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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 02 2017 : 11:34:06 AM
Good Morning My Porchies...HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL! I am expecting Great Blessings for This New Year! And I love how we each face the New Year the same way. A Blank Page in our New Journal/Journey of Life and we get to fill in the Blessings every day.
Yesterday was a Lazy Football Day around here. I watch more Football than my husband does! LOL My husband taught me all about football and basketball when we got married and I was hooked from the word "GO"! My hubby watched one game with me yesterday and I watched 3! I told you it was a Lazy Day! LOL
Today I started a 21 Day Spiritual Detox Challenge (on Line) with Ted Decker (Christian Fiction Author) and a couple thousand other people. The Detox only means that you are learning to eliminate all the wrong concepts you have about your Heavenly Father, Yourself, and Your Journey together through this Life. Day one is complete and so far so good! I'm not expecting that I will learn anything new but I am wanting to refocus on My Beloved Father in an even deeper and more intimate way. When life gets chaotic and messy and pretty negative all is good to allow God to resonate more strongly in your heart, life, and Journey. So for me personally this is a 21 day Refocus, Refresh, and ReCommit. I will be picturing myself as a Piture of Muddy Water...and pouring it out everyday at the Foot of the Cross and asking God to refill me with More of Him.
Teacher Tammy...Don't the Vacation Days seem to fly by? I am glad that you did get some refreshing time yourself. And I am sure the dogs will be very confused when everyosne goes back to work and school. You were smart to get Jax a play mate. Do both dogs stay in doors while you are at work? I loved seeing pictures on FB of your Butterflies. They look like a good group of kids this year.
Becky...I was over checking out your newest pictures today. Oh my, things are coming along so well on your Farm. Thanks for letting us come on the Journey with you! It is so much fun!!!
Nora...Congrats on Being Farrmgirl of the Month! How exciting is that? I love that so many of our Porchies are getting the Honor! When One Wins...we ALL win! LOL
Prairie were SMART not to pour a bunch of money into Christmas gifts for Jasper. He is so young that the wrapping paper and boxes are even more exciting than the gifts. LOL I saw that with my one year old grand-daughter again. They love all the trappings of Gifts than the gift itself. As parents and Grandparents maybe we should all get smart and just gift wrap "empty" boxes and we'd all be happier. LOL's good for the supervisors to have that occassional contact with the Public. Makes them appreciate what the rest of you do on a daily basis. Right? glad to see you on the Porch girl. Don't stay gone so long! You ALWAYS have good things to share and we miss you when you are gone.
Sabrina...I'm glad that your things showed up before the baby did. I'm sure you want everything in order be for He/She arrives but don't where yourself out. Is your mom there yet? I am so glad that you two are going to have some Mother/Daughter time together too. I am sure she will be a big help for you also.
Judy...I liked your Prayer Rug idea. And I bet it did help you remember to pray for Patsy and her family. Do you have snow??? How was your New Years Girl? Mine was enjoyed with my kids for the Afternoon and my hubby for the Evening. Oh, and My Scotty Dog on my lap for a couple of hours while obnoxious people did Fireworks. My dog hates the noise and at the sound of the first boom he wants up on my lap and he is shaking like a leaf! Poor boy! Yesterday on our walk it was lightly snowing and he loves the snow and so he was enjoying the flakes falling, then we ran across a white balloon on a string just laying in the middle of the street and he kept lunging at it and making it move and then he would chase it. He tried to pick it up by the ribbon tied to it but he couldn't quite accomplish it. I laughed at his antics though...he was quite amuzing.
Well, girls I'm off to do something besides be on this computer for hours blabbing. LOL
Love, Joy and Peace, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
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Fulks Run
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Posted - Jan 02 2017 : 4:14:08 PM
Girls going back after Christmas break, hope the kids are glad to be back and are not too much trouble.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jan 02 2017 : 6:53:48 PM
Happy New Year Gals! I had a very quiet New Years, just like my Christmas. Dave went to work and I just played puter games, puzzles and watched a movie. We don't have any snow. As a matter of fact today and tomorrow are 50's.~WHAT~ That's ok I guess...I don't have to shovel 50's! *giggle* Pasty is heading home tomorrow so please keep her and her SIL in your Prayers! Peg, I like the sound of a 'Spiritual Cleanse!' How wonderful!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!" "Broken cookies don't have calories!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2017 : 1:01:36 PM
Well, girls I reread my last post and you could sure tell I was tired! Oh, my the typos were prolific! LOL Too many to even want to go back and correct. Just remember I am a late night person...but sometimes my brain has already gone to sleep without me.
