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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 06 2016 : 05:51:31 AM
Angie, we are stationed in Germany right now. We have been here for 2.5 years and we are so ready to move back to the US! Ft Riley (KS) will be as close to home (TX) as we have ever been! I know they happen. We had one in the bathroom of our last house once too. I'm a little tiffed at the cat for not taking care of it, told her she needs to hurry up and earn her plane ticket home! We don't live in the country now, I know we will have more of that type of thing when we do but I'll have more cats (or at least more useful cats!). LOL
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 06 2016 : 08:20:23 AM
Morning Porchies :) Hoping your weekend has started out beautifully! WE just got home from the Farmers Market and grocery shopping. O how I am looking forward to having a garden again next year!!! But what a learning curve it will be!
I think the health issues kinda go with having a big family and a few with lowered immune systems... mine included :D But we are together as a family, so blessed we most definitely are!!!
Judith - (((hugs))) Thank you for your prayers and sweet words!
Mel - thank you! I sent you an email - hopefully you got it :)
Sabrina - you have really had a rough time of it!!! Praying you heal quickly! I'm super happy for you for getting orders to Kansas! Friends of ours just headed over to Germany for the next ??? years. They were super excited! We have talked about taking a hop, but only time will tell.
Peggy - Is our air conditioner up and running? Sure hope so with all this intense heat! We are heading to Wyoming - or at least, that is the plan :) Still waiting on the military for firm dates. Things with your hubby sound really really rough! Most definitely will be lifting him up!
Angie - how exciting and what an honor to be asked by your great aunt to quilt for her... there is something very fulfilling knowing your elders find your work worthy of you doing it for them! Looking forward to seeing pictures (hint hint hint)! As for where we are stationed - right now, we are stationed at Joint Base Charleston in SC.
Well, Emi is ready to be fed... talk soon my friends :)
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Aug 06 2016 : 11:54:09 AM
Hi all. Hey Sabrina, don't feed that cat so well and she'll learn to earn her keep! Haha THAT's what my grandpa always told my Mama. She loved her animals and fed them well. Angie, we are only about a half hour from Amish country in 2 directions. Gotta love that, right? I like all their baked goods and wood creations. I had 2 grandpa's that were carpenters and I love anything wood. My hubby has a corner room in our basement where he putters around and makes some things. I enjoy that cut wood smell when he saws. I went out and mowed for the first time in a month because of the dryness. We had 2 rain showers yesterday, so that helped a lot. It was so hot even though they said it was only going to go up to 83 today. Uh... ya... it's 88 now. Hahaha Well, Patsy went night-fishing with her BIL last night. She will be back some time this evening. We are going to go check out a new(to us) Mennonite church tomorrow. I'm excited. Been looking for a new, small, bible-believing church for a long time. Will let you know how it turns out. Well, time to get laundry off the line. Later girlie!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
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Posted - Aug 07 2016 : 12:27:58 AM
Hi My Porchies...Been a rough week for me getting back into walking after having 5 days not doing any walking. I went from First or 2nd in my group to 8th for that week. I don't like that at I am a competitive person even if I am only competing against myself. LOL But having that many days off it was hard to get back into my routine. By Thursday I was just putting one foot in front of the other and praying for the week to end on Saturday. I like to walk in the mornings and get the 5 miles in before the day heats up. 3 times this week I had to walk at night and by then I'm tired and just want to sit down and rest. Tonight I barely got my 10,000 steps in...but I finally did at 11:15 pm!
Angie...what a compliment that your Aunt wanted you to quilt her quilt. That is an honor I'm sure. A mutual respect for each other's talent at your craft. You must be extremely talented! I hope you enjoy your trip to Utah for your Quilting Classes. Utah is hot and desert like. I wasn't impressed when we traveled through there. But I am sure it will be different for you since you are going for a particular purpose.
Judy...I can't wait to hear how you like the Mennonite Church tomorrow. I know I would find it a bit too restrictive if it is like the Friends Churches around here. I have a friend from my Bible Study Group who was raised in the Friends Church when she was growing up and she called it "God in a Box". There was no room for the Spirit to move or God to speak except through their Elders...and never to a woman. She did love the people but found their Church ways too legalistic for her liking. I'm sure I would feel the same way. I have fought Legalism in the Church I first became a Christian in. And after 18 yrs we left the two groups we had attended and went where we felt The Holy Spirit moving through all the services. glad to have you back on The Porch. Hopefully you won't need to pack much for your move across the you have just moved into Base Housing. Hopefully you didn't unpack ALL the boxes. My husband's situation is challenging but we will make it through this one day at a time and one step at a time. I am very fortunate that my youngest son and his family live not very far from the are a great support system for me. And my Bible Study Group also are like "God with skin on" to me. When you need that extra prayer and hugs...they are right there. And two of the other gals in the group are going through something similar with their husbands. Not just the same but very similar. So, we bolster each other as we go through the circumstances together.
