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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 26 2018 : 09:34:18 AM
Morning everyone! It has been such a busy week! I guess I am going to have to get use to that though, for at least Tuesdays through THursdays, with some Mondays and Fridays being busy too. Sigh. But I'm enjoying the growth I am seeing in the kids, so for right now, we are going to go with it. Sadly, I'm still fighting some crazy bacterial infections that the antibiotics aren't touching, grrr. I'll see an infectious disease specialist as soon as insurance approves the referral, but until then, I've decided to go on just clear liquids to try to let my system heal itself. Crazily enough, it has been over 36 hours since I've eaten, and I'm not even hungry!
Heather - your sweet calf is adorable and what a great picture!!! I'm sure you are happy it is a heifer! I am so sorry to hear of your hubby's grandfather!
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 26 2018 : 1:12:49 PM
Heather...Love the Pictures Girlfriend! That Cow Tongue is so cute!! I can't believe we use to eat cow tongue when I was little. It is an acquired taste...I will say that much! But once I left home I let that Dinner stay at my Mom's House...never to eat it again. My grandma use to eat cow brain scrambled in eggs when she stayed with us. I hated coming home from school and opening the Refrigerator and seeing a pkg of those Brains in there! Yuck! Anyway...So sorry to hear about Grandpa passing away. Your Mother In Law is in for a huge undertaking with her parent's house and belongings. After having just gone through that...I feel very very badly for her and will pray that God will send just the right people to help her. My Oldest Step-daughter has been a God-send for me. I paid her well for her help, but she offered expecting nothing. My own kids were helpful but in very different ways. At almost 67 (next month) I could NOT have done that mess all alone. It would have killed me. All the Financial responsibility was hard enough to deal with. And I'm still paying bills monthly on her house until it sells. And that is an entirely different headache altogether. So, yes...I will be praying for you all but especially her. ~ That Double Rainbow is Spectacular!!!! I save your cow pictures (the funny ones and I hope you don't mind if I save the Double Rainbow too. I always put who took the picture if I use it in any way. But That Picture is Stunning!!!
Hi Shannon...good to see you on the Porch girl. Wow, Shannon...I should try to do what you are doing by NOT eating Even on my SIBO Program My stomach is still a mess. I tweak the eating as I need to but it just never feels good. For instance, I was getting way too much Fructose eating as much fruit as they wanted me too. It just sits in my stomach and ferments. Then they have a whole list of veggies NOT to Eat, no grains (except 2 certain few) and on and on and on!! Last Night after 2 months I finally said, "If my stomach is going to hurt anyway...I'm making myself a burger for dinner. And I put it on bread instead of a bun...but man did it ever taste good. No more or less pain this morning when I got up. To say I am frustrated is beyond words!! I did a cleanse before I started this program by Dr. Gundry but the benefits didn't last long. I didn't do a complete fast though which might be helpful. Please let me know how long you go without eating.
Tomorrow hubby and I go for the last MRI consult on his Stroke that wasn't a stroke according to the first MRI Reading. So, Crazy but we so need answers to what it was. Hopefully, Dr. Aga from The Oregon Science and Health University will be able to shed some light on just what happened. This Dr. is a brilliant Man. And if he can't figure it out then nobody can.
Well, this week we are back to Summer weather and I am back into my shorts and flip-flops! LOL High 80's is not my idea of FALL. LOL I got a lovely walk in last night and hope to get another one in tonight.
I hope Judy and Patsy are having a BLAST TOGETHER!!
Nora...if you are lurking! Hi!!! Big Hugs and Waves!!!
Love and Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Fulks Run
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Posted - Sep 26 2018 : 6:57:20 PM
Shannon, hope you soon get straighten out. Hate to feel bad and not know why. And don't you just love our medical system.
Duke found a new "friend" on the front porch this morning. We had about a dozen wooly bully caterpillars that were completely black. He followed them around and jumped about a foot high when they tickled his nose. We're starting to see stink bugs too.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
55 Posts
55 Posts |
Posted - Sep 26 2018 : 8:05:04 PM
Hello Ladies, I am new to the Farmgirl Connection, but have been reading Mary Jane's Farm for a couple of years. I love reading about how everyone is doing, and I love how everyone here genuinely care about one another.
Heather ~ I loved the photo of the calf and it's curly tongue. It reminds me of my grandmother. She would laugh and tell me how in her day she would have to stick her feet in their poop to keep her feet warm in the winter. Not sure if she really had to do that, but just remembering her laugh makes me smile.
