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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Dec 13 2016 : 5:33:32 PM
Hi girls. I enjoyed all the chatter on here. We had a snow storm today and got about 4 inches. It started just after my eye appointment so I got home right after we got the first inch. Was glad to be home. It looked like a postcard pic. Gorgeous. Dave said the roads were fine though coming home. Yaaa! Some more sad news for Patsy's family. Her FIL had a stroke yesterday and couldn't talk. So they took him to the hospital. His health has been failing for awhile now. He (somehow) told the one daughter that lives with him that he wants to see all the kids. He doesn't think he'll make it to Christmas. That's what patsy told me. So she's coming home with 2 of the SIL's. Here we go again. Prayers Please! Another sweet man I've known since I was 14. Thanks Gals!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
Edited by - herblady55 on Dec 13 2016 5:37:58 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2016 : 10:37:00 AM
Judy..praying for Patsy and her FIL. Life just keeps happening doesn't it? That is the one sad thing the older we get...Family & Friends start leaving us behind. It is hardest for us who are left behind.
Love and Hugs to both Patsy and You!!! And all other Family Members and Friends!
Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Dec 14 2016 : 11:37:05 AM
Patsy just texted...they're in Tennessee. Ya, Pops(as I've always called him) can't swallow and he refused the stomach tube. We all know he's ready to go and wants too.... but I hate seeing someone die of starvation. Mama died that way too. That still hurts me. I gave her ensure thru a straw and water, but when she said her stomach hurt, I knew why... and it still hurts... like I failed her. She would never let me starve. But she had a DNR order and a strict living will order not to let her linger. Doesn't make a kid feel any better does it? *sorry girls, but this whole thing is just opening old memories for me*
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2016 : 1:26:53 PM
I think losing someone at the Holidays makes it so much worse the following years. I keep praying my husband makes it past all the Holidays. I don't want to associate sadness with his passing that way. Selfish on my part I know! Today is a Blue day for me to Judy. The Stress my husband is putting us all through maybe the death of both of us. I'm tired of walking on eggshells...and yet I try to do everything I can for him only to continually get my head bit off. It just makes me so sad that this is how we are ending up. But it is not only between him and I but also him and the kids. He hides away from everyone and yet when he makes the effort to do a family gathering he is grumpy and grouchy and makes everyone wish he had just stayed home. My heart is breaking and I just cry out to God and vent to all of you. Sorry, I'm sure you don't need to hear it anymore than I do.
Praying Judy that Pops doesn't needlessly suffer but that he doesn't die before Christmas.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 14 2016 1:28:38 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2016 : 8:06:05 PM
Peggy-it IS nice to know people care :).
Judy and Peggy I'm praying for both of your family's I hope you are able to have a good Christmas and make some positive memories. We lost my grandfather last January and it all started around Christmas time so my family is trying to overcome the fact that last year was sad and stressful and have a positive experience this year. Mom said "I need new memories." She is coming here, hopefully the grandkids will give her plenty of new memories!
