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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2017 : 2:16:38 PM
Poor little Elijah, but I'm pretty sure once it stopped hurting he was back on top again. Kids are like that not much stops them. Praying for all you ladies.
On my front, I officially retired at 11:30 this morning. As one of my old friends said, Welcome to the part of your life that you have a lot of time and a little money. We will see.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Feb 01 2017 : 6:34:36 PM
Good evening ladies, My gracious so many things to pray for. I am praying for you.
Peggy~ my son broke his leg when he was three at a county fair. Broke both bones in the thigh. Body cast in July for eight weeks. It was a time of patience. but he bounced back with no physical therapy or problems with his growth. Your sweet grandson hopefull will do the same. Praying for you and your hubby as well.
This week we look to get a full week of school. We do plan for snow days in our school year due to our weather. But if we have many more, we will have to begin making up. So we shall see.
I just wanted to pop in and say hello. love to you all, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 06:33:41 AM
Good morning ladies! The weather here has taken a turn for the cold again, back to lower single digits with negative wind chill temps. It's been a rough winter. The ice unfortunately didn't melt all the way. Many places still are covered in an inch of ice or more.
Lenora - Congrats on your retirement! I'm sure you can find fun things to do without needing a ton of money.
Becky - Keeping you in prayer. I know you're probably on an emotional roller coaster now.
Peggy - Wow, that would be rough having a kid that age with a broken leg, sort of like telling a border collie to be on bedrest lol. Unfortunately you can't crate him like you can a dog lol
Well the girl from social services came yesterday. I was proud of Jordon, he had the house looking really nice. She didn't seem overly concerned and even gave us some advice off the record. Jordon asked about seeing pictures of the supposed bruises and she said she didn't have pictures, she'd just had a report of where they were. She didn't seem to think they were anything abnormal for a kid this age. We've basically been told to take pictures of all sides of him before he leaves and when he returns to protect ourselves.
It's been a super hectic week dealing with all this drama and I haven't had time to do any more packing so I need to get on that this weekend. I hate doing it when he's around. I think my earbuds and some music will help me block him out. One more week and I get my new place :O)
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Prairie Critter Pet Sitter "Pampered care for your pet" Jamestown, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 06:40:21 AM
Heather - THank you for the cookies! Love that I can at least still enjoy them on the porch, despite being allergic to cow milk ;) Now if I could only find a way to enjoy them IRL.
Nora - Congratulations on your retirement! What is first on your list??? I have friends say they were busier after retirement than before. Hubby is retired, but only temporarily... Hoping to get another job in May after his internship is done.
TL Tammy - My kids actually requested a snow day the other day. I seriously cracked up laughing! I told them we get other days off, so no snow days for them :)
Had another CO scare last night, which is really really frustrating!!! The woodstove was NOT on. And yet at 5 this morning, the monitor downstairs went off. hubby went to go look, while I woke all seven kids up, wrapped them in blankets and put them at the open back door (it was 1 degree outside!!!!!). The monitor downstairs (the one going off) was reading 45!!!! However neither of the ones upstairs were going off... and one of the ones upstairs also gives a reading and it said 44! But no one was sick, had headaches, oe anything!!! Then the beeping stopped and they dropped back to zero!!!! I am hating this house right now, but honestly I think I am just mad at the world right now! I'm having serious attitude issues!
On a high note (and maybe it will cheer me up as well)... I made a birthday cake for you Judy - Wishing you a very Happy Birthday today!!! It is a magical cake - will be whatever flavor you desire, with loads of icing, and of course there are chocolate covered strawberries on the side. A big, never ending pot of hot tea is off to the side as well. Everyone indulge themselves and celebrate the blessing of Judy in our lives <3
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
814 Posts
814 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 06:51:09 AM
Good Morning Porchies! Is the coffee ready?
I have had a hectic week as usual, but all is good. I am working from home this morning, as I have appointments for my dad this afternoon. I love working from home. This is my view, and I enjoy these co-workers so much more than the others SSSHHHH
 I can have instrumental music on and it is just so so nice.
