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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Oct 08 2018 :  12:18:44 PM  Show Profile
Afternoon ladies! Snow has pretty well disappeared but there's another chance for more today. Winter is starting WAY to fast for me this year. I haven't even got a taste of fall yet, it's like it totally is skipping fall. I got some pretty new fall curtains for the kitchen with fall leaves on them and instead it looks like I should have ordered the winter ones with snowflakes or something lol

PeggyAnn- too funny about the purse because I did the same thing this morning. I've been looking at LUG purses on QVC for a while and finally ordered one this morning. It was special priced with 6 payments to spread the damage over several months lol The LUG brand excites me with all those organizer features. I've got my eye on a couple other ones (Mini Puddle Jumper) that I might buy in the future if I like this one. I also bought an air fryer which I've been wanting for ages so if anybody has any good air fryer recipes please share with me! My next big purchase will be a KitchenAid mixer - I have no idea where I'll put it but it's impossible to cook from scratch without one. I thought my Ninja system would work double duty but I don't like how it mixes stuff and with all those arms on the center piece it's impossible to scrape. Then again, it could just be me.

I might get Jasper this weekend! I'm trying not to get too excited but please pray it works out for me for him to come. The little dude got his dad's phone and video messaged me this morning! LOL Too funny that he's so tech savvy at 3 he can video dial his grandma :O)

Lots going on in my head right now, which isn't always good. We have a LOT of contract nurses at work and I've gotten close to a couple of them. Anyway, Maria is an LPN and the hospital just contracted her to stay for 3 years and they're going to pay for her to get her RN degree which got my wondering what it would take for me to get my LPN degree. Some quick searching on my phone and I could possibly complete the program in a year and even better it appears they do the program in Rugby at the hospital I work at so I wouldn't have to travel to Bottineau constantly for schooling. The hospital might even pay for me to complete it too. I've already got most of the prerequisite classes required so it will be primarily just the nursing classes and clinicals. Talked with Benny this morning and he's not liking the idea. He doesn't like the hours I have to work in the medical field, especially the weekend hours and wants me to look further into working from home. Problem is a lot of the work-from-home jobs are customer service which require at least one day a weekend. There are so few jobs available around here to find anything. I was getting excited about the LPN because it would pull me from the floor and I'd just be passing meds. I'm still working on the proofreading course I'm taking so I need to get motivated to get that completed and see if I can do anything with that. I'd considered possibly doing one of the bookkeeping courses online but after talking with Benny and some others it appears most the farmers around here do their own bookkeeping and then take it to the accountant for taxes. They're just too frugal around here LOL I'm also researching Virtual Assistant to see if that might be more workable. I could always put bookkeeping as an option under that. As I said, way to much stuff bouncing around in my head.

Well I need to get motivated to get some things done. I'm thinking I'll wait and go shopping tomorrow so need to figure out what I want to work on today. Definitely need to get the bedding washed in the guest room in case Jasper does get to stay with us. Did a major cleaning job last week in there so at least I don't need to get it uncluttered. Have an awesome day!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Wolford, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Oct 09 2018 :  07:44:18 AM  Show Profile
You will love the Kitchen Aid. I have bought each of my kids one for Christmas over the past three years. Well, my dd doesn't have hers yet that will be this year. Shh. LOL. Since there are only two of us soon (finally becoming a full fledged empty nester I think) I am going to take my dd's old sunbeam. I like the way it works and it is plenty big enough for what I need. If I need to do bigger batches I have a Bosch that I do my bread mixing in and that works for large amounts.

We are overcast today. At least it is cool though. I'm finishing up laundry and getting some cleaning done. Kind of dragging as I didn't get much sleep last night. Plenty I can do though to keep me up and busy. I may sneak in a nap later on.

I have a quilt I need to finish up so may get to that and maybe watch a movie while I'm quilting it.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Oct 09 2018 :  5:01:03 PM  Show Profile
Hello ladies,
It is a cold rainy day here In fact it is the fourth day of rain and the weatherman mentioned wet snow for Friday. YIKES!!!! so not ready for that. WE haven't had as much color with these dreary days and the farmers are way behind on harvest.

This past weekend we had my grandson Foster's baptism. He is getting such a personality at 5 months and loves singing loud heheheh in church. I also got to be part of his sweet mama finding her wedding dress. It was a blessing even in the rain.