It has rained here quite often in the past month. I never know exactly how much, all I know is that when we get a lot of rain out stream in our yard forms again. It is usually there in spring, but dried out in summer.
A retreat sounds so nice. Lately I have felt that I need a break from life. It just seems so busy and not enough time for myself. I am hoping that now hunting season is here I can get some time again. It is so nice to be able to sit in my stand and read a book.
My front porch has been busy the last few weeks. Last weekend my hubby and I hosted our friends wedding in our backyard. It was the first large function we ever had in our yard. The weather was beautiful, which I am super glad seeing there was no backup plan if it rained. The wedding was super stressful for me because it seemed as if the bride didn't want to do anything. She would come up with ideas, but I would have to be the one to put those ideas into motion. The day of the wedding I was able to look around and feel proud of what I accomplished on such a small budget. Thank goodness I can be crafty at times.
Now that the wedding is over I am trying to help my mom clean out and have an estate sale of my grandmothers house. The sale is the first weekend in October, and we are no where close to being ready.
Along with that, it is also apple picking season. We don't have any apple trees... yet... but we have friends that have over 300. On our free time, which isn't much, we go over and help them pick apples.
Finally, tonight my hubby and I decided to take my friends son 2 nights a week starting, then more nights as time goes on. We don't have any kids (pets only) so this will be a different experience for us. He is 13 years old, and has a hard life. Long story short, his mom was my best friend who died suddenly 4 years ago. His grandmother has been raising him since, but also has health problems. His Dad is out of the picture. I know we will be okay and probably what he needs, I just hope I don't let him down.
I hope everyone stays well until we meet again. Especially you Shannon, I hope you are able to find relief soon.
This is the only photo of my yard I took from the wedding. I forgot to take more while I was running around.
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~ Jamie Farmgirl #7695
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
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Posted - Sep 28 2018 : 12:03:43 PM
WELCOME TO THE PORCH JAMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       We are so HAPPY TO HAVE YOU JOIN US!! I can tell by your tagline that you are a Christian...and so are many of us on The Porch and on MJF. We Hope you find your way back and can share more of your life with us and us with you!!! Just kick off your boots and plop down on a Porch Swing or grab a Rocking Chair. We also often have Food (Cookies, Cakes, Pies, Scones etc) and Drinks (Sweet Tea, Lemonade, Coffee) and yes, they are ALL Calorie Free!!!! That is the BEST PART! LOL So, today I am leaving some Pumpkin Bars and Coffee/Tea for everyone to enjoy. Let's be polite and allow our Newby Farmgirl to go first!!! 
Hugs and Blessings, PeggyAnn
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 28 2018 12:09:46 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Sep 28 2018 : 12:30:55 PM
Hey there ladies! Woke up to a gorgeous layer of snow this morning! So lovely!!!! It has all melted now, but winter is surely on its way!
Peggy - be careful if you try to fast!!! I ended up passing out and am sitting around due to a concussion. Sigh! My fast is officially over! Time to try something new I guess. I just want answers!!! Anyways - I love love love cow tongue!!! That and cow heart! Such delicious meats! Now brains and livers... I can do without, lol. How did your hubby's appointment go? Thanks for the pumpkin bars and tea... I'm being good and waiting for Jamie to come back and get some...
Nora - the medical system is one thing you do not want to get me started on! I've been "military' all my life, so never the same doctor for too long of a time. Before we moved from SC we found a brilliant one that we all loved... now we are searching for someone worthy of their degree. Sigh. Why can't they understand that the most important thing is the patient and that the patient is an individual, not a statistic or example out of a book!?!?
Jamie - Welcome to the porch! Sounds like you are a hunting girl :) I haven't gone yet - too many little ones - but am hoping to one day! How are things going with your friend's son? That can be a rough age, and he has had such a hard life! I will be adding him to my prayer list! Your yard looks beautiful with the lights up in the trees!
A dear friend texted me earlier - she is selling me tomatoes out of her garden. Super excited, as I desperately need to get some canned and mine didn't do too well this year! Hubby will be picking them up for me after he gets off work, as our suburban died :( Hopefully hubby can fix it tomorrow while I can the tomatoes! Tomorrow night our 4H group is putting on a dance for all the other 4H clubs in the area. Should be loads of fun! Today I am working on planning our geography study of Italy. It will last for five weeks... I'm hoping to get it all planned today, but we will see.