Becky- I am so so sorry, but you can beat this! You are a strong farmgirl with lots of friends and prayers coming your way! Shannon- you and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers.I am so glad you all are OK. On the tired and foggy, you have had a ton of stress IMO, it is expected. Get some rest and take care of U! Lenora- Your helpers are pretty, I bet they will be glad when our retire, they can then boss you around and spend time with you. Gotta love kitties. COngratulations!!!! Yippeeee!!! Tammy- So happy and thankful you got the house, Your in my prayers and Jasper too. I have a similiar situation currently in my family (more distant, my niece and children) they are constantly battling. My niece the mama is in jail on work release. The step dads aunt cares for them and the grandma is always calling the police. The dad is a jerk and has had child molestation accusations and ran off with the previous child services case worker they had) I could write a book or be on Springer! But I just pray for them and visit the kids and take them and the aunt groceries when I can. (She is very nice and good and I am thankful for her, she is a single parent with a adult Daughter with Down's and stays at home) She is the most stable piece of the kids life. they are 6 & 2) **wow sorry didn't mean to write a book :O Peggy - You are in my prayers. Elijah too. Heather - Your cardigan is BEAUTIFUL!!! Judy - Happy Birthday!!! I brought the coffee and tea they are in the pretty Birthday teapots, and the Happy Birthday mug is reserved for you!!
Have a great day all and big hugs to you.
Bridge Farmgirl Sister #7277 Put your lipstick on & be Happy! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1423 Posts
1423 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 07:09:47 AM
Good morning all - just a quick note to let Peggy know I received my tea package - thank you very much! I can't wait to try the new tea flavors and loved the tucks!
Nothing much new here in PA - just weird weather; warm then cold then warm again, very strange. Don't et out a lot since I am taking care of Mom here at home, but that keeps me busy along with reading and knitting.
Praying for each and every one of you and think of you all often.
Hugs, Luanne
beekeepersgirl #691
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
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True Blue Farmgirl
3470 Posts
Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 07:17:00 AM
OMGOSH....ya'll remembered! *shucks*...* blushes*.....yer the neatest! Thanks Shannon.... loving the(marble)cake you made me... and all the tea and coffee! ...AND 'YES, I SAW MY SHADOW THIS MORNING! Sorry gals! It's bright and sunny, 29. Mama always told me to walk out the door backwards and wear sunglasses just so I wouldn't see my shadow! haha Don't know what my plans are yet. Winging it. Will let you know.
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!" "The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 10:03:18 AM

Mr. Elijah with his soft cast on. Gets the Hard Cast Monday. He said last night to his dad, "OK, I feel better let's take this cast off so I can get up and play!" Keeping a 3 yr. old sitting still is like harnessing the Wind. 

And a recent picture of Miss Savannah.
]My Oh My, I love seeing the Porch so busy...even IF it is a lot of LIFE DRAMA going on!
I went and spent about 3 hours with my lil'man last night. He is such a Character! He was propped up in mom and dad's bed with both the TV going and the iPhone Tablet in his hands. I brought stickers and his sticker book from my house and 2 pieces of Candy...Valentine's Chocolate Hearts and told him he could eat them if he ate a good dinner. He is as addicted to Chocolate as his Grandmama is. We did 3 pages of stickers together and then he started sticking the last page of stickers all over me. On my shirt, in my hair, on my cheeks and lips. He thought that was great fun!!! Then I went down stairs and brought dinner up for both of Mommy a bit of a break. He ate good so he got his Valentine Candy! About that time Sissy came up stairs with mommy to get ready for I played with her for a little bit while still sitting by Ellijah. She is as quick and fiesty as her big brother. Between Mommy going in for Mastitis 2 weeks ago, and Savannah last week for a dislocated elbow, and then Elijah for the broken leg...mommy and daddy are spending all their time at Urgency Care! And Grandmama is getting a lot more play dates!
Judy...Happy Birthday Girl!!! Hope you are well enough to have some fun!!! We are suppose to get snow tonight! I don't want it. I will send it to you and Heather. LOL Only suppose to be 2 inches this time instead of a foot.
Luanne...Thanks for letting me know you got the Tea Pkg. Like I said, Not what I'd planned to do but hey, it is what it is! I couldn't fight USPS any longer!
Shannon...that is crazy about your CO alarm going off and having a high reading. I wonder what triggered it! Strange!! Sorry, about feeling a bit brain fuzzy, and tired. That could be a residule affect or it could be your Fibro. kicking up to a flare. Hard to know for sure huh?
