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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2017 :  09:09:11 AM  Show Profile
Nora - I am so sorry!!! When my first child was born, we had two cats. The older one flipped out and he starting urinating everywhere and on everything! We took him to the vet and had multiple tests run to make sure it was not some type of medical issue. Sadly is was behavioral. The day he peed ON my daughter is the day we took him back to the vet for them to find him a new home!

Peggy - I am so sorry to hear that you had such a rough weekend!!!! How are you feeling today? Better? You and your hubby are in my prayers!!! The problem with teething tablets is they contain lactose (dairy) so if there is a dairy issue, they could be problematic. I'm not sure of all the science behind amber necklaces... what I do know is that baltic amber contains succinic acid which is suppose to help with inflammation and is a natural analgesic (relieves pain). Here is a website with some information... We have only bought from "Inspired by Finn" and can only speak of theirs... The beads are individually knotted on, so if by some chance they break, all the beads will not fall off, which is one fear I have heard. As far as strangulation... it is recommended not to have the child wear them to bed around their neck...however I know some people still do. I for one often put it around my child's ankle at night under footy pajamas... that way they are still getting the benefits at night without the risk of strangulation. I've also heard concerns about the infant chewing on it... they are not suppose to be that big on the child to where they can chew on it! Does it work? I have to vote yes. I know I have used one for my constant headaches prior to my adrenal gland surgery and my 7 yo use to wear one for her arthritis. And as I said, my children wore them as infants for teething.

Tammy - A couple other things that help that I hadn't thought of in my last post, though the first is controversial are 1) vanilla extract rubbed on the gums - the smell of vanilla is very soothing to infants and the alcohol in it helps numb the child's mouth and 2) teething toys such as this one - These vibrate when they bite them and massage the gums. Emi loves these!!!

Bridge - WELCOME to the Porch! So glad to have you join us. Pull up a chair, have a cup of tea, and tell us about yourself. What kind of work do you do? So sorry you are not enjoying it! Did you have any luck at the thrift store? Was the pizza yummy? Oh how I miss pizza! Sadly I found out I am terribly allergic to cow milk, so I've sadly not had pizza for quite awhile! My hips and gut are probably better off for this, but oh how I could go for a slice.. or three ;) How exciting about becoming a sisterhood member! There are some HenHouses - both local and virtual that you may want to look into. And what is this DIY issue? Might need to look into that myself :)

So today I am doing school with the children again. I have two more finishing up their math. Once they are done we will tackle history and then geography. We are trying to finish up the Revolutionary War this month and in Geography - Indonesia. I think I learn more than my children!!! This afternoon I may try to apply and earn more badges. I'm slowly catching up on putting in the applications. Now that school has started back up, I'll probably slack off and wait to put more in... I'm so bad about applying for a bunch at a time! I feel kinda guilty about doing that to MaryJane!!! I'm sure it is easier to have a few trickle in everyday, then have people like me apply for a bunch at a time!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2017 :  09:55:19 AM  Show Profile
Peggy, first of all you know you and your husband are in my prayers. I will of course give the new girl my home phone number so she can verify what her notes say and the scalehouse has it and uses it frequently. Jill is taking notes and asking questions, it's just that I really have little reperatition in my jobs in the monthly cycle. She will only do it once with me and then be on her own.

Welcome, Bridge, you will love it here on the porch. Sit and have a cup of tea or other beverage. Check in often.

Shannon, I marvel at homeschooling mothers, I don't think I would have had the patience back when mine were little to do it. There wasn't a lot of homeschooling then or you didn't hear about it.