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
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Posted - Sep 28 2018 : 12:49:18 PM
Shannon...Thanks for the WARNING on the fasting!!! My husband and I did get answers yesterday. He had a Seizure and a TIA. The first one was at home and the Tia was in the Hospital. That is all we needed to know. But unfortunately, he will keep having them. But I always want the Truth about his and my medical conditions as I am ALL about doing everything we can if something can be done to help. He will now go to his Neurologist and see if she thinks he should go on a Seizure Medication. For now, as he is doing so much better at the preference is that they don't put him on one more pill...but I will wait to hear what her recommendation is. Thanks for asking Shannon!!!
Love and Hugs, Peg
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Sep 29 2018 : 08:26:27 AM
Happy Saturday HOpe this finds yall doing well. happy fall as well. It has been a busy week. My niece got married yesterday. It was a beautiful day and she was lovely. It was a day for family and love.
School is very busy and keeps me hopping. But for the most part I am enjoying it. I am still on the fence if I will go back next year or look for a new school. While I have a good class there are other things happening that I am at odds with and not sure where it is heading, but I will be listening for God's lead on this.
It is a cool day here in my neighborhood and feels like fall I love it a lot.
well not much else just wanted to fly in and say hello love and blessings, Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
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Posted - Sep 29 2018 : 12:31:29 PM
Good morning girls! Sorry for being MIA so much. I've got naan bread pizzas in the oven so we have something to snack on while we chat on the porch :O)
Things are crazy here as usual LOL Still working my crazy shifts plus now it's bean harvest AND we're trying to get the farm ready for winter. I've applied for several positions at the hospital but it appears they aren't going to let me transfer off the floor. I've got a couple other ones I'm waiting to play out to see if they go anywhere, several work from home which would be awesome! I also ran down to Jamestown Monday to see Jasper. I can't believe how much he's grown!!!!! I miss having him up to visit us so much. I haven't seen him since he was up the 4th of July and it breaks my heart. Jordon has started video chatting with us so I can at least see and talk to him.
Benny and I just passed the one year marker of our first date. It's amazing how our first year together went. You gals have been with me the whole way lol It's been quite the year from meeting, bean harvest, snowmobile trip, moving up to the farm with him and our Harley trip! We're already planning our snowmobile trip in January and trying to decide where we're going and how we're going to get there with so many people and sleds. The bus will no longer fit everybody with the sleds loaded in the back and the way the seats are put in they aren't safe to use with a carseat for Hadley. Speaking of which, here's the cutie herself. Isn't she adorable!
I'm down with a cold so I'm totally unmotivated to clean today but need to get it done. I just want to curl up and read a book for the day but there is too much to get done and as Benny would say "that's for winter" lol. I went to Minot to the mall 3 weeks ago for the first time and guess what I found - Barnes & Noble!!!!!!! Be still my heart LOL I spent way too much time and money in there but boy did it feel good to be in a bookstore again. I grabbed a cozy mystery called "Of Books and Bagpipes" by Paige Shelton which is part of her Scottish Bookshop Mystery series. It's a mystery, bookstore and takes place in Scotland/Ireland so it has to be great! Right? LOL I have yet to be able to crack the cover of it yet so it appears it will be a "winter thing" unfortunately which makes me sad. I did read Home Sweet Masion by Danielle Postel-Vinay (Kindle) which was a FB reading club read. I'm currently working on Meet the Frugalwoods and Thirty Slim Days.
Okay, I really need to stop procrastinating and get my kitchen cleaned. I got a ton of Mrs. Meyers cleaning products on a special from Grove Collaborative in the seasonal scents and I'm cleaning with them for the first time. I'm liking the pumpkin scent. And I leave you with the start of our sunset Monday night. Have an awesome weekend ladies!

Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Wolford, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
55 Posts
55 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2018 : 5:11:24 PM
Hello Ladies! It was a beautiful cool day here. I spent a few hours in the woods today, didn't see anything. I loved watch the sun wake everything up as it slowly moved across the field. The birds and squirrels were jumping around in the trees. Besides getting a little cold, it was wonderful!
After, the woods I went and worked with my mom getting the estate sale ready. We still have a ton of work to do.
I was finally able to go pumpkin picking also today. We have have a pumpkin patch about 20 minutes away where pumpkins are $2 and under. Both my hubby and I have to set a budget otherwise we can easily get carried away. We got about 20 pumpkins all shapes and sizes. I just love pumpkins!