Well, I finished Day 2 of my Spiritual 21 Day Challenge. This is so good!!! And I love being able to share with other people taking the Challenge too. Today one part of the Lesson was to close your eyes and picture Jesus right in front of you and then watch as the scene plays out and then write it down on paper. I loved this because Jesus met each one of us at our own need. When I closed my eyes I saw Jesus throwing me up in the air and catching me as I came back down. He was an adult and I was a child of about 4 or 5. He kept doing the same thing over and over and I kept laughing harder and harder. There was such fun, amuzement and myrth in his loving eyes. And He laughed and I laughed and we were so caught up in the moment that even though there were other adults standing around us...he was just focused on me...and me on him. It was Fun, and Light Hearted and Full of Joy and Merriment and Love and Laughter! I didn't want him to stop or put me down. He Delighted in me and I Delighted in Him...and it was Wonderful!!! And do you know what? the vision faded away in my minds eye...He never did put me back down. WOW...what's not to Love about that assignment? It was Fabulous!
Judy...glad you don't have snow. We got a little yesterday! But it is bitter cold here...below freezing and windy. I need to go walk the Dog but I'm selfishly making him go as long as possible until I do. I'm not trying to be mean to him...I just don't want to go out there. Bad Mommie! Miss Judy are you reading any good books?
Well, I am waiting on my Tea Swap tucks to get here...then I can put the Tea Packets together. Like I said it will probably be towards the end of the Month. Also, according to Teacher Tammy on Facebook...January is the Official HOT TEA MONTH. OK...good to know! LOL I thought Every Month was Hot Tea Month!!! 
Need to go get a few things done so I'm off here for now. Will check back in later girls. Enjoy some Hot Chocolate Tea and Some Chocolate Chip Scones left on The Porch for your endulging pleasure!
Hugs, Joy, and Peace, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Jan 03 2017 1:05:20 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
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Posted - Jan 03 2017 : 4:01:07 PM
Peggy your experience sounded so amazing.
Well, first day of training my replacement. The jury is still out as to if she'll fit in. Got my fingers crossed. The flu is starting its rounds in Harrisonburg. We had a couple out sick.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Jan 03 2017 : 9:14:05 PM
Good evening ladies! We're still digging out from our last blizzard we got hit with over the weekend. The roads are horrible. There was frozen rain with it and the roads are snow over ice. They also bladed the roads and now there are gouges - its like driving on washed out dirt roads. They've been horrible about plowing and our streets still haven't been plowed. I was on a dog visit Monday morning and slid off the road into a ditch. No damage thankfully. Had to have a tow truck pull me out though. I learned I need to carry emergency supplies and my snowshoes with me at all times LOL
Jasper was already in bed when I came over so it's been nice to unwind tonight without trying to get him down. Jordon got internet connection today so I have access again.
Peggy - it was -17 when I got off work tonight without windchill. I totally get not wanting to go out. Poor Lacey hates it when it's this cold. Their paws freeze. That was a cool vision you had for your challenge. I signed up for several challenges but have had to put them on hold temporarily. I'll get back to them :O) I'm looking forward to my tea packet, it's definitely hot tea weather.
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Prairie Critter Pet Sitter "Pampered care for your pet" Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2017 : 12:26:44 AM
I got a few errands run tonight. My husband had bought us one of those five step chair ladders about a month ago. Well, when I threw out all the plastic and the box it came in etc. I threw away the pkgs of 4 screws, washers and nut caps. So, I went to the hardware store and bought what I needed and then came home and put the handle bars on the chair ladder. It is cool because standing on the 3rd or 4th Step I can touch the ceiling flat handed. And the chair is very when I need to change lights I can do it with no worry of falling off a step stool or ladder. The only draw back is...where to store it in the Apartment. It is kind of a monster. For now I will just lean it against the wall in my I need one more thing in there right? LOL
Then I went to Planet Fitness and withdrew my membership. I decided to walk in our small gym room at the I only want to use it when it is really cold or rainy...because I hate walking on Treadmills. When I went to Planet Fitness today...the girl there looked at my Picture on the Computer Screen and looked at me and then back at the screen...and I said, "Is something wrong?" She said, "No, I just noticed that you have lost a lot of weight since you joined us last January." I said, "Well I have lost 35lbs and gone down 2-3 clothing sizes." she then said, "Yeah, I can tell...good for you!" That made me feel good!