Well had a little sleet on my way to work this morning, but its warming up slowly. Suppose to be 64 on Thursday. Cold and flu weather for sure.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2017 :  11:01:11 AM  Show Profile
Hi gals, Boy we are having some unstable weather too. We've gone from bitter, single-digits and snow to ice pellets,windy and high 30's and possibly 50's and rain tomorrow and Thurs(if the Good Lord tarries).
Peggy, sending up extra Prayers!!... and get back to your daily trot... don't make me come out there and 'Put My Hands On My Hips!!!'* snicker*
Bridge, of course you can join on our porch. There's always room for a new farmgal! Pull up a porch-plank and relax.* hands you a piece of virtual, calorie-free chocolate cake to go with your streaming cuppa*
It's laundry day so I hear the dryer calling my name!
Make it a GREAT day Gals!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
"Broken cookies don't have calories!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2017 :  11:41:23 AM  Show Profile
Afternoon ladies,
I have a snow day today so no teaching butterflies today. We had freezing rain overnight and made roads a nightmare. The sun is out now but it is very cold so not much melting going on either. Today was to be the warmest day of the week. YIKES!!!!

Peggy I am praying for you and your hubby. Hang in there with your walk. I joined our local fitness center. I need adult conversation and several of my teacher friends go. I haven't lost much according to my doctor I am doing the right things but my body is slow loser. So I keep at it.

So today I have huddled under the blanket with a good book and pot of tea. I treasure these unexpected days home.

Bridge welcome to the porch. There is always a waiting rocking chair for new ones to join. Look forward to getting to know you.
well ladies, my book is calling me along with that teapot whistle.

have a terrific day and keep warm
love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

3602 Posts

Nora Springs IA
3602 Posts

Posted - Jan 10 2017 :  3:41:15 PM  Show Profile
I'm not sure where the post is that asks us to post pics of our outdoors. So, I will post one from today right here:
This is out the window next to our front door. DH gave me the wind chimes for Christmas. The longest bar is about 1 yd. long. I saw them last Fall and wanted to buy them myself; but didn't have the money on me at the time. He actually drove back to this little town on the border of IA/MN in a snowstorm (really) just to get them for me. I never knew and just thought he was spending the morning in town. (What a guy). Anyway, I picked the tone I wanted while at the store. (Not too high, not too low). The sound is so relaxing...and we love to listen to it while working on a puzzle I set up next to the window. We can hear it from other rooms too. They don't seem to bother the animals as we had 3 deer, 9 turkeys and countless varieties of birds today. We had a snow storm today...area schools closed...mostly worried about ice and whiteouts.

Peggy, I continue to pray for you and your DH. I know this is such a stressful time for you and can't even imagine your worries. Just know I think of you often.

I see we have new girls on the Porch!!! Hi, Bridge- Welcome! I hop on from time to time.

Shannon, I was impressed with the baltic amber beads when a g-niece received them for her baby shower. I have read about them and given a couple of strands as baby gifts. We have a dgd living with us for now. She will have her baby any day now. I plan to give a strand to her babe. I'm thinking of getting an ankle bracelet for myself.

I've been doing lots of reading since Christmas, and mostly resting after all that craziness. I'm organizing the sewing room and hope to have it ready tomorrow. I have some burp cloths to make and a small quilt to work on. This year I'll not do as many swaps (not that I did so many). I'll miss the tea swap but will join you vicariously. Plan to rest my mind and soul while I can.

Hugs to all

Farmgirl sister #3926

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the belief that something is more important than fear." Ambrose Red Moon

Edited by - forgetmenot on Jan 10 2017 3:42:49 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2017 :  05:54:34 AM  Show Profile
The snow is finally melting and it will be in the 60s by tomorrow. I wonder how long this warm spell is going to last?

Farmgirl Sister #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
814 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2017 :  07:22:13 AM  Show Profile
Happy Morning, porchies.