We haven't started with having Dayton over yet. We are waiting on a few things from his grandmother, but we are ready to go here. I have our guestroom ready for him to stay the night, and an empty dresser for some clothing. I am excited and nervous at the same time for him to stay with us.
PeggyAnn - I love pumpkin bars! My husband laughs at me every year about this time. I have to have everything pumpkin! It is just so yummy!!
Shannon - I just started hunting this year. I have gone a few times in the past to sit with my hubby, but never had a stand or a bow. This year I have it all! Thank you for praying for Dayton, he needs all the prayers he can get. I wish you were closer, I have so many tomatoes I would just give you. My hubby and I are not a fan of them. The only reason we have them is for my ducks, but unfortunately they both passed away this summer.
Peg - I hope the doctors can find some sort of an answer for you. Seeing someone you love or anyone else have a seizure is a scary thing. I will be praying for your family.
Tammy - I hope you are feeling better. Congratulations on your anniversary. Finding someone you can connect to on so many levels is an amazing thing. Treasure every moment you have, time flies by so quick. Hadley is adorable! Thank you for sharing the photo. Have you read "The Secret Life of Bees"?
Until we meet again, I left a bowl of puppy chow for everyone. I am addicted to it at the moment.
~ Jamie Farmgirl #7695
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25 |
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Sep 29 2018 : 7:17:08 PM
Tammy, the baby is so cute. We put Duke's thunder vest on and went riding in the mountains today. He did really well until we were coming down and Jay got a bit brave and it got really bumpy. He threw up then. He seemed to be enjoying himself with his head out the window most of the way. All I want is to have a dog that will ride with me. No rain today.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2018 : 2:13:33 PM
Hello My Porchies...
Nora...I might have to try one of those Thunder Vests for my dog during fireworks Time. Like both the 4th of July and New Years Eve around here people go crazy with them. And my dog gets such anxiety over them. I bet you will finally get your dog to love going for rides with you! Mine loves it...even if he is just going for grooming or the vet. LOL
Jamie...So, happy that you found your way back to the Porch. I don't know about whether or not Tammy has read The Secret Lives of Bees or not, but I read it in my Book Club (when I still had it going). It was a Great Book! Another one I thought was so thought-provoking and one that stays with you for a very long time after you read it, is The Book Thief. ~ Good to find another Farmgirl who is ALL ABOUT PUMPKIN EVERYTHING!!! I can't get enough of it!!! I did try a Breakfast Cookie that was Pumpkin Spice and I had to take 2 boxes back to Target as they tasted like soap. I think it is the only Pumpkin Product I have ever had to return. LOL
Prairie Tammy...Glad I catch you on FB too because you have been off The Porch for awhile. I know The Life of a Farmer is ALWAYS BUSY!! Again, thanks for that HOT tip the Purple Bed Quilt...I can't wait for it to get here. It is JUST so Beautiful and so me!!! Also, I Love all the Myers Products but I can get them 1 block away from my Apartment. So, even though they were FREE I didn't want to get roped into them be delivered to me on a regular basis. It probably really helps you living in the Country. I think you will love their products!!! My son and DIL use them too and that is all they will ever use. They are the ones who got me hooked too. ~ I agree, you have had a very exciting year since you and Benny hooked-up. Nothing like Adventures to Spice up ones Life. So, glad you got to see Jasper. I bet he is really growing up! ~ And Hadley is just the cutest too. I Love a Smiley Baby!! And those Cheeks are just kissable. Well, maybe Winter will allow you both more time to read and more time to jump on the Porch. We all miss you when you are MIA Farmgirl!!!
Teacher Tammy...Loved The Pictures of the Wedding you attended on FB. Really Great Pictures of both YOU and Hubby and The Family!! Those are Always Special Times.
I spent yesterday morning at Urgency Care. My UTI went from a bladder infection to an Inflamed Bladder with some kidney pain. I had been trying to treat it with Homeopathic Herbal Supplements and Cherry Juice and Cherry Herbs and you name it I was using it. This is my 3rd UTI in a year...and they consider that a Chronic Condition Now. I know the things that are causing it but they are things I can't do anything about. So, Frustrating. It's like you work on one area of your Health and then it turns the applecart upside down on three other areas. Oh, well! That's Life I guess. LOL So, yesterday I just hung out in my recliner and watched Football All Day and drank tons of water!!
Saturday I hung out with My Kids and Grandkids. The Grandkids were pretty cranky!! And Mom and Dad looked exhausted! I felt badly for ALL of them.
