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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  07:35:08 AM  Show Profile
Peggy- I emailed you!!

Still recovering from the flu. Mostly over it but seems like it takes a while for my energy level to get back to normal. Will post more later!


Farmgirl Sister #3275
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  08:04:12 AM  Show Profile
I've missed you! May I take Sept. for the tea exchange? I'll em you Peggy! Thanks, for doing this again!
Oh, did you notice the luminaire (?) I placed on the porch steps?

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  12:09:33 PM  Show Profile
Yeah Judith...yes, September is yours.

The Luminaries are a perfect addition to The Porch.

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  12:13:01 PM  Show Profile
Only One Month Left to fill and that is Next December.

Hurry, Hurry...Bunny or Darlene????

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Frankfort Kentucky
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Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  12:46:25 PM  Show Profile
Looks like I'm not the only one who has been MIA lately. The power stopped working on the tower of my computer so I got my old Compaq out. We haven't been working well together. It doesn't seem to like the satellite internet that well. Oh well at least I can do some things. I hope to get a newer computer soon. I love how the porch is looking!! So Christmasy! I love this time of year. So much has been going on but I want to get back into doing swaps again. I think I finally have a handle on things. Still trying to get my business going. Slowly but surely. So thankful that I'm able to homeschool though. I've been seeing a lot of children sick here lately from viruses. Whew! After the new year I'm going to start planning my garden. We have decided to put up some raised beds here at our house. Plus, we're going to look into chickens, DH wants a cow, and I'm thinking about pygmy goats for my children to raise and show. How fun! Well, I need to go for right now. Supper is coming up and I need to fix something. LOL! See you soon porchies!!!


Farmgirl #2361
"Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me

"For she is clothed with dignity and strength and without fear of the future"-Proverbs 31:25
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Dec 11 2014 :  1:30:56 PM  Show Profile
Judy and RoDonna! Welcome back! I've missed you guys!!! Sabrina - I sure do hope you and your family are feeling better! We got hit with the flu a couple months ago and it had us down for a couple weeks!!! Afterwards, I was still tired for another couple weeks. THe doctor said it was due to recently having surgery and the newly diagnosed fibromyalgia. Man that thing is mean!

Things here are going pretty well :) We spent yesterday at a nearby zoo. They always have lights in the evenings the month of December, so we spent the day at the zoo, and then a couple hours after dark going back through to see the lights :) It is a favorite annual field trip for our children. I still need to finish making Christmas presents for the family, as well as all of our Christmas Eve pajamas. My dining room looks CRAZY! It looks like a sewing/craft room that hurricane winds went through!!! Every year I say I am going to start earlier, but I just do not seem to make it!

Looks like after the beginning of the year, we will be switching up our schooling. I think we are going to try some new things and maybe focus on a unit study!?!? I have some planning to do! I always enjoy planning, but right now am feeling a bit overwhelmed!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  10:49:13 AM  Show Profile
Just popped in to say how amazing the porch looks - great job ladies :)

Here's what I brought to add to the collection

I also have some mint chocolate chip brownies fresh from the oven (minus a couple pieces for hubby and the hoof trimmer)
Ta Ta For Now :)

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  11:13:50 AM  Show Profile
Very nice Heather! mmmmmm....thanks for the brownies. I really like peppermint at Christmas. I miss McDonalds peppermint cocoa. They said they weren't doing it this year. -WHAT!!! It's tradition! Right? But they have 3 white chocolate drinks. Who cares. *grumble-grumble*
It's cold and gray today. I can't get warm. Hate that. brrrrr

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

942 Posts

Middletown Indiana
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Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  12:54:57 PM  Show Profile
Do you still have room in the tea exchange? I will join if there is.

If you can't feed one hundred people, then just feed one. -Mother Teresa

Star - farmgirl sister #1927

Estle Schipp Farm: Celebrate the Hobby Farm Lifestyle

Master Food Preserver
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  3:26:38 PM  Show Profile
Starletta...I sent you an email.


Farmgirl #1326

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Dec 12 2014 :  3:51:53 PM  Show Profile
Ohhhhhhh mint chocolate chip brownies!?!?!? Yes please!!!!! Love the extra touches on the porch :)

I'm working on some more projects tonight. I have two out of five aprons done :) i'm hoping to at least get a third one done tonight, or at least pretty good progress. Each of my older five are getting ones that fit their interests, this year. This means Thomas the Train, kitties, birds, camoflauge, and horses :D Then I need to make a puppy pillow for my youngest, not to mention a gift for my hubby (at home dates set up for each month, for the year), and a family gift (a themed night for each month, completely planned, for the year). Oh yes - and eight pairs of pajama pants for Christmas Eve (THANK GOODNESS those are quick!!!). I am hoping next week will be filled with baking :) I truly LOVE to bake! Speaking of which - Heather - may I get your recipe for these delicious brownies????