OK girls...I guess I best get to bed! Have a Wonderful Sonday...each and every one of you!!!
Love and Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 07 2016 : 03:35:17 AM
GM- Thought I would post a few pics of the quilt I quilted for my great Aunt. She put the top together, I quilted it and she will hand bind it.
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!  
Angie Gordon #6966 FGOTM June 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 07 2016 : 12:26:39 PM
Angie...that is just Gorgeous!!! I love the colors and the pattern! Does your Great Aunt Keep them, gift them to family members, or sell them? You two make quite a team there! You both should be so proud of your joint effort on that is breath-takingly Stunning!
Hugs and Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Aug 07 2016 : 5:10:57 PM
Angie, that quilt is gorgeous! Good job... both of you! WELL..... We totally enjoyed the church service AND the nice people we met. There were so many of them out for weddings, reunions and such... but the Bishop told us that God always sends 'others'(meaning us)to take their place. After service we were invited by 2 different families to lunch at their homes. I guess every week they have what they call 'Hosts&Hostesses' to do just that. At first we said no, then we reconsidered. I'm so glad we did. We drove out to the most beautiful, quiet countryside, to their dairy farm. There were 7 of us and we found out that the niece & nephew of one of them bought Patsy&Jim's old house in New Franklin, Oh. We knew the kids were Mennonite but today we met more of their family...17 years later. Amazing! One elderly lady just lost her husband in July to cancer. She and Patsy had a lot in common. That lady also reminded us of a lady who attended our old church who was Mennonite and this lady knew her and her husband. Small, small world! All this started when we saw an ad for the church in our local newspaper of area church listings. The ad said they go to Oak Hill Manor nursing home every month to hold services and sing. Oak Hill is where Daddy & Mama spent the last days of their lives and I heard their services and beautiful a cappella singing and was impressed by it!..... and today I met the people that were there! This whole thing just fell together with God's hand on it! We both have been Praying for God to show us where to meet 'Like-Minded peoples. We have so much in command with these sweet folk. They really opened their hearts to us. The 'Spirit' was there, sweet and quiet and they gave everybody a chance to stand up and speak if they had something to share....AND their Bishop was a hoot! A funny, sweet grandfather type! He mentioned something about the Friends churches that made me feel that he didn't like their ways. Peg, I'm so sorry that your friend had a negative experience with them. We will be going back and give them every chance to prove themselves. If it takes a negative turn, we will move on... again! Have a Great SonDay girls!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 07 2016 : 7:04:45 PM
Oh Judy...I am so HAPPY THAT YOU LOVED IT and that does seem like God's hand was all over the People and the Service. And yes, you feel the Spirit when He is present so PTL girlfriend! The inter-twining of your lives with theirs just established a sweet bond between you all and that is a God thing. I pray that it works out for you and I'm Happy you took the invite to go to their home for Sunday Super. That kind of fellowship can be so priceless and in-riching. Keep an open heart and open mind...but like you said if it takes a negative turn you aren't obligated to do anything but move on. But I hope you find lots of peace, God's love and precious times there. Only time will tell. But I am excited for you!!!
Love and Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 08 2016 : 11:04:05 AM
Good afternoon ladies, Just popping in before heading back to classroom. We start a week from Wednesday and I am no where ready for that. YIkes!!1 But it is so hard to get things done when people keep coming into your room. Hopefully this afternoon will be better.
Judy so glad you liked your church.
Peggy I know what you mean about step count. I am trying to get into routine for school and exercise/walk before school. Praying for your sweet hubby too.
well I hear the washer so best switch clothes and then head back to school. love and blessings, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 08 2016 : 12:44:32 PM
Teacher Tammy...guess what darlen? They have come out with a Coloring Book called "Color Me Jane" yes, a Jane Austen Coloring book. It is small...but delightful coloring pages. I bought one for a gift (at Barnes & Noble) and then had to get me the last one. If you go to a Barnes & Noble to buy one ask them at the Information Desk where to find it because they don't have them with the other major displays of coloring books. I just saw it on an end-cap when I was walking by. Same with the Mary Englebreit Coloring books... she has two out a red one and a blue one and they are in the kids department. Those are fun and whimsical too. ~ Can't even believe it is time for your school to start. I believe our kids start the first week in September. Sorry you didn't get much of a Vacation but at least you made it to The Beach!!
Today is dreary gray and raining. Two days in a row I slept until 11:30 in the morning because of my Chronic Fatigue and Fibro pain levels. Once this storm moves through I should be fine and can once again get up by 8:00 or 8:30 to walk.
