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True Blue Farmgirl

317 Posts

Weiser Idaho
317 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2011 :  07:05:48 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning Everryone
I need a cup of tea and a minute to sit this morning. I love it when I get time off from work. I do what? Work around the house. LOL We have friends that got the property they have been looking at. Now the fun begains. There are no buildings on this property. No house or barns, nothing. They are starting on a building for storing their stuff today. My family will head out tomarrow as DH works today. We hope to get it done this weekend. The 6 of them will be living in a camp trailer till spring when they can start on a house. Barns and shed first. Please keep them in prayer as the weather does not look like it is going to cooperate. Suprise! Not. LOL

Cherime I hope we get the snow too. Well not till after this weekend:) We are way down on our snow pack so far this year. Almanac says a wet year. Must be lots of rain because it is not snowing like normal.

Julie love the fire pit thing. I showed that to my DH and he thought it was a good idea. Let me know how it works for you. Where did you find a bee keeping class? I would live to take one. My DH thinks I am crazy for wanting bees. I told him I didn't want lots. Just a hive or two.

I need to get a move on the day. I have sourdough bread rising. Made patato bread from a new recipe yesterday. Turned out pretty good. I will leave some and some honey butter on the porch for everyone.

Dianne (ID)
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True Blue Farmgirl

1423 Posts

Cresco PA
1423 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2011 :  07:30:38 AM  Show Profile
Hi everybody -

It looks like for the most part you all had a good Christmas. Boyfriend and I went to Vermont and spent Christmas with my mother and cousins. We had a really nice time. Now I'm back to work and trying to catch up. Thank goodness we have another 3 day weekend coming up! Actually, we will celebrate Christmas with boyfriend's family on Sunday, so then the holidays will be over for us. I'm looking forward to Monday - probably pizza and football and relaxing!

I hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year's - and please stay safe if you go out!


beekeepersgirl #691

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1430 Posts

Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2011 :  5:21:28 PM  Show Profile
Hey All,
Thank you for all the wonderful welcome messages. I hope each of you have a great new year.
Ruthie Ann

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True Blue Farmgirl

1085 Posts

1085 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2011 :  5:23:49 PM  Show Profile
The fire pit works great. Now I can get rid of most of my twigs and branches that are always laying around the yard. You will need 18 big blocks and 4 half blocks. I used 2 grills from another bbq pit we are getting rid of. You can't see in the picture but I already have some bricks and pavers set in the ground in front of it. We ended up turning the 2 outside bricks on the third level so that the 2 above it on the fourth level can now be used to store matches and bbq tools in. It's also wide enough to help out if you need a place for putting buffet style food.

The bee class is at the local library. Cost is free but they want you to buy a $15 book to use throughout the class. I'd like to try a hive or two and also have some local contacts for help if I need it.

~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069

Live Today, Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2011 :  11:45:22 PM  Show Profile your outdoor fireplace! Very Cool and Affordable! Nice Job!!!

Dianne...sounds like your friends have a lot of work to do. I don't envy them the challenges
ahead. (Probably my age talking. lol) And Living in a Trailer until Spring sounds cramped and
cold. They must be of hardier stock than I am. I love my creature comforts!

Luanne...glad that your trip to Vermont was good. Hey, Monday Football and Pizza sounds great!
I love to watch football too. Tomorrow Night we will probably play Board Games and stay up late!
Maybe...DH has to work tomorrow. He gets Monday off though which is good.

Bunny...are you done working yet? What are you reading?

Teacher Tammy...what are you reading right now. You girls know
I just love to know what everyone is enjoying. How is Jax?

Ruth...tell us a little bit about yourself. Don't be shy!

Julie...our house has a big old cement slab in the back yard that will work perfect for a fire pit
this summer. I am looking forward to getting one. We couldn't have anything like that where we lived
before. I love late nights outside on a warm evening.