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
350 Posts
350 Posts |
Posted - Dec 14 2016 : 8:16:02 PM
Awww that makes me sniffle-maybe I should amend that to say "good memories." With those grandchildren of mine I will definitely get memories. ;)
Sylvia E Farmgirl Sister #2871 |
Edited by - SylviaE on Dec 14 2016 8:16:52 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 04:41:38 AM
Judy snd Peggy praying for your families. Hoping that Christmas is peaceful as it was meant to be.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 |
True Blue Farmgirl
882 Posts

882 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 06:09:59 AM
The holidays are always the most stressful time of the year when you are going through things. I think that what makes it so is we want to remember this time as joyful and happy. So when things happen that takes and makes it otherwise, we fear that the joy of this season will be lost forever. My verdict on life is that sometimes things are out of our control and what we should focus on are the happy memories from yesterday and live each moment to the fullest. So while you may be worrying about your love ones, going through stressful times with them, remember the love and joy you have already shared and draw upon those memories today to help you through those stressful and sad times. Becky
May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears. FGOTM December 2016
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 07:06:24 AM
Peggy, Judy, and Patsy - I am so so sorry!!! With what you ladies are going through, I don't feel like I have any right to be sad or worried! It is so small compared to what you guys are going through! My prayers are with you <3
I am not a superstition person. I believe bad things happen because we live in a fallen world. I believe God has everything under His control. I believe I will learn from each and every life event as long as I pay attention and put the effort in. I believe that everything will work together for good of God's Kingdom! But I am mentally and emotionally drained. Last night, a little after eight, Emi, my 15 month old, pulled a cup of hot tea down that my hubby had put on the end table. It happened so fast and yet it seemed like it was in slow motion. I set the cup up (only half ended up dumping), stripped her shirt off, and hubby and I got her in the bathtub with cold water running down her hand, arm, and on her chest. We then put burn cream on it, and thought she was good. She played, drank a bottle, and went to sleep. I sat and cried on and off feeling like a failure as a mom. Then about two hours later she woke up screaming... she arched her head back as she screamed and we saw for the first time that where her chin usually rests on her chest, especially when she is tired, was burnt... both under her chin and on her chest! The skin had rubbed off due to the friction. My heart broke all over again and we took her into the ER, about 45 minutes away. They cleaned it up, bandaged it, gave her meds, and said she will be okay. We got to bed around 0230 this morning. I thought surely today would be an okay day... we should be getting paid hubby's last paycheck... they have been holding it, which they are allowed to do for ten days (apparently ten business days!?!?). No joy! They still have not paid... all we can hope and assume is they considered the 7th a holiday, so today would be the 10th business day in that case and maybe we will get paid tomorrow...
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 09:12:44 AM
Thank you to all of you for your beautiful words! I mean that!!! They really have helped. Becky, I truly have been thinking of all the happy times with my loved ones these past couple of days and it has made me light! And Shannon, dear Shannon, your trials have made me see that I live 'in THIS moment' with you all. My heart is heavy for you girl! You ARE a good mom... a GREAT mom... just what your children need. Don't EVER let the enemy make you doubt yourself! I Love you girl!...WE Love you! We lift you up to the Lord... that HE might... no...HE WILL touch your aching heart and let you see what a wonderful mom, wife and mentor you are to all those around you!!! Let Us Lift Our Chins UP and Praise God... Even....(Especially) In Our Sorrow, Pain and Doubt! May GOD Bless Us.... Everyone!!! Everybody grab a mirror... let us look at US... and say this message....."GOD loves me(emphasis on GOD)... God LOVES me(emphasis on LOVES)... God loves ME(emphasis on ME)!!!" Now... do it again!!! Don't you feel SPECIAL? That's 'cause you ARE!!! God don't make no junk! I'm so glad we are all here for each other! Extra 'French Hugs&Squeezles' to my Farmgirl Porch-Buds!!!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 09:49:25 AM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...And this is why I LOVE The Porch!!! All the words spoken heart to heart, the encouragement, the Words of Wisdom, The Life Events and Life Lessons shared and the prayers from each one of My Porchies lift my heart beyond words. Thank You One and All. It doesn't matter if you address those words to me, to another Sister or to The Group as a Whole...we all benefit from them like a great Big Hug!!!!
Judy I loved your Mirror Excercize Girlfriend...Thank You! And you are right God doesn't Make Junk! And when we are weak he is strong! So, we can Praise Him and Glorify Him even in our weaknesses!
Shannon are anything but a Failure with your kids. I so admire both you and Sabrina with your large Families and how well you girls do through the good days and the Bad. Didn't Sabrina also have one of her children burnt by hot tea? And didn't I share about the Hot Chicken Gravy on my youngests head and down his body? Accidents Happen All The Time My Judy said, don't believe the lies of the Enemy...he is a professional lier and very good at it!!!