Nora...Congrats on the Retirement!!! Are you bored yet? LOL We all dream of the things we want to do when we retire and most of us never do any of those things. I always thought my hubby and I would travel. The he had heart issues and I came down with Fibro/Chronic Fatigue and there went all those dreams! But I have to say that I am rarely ever bored. A cup of Coffee and a Good Book and I am one Happy Woman! LOL
Teacher Tammy...Loved your memory picture of your boys with their Dog on FB this morning. I remember the first time I saw it...I had noticed one had a silver belt buckle and one a gold one...and I remember thinking how True Cowboys loved those Large Buckles like that but aren't they uncomfortable when they sit down???? Funny what your mind thinks about.
Prairie Tammy...Is Matt giving you a hard time when you go in to pack? Tell him you will sic your FarmSisters on him if he doesn't behave himself! LOL Some of us pack Heat!! LOL Like Hot Tea and warm cookies. That may sound harmless but we could scald him and then stuff cookies in his mouth until he can't verbally fight with you. ROFLOL You should post some pitures of your new place when you get moved in.
Becky...I am really praying for you honey! Just feel the Love and Wrap yourself up in it!!! Lean on God and not your own understanding. This didn't take Him by surprise even if it did you. TRUST...let Him handle it!!! The Battle is Mine...says the Lord!
OK...I woke up at 6:45 and now I need to go back to sleep for awhile. You know me...I don't do Mornings girls!!!
Heather and Bridge I forgot you two... but only because I'm tired. Forgive Me. Have a Beautiful Day Girls!!!
Love, Hugs and Prayers, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 02 2017 10:13:22 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 3:26:11 PM
Peggy, got my tea packet today, thanks. Going to try one the evening. I got Jay a single cup coffee maker and it works great for a cup of tea. Cleaned the refrigerator and went grocery shopping today. Crafting and gardening are my main plans for retirement. Hopefully, my health stays good so I can have as much fun in retirement as I have had working (I really have enjoyed all my jobs). Elijah and Savannah are adorable.
Hope you had a great birthday, Judy.
Praying for all of you, my friends.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 4:27:07 PM
PG Tammy - Somehow I missed your post this morning! Wonder if I was typing when you posted??? Anyways, I'm so glad the lady from social services was so helpful! That was some sound advice she gave and something I would never had thought of!!! It will give you great evidence of the falsity of her claims and how she is harassing you!!!
Bridge - There are days I feel like I live in a state of constant stress! I'm not sure if God is trying to teach us something and we are being hard-headed, or if we are doing okay, so Satan is trying to beat us down! All I do know is that I am TIRED!
Luanne - How is your mom doing???
Peggy - Elijah and Savannah are adorable! The alarm read high again this morning - about mid morning. I opened up again and it went down. I'm now keeping the window right beside the woodstove open, in hopes that if it is the woodstove, that will help, though it still does not explain it going off at 5 this morning!!!
Nora - what kind of crafting are you planning?
So we finally got paid our first disability check.... our first retirement check will not be coming until March 1st. Who knows when the last active duty check or travel vouchers will get paid, and they are saying it may be June before we are back-paid. With all that said, I must admit it is mighty nice to have SOMETHING coming in!!!! Knowing I can restock the fridge is such a relief and blessing!!!!! But the first thing we will do with that money is go to church on Sunday! We have been unable to spare the extra gas money (it is a 45 minute drive one way)... but now we can :) God is crazy good!!!!
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
Edited by - hudsonsinaf on Feb 03 2017 06:08:52 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 4:32:06 PM
I'd like to crochet or knit, I've never learned either one. I want to make my own cleaning supplies and of course, work on badges as I learn. I have mostly did counted cross and quilting. I need to make picture frames for some of my cross stitch projects.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
882 Posts

882 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 6:13:20 PM
Shannon, I was reading about OC and it says that it is gas related. I am wondering if there is somewhere else that the OC is coming into the house? You might want to investigate other items in your house that uses some type of fuel other than wood. Good luck Becky
May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears. Farm Girl of the Month December 2016
True Blue Farmgirl
882 Posts

882 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 6:23:47 PM
Judy, Happy Birthday, sorry I missed it.
Tammy, I hope everything works out for you. Dealing with social services can be hard at best. But at least she gave you some helpful advice and with it you will have the backup if she tries anything else. I will keep you in my prayers for this all to end and real soon.