Had no school Monday it was a day off and I spent the day regrouping and basically watching hallmark movies and having a lot of tea. It was a good day. Then as they say back to the little butterflies today. They are one crabby bunch. We need some serious sun to lighten them up. They need to get outside and run and with the rain that has been a no go. Thanks for the prayers over my school situation. This past week the secretary proceded to say a few unkind words and give me a piece of her mind as she was stressed and I understand that but so unprofessional in front of parents and students and then she got up and left. Who does that? Then came to day as if nothing happened. I have simply asked God to not allow me to stoop to her level and kill her with kindness. Principal said she would be reprimanded and should apologize I am not holding my breath. I am going to continue to ask God to guide me and lead me and teach the heck out of those butterflies as that is really all I can do.

Well I do believe I will make a pot of tea and catch few lines in my book.
love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Oct 10 2018 :  06:45:08 AM  Show Profile
TTammy~ that is the best thing for you to do. Will be praying for you and your little butterflies, that you all get some sunshine. We hadn't had sun for quite sometime and I was quite depressed for a while. We all need that sweet sunshine!

Hope everyone is getting some nice fall weather and that old man winter holds off for you so you can enjoy it!

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2018 :  10:50:31 AM  Show Profile
Hi Gals! Boy, it got cold here last night! 42. Tonight is suppose to be the same with rain. Right now it's only 51. Dave's outside trying to trim some trees but his saw doesn't want to start. So he had to use the manual pole trimmer. Only the rose of Sharron and the rhododendron that were rubbing the house, got trimmed. The peach tree will have to wait till another time. I think it's time for a new saw. His is very old and gets used a LOT!!!
Not much going on here, just trying to stay warm.
Later Gators!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2018 :  11:06:57 AM  Show Profile
Hello My Porchies...

I have been MIA for a few days. A lot going on here. Please Pray for my Mom's House in Spokane. I got a Cash Offer with no Inspections / AS IS from a Lady and her hubby.
She is 70 and he is 81. Hopefully, it will all be closed by next Friday. It was just the kind of deal I needed as I did not want to do any work on it. My Step-daughter and
hubby are tearing out the Carpets in the upstairs this weekend. I will have to pay them to do that, but no matter the condition of the hardwoods...they have agreed to accept
the fact that I am not restoring them. This couple are Christians and this was ALL so God Orchestrated that it was obvious to me that the deal would go through and so I have
been thanking Him for sending just the right people.

On a sadder note, we found out that my ex-husband is in the Hospital Dying. This is Pat's dad (the son who is living with us). Him and his dad have a Love/Hate Relationship but Pat is pretty devastated non the less. I got him Airfare to Spokane but he decided to go get drunk instead. He is 40 yrs old...and I can't make this hurt go away but I would
if I could. His dad is 66 yrs old and I think he is dying from his own substance abuse past issues. He is a Christian, so that is one good thing in his favor. Pat was raised in
the Church but he chooses to believe that You Live, You Die and then there is Nothing. What a miserable way to Choose to think and believe.

Okay, better go take my dog out. Larry and I are going to leave the house and give Pat some space today.

Love You All,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2018 :  11:45:20 AM  Show Profile
OMGOSH...that's how Dave believes too! So sad! Patsy and I tried to talk to him but he won't listen. But he believes in science as the gospel. Again... sad!
Praying for you all!!!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2018 :  1:52:20 PM  Show Profile
Peggy, hope that your grandson can love his dad more than hate him at this time. Sorry that his dad is dying at such a young age.
We had a fox try to get one of the hens the other day. I deterred him and kept them penned up the next day. Wreck it Ralf chased Ralf out of the pen. They don't get along in close spaces.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

545 Posts

Clarkson Kentucky
545 Posts

Posted - Oct 12 2018 :  3:40:01 PM  Show Profile  Send craftbug a Yahoo! Message
Peggy: Been praying about your house and wondered if it had sold yet. So glad you are at the end of that thing.

Praying for you and your family.

Judy: Dave listens and mulls it over in his mind. Even Science proves the Bible is true.

38 and rain tonight. yuk. Ran radiator heater last night for first time. Using gas fireplace today and it's keeping it 70 ish so I'm happy.

My chickies are laying every day. I get 2 to 4 eggs a day. Gave my neighbor some and they were so tickled, which in turn made me feel good.