Becky...your words were so encouraging too. God always shows me when I am hurting and needy those who are much less fortunate that I and they have hearts of genuine love and happiness and gratitude. I want that same Heart of Gratitude and not the one of whining and venting that I have. God is Crazy Good and He blesses me beyond measure (daily). I have Blessings upon Blessings but sometimes I find myself wandering like the Israelites...thinking on how Good it use to be and longing for the very place I had wanted to escape from originally. Praying for Deliverence but not liking the Journey once I'm Free. Does anyone relate to this? I just read a book called "Storm Clouds Rolling In" by Ginny Dye and It was a lot like the book and mini-series North and South as it takes place in that same time period. It was so good! And there are more in the series that I plan to read or listen to. But it has reminded me that People are People and in every generation there are Troubles both Politically and Personally but still the people whine and protest and kick against the goad. We are pathetically flawled. But Praise God for Jesus...And The Holy Spirit because we don't have to stay there.
Nora...I covet your prayers and all the prayers of my friends, family, and yes, even perfect strangers. As I pray for all of you...I also rest assured in the prayers for me and mine. Thank YOU...Prayers are The Best way to handle any situation or set of circumstances we find ourselves in.
Sabrina dear...the same for your prayers! I Thank you beyond words!
Okay, My Lovelies I am praying for ALL of Us that God Enlarges our Hearts of Gratitude so that we have room afresh for The Christ Child This Blessed Season! He Was and Is and Will Always Be The Perfect Gift!!
Love and Blessings, Peggy 
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 15 2016 11:20:09 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
516 Posts
516 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 11:00:22 AM
Oh my sisters. So many of you struggling over this holiday season. Know that I'm praying for each and every one of you. You girls each have a place in my heart. Know that God has whatever you're struggling with and He's right beside you every step of the way. Even when you think He's not there He is. Rest in Him when you you feel yourself stressing. This is a season of miracles and hope. I don't get to get on here as much as I like but you girls are in my thoughts each day. I love this porch. With that said here is some peppermint tea. Who's got some Christmas goodies to share?
Farmgirl #2361 "Blessed is the farmgirl who helps make the world a better and healthy place" ~ Me
"For she is clothed with dignity and strength and without fear of the future"-Proverbs 31:25 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 12:36:52 PM
Dear, Sweet Sistas, Reading all of this has put a tear in my eye and has given me an overflowing heart of love for each of you! "My Cup Runneth OVER! Praise God!!! He is CRAZY GOOD! I love when Peg says that. hahahaha ALWAYS makes me giggle! We are Soooooo joined at the heart, that we feel each others love, joy, sadness and everything else in between! Thank you so much for that! Yes Peg, I know exactly what you mean... we Pray to be taken out of Egypt... then fuss and carry on while we are on our way to better places(because at the moment it may not seem better).... and God just shakes his head. You know He does.* giggle* Hi RoDonna and thank you for your kind words! Stop back more often Sister! Well... I have another 'Praise God' moment to mention. Pops is eating soft foods!!! I know, RIGHT!!! God IS GOOD... No, CRAZY GOOD!!! Pasty is staying at her daughters and called me while she is making cookies. I said, "Wait... What??? Last I heard he wasn't able to swallow and all of you were requested to come home... and we thought the worst!!!" She said he started to turn around last night. He still looks pale and swollen and will need lots of therapy...BUT...he's turned the corner. GOD is Crazy Good!!! Thank YOU Sisters! Thank YOU GOD!!!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
882 Posts

882 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 1:18:50 PM
I have been doing pretty good hanging in there during the construction phase of my house. Well it is about to come to an end. Next week I had requested that all workers put the remaining portion on hold until after Christmas. So tomorrow, I should be a whole week of quite around here. The house is still a mess and will be probably until they finish, but we are coming to the end until the spring. The foundation is almost done and insulation will be put in next week and that is all that is planned. I will take pictures of what has been completed over the weekend and post the updates. It is really looking nice and I can't wait until the whole amount is done. I have also decided to hire a painter to do all the inside painting and staining of the floors. He will be working next year but at a quite mood. About the only noise will be the sander of the floors. Come spring the work should be completely done inside of the house and we can focus on the outside. The dust, chemicals used from the concrete, and other things in the air has made me sick and I still feel the effects of the construction. I usually stay in one room with the doors shut and my husband has to sweep and mop the floors and dust the furniture before I can go into the room or I have major coughing fits. We can finally move upstairs into our bedroom for now because all the work upstairs is done. I keep telling myself that it will be worth it when they are done. Becky
May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears. FGOTM December 2016
1422 Posts

1422 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 4:59:13 PM
Hey ladies :) I'm finding it hard to keep up on here regularly since the fall - I'm teaching the kids (we homeschool), and have more music students in my studio then expected...especially advanced ones which take a lot of my spare time. Do know that I am checking on here periodically and praying for you all in your different situations. Much hugs to you all!!