Didn't do much today...went out with my youngest son for awhile. He is trying to decide in which direction to take his career. He is pretty fed-up with the Owner of the company he manages. He is way over worked and under-paid (don't get me wrong he makes good money just not enough for all that is expected of him) and very under-appreciated the last year. He has sought our advice and prayers...but he has to make his own decision. It is a tough place to be. But I trust his smarts and God directing his steps. Life is always a serious of changes. Nothing ever stays the same very long.

Well, I am off to read my book. Wow, I chose a real page turner on this last book. It is called "Matched" by Ally Condie. Futuristic but plausible...and throw a Romance in to boot. A lot like the Hunger Games.

Night My Porchies,

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His!

Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 30 2011 11:52:24 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

160 Posts

160 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2011 :  10:53:34 AM  Show Profile
Julie, I saw that firepit article. How cool that you made it yourself and it worked. I don't know if I want to do the same here or not. The Central Oregon Coast (and i'm right on the coast itself) is cool most of the time, and breezy most of the time and often overcast. So I"m not too inclined to sit out around the firepit. What I'd like to find is one of those iron Hibachi grills. I'd use it for times when the power goes out, or just to "barbecue" a bit.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2011 :  11:47:38 AM  Show Profile
Afternoon ladies,
Happy new year to each of you with big hugs and love of course. I have been playing with my new Nook touch. I updated my first nook yesterday. I am liking this touch one a lot better.

Peggy Jax is onry as ever. He is into everything and we are working on potty training. He has good days and bad. But he wants to please so much. Currently I am reading a tea shop mystery by Laura Childs. I haven't gotten to far yet so I can't say if it is good. But it sounded good. She has several series I saw.

Ruthie welcome to the porch. So nice to have you join us.

Julie love your fire pit. Looks like that will come to some good use.

LuAnn so glad to see you had a great trip.

well ladies I have not accomplished a thing today but decided that is ok so off to make some tea and read a bit and maybe take a nap..hehehe
love to you all

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~The View From Within
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2011 :  1:21:25 PM  Show Profile
Good afternoon porchies. I'm sick today. Bummer. I have been fighting a cold for a few days and it won unfortunately. Thankfully no work until Thursday and then school starts a week from Monday.

Peggy, I have been reading a free book I downloaded onto my Kindle called "The Flinch". It is about taking chances in life and getting past being scared. If your son has a kindle you should tell him about it. It might give him some courage for his next move. I also just read "John Carter from Mars" I read the whole series years ago and with the movie coming out, I thought I would brush up. I got it for my kindle for .99. What a deal. I find there are lots of great stories for really cheap sometimes even free on kindle.

Not much going on, just taking it easy for a day. Hope everyone has a great start to the new year!

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2011 :  3:14:31 PM  Show Profile
Hello everybody! It's been one of those whonky days. Woke up way to early, took a several hour nap, and just finished getting most of the groceries bought that I should have bought this morning. I feel like I'm running hours behind but it will help tonight so I don't crash at 10:30 LOL. The man went and helped his brother move a bunch of stuff to his mom's storage unit while I was out grocery shopping. He's moving up to the UP to go to college there (he's 42 yo) and basically dumping everything he owns. The man grabbed his brother's coffee table that he was going to garbage or Craigslist. It's one of those that the top comes up and makes a table. He's also going to get a cabinet to put his amps and stuff in.

So does anybody have any exciting plans for tonight? We're going out for middle eastern cuisine and then coming back for an evening at home. We have a bottle of wine to bring in the new year if we're still up :O) We're so exciting I know.

Dianne - the soaps are from scratch. The first batch I did was goat milk recipe but the second batch was a different recipe that wasn't milk based.

Julie - That fire pit is awesome. I saw that article and considered it but I think I want to build an open one just to sit and watch the fire, not cook on. Then again if we can't afford to replace our grill next year that might be the way to go so we can still grill.