My kids asked me to go on another Mini-Vacation with them next week. Either to Leavenworth which is a replica of a Swiss Alps Village here in WA State but a five hour drive or better from where we live or we will go back to the Beach which always works for me. Either way I am just happy they want mom to tag along with them. I asked my son if he was sure he wanted me to go and he said, "Yes, we love for you to come with us!" I think I have to enjoy each little bit I can before my hubby gets too bad and can't drive. For now I'm ok with being gone a few days without him. He pretty much stays home while I'm gone and we talk nightly on the phone.
Have a great day girls and I hope your weather is better than ours.
Loves and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Aug 08 2016 : 7:35:33 PM
We had fun today. We went to Wooster to a the Rubbermaid store,4 floors, a used book store,2 floors a natural food store and a nice restaurant. Made a day of it. Dave has been reading up on his condition and has decided he has a pulmonary disease, aka: lungs full of water. He said since he has to wear compression stockings now he thinks the water in his legs has to go somewhere so it went up. ummm, ok... sure, why not. So now he's decided to lose weight and lose some water too if he can. He has to see the VA doc at the end of the month, so he will take some Lasix he has around here until he goes there and asks the doc if he has something better. He said there are other water pills now he might be able to try. He's a big man so we'll see how it goes. It takes a disease to wake some people up to their health issues even though others have tried to help him lose weight for years.
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2016 : 04:31:52 AM
Good morning porchies :) Stopping by here on the porch before I get ready to go walk. The morning is the only time I can walk really, as otherwise it is just too hot and humid! We still have no firm dates or anything in writing from the military or the house we want to buy. Oh the joys of "hurrying up and waiting." Honestly, it is starting to stress me!!! But so is life :)
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 09 2016 : 12:13:39 PM
Morning Porchies...It is another gray day here. Hoping for some sunshine later!!!
Shannon...yesterday it rained most of the postponed my walk until after dinner. Right in the middle of the rained and I got soaked and I was pushing my dog in the pet stroller so there was no getting home quickly. It was warm enough out that I just decided to enjoy the walk and finish it. I looked sort of like a drowned rat by the time I got back and my husband said, "Honey, I would have come and picked you up if you'd called me!" and I said, "I don't get my step count in riding in your car!" We laughed! I do prefer morning walks but I will be doing another Evening one tonight too. I just took the dog out awhile ago and it was a heavy mist out. I had just taken my shower and fixed my, I wasn't going to go walking in the rain again this morning. LOL ~ Wow...I can't believe that you still don't know solid facts about your Military Move. I guess they like to keep you guessing and anticipating huh? Not Nice! ~ Glad to have you in my Walking Group!! Tea Lady Tammy is in mine too. So, you might friend her also!
Judy and Patsy...sounds like you had a FUN DAY yesterday!!! Did you get some good buys or were you just sight seeing? I am the type that every time I have money...I find NOTHING! And when I am broke I could buy the store out! LOL ~ Well, Dave is probably right on about his Pulmonary diagnosis...but best get a second opinion...from a Real Doctor! LOL Men are so funny! They hate going to the Dr. in the first place but they self diagnose and think they are dying. There are so many things that could be happening that affect the lungs and heart. My hubby has an infection in his lungs that is causing fluid build up and they don't know what the infection is or what is causing it. So tell Dave not to put one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel yet...let the Dr.'s determine what is wrong. The loosing weight is probably a good thing for most everyone but he needs a Dr.s permission to exercise is if he is having pulmonary issues. Unless he was just talking about watching what he eats. Do you have your hands on your hips yet? That ought to get his attention!!! If he thinks you might hurt him...he'll wait for the Dr at VA. ROFLOL
Ok...must go do something constructive. Like Laundry or something! You girlies have a great day. I'm leaving some Lavender Tea and Lemon Scones on the Porch for you all! Enjoy!
Hugs and Belly Laughs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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Brenda Fouty
Farmgirl in Training
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Posted - Aug 09 2016 : 4:47:21 PM
Angie, that quilt is absolutely stunning! I am so behind on my porch sitting and tea drinking, I am in need of just one quiet day to relax, and I may take that day tomorrow. Will y'all be meeting here again, on the porch? Peggy Ann, you have such a way with words, and I enjoy your "newsy" posts so much. Tammy, the teacher in me is scrambling after looking at the calendar, and then I remember that's my daughter's job this year, and I am fine just meeting the next day head-on. Krista, I am a list-maker also, and have been my whole life. I also use a calendar, but I really prefer my lists, divided into categories, or time slots. I am back from FL, but had company at my house for almost 3 weeks upon my return, so I am just now getting back in my routine. I am excited to be joining Angie in Salt Lake City in September for a week, and then I must get serious about some big projects at my house before winter gets here. I will read some more chatter tomorrow, Porchies, and hope that I end the day almost caught up! I am looking forward to the fall season, and all it brings. P.S. Don't forget the beautiful meteor shower will be at its peak Thurs and Fri nights. Enjoy,and count your blessings!