Our weather is being CRAZY! We were in the mid 60s today and will be freezing tonight! My poor garden does not know what to think! I am still getting lettuce though, so I am thrilled about that!

Well I need to get back to sewing - but here is a couple of thermoses of hot chocolate....

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Dec 13 2014 :  03:05:10 AM  Show Profile
We are feeling much better but like Shannon said, very tired. Even the kids have been taking naps, going to bed early and sleeping late. They haven't had any symptoms for several days but are obviously still recovering. We have basically not done school in 2 weeks. I don't believe in making kids who feel bad do school. We will be slowly easing back into things this next week but since the week after is Christmas I probably won't make them do a full "work load." I am also going to get some workbooks for my daughter for when the baby comes so I don't feel pressured to "do it all" but she is still doing some. She enjoys the brain quest workbooks so I'll get her a couple of those. Not normally a fan of workbooks but she likes them and they have their place. I may get my middle daughter some Kumon workbooks since she likes to feel like she is "doing school" too.

Hubby and my oldest went to the orphanage in Czech today to bake Christmas cookies and deliver presents. I decided to keep the little ones at home since I would just end up having to chase/watch them on the playground the whole time and its COLD!! Plus with us still recovering I didn't think dragging them out all day was the best idea.

I am hoping to get these doll clothes that have been hanging over my head done today, or at least close to done. I have one Christmas present still to make but the kid its for needs to be asleep for me to work on it. Its almost done. Then I'm going to start my baby blanket and figure out my list of needed materials for other baby projects to get ordered!

I got my first batch of Christmas cards in the mail last week too. Still waiting to collect some addresses to finish mailing them.

Oh and monday we have another farmgirls meeting. We are doing a gift exchange and we are all making our favorite holiday candy/sweets.


Farmgirl Sister #3275
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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 13 2014 :  12:05:14 PM  Show Profile
Peggy, I think I'll pass on the tea swap for this year. I'm sure there is someone eager to join. It is fun and wonderful to get farmgirl mail each month.

Not much going on with me. Fibro has been very nice lately. I think it is the cooler weather. Fatigue is still and issue but no pain for weeks now.
I have been sewing almost every day. I made some Christmas gifts. An apron, some pillow cases, a fold away shopping bag.. it has been nice to just do some fun sewing. Still working on dresses for my Etsy shop though. Can't fall behind there.

It will be a quiet Christmas as usual. Just my mom and me. I live for the day I can move back to California and be with my sons again. My youngest went to his dad's for his two week leave. I missed him. Neither of us could afford him stopping off in Portland. Would have had to deal with hotels and eating out. Sigh.. some day.
I'm still looking for work. I just get the messages that others are more qualified than me. After all the years I have worked in offices, retail and two AAS degrees... not qualified. I'm hoping there is a better plan out there for me. I just need to be patient I guess. Not one of my best qualities. Not after 4 years of living with my mother!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season! Lots of fun baking and craft projects!!

Later all! Stay safe and warm.


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
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Posted - Dec 14 2014 :  9:10:22 PM  Show Profile
Evening ladies. I wanted to stop in and catch up. Sorry for the delayed responses.

Peggy - Sorry, Mockingjay was really good but I hate where they ended it. I really wish they'd stop this trend of splitting books into 2 movies. I love Covert Affairs! I need to catch up, I'm 2 seasons behind. It's interesting your dad took 40 so badly. My ex did also and that's about the time he got abusive. It really messed his head up. It's strange out a birthday can affect people. Yes I did take pictures but M* took a better one so I'm posting his.

Mel & Tammy - I'm so sorry about your loss. ((((HUGS))))) Losing a pet is so difficult.

Luanne - I'm thinking the food coloring might have been the issue with Tip's hot spot. I've started baking all my dog treats now or I'll buy the organic, natural ones that I know are safe. I have the Three Dog Cookbook and You Bake 'em Dog Biscuits Cookbook. Here's a picture of today's baking of I-Tail-ian Meatballs for the pups from Three Dog Bakery Cookbook. I made some peanut butter biscuits last week and some pumpkin pie biscuits earlier this week. The steroids have really helped and the bonus is they've helped his arthritis. It was interesting that he seemed to almost beg for another pill when I had to cut it from 2 a day to 1 a day. I'm worried his arthritis is far worse then we thought. He's down to one every other day now and I can see his eyes dulling again so he'll be going back so we can help him with the pain.

Sabrina - Beautiful cornocopia. What beautiful pottery! It's so pretty. Is that German made?