Tammy - I have some of her books too including the Tea Shop Mystery series. I thought they were pretty good. The last Tea Shop Mystery I read was Blood Orange Brewing. I was reading it when we went to North Dakota and finished it like the second day we were there. Of course I had to go out and buy another book in the series since I was on vacation lol.

If you like food orientated mysteries Krista Davis has a new series out called A Domestic Diva Mystery that was pretty good. The first one was The Diva Runs Out of Thyme. Joanne Fluke has a good holiday one called Sugar Cookie Murder. Livia Washburn's The Pumkin Muffin Murder was another recent read and pretty good. It's part of her Fresh-Baked Mystery series. Sheila Connolly has An Orchard Mystery series that wasn't too bad either. Basically city girl inherits apple orchard and decides to move and run the orchard. I just finished Barnheart - The Incurable Longing for a Farm of One's Own by Jenna Woginrich. Awesome read! It's non-fiction account of her moving to a cabin in Vermont. I use to be a huge romance reader but lost my interest in them a while back and started reading mysteries and non-fiction for the most part since. I'm currently reading Adopting an Abandoned Farm on my Nook reader app. It was a freebee and one can't beat free.

Everybody have a safe and wonderful night!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Warren, MI
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2011 :  3:30:03 PM  Show Profile
Tammy, sounds like you have some good reads there. Have you ever read "bad girl creek" by Jo-ann Mapson? It is a series of 3 or 4 books. I loved them. A woman in a wheelchair inherits a nursery from her Aunt and has to figure out how to run it. She ends up taking in some other ladies in life crisis and they form a strong bond and help run the business with her. It tells their own stories. It is one of my favorite series.. wishing I could do something like that.

I agree about the romance novels. I just got bored reading about total fantasy as far as romance. What a load. Anyway, I love your new read Adopting an Abandoned Farm. It of course sounds like it would be a major undertaking and you would need some special help. It would be great if you could do something like that with your kids.

Nothing special planned for tonight. Mom is still hanging in bed.. not sick like me. I'm sure it will be a pretty quiet night.

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Dec 31 2011 :  7:03:47 PM  Show Profile
Bunny, RFM Tammy and Teacher Tammy...I am not a Romance Reader either. I am more the Thriller,
Mystery, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Vampire, Knittting, Quilting, Amish and Christian Fiction type reader.

I have read some of those books you both mentioned and the one Teacher Tammy is reading. I call those
my Lite-Reads. Just something fun and simple (not much thought expended) but enjoyable.

Happy New Year!

Love yourself.
Love others.
Live better.
Live with honesty.
Be Grateful!


Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His!

Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 31 2011 7:05:55 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1222 Posts

Wasilla Alaska
1222 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2012 :  06:54:12 AM  Show Profile
That fire pit looks great.
Glad every one had a good Christmas.

It is 20 below here and I am just trying to stay reasonably comfortable.

Blessings all.

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2012 :  09:55:50 AM  Show Profile
Bbbbrrrrrrrrrr Cherime,

Praying that God wraps you up in His Warmth Today!


Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His!
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2012 :  11:24:02 AM  Show Profile
Happy New Year sweet ones. Hope it is spent with family and dear friends. It is windy here and chilly so hanging out with family and enjoying the day.

love to you all

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~The View From Within
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True Blue Farmgirl

1085 Posts

1085 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2012 :  8:02:37 PM  Show Profile
Sending you some hot coals Cherime. I hate being cold. I'd love to live in the mountains, as long as I could get a hot bath every night. I'm loving my little fire pit/fireplace. I went around the yard with my wheelbarrow and now have a nice little stack of twigs and sticks. Peggy, I love sitting outside and enjoying the evening, too.

Every year my goal is to read 12 books. They don't have to be long. Even Bible books count. This year I am changing it up a bit and letting my 6 year old pick my books. I'm a murder mystery fan so we'll pretty much stay in that section of the library, but whatever she picks I will read. Her first pick is The Snow Empress. It's set in 1699 Japan. I'm a big fan of always challenging my mind, even if it's in a small way by letting her pick the book and me reading something I might not normally have looked at.