Brenda Fouty #7025 FGOTM, July 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Aug 11 2016 : 07:41:29 AM
Good morning ladies, It is a hot start to the day. I am on the final countdown for school and so far from being ready. But I am keeping things in perspective that it will be ready and to just breathe.
peggy I have the Jane Austen coloring book and love it and when I was at Barnes and Noble they now have the Pride and Prejudice one. I am hoping to get that one soon. My cup of tea of course.
Angie your quilt is beautiful and I love the colors.
I will have to say I am daydreaming of the beach. I play beach waves in my classroom while I work because I love the sound of the waves and sadly I feel like summer flew by. It is our county fair right now but my sons are now too old to show so will not have to be there everyday. I m working our school food stand today and walking the parade on Sunday. I might actually get to enjoy it a bit.
well yall have a great day Blessings and love, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 11 2016 : 1:00:47 PM
Brenda...I think you must be Angie's you both stay busy as Beavers!!! It is clearly a match made in Farmgirl Heaven! LOL The Older I get the Lazier I's just how I seem to fly and I don't even have Butterfly Wings like Teacher Tammy. More like Dragonfly Wings (I'm dragon my back side along most days). My ownly Fall Project will be decorating my Apartment for Fall. I have tons of Fall Decor. We will be waiting for some great posts from you and Angie after your Quilting Gathering in Utah!!!
Teacher you know I have to go find the Pride and Prejudice Coloring book too. I am so enjoying coloring in my Color Me Jane Book. Except one page I colored had so much of the Victorian Dark Wood Stairs and Walls...that I used all of my brown/gold gel pen up on that one page alone. LOL I knew the day I bought a Cratsman Cottage that had all that Old Dark Wood in it (I was in Love) and my Mother came over and said, "I hate all that dark wood...if I was you I would paint it white!" and I nearly fainted on the spot at her deplorable suggestion...that I really was a True Blue Victorian Girl at Heart. Even now I lean towards Oriental Rugs, dark woods and red accented decor through out my home. Some people think it's dark but I don't see it that way at all...I find it extremely soothing. *different strokes for different folks* I must say that even though I love the Dress from Victorian Days...I would have been the one woman who would refuse to wear a corset. I don't care if Hour Glass figures were all the rage. I have to be able to breathe. No wonder they had to carry smelling salts all the time for when they fainted. LOL 
Well, My Porchies have a Fabulous is very warm here today...but that is how I like it. 
Blessings and Hugs, Peggy 
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Aug 11 2016 1:05:01 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

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Posted - Aug 11 2016 : 6:15:25 PM
Hi porchies :) Hoping your day has been fulfilling. I am trying desperately to wean myself off the chaos I call my life. Or maybe I should say I am trying to wean the chaos out of my life. ;) I have been reminded again that God is not the author of chaos... and when there is more to do than there is hours in the day, then I am attempting to do more than He authorized for my life... Oh what a painful realization and yet a freeing one. So now I am trying to decide what in my life is not in His plan... One of the things that is going is the penpal program I started for homeschooling children through HSAMF. The plan is for someone else to be in charge of it within the next three weeks! I must admit, I am excited to be free of it, once I made the decision. I am also trying to purge the house of "stuff." I have so much more work to do, but knowing progress is being made is, simply put, glorious!
Peggy - I had to chuckle about your story of walking in the rain. Yesterday morning we finished in the rain :) I was thankful we were essentially done, as I had all seven kids with me! The base has a track that we walk to from the house, and then walk on and then walk back home... I walk three miles on the track... Yesterday, during my final lap, the rain started... by the time we finished walking home, we were all wet! I covered Emi's head so she wouldn't get soaked, but the silly girl kept stretching out into the rain! It was honestly refreshing compared to the humidity we deal with, day in and day out. Today was pretty rough going as far as walking.... the humidity was INTENSE! The temp was lower 80s, yet it felt like mid to upper 90s... at 0830!!! It is amazing though, in that right when I was praying and telling God I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to complete the full three miles, He sent a breeze. It was all I needed to finish. Our God is so good!
