure it worked properly. While I worked on the truck, he would help his friend on the scaffolding. OK. That worked for me. It all got done.
We had the kind of day every Alaskan dreams of yesterday. Clear blue sky. You could see for miles. Fall color all over the mountains, temps around 60. It was a glorious Indian Summer day. Did a long drive, not on purpose mind. But it was great. The end was a bit odd as my ex-husband’s widow fell and broke her ankle. My DD and SIL ran over and got her to the emergency room. I called my non-paying renter and got Sydney ready to go over to her place, Karey is her name, and we were there to get her into the house and settled. She is going to have to have surgery as there is a space between the two broken pieces. Looks like Sydney is going to be busy for a while. Good deeds always have good things come of them even if you have to wait a bit. I took care of Sydney all last winter as she was homeless and broke. Now Sydney will take care of Karey. Back to work. Blessings ladies.
True Blue Farmgirl
163 Posts
163 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 09:37:53 AM
Hello Ladies! I've been busy. Sorting, purging and packing 40 years worth of stuff! I just wanted to post some pics of the interior of the house (at least two of the apartments) and the garage for you to get a look at. We couldn't access the third apartment, as the tenant would not open the door. Settlement date has been moved to sometime next week because the property will not be vacated by the current settlement date.
The interior of the apartment we viewed was just slightly horrible. The smell was the worst thing. It smelled like dirty old people. After realizing they used the bathtub/shower area for a closet, I could understand why it smelled like dirty old people. They are hoarders and the place was packed about waist high with 'stuff'. I'm anxious to see it without all the junk in it! The other unit is the same size, so I will not know how to act with all the space. Lots of area for my craft room! I'm going from 800 square feet almost 3000 sq ft. Somewhere along the line, we got the 'downsizing' thing backward! LOL!
Okay, here's the link to the photobucket pics.
I hope you all had a good weekend. I've got to go back and read what's going on so I can respond. I'm sorry to be so self-centered right now. My world is spinning out of control with all the things that are going on and I feel like I'm ignoring everyone, but don't mean to. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. May your lives be blessed tenfold over how you've all blessed me. Thank you so much!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My name is Sue, but my friends call me Geege! Farmgirl #656 |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 09:49:10 AM
Angela come do my house next.... PLEASE!!!! :)
I'm going to try making pickled potatoes today. See how that turns out. But right now I'm off to do school. Have a blessed day ladies.
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories |
True Blue Farmgirl
1085 Posts
1085 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 1:23:21 PM
Hi Ladies. It's been a few days since I last got to post. I had to work and I'm still feeling pretty blue since the grandbaby news. I've sent messages to DS and he still hasn't responded. Nothing nasty, just asking him to call. I went shopping today and bought the baby some little outfits and blankets. I'll send it with a card saying the door is always open and you are welcome here. Not much more I can do. DH is being my pillar of strength and prays with me every night that this will turn out well. I told DD5 if she ever had a baby without telling momma or daddy she was going to be in big big trouble because it's a very mean thing to do. She said, "you better go give my brother a spanking because he needs it!" They are both cheering me up.
Today DH and I started the juice fasting. He'll do juice the whole time but I will eat whole vegetables at night.
I'll write more when I have some time this evening.
~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069
Live Today, Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 3:02:18 PM
FarmDream - sorry you found out that way. Hope everything works out fantastic for you and your family.
Well I've got the canner full of two different types of pickled potatoes. Won't know for awhile how they turned out, gonna let them sit and pickle for a week or two before we pop one open and try it. But I can tell you they smell good. :) Got a spicy version of the jerky marinating. Oh yeah, and I made pickled eggs today so at the end of the week we'll taste those and see if it's a "you don't need to go to that much trouble again" or a "MAKE MORE" situation. Now I should go see if I've got any green beans begging to be dilled.....
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories |
True Blue Farmgirl
1085 Posts
1085 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 5:32:49 PM
Kimberly! Please post or send me your recipe for pickled eggs. DH and I were talking about making those the other day. He also wants pickled pigs feet but that won't happen till pigs fly!
~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069
Live Today, Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow |
True Blue Farmgirl
839 Posts
839 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 7:27:52 PM
Can't really say it's MY recipe, found it on the internet. Yeah, pigs feet is one of those things that even if it IS awesome and I'm missing out on the greatest thing, I'll just keep missing out. :P I'll be able to tell you by Friday if this recipe was a success.