Shannon- I bet it is fascinating to teach AKA learn with your kids. I hope to get to start on my badge planning today. I will checkout the HenHouses.
This is the DIY issue and I got my email that says it shipped! Yay

Peggy - Hope you are having a good week. Sending extra hugs and prayers. I also cancelled my YMCA membership, I had joined to take the classes that they offer at my workplace. I rarely get the Y, as it is 22 miles from my house. I also found that I really need/enjoy taking a lunch break and not having to rush to a class and then nibble my lunch while working. I am on the company wellness committee so I am sure some will frown at it, but I have vowed to do what is right for ME this year, not what others think I need. I plan to walk when the weather gets better, I also take a afternoon stroll around my work campus, for the exercise and a brain break!

Judy- That virtual cake was the best calorie free cake I have ever had!! Recipe please ;) I really think that dryers should learn to be more self sufficient, they should fold, iron and put away instead of being so needy and just buzz buzz buzzing.

Tammy- Oh I envy the snow day....I loved snow days. Not enough snow here this year, plus my job allows me to work-from-home on snow days. I don't know why they take al the fun out of it like that {shakes head} What book are you reading?

Judith- What a lovely surprise gift, he's a keeper:> I am surprised the animals aren't bothered by them, I guess animals have good taste in tunes!

Kiersten- I wonder that too, this warm weather makes me want to plant seeds and get ready to dig in the dirt! But I know winter isn't over yet.

A little about me......
I am 42, live in a small country town. I work in the next town over (and where we have to go to get anything that isn't at the convenience/gas station). I have a DH, we have been together for 25 years. I have no kiddo's and only 2 outside kitties. I used to have a indoor cat, but lost her a year ago. Still heartbroken and saying no more inside pets.
I work for a large manufacturing company (3000+ employees) as a Computer Server Technician. I mostly manage the monitoring of all the servers/computers for the company. I also back up the tech that does all the backup of the systems. So I have to keep up on that software and what is going on with those systems. I grew into this position from working in the factory, I have no formal training or education (other than a high school certificate). So I should be very proud and happy with my accomplishments. I am some days. The job is very mundane and I work with people that are not team players ( imagine a bunch of computer geeks that don't like to interact or be social) I also think that many of them think they must keep their knowledge like guarded secrets! Sometimes I wish I was back to the days of having a job with a certain set of tasks that I was to do, and then go home. That was much easier and less stress.
I love to do counted cross stitch. I also do other crafts. Years ago I had my own candle business and participated in craft shows. I enjoy reading (listening to audio books), cooking, gardening, hiking, and watching the birds. My favorite music is classical or chamber music.
Yesterday the thrift store was a bust, left empty handed. The pizza was delicious!! Pizza is one of my favorites.
I also got my Farmgirl# so I am a real farmgirl now!!
Have a great day, smile and be thankful!!

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2017 :  08:08:00 AM  Show Profile
Good morning Porchies! It is another snowy morning here in Wyoming. LOVE this place!!!! Unfortunately I cannot get the doors to the woodstove open, so hoping the wood burning in it now will keep the house warm until hubby gets home! I really need to become more acquainted with the woodstove I guess. I was hoping to leave that to hubby for this winter at least. But when the high is only single digits again, warmth would be nice!

Nora - I'm not sure if there is anything to marvel at or not ;) I enjoy homeschooling... some days. Other days I am ready to pull my hair out! We've started a new schedule and that seems to be helping!

Judy - I stole a piece of that chocolate cake as well. I have a serious sweet tooth right now! And calorie free is much better than me actually baking one here in my kitchen. Though come to think of it, I may bake something today to help warm the house a little...

Judith - oh how lovely! That was so sweet of your hubby!!!! Those kind of stories warms my heart! What have you been reading? I'm still working on writing out my reading goals for the year!

Kiersten - When I lived on the east coast, I always wanted the weather to figure out what it was doing! It always seemed like the more it flip flopped back and forth, the more sick everyone was!