Nesting time on the couch.Time for some orange spice tea. You all stay warm and dry til we meet again.

Thomas Edison: "Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." :)
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Oct 13 2018 :  12:03:01 AM  Show Profile
Patsy...thank you for praying about my house in Spokane. We hit a couple of hick-ups on Paperwork but think we have it covered now. My Mom Never Changed the House
into her name/registering it in Probate. So, I had to send a copy of my dad's death Certificate. Hope that is all they will need. This is the second important thing
she forgot to do. But My Youngest Son is walking me through all this craziness as he is a Realtor/And Property Manager. Praise God for Smart Kids!! LOL

Judy...The Scientific mind is the hardest to convince about things the rest of us take on Faith. But like Patsy said...Science does prove that the Bible is True.
We have a friend who was a non-believer/Science Lover and doubted that there is a God. Then he met a Christian Woman, they dated and he was baptized and became
a temporary believer until after they married. Now he is back to his agnostic ways. He just knew this woman would not marry a he flat out lied
To God and All of Us. Now I swear he is even worse than he was before; even cursing God, The Church and Christians out every chance he gets. So very SAD to me.

Well, my husband drove Pat to Spokane/ really CD'Alene Idaho to see his Dad. They didn't get there until 10:30 tonight. My husband is spending the night in a Hotel
and then driving home tomorrow, late morning. I don't know if Pat will stay or come back home...but I am so glad that he decided to go. My husband really is not
in the best of shape so I hope God guides him home safely tomorrow. The things we do for our Kids and Step-kids...just proves that you never quit being a loving

Nora...this is my Son, not my Grandson...but like you said, It is also my hope that His Love will win over all their differences over the years. I know how he feels
because I felt that way with my Mom...but I still loved and honored her the best I could whenever I had the chance. So, I pray that for my Son too. Life is short
and fleeting.

Sweet Dreams Girls,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Oct 14 2018 :  1:17:16 PM  Show Profile
hello ladies,
We awoke today to snow falling...yikes...after 60 degrees yesterday! Can I just say I am not ready for snow!!!!!! I hope fall returns soon and our poor farmers have not been able to get their crops in due to rain last week and snow today. Yesterday was the first day we saw sun in about 10 days. I hope this is not a sign of our winter to come.

This week I have parent conferences and would appreciate prayers as yall know I have had a rough couple of weeks with a few of them. I am also presenting at our teacher's conference this week as well. I am so out of my comfort zone talking in front of big people lol but God has given me the words and I have lots of notes and I made a pretty good powerpoint on my own and so I am as ready as can be. But prayers I don't faint would be wonderful as if you see some wings floating by you will know I am out of commission hahahahahah

Peggy praying for you and your family during this time.
Welcome to the new porchies this is a wonderful place

well I am off for tea and a blanket so my wings stay warm
love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

Visit my blog~Purple Skies
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True Blue Farmgirl

3162 Posts

Rozet Wyoming
3162 Posts

Posted - Oct 14 2018 :  2:07:05 PM  Show Profile
Hello sweet porchies! Been a rough week here on the Hudson homestead. I was sick the beginning of the week, and then Jenni and a few of the other kids were/are. Jenni sounds like she has RSV, so I am doing everything I can to keep her out of the hospital! Today I am working on putting up more produce for the season... I have a HUGE batch of green tomato salsa on the stove right now... It should make at least two dozen pints. It is a great way to use up some of my green tomatoes!!! Next on my list is getting some apple pie filling going... I'm planning on doing six batches of Mary Jane's recipe for that and we will see how many quarts I end up with... I usually have more than it says I will have, lol. After that will be apple pie jam. Tonight I will start some zucchini relish and then after all of that is done, I will make some apple butter and applesauce. We bought 6 bushels of apples, so lots to process :)

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Oct 16 2018 :  5:06:44 PM  Show Profile
Hello ladies! Been a busy week so far and I"m ready for a couple days off. I picked up Jasper on Friday and will take him back either tomorrow or Thursday. He's definitely keeping me hopping LOL He got his first ride in the tractor when we road with Benny while he put down anhydrous.

Temp this morning was 19'. It was supposed to get to 48' today but I heard it didn't make it past 43' and it started falling quickly. The snow is finally gone thankfully. It seems like they have snow predicted about every third day though. It's turning into a way to early winter.