See you ladies soon!

~FarmDream is Farmgirl Sister #3069

Live Today, Cherish Yesterday, Dream Tomorrow
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True Blue Farmgirl

111 Posts

South point Ohio
111 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2012 :  8:07:31 PM  Show Profile  Send NeeNee a Yahoo! Message
so ive been trying to catch up from the being before i just jumped on in an not no what is gowing on lol, but i could stand it it would take me so long. HI ladies

FaRmGirL SiStEr# 3203
~ The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. ~
~A Bible That is falling apart Probably belong to someone who isnt~
*Being fueled with self-determination can make us strive for great things.*
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True Blue Farmgirl

1735 Posts

martinsville indiana
1735 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  12:43:29 AM  Show Profile
Hey Porchies!!

I've finally caught up agian. I am still prayin for you all and think of you all daily. I swear, the porch keeps me sane in insane times!

I've finally got my DD and little sister on their feet enough they are handlin life on their own. I did have to do my lil sis's grocery shoppin for her, she can't drive, lift, or be on her feet for too long. I dropped it off last night with a few extras thrown in for a yummy surprise.

I'm so tired and I can't sleep. I've been havin really bad and really wierd nightmares lately. I think it's from everything goin so hard in life right now. I've also been eatin a lot of fast food instead of cookin the last 2 weeks, mostly subway, but still makes me feel yucky and tired.

Hubby anounced he wants to give up soda and junk food last night, which made me happy! We had a friend who is only a few years older than us have a heart attack last week. Pretty scary stuff! I'm still about 35lbs overwieght, but hubby is almost 100lbs overweight. Not that I care what he looks like, but I do worry with his family history of heart issues.

We had eliminated nearly all meat and high fat foods till about 3 weeks ago, when the grandbaby started makin noise about comin and life got wierd. I'm back on track startin today on the meatless, low fat cookin train. I'm so ready to see my family healthy. I'm so ready to get healthy and feel good for once.

I was given one of those pullup bars that go in a doorway and the ab straps for Christmas. I really like it, but my arm pits don't! LOL! My mom gave us an ablounger chair too. We are gonna set it up in the livin room for us all to use. I have to get the tree down first.

I'm gonna get started on the laundry mountain and the disaster of dishes. I can't sleep, so I'll work. Maybe I can catch a nap this afternoon. The girls have been super good through all this, even let me sleep in last wednesday when I fell asleep on the couch before they got up. Bless them!

By the way, the baby is still just as quiet and peaceful as a doll. He eats and sleeps and looks around alot, but rarely cries or fusses. He gets pretty vocal if you lay him down flat! He likes to sit up so he can look around. Sweet Angel!!

Farmgirl Sister #1438

God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important?
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True Blue Farmgirl

1430 Posts

Ruthie Ann
1430 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  06:57:21 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning Girls,
I sitting here enjoying a nice cup of tea as the weather outside is cold brrrr! It's 22 feeling like 7 degrees. Too cold for me. I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe new years. We went out for dinner with hubby's family on new years eve. It was nice as my sister-in-laws included me in the converation. Something that hasn't happened for awhile. On new years day we went to church and then came home to enjoy a day of healthier snacks. We played games and just enjoyed each other. I laughed so much at hubby and Katy. Of course I had to read what was up on MJF. Today Im off to clean my craft room so I can get my MJF swaps started,do my laundry and make a pot of soup with fresh baked bread. Maybe I'll treat them to a batch of my famous cookies.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Stay warm and stay safe.
Ruthie Ann

Commit to the Lord whatever you do,and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 NIV
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True Blue Farmgirl

839 Posts

839 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  08:59:04 AM  Show Profile
Good Mornin'!

