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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Sep 08 2018 :  12:50:28 PM  Show Profile
Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a great Saturday. it is beginning to feel like a bit of fall with cool mornings. I have my fall stuff out here at home. Not at school yet...but we are still in beginning of year mode.
My mom is home from the hospital. It will be several weeks before she is feeling better. She goes back to the dr on Tuesday to see if pneumonia is gone, how pleurisy is and if the antibiotic they gave for her lung infection killed it or if they need to adjust. She is in good spirits and is glad to be home and sleeping in her own bed.

School is keeping me busy. I have a pretty good class of butterflies this year and our staff is working well together. Funny how when a teacher leaves you find out they were the drama we were experiencing. I am sure I will have lots of stories as this class is full of them lol.

Peggy I look forward to your mail. you need not worry how long. I just love it is from you.

ok ladies I have laundry going so best get back to it and some papers to grade.
love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Sep 09 2018 :  4:02:55 PM  Show Profile
Had a great visit with "Buckshot" yesterday. Duke did really well with his thunder vest. He didn't throw up or whine on the whole trip. He and Jade played and played. He's 12 lbs and she's 60 lbs. So funny watching them. They were both so wore out last night. We had a rainy ride home today but traffic wasn't too bad around DC.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Sep 09 2018 :  7:14:58 PM  Show Profile
Happy, Blessed SonDay Gals! We are having a monsoon here. The skies just opened up yesterday and it's still coming down.... and gusty. We have flood warnings thru tomorrow at 8PM. We had a high today of 59. I KNOW...59!! It feels so cold after those 90 degree days. I had to put a sweatshirt on. Right now it's 55 at 10 PM. The town was filling sandbags last night for around the low side of our bridges and Ace Hardware was closing the levees across the entrances to their parking lot. A few years back they built a concrete wall around their store to stop waters from a nearby stream from coming in during downpours like this. It Works, that's all I can say!! Usually 3 out of the 4 entrances to our town flood when it rains like this.
Today I declared it 'Stay in your Jammies day!' You couldn't go out and do anything anyhow.
Have a good night Porchies! Love Yuns!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Sep 10 2018 :  12:06:45 PM  Show Profile
Good Morning My Porchies...I just got this started at technically it is still Morning! LOL

Teacher Tammy...Hope you get your gift this week! IT DID GET MAILED!!! I know...SHOCK-SHOCK! I have my busy days and I have my Lazy Days and there is nothing
in between. LOL It is Raining her today!! Suppose to do that all week! NOW it feels like Fall! I still want more Summer, however! My Son bought me a Pumpkin Spice
Latte on Saturday Morning from Black Rock (they aren't as good as Starbucks) but I had been boycotting them until the end of the Month. They just brought them
out way too soon this year. But hey, I'm not dumb...I wasn't about to turn down a Free Coffee. LOL ~ When does your Bible Study Start this Fall and what are
you studying??? ~ I'm looking forward to More Cute Stories From Madame Butterflies Classroom this year. Here is a cute kid story for you: (and all the rest of you
Porchies too). Last weekend while I was Walking and Pushing the dog in his stroller. A little tike and his dad were walking towards us. I guessed that he was about
late two or early and the dad said something about The Dog in the Stroller to his son. So, as we got close I asked the Little Boy if he would like to pet the dog?
I told him he was friendly and loved kids. The little boy shook his head NO...and then said, "And I don't want him to look at me either, Lady!" Well, dad and I
got a good laugh but the kid was totally serious! LOL

Nora...I'm so glad you had a Great Time Loving on Buckshot! And the dogs had FUN, that is a Perfect Day, if you ask me! Babies and Dogs...two of my Favorite
things! My Little Elijah (5 years old) ran/walked his first 1 Mile Mud Race (with Mama along side him). He LOVED IT!! Why they have to use mud in all these Sporting
Events is gross to me but I guess it makes it more interesting. LOL