Bridge - It really is nice to both teach them and learn at the same time. With so many children, I learn things about all types of subjects!!! But there are days where I just want to bury my head under my pillow and hide! I'm thinking DandeeRose started a hen house down in southern Indiana... I'm part of two virtual henhouses - Wildflowers and Scattered Prairie Girls. Both are delightful! I can see where your job could get a little "blah." Praying things change for you! Looking forward to hearing about your crafting and your badges you earn :)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

752 Posts

752 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2017 :  3:55:11 PM  Show Profile
Hi y'all! Sorry it has been a while I've been busy unpacking and writing on my blog! This review opportunity I got is taking a lot of time! That is ok but I'm needing to set limits for myself and if it doesn't get done it doesn't, I'm finding that I can get absorbed and spend way too much time working on blogging, but I really enjoy it as well.

I've also been unpacking and trying to get things set up but moving much slower than the first few days, now just working on a little bit here and there.

No baby yet. Due date is technically Wed so any day now really. I've been having lots and lots of pre-labor. I kind of thought baby would come this weekend but the ice storm is supposed to hit tonight and I'd hate for my midwife to have to get out in it so kind of hoping baby waits until monday when things thaw.

We are pretty prepared for the ice. Not sure how bad it will really get but we have bottled water, food, gas stove and wood for the wood stove so we will be fine.

I think farmgirls have been talking about baby because we went to get the mail today and TWO baby gifts were in there from farmgirls!! Thanks Shannon the bath looks awesome and Joyce also sent something but I don't think she reads the porch. I need to pop over to the henhouse-I always forget to check there especially since I haven't really had time to work on badges lately.

Well I'm off. It is almost dinner time. Going to eat and do my Bible journaling for the week (I'm reading through the Bible chronologically this year-which I've done before-but I got the journaling Bible that is chronological so I'm doing that with my reading-then putting it on my blog :) ).


Ok ladies I'll let you know when Baby arrives, or worst case Peggy can since she is on my Facebook!!


Farmgirl Sister #3275
February 2016 Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2017 :  3:59:19 PM  Show Profile
Hope everyone is staying safe and warm during this cold weather. I made a pot of vegetable beef soup yesterday. Should get us through the week-end. The cats are getting better. Not nearly as much sneezing. I believe they are starting to tolerate each other better.
Everyone sleeping so I'm going make a cup of tea. Join me.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

102 Posts

Suffolk Virginia
102 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2017 :  5:25:42 PM  Show Profile
Hello! So I told my beau about the Farmgirl sisterhood today and he thought it sounded really cool. He thinks it's great I have people to talk to and things to do. He even offered to help me with some of the merit badges!

Farmgirl Sister #7232
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2017 :  6:28:56 PM  Show Profile
So great to have him behind you.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Jan 14 2017 :  7:45:58 PM  Show Profile
Awwww... Kiersten, that's sweet of your beau to encourage you. I'm always telling hubby about my Porch-buds since it's like having a bunch of sweet neighbor ladies coming 'round! He gets involved with our conversations sometimes too. *hehheh*
Sabrina, we're waiting for that baby too!
Nora, that soup sounds yummy especially in this cold weather.

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
"Broken cookies don't have calories!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  08:37:48 AM  Show Profile
Happy Sunday ladies,
it is the calm before the storm here. WE are under ice warnings from now through Monday. So we have been getting things ready just in case we are without power. Extra food and water and hubby bought a generator since we have so many baby pigs to keep them warm if needed. When you look outside it is calm, so we shall see. I would rather be prepared than unprepared.

Sabrina praying for the baby.

Nora soup sounds delightful.

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I actually have my school work done and just got home from church so wanted to say hi for you guys.
love and blessings

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

350 Posts

Wichita KS
350 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  08:52:52 AM  Show Profile
Just checked in with my daughter Sabrina (SobyN), and still no baby but she has slept well and has lots of energy. Sounds like the beginning of something for this MorMor (Swedish for mothers mother)!