Today I have been Christmas Shopping online. Try to get an Early Start each year. I will do more this coming weekend while I am on my Beach Retreat!! I am so ready to go to The Oregon Coast. One of my FAVORITE things to do each year is this Bible Study Beach Retreat. We only have 9 women going this year but it will just be such a Blast.
OKAY, My Farm Sistas...we may need to send out The Posse on Judy and Patsy...soon. LOL I think they must be having too much FUN TOGETHER...AS ONLY SISTERS CAN!!
More Later My Lovelies, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Ohio(Stark Co)
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Posted - Oct 01 2018 : 3:26:34 PM
Ok Girlies, I'm baa-aacckkk!! So glad you missed me. I was gone so long I had to put my ID & password back in... which I couldn't even remember. hahahaha That's bad! So, Patsy got back home Saturday night and is still wore out. Right before she got here Dave, who was also on vacation, got a terrible chest cold with a cough that's still hanging on. Three days after she got here, she got the cold. Now that she's gone, I have the cold. I hate coughing!!! You can't do anything without setting it off, you can't sleep a solid hour without waking yourself coughing... then ya gotta pee with every bout of coughing. Then your sides hurt from coughing. Do you get the idea...I HATE coughing. *giggle... sigh* I'm tired! So, needless to say, we didn't do a lot... but we definitely spent some quality time TOGETHER!!! Hahaha(coughing) I WUV my SISSY!!! Just being near her revived my tired spirit! Had to read back a ways to catch up. Not going to try and comment on everybody's stuff. I did enjoy all the pics and Prayers have been going up for you daily, even when I didn't know what was going on with you. Sorry to hear about deaths and illness and heartaches on here. Always makes me sad. We have been having all fall weather since Patsy got here. I know she enjoyed not being in 90 degree heat, but I fear it didn't help her weak disposition at all and contributed to her ailment. So, now that I'm back... you'll get sick of me again... hahaha Have a great evening Girlies!
Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009) FGOTM:Jan.2012 Judy French-Hugs&Squeezles! "We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!" "I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2018 : 5:42:10 PM
yall I am one mad madame butterfly. I am already praying for God to work on my heart about that but also that he would show his purpose for where I am at my school. I am seriously considering looking for a new place to teach after this year. When we have parents who think we need to be an elite school rather than helping whoever God puts in our door there is something wrong with this picture. We have parents who think they can tell us how to do our job. I am tired of being told only certain kids need to be there and let the others fall to the wayside. I am not that kind of teacher. God gifts me with who he wants to teach me and I them. It is enough today to make me just say I am out of here.
ok I am done venting. Going to have tea and cslm my wings. Thanks for listening. love to you all Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Visit my blog~Purple Skies |
True Blue Farmgirl
3162 Posts

3162 Posts |
Posted - Oct 01 2018 : 7:27:30 PM
I am about to go do my Bible study, but wanted to jump on ere first....
Judy - sure hope you get through the cold quickly! But so glad you had a lovely time with Patsy <3
TLTammy - Many many (((hugs))) to you!!! Keep following God's call on your life sweet friend <3
I'm not going to comment to everyone else as one of my posts has already vanished... but I do ask for all of you guys to pray for me... I seem to be in a funk that I cannot shake. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the concussion!?!? But in any case, I'm just really down right now, without the energy to do anything productive. Please pray for me! <3
~ Shannon, Sister # 5349 Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016 |
True Blue Farmgirl
3201 Posts

3201 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2018 : 07:05:03 AM
Hi Everyone!
Jami - Welcome to the porch. I wish you the best of luck with Dayton. I think just loving him and being there will make up for lack of experience raising kids. I think it's a wonderful thing you're doing for him. I look forward to chatting with you more :)
Peggy - I don't mind you saving my pictures. I've thought off and on about having cards or calendars printed but I wasn't sure if anyone would ever buy them. When people tell me they saved my picture because they liked it it makes me think maybe one day I'll try printing some and see what happens. I just love my cows so much that I can't help but share them with everyone. I'm glad you enjoy them :) Thank you for praying for my Mother in law. She doesn't deal with stress the best and this is very stressful for her.
Peggy and Shannon - first YUCK! I can't believe you eat (or ate when you were younger) cow tongue. I'm sorry - not matter how good it is I know what those cows do with those tongues and I can't even bring myself to try it. Second here is a link you should both look at for your health troubles There is a diet, lots of books, etc. Hubby and I do this diet strictly after Christmas every year and try to stay as close as possible the rest of the time. It will cure a lot of things. I've also done a raw milk fast instead of just water. It'll keep you on your feet Shannon. Another question is have you tried any essential oils? I love Thieves from young living. It might really help you Shannon when the antibiotics don't. I'm no expert on the oils - I just started using a few, but they can make a HUGE difference.