Tomorrow...I guess I need to start packing Christmas away. Hate to see it go but I've got that urge to get the house back in order. After that...which could take me a couple of days. I need to start shredding all my Aunts boxes of papers. I have two full large boxes...and once I get through those I will once again have more room in my bedroom. Which will be a very good thing.
Our wind chill factor right now is 17 above...and that is cold enough for me. I know some of you other girls have it a lot worse off. So, I will try not to whine to loudly! LOL 
Hugs and Smiles, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Jan 04 2017 12:32:41 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
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Posted - Jan 04 2017 : 5:23:52 PM
Training my replacement is going easier than I thought. I had nightmares for two nights before going back to work. So maybe things are going to work after all.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Jan 04 2017 : 6:26:13 PM
Good evening ladies, first day back with my butterflies. It wasn't too bad a day...although they had a lot of catching up to But it is a short week so by next week we will be back in full swing.
It is very cold here. Today we had a high of 13 and that is without wind chill being factored in. Yikes! I was sure glad to have tea upon home.
Peggy your detox sounds interesting. I am doing read through the word with some ladies on line and memorizing two scriptures a month. I feel the need to be deeper in the word and closer to God. My bible study group resumes next week and we will be doing Beth Moore's latest study Entrusted. I am looking forward to seeing my friends. I did not go much over December.
Jax and Tucker my sweet dogs didn't know what to think when we all left today. Tucker is crated during the day as he gets into trouble. He would have trash all over and eat anything out on the cupboards. Jax gets to roam. He cracks me up. He looks at the big dog like I am King and you are not. They were both quite happy to see me when I came home.
well I think I will have a cup of tea and read a bit and then bed early. love and hugs, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2017 : 10:47:22 AM

Hi Everyone! Long time no see!!!!
It's been crazy around here and I had to stay off the computer to get everything done for Christmas. Then I needed some down time. I still have one Christmas exchange left to make a couple things for, but my husband tries to put it off as long as possible to keep it fun. (It's with our best friends). Last year we ended up doing Christmas in July. They even made Christmas ornaments out of construction paper and hung in the pine tree outside. It was fun.
I haven't had time to catch up and I want to get all my Christmas stuff put away today so I'm just going to have to move forward. I've thought a lot about everyone and prayed for all of you. Even if I didn't know what was going on God did :)
I hope everyone is staying warm - it's hard to do here right now! It was -3 this morning. Makes for frozen toes and fingers :) We only have a little bit of snow. I heard some of our porchies were in for some bad winter weather. I hope everyone is alright.
I need to grab a bite to eat and get back to work. I'll stop by to sit for a while soon! Hugs!
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2017 : 11:09:09 AM
Heather, good to see you(er...hear you?) hahaha Wow, I thought 6 was cold for us this morning! We have been in the teens for a high for a couple of days....BUT sunny. Haven't seen that yellow orb since 1 day last week. Pasty said N. Carolina had 4 inches of snow by 1 AM this morning. Spose to get 8 inches. Man-o-man...we haven't had that much snow yet this winter in our area. Amazing! She's loving it.
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!" "Broken cookies don't have calories!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2017 : 1:52:56 PM
Just got back from vacationing in 80 degree weather to 10" of snow! I'm a bit cold right now. I can't wait until spring so I can create my first garden.