12 eggs 1 cup white vinegar 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons coarse salt 2 tablespoons pickling spice 1 onion, sliced 5 black peppercorns Directions
Place eggs in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let eggs stand in hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from hot water, cool and peel. Place the eggs into a 1 quart wide mouth jar. In a saucepan, combine the vinegar, water, salt, pickling spice, most of the onion (reserve a couple of slices), and black peppercorns. Bring to a rolling boil; pour over the eggs in the jar. Place a couple of slices of onion on top and seal the jars. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for 3 days before serving.
I actually did two dozen because my hens are young so their eggs are small and my jar was bigger. And I didn't put the peppercorns in because there were peppercorns in my pickling spice. But that's the joy about recipes you just keep tweaking them until they are yours!
Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories |
True Blue Farmgirl
498 Posts
498 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 7:56:29 PM
It's beginning to be 'busy' again...for me anyhow! This week is a small week - only 2 meetings so far, so that's good. One was tonight, the other is tomorrow night. Soon ceramics will start up again & I'll be happy to go on Wednesdays. I'm going to have to start spending time on Christmas presents rather than online. I spend far too much time online, and I don't have anything started for Christmas yet! I'm hoping too that once I know when I get my tonsils taken out, I can do a bunch of stuff then too....but I have to find out when I get them out first! (I'm kinda hoping that it's the week before Christmas.)
Not much to write about I guess I'm off to bed :). At least I have nice, clean, fresh smelling sheets on the bed :). Have a good night all.
Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.
"When I grow up, I want to be dirt." seen on a box through construction in Wyoming 2010 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
Posted - Sep 19 2011 : 10:29:27 PM
Way to go Angela, so glad the diet is going well...keep it up...Wow girl, I'm worn out just reading your post. But a clean house is so nice isn't it. That is the one thing I miss. Even when mine is clean, to me it never looks that was because it is so cluttered. But what can you expect when two households move into a small deer camp with just 3 rooms. I am lucky to have a big bedroom that DH built after we got married but still doesn't leave room to put anything. But you know what, I've decided it doesn't matter how small this place is as long as we are happy and we are....we both searched a long time to find that one special person and for the last 2 1/2 years we have been happier than we ever have. I'm lucky that GOD lead me to this man...
Cherime, good for you...getting the wall done and fixing the truck...glad your son was able to help. You sure have a lot of talents girl...Sorry to hear about your ex's widow...but it is good someone is there to take care of you, thanks to are a real sweetie.
Geege, that is what we are here for to listen and share each other's lives...besides I know I speak for everyone else we love that you are sharing what is going on and the pics...we can't wait to see it change. That seems to be an amazing place. It's ashame that you have to do so much that should have been done by the other owners. But one thing I already know about you is that you are a gogetter...
Julie, I will continue to pray for heart goes out to you, sweetie..
Kimberly, you sure are one busy bee...your package goes out tomorrow...I got it figured out so this time there won't be any problems.
I'm getting sleepy eyed so think I'm off to bed...
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask... |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 08:46:48 AM
Geege, I broke down and vacuumed the rugs. All the energy I had last evening.
Kim, I am really curious as to how the potatoes turn out. Pickled eggs too. I really like pickles and often go to the trouble to make some for just me. Pickled baby onions also.
Julie, I did not with hold the news of the impending birth for 9 months but I did hold out as long as I could before telling any of the family, his or mine, prior to my son’s birth. We were so broke and my ex-had asthma so bad that he had a hard time working so a baby was the last thing we needed. But you know that was silly of me. Looking back 40 years or so, I can see that now but kids can get some funny things in their heads. I often wonder if my sister and I lived in the same house. Her take on things that happened is so different from mine.
Darlene, thinking of and praying for you.
Peg, blessings sweetie.
Well Karey, the ex’s widow is safely at home after surgery, a plate and several pins later. It was very stressful for her because yesterday was two months to the day that my ex had to have surgery and died afterward. I am praying for her to heal quickly. She had two days left at her old job and was to start a new one. That is not happening. She will have to stay off that foot for 4 weeks and 6 weeks in a cast. Sydney who is taking care of her nursed her Mom and father in law for years so Karey is in capable hands thank God. Otherwise all the rest of us would be juggling schedules massively.
Cold, wet and rainy here today. The snow level is down a couple of hundred feet. It is creeping down to us. Maybe just a tiny bit early this year.
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 09:16:57 AM
Hello My a little bit caught up on the chitter-chatter on The Porch...but still some more to read but I am dead tired right now. Just wanted to share my weekend with you and then later I will respond to the different posts.