PeggyAnn - I pray the trip goes safely and things work out for the best.

Shannon - You are a busy lady! Hope you're able to keep your crew healthy and get all that canning done.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Wolford, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

6740 Posts

Vancouver WA
6740 Posts

Posted - Oct 17 2018 :  10:49:31 AM  Show Profile
Good Morning My Porchies...Can Life get busy or what???? Sounds like I'm not the only one rocking the clock!!

Well, I got the Cash Offer on My Mom's House last Thursday, and The Closing was Yesterday, and The Money is in My Account already! Now, that was a God Thing!!
He totally Orchestrated it from start to finish. 5 was a whirlwind of negotiating and getting carpets pulled out etc. And going to Title Companies
etc. BUT Five Days!!! I still can't get over it. That is a huge weight off my shoulders!!! I feel like I can breathe again! I was getting really worried with
October speeding down the tracks like an out-of-control Locomotive. You girls who have already gotten snow and cold weather can totally understand! Spokane has
been having frost this week and that is always worrisome with an empty house. God is never too Late but always on time...and I am so Thankful to Him!!! When I
lived in Spokane it was nothing to have snow on the ground 5 months out of the year.

Well, My Son, Pat called me last night and I guess his Dad is making a recovery of sorts. He is going to be put into a Nursing Care Facility this coming weekend.
Pat is already bored being there as he says that him and his dad have nothing to talk about. So, I wouldn't doubt if I don't see him back here this weekend sometime.
I have been enjoying it being just hubby and me for a few days. My husband said, once Pat gets his share of the Inheritance Money...he has to move. I'm all for that.
I'm glad Pat and I have had the time to repair our relationship...and I would like to keep it that way.

Well, Prairie Tammy, I am so glad you got Grandson time. I bet he loved riding in The Tractor! Your weather sounds way to cold. Today it is suppose to get to 80 here. It is
going back and forth seeming like Fall than back to feeling like Summer. I love all the, no complaints from me. how do you keep up on all that canning when you've been sick and the kids are sick? You are Amazing girl! I use to do all that stuff but once my kids left
home I reverted back to buying local and smaller amounts. No more canning, dehydrating and freezing Food. 3 Growing Boys were hard to keep filled up but then! With Pat
gone I have hardly cooked either. Just getting Lazy in My Old Age.

I got the cutest Scotty Scarf from one of our Farmsisters Connie Warren for my Birthday (early by a week) and a Starbucks Card! Yup, she knows me well!! LOL It was so
sweet of her!

Teacher Tammy how did your Parent Conferences go??? Are You still convinced RETIREMENT IS LOOKING REALLY GOOD!!!! LOL My hat goes off to all TEACHERS these days. They
have to deal with so much "STUFF" that they should never have to deal with and don't get paid near enough to want to. My Prayers are with you girl!!

OK...Love Ya All! Have a Gorgeous Day,

Farmgirl #1326
Member since Feb. 2010
Dec 2011-Farmgirl of the Month
Aug 2018-Farmgirl of the Month

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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Oct 17 2018 :  7:08:28 PM  Show Profile
Congratulations on the quick sale, Peggy. That was really unusual.

We have gone from summer to winter in three days. We are suppose to have frost and freeze warning the next two nights. The cats think the outside is taboo until well after lunch. Birds have started visiting the feeder. Hopefully frost will bring some color to the trees. So far, the color is disappointing.

Have my 6 month check up on Friday.

Time for some pumpkin spice tea and bed.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