Judy...You sound like you are getting our weather too. But we don't have the same flood of rain that you do. It is Lovely to have the house all open and the Fresh Air
blowing in with just the Fans going. The AC is thanking me and God, I'm sure! It hasn't had many days OFF this Summer! ~ Please keep my Mom's House in your prayers.
People are looking at it right and Left but NO OFFERS yet. I know I will have to come down in price if I want it sold by Winter...but I would rather God just brought
the right people to buy this Little Fixer Upper! I need Chip and Joanna Gaines I think! LOL

Well, we had sad news over the Weekend... My Youngest Step-daughter got handed divorce papers!! Yes, she is the one who just got married last Oct. 14th to The Country/Gospel
Singer and she sold everything and moved to Tenn. She had lived in Spokane. We were ALL Shocked! I think like most Musicians, he likes having all The Women Groupies and
he also found marriage to demanding on his Life. My words not his...but I was married to a Musician at one time too. I know the Life Style of those Guys. Why settle for
one little lady at home when you can have all the Women you want. There was a reason that the guy didn't marry until age 38. She is hurting and was just as shocked as the
rest of us...and most of us read it on Social Media from Him. Who does that???????? She had been served the papers that morning before heading to work and once at work the
whole World read about it on Social Media and she said her phone just blew up with phone calls and Text Messages. Poor Girl! I don't know if she will move back to Spokane
or stay in Nashville.

OK...this is getting pretty long and I don't want my Laptop to EAT IT! So, Have a Great Week Girls!

Love and Hugs,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month


Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 10 2018 12:10:51 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Sep 10 2018 :  2:00:40 PM  Show Profile
I can imagine a mud run was heaven for a five year old. If he lived on the east coast, he could mud run all week it appears. Have my fingers crossed for anyone living in the path of the hurricanes headed to the U S. Stay safe everyone.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Sep 11 2018 :  12:46:28 PM  Show Profile
Peg, we haven't needed fans for a couple weeks now. Our electric box had it's tongue hanging out from running so fast during that hot spell. hahaha Today is a high of 67 n cloudy. I'll take it.
How can people call themselves Gospel singers and not follow God or His laws? DON'T get me started!!
I have a crockpot of beans cooking and the house smells so good. I'll make some cornbread tonight with bacon bits in it. That'll make my man happy when he gets home.

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2018 :  5:04:38 PM  Show Profile
Howdy yall,
It is a beautiful day here in Nebraska. I am loving the cool crisp mornings and warm afternoons. I have to share a butterfly story. We have been having a bit of trouble following rules this week. I said I am getting tired of us having to fix this little problem. One little butterfly stood up and said in other words, our class boat has sprung a leak again and we are out of duck tape and bandaids so we better get our game on and follow the rules. So now when we are in trouble we say our boat sprung a leak. I thought how clever to think that way. Just made me smile.

Peggy will watch the mail no package yet but now I have something to look forward to. I am not doing fall bible study as they are doing a study I Have done a few times and I felt like God is wanting me to step back and think about what I say yes and no too and with my sweet mama still on the mend I can't do it all. But I am doing the study on the names of God on the She Reads Truth website. I am enjoying it we are on Day 3.

Miss Judy hope you are not floating

to all in the wake of the hurricane I am praying for you
I best skedaddle got some papers to finish up
Love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2018 :  08:25:58 AM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
Tammy: Your butterflies are a hoot! Love the "fresh" way they look at things. Can't wait till the next story. lol

Peggy: I've had my windows open at night and love freshening the house. They are closed during the day to "trap" the coolness inside. It works. My A/C hasn't had much rest this year either. Not a good year for a garden either. It gave me a few green beans, enough for one pot. Got a few tomatoes also which tasted so sweet! Hoping next year is better. My chickens are laying eggs, but not regularly yet, but am thankful for each one.

Well, it's laundry day. Taking advantage of all this fresh air and sunshine.

Praying for all in the hurricane's path, stay safe.