Nora congrats on your retirement. I am sure that you soon wish you were working because you won't be so busy. My husband just retired about a year ago and he says he works harder now then he did when he had a job.
Nothing much going on around here. Just taking it one day at a time and getting things in order before I begin all the treatments. They are almost done with the remodeling and I am hoping that by Wednesday next week they will be. I need to get the house clean before...
I am tired tonight and think that I will go to bed. Stay safe. Hugs Becky
May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears. Farm Girl of the Month December 2016
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 6:38:16 PM
Nora - I am trying to learn to crochet now... haven't tackled knitting yet!
Becky - you are 100% right - usually there are gas appliances or something that causes the issue... however, we have no gas in the house, and we do not have central heat, so no furnace. We have radiant heat, but none of them are on. That is why this whole thing has been so frustrating and confusing!!!
On a different note, when do you start treatments? Continuing to pray for you my friend <3
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 02 2017 : 9:18:20 PM
Good evening Ladies Wow this is a busy place. Glad Shannon's family is doing better. Sorry. Becky to hear about your test results. I found a lump yesterday. Called to schedule a mammogram on the 13th. I ran into a thing sticking out in my hubby's work shop the other day that got me on the right side. Got a horrible bruise and now a lump. I think they are related but I am long overdue. I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
Peggy Ann... I had the same kind of fracture as Elijah way back awhile ago. That's how I got the nickname Tumbleweed amount other trips and falls Had to wear a cast from my foot to my hip. I feel for Elijah.
Oh and Heather the model and the sweater are lovely. You did a great job.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 12:32:53 AM
Nancy...I will have to tell Elijah that you broke your leg in the same place. I didn't go over to see him today but I did FaceTime with him. But he thinks it is funny to show me everything on the phone but his sweet little face. So after talking to the walls and his bed and his other grandma and his mommy and his blankets (you get the picture) then I just told him I loved him and hung up. He is such a big tease! When I asked him how he slept last night he said good. The night before he had a lot of trouble getting comfortable. Then I asked him what he was doing this morning and he said, "I'm Camping!" So Mommy must be making little Adventures for him.
Shannon...some one mentioned that The CO Detectors are for Houses with gas...but I don't think they are for gas only. We have them in our apartment and we have Electric Wall Heaters. So...I'm not sure. Could it be Radon Gas setting it off? Radon comes from the soil in some areas. My sister lived across from a Landfill in Spokane and they got high levels of Radon Gases in their homes. So, I'm thinking maybe that is why we have them in our Apartments here because of the soil we are sitting on. I'm not sure...I'm just guessing.
Becky...Prayers and hugs girl! You are going to have those days when you feel strong and those days where you feel overwhelmed. Don't be affraid to vent when you need to.
I'm glad you girls are getting your teas. The one Tea in the Brown Envelope... you hook the two cardboard pieces over each side of your tea cup and then pour the water right in to the opening over the tea-leaves. Let it steep then take it out of your cup and toss it. The slim tea tastes really good. I drink it because it is good not for weight loss.
OK...I'm tired too I'm off to bed.
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch |
True Blue Farmgirl
1039 Posts

1039 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 06:55:47 AM
Hi Peggy Ann
You can tell Elijah if you wish. I broke my leg while hiking. I step on a log rather than over it. It turned out to be a loose dead log and began to roll and down I went. I heard it break ouch. ( you can leave out the sound part ) When I tried to get up I knew I had to call Houston and say there is a problem but I left my inter-galatic communication device I mean cellphone in my other space ship I mean auotomobile. I then realized I had to make it out on my own. I had my two EarthLing canine species companions with me I mean my two big doggies. I started to crawl out of the woods on my hands and knees with Ranger on one side and Cody on the other. I was about a mile from the car and wondering how long it will take and began crawling. Had only been crawling for a few minutes when other hikers came upon us and gave help. I am sure I would have made it back to the car on my own but I was sure glad to see them.
The fun begins where the pavement ends! |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 10:57:31 AM
Happy Belated Birthday Judy!!! I thought of you yesterday but didn't get a chance to get on here. I hope you had a great day! Any special gift from Hubby this year? (Was it your birthday last year you got your trunk or was that something else?) How's Patsy doing?