So I think things are going to start getting back to normal, whatever that is. Just trying to get caught up on some of the chores I allowed myself to slack on over the holidays. Going to start school again today. We've been doing little fun science projects even though we weren't doing "school". I think I'm going to start up the German lessons in the new year too. I've got Rosetta Stone and so the kids and I can learn together. I'm looking forward to it.

I think I'm going to start up a little business venture too. Any ideas on how to get my logo made without paying a fortune? Maybe if it takes off I'll even have to start up a webpage, but not looking at that yet. Gotta get going and see where it leads first.

I've been peeking in occassionally so even if I don't comment I am following your posts and praying where needed.

Hugs to all my Porchies

Excuse the mess & the noise, my children are making happy memories
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  10:23:43 AM  Show Profile
Kimberly, Do you know how to use Publisher? If so, maybe you could make the name of your business your logo. You would just stylize it in an artsy way. That would be the simplest to start. Simple line art is the best. So if you do decide to do some kind of artwork make it as simple as possible. I would also check out other blogs and see what they do. You can also try a online site called "picnik" to stylize a project. It is mostly for pictures. But you could take a picture of something related to your business and then see how you can change it in PicNik... have fun.

Not much going on there. Just getting over my cold. I'm now in the major cough phase. At least I'm getting better.

Stay warm Farm Girls, especially you Cherime! make one of those rice packs you heat up in the microwave. They work great for warming up.

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  10:25:39 AM  Show Profile
Hi NeeNee, welcome to the porch. I love your website design. You'll like it here. Hope you visit often.

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  1:09:10 PM  Show Profile
Hi RuthAnn! Welcome! Peg said it best about our porch! A great place to giggle, unload your burdens,sit and rock,listen to the gals chatter or the sounds of nature,drink your fav virtual beverage and eat your fav virtual delight with no fear of gaining weight because it's all calorie and fat free!!! We even share recipes when we really,REALLY like something! *giggle*
I love the sound of your dream-farm.Good for you!Will you continue to be a Nanny when you move or will you fill your days with farming?(I think your basket will be full) *giggle
Thank You everyone on your pleasing comments on my stocking. It was fun to create it!
awwwww...good for you Julie looking into getting more bunnies. Such sweet,gentle little creatures.
I'm thinking of joining a Quilting-Club at our neighborhood craft shop. They have a block-of-the-month group that sounds like fun.I've never done anything like that before.
I'm currently listening to a book-on-tape from the Quilting series by Jennifer Chiaverini called The Master Quilt. So far it's good. I have some of her books too that I will read this year. Winter is a good time to read,quilt and sip tea...yes?
Dianne, nice job on the firepit. Amazing good work!
TeaLadyTammy, I got a Nook Color before Christmas and DH has a Kindle, so we cover the best of both worlds I guess. But I'm having a hard time modernizing myself from the paper feel&smell,I think! Old-fashion! teehee
RFTammy,TeaShopMysteries??? "oooooooo" I love foodie mysteries too! I wrote down all the ideas you gals gave for books.TY!!!
Whittney, Hi, Welcome!!Just tell us a little about yourself and your interests, then just go from there. It's too hard to catch up on all these pages. lol BTW, great signature lines!
Angela and Kimberly, good for you girls...sounds like you have some good goals in mind!I cheer you on!!
Well I think I've spent enough time on this thing...Time to get my "numb-butt"offa this stool and start making biscuits. I made a Crock-pot of potato soup last night, so hot buttery biscuits sound like the perfect companion to me! YES??? I'll leave ya'll some with pure local honey and jam! You'll have to supply the beverage!
Love Yuns!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
I am not contained between my hat and my boots! -Walt Whitman-
"Why couldn't I have been born Rich instead of So Good Looking?"
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  1:45:36 PM  Show Profile
Hello My Porchies...