Judy - See above about essential oils. I know there's one called RC that's on my wish list for this winter. I believe the RC is for Respiratory Clear. It's a blend with eucalyptus and others to help your respiratory system. Thieves will also help kill the bug that's causing the trouble. Whenever hubby gets a tickle is his throat or a sniffle I give him thieves before bed and he's fine come morning.
Tammy - Praying for you. It's so sad when children get left behind. I'm so glad they have you standing up for them.
PGTammy - what a cutie! The sunset is pretty too. I'm so glad things are going so well for you and Benny. I can't believe it's been a year already!
Well, I need to get to work. I got a sewing table from my aunt yesterday that I need to make room for :) Hugs to all!
~Heather Farmgirl Sister #4701 September 2014 Farmgirl of the Month
"The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment" - Yogi teabag
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2018 : 1:18:37 PM
Heather...I just went on the site you sent me and ordered two products. Too bad you don't get a credit for referrals. I chatted with Tony on there and he recommended the C & P Removal Elixer and Toxin Elimination Elixer/that remove Candida. I have known for a long time that I had that issue...but never really addressed it. Let's pray this works. As these products are not cheap. I already use Essential Oils. Just started using both Vitality and Organica Oils. Anyway, I will keep you posted on these products I ordered.
Teacher Tammy...Yikes, girlfriend...I don't know if you are going to find parents are any better at any other Schools. We live in a Country with a growing tide of Parents/and Children who have an Entitlement Addiction. I kind of blame Social Media for that these days And the News Media just seems to feed their addictions. I will be praying for you because I see how rabid that Entitlement Issue is becoming every day. Anyone who lives in or near a big City as I do (Portland OR right across the bridge from Vancouver) we have riots and protesting all the time in the News because everyone has their own Opinion about everyone else's business. And ONLY THEY (the Protestors believe they are "RIGHT" and the whole rest of the World are just dummies who need them to protest for them. It is all so Political and Stupid...but it is just the times we are living in today.
Judy...Oh, gosh girl...So Sorry you and Patsy and Dave all got sick!! What kind of FUN is that??? Here I thought you 3 were out Painting the Town Up big time...just forgetting about the rest of us rocking on the Porch, wondering what you were up to. LOL Sharing colds doesn't sound like a Party to Me. Thanks for NOT inviting the rest of us!!! Get well, and Please don't share with us. I'm making you a pot of Green Tea with lemon and honey and I want you to drink it all!!! *giggle* Dave and Patsy will each get their own Pots of Tea too!! No, Sickies on The Porch!!!
Shannon...Maybe you should check out the Site Heather Mentioned. Couldn't hurt and might just help boost your immune system and get rid of some of what ails you too.
OK Girls...Off to do something productive today!
Love and Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
True Blue Farmgirl
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Posted - Oct 02 2018 : 4:49:39 PM
Just hopping on real quick tonight to say hey! I need to read and catch up with you all. It has been a busy month and will get even busier in a couple of weeks. Another grandson coming on the 22nd. Going to go out to my daughter's to help her with the 3 girlies. I am tired already just thinking about it. LOL. Hope you all have a goodnight and I'll jump back on when I get caught up with ya.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
1252 Posts

Fulks Run
1252 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2018 : 6:30:13 PM
I got to mow this afternoon before it rained again. The ground was still soft. It smelled more like the first mowing of the season instead of a late one. The air smelled of wild onions as I mowed over them. The large side yard was still too wet but I mowed it anyway. It now has ruts running through it.
My oldest cat, Cleo is not acting quite right this week. I am afraid we will lose her this year. She's getting up there. She sleeps on my side or back at night.
Nora Farmgirl Sister #7131 Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017 |
True Blue Farmgirl
55 Posts
55 Posts |
Posted - Oct 02 2018 : 7:12:30 PM
Good evening everyone!
Peggy - You have to live pumpkin, it makes fall... fall. Yes, The Secret Life of Bees is a book that sticks with you. Every time I see it come through at work I pick it up so I can keep passing it around. I have not read The Book Their yet, but I do have a copy in my bookshelf. I saw the movie and I really liked that. Of course, most books are better than the movie. Thunder vests are amazing. Addison has anxiety when people come over or barks at cars passing outside. Luckily we don't live on a busy street. When she has the vest on she is much more relaxed. Definitely worth trying. I hope your UTI goes away soon. I heard cranberry juice helps.
