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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 17 2016 :  2:40:18 PM  Show Profile
Mom, I haven't even started the blanket yet so chances are I at least won't be on to the second skein of yarn before you get here if I have started it at all!! I made the kids clean maybe some of the dust got knocked off. I'm doing laundry and I think D took the hint to finish the contact paper ;). We will spend next week trying to figure out a temporary way to organize the unaccompanied baggage stuff lol.

They were able to deliver my furniture this morning YAY! So I'm sitting in my chair and finding it very hard to even consider getting up!


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2016 :  3:51:12 PM  Show Profile
Went to a friend's 50th wedding anniversary party today and finished up Christmas shopping. Watching Daniel Boone Christmas show. Today is my son-in-law's birthday. My granddaughter made a video of her Christmas decorations and posted it to facebook this morning, too cute.
Well ladies, have a great weekend.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Dec 18 2016 :  06:04:31 AM  Show Profile
Judy - God is so good!!!! Wonde4rful news!!!!! AND you get to spend Christmas with Patsy! How wonderful is that!!!! Make sure you give each other Christmas hugs from us too :)

Sabrina - do you know what gender you are having? I was thinking that you do not find out, but couldn't remember for sure. The kids and I are praying for you :) It will be so lovely to have family nearby to help and love on you!!! Now that you are stateside, we really need to figure out a way to get together and meet!

Sylvia - I think it is absolutely wonderful that Sabrina will have you to help and that you are so willing... and looking forward to it!!! What a blessing!!!

Peggy - Praying for you <3

Nora - Happy birthday to your son-in-law :) Hoping you too have a lovely weekend.

Today we are headed to church, then coming home and working on more Christmas presents. My five year old is making sock animals for his siblings. So far we have finished a pony, dog, and monkey. I still need to help him make a cat, owl, and frog. I'm hoping to get at least two of them done today, but boy do they take some time and concentration!!! Once I'm done helping him, I need to help the others as well! Hard to believe Christmas is in a week!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 18 2016 :  09:52:26 AM  Show Profile
Hi My Sweet Porchies...need to get ready for Church but decided to hop on here for a minute. It is really cold here but that is OK it isn't raining.
Happy about that! We still have about an inch of snow on the ground. I want Summer!!! LOL

I hope you all Have a Wondersful Sonday!!!

Went to my Grand-daughters second birthday party yesterday. This was suppose to be a Family and Friends Party but the only ones to show up were
4 grandparents. Bad weather won't keep us away...we are even better than the U.S. Postal Service! LOL It turned out to be the best little intimate
Family Party. Couldn't ask for anything more! She was so much fun with her Big Pink Flower Cupcake! Really messed up the cake all over but she ate
a bunch of it too. Mommy was smart and stripped her out of her clothes before she got her cupcake. I posted pictures on my FB Page if anyone wants
a "Look-See".

Ok...I better get doing my thing and get ready for Church. I figured since I felt like going my husband probably wouldn't but he didn't leave me a
note saying he was staying home so looks like we are "Good To Go". Have a great day girls!!!

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

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752 Posts

Posted - Dec 18 2016 :  10:59:21 AM  Show Profile
Shannon- We didn't find out with Daniel or with this baby the gender but we did before that. I figure now I have some of each so I don't really need to know early. I'd love to see pictures of the sock animals, what a sweet thing for him to do for his siblings. Do you use a pattern?

I have this looooong to do list for this weekend but not much of it has gotten done. I'm telling myself it doesn't matter don't worry about it. I did get a few things done and I'm enjoying my chair. I'm at the point where things just hurt randomly and having a lot of braxton hicks contractions. But I feel like I'm being lazy.


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Dec 19 2016 :  6:51:13 PM  Show Profile
Finally got the signature pad working again at work. It's great when it works but a real pain for everyone when it's down. In the last 18 months it's worked properly less than half the time. I don't understand most of the business have one now and can't have as much of a problem as we have. Okay, through venting.
Got the last Christmas present in the mail today and the kittens had torn up the last of the wrapping paper so it's back to the store tomorrow.
One of the guy's at work wife made me a goodie basket with cookies and fudge and an applesauce cake for everyone. One of the drivers brought in popcorn covered with white chocolate and colored sprinkles. Christmas is one of the times that working with the public is worth the hassle.
Well ladies, time for tea and bed.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 20 2016 :  01:07:18 AM  Show Profile
Hi My Porchies...rather an interesting day today. Needed some down time and I got it. I also went out and picked up the last of the Gift Cards I needed.
And so those are all done. My shopping is Officially done...but would like to get a gift basket of something for my Neighbors (right next door).