TLTammy - It is funny.... I grew up in Maryland on the Eastern Shore, moved to Delaware, and now to South Carolina - and I absolutely do not care for the beach! I cannot imagine dreaming of a vacation on the beach! I enjoy the water... the feel of it on my feet and lower legs, listening to the waves crash on the beach and the seagulls chirping away... but I detest the sand! It gets EVERYWHERE! I wonder, if after we move, if I will dream of a vacation on the beach! Hopefully this year will go well for you in school. My poor kiddos are ready for a vacation - I keep telling them when we move, they will get a vacation :)
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
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Posted - Aug 11 2016 : 7:36:26 PM
Shannon You crack me up. NO vacation on a beach. If I lived near one I am sure I would never come in the house lol. I love it. I hope you get moved soon. Love and blessings, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 12 2016 : 01:00:53 AM
Hello My Porchies...
Shannon...I can't imagine No Beach. Well, yes I can...for the first 32 years of my life I only saw the Ocean 2 or 3 times. And that was when we came to visit my mom's mom in Portland and a couple of times we went to the Coast. Other than that it took me moving here to really fall in love with The Beach! I use to love reading stories about The Beach as a kid. And even as an adult I Love a Good Beach Read in the Summer Months. Where I live I am only 2 1/2 hours from either the Washington Beaches or The Oregon Beaches. And the same amount of time from 2 Mts. Saint Helens and Mt. Hood. About an hour further I can be at Rainer. And then throw in two big Rivers...The Columbia River and the Willamette River right where I live...between WA & OR and then add a bazillion Lakes in both states...and I think I live in the best place in the U.S. We are a Mecca for anyone who loves The Great Outdoors. We've got it all!!! And we enjoy it all too. ~ Oh, my gosh I am so proud of you for walking with your whole family in tow. I thought maybe your oldest watched them while you walked. Then again...I'm not sure how old your oldest is. LOL That is really good to get them all out walking off some energy too. Good for You! Tonight was a hard walk for it was still 88 degrees when I left at 6:30 and it seemed a little humid. Not real bad but enough to notice. That is when a warm rain shower comes in handy. Again, I tried getting up at 8:30 this morning and I shut my alarm off because I was too tired. My Chronic Fatigue has been bad this week. Ugh! I will try again in the morning!
Teacher Tammy...I used my 20% off coupon today and bought the Pride and Prejudice Coloring Book. It is bigger than the first one. I kind of like the size of the Color Me Jane one because I can just toss it in my handbag with a box of gel pens and I'm good to go to BnN for a couple of hours in the Cafe with my hubby.
Well, girls last night there was a Serial Arsonist in my youngest sons Neighborhood. In fact he burned a house down (a new build...nobody living in it yet) right across the Street from my kids house. That was too close for comfort. But I do Praise God he kept my kids and grandkids safe. 10 blocks away he also set fire to a New Construction Apartment Building. To me it seems like maybe it is a person who has lived in the Neighborhood for years and doesn't like all the New Homes and Apartments going in...changing the Landscape of an older residential area. But right in my Son's block there are about 20 new homes being built. These are Large Residential Blocks but they are cramming the homes right next to one another. So, please keep them in your prayers...this person could torch a lot of New Construction in that area. It is really sad to see brand new homes burnt down...before anyone has a chance to live in them. But on the other hand PTL nobody is living in them. Scary For Sure!!! When my husband and I drove by there on our way home from BnN there were like three or four News Trucks there. So, maybe that will keep the Arsonist away tonight with all the attention on this Location.
More Later Girlies, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 12 2016 : 11:58:33 AM
When I was younger, I really really wanted to go to the beach.... but quite honestly, i detest "sunbathing", lying still not doing anything, and as I said before, the sand. My MIL use to go to the beach every Fall - September I think. She loves the beach.... I just cannot stomach it! I have many friends living here who say they will never move from here due to the easy access to the beaches... silly girls ;) I did try surf fishing once... that was alright. My hubby's best friend caught a sand shark... (this was in DE), but I would much rather go to a lake, river, or pond and fish there!!!
As for walking with the kids.... before I started walking, I talked to a friend about exercise and nutrition. Her thing was that I needed to make time for just me. While that sounded great, I have seven children... 12, 10, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 11 mo (the 12 year will be 13 the end of the month). I cannot in good conscience leave them for any extended period of time, nor would I really want to, if I'm honest about it. So I kinda figured that exercising outside of the house was just not going to happen. I tried 30 Day Shred... now that was a pathetic sight I am sure! My children tried it with me... Imagine an obese woman surrounded by six children (Emi was napping) trying to jumping jacks and pushups in an average size living room, with a german shepherd running through us, barking at our nonsensical movements and trying to lick our faces as we tried to do pushups. Are you falling out of your seats yet with laughter - if you had seen us, you would have been!!! After that, I decided then and there that the kids were just going to have to come with me to the track. Some of them run/walk most of it and put me to shame. I get excited at my 12 trips around the track and my 10 year old can easily do 14 or 15 trips during that same time! Emi sits in an umbrella stroller, with everyone taking turns pushing her. In the middle of the track is a huge grassy area with trees - there are times the kids bring their school or just books to read, sitting under a tree. My three and five year old get tired of being there pretty quickly here recently... but I keep telling my kids that I cannot quit on myself and need to finish my three miles, so then they start encouraging me as they see me slow down :)
Peggy - that serial arsonist needs to be caught and soon! I pray that no one gets harmed! If you're right with their motive, they need to take a step back and realize they are putting so many people in harms way... the neighbors, as well as the firefighters!