It was a wild and crazy trip, left later than we wanted to and didn't get there until 1:30 in the morning. Our Motel room was "The Room From Hell". Pet Friendly Motel (which we didn't know)...the room smelled like cat urine the minute we walked in at 2:00 am. The blankets looked like they had not been washed in over a year, maybe more, & the bathroom sink wouldn't drain. And of coarse they were booked solid and we couldn't exchange rooms. By 2:30 am we had booked a new Motel for the next night and decided we had to just put up with this room for a couple of hrs sleep as we had to be at the Funeral Home at 9:00 am. We found out you can endure a lot when you are bone tired after driving for 6 and 1/2 hrs. Not a good night though!
The Funeral was amazing! My MILove would have been so pleased! She had picked out the songs she wanted done at her Funeral, she had written down some funny stories that she wanted the Minister to share, and she wrote her own Opituary. That was so her! One Lady who truly Loved People and Life and lived it to the fullest. And she embraced everyone as "Family". After the service we went to her home and had some visitation time with friends and family. Then we Went to Mom's favorite Mexican Restuarant where she had completely paid for dinner and drinks for a "Celebration Party of Her Life" We had 36 people there and we ate, toasted her and shared funny stories about her. It was Wonderful!!! She will be so missed! But she is finally Home with The Lord where she wanted to be.
Then I went to see my Sister. I hadn't seen her in a year...even though I talk to her...everyday or every other day on the phone. As I have share with you...she is dying from numerous medical issues. But even though I thought I was prepared mentally and emotionally for how she would look...i was so wrong. My youngest son described her the most accurately when he said, "Aunt Debby looks like she has one foot in each world. Life/Death" She weighs in the low 70's, she is just skin over bone, her hair is long and grey and it makes her look like a witch, and her eyes were dark/sunken and she had that ash-grey death palor to her skin. She could hardly talk or breathe (even with oxygen on). That was very hard. But I love her, she is my little sister and she is only 56 yrs. old. I am praying that God is merciful and takes her home soon! I hate to see another person who was larger than life (like both Grandma and My Sister)...look like a War Crimes Victim and have absolutely no quality of life. It was difficult at best to see her like that. Our Mom hasn't seen her in four months because she knows how to push my sisters buttons and gets her too upset. Debby doesn't need that right now and so she has put up boundaries and is not inviting my mom in. Sounds cruel but honestly our mom can suck the life right out of you.
Any was a bitter/sweet trip and I am glad to be home...but I am exhausted both emotionally and physically.
Love You All...didn't mean to be a "downer" but wanted to share my "reality" with you all right now. I am not down and discouraged, I am trusting The Lord and just trying to re-cooperate after a rather whirl-wind of a weekend. Sounds like some of you Craft Show girls know exactly how I feel. lol
Prayers, Hugs and good thoughts going up for Darlene today, going through her first Chemo.
blessings and hugs to all my Sweet Porchies, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326
"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"
"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."
When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His! |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 20 2011 09:20:56 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
163 Posts
163 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 09:37:23 AM
Peggy, bless your heart, I know how it feels to watch your sister slip away and not be able to do anything about it. And boy, can I identify with your mother. Mine is the same way. She's like a happiness sponge...any happiness in the room is immediately sucked out of it when she walks in. I can't imagine going through life like that. I hope my kids never feel that way about me.
Your faith will get you through. Thank you for sharing your reality with us. As sobering as it is, life sometimes is not pretty. But by the grace of God, the sunshine will follow.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My name is Sue, but my friends call me Geege! Farmgirl #656 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 10:49:16 AM
Get some rest Peggy. Praying for you and yours.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 11:38:47 AM
Well, had a bad day today. A check old boss lady wrote me bounced. I got an email from the college saying she should have my school money by early October so everything is a go. So I went to the book store because I needed books for next week and wiped out my checking account. It cost me over 400.00 for books and supplies for 4 classes. If I don't get the last check from old boss lady I'm in deep. I wish I could find a part time job somewhere. But trying to get it around my school schedule has been hard. I keep telling myself I have to just do it and it will work itself out. But every time in the past I have taken chances they have come back around and bit me in the you know what. One good think is mom is in the hospital for the next 2 days. I know that sounds bad. But it's not serious. She had to have surgery again on her shoulder. It got infected and the Dr. wants her on antibiotics by IV. So I have the house to myself. That is a blessing at least. My house officially sold on Monday and I signed off on my xhusband's house so when IRS hits me for the taxes on the short sale, they won't put a lien on his house. I had agreed to do it in our divorce but he forgot to have the papers written up. I really need some good karma to come back.
I'm really hoping I'm doing the right thing by going back to school. I don't even know how I'm going to put gas in my car right now.