I locked myself out of the house tonight. Left the house keys in my other coat pocket. Great...My husband was gone as well as my, I had to kill an
hour before hubby got back home. He was out doing some Process Serving tonight. Just some temporary PT work he picked up a couple of days ago. I had a spare
hidden key but I gave it to my son to use while he was staying with us and he takes it with him instead of leaving it in my Hidey-Hole. LOL

Church was so good yesterday...but I spent the whole service with tears streaming down my face. My heart feels so shattered with my situation with my husband.
And after Church he said the wrong thing to me and I just unloaded all my brokenness. He had been mean to me even at Church...and I just broke. He dropped me
off at home after listening to me all the way home and said he would be back later. But instead of really going anywhere...he just went and Got some KFC for
Lunch and came back home. He must have been thinking about everything I said...because he came back and watched a Football game with Patrick and me and he was
pleasant. He went to bed for a nap and I stayed up and got into The Word and let God pour His healing balm into my bleeding heart. He is a crazy Good Papa God.
In my random devotional time he brought me to the same 4 main scriptures that our Pastor had used in his morning sermon. I love when something is important
enough that God gives you a double lesson on it. It was all about healing and peace and also about how God "Delights" (my Spiritual Word for 2016) in Me (us)
and sings over me (us) brings us Peace even in the middle of our Storms. It was so good and that Peace just came right out of the Word and calmed my spirit and
made me rejoice and Thank Him. And today we have managed to get through an entire day with no craziness between us. Praise The Lord! God is so Faithful!

Well, I'm rather tired so I am going to go to bed and hope and pray for less rain tomorrow. Now we have a flooding advisory going...because it warmed up today and melted all the snow too quickly.

Have a Beautiful Tuesday Girls...

Blessings upon Blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 20 2016 11:59:50 AM
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
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Posted - Dec 20 2016 :  05:57:52 AM  Show Profile
Good morning ladies. I'm up early. I've been hearing the beep-beep of backing up vehicles since 4:30 and finally gave up at 6:30 and got up. No idea what they were doing as we didn't get any snow so it wasn't snow removal. I hate starting the day irritated.

Awesome news - the Judge granted Jordon custody of Jasper permanently with every other weekend visits to her!!!! You should have heard her gasp when our lawyer and the Judge discussed checking to see if SSI would pay her child support LOL She thought she would get Jasper the entire Christmas weekend (and planned to take him out of town) even though it wasn't her weekend and the Judge didn't grant it. She brought the guy she's dating that's the child abuser. Started the hearing by requesting that he be able to represent her which the Judge denied. She then put him on the stand as a witness for herself where under cross examination he had to explain what he did to his child to receive a felony child abuse charge. She decided to play the "he's not the father" card even though they submitted paternity paperwork over a year ago to the state that Jordon signed saying he was the father. She claimed the company that they did a mail in DNA test through was a sham and wasn't valid but provided no proof. She kept insisting the Judge order a DNA test. He informed her she needed to submit the proper form to request it "in accordance with ND law." What he didn't tell her is that she only had 90 days after they submitted the paperwork to the state to file that DNA request form and she's now out of luck since it's been over a year LOL. To say nothing went like she expected would be an understatement. She really thought announcing he wasn't the father because of the ultrasound dates, which she didn't bring to submit, would get her instant custody. She didn't earn any points with the Judge either getting an attitude with him.

We stayed behind to talk after the hearing was over. When we came out of the court room the area is totally glass so they saw her take her 3-ring binder and smash it onto the ground outside. I was behind Matt so I didn't see it. I did see her papers flying everywhere out of it though. She stormed off and her friends were running around trying to collect all the papers. They left and brought her back as we were leaving. We'd hoped she was coming up the stairs so we took the elevator. When the elevator opened she was standing there and then demanded to know where the papers were to sign. We were all a bit confused about what papers she was referring to, until she stated the paternity papers (for DNA). Then she demanded our lawyer draw them up and she'd sign them at which point our lawyer had no problem telling her she was Jordon's lawyer, not hers, and she could file her own paperwork. Needless to say it was an awesome early Christmas present for us that he was able to keep Jasper.