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2018 :  11:36:17 AM  Show Profile
Hello Everyone! Long time no see LOL! I don't have time to back read previous pages so forgive me if I missed something important. Life has kept me off the computer for a while. I sure have missed everyone though.

Peggy - Sorry I missed your month! Belated congrats on being farmgirl of the month. I can't believe it's been so long since I was on here. I hope you had a great month. So sorry to hear about your step daughter. I can't believe he would post that! As if going through it first hand isn't bad enough to have everyone else see it on the computer or phone or whatever - I don't have any polite words to say so I'll just sit here and shake my head! In time I hope your step daughter finds a man that truly deserves her love.

Judy - are you still floating? It sure was nice to see the sun Tuesday. We got about 4 inches of rain here, but not too far I heard reports of 5-7 inches. The cooler temps sure are nice though!!!

We had a couple more calves born. Only one heifer, but she's a cutie! Ornery too. We're down to just a few to have their babies then we're done until spring.

My Dad and brother race but I don't get to see them since they're in Michigan. But, they do a traveling series and twice my dad came down this way. The first time he ended up crashing into the wall - I don't know if I showed pictures or not. But last month he came back and then my parents spent the night. My inner child couldn't resist the car the next day

I couldn't even reach the pedals!

My sister came down for a quick overnight visit before she had to go back to school (she's a teacher). It was nice to see my niece again. She's growing so fast! I tried to make her into a farmgirl. She liked the cats but didn't even want to look at the cows!

I didn't get to see my other niece but my brother sent me some pictures. I think this one's going to like the cows!

Well, I need to go check on lunch. I hope to be back again soon!!
Hugs to all

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2018 :  12:06:11 PM  Show Profile
Hi Gals...we have had thunder and Lightening and rain and cool weather. Highs in the 60's. What a drastic change of weather. The day before the weather changed it
was 94. I still want summer to stay but today I dressed for the weather: Jeans, T-shirt and Sneakers (or Kicks) as the kids call them. Yesterday it was cool with
slight showers in the morning and I went to the Store in my Shorts, and flip flops and every one I saw were in jeans, and Sweaters or Jackets. I looked down at myself
and said, "Yup, you are in total denial girlfriend!" LOL that Fresh air...and I too love having the windows and doors open to Freshen everything. Until my hubby gets back from the Dr. and then he will complain that
it is too cold and I will have to shut everything up. When I can't take the warmth and stuffiness I go into my room and turn on The A/C just to cool down a little.
This wasn't even a Summer for Flowers. If you didn't water them every day they looked pretty sad. BUT I still kept them alive some how. LOL Glad your chickens are laying.
It is funny how some chickens lay tons of eggs and some don't seem to know what they are supposed to be doing. I need to be doing laundry today too...but I am having
Fibro Issues so I think I will wait. I already spilled an entire glass of almond milk all over the place while making my Protein Shake. I am afraid it is just going to be
one of those clumsy days. had me at cornbread with bacon bits grumbled into it. Do you make sweetcorn bread? We do up North! I Love It!!! Dry cornbread seems to stick in my throat but
it I put sugar in it and smear lots of butter and jam on it...I can eat it either way. We have a Old Mill close by that grinds flour and cornmeal for their visitors during
the Fall Season and that is where we get our cornmeal every year. It has no preservatives in it so you have to freeze it but Oh, is it ever good.

Well, hubby is almost home with some groceries so I better get off here and go unload them.

Hugs and Blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2018 :  3:31:20 PM  Show Profile
Heather, your niece is so cute. They do grow up too fast.