Sylvia E
Farmgirl Sister #2871
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  09:33:19 AM  Show Profile
Good morning ladies! It appears my last post disappeared and didn't get posted - lost to the cyper cosmos. Ah well. Hope everybody had a great weekend! It was beautiful out yesterday and it's supposed to be the same today with temps in the 30's! I've been busy. I worked and had 3 dog clients. Unfortunately I'm down with a cold so it's not making it easy to be motivated when all I want to do is sleep. I'm enjoying a little peace and quiet this morning between dog visits while little man is still with his mother. I'm curled up on the couch watching Pride & Prejudice (with Colin Firth) and knitting between catnaps. I've run out of tissue so I'm going to have to go to Walmart on my next dog run and get some supplies. I work later this afternoon but thankfully it's only a 4 hour shift.

Someone suggested amber for little man's teething. I checked the link out and there are several varieties, is there's one better for teething properties?

Sabrina - Good luck with baby delivery! I hope you miss the ice storm.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Prairie Critter Pet Sitter
"Pampered care for your pet"
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

3114 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3114 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  12:52:13 PM  Show Profile
Praying for you Peggy - hope you pop on and let us know how you're doing.

Tammy - can you post a picture of that labor thing here? I've heard of all kinds of things, but I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. The most used thing I know of is an activity monitor since the cows get up and down a lot right before giving birth. It's an ankle bracelet or neck collar thing though. Not something you put a cow into. You've peaked my curiosity!

It seems as though the snow is going all around me this year - I really would like some. Have you had much your way Judy? Did Patsy go play in it? Does she usually get much her way?

I hope everyone has a great week. I need to get some laundry in the dryer before milking. I made some chewy chocolate bars if anyone wants one. They're great with some ice cold milk :)

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  1:13:25 PM  Show Profile
Hi My Porchies...Can't believe all the Porch Chatting that I have been missing! Got caught up though...just love you all so much and I do
constantly appreciate those prayers. I have been spending a lot of time on my 21 Day Spiritual Challenge (I call it My 21 Day Spiritual Fix!).
While doing this God has brought much peace and comfort to my soul. My Boat is still on churning seas and the wind and the waves are rocking
it like crazy...but I am not even jealous that Jesus is sleeping soundly in the back of the Boat...I'm just rejoicing in his Trust in the
Father that STORMS don't shake his World like they do ours. So, Im putting my complete TRUST in his Love, Joy, and Peace and not fretting over
what only He can control. I feel like after this Challenge I can probably step out of the boat and walk on the Water to My Lord & Savior with NO
fear of sinking!

Have also had some extra time with my middle son Pat. And went to watch my grandkids last night while mom and dad went on a date night. The two
kids were both fun and a handful...but will never complain because in my eyes the can do no wrong!! On the way to their house (my son picked me
up because of the ice and snow and my car is burried under about 14 inches of it) Shane and I and Elijah were bantering back in forth in good
humor and right in the middle of it all Elijah says, "Grandma can you please quit your jibbering, so I can hear what Daddy is saying?" Shane and
I just cracked up! I swear Elijah is 3 going on 30. Anyway, it was my first day out in a week because of the weather and I was Happy to get out.

I am not going to address everyone Individually right now as I need to bundle up and go take Snickers out for his daily business. And then I am
going to make a cup of Tea and watch the Green Bay game and just chill. I have been dealing with a headache for 3 days and so reading is even
difficult to do. We didn't make it to Church again because of the Ice but My Challenge Study was my Sonday Worship today.

Speaking of food, books and tea...I had to re-order one of my "tucks" for the USPS shows it was sent out in late December but was never
delivered to me. So, ordered something completely different from a different source. Hoping they get here much more quickly. I think The Postal
Service must have shelved their Motto that despite ALL Circumstances (mostly weather) that nothing would stop them delivering your mail. LOL
Many people around here have not had mail delivery as of late. I have but evidently NOT everything is getting through. LOL

Sabrina...even being the
worst case scenerio (had to laugh at that *giggle*)...I will be Happy to share your News if you can't...when baby decides to show up.