Sabrina - When is your due date? I'm sure you've posted but I can't remember.

Peggy - I'm glad you had some downtime Sunday for yourself. Self care will be really important for you. If you don't stay filled up and take care of yourself you won't be able to take care of your husband. I'm sure it's like an alien has taken your husband over with the way he's been acting with only brief glimpses of the man you loved. I'm sure he'd be appalled at how he's treating you if he was healthy. He didn't ask for these health issues but I wonder how much anger is there at life and at God for allowing this to happen. How much longer do you think he'll be able to continue doing any type of work? I will continue to keep you both in prayer.

Well, I need to get moving and get ready for work. The boss is out until next year but calls frequently during the day so I still have to be on my toes. Take care everybody and have an awesome day.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Prairie Critter Pet Sitter
"Pampered care for your pet"
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Dec 20 2016 :  06:29:15 AM  Show Profile
Good morning lovely ladies!!! Things here are going alright. STILL waiting for the military to pay us (his last paycheck, along with vouchers for the hurricane evacuation and moving), so funds have been at an all time low, but our God is crazy good!

Tammy - I am so thrilled to hear that Jordan has full custody!!!! What an awesome answer to prayer!

Peggy - God will see you through this <3 Continuing to pray!

Sabrina - If we ever get pregnant again, I'm not sure if we will find out either. I just don't know. I like the idea of a surprise, but it helps knowing what we are going to have as well.

The last few days I have been helping the children make gifts for one another. I will be continuing doing that today. Hard to believe that Christmas is just a few days away!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 20 2016 :  12:18:30 PM  Show Profile
Prairie Tammy...I am so THRILLED for Jordan that he gets permanent custody of Jasper! That is just so Awesome! Priase God!!!
I pray that she won't do anything trying to run with him on one of her visitation days. I will be praying against that.
You ALL must feel like you got an Extra Special Christmas Gift this year! Just so Wonderful and I'm truly Happy for you all.

God will get me through this...but it seems like we have 1 half way decent day and then we take 6 steps back! I just don't
know how long my heart can take this. Only God knows...and I know he will give me the Strength...His Not Mine. Mine is all used

I am going Thursday Morning up to the Oregon Health and Science Hospital to visit my Friend who just had a Stem-Cell Transplant.
Our Bible Study Group is giving her $540.00 for Christmas...which is more a gift of Love than anything that is really going to
help her financially. We just want her to know that we love her and continue to support her in our prayers and gifts. We also put
a Gift Bag full of Goodies together for her. Hope the Hospital will allow them in there. Books, Chemo Hat, Cards and other little
goodies. Talk about someone who is so far worse off than I am. She has been battling this Cancer for a Year and has had more Treatments
than anyone I have ever known with Cancer. She should find out in another week if the Stem Cell Treatment cured her or not.

Shannon...praying that you get the money owed you/ sooner than later! I know it is so hard to believe that Christmas is in 5
days! I'm as ready as I will ever be. My heart just is not into it this year. First time ever in my Life I have felt that way.

Enjoy Your Day Girls and do something FUN!

Love and Hugs,


Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Dec 20 2016 12:23:13 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Dec 22 2016 :  3:16:25 PM  Show Profile
Christmas lunch at work today. Very nice. I'm off until after New Years then my replacement is to start. I hope I can get the basics across in training.
The new kittens, Dolly and Winston, are being accepted by Cleo and Cherokee better than I thought. I believe it's because they have each other to play with and don't bother the older cats as much as Cherokee bothered Cleo and Cocoa when she arrived. Jay got them a bunch of toys yesterday. Now every time I step on one I think its a kitten.
Very warm here today. I only wore a tee shirt this afternoon.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Dec 23 2016 :  7:44:57 PM  Show Profile
Shannon, I got my tea package today. Did you make the tuck-in? Wherever did you find the time?
Thank you so much!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
"Broken cookies don't have calories!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Dec 23 2016 :  9:40:15 PM  Show Profile
Judy - Yay! Glad they are finally arriving! I did indeed make the tuck-in :) Hope you enjoyed!

Nora - I am trying to convince my hubby to get kittens in a month or two to start "training" as barn cats (basically that this is where they live so they do not wander and get eaten by coyotes). I'm not being too successful, but I'll keep working on him ;)

Peggy - I pray, with Christmas quickly approaching, that your heart gets more in it here soon! Many many hugs!!!