Teacher Tammy - Just keep praying and put your faith in God. There must be a good reason you are where you are at the moment even if you can't see it.
Shannon - It seems like the funk is going around. I was just chatting with someone else in a funk. I will pass along to you what I told her.... I know the feeling. When I get in a funk I walk around in my yard with bare feet. It helps me feel more grounded and makes me feel better. If that doesn't work, then I know I have to go to my happy place. I grew about 90 minutes north of here on the weekends. That is where some of my happiest memories are. Last time I was up, it didn't even take me 30 minutes to jump in the lake (with clothes on). If you have a happy place, take a trip and visit it. Sometimes just being where you can connect helps. I hope you are able to get out of your funk, and just know that you aren't alone... I really hope this helps.
Denise - Congratulations on your new grandson!!
Nora - Don't you just love the smell of fresh cut grass? I hope Cleo just has a small bug and nothing major. I know what it is like to lose a beloved pet, they are family.
Everyone else, I will be praying for your health. I hope your illnesses go away swiftly. Being sick is never fun.
Until we meet again,
~ Jamie Farmgirl #7695
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25 |
Edited by - strength.dignity on Oct 02 2018 7:13:23 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2018 : 12:50:05 PM
Denise...Congratulations on The GRANDSON!!! If he has 3 Sisters, he is going to have a lot of mothering from his siblings too. How FUN!!
Nora...sorry to hear about your cat. It is hard to watch them grow old. My Scottish Terrier is starting to sleep as much as my husband does. And that is Not a good sign either!!! He is 8 1/2 years old...and just eats, sleeps, and goes outdoors to do his business. But He is my little Old Man...that I will hate to see go some day. ~ We are still having pleasant days and not much in the way of rain but rather a delightful change from all the heat we had. They are still able to mow at our complex without the big ruts to deal with. One of the things I dread about the rain is the soggy messy ground. But we do need the rain that is for sure.
Jamie...I agree about going to one's Happy Place when you feel like you just need to get grounded and uplifted and encouraged. I am going to my Happy Place tomorrow. I am taking my Bible Study Group to Oregon Coast for our annual Women's Retreat! About 10 years ago I had a lot of women dealing with huge life issues and so with the Lord's prompting, I quit doing a Teaching Retreat and just made it an R&R Retreat. Where, we do nothing but Fellowship, Shop, Eat, and enjoy Long walks on the Beach! It was such a Huge Success...we have just kept it like that! My Bible Study Group has been together for 29 years and we have our weekly Study every Thursday. These Women are my Little Flock that God has given me to be a Shepherdess over. But 1/2 the time they Bless me more than I could ever Bless Them! They are an Amazing Group of Women! And I am richly Blessed.
I will be posting Beach Pictures on FB over the weekend.
Love, Hugs, and Blessings, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl
823 Posts
North Dakota
823 Posts |
Posted - Oct 03 2018 : 7:36:08 PM
PeggyAnn - can he really be 8.5 years old all ready? I remember when you got him as a puppy! I've considered getting another dog but have held off because we do want to be able to travel and we can't travel on the bike with a dog. Benny won't do a side car lol I miss having my own dog though. Maybe down the line, we'll see.
I thought I'd gotten over the cold but it decided to come back for round 2 yesterday. I hate being sick. I felt light headed every time I bent over. Desi and I went in to town today for lunch and some groceries. I was so tired I laid down on the couch after we got back and woke up over an hour later. so Judy I totally know how you're feeling. Sorry so many others are having health issues too. It always seems to strike in the fall and spring though with the weather changes.
We got our first and second snow this week and more snow supposedly tonight/tomorrow. Lake Metigoshi (1 hour north of us) I heard had gotten 2 inches from today's storm but thankfully we just saw big fluffy snowflakes. This was our deck when I left for work Monday morning at 5 am.

I'm getting a bad feeling this is going to be a nasty year for snow with it starting already.
Well I'm getting tired again so probably should head to bed early tonight despite the fact I have tomorrow off. Maybe I can sleep this cold away lol Hope everybody gets and stays healthy!