Joyce Hein Farmgirl Sister #6071 FGOTM April 2016 |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 8:02:13 PM
Wow, the Porch has been active since I last visited! I made some yummy (and healthy) cacao balls to share, the balls are cacao and peanut butter and the smashed balls are mint cacoa. I'll even make set up a tasty cocoa bar for a hot drink to go with them with flavored marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles, etc... Okay so that sort of kills the healthiness of the cacao balls but it's the Porch and calories don't count LOL
I'm keeping all of you ladies in prayer! I had my season and I feel horrible to see many of you entering your seasons as I step totally out from the one I was in.
Sabrina and Shannon - glad to hear you're both settling in without major chaos (other than dogs and kids lol).
I'm sort of sad because we decided not to put up a tree this year with Jasper here. We think it would end up pulled over so for safety concerns have decided to wait until next year. The house just feels bare for the holiday without decorations but he's at the stage he's into EVERYTHING. He's learned to climb too so nothing is safe. He's unbelievably strong too. We were using his pack-n-play to block him from getting out of the living room and that boy can move that sucker and get out!
Jordon was awesome and took Jasper to his apartment last night and tonight to give us a break since he had the nights off. It was so nice to get up this morning and not worry about trying to get my shower in before he woke up. It was wonderful not having to get up at 3:30 am to give him a bottle or rub his back to get him back to sleep. We had an appointment with the lawyer to go over the case for court on Monday. She doesn't see anything that would change the living conditions. Our big concern is the little guy being around the two felons (one sex offender of a 5 yo and the other for child abuse for shaking his 9 mo daughter until she had brain bleed) while she has visitation every other weekend. We'll see how the judge deals with it but we're aware it's doubtful he'll limit her unless we can prove something has happened. She also suggested Jordon consider getting a different job so his ex can't harass him at work so next week he'll start looking for options. Keep him in prayer, it's rough being a single father at such a young age.
Okay, I'm off to bed for some self pampering reading time and a hot bath, not necessarily in that order lol Have an awesome weekend if I don't get back in for a visit!
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Prairie Critter Pet Sitter "Pampered care for your pet" Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 15 2016 : 9:25:29 PM
| glad that you dropped in for a little refreshment and news. We have missed you! Jump back as often as you can!!
Prairie Tammy...I am so glad that you got a couple of free nights. It is good that you can work together in raising Jasper. Sorry about the lack of a Christmas Tree this year. Maybe you could buy a Table Top One for your Dining Room Table or something up and out of his way. Keep us posted on the Judges ruling on visitation etc. Will pray that Jordon finds a different job. Thanks for praying for we pray for you too!
Becky...I would also get all icky and sick with all the dust and stuff floating around from the Workers. When my kitchen was being remodeled I wore one of those little white face masks and that helped a little and took allergy pills and nasal spray. I'm happy that you get a week reprieve from those things assulting your breathing and the noise. Enjoy while you can!!! We are all dying to see more pictures!!
RoDonna...yes, please come more often we miss you too. At least I can keep up with you on FB that helps me stay connected with you but the Other Porchies need you too. ~ And I am adding some Peppermint Bark to go with your Tea!
Judy...God is CRAZY Good and we are so undeserving. I am just thankful that He Loves us Just Because we are HIS and not because we have to earn his love. We Love Him because He First Loved Us! AMEN???? ~ And Praise His Holy Name for helping pops turn a corner today and start eating. Amazing!!