We had sun shine today, first time this week.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Sep 14 2018 :  09:42:18 AM  Show Profile
Good morning sweet friends! Life has been so busy!!! We are gearing up for a super fun, although busy school year! Three of my kiddos now hold offices in their 4H group. I'm now secretary of the homeschool group. So crazy busy, but I feel so alive right now! Healthwise I'm not doing well at all though - long story short, I'm fighting a few bacterial infections that antibiotics dont seem to be touching!?!? I had more tests run Wednesday, so I will hopefully hear today what the next step is. On a high note, I'm headed on a ladies retreat this weekend. I've not been without children in YEARS, so this will definitely be different!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Sep 14 2018 :  6:03:00 PM  Show Profile

Hey y’all happy Friday I came home after a crazy day to find this sweet package from Peggy oh my goodness it is too sweet and just made my day I wanted to share I think picture is sideways it did not want to cooperate so sorry for that but Peggy I love it and you to pieces thank you my dear friend
Love and blessings

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

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1485 Posts

Posted - Sep 14 2018 :  6:05:51 PM  Show Profile
Oh here are my darling butterflies dressed up for picture day

Love and blessings

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Sep 15 2018 :  08:32:30 AM  Show Profile
Shannon - enjoy your weekend getaway!

Peggy - I think we writing at the same time the last time I posted LOL! You remind me of my mother in law. She loves her flip flops and will be all bundled up in a jacket and complaining about how cold it is but still say it's not time to put the flip flops away yet. Me - I love when the cool weather comes and I can break out my tall boots :)

Nora - isn't it wonderful to see the sun after so long of not seeing it! I haven't checked out the trajectory of Florence - is it headed your way?

Tammy - It looks like your boat is smoothly sailing with no leaks in that picture. What a cute group of butterflies you have!

We had another calf last night but I don't have the pictures uploaded yet. I got a good one though! Hubby went to a farm auction with his best friend today so I'm going to get the sewing machine out when I'm done on here. I can't believe it, but there's only 100 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes until Christmas! (but who's counting *giggle*) I'm trying to start a little earlier this year and have most things done this fall. We'll see how that goes.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Sep 15 2018 :  11:17:59 AM  Show Profile
Teacher Tammy...I am so glad that you got the Book Pkg. And again please forgive my slowness! Enjoy the Books and I will send the 3rd one when I finish it. Of course
I have to start it first (*giggle*). Your Butterflies are so cute and a much smaller class this year. Lucky YOU!!! Fewer Butterfly wings to have to clip, right?
My husband took my best friend and me to a Christian Concert Last Night...David Phelps! It was a Great Concert. My Friend is a fairly new Christian and she was just
moved to tears a couple of times. My Poor Husband had to sit by himself because when he bought Patti her ticket he couldn't get it in the same he let
us girls sit together. Such a Sweetheart he can be sometimes! We had great seats!!

Heather...I think you are right...we often post at the same time. So glad that you get a day to start those Christmas Gifts. I have started shopping but that is all!
Thanks for reminding us how FAST it is coming! It will all be here before we blink an eye or twitch a nose. I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't want to give
up her flip-flops each Fall! But I have had two days now...where I have forced myself to embrace Fall and put on long pants and Tennis-Shoes. I also drug out my
favorite Fall Starbucks Mug for my Morning Coffee. My house is all decorated for Fall (I did that last Monday) because of the Grands coming on Tuesday. They Love that
Grandma still decorates! Elijah walked around saying, "Oh, Grandma I remember this!" It was so cute!!! And for Savannah being just two and a half everything seemed New
and Wonderful to her. So Cute!

Shannon...good to see you back on The Porch dear heart! Sorry to hear that your health hasn't improved much...but glad to hear that you are feeling "So Alive". The
alternative wouldn't be so great! LOL You and Sabrina make me feel so Old as you are always sooooooooooooooooooo Busy! But that is Life with children! They keep you
on the run!

Nora...we are supposed to see Sunshine next week sometime. The rain hasn't been as Crazy as we thought it would be. Who can complain with the weather hitting the East
Coast???? How is Duke doing???? I need I'm sure your Fur Baby has grown!

Not sure what I am doing today. Still need to do Laundry but that doesn't sound like fun on a weekend. It can wait until I'm ready! My kids said I could come help them
clean and decorate for Fall and I told them that didn't sound like FUN either. I'm weary from the weather but still want to go have some FUN!!!