Kiersten Farmgirl Sister #7232 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2017 : 2:54:10 PM
Kiersten, I'll bet that was freaky... hot to cold in a few hours! YIKES!!!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!" "Broken cookies don't have calories!" |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2017 : 4:06:05 PM
Only had a couple of inches of snow. Temps are going to be really cold tonight and the wind is suppose to pick up. Had to do a little coop work. String broke when I opened the door this morning and they had kicked litter into the slide so I had to clean it to get the door to shut tight. We have our last holiday dinner tomorrow at Jay's aunt's house. Stay warm everyone.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 07 2017 : 10:23:59 PM
Hello My Porchies...
Like everyone else, I have been trying to get Christmas packed away. I got it done yesterday but it is still sitting in my Living Room (1/2 of it anyway) waiting for me to go put it in the Storage Shed. It was cold and snowy, I'm waiting for a warmer day. LOL IF I'm cold...then you know it's cold around here because I am always HOT! Suppose to be in the low teens tonight with freezing probably No Church tomorrow. I got my Valentine Decor put up yesterday. The lady across the hall still has her Christmas stuff up so we have a bit of conflicting decor. LOL glad to see you on The Porch girlfriend. Sounds really cold where you are. I don't like those minus temperatures. I had too much of that in Spokane and Montana. Brrr! Well, come back when you can sit a spell girl.
Nora...well some of you gals love to Strrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the Holidays out don't you? LOL Sounds like fun...just joshing ya! You stay warm too!!
Kiersten...Wow, that must have been a shock to your go from such extreme weather like that. I think I would go back on Vacation! LOL Extend the FUN and Warmth for a little bit longer! Welcome To The Porch...come back and visit as often as you can. And if this spring will be your first will have all kinds of fun from now until then planning it! You can order Free Seed Catalogs from lots of Seed Companies...and they are beautiful and fun to look through and help you plan.
Judy and Heather it was 13 above here this I shouldn't complain huh? Well, I'm glad your sissy is liking her snow and cold weather. I have a sister in-law who lives in Greensboro NC. They can all have their snow and tropical storms...not my cuppa tea! I still have not gotten the tucks I ordered speaking of TEA. I'm getting a bit worried they lost my order. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm! They won't dare, would they?
Teacher Tammy...I am teaching Beth Moore's Entrusted right now. It is a great study...lots good discussion from my gals. You will enjoy being back with your Sisters and going through that Study. I am really enjoying the 21 Day Spiritual Challenge but it is not for the faint hearted let me tell you. I'm loving it though!
OK My Lovelies I'm off to do a few chores and drink some chocolate mint tea before I head off to read. Sleep tight!!!
Love, Hugs, and Blessings To All, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Jan 08 2017 : 04:02:46 AM
Yes, it was quite a shock to my system. I have family in Florida though so maybe I can just run away and stay in the warmer weather. haha.
That's a good idea to order the seed catalogs. I'm not sure where to begin with planning my garden! It will have to be a container garden right now but my mom has a massive container garden on the back patio so I'm sure she could help me with ideas.
Kiersten Farmgirl Sister #7232 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2017 : 07:39:57 AM
Good morning dear Porchies :) I have spent the last few days working on getting the children's school ready for the month. I try to plan a month out, so that I only have to do it once a month... and not longer than a month because someone inevitably needs longer than what I planned for at least one subject. The beauty of homeschool :) I use to plan the whole year out, and then would get frustrated with all the replanning I had to do!
We are about to get a heat wave and be above freezing. Honestly, I am not looking forward to it! We have so been enjoying the cold. It is 16 this morning! That is seriously warm compared to what we have been having! We have been enjoying the below zero and single digit temps! It is so hard to figure out how much snow we have here!
I've also been busy putting in for badges. I am so bad about postponing when I apply, and then I need to do quite a few at once. It would be so much easier if I would just do it as I go!!! But I suppose that is true with anything you procrastinate!!!
Heather - lovely to "see" you on the porch! I LOVE the picture you put on here. That was just wonderful!
Kiersten - my cousin lives in Florida and is up in Ohio visiting her sister right now. She is having the same issue with weather. She went from her normal warm temperature, to cold and snow! She's not enjoying it at all!
Peggy - I may have already posted this, but we are leaving our tree up until after the 16th. Sammi's eighth birthday is that day, and she wants it up until then, so we are obliging. After her birthday I will "undecorate" from Christmas and put my Valentine decorations up. Honestly, I don't have much! Maybe I can get some made for this year...