Well, my Porchies...I feel a whole lot better tonight with all this Love and Prayers and Encouragments we have shared today. Just lifted me out of the Blue Funk I was Thank You Beloved Father and Thank You My Porchies.
Love and Blessings be showered upon you, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Dec 16 2016 : 2:33:17 PM
Another Awesome God-Thing Gals!..... Pops went home today! I know...WHAT!!! That Crazy Good God of ours is at it again! Pops will need V.A. nurses to help him with therapy and care, plus his son and daughter live there too, so they will be taught how to help him in a more useful capacity.... but still....HOME...ALREADY? Wow! Pasty and her SIL are staying around until after Christmas, so that will be nice for all of us. We're planning on going down to my nieces soon on one of Dave's days off. Yaaaa! Thanks for all the tasty, calorie-free goodies Gals. What's NOT TO LOVE about that! *giggle*
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "Give a weed an inch and it'll take a yard!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2016 : 6:20:39 PM
Fixed raisin stuffed cookies. Jay's mom and I went to Ollies and the Green Valley Book Fair today. I found a book on card making. She's into cookbooks. His daughter stayed home with him. They are from Delaware.
Judy - good news about Pops
Jordan will make a great dad. He and Jasper will have a Merry Christmas as you all will.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 |
True Blue Farmgirl
752 Posts
752 Posts |
Posted - Dec 16 2016 : 7:18:09 PM
Hi, ladies!
Glad to see the praise reports coming in, that is great!!
Shannon-man oh man that darn tea!! I'm sure she will be fine and it certainly doesn't make you a bad mother!! I understand though, really. It is amazing how quickly Dan healed from his burns, I pray Emi heals as quickly.
Peggy-I will just keep praying, glad you are feeling better.
Patsy and Judy-what a miracle, I will pray things keep improving.
I've had a decent week although a lot has happened. One thing, I've been working on my blog again after an extended break-I actually started posting again a month or so ago but then had two weeks of nothing surrounding our move and have made a couple posts this week (actually right now I'm trying to get my brain to cooperate with writing another one but it might have to wait until morning). Anyway, on Monday I broke my record for most views in a day (my views are pretty low so it sounds more impressive than it is but HEY I broke my record that is something!!) then on Wed I broke my record from Monday!! I've been working hard on networking and getting my blog out there (without being obnoxious) and it seems like it is finally starting to pick up momentum. Then yesterday I didn't have a new post but still got a decent number of page views so I'm pretty excited. I was chosen to participate in a group that does homeschool curriculum reviews in 2017 so that is helping me get on track and they offer their members several tools and tips for improving traffic and what not. It is helping. Anyway, I'm pretty excited about that.
Another thing that happened is hubby ran into some pilots he has worked with in GA and NY and they took him to see their boss who wanted Dustin to come to their unit. Well apparently some things happened behind the scenes and now Dustin is officially in their unit instead of the one he was going to. This is good and bad.....good because it means he is in the Cavalry again which he loves and working with people he knows and likes. Bad because it means he will deploy late winter/early spring. I figure I can't complain too much about a deployment since he has been home over 3 years and has never missed the birth of a child. But I definitely have some preparing to do with him leaving and me having 5 kids including a newborn. Luckily mom isn't too far away and already has plans to be here to help when she can.
Our unaccompanied baggage is getting dropped off Tuesday but we still haven't heard anything about the rest of our stuff. I am just way too pregnant for camp chairs and metal folding chairs so we went today to look for a recliner. Well, we ended up getting a whole living room set. We found a really good price on a simple set (couch, loveseat, and recliner) so we got it. We are hoping it gets delivered tomorrow but the weather here is iffy and the truck driver wasn't sure he would be able to do it but it should be here by Monday at the latest. I'm sure my legs, back, and rear-end will be happy when it gets here!! I need to do some cleaning this weekend - just organizing stuff so it isn't quite such a mess, finishing putting contact paper in the cabinets so we can put the dishes away etc. But I'm definitely getting to the part of pregnancy where I can't do too much.