Peggy - My tea package came yesterday. I'm happy to say I figured it out before I got on here. It took me a few minutes of wondering what kind of contraption was on my tea bag though! I've never seen anything like it before. Love the pictures of your grandbabies. Oh, and I'll take all the snow you send LOL!!! It's been cold the last few days - 20's during the day and teens at night - so we're finally able to get manure hauled. But, it's supposed to be 40 again on Sunday.
Shannon - How frustrating for you! I hope you discover the problem soon. I also hope you have a great time at church tomorrow. The cookies I made are dairy free except the white chocolate chips I put in them. They're a grain free sugar free recipe - would you like it?
Bridgette - love the view of your coworkers from your office! I'd work from home if I were you too!! Luckily I work from home too milking my cows LOL. Not a better job in the world for me :)
Nora - I like your plans for retirement. Crafting and gardening sound like a great way to spend your time :)
Tammy - glad to hear your social service visit went well!
Becky - Glad to hear your house is almost done. Do you still have snow too?
Nancy - Sorry that you broke your leg, but your story had me giggling!
Well, I need to get going. I want to make some mini cupcakes for hubby since he's been working so hard today. There will be plenty left over for my porch sisters too :) Praying everyone has a great weekend.
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
882 Posts

882 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 11:50:27 AM
Loved your story Nora. Sounds like something that would happen to me.
Heather, we have over 70" of snow and it has for the last few days been snowing but only a fine misty snow. We are due again for snow on Sunday. I'll send it down your way the next time it comes through.
Posted new pictures of the upstairs hallway that was just completed. I am so glad that it will be done before I begin treatments. I had wanted to finish the house before spring but I don't think that is going to happen. Been working on getting my room ready for me so I can rest and be safe from germs. The hardest part is not knowing how to fully prepare for what's coming at me. I am hanging in there and really have not taken much time to think about it. I know that the closer I get to Monday, I think about it more.
Well I have a couple of swaps that I need to work on. Have a blessed day Hugs Becky
May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears. Farm Girl of the Month December 2016
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 11:57:04 AM
Peggy, got your teas and tucks. Love them all. Heart tags are cute! Your poor little guy! He will be fine but yikes until the cast comes off! LOL! Cute little girlfriend! Poor mommy! Is hubby getting the pacemaker? You know the Lord wants you to pray when he wakes you up. Happens to me too. It's always latter when you find out why. That usually gives me a double yikes, yikes! LOL! Keeping you in prayer.
Actually I pray for my porch sisters always. We all need prayer for something, don't we?
Judy, Happy Birthday! You are so special! I bet Dave will spoil you rotten. How's his weight doing? Made you a pot of birthday tea and a pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream! Enjoy!
Shannon, we had a CO scare many years ago with a coal stove. The source is usually a heating issue. Maybe your wood stove isn't airtight. You need to have someone check it out ASAP. Do you have a chimney or does the stove pipe vent directly out the wall? If you have a chimney your flew liner could be cracked or the chimney partially blocked. This is an emergency. Praying for you.
PGTammy, praying for you to get out of your old house and into the new one without incident. Then you'll be able to chill. Hopefully all the drama with Jasper's mother will subside and you all can relax and get his little life more normal. Document,document,document! That's your protection. When you deal with a vindictive person, you have to be one step ahead. How's the furbaby business?
Heather, nice job on the sweater! Cute you, no makeup needed!
Nora, congrats on your retirement. Enjoy it.
Luanne, is your mother in Pa with you? One day we need to meet. Every time I go to my son, I go through Cresco. Let me know when we can meet!
Becky, you know I've got your back. Talk to you soon!
Have the tea swap ready. Sent my husband to mail them. He came home with them and a note from the post lady telling me to re package to bring the cost to mail from $2.67 to $1.19. That was nice of her. Will redo and mail Monday.
Love to all and many blessings.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922 October 2016 Farmgirl of the month
John 11: 35 Jesus wept.
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 12:00:46 PM
Bridge, I love your coworkers!LOL! I would have loved to have those coworkers many times!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922 October 2016 Farmgirl of the month
John 11: 35 Jesus wept.
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
1423 Posts
1423 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 12:08:46 PM
Shannon & Darlene - thank you both for asking about Mom. She is with me, she says, just for the winter, but I'm really skeptical about her going home alone to VT in the spring. Her health is very good for 88 years old, but her mobility is quite bad. She is very unsteady on her feet and has a hard time doing stairs at all. She also doesn't feel comfortable driving anymore, so she would have no way except a taxi to get to the grocery store, doctors office, etc. She lives alone without any other family close by, and most of her friends don't drive anymore either. Not sure what the solution is going to be. I hate leaving her alone even here at my house for very long at a time. I run local errands, but try not to be gone for more than a few minutes if I can help it. There is no other family that can help out, as I am an only child.
The other problem with leaving her alone is that I really need to find some part time work or work that I can do from home. Social security alone just isn't paying all my bills.
The 3rd issue for me is not having any time with Sam to go anywhere or do anything. He comes down for supper a night or two during the week or we try to take Mom out in the car for a short ride, but there is no opportunity now for us to spend any alone time together or to do the things we enjoy like going to museums, fishing, weekend getaways, etc. He is very kind and understanding, but I'm afraid it may eventually take a toll on our relationship.
Any suggestions ladies? I'm sure I'm not the only one in this predicament, but at this point am just taking one day at a time.
Sending love and prayers to you all, Luanne
beekeepersgirl #691
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
My blog:
True Blue Farmgirl
3448 Posts
3448 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 12:24:15 PM
Luanne, get in touch with the agency on aging. They may be able to help you with some things you wouldn't know about. There's many available services. I don't know what senior centers are up your way but I'm sure you can find out. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. Also check out the senior work programs they may have a job for you. There are legitimate jobs online. My daughter used to work from home. Good luck.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, Darlene Sister 1922 October 2016 Farmgirl of the month
John 11: 35 Jesus wept.
When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"
When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 1:29:10 PM
Nancy...Oh My Goodness you are such a GREAT STORY should write a book. Even in Kid Format it would be funny! Glad you were found by other hikers though! You might have had another broken Tibia from crawling a mile back to the car! Was it your right or left leg? I was thinking if it was your right lake you might not have been able to drive once you got there. I can see you just blowen in the wind there TW. LOL
Heather...The brown Tea Bag is a TEST and only a TEST!!! LOL If you figure it out you get to drink it...If you don't ~ too bad!! LOL
Darlene...You just reminded me that I forgot to send out The Updated List to everyone. Will get this out pronto. Please share how you were able to repackage your tea to send it cheaper. I thought $2.67 was a pretty high price myself when I mailed out. So, for the benefit of everyone else...PLEASE SHARE! ~ And yes, it is my husband that needs the Pacemaker. He has 5 blocked arteries and they cannot not do bypass surgery on them. Two are 100 % blocked and the other 3 are 60,70, and 90 % blocked. He is actually living on borrowed time I this point. He has the beginning of dementia too and can really be a pill. He is hard to live with some days.
Luanne...that would be hard NOT to have time with Sam now that you have your Mother living with you. Darlene gave you some good tips on where to find help for her though. And the Job tip was good too. It will all work out as it should!
Becky...hang in there girl! We will keep you covered with prayer. Can I ask you what your favorite Color or Colors are?
OK Ladies...I'm Off to correct the Tea List and send it out to those of you doing The Tea Swap!
We didn't get snow just freezing rain. Seattle got the snow last night...which was mighty fine with me. Now it has warmed up and it is just pouring buckets of rain. I don't even want to go take the dog out. Good thing I bought a Nice Big Umbrella yesterday that I found for half price. It is cute as it has Cats and Dogs all over it. You know..."Raining Cats and Dogs"! Really Cute!!!
Hugs and Smiles, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*
Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!
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True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2017 : 3:20:29 PM
I've been finding wet spots on rugs this last week. I was hoping one of the cats was not acting out and not using the litter box. It was hard to believe as much as I clean out twice a day. Well today there was some in the middle of the tile floor and there was a worm that looked like a piece of spaghetti in it. I looked up worms in cats on the computer and determined it was a roundworm. They are very contagious even transmitted to people. So off to Harrisonburg to get worm medicine. Petco didn't have any, Walmart didn't have any, Tractor Supply didn't have any. Finally found it at Farmers Choice. It is a powder that you are suppose to put on their food, but I can't be sure that they will get the proper dosage so I'm having to mix it with water and force it down their them. So I won't be very popular for the next three days.
I have to drive to Delaware in the morning and get Jay's mom. She's staying for a month, She like to bargain shop so I guess I'll be doing a lot of running.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
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