Okay - I think I have been long winded enough ;)
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Aug 14 2016 : 8:01:29 PM
Good evening ladies! Hope everybody had a great weekend. I worked yesterday 1-10p and then today I canned 13 pints of corn and chopped and frozen some green peppers and jalapenos that I got at the Farmer's Market Saturday morning. There's a ton I need to get done, but I'm exhausted :O( Here's the first 8 pints I finished. The last 5 are in the pressure canner cooling down. I saw a post on FB that someone was going to be selling corn by work so after going to the Farmer's Market and not seeing any I ran over and picked up 3 dozen. I figured we were at the beginning of the harvest but she said it was the last of it so my hope of canning a bunch up was dashed.

I need to clean since I have to work tomorrow night but as I said I'm exhausted. The couple we stayed with in MN last weekend are stopping by Tuesday night on their way home so we get to return some hospitality. I'd suggested to Matt a while back we needed to consider a sleeper sofa for guest to sleep on instead of the air mattress and he vetoed me - guess who's now scrambling to see if he can find one before his buddy gets here Tuesday. - MEN! LOL
Judy - Glad you enjoyed your Mennonite service. They are awesome and those after service hosts/hostess meals are fabulous. You'll probably be invited for several weeks so everybody can meet you and get to talk more one-on-one with you, at least that was my experience when I attended a Brethren Mennonite church in Maine, so don't be shy about accepting invites.
Peggy - Where I've lived the Friends Church was Quaker, which is different in a LOT of ways from the Mennonite. I've read a little bit about the Quakers and sitting for hours in a church with nobody saying anything until an elder was given inspiration to speak and give a sermon would be really strange to me. Some of the churches tend to be plain, similar to the Amish and Mennonite, while others are more progressive. A woman I knew years ago attended a Friends Church and said they were really focused on education, which is not a bad thing. I know there was a Friends School in the Metro Detroit area but it was outrageous for tuition unfortunately.
Angie - that's a beautiful quilt! I'm hoping to make one this winter and hand quilt it. It's been several years since I've done one.
Okay, now to get my bed made so I can crash now. Matt side tracked me with watching the Olympics LOL.
Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Prairie Critter Pet Sitter Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Aug 15 2016 : 01:06:29 AM
Hello My Porchies...
I'm pooped like Prairie Tammy tonight. I decided I couldn't stand my carpets a minute longer and decided to do them myself. I figured I could do a better job than the last professional we had do them. Well, I started out using my Aunts Bissell Shampooer (she hadn't had it very long before she passed away last summer)...And it was simple to figure out how to use it. But after working for 2 1/2 hours I still didn't like how the carpets were I called my son and they have a really Good Home Shampooer...So, I redid all the carpeting with that. Another 2 1/2 hours but they looked much better. But now I had two machines to take apart and, another 1 1/2 hrs. My sons fabulous shampooer of course was more complex and I wanted to make sure I got all the dog hair out of every little nook and cranny. You wouldn't think one dog could leave so much hair in the carpet. Man alive...I think I need to buy a better vacuum's not doing a good enough job. So, all most all the carpets are dry but my room. The last one I did. I have a ton of stuff piled on my guess I will be sleeping in my recliner tonight. Not looking forward to that! Because I was working on the carpets all day I realized that I ate nothing healthy except my Breakfast smoothy. For lunch I had a bag of Sweet Potato Chips and for dinner at 11:00 tonight I ate a large piece of carrot cake. I justified that because it had carrots in it, and apple and raisins and nuts. LOL What a gross day of eating. But did I mention that my carpets look good??? ROFLOL And I'm tired and brain dead too!! ~ I have really loved watching the Olympics. I love both Summer and Winter Olympics. My favorite Summer ones are mens and womens Swimming, beach volley ball, some of the running and Mens and Womens gymnastics. It has all been so good. And so many great stories behind the Athletes and their families and couches etc.