I bought yarn to make the baby blanket that I have made each of my kids....but I didn't get the same dye lot, ugh. I think I'm just going to make it with what I got, I doubt anyone will notice. That will be a nice activity to sit and do in my recliner when it gets here! It is odd that at 35 weeks pregnant I haven't really done anything to prepare for baby. Not that I need much at this point but I have to get some stuff for our home birth and a carseat for baby. So I'll have to work on that over the next couple weeks - not the greatest timing with Christmas but it is what it is!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Sabrina Farmgirl Sister #3275 February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2016 : 12:23:13 AM
Wow Judy...HE WENT HOME...are you kidding me? Crazy Crazy Crazy...God Thing...that is what that is!!! I just LOVE a good miracle! And another Blessing you will get to go visit your Sissy! How Great Is That!!! Yahoo! "Thank You Beloved Father for answering our prayers all most faster than we could pray them. You are a Wonder Working God For Sure! We Praise Your Holy Name!"
Sabrina...I am so happy that you went and got some Living Room Furniture. A Little Pregnant Mama needs a good Recliner/Rocker Too!! And yes, your back, hips and legs are going to Thank You Muchly! Try to relax a little bit girl! I know, I know...that is like telling the Wind to try not to blow! LOL
We finally had our Bible Study Christmas Party tonight and it was so Nice! I just really needed a few hours of Laughter and Fellowship! A couple of the girls couldn't make it. One had a molar pulled two days ago and her jaw was sore and the other one didn't want to fight the Ice as she uses crutches to get around. It was pretty slippery on the side streets but the main arterials were good. The Night Might have been cold but the Event warmed our Hearts!
My day was difficult and I'm really tired tonight. Mental exhaustion more than anything. But God will undergird me...I know he will.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
350 Posts
350 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2016 : 06:46:48 AM
You know I don't mind shopping for yarn Sabrina, so if you are still working on that blanket on Monday or Tuesday, I willl go and swap out the wrong yarn. Mama says the cleaning can wait until I get there. I have had the best 2-3 weeks lately so I'm geared up to be busy while I'm there. I'm doing a Step Bet game so I have to get my steps in everyday and as cold as it looks like it will be I may have to get my steps inside. Christmas with the kids and grands-life is good!
Sylvia E Farmgirl Sister #2871 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2016 : 10:44:34 AM
Praying for you and Larry Peg! Praying for you Sabrina and Thanking GOD for YOU Sylvia! You are a Blessing Lady! Lenore, I just got a box of mixed home-made cookies from my sissy and she made strawberry filled cookies.Yum! Have a great day Gals!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!" "Broken cookies don't have calories!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2016 : 1:43:25 PM
Happy Saturday ladies, It is a whopping -15 below here at the moment. We had snow and ice yesterday and so I got to come home early. The police asked all schools to dismiss early so they were safely home before it got really bad. Love that about a small town.
Peggy and Judy and Patsy: praying for yall. This is the first Christmas without my sweet mother in law. We are a bit sad but it is funny how God keeps her right up front. I just chuckle. I am sure her first Christmas in heaven with sweet father in law will be joyous. But her traditions for the family are definitely going on. We laugh at the things she used to say this time of year. God is good and may he hold yall close to him. He loves you all.
I get out for break on Wednesday at 12. It will be nice to have a bit of time to rest and refresh. I need to finish shopping. The weather here has put a damper on that hoping this week to finish up. It is supposed to be nicer. Hubby made me promise I would stay home today. He is at wrestling tournament. I said I am not putting my toesies out. So I made chicken soup and brownies and got caught up on a few things.
well ladies, I am going to finish my Jane Austen book and have a pot of tea. She did turn 241 yesterday so I am having a pot in her honor.
love and blessings, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
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True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Dec 17 2016 : 2:08:02 PM
Well... Happy 241st Birthday Jane Austen!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!" "Broken cookies don't have calories!" |
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