The last couple of days have been spent on wrapping and crafting. Brad's mom had gifts for the children sent here, which has been great, except it means I need to wrap everything. I truly do not mind though, as she is a huge blessing!!! Yesterday I cut out the Christmas Eve pajamas... and today I have been sewing them. I need to finish up the hems on one more pair, and they will be done. Yahooooo!!! Tomorrow will be spent finishing up a few other gifts, wrapping, and baking :) Sunday we are suppose to be getting a blizzard :)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 23 2016 :  10:23:23 PM  Show Profile
Shannon...I got my Tea Pakage too!!! Awesome Teas and I loved the Tuck you made!!! Thanks for the Purple! (+:
I am feeling better yesterday and today. So God is hearing all your prayers for me My Porchies. Thank YOU!!!

Went yesterday to visit my beloved sister in Christ Kim...who has battled aggressive Cancer for a year and just had a
stem cell transplant. She is in The Oregon Health & Science Hospital. She is such an inspirational person...she cheered
me and Verla up more than we did her...I think. She has been through so much and yet her attitude is Positive and she
lives in hope and peace daily. She is amazing. She has to stay in the Hospital for 6 weeks getting treatments of all kinds
and being poked and jabbed and just so much. There is a 50/50 chance she will be cured by the Stem Cell Transplant but
she won't really know for sure for 6 months. She is so Brave and Courageouos and Fearless and is totally Trusting God
through all of this. So, what do I have to whine about? NOTHING!!! My problems are teeny tiny in comparison to hers.

Merry CHRISTmas Girls...Have a Beautiful One,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
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Posted - Dec 24 2016 :  11:17:16 AM  Show Profile
Happy Christmas Even to everybody! I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday. We're expecting blizzard conditions tomorrow, possible 8" to 21" depending on how the storm tracks.

Shannon I also received my tea packet. Thank you! Green is my favorite color too.

Peggy - I wouldn't say your problems are less, they are just different from your friends. The emotional stress is just as significant and you deserve as much support to help you through it. I'm glad you were able to come away feeling better though.

I'm planning on getting my pies baked today. This morning has been busy doing last minute shopping with Jasper before the stores became insane. I'm irritated at Amazon as it didn't warn me that 2 items I ordered for Matt wouldn't arrive in time until about 5 days after I ordered. Unfortunately I couldn't find any that would make it in time. Amazon then emailed me I think it was Monday saying one of the items would arrive Thursday but Thursday morning I got another email saying it was delayed and wouldn't arrive until Tuesday. I ordered these over 2 weeks ago so it wasn't like a last minute order. Matt's hunting coat's zipper decided to fall apart so I was able to grab another similar coat today to replace it.

Well lunch is ready and I need to get moving before Jasper wakes from his nap. He's been a hurricane lately and has to be constantly watched.

Have a wonderful Christmas everybody!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Prairie Critter Pet Sitter
"Pampered care for your pet"
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

882 Posts

Linneus Maine
882 Posts

Posted - Dec 24 2016 :  4:33:32 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Ladybek9756's MSN Messenger address  Send Ladybek9756 a Yahoo! Message
Merry Christmas everyone. Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Merry Christmas tonight. May all your joys and wishes come true and Santa's visit tonight brings delight to you in the A.M.

May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears.
FGOTM December 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Dec 24 2016 :  6:17:43 PM  Show Profile
Shannon - if they just "show up" would he send them away? Mine showed up on their own but I'm not sure Jay believes it.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. Hope Santa is good to everyone. But don't forget the reason for the season. Happy birthday Jesus.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Dec 24 2016 :  7:20:46 PM  Show Profile
Merry Christmas Porch-Buds!!!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
"Broken cookies don't have calories!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Dec 25 2016 :  11:29:33 AM  Show Profile
Merry Christmas everyone!
Got up this morning and it was bright and sunny. We have had a bit of rain so the creek near our home has been running. Normally it is dry dry dry. My little girl loves to get her paws wet so we went down to the creek. The walking trail is up higher so the hillside is steep in some places. I was sitting on a rock near the water while watching Shylo splash around. After a few decided to get up to go home and make my breakfast Christmas bake. Lost my footing and slipped hiney end first in the mud. Got more muddy trying to get up. Probably why Hubby starting calling me Tumbleweed years ago. This wasn't the first time I came home muddy or via detour to the ER. Got home ok though, this time. Hope everyone is having a great and "cleaner" Christmas day.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Dec 25 2016 :  2:01:49 PM  Show Profile
Finished the rounds for today. Have to go to Roanoke tomorrow to do the kids and grandkids. Probably be sorry I gave in to doing it the Monday after Christmas. I expect traffic on 81 will be a nightmare. Hope everyone had a wonderful, safe day.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Dec 25 2016 :  2:44:11 PM  Show Profile
Merry Christmas dear Porchies! This is our first white Christmas in a really really long time! As in since we were kids! So we are super excited!!! The children have been loving their gifts - makes my heart happy! To see their eyes light up when they open them, and then give the giver a huge hug, s wonderful... and the beam on the giver's face makes all the work and exhaustion so worth it!