Job update: Thankfully they've cut my hours but not until the week of Christmas. Then I have 16 hours one week and 12 hours the following week. It will be interesting to see the next schedule after that and see how many I get. I'll be happy with 12 to 16 hours a week. That's definitely manageable.

I came home from work and M* had gone out and purchased a tree without me. It's not the type or height I wanted but it's a tree. I waited for him to leave for work and reorganized the living room to put it in. He HATES me reorganizing but the treadmill is where we've had it the past 2 years. I decided to go a lot more simply decorating this year and left probably 75% of my decorations in my tubs.

I finished off all the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries last week. This week I've been watching Cranford on Amazon Prime. Unfortunately season 2, which only has 3 episodes, isn't free so I need to decide if I want to pay for them or see if the library might have the series. Peggy - I've noticed recently a lot of movies that were free are now rent/buy only. Highly disappointing. I wanted to watch Miss Marple and the series I like best isn't free anymore.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Etsy: PrairieGypsyCrafts
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

2349 Posts

Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area Texas
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Posted - Dec 15 2014 :  06:28:35 AM  Show Profile
Ladies, our 'porch' is so pretty. It's a quiet place to come rest and relieve stress. All the goodies have been so yummy.

Sabrina, I hope all y'all are feeling better. You're a good mom to let your kids rest for 2 weeks. That's one of the blessings of homeschooling, you can allow life to happen and catch up later.

Bunny, that is so good that you haven't been having flare ups with the fibro. I'm sure you've enjoyed getting some sewing done. I'll be praying about your job situation. There IS something out there for you.

We've had the flu go through the family this past month. It went through each person and then started back over with the first two again.

Happy Monday ladies!!!

Prairie Tammy, what a pretty pic. I love the trail of footprints in the snow.

One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt."
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True Blue Farmgirl

545 Posts

Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2014 :  4:25:28 PM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
Good job Heather! Love the brownies, like Judy, I LOVE peppermint this time of year, even use candy canes to stir in my cocoa.

Outside lights on house had big, blank spots of dead bulbs, so put up all new ones. Outside done. House is decorated, tree is decorated and now on to baking...soon.. have to find boxes to mail out cookies in.

You all are moving right along with your plans.

Those doggy treats look like people food to me.. yummy!

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2014 :  11:43:23 AM  Show Profile
Just popping in for a minute to say howdy :)

Shannon - I cheated on the brownies. I just made regular brownies then put dark chocolate mint chips on top before baking. The chips were from Nestle - I found them at Kroger, but when I went back yesterday they were all gone :(

Back to cleaning and gift making I go - family will be here in 3 days already - YIKES!!! NOT READY!!!! (Giggle) Oh well, it'll all work out. It always does. I did pray for a superwoman cape last night though - thought it might help in the next few days :)

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2014 :  5:40:25 PM  Show Profile
That's funny Heather. Did it show up?lol
Pgtammy, Miss Marple is at my library, maybe it is at yours too. I think I've watched all of those. There are two different women playing her. I've watched both of them. We also have Netflix and they are on there too.
What's Cranford?

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The last thing I want to do is hurt you...but it is on my list!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2014 :  5:41:02 PM  Show Profile
Sabrina - My kids would LOVE you!!! I still have them work on school when they are sick, lol, though I'm not as "strict" with it. I'll have the kids bring their pillows and blankets downstairs to the living room, and they lay there and work on it as they are able. Though during the period they had the flu, we barely got anything done!!!

Bunny - I am so sorry a job has not become available for you, as of yet. I will continue to pray that the right one becomes available for you!

PG Tammy - Lovely picture! Sorry to hear about the ex's "reaction" when he hit 40. My dad had an affair around his "mid-life crisis" and my uncle decided he was a woman. Oh and my FIL quit his job and started a whole new career. It is weird how men handle that stage of life!!! I worry sometimes about what my hubby will do when he hits that point, but prayerfully it will be considerably less dramatic!

Catherine - oh I hope everyone gets past the flu really quickly!!! It seems really contagious this year! Even those who do not usually get it seem to be getting it this year.

Patsy - I had never thought to stir my hot chocolate with a candy cane. I might have to try that! I have not started baking yet either. I'm thinking I will later this week. In fact, tomorrow evening I think I am going to go shopping for the rest of the ingredients I need.

Heather - LOL! We do not have a Krogers around here, but I will surely be looking for mint chocolate chips!!! Sounds delightful! Hoping you enjoy your family day! You CAN and WILL get everything done in time :)

Well I finished up all the kids' Christmas presents today. I still need to make everyone's pajama pants though. So. Much. To. Do!