Prairie Tammy...your corn looks lovely! It is weird that the growing season this year is a month ahead of normal. Everything is about done. Even the Apples are being picked. Crazy year! Yes, the Friends Churches are Quakers...and you are spot on about them having to sit there and wait for an Elder to get divine inspiration to speak. That is so weird to me. I couldn't handle that. I have read a lot about The Amish, Mennonites and Hudderites and Apostolic Lutherans. All very interesting people groups. I like many of their ways and life styles but not crazy about their churches...but that is just me. Like I said before I am not a fan of Legalistic Faiths but that is just my personal choice. I know of several people who feel better attending really ritualistic services. I'm just not that person. I cherish My Freedom In Christ. I have never seen a Progressive Quaker Church...but I think I would love to!
Shannon...I think it is great that you make your walks a Family Affair. It sounds like you have the ideal place to those that get tired more easily can sit and read or do homework while mom and others finish their walk. It's like Family PE. I thought I would get all my steps in today cleaning my carpets...huh, it was just around 4,000. So, not good today for walking but I got plenty of other exercise. My Muscles are screaming at me tonight! And tomorrow ought to be even worse. My DH said he would carry me around tomorrow if I needed him too. Funny Man! I told him I just might have to take him up on that offer. Tomorrow I have about 3 loads of laundry to do, my walk and putting my room back together...if my Fibro allows the walk.
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Or a Productive One.
Good Night Girls, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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Posted - Aug 15 2016 : 03:31:59 AM
Hey all, been a while but I got through VBS so maybe I'll start having a little more time (ha ha). VBS was a success I think, everyone seemed to have a good time. I'm relieved it is over. Now I just have to get CC kicked off and slowly start turning that responsibility over to the new director.
Shannon-your friends are probably coming over here for 3 years, that is pretty standard tour. I hope they like it better than we do! I'm with you on trying to get the chaos out of my life!! I have learned a couple things over the last year-when you do a lot for others and volunteer a lot people just start expecting you to take care of everything and taking advantage of you, I'm having to learn to set boundaries and just say "I can't if someone else doesn't it won't happen," otherwise folks seem to think I will take care of it for them if they just refuse to volunteer. I am wrapping up my responsibilities here then I have some craft projects I'm behind on and want to get done before we move. Then ALL of my attention (well all my spare attention after normal mom duties) will go to organizing and cleaning out the house for our move. We are still waiting on some paperwork to find out more specifics on our time frame (waiting for his curtailment to hopefully get approved and had to fix some paperwork before they can cut orders). We could be shipping our stuff anytime in October really just depending on when our actual depart date ends up being. So I don't have much time and I have a good bit of stuff that needs to be organized and/or cleaned out. Especially since I will be VERY pregnant when we move into our next house and need to get as much as possible unpacked and put away quickly!! I think your friend who says "you need to take time for yourself" is hilarious!!! While yes it is nice when it happens when we have several kids and homeschool the reality is that just can't be a regularly scheduled event-especially with military hubbies!!! I try not to get annoyed when people say that.
Judy-we got the mouse in a trap and we don't see any evidence of others so yay! Hopefully it getting in was a weird fluke since we haven't had any others. I will have more effective cats when we move to the country!!
Angie-the quilt is beautiful!!
Judy-glad you found a church service you enjoyed. I don't know much about Mennonites, their lifestyle intrigues me but I know we can't go to one of their churches because hubby is military and they are pacifist. But much of what I have heard about them is lovely.
Teacher Tammy-I hope you get everything you want done before school starts you sound so busy!!
Peggy-it is wonderful your kids want you to go with them. I'm with Shannon though the beach is definitely not my top vacation choice!! I like collecting shells or sea glass but otherwise I'm not interested!
PrairieTammy-I'm looking forward to canning again next spring/fall. Hopefully I'll finally get my pressure canner too. WE never tried here, my stove burners are so small and take FOREVER to heat up a regular stock pot of water I don't think it could have headed the canner or pressure canner so we never tried. Plus with no AC we have to be careful not to heat up the house too much.
Well I think I mostly caught up. My leg healed quickly after my fall thank goodness. And last monday at my doc appointment they did an u/s and everything looks good with baby. The doctors here want to do an ultrasound with every appointment which I think is ridiculous and don't let them do but since we lost a baby around the same time as I am not and I had that fall I thought it would be good to let them check. I probably won't have anymore this pregnancy though. I did find out I have an anterior placenta which explains why I'm not feeling much movement, that is a bit annoying since movement is reassuring but at least I know why I'm not feeling it. I have a midwife lined up in KS for a homebirth once we get there-I just have to find a house in time!!! I have made contact with a realtor and will get a preapproval for a loan soon so that we can hopefully find something and get it under contract quickly upon arriving. Otherwise we will have to look for a rental (which is expensive) or live on post (which I really don't want to do).