Judith, I love your Windchime! Hubby did good! I love to listen to mine too. I have 5 of them and I'm very selective on the sound they make also.

Bridge...thanks for sharing about yourself. Hope everyone survives the Winter Weather in Your respective areas.

Love, Joy and Peace,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Jan 17 2017 11:19:22 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  2:43:37 PM  Show Profile
Happy Blessed SonDay girls! We have a dark day that is a lot colder than the thermometer says it is. I can't get warm. I was off my 'vittles' yesterday... and today I still have an upset stomach. Weird!
Heather, we have no snow at all right now. You're right, it's been a winter of 'little snow'...
And Peg, you say your have a buried car because of snow??? Really? Wow!
Well, I bought a small bottle of organic chicken bone broth so I think I'll make me a big steaming mug full. Maybe I can warm up AND settle my stomach too.
Make it a great day gals!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
"Broken cookies don't have calories!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

882 Posts

Linneus Maine
882 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  5:14:41 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Ladybek9756's MSN Messenger address  Send Ladybek9756 a Yahoo! Message
Good evening girls.
It has been awhile since I have been on the porch. I did stop by and read the posts but did not have time to respond. So much going on around here. I did have my craft room neat, but now looks like a tornado went through the house and Paul and I are having difficult trying to find anything these days. I decided to hire a painter and he has finished my craft room, but unfortunately it has become the catch all room for the other furniture from the other rooms that are being painted. In addition to that we have decided to put in a new floor on the second floor hallway as it is really bad. The coat room and kitchen I am having it done in tongue and groove just like my husband's man cave. I really liked that look and feel that it will look good in those two rooms. The painter is in the living room at the moment and the only place for me to hide out is our bedroom. But soon that will not be an option and then I guess I will be put out into the garage which is very cold. LOL. All in all, the house is coming along nicely, just very hectic at the moment. So many changes going on at the same time, and school restarted back for me and it has been hard doing the reading and homework in a timely fashion. I can't wait for the work to be done, which I think will be sometime in February. I had so much that I wanted to accomplish this winter, but it is on hold as I don't know where anything is. We have been going over some seed catalogs and planning our garden and that is the only thing we are working on besides the house. Paul says he feels he is being pulled in so many directions at the same time and I told him, welcome to my world. That is how I felt during the beginning stages of this house remodeling. I will post pictures of the finished rooms and any before pictures I have also.
Just remember that I have all of you in my prayers and hope things start coming together for you and your burdens are lifted and things start looking sunnier than they are right now. Until then keep your faith in God and know that he is there to lean on in times of trouble and just lay all of your cares at this feet and know that he will take care of them for you.
Well Paul is in bed and I think that I will work on his scarf and hat for Christmas while earning my knitting badge at the same time.
Good night and sweet dreams!

May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears.
Farm Girl of the Month December 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  7:27:24 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Hi my sisters. I have been MIA with bronchitis. The coughing makes me hurt everywhere and it felt like I was going to cough my lenses out of my eyes! (From cataract surgery) Yikes! Since flu season is in full swing the Doctor did a flu swab and it was negative. Good thing since I had the flu shot and my son is the VP of vaccines for the major pharmaceutical co. that makes the flu vaccine. Feeling better since the antibiotic kicked in.

PGTammy, hope you feel better soon. How does Jasper react with his mom? What do her parents think of her actions? You are a good grandmother! Happy you have doggie clients.

Sabrina, prayers for a safe delivery and healthy mommy and baby!

Peggy, prayers continue for you and hubby. Glad you and Pat are in a good spot and have more time together.

Judy, feel better. Hope your tummy settles with the bone broth.

Shannon, how's the house coming along? Everyone settled in?

Bridge, welcome!

Heather, hi, how are all our furry friends doing? Are you still on your farm or did you find another farm yet?

Becky, you must be so tired of everything but look at the results so far! There's a light at the end of the tunnel!