Nora - It looks like we are going to have to wait on the cats for now. Still waiting for the military to straighten things out. We finally got ahold of someone in the finance department for them to tell us there is nothing they can do on their level. Hubby finally heard from our congressman, so hopefully they will get involved. Until his active duty pay is resolved, they will not start his retirement pay. Funds will be gone completely after this month. Scary time for us!!! Glad to hear that things are going well with your replacement training!!!
TLTammy - I'm having a similar desire to draw closer with God and being deeper in His Word. I haven't figured out what I am going to do to keep me accountable right now! With no funds coming in, we are not attending church or going anywhere unless we absolutely have to! The church is 45 minutes away! I try to wrap my brain around what it was like when churches were only attended when the traveling preacher made it to town, and it makes complete sense why they had home church meetings!!!!
PGTammy - Does Jasper live primarily with you or Jordan? Hopefully you haven't had any more issues with the mother!!! I'm glad you were not hurt when you slid off the road!!! One of the neighbor's a few years back was hit my a truck that slid on black ice... they lost their then three year old son. We pass the memorial for the child every time we drive anywhere. It has put a fear into me about driving in the snow and ice. It has been over 12 years since I have driven in any!
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2017 : 3:18:50 PM
Roads are mostly dry and clear so going to work in the morning will be no problem. Wouldn't want to miss my last 14 days, would I? We had a nice meal at Aunt Nancy's. I fixed Cowboy Beans and they went over very well. I have beans for the rest of the week though. The recipe makes so many/
Shannon, red tape is so very hard to get through, fingers crossed that it is soon straightened out. And remember God is wherever two or more are gathered together in His name.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Jan 08 2017 : 6:16:07 PM
Evening ladies! I had some down time while Jordon and little man were gone for a bit. I hate to say it but I desperately needed it and wish it was a lot longer than it was. It was -16 with -42 wind chill earlier. I'm ready for a warm up, even if it's only zero degrees lol
The little man has been sick. We went to pick up groceries Friday night and he threw up twice at the store and then threw up several times after we got him back home. I think it's from teething, he's cutting his 4th tooth on the bottom (will be 8 total then). He was really congested last night so I put a couple drops of eucalyptus on his pillow and he stayed asleep the rest of the night thankfully. He's been partially waking up and crying, but doesn't want a bottle, several times during the night. He typically will go back to sleep if I rub his back or rock him in my arms. My son desperately needs a rocking chair! He's cranky during the day too. I need to get an otoscope so I can make sure he's not getting an ear infection with all this teething.
For those of you with kids, did any of you have issues with constipation? I've never seen a kid this young have issues before. We bought some otc baby constipation stuff but it really doesn't seem to be helping. He stands and screams when he goes. The odd part is it's soft. I'm worried about him giving himself a hernia. Once Jordon's insurance kicks in we'll take him in for a well baby check and see if we can find out the status of his shots as well.
Shannon - you asked where Jasper was primarily staying - it has been at my place but now I'm staying at Jordon's to take care of him at night and then taking him to the babysitter in the morning so Jordon can sleep. It's working out well since Jasper has been asleep by the time I get off work so Jordon didn't need to wake him and take him out in this retched cold.
Lenora - I love Cowboy beans but the recipe does make a ton doesn't it.
Kiersten - Had the same thing happen when we went to Porto Rico a couple years back. Went from sub freezing temps to 80 and back again. It made it worse to come back.
Heather - I saw this neat contraption today on a FB post that you put on a pregnant cow that's due and if she starts having contractions it triggers an alarm on your cell phone. What a cool use of technology! Have you used these devices? I'm curious how well they work. Save getting up multiple times during the night to check that's for sure.
Okay, little man is about ready for bed considering his fussing level so I need to get his pj's on and a bottle ready. Have a great week everybody!
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Prairie Critter Pet Sitter "Pampered care for your pet" Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
102 Posts
102 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 05:14:03 AM
Tammy, the bad thing is that we had a bit of a warm spell when I left. I went from 40-50 degrees, to 80 degrees to temperatures in the single digits! Today it's a high of 11.