Nora - honestly, I don't know how my hubby would respond if they just showed up... I think I have him pretty convinced to get a couple for our daughter in January, with the understanding that they will go outside, but first we have to make sure the funds are there. I use to hate driving 81 right after Christmas!!! Brad's family lives up in Hagerstown, so we would take 81 from SC. It was better than 95, but I still hated the traffic! Out here, there is no traffic - and I LOVE it!!!

Nancy - welcome to the porch :) Are you feeling alright after your fall? Hope you are not too sore!!! What kind of dog is Shylo?

Well I better go work more on our dinner, and let the kids open more gifts. Much Christmas love to you all!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Dec 26 2016 :  08:28:23 AM  Show Profile
Merry Christmas to all of you! I know some of you are still waiting to celebrate with family and friends...stay safe!

We had a beautiful white Christmas with our children and celebrated Friday eve. with our daughter and most of her children. Today we have less snow and much ice.

Shannon, I received your lovely teas and the very nice tuck! Thank you!

Happy New Year, Farmgirls! Whatever it brings us...

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Posted - Dec 26 2016 :  09:54:38 AM  Show Profile
Hi Shannon

Not sore at all. Landed in mud and not the first time. I hike a lot with Shylo. She is an American Muttigree. We got her from the shelter when she was 4 months old. She will be 10 in Feb.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Dec 26 2016 :  11:44:36 AM  Show Profile
Nancy...that isn't the way to get a mud bath girl! LOL Or maybe it's the best way...I'm not sure! Your dog is cute. I love her heart shaped Face!!
She looks pretty good for being almost 10.

Shannon...that is so awesome that your kids make things for each other and really seem to appreciate the simpler gifts in life! That is Wonderul!

Prairie Tammy...Thanks for the perspective on Life Events! I had a very Enjoyable and Peaceful and Fun Christmas with my kids! They spoil me rotten.
And so does my best friend Patti (my son's MIL). I told them they were going to have to rent me a second Apartment to house all my Gifts. They just
laughedd at me! I Praise God for my boys and their wives. They are all so special to my heart. My middle son Pat who has been staying with us got
me a Beautiful Purple Sweater for Christmas and it's a size Medium and it Fits Perfectly. Haven't worn a Medium in about 10 my walking is
paying off!!! I also am always HOT and never wear I turned off the heat in the house so I could wear My Christmas gift. My husband
came out and said, "Honey, it's freezing in here!" I just smiled at him and pointed to the Sweater and he "got it!" LOL

My hubby got out for Christmas Eve Dinner at our son's house. Then he left after about an hour and a half and I stayed until 9:00 that night. Then he
slept all day I went back to my sons to open gifts Christmas Day at 11:00. I gave them their Family time together to do their Christmas
Morning with their kids...then when I got there we did our gifts to each other and I let the kids show me all the cool things they got and I get
excited with them. FUN TIMES!!!

I hope all the Rest of You had a Dilightful Day in Jesus and all your Santa Wishes came true!!!

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Dec 26 2016 :  11:45:41 AM  Show Profile
Welcome to the porch Nancy! I like your nick-name... evidently it fits you, huh? Sounds like you have some really nice places to hike around there. I could picture it as you described it. Shylo has such dainty feet.
I like the description "American Muttigree." That's the only kind of dogs we had growing up. They all lived to be 19 and 20.
Well, we have 60 today then back to 30's tomorrow. Cleveland is 63 today. Wow!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
"Broken cookies don't have calories!"
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