Have an Enjoyable Day Girls!!! Love You to The Beach and Back (in my flip-flops)!!! Hey, I ordered a Necklace that says "Love You To The Beach and Back!" I was so excited
when I found it online.

Love, Hugs, and Blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Sep 15 2018 :  7:35:09 PM  Show Profile
We are going to miss most of Florence, thank goodness. We're so wet that the chickens are tearing up the yard. We are suppose to get between 2 and 5 inches depending on the altitude. Mostly on Monday.

Duke isn't growing much. He's around 12 lbs. Still worrying the cats and chickens. I'll get a new pic of him soon.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Vancouver WA
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Posted - Sep 16 2018 :  8:08:57 PM  Show Profile
Praise The Lord Nora...when I first read your post I thought it said, "depending on the attitude!" LOL Probably that too huh???
2-5 inches still seems like a lot. We had rain last night and this morning and so, it kicks in my Fibro and I slept late today and
then I napped off an on all day! I declared it a Pajama day and have enjoyed a few football between naps! LOL ~ I hope your
chickens don't float away. I will look forward to Duke's pictures. 12 lbs is a nice lap dog size. Is he a cuddler?

Hugs and Smiles,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Sep 17 2018 :  08:07:42 AM  Show Profile
Good morning dear porchies! It is a beautiful day here in Wyoming! It amazes me how much a ladies' retreat, centered around God and His Word, can fulfill a need you do not even realize you have! I'm hoping it holds me over until next year for the next annual retreat, but I will take whatever I can get!!! Hubby and the kids butchered chickens while I was gone, as well as found a hen that had hatched 14 chicks! And thankfully she is a delightful protective momma! It is our first time hatching out chicks! What a joy!!! This week is sure to be a crazy one, as we have activities everyday!!! Wel I say that - I cancelled the ones for today, as my 5 yo, Aly woke up throwing up :( Tomorrow we have a meeting for 4H and then I have a night out with some other homeschooling mommas. Wednesday is violin lessons, a meeting for 4H for Ben and Aly, and then youth group for my older three. Thursday is a cake decorating class with my oldest - though I'm debating if I want to do it or not and then on Friday my parents are coming over. Oh and Saturday we are headed to a corn maze with my sister in law and their boys! BUSY week!!! Especially once I think about all the home, homesteading and home schooling stuff to be done as well. Whew.

Tammy what a lovely package you received from Peggy!!! And your butterflies are precious! any standout personalities this year so far?

Heather - I am so excited about Christmas, but am so not ready!!! I have the gift for my mom just about done... I'm hoping by the end of the week it will be done. Looking forward to seeing your picture of the calf! Gender?

Peggy - pajamas days are the best!!!!

Nora - thankful you are't too affected by Florence! I'm still waiting to hear from some friends in the Carolinas! Praying they are doing alright!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Sep 17 2018 :  6:47:30 PM  Show Profile

The road to the left of my house at 9:30 this morning. We had two and a half inches of rain. But the sun came and went this afternoon. We got off lucky.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Sep 18 2018 :  09:42:56 AM  Show Profile
Shannon...glad to hear that you had a Great Women's Retreat. I am looking forward to mine in a couple of weeks too! Always a great time of Fellowship at The Beach!
So Rejuvenating and uplifting. glad that you didn't get any more rain than that. It could have been so much worse! I feel so badly for those who have lost their lives or relatives in
Florence's Pathway of Devastation. Especially the mother who had her infant swept out of her arms in the raging water. Just heartbreaking. Nora I hope you weren't
close to the Tornados that were spawning off the Storm. Our news said that they were coming into Virginia...

We are having another Sunny 70-degree day today. I have the grands again and We are having tablet time. One is on my iPhone and the other on my Tablet. So, I
decided to hop on here and check in on everyone. I only allow them a small amount of tablet time.

OK...My Porchies have a Beautiful Day!!! Stay dry and find some sunshine.