Kiersten Farmgirl Sister #7232 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 4:35:01 PM
Tammy, so sorry teething is being hard on Jasper. Some kids breeze through, though I don't remember it being easy for either of mine. I know things will be better when the temperatures are more moderate.
Today at work was really busy. Need a new battery for one piece of equipment and belts for two others. Three different times of the day. Nothing seemed to brake at the same time. Just one of those days.
Jay took Cherokee to the vet today, she wasn't acting normal, so now she's on special food and medicine.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 5:05:41 PM
Tammy - I'm pretty natural when it comes to my kids... so you may not like my suggestions... But here ya go anyways :) For teething, I am a firm believer in amber necklaces. They have worked for five of my seven children... I didn't use them on my older two and wish I had!!! As for constipation... the only bathroom issues we have had with the children have stemmed from food allergies. Gluten gives my children stomach cramps and diarrhea and dairy causes Emi to scream and not go, though it is soft when she does... Hope that helps!
Nora - what did the vet end up saying was wrong with Cherokee?
Things are going alright here. Did school with the kids - they all got done early!!! That was nice for a change :)
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 5:44:49 PM
Shannon, They think it has to do with the new kittens, they gave us a plug in that is suppose to help the older cats accept the young ones more easily.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Jan 09 2017 : 11:01:48 PM
Prairie they still sell Teething Tabs? I know they helped my grandkids. I think I had heard something about them being taken off the market though. Not sure! The Amber necklaces worry me with strangling but I know my youngest DIL used them with Elijah. I really don't get how they are suppose to help. I am praying that you get a bit more alone time too. I know that you are there to help but I know sons can act helpless when moms around. LOL
Nora...sorry about the Cat situation. Hopefully what the Vet recommended will help. Sounds like you had a frustrating day at work with everything breaking down. Isn't it the can never just be one thing breaking has to start a landslide of mechanical problems. How is the training going? Will you just be able to walk away no matter what? It is so hard if you don't think the new persons are prepared to handle the job fully. At least that was my experience but I was able to walk away for my own sake.
Kiersten...11 degree high? Brrr! We were 41 today and it felt so good after the freezing rain and ice weekend. It hurts to go out and feel that the rain is pelting your head and body as ice pellets and not just water. That is often the time my dog wants to sniff everything and not care how fast he does his business. LOL And all I want to do is get back in the house as quickly as possible.
Shannon...maybe you could tell me how the amber necklaces are suppose to help with teething?
OK My Lovelies...I have had a stressful weekend with hubby. And I over worked and am paying for it in pain and tiredness today and tonight. So, I think I will try to crawl into bed early (for me) tonight and get some extra rest. Please pray for I am going to try to get back to my walking routine tomorrow. Inside our Apartment Weight Room they have two, I will try to get in there. I don't want to start to gaining my weight back. I worked to hard to get it off. I want to lose more not going backwards...and I haven't walked for about 6 weeks now...because of the Holidays and the weather.
Good Night, Sleep Tight... Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
814 Posts
814 Posts |
Posted - Jan 10 2017 : 08:09:22 AM
Good Morning! Can I join the porch?
It has warmed up here in Indiana, this weather is so unusual.High of 50 in January.
I am trying to awake earlier, but that is hard for me. I wake up at the last minute and then rush rush out the door. Today I did get up 40 min earlier but 40 min later than the alarm. aye aye aye, LOL
Trying to be productive at work but my heart is just not in it. Say a little prayer for me and guidance on my career.I just am not enjoying it, part of me thinks I need to make a change, but the other part thinks I'm crazy and should be happy with where I am.
I have been doing great at bringing my lunch to work, but today I need to run papers for my mom to her doctor, and plan to hit the thrift and my favorite pizza place. Hopefully I will find a treasure and the pizza will be spectacular, that would make a rather blah day better.
I have decided (I think) to do my journal online but private. I love the paper version, but I never seem to have it with me when I want to jot something down. This way I can do it on my phone and I always have my phone.
Yesterday I subscribed to MJF magazine, ordered the DIY issue and my sisterhood membership. How exciting!! Yipee! I also ordered a new pair of wool socks (what can I say I was cold)
Bridge Put your lipstick on & be Happy! |
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