~ Shannon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 17 2014 :  02:45:53 AM  Show Profile
Prairie Tammy- the pottery is made in Poland. Its a whole thing here to get "Polish Pottery" while living here. They do have it locally but of course its marked up quite a bit the prices and selection in Poland are better. We didn't get to go to too many shops when we were there, everything closes pretty early and we drove up that day but I did well and am pleased with what I got!

Catherine and Shannon- the kids weren't the only ones who needed to rest, a big part of not doing school was that I was too tired to deal with it :). Granted our school right now is both minimal and very "parent directed" due to their ages. We also semi-unschool. Usually we have a circle time every morning where we do songs, phonograms, a story (two really but the little ones usually wonder off during the story for my older daughter), memory work etc. Then my older daughter has handwriting, language arts, math, German and reading to do. The language arts usually involves me 1 on 1 with her. We work in history and science into daily life or do a unit study type approach when something interests them. We are actually sort of in between on math anyway, doing some review before moving on to the next level. And while we all feel better now I'm still extremely wore out, like my body just can't quite recover all the way and my husband is on half days and his schedule being weird really messes up our school routines. That plus all the extra holiday activity I think I'm just going to hold of till after New years to get back on top of things. I may have her work on some math review in the next few days though just need to get it set up so she can do it herself. We will be very intentional through Jan and Feb so that we can take a more relaxed approach during March after baby comes. But we also don't stop for summer so breaks like this aren't a big deal.

I got a bunch of swap stuff all in the mail at once so that was fun :). I'm not doing any more swaps for a while though, not until I feel ready after baby to commit to things. I have so many baby things I want to make right now!!!


Farmgirl Sister #3275
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Catherine Farmgirl Sister #76
Houston Area Texas
2349 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2014 :  04:59:46 AM  Show Profile
Sabrina, you are doing an amazing job. Kids are so resilient and can endure and adapt. They will automatically fit into whatever schedule you set up. I know that as homeschooling moms we want structure and order and consistency. But, sometimes life isn't consistent. Go figure! Life just doesn't always do what you want it to do. It's evident that you are giving your kids a firm foundation in learning skills and they will be able to build on that foundation all through life. Taking time off because of life interruptions like illness or life events like a new baby arriving, will not set them back. In fact, when your baby arrives in March, the most important learning teamwork, caring for each other, compassion, love, responsibility, etc...

Porchies, y'all have an awesome Wednesday!

Sisterhood #76
One of the best compliments from one of my daughters: "Moma, you smell dirt.

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True Blue Farmgirl

2391 Posts

Gig Harbor Wa
2391 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2014 :  4:33:57 PM  Show Profile
Mel, I got your tea today. What a wonderful surprise. I had forgotten all about it. Thank you for the tuck in and wonderful smelling teas. Can't wait to try.

Peggy, thank you for the beautiful Xmas card.

Judy, as always I love my ecards from you. Thank you!

Sounds like everyone is busy for the holidays!

I baked cookies with a friend the other day. We had fun and plenty of cookies to go around.
I just have one more Christmas gift to sew up and then I'm done.

Fibro is back. Not bad, but I can feel it creeping back. Hopefully it will stay to a low roar for a while.
I can't believe how many of us are now here. I can't keep up any more.

Stay warm and safe!!


Farmgirl number 3738
My blogs:
Handmade stuff

Not all who wander are lost.../
Plan to improvise
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Cresco PA
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Posted - Dec 18 2014 :  09:43:31 AM  Show Profile
Mel - your tea came in today's mail - thank you so much! I can't wait to try both of them, and the tuck and card were awesome also!


beekeepersgirl #691

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Dec 18 2014 :  09:51:35 AM  Show Profile
Oh My Porchies...I am so busy, I feel like my head is spinning. I need Christmas to be over...because I
can't believe it is next week already. I haven't wrapped one gift and nor finished my shopping. I am
never this far behind. Yikes!!!

Mel...I got your Tea Pkg and Oh, my I LOVED YOUR TUCKS (I needed one of those!!!) and you personalized it
so nicely. The Teas smell heavenly...can't wait to enjoy those. Even your Mailer was adorable and your
greeting card is a Keeper. One I will enjoy forever. Great Job My Porchie!!!! Hey, would you like to do
December again for 2015? I had someone ask to take the last month but then never got back to me on
that is my only month left open. Let me know ASAP. Thanks!!!

Ok...sorry no other personal quips today...I'm off and running. More later girlies.

Christmas Rushing & Merriment,

Farmgirl #1326

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

873 Posts

Dallas Texas
873 Posts

Posted - Dec 18 2014 :  10:00:17 AM  Show Profile
Glad everyone is liking my tuck-ins....I had great fun making everything!

Sure Peg......I'll do December again for 2015!

My best to all,
Sassy City Girl with Farmgirl Fantasies!
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