Love and Blessings,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

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Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Sep 18 2018 :  2:53:46 PM  Show Profile
Peggy, the mountains keep most of the tornatos to the east of us. Flash flooding is usually our main concern. We've had so much rain this summer that even a little can be devastating.
My garden is done for the summer.
Duke is very territorial with me. He has to be between me and the cats or Jay. He gets his nose between me and him when he kisses me goodbye. I had to correct him aroung Buckshot the other weekend.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

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Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Sep 20 2018 :  9:42:49 PM  Show Profile
Hi Gals! Just a quick note to say that my Sis and I got a late summer visit in. Her BIL went down and brought her up Sunday and we have been having a GRAND ole' time doing Sissy stuff, giggling, hugging and just having a ball. Dave's on vacation too this week. Thought I'd sneak on here and tell ya before Peggy rounds up the posse!! *giggle* Be back after she leaves this weekend. Happy to hear that you all are safe and doing well!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."

Edited by - herblady55 on Sep 20 2018 9:43:45 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Sep 21 2018 :  11:44:21 AM  Show Profile
Judy...Okay, Girlfriend, you and Patsy are excused...I mean who would send out the Posse when all that Sister Happiness is the reason for your absence???
NOT ME! I'm supporting it whole hog! I wish my sister was around still to have Sissy Time with. She indeed is in a much better place than we are...and I
am not sure if she would return if she could. I figure that we have all of Eternity to catch up!

Teacher Tammy...I am so glad you got my package. Couldn't remember if I told you that or not.

Heather...if you are lurking girlfriend, I got your Wonderful FGOtM Package and it was such a Lovely Surprise! I posted pictures on FB since they won't allow
me to post on MJF (unless I pay the Farmgirl dues). But Thank YOU so Much...I Love, Love, Loved it all!!!

Nora...I am so happy to hear that you don't typically get the Tornados. That is Great News!! We don't typically get them here in Vancouver either but every
year or two we get a freak one. We are more apt to get Earthquakes here...being on the Faultline. They keep telling us that we are way overdue for a 9.3 and
above Earthquake (The Big One) as they refer to it. Nobody worries about it here, however. IF it happens it happens! Natural Disasters are kind of hard to
prepare for.

I happened to get my little Savannah's sniffles while I watched her for those two days earlier in the week! But OH well, just having her with me was so
splendid and delightful. I had Elijah one of those days too! Well, Ladies I'm off of here for now. Hope you all find something enjoyable to do over
the weekend.

Love Ya All,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
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True Blue Farmgirl

3201 Posts

Wapakoneta Ohio
3201 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2018 :  5:26:12 PM  Show Profile
Peggy - so happy to hear your package arrived. I can't believe I missed a whole month on here!

I only have a minute while I'm waiting on a friend to get here for supper so I'll see how much I can post before she gets here. It's been a stressful couple weeks. My husbands grandpa was in and out of the hospital for a while. Not yesterday but the Sunday before he was rushed to the hospital after being home 2 days from his previous hospital visit. Long story short he went from the hospital to a nursing home on Wednesday and passed away this morning. He had a lot of health issues but COPD was the main issue. My mother in law was really close to her Dad and it's hitting her hard. Her mom passed away last year but she now has to deal with all the stuff like closing accounts, clearing out the house and selling it, etc. that she didn't have to worry about last year. I'm trying to be there best I can but there's only so much I can do. Since she's the POA she has to do most things. It'll be hard for a little while for her, but at least now Grandpa isn't in any pain or struggling to breathe.

Anyway, I was playing with the settings on my camera and found out how to take multiple pictures very quickly. Here's the calf picture I was talking about last time (it's a heifer Shannon)

They flick their tongues so fast I wouldn't have gotten this without that camera setting!

Here's another picture from a little while ago that I love

A double rainbow above our barn. We get rainbows from time to time but not usually double ones!

Well I need to wrap this up. Hopefully I'll be back soon.

Farmgirl Sister #4701
September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month

"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
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