Tammy Farmgirl Sister # 2363 Farmgirl of the Month November 2016 Wolford, ND |
True Blue Farmgirl
545 Posts
545 Posts |
Posted - Oct 06 2018 : 2:43:37 PM
Hi all,
Judy: I had to sign back in too after being gone so long. Only been on the 'puter twice since I got back here. Still coughing now and then. This thing wants to hang on.. ugh! Had a great time with my sissy! Sorry you got sick when I left, sis. Sure hope you feel better fast.. You lifted my spirits also. That's what sissy's do!
Been 90 almost everyday since I've been back.... saw this funny on FB and have to share: It's Fall Time in the South, Pumpkins, Mosquitos, Humidity, Flip Flops and Shorts. OK, So It's basically Summer But With Pumpkins. TRUE this year for sure.. lol
Need to get ready to go eat some great catfish at Farmer's Feedmill in town with my son and family in a couple hours. So until we meet again, love n hugs n prayers to all who need and want them.
Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :) |
True Blue Farmgirl
9475 Posts

9475 Posts |
Posted - Oct 08 2018 : 09:50:05 AM
Good afternoon out here on the porch. It's still warm enough here to be on the porch except I haven't seemed to get to mine all year yet. Thanks Peggy and Jamie, I am definitely looking forward to meeting him though I won't be there long after he is born. I am going a week ahead just in case she goes in early, which I am hoping for. Dd's birthday is the 19th and she doesn't want to be in hospital for her birthday but I'd like to be able to spend more time after baby so.. that is what I am hoping and praying for, that he will come a bit sooner.  I am reading all these posts but don't get to post myself much. I need a break and I suppose I'll get one when I get home.
~Denise Sister #43~1/18/2007
"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Oct 08 2018 : 10:40:45 AM
Hello My Porchies...I'm back from the Beach! We had rain on Thursday and Friday and Sunday and a Glorious Saturday with warm sea breezes and plenty of Sunshine! It was just divine! We shopped on the rainy days and enjoyed a lot of outdoor time on Saturday. That one day made up for all the rain and gray skies of the other 3. Most of us did a bit of Christmas Shopping while there. And I found a Coat of Many Colors for myself while I was there. $35.00 Really Cute!! And then I also bought my very first Coach Purse! I have always thought they were highly overrated for the price. But my friend Patti always has to go in there and see if they are having any sales. And they were...I only saw one purse that caught my eye and it was a Red Satchel that almost looked like patten-leather. I looked at the Price tag and walked away...456.00!! Ain't no way!!!! One of the clerks who had been helping Patti, said, "I see you have a good eye for the BEST in the Store." I said, Yeah, that has been me all my life: Champagne Taste on a beer budget." She said, what if I told you that purse was on sale for 106.00 dollars would you consider it? I said, Yes, I just might. She said, Well...we only have that one left so I will put it behind the counter and if you decide you want it then it is there for you. I went and talked to Patti and she said, Peg...that is a steal of a deal. You should do it! So, I decided to go for it! It will last forever! Or so that is what I have been told! I have never paid 100.00 for a purse in my life!! And never will again...but I must say it is a Classy Purse with plenty of Sassyness too. When I carried it out of the store all the sales clerks yelled, "Welcome to the Family!" I laughed out loud! I don't think this is a Family I can afford to belong too. Ha Ha Ha!
The house looked clean when I got home...which I so appreciate! But when I got up this morning the sink was full of dishes. I mumbled under my breath! But my son woke up and said, "Mom, dirty dishes are like garbage, you are always going to have them!" I said, when I go to bed every night I load all the dishes into the dishwasher because I hate to get up to a sink full of dishes!" He said, Well that is just how it is!" And said, isn't! Then he said some smart mouth thing back at me about why should I complain when he does 90% of the work around here. BaHaHa!!! I said, Well, any time you don't like it Pat! But then I cut myself off before I said something I would later have to repent for. He said, Mom...sometimes you are cold-hearted in some areas. I just had to bite my tongue and walk away! I am so cold hearted he has had free room and board for 2 years. He forgets The OBVIOUS some of the times. Oh, Lord help me please not toss him out on his backside! And so Sorry, for the rant girls!!!
Today it is still raining and cold. My Step-daughter will be over around 11:00. Larry has a Dr. appointment and her and I are going to Barnes and Noble. I Hope to go un-wind there and just chill out in one of my favorite stores.
Have a Beautiful Day Girls and I Hope Your Week is a Promising One! Filled with God and all His Fall Beauty! 
Love and Big Hugs, Peggy
Farmgirl #1326 Member since Feb. 2010 Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month
Edited by - LadyInRed on Oct 08 2018 10:49:04 AM |
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