Judith, I love your wind chimes! How loved are you that hubby drove through a snow storm to get them!

TLTammy, where do your boys go to school? Are they far from home? Time sure flies!

To everyone, mentioned or not, you are in my prayers.

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922
October 2016 Farmgirl of the month

John 11: 35 Jesus wept.

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Jan 15 2017 :  9:59:25 PM  Show Profile
Wow, so much chatter today on the Porch! So exciting :O)

Heather - I wish I could but I didn't save it on my FB page. I think it attached to the tail as I remember a band around the tail. The woman that posted said that it would set off an alarm on her phone when the cow started having contractions. I thought it was a pretty neat idea. I suspect the piece attached to the tail had something also attached that was inserted to be able to detect contractions.

Peggy - sounds like you could be here with that much snow. We're on record breaking pace for snowfall this year,
which is good after 2 years of light snow that caused the water tables to get low. The farmers are very happy.

Judy - praying you feel better. I hate feeling "off". I think today our high was 27' which felt absolutely tropical lol. People were running around with no coats on.

Darlene - Jasper is happy to see her. I was livid when I got home and Jordon brought a bag of Fruit Loops in that she'd given him. Apparently that's all she fed him this weekend "because he wouldn't eat anything else". She took him to the hospital ER room claiming he was not breathing periodically while he was sleeping. Per her he supposedly has double ear infections and a sore throat. Our babysitter will back us up that he's been getting better and hasn't shown any indication of an ear infection or anything else. He's eaten fine although a little less than normal but as he's not been feeling good it wasn't anything we were concerned about. Of course she didn't give us a copy of the hospital report so we're not sure. He is on amoxicillin. As I don't have an otoscope (need to get one) I can't check to see if he really developed them or if they just put him on meds as a precaution. I'm aware that kids can develop these things pretty quickly so it is possible but knowing her I'm skeptical. Needless to say Jasper was bouncing off the walls when I got home at 9:30 tonight from all the sugar she'd fed him. I was a very unhappy grandma.

Okay, time for this grandma to get some sleep. Thankfully I have tomorrow evening off so I can rest a bit. I do feel a bit better but now I sound horrible. Have a great week everybody!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Prairie Critter Pet Sitter
"Pampered care for your pet"
Jamestown, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2017 :  1:48:23 PM  Show Profile
I got my hair cut today, an off the cuff decision. I had let it grow half way down my back. It has getting had to handle so I just did it after I got my oil changed
before I came home from Harrisonburg.
Have to go back to work tomorrow after a four day week-end. Only ten more working days. My replacement is picking up what I have been able to show her very well. Everything seems to be working out well. They are going to do my retirement cook out next Wednesday.

Tammy - amoxicillin is about a useless drug. I think every bug is immune to it. Take him for a second opinion.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
814 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2017 :  4:26:09 PM  Show Profile
Hi Porchies!
I have been planning to post for a few days...seems like things keep distracting me.
Thursday I attended one of those canvas painting classes that was at the library. It was ok but I am not very artsy when it comes to painting/drawing.

My weekend started off terrible, DH and I had a dispute of opinions. We came to agreement, but by the time we did I was a upset mess. I have a terrible time with emotions and once they get going it takes days for me to get back to normal. Overall it needed to be disagreed, discussed and situated, so for that I am glad.
Sunday my mom called and was upset and not feeling well she has been having pain behind her knee that shoots up her back. I am thinking she may have just pulled something. So I took her some bio-freeze and she thinks that is helping. Whew...she is difficult to deal with, with the doctors. She thinks they should just fix her ailments and heaven forbid the ask her to do something (exercise, therapy, etc..) So I am hoping it will heal on it's own. She is also currently saying she needs a new GP cause her current one is mean. I gave her the list of doctors accepting patients. My dads blood was too thin at his checkup (on blood thinner for heart) so he needed arrangements for a appointment this coming Thursday, and now he is on a mission to analyze why(lol). My dad is 82 with a pacemaker and defib and Mom is 77 with a pacemaker and a spinal fusion, so they keep me on my toes.
Work, well still really kinda blah. Friday and today my manager wanted to work each afternoon on a project. Not sure if he thinks I am not getting things done, or he is just trying to be helpful. I told him a week ago that he needs to give direction on this project, as I am not sure what he wants. That is what is so frustrating.I'd rather have direction and work on my own.
Sunday I did work on valentines, made beef jerky and cross stitched. So that was a good day.