WELCOME WHITTNEY!!! You girls just jump right in and chat. I would
only go back about 3 or 4 pages to catch-up...not all 428 pages...good grief that would be like reading a mini-series! LOL

Sounds like everyone is making yummy healthy comfort food. Soups! Soups! and Soups! LOL
I just put on a big pot of home-made Vegetable Beef Soup. I call it "Everything but the
Kitchen Sink Soup"...whatever sounds good goes into it. I invited my youngest and his fiance
over for dinner, football and to play Scrabble. I am having a Pajama Day as it is raining
and I am in pain...but don't want to hang out in bed.

My Tree is the last Christmas item still up and it is coming down tomorrow when hubby goes to
work. It is a small/skinny tree so it won't take long.

This Wed. I go to the Dentist for one tooth extraction and to get bottom teeth cleaned.
Will have the top ones extracted next month I think. I am still nervous about this whole
Denture thing. So, if you think about it...say a prayer for me.

Well, girls I will check back in later. I am off to grab some Aleve and my heating pad.

Hugs and Smiles,

Farmgirl #1326

"Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch"

"I'm only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair-spray I use and the Girlfriends that I have."

When I was a lonely wallflower, Jesus asked me to dance. Then he asked me to be joyous, to be passionate, and to Be His!

Edited by - LadyInRed on Jan 02 2012 1:50:31 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1266 Posts

Washington GA
1266 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  4:33:27 PM  Show Profile  Send Acelady02 an AOL message  Send Acelady02 a Yahoo! Message
Happy New Year good to be back....I'm walking now with a soft brace on my foot but no more crutches....hoooooorayyyyy!!!!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a has a great New Year....I have missed you all.....

(((((Hugs All)))))Penny

Farmgirl Sister #3343

God gives Miracles to those who Believe, Courage to those with Faith, Hope to those who Dream, Love to those who Accept, & Forgiveness to those who Ask...
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True Blue Farmgirl

498 Posts

498 Posts

Posted - Jan 02 2012 :  5:53:29 PM  Show Profile
Oh wow, what a lot of catching up to do! I feel like I haven't been home for the past week & a half! I am almost tempted next year to just do Christmas at Mom's & then nothing else for the rest of the week....oh that would be nice!

So last week was rather busy. I came home on Monday (the 26th), only to have to go back into the city to pick up my nephew from his other aunt's (other side of the family) on Tuesday. Then back to the city on Wednesday to meet my friend for lunch. Came back after a quick trip into Value Village & went to my cousins' place to do our Christmas presents. Thursday was busy getting ready for going to my brother & sister-in-law's place for the weekend. I haven't been there for about 3 years, but I don't really miss it, honestly. I always feel left out & ignored & they get grumpy at the dumbest things. And their daughter (who is 4) totally rules the roost & it's hard not to be in "work mode" when I see her doing things that she shouldn't be. And she doesn't go to bed til after 11 pm & they wonder why she's grouchy the next day! Oh my word. It's just frustrating. Oh & the best thing? They both tell me that I should go down & visit them more, b/c I'm only 4 hours away! (I'm being a little sarcastic here.) I'm like " about you guys come & visit me? I'm only 4 hours away! And you haven't been to my place ever!". So yeah. It's a little stressful & annoying, so I tend to avoid it. Is that good or bad, considering they are family? Ah well. Hopefully I don't have to worry about it for a long while. And they are constantly harping on one of the kids (I have 2 nieces, ages 4 & 2, plus my nephew, who is 8) to do something this way or that way, or not to do this....ugh. I think I have way more patience for the kids than I do for the adults!

Anyways. We are home now. Our plan was to leave yesterday, but for some reason, my sister decided that we should make the whole trip today. Why I'm not sure, since her 2 kids were grumpy (how can you put 2 kids to bed when the other one is up all night???) & way over-tired. But whatever. Got home about 6, and have been kind of relaxing ever since. I really need to go clean off my bed so I can make it tonight & not have to sleep on the couch. Again.

Happy 2012 everyone! Hope you have a wonderful year!

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.

"When I grow up, I want to be dirt." seen on a box through construction in Wyoming 2010
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