On Tuesday or Wednesday I pulled a muscle in my side and it keeps hurting to sneeze. And my allergies are acting up so I sneeze a lot! I didn't really get to rest because of VBS and that probably didn't help. It was getting better but this morning it was really hurting again. I think I must have slept funny or something. I am trying to rest today since I don't have too much to do-hopefully that helps. Tomorrow I have to go up to the chapel to take all the VBS stuff down and get it in storage.
Well I better go take care of a few things on my to-do list. I'm hoping to get a quick nap when Dan naps but we will see!
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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3162 Posts |
Posted - Aug 15 2016 : 10:23:58 AM
Good morning Dear Porchies :) What an adventure this morning has been thus far! The kids and I headed to the track for our normal three mile walk.... and were joined by a snake! My oldest almost stepped on it, but thankfully stopped in time! It watched us for quite awhile, and then slithered off. Makes me rethink having the children play in the grassy area, but then again, I don't want to be scared of life! Then, on the way home, my 7 year old started moaning. I asked her what was wrong and she said she couldn't quit shaking. I asked her if she was hot and she said, no, she was cold. At that point, I knew we were dealing with heat exhaustion! The poor girl had sweat pouring off her, yet was shivering with goose bumps, seriously pale, stomach was upset, and her heart rate was sky high! As we got her home, I called my hubby to go buy some pedialyte and meet us at the house. After a bottle of that, a cold shower, and rest, she seems to be back to her perky self. Now we are rushing around trying to get the house picked up for our company tonight. It is our pastor and his wife, so they know us quite well, but I would still rather have the house presentable. With seven children that are homeschooled, our definition of presentable isn't the same as many, but hopefully it works :) To top everything off, our dryer died yesterday :( So we have clothing hanging all over the place upstairs in attepmts to get it to dry, lol.
Tammy - your corn looks so yummy!!! With knowing we are about to move, we haven't canned much this year at all :( Oh how I miss the shelves lined with canned foods!!!
Peggy - I'm sorry you are having such a rough time with your fibro right now!! Mine is flared up pretty bad today!!! I would so love to curl up in bed!
Sabrina - glad to hear things are going well with wee one! Miscarriages are so so hard! So glad God has His protective arms around you and wee one with your fall!!! An ultrasound that often is nuts!!! I wonder what their reasoning is! I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the idea of "taking time for me" is hilariously ridiculous! Me time consists of sewing... with them at my side, and showing them how to do it, lol. The other thing that blows my mind is when you are looked at and told that you and your hubby should go on a date... I would love to look at the individual(s) that say that and ask if they are going to watch all seven children, make sure allergies are avoided, and routines are met.... it's just not going to happen, especially the once a week that some people suggest! But honestly, I don't want a life outside of my family. In this stage of life, my children are my life... and my hubby is and always will be. I don't want/need a separate identity where I drop my kids off to school/day care to be a different person during the day than I am during the evening. I am mom 24/7 and yes sometimes it is hard and I complain, but it is what God has blessed me with and called me to be. It is when I start adding the other outside things into my life that things get chaotic.
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Aug 15 2016 : 12:55:51 PM
Hello My Porchies...
Slept pretty good in my recliner last night but still feel tired. Not the same as my comfy bed. The floors in my room are still damp...I guess maybe I was in a hurry since that was my last room and didn't take enough care to slowly suck up the water. By then I just wanted to be done.
It is a bit cooler today outside which is nice. Didn't go on a Morning walk so will need to fit that in tonight. So much to do and only one more day before I leave on Vacation. I've got the Laundry in so that is a plus. Then I can start packing. We are going to Leavenworth WA for our is about a 5 hr. drive from here. It is a little Swiss type Village. Really prettier in the Winter Months and they have lots of Festivities around Christmas. But there are lovely lakes around and it sits down in the Valley with Mt.s all around it. It is a definite Tourist Town. My son rented a 3 bedroom Condo there for us...that is two levels and has spectacular views. So, no beach this trip...which is OK because I go back to the Beach the End of Next Month for my Women's Retreat.
Shannon...Yikes a snake on the Track. Hoping it was the harmless kind. Heat Stroke is not fun! Hope she is feeling better today. I have had times where I had to dry clothes all over the house too. Not FUN but it works.
Sabrina...glad the Ultra Sound showed baby is ok after your fall. That is always a concern! I never heard of doing those frequent ultra sounds before. That doesn't even sound like it would be healthy on either one of you. I think here they only allow 2 ultra sounds per pregnancy... unless for an emergency type situation.
OK...dryer is going off. More later girls. Have a Wonderful Monday!
Hugs and Smiles, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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