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
96 Posts
96 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 12:24:02 PM
Bunny and Peggy: I will definately be prayin for ya'll! I have been in a position to not know how the gas/grocery money was comin, but God always provided for us. Here's hopin you see some deliverance and money for essentials soon!
HorseCrazy! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 12:36:46 PM
Bunny, I don't know about there but if the check has gone through only twice keep calling the bank and when she gets enough money in to cover yours, get right down there and see if they won't give you a cashier's check for that amount made out to you and they keep the old check. We can do that here convert a bounced one into a cashiers ck. You can also call the state labor board if that was a check for employment that bounced.
True Blue Farmgirl
1085 Posts
1085 Posts |
Posted - Sep 20 2011 : 9:34:09 PM
Thank you ladies for all your support and prayers. It's working. I was able to "friend" the mother on FB. I did that yesterday and that's it. Don't want to come across as pushy. Today I sent a message saying congratulations and how wonderful and beautiful the baby is. She responds that it would be great for baby to meet his other grandma! So crossing my fingers and more prayers, I'm hoping to get to see him next week. If so I will make sure to take pictures. My goal is to focus on only what's happening now and not to discuss why or the circumstances unless they bring it up. Any suggestions for a gift to take for the mother? I don't know anything about her or what she likes. I'd like to bring something, though.
Bunny, I'm sorry you are still having to deal with that old boss lady. How does she even stay in business I wonder?
Peggy, I'm glad you got to see your sister. I can't imagine what it was like for you. I have one brother but he's very healthy, although one never knows what will happen.
Darlene, thinking of you. Hope you're feeling alright.
Megan, I miss your bouncy smile. I hope you find time to write on here soon.
It's late so I better get to sleep. I love you girls!
~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069
Live Today, Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 09:29:52 AM
Good Morning everyone. Well, old boss lady finally paid up. In cash thankfully. She looked pretty ticked off. But now I'm done with her thankfully. She still owes me about $12.00 but I'm not going to even deal with it. It is a small price to pay to be done with her. I'm still scheduled to teach 2 classes at her shop, but they are weeks she is not there. Plus the students if there are any, pay me direct. What a relief! I have another quilt class to teach Oct 1 and that will bring in a little more money. I'm feeling better. Now I have 4 months to find a part time job to get me by for the next school year.
Julie, I'm glad you were able to friend your grandson's daughter. Sounds like laying low is the best policy. Maybe the grandson will mend what ever kept you and your son apart.
Peggy, I'm glad you were able to see your sister, but sad she is in such bad shape. It's too bad your mom can't be a support to her during the most difficult time of her life. Just know she will be at peace soon.
Anyway, still have the house to myself. With the big money issue out of the way, I'll be a bit more at ease with school next week.
Later Farm Girls!
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 10:15:28 AM
I'm putting together my Xmas Ornament mailing packages. I have addresses for these ladies. If you are not on the list, please get me your address so I can mail your ornament. I have so far: Darlene, Peggy, Pam Pedersen, Lida, Angela, Staci, Megan, and Dana. I'm missing Dianne, Theresa and who ever had the month of April.
Thanks big time!
Not all who wander are lost.../ Plan to improvise |
True Blue Farmgirl
1266 Posts
1266 Posts |
Posted - Sep 21 2011 : 10:45:38 AM
Cherime, I never thought I would find someone that was even a little like me when it came to ex's...and there wives. My ex's wife has become a good friend of mine. He use to be then he got a new girlfriend, he still married...anyway he quit talking to me. I think you are a wonderful person for helping take care of ex's wife.
Peggy, I hope you got some rest and your MILove sounds like she was a great woman...such a blessing to have her in your life. I hope your sister finds peace soon, I can't imagine having to see her like that..blessing and prayer to you and her. And you aren't a downer to us..we are always here for you, we are happy to listen anytime...
Bunny, I am so sorry you are going through more crap having to do with your ex-boss. Karma will happen, always does...You are in my prayers...glad you have a couple of days of time to yourself...hope your Mom gets better.
Julie, I sure hope everything works out with the new grand. I'm glad the Mother is being kind and wanting you to be part of babies life. I'm trying to rack my brain and come up with some idea for you to take to her but it is really hard not knowing what she likes, I suggest going back to her facebook page and read some of past post and see if something jumps out at you...she might have said something on there that will give you a clue.
I think I need to go work on my pillowcases for the rescued girls...need to get them in the mail next week, have a great day ladies, will check in later
(((((Hugs All)))))Penny
Farmgirl Sister #3343
God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask... |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |