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True Blue Farmgirl

882 Posts

Linneus Maine
882 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  04:55:28 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Ladybek9756's MSN Messenger address  Send Ladybek9756 a Yahoo! Message
Good Morning Sisters,

Peggy I also received my tea package.

Well the news. I have Stage 3 cancer. They want to do 3 more tests to make sure I have no cancer in any place else. If not I stay at 3 if I do then I go to 4. I will probably be starting chemo within the next two weeks as the beginning of my treatments. My lymph tumor is very large and they want to shrink it before doing the surgery. From surgery I will undergo radiation. My doctor says about a year before all the treatments are done if I stay at 3. She doesn't think I have cancer in any other cells, but she wants to make sure. So that is where I am at the moment.

On the positive note, I received my seeds last night and Paul and I are going to proceed to plan our garden. He is going to work on finishing the painting at least the downstairs. The carpentry crew finished everything yesterday and now the house is quiet. Paul's mancave really came out nice. He is going to be the envy of every man around. I will post pictures of the finished room later today. I really like the way it turned out. The house has really taken on a new look and I really can't believe that it is the same house we moved in to.
Well Paul is ready for his time with me so I better go. Have a beautiful day.

May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears.
Farm Girl of the Month December 2016

Edited by - Ladybek9756 on Feb 07 2017 04:57:13 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  06:37:32 AM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Becky, now you have the Doctor's plan. Yes it is a year of treatment and tests. We will all be praying you through this. Sisters are the best. When you need us we will be there for you. Praying for your peace and comfort. God is the first Doctor and Healer. He has the final say! You know I'm talking from experience and I give God the glory. My test became my Testimony and yours will too. Hugs!

Debbie, wow 6 daughters. Lucky you. It's nice to have a big family. A gson too! The first boy, he won't be spoiled will he? LOL! We're in basketball season with our 3 grands, all on different teams! I enjoyed my kids and now I enjoy the grands.

Peggy, loved that game! Once they got on track in the second half, the rest became history didn't it? Awesome game. Love the picture of the snow girl! Now give me some snow! LOL!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922
October 2016 Farmgirl of the month

John 11: 35 Jesus wept.

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  08:43:50 AM  Show Profile
Becky, sounds like the doctor has a good game plan and with God in his court things will proceed well. Praying for you. On another note, can't wait to see more pics of your home. Your support staff will keep you strong and fighting.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

1423 Posts

Cresco PA
1423 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  09:10:51 AM  Show Profile
Becky - your porch pals are here for you whenever you need us - be strong, my friend! You have a plan of action now, which is good, and a garden to look forward to!


beekeepersgirl #691

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
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Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  11:08:17 AM  Show Profile
Wow...Becky, I don't know what to say other than I pray that you don't have cancer
anywhere else. I am so glad that your Dr. has the plan prepared for your treatment.
My Mom has had breast cancer twice and survived both times. So, it really is amazing the advancements they have made in treating Breast Cancer over the years. I also know that you not only have a Dr. but you have an entire Team that will be with you every
step of the way through all of this. And like Darlene said she has been through it
herself and being a Nurse has extra added knowledge and wisdom that the rest of us
don't have. But I do believe in The Great Physician Jesus and I believe in the Power of Prayer. And Farmgirls are the best support group you could ever find. It's going to
be a bumpy hang on Girlfriend as we have your back and your hubby has your heart and hand. And Jesus has your name written on the Palm of His Hand...He Loves YOU that much! glad to have you on the boards! I bet you are busy packing up 17 years
full of stuff. I don't envy you the job (done too much moving in my life) but I
do know what it is like to pack it all up, give some away, and sell some just so
you can down-size your life a bit. I think you are wise to wait for the boys to come help you with the tools. It's a man thing! I have my own tool set...made for women and so that would be all I would need...if I was packing up again. Don't worry we have been praying for you. Judy keeps us posted on what's going on with
much as she knows anyway. Well, keep up the good work...soon it will be done and you can go start a Brand New Chapter In Your Life.

Darlene...all our Snow went to Seattle and the Gorge. I'm Happy for me that I can't send you any. LOL!!! But can I substitute a few Buckets full of Rain if you would like??? Oh, you're NO fun (I could hear your resounding NO up here in WA).

Debbie...well, your girls are pretty grown up aren't they Mom? If you feel like I do...with my boys...I love once they were on their own and I no longer had to parent them and we could just enjoy our adult friendship. Girls tend to stay closer to a Mother than most boys do...once they are all grown up. My youngest son and I are very close but they other two are busy with their lives. One is married and one is a
bachelor by choice. My youngest is married too but he has always been the closer one of the three...and the one who does the most for us. They are all similar in looks but very different in, I'm sure your girls are too.

Teacher Tammy...I remember when your boys started High School and we were all saying
"Enjoy those years Mama because they fly by." And now they are almost how time flies! They are good looken boys. Do they have steady girlfriends in College?
Or are they just studying hard and waiting for Miss Right to come along?

OK My Porchies...I got up early again so I'm ready for a Nap. The Husband and Dog are sleeping and it is so quiet in here that it is lulling me to sleep. My eyes keep
shutting while I'm I better stop before I start snoring in front of ya'll.

Hugs and Prayers,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 07 2017 11:11:47 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

814 Posts

Southern Indiana
814 Posts

Posted - Feb 07 2017 :  5:27:33 PM  Show Profile
Just walking by the porch from the lane and waving hello.
I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow and I am exhausted from work.
Have a great week and know your in my prayers.

Farmgirl Sister #7277
Put your lipstick on & be Happy!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  10:08:25 AM  Show Profile
Hi Gals! It's a dark, dreary day here today. Time to turn on the 'fairy lights'. It's colder this afternoon than it was in the middle of the night... kept dropping thru the night.
Becky, We love you so much... but not as much as God does. We don't even know you... but He does! He is the Great Physician. I remind him of that every time I get a new boo-boo. I tell him that He has to make it go away 'cause I don't like doctors. He knows that already... but that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep reminding Him! *giggle* We are here to listen to you. Vent anytime, ok? We mean that! We will even Pray WITH you over these puter wires when you want us too! You have 'Sister-Chicks' strength in this group of girls!
That brings me to a couple of books I picked up at the library that reminds me of our group. It's a 2 book series about a woman who just lost her husband and opens her house to borders. She gets 3 different women, all ages, that are so different but they grow together in Christ and it really lifts the heart!
The first one is, 'The Sister Circle' and the second is 'Round the Corner'. They are both writer by 2 ladies, Vonette Bright and Nancy Moser. I got the large print just to make it easier reading, don' cha know! *giggle*
I highly recommend them to lift your spirits and to know a 'Sister Circle connection.' They're G-R-E-A-T!!
Ok Sistas... go conquer the world now! heeheehee

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  11:05:50 AM  Show Profile
Just have a minute but I wanted to say a HUGE Thank you to all that sent the snow. It was 60 degrees yesterday and looked like this:

a wet muddy mess from the thunderstorms that rolled through. But, it now currently looks like this:

You can't see even half a mile through the snow. There's no wind so it's calm and accumulating fast! Perfect if you ask me. We haven't had this much snow on the ground all winter!!!! The roads are staying clear since it was so warm the last couple days. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the teens with wind chills of 5 below. But, by Saturday back to the mid 50's. Yup, crazy winter indeed!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  2:22:19 PM  Show Profile
happy Wednesday,
I am home on a snow day. We got six inches last night through this morning. But I did school work at home so I m not behind. My driveway is currently being cleaned out my brother in law with a tractor so I can get my car out tomorrow. My hubby was just going to let it go and hope for the best. What is it about men and their pride. I said call for help the snow plows just added some more to what we got. Therefore he gave in.

Peggy one of my sons has a steady girlfriend but they go to different colleges and they think that is good. The other one is too busy with school and work and his heart is still healing from a break up earlier. I told him God will give him the right one if it was meant to be.

I am so ready for spring. Only 40 days ladies.

well I am off for tea and relaxing now. Just wanted to pop in and flutter a hello.
Blessings and love,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
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Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  4:07:21 PM  Show Profile
Heather...Yeah! YOU got your SNOW!!! Looks Pretty! Hope you get more!

Judy...I will be checking out these books sister! I have read a couple of
Christian Fiction books by Nancy Moser but nothing that I can remember by
Vonette Bright. I have not been doing much reading lately but a lot more
listening to Audio Books when I walk, or color.

Teacher Tammy...Nice that you got another Snow Day! Seems like teachers and
students have been getting a lot more snow days this year. ~ Your Son is
probably's better that him and his girlfriend are at different schools
as that way they are getting more studying done. LOL Your boys are both good looking young men with a good faith, I am sure they will have no trouble
find nice young women like Mom, to marry.

Well, my devotional time with Papa God was a long one today. It started out on the Faithfulness of God even when we aren't faithful to him (Like 2 Timothy 2:13). But that took me into a more indepth tromp down a Rabbit Trail on Faithlessness, Apostasy, and Blasphemy. And when I thought I had it all together in my great
Theological Mind...I shared it with my husband...and in his sharing on the subjects
I learned I had a lot more studying to I had drawn some wrong conclusions.
My husband had at one time been asked to Debate this very subject with another Minister before a Conference of Ministers from all over the United States. So, he
is very astute on the subject to put it mildly. By the time he and I got done debating it (LOL) I knew this Teacher (Me) had some more digging to do. That is one
thing I love about being a Teacher of The Gospel...I am always first and foremost a Student of the Word...then a Teacher. My husband as I have shared before is a retired Minister, Bible College Teacher, and a Greek Teacher. He has always been my sounding board when I needed one. Like today! I too taught in the same Bible College but he is one of the best Teachers of the Word that I ever sat under. And I take what he has to
say very seriously. So, I walked away from that conversation with a headache (LOL) and knowing I need to continue this study another day. But boy do I love to dig deep like that. Both Larry and I agree as Teachers of The Word...that the more we know...
the more we learn we don't know as much as we thought. That is why the Bible never
grows old. You can study it every day of your life and The Holy Spirit is continually revealing more and more to you. It is Amazing! to take a nap. My five hours of study has done me in for the day! LOL

More later girlies. Praying for everyone's circumstances and for the things you
didn't ask but that God knows about.

Love, Hugs and Smiles,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  4:19:03 PM  Show Profile
We tied a record from 1900 today of 65 degrees. Suppose to drop tonight with a lot of rain and then a little snow overnight. I made some beef stew for supper. Jay's bringing home some more chicken for the freezer.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  5:41:42 PM  Show Profile
Hi Nora...OK, I'm flat out Jealous!!! 65 degrees...I would be in shorts! I want some of that weather! LOL

Judy...Darlen girl...I just went on Amazon Kindle and ordered all 4 of the books in that Series you mentioned. Yes, there are 4!! On Kindle (for you other E-reader Porchies) you can get the books for 3.99 each or all 4 together in a Bundle for 15.96.
The 3rd book is called "Undivided Heart" and the 4th book is "A Place to Belong"

Thanks for the recommendations Judy!

Love & Huggies,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 08 2017 5:43:09 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

107 Posts

Days Creek Oregon
107 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  8:04:33 PM  Show Profile
Hello Ladies...

Andie didn't have basketball practice today so very nice for us. We actually ate together as a family. I facetimed Briana and William today, he was grumpy and wouldn't smile big for Granny like he usually does. Then I facetimed Cassie (she's in college studying law) and she wants me to look over her tax return. That is one thing I failed to prepare them for. So for Val and Sarah I will remedy that. Last night Andie had an away game (4 1/2 hours one way) So they didnt get back to school til 2am and back to school at 8am..8pm and I'm ready for bed..Not much happening here,just hanging out with the kids and dogs. I think hubby went to bed. I will keep you all in my prayers and will go read my book..20 pages and I'm done and onto the next one.

There are always flowers for those who want to see them..Henri Matisse
Farmgirl Sister #7299
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  8:22:28 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by herblady55

Becky, We love you so much... but not as much as God does. We don't even know you... but He does! He is the Great Physician. I remind him of that every time I get a new boo-boo. I tell him that He has to make it go away 'cause I don't like doctors. He knows that already... but that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep reminding Him! *giggle* We are here to listen to you. Vent anytime, ok? We mean that! We will even Pray WITH you over these puter wires when you want us too! You have 'Sister-Chicks' strength in this group of girls!....

Judy.... So well said!! I haven't met any of you but from your posts it is an honor to know you all now through a keyboard and one day face to face. Just hope Father God has skid safe slippers for me to wear on those golden streets. I am kind of a tumbleweed y'all know.

Becky...hope you had a good day. Thinking about you and sending strength and prayers.

Peggy Ann.... You get me motivated. I haven't been in the Word like I should. Will have to make time instead of finding it.

Can you all say a small prayer for me? Hubby has a condition that requires him to be under FMLA in order to keep his job. Getting paperwork done has been a nightmare. The doctor's office didn't fill out the forms correctly. HR sent a notice to us saying get it corrected by 1.31.17. The notice didn't come to our mailbox until...yep.....1.31.17. Now Hubby has been denied FMLA...for now. I work in an office. I handled tons of paperwork. Anything can be fixed. Hubby has no patience and a short fuse and he is stressing. On top of that he gets gout in his foot. He is stressing over what he can eat and can't eat. He is a little grouchy about it. I know everything will work out. It always does (thank you Abba). But a little sister strength is very helpful for us now.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Feb 08 2017 :  8:36:10 PM  Show Profile
Hey, thanks Peg. I wrote them down. These 2 were written in 2013. I'm glad they published more.
I got away from reading for awhile too. Now I'm back. I like audio books too.
Heather, it's snowing like crazy here as I write. It's that really fine snow and is taking a long
Time to accumulate. It's been snowing since 4PM and there's only about 2 inches out there. 28 degrees.
Yea, it's suppose to be in the 50's again Saturday and Sunday here too.

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"Hey...Don't Make Me Put My Hands On My Hips!"
"The serious go through life blowing far too few raspberries!"
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  12:51:09 PM  Show Profile
Peggy - be careful what you ask for LOL. We had the 60's too on Tuesday. Then came the snow pictures I posted and today it's 20! But like Judy said it's supposed to be in the 50's by Saturday. Hubby is out snowmobiling right now while he can. I'm glad to hear that you and Larry had some good conversation. Any news on his pacemaker?

Nora - beef stew sounds yummy!

Debbie - 2am!!! Yikes. I bet she (and the rest of the team) were tired the next day in school!

Nancy - praying for you and your hubby. Mine gets a case of the grumpies from time to time too.

Becky - how are you doing?

Shannon - hoping no news is good news from you.

Judy - A couple of our cows came your way today - to the auction in kidron. Hope you're not getting blown away today. Maybe some of my snow is making it to your place now LOL!! Sorry you missed out on the big flakes. They were beautiful.

Well, I'm off for a cup of tea before milking. The first calf is due in 3 weeks! Can't believe it's that time already.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  4:21:58 PM  Show Profile
Hello My Porchies...

Well the rain quit...I guess God ran out of Cats and Dogs to keep sending down. LOL
Wow...the Sunshine is even out and it is 59 degrees. I'm doing a Happy Dance!!!

Heather...I am happy for what I wished for!!! Couldn't be more elated if I tried.
We usually do not get anymore snow after Valentine's Day...and the forecast is nice through the weekend! They said last night it might be 50 today! I think Papa God just loves me and saw I was starting to mold from all the rain. LOL Oh, I am so glad the
calves start coming in three weeks because you will post all their adorableness for us to enjoy!!! And that means Spring is almost here!! Yahoo!!!

Nancy...yes, being in the Word Every Day is what keeps me going through the tough times as well as the good times. I have my Bible Study Group tonight and I love
getting together with my little flock of women that God has entrusted me with for the past 25 years. Yup, we have been together that long. We started out with 7 women and
now we are at 16. We have been up to 22 at one time (which is a lot for an in Home Study Group). We were at 18 for about 6 years...then two of our gals just left to
be used in Ministry else where. So, Papa calls them in at just the right time and lead them out at the right time too. There are 4-5 different Churches represented in our group too. That number fluctuates too. These women and I have faced everything Life has to throw at us and then, we have a very close Spiritual Bond. I know anyone of these women would lay down their lives for me and visa versa. So, we are a Strong Sisterhood. Much like all of us Porchies are. For those of you newer gals you will see as you get to know us all better that we have a very sweet bond of fellowship too and you are all now apart of that. And it is so Special.

Judy...I am reading another series of 3 books right now but cannot wait to start this
one too. Like I said...I haven't done a lot of reading as of late but more Audio. But last night I crawled in bed early and just enjoyed reading in my other series.

Debbie...I think that is terrible that the kids got in so late and were still expected at school a few hours later. If you were like me when my kids were out later
than they should have been I was always pacing the floor. Couldn't sleep if I had
wanted to.

I want to share that I just got a blessing (so thanks for your prayers). My son asked me if I wanted
to go to the Beach with him and Elijah for the Weekend. My DIL has a Business Retreat she is going to.
So, my son decided to just take her and Savannah down and get him and Elijah a Condo to stay in and asked me if I wanted to come along too. He doesn't think Savannah will fit in well to a business
Retreat so he is wanting to be available for Sadie to hand her off to us if she needs to. So, I
get a Free trip to The Beach with those I love the most (family)! You all know that The Beach is my
Happy Place!!! I find such Peace and Serenity there. We invited my Hubby but he felt like the kids would be too much for him. So, I will have my middle son Pat check in on Larry a couple times during the
weekend. Pat stays with friends most weekends trying to give Larry and I a little break. And I will
call Larry every night and see how he is doing also. We leave tomorrow afternoon and will be back late Sunday afternoon. It is going to be Heaven!!!

OK...I'm off to get ready for Bible Study! Talk at you all later!!

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch

Edited by - LadyInRed on Feb 09 2017 4:27:01 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  4:31:01 PM  Show Profile
A trip to the beach sound wonderful and with people you love makes it better, Have a great week-end.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  5:51:07 PM  Show Profile
hi ladies,
Hope you had a great day. It was sunny but cold especially with six inches of snow on the ground. But not that long until spring.

Peg and Judy...I have read the whole series yall are talking about and they are very good. Right now I m reading The Shack. Wanted to read it before movie came to town.

Becky keeping you in prayer.

Well this teacher is tired. I have a student who is just driving me crazy and believe me I have clipped his wings down to nothing. Much prayer on his behalf but makes for a long day when he seems to think he needs to be center of attention.

anyway off to take shower, tea, and read.
love to you all,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

3448 Posts

Kunkletown Pa
3448 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  7:01:57 PM  Show Profile  Send HealingTouch a Yahoo! Message
Checking in on all you ladies.

I finally got my snow! We got 6" and I'm in heaven. It looks beautiful! Very windy though. Up in the 50's this weekend! My Ohio sisters and I have similar weather. Very odd this year.

Peggy, lucky you. The Beach! Take me! Have a blessed time! How's Elijah's leg?

Love to all!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,
Sister 1922
October 2016 Farmgirl of the month

John 11: 35 Jesus wept.

When Satan's knocking at your door, just say "Jesus will you get that for me?"

When it gets to hard to stand, Kneel!

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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Feb 09 2017 :  10:55:47 PM  Show Profile
I should be packing! But just hopped on here to read the evening comments.

Teacher Tammy...Oh, you have a "I Need All The Attention" Butterfly this year huh?
Seems like there is one in every classroom! I think you need a Beach Trip too. I
offered to take you in my suit case! (+:

You too Darlene...the more the merrier. I can't wait until tomorrow. I am just glad
that everything worked out so I could go. I do have concerns leaving my hubby but I
will trust God to keep him and the dog thriving together. Larry hates taking the dog
out which concerns me a lot! ~ Elijah is doing good. Gets his Hard Cast off in two more weeks.

Nora...I am blessed by my youngest son and his family! They just love having me around
and that makes me feel so loved and wanted. And I adore my grand-kids.

OK, also glad to hear that Teacher Tammy loves Judy's Book Series. Those are both great recommendations.

Bible Study was Great Tonight...It was so good to be back together. Last week the freezing rain
kept us from meeting.

Please Pray for traveling safety for us. There are lots of mudslides and the Coast Highways can
be dangerous in this weather.

Big Beach Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month

Don't allow others to steal the Glitz from your *SPARKLE*

Life is too short to knit with ugly yarn!

Leave Your Cares Behind...Join Us On The Porch
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True Blue Farmgirl

1039 Posts

1039 Posts

Posted - Feb 10 2017 :  10:48:49 AM  Show Profile
Hey Peggy Ann.

I have a dear friend who work with me for 20 years. She retired last October and moved to Vancouver with her hubby Brad. I know your town is a big place but if you happen to meet a new person named Francine from California say Nancy says HI!

I misses her as she was my strong prayer partner here at work when things were hard. Vancouver is a big place but Papa God can direct our paths anywhere.


The fun begins where the pavement ends!
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True Blue Farmgirl

882 Posts

Linneus Maine
882 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2017 :  01:39:01 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Ladybek9756's MSN Messenger address  Send Ladybek9756 a Yahoo! Message
Good Morning,

I hope everyone is doing well these days. I have been busy. I traded contractors coming into my house to visiting doctors. Since moving to Maine it has been one thing after another. Don't get me wrong, I thank God everyday for bringing us here. If it wasn't for that I would not be able to have my new home or the ability to pay for the treatments. This week I went for a cat and bone scans and thank God they came back negative. So I only have cancer in my right breast. The 17th I meet with the oncologist to discuss chemo. My doctor called me yesterday with the results of the scan tests and said I would probably start real soon with the treatments. I don't know what to expect from chemo, but a part of me is scared. I also know that I will be able to find the courage to go through all of this. Well that is my rant for today.

PeggyAnn I hope you had a lovely weekend vacation. I use to live near a beach when I lived in Florida, but hardly ever went. For now I really love the snow and don't miss it much. A friend of ours here has a lake at their cabin in the woods and I really found that peaceful when we went to visit them. Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Heather, calving season already. I can't wait to see the pictures. We have a farm just at the end of the road who has cows and I am sure we shall see some new calves in the fields as well. How is your search going for your farm?

Teacher Tammy, there is always one in the group who can try even the most patient one. I love hearing about your trials with the little ones. I am going to become a substitute teacher once I am better. I might need some suggestions if I am ever put in with the younger crowd.

We got about a foot of snow on Thursday and more is in the forecast this weekend. Right now the moon is so bright that even though it is only 4am it looks like daylight outside. Well I am finally getting tired again and I need to go back to bed.

Have a great weekend.

May the stars carry your sadness away. May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, and may hope forever wipe away your tears.
Farm Girl of the Month December 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2017 :  10:11:11 AM  Show Profile
hello ladies,
I hope you are having a great Saturday. The weather is near 50 today after 6 inches of snow on Wednesday. Strange weather this week.
Peg I hopped right in your suitcase for the beach. I would love to be there.

Becky I continue to pray for you and I am sure you will make a great sub. We have a hard time finding them here where I am. They are in high demand.

Today my hubby and I are going to watch my grandson wrestle and celebrate his seventh birthday. Wow how time flies. I can't believe he is getting so grown up.
Yall have a great weekend.
love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Feb 11 2017 :  2:46:11 PM  Show Profile
Becky, I worked with a woman who had to go through chemo for lung cancer. She didn't lose her hair as most do, she lost feeling in her feet which hasn't returned yet, she worked most of the time she was having treatments. She took three treatments in a row then a break for three weeks. Her tastes changed, she lived on coffee before but took a while to get her taste for it back. I know that treatments work differently on everyone. She is cancer free now without surgery. I feel that you have a good chance of the same results. You have a strong support system working and praying for you.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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