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Jan 16 2017 :  5:54:29 PM  Show Profile
Hi Porchies! Life here has been pretty emotionally charged! I've spent the past week worried about Blake! I'm too lazy to go back and look at what I've posted on here, so if this is repeat, please bear with me. Many of you may remember me asking prayers for my cousin's nephew Blake, who is now 11 months old. He went back in the hospital last week... and had a heart cath done. Part of his heart was severely blocked and they're not sure why! They put a stent in it and that has helped, but now they are unable to wean him off the ventilator. He has given quite a few really bad scares - we had thought we were losing him! Then last Wednesday hubby had a really bad gall bladder attack and I had the neighbor take him into the ER. He and I did a cleanse this past weekend which has seen me having gall bladder attacks everyday! Then this weekend there was a run in with someone that has left me feeling insulted, falsely accused, and even more drained :( Today was my second daughter's 8th birthday. Hard to believe she is eight now!!! She is the one we refer to as our miracle baby - she was emergency c-section, then reacted poorly to vaccinations, and then before age two had meningitis and encephalitis. Anyways, today has been a joyous day filled with love and laughter... and lots and lots of family time <3 The complete opposite of the last week in how I've been feeling!

Sabrina - hoping baby comes easily and quickly <3 Sooooo looking forward to "meeting" this wee one!

Nora - so do you like your haircut? I have a habit of letting my grow about halfway to 3/4 the way down my back and then getting it chopped off above my shoulders! It is so much lighter when it is cut!!! My head weighs a lot less ;) Anyways, I sure hope you are enjoying it!

TL Tammy - how bad was the ice storm? Hopefully you guys are doing well!

PG Tammy - I always buy my amber necklaces via Inspired by Finn... and I've always bought the baltic amber necklaces. I'm pretty sure on her website there is a description about the different types... As for amoxicillin for ear infections... Your son should be able to call the hospital or doctor to find out what he was seen for, as primary custodian. However, i'm surprised they would have given him an antibiotic, as most doctors now say that most ear infections are viral and antibiotics wont help much, if at all. Also - it could be the amoxicillin making him bounce off the walls.... If it has dyes in it, he could be reacting to that, on top of the sugar! Sure hope he feels better!

Heather - you should come visit us! I have no clue how much snow we have gotten, as we have had days where it has melted, and the wind blows it something fierce some days... but I know we have drifts about five feet deep! We are loving it!!!

Peggy - we have had A LOT of things delayed coming here recently!!! Every time I order something off Amazon Prime, it says sipped and within an hour or two I get another message saying it is delayed. Not such a bad thing unless it is something you NEED... like diapers! But I'm living and learning :)

Becky - it amazes me how much you guys are getting accomplished in your house with remodeling!!! You guys are so extremely busy! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures!!!

Darlene - Sorry to hear you have been so sick :( Hopefully you are on the mend now! Things here are going fairly well. Still waiting for the military to PAY, but we are pretty settled into the house. Been trying to make some plans for future projects, like chickens and goats :)

Bridge - I'm terribly sorry you and hubby had the disagreement! I understand how emotionally drained you can get!!! My adrenal glands have issues, and emotionally charged days, good or bad, leave me a MESS! Are you doing better now? I think your drawing looks really nice!

Alright - time for birthday cake. I'll leave each of you a slice with some hot tea :)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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