3470 Posts

Louisville Ohio(Stark Co)
3470 Posts

Posted - Oct 19 2018 :  07:59:36 AM  Show Profile
OMGOSH Peg-Girl.... so glad That worry is off your shoulders too! Immediately I started Praising God!!!
They are rather old to buy a fixer-upper, but I'm glad they wanted it... for your sake!!!
"Thank YOU GOD!!!!
We are in the 30's at night now, with frost every morning. I told Dave it was time to put the patio furniture and grills under tarps... but he insists he won't until Nov 1sy...really...what...why??? MEN!!! If it snows before.... well... his worry! Right? Hahaha
PTammy, snow that early, with so much to do yet would make me nervous too! (God, help our farmers... Thank You)
TLTammy, I'm with Peg.... when is it time to retire??? Hahaha I know you aren't THAT old!... like us... but ya! That's why I got out of Pharmacy when I did... the rules and 'kindness customs' were-a-changing.... fast... and I didn't want to go there with them. I believe in Customer Service 'FIRST'... then the almighty dollar!!! Amen???
Nora, give those Kitties a good scratch behind the ears and a Big Squeeze from me! I do so miss mine!!!
Yes, I've been drinking lots of teas too! I got a jar of blackberry honey, still warm, from a lady yesterday and can't wait to try it in a nice, light white treat to see how it tastes. I did taste it right out of the jar and was almost like a blackberry brandy. The lady has her hives right in the center of a BIG blackberry patch... so you can just imagine that flavor!!!
Girls, if you are honey lovers, please support your local bee-people! They have lost so many hives to disease, careless poison practices and mites(which seem to get worse as years go by)!
God Bless Yuns Reeeeeal Good!!!
Ok girlies... I'm on my way into my day! Hope Yuns have a Great one too!

Sister-chick# 905(Sept.14th 2009)
"We are a hardy bunch of mixed-breed mutts....a little Hillbilly, a little Indian, a little Irish/Welsh.....BUT a Whole Lotta GOD!!!"
"I used to toast marshmallows over my birthday cake. Now I can roast a ham."

Edited by - herblady55 on Oct 19 2018 08:04:14 AM
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Oct 19 2018 :  3:22:19 PM  Show Profile
Blackberry honey sounds so delicious.
The cats get plenty of attention, some welcome, some not so much. My rooster, Wreck it Ralf, thinks they are a bother and chases them around the yard. Haven't seen them catch them.

We had frost this morning. My doctor's appointment went really well.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

55 Posts

55 Posts

Posted - Oct 19 2018 :  9:46:34 PM  Show Profile
Good evening ladies,

Just dropping by for a quick visit before I get some much needed sleep. Life has been so crazy lately that my mind is fried. It seems like I have been walking around in a daze all this week. Hoping I will get lots of rest this weekend. I will come back soon to read all of your updates.

Good Night Ladies,

~ Jamie
Farmgirl #7695

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Oct 20 2018 :  08:59:20 AM  Show Profile
Hi girls! Getting chilly on the porch for some of us.
I am still at dd's for another week. Baby is due this coming week. Love being here and spending time with family.
Dd and I have hit the used bookstores. They have fantastic ones here. The temps are cooler than at home so it really feels like fall to me.
Peggy, so glad the house sold quickly for you. That happened to my brother in law when he sold their place after my sister passed. Listed it and by the end of the week it was done.
Prayers for Pat and his dad.

Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

Edited by - levisgrammy on Oct 20 2018 09:08:04 AM
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Oct 21 2018 :  9:02:12 PM  Show Profile
Evening ladies! Well Jasper is still here until tomorrow. His mom was supposed to take him and didn't want him for the weekend (surprise, surprise) so Jordon asked if we'd keep him so he wouldn't have to pay for a babysitter for the weekend. He spent almost all day Friday with Grandpa Benny in the tractor since I worked a half day and again today helping out here at the farm. Desi and Dustin watched him yesterday. He's definitely pooped tonight lol. Man was he dirty when I got home tonight LOL Apparently he was playing toss the dried cow pucks while Benny was working on stuff. BOYS! Both the girls are sick so he hasn't been able to play with them. Hadlee has some type of allergic skin rash along with being miserable from teething (top 2 are coming through). Bella has cold sores all over the insider of her mouth and will be going to the doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he doesn't catch anything or Jordon will be mad.

I found this adorable dragon cape costume for Jasper at TJMaxx and he's in love with it. He wears it and roars like a dragon LOL

I'm returning Jasper to his father tomorrow as I'm having oral surgery to have a tooth removed on Tuesday and can't guarantee what shape I'll be in afterwards. The tooth broke/shattered almost 3 weeks ago and this is the soonest I could get in. Thankfully I haven't been in any pain which is surprising since there's little of the tooth left. Please keep me in prayer that the extraction goes smoothly. I have no insurance so hopefully it won't be too costly.

Weather this weekend has been in the 60's, guess it's our Indian Summer. Mornings have been in the low 30's but thankfully no heavy frost to coat the windows again. The trees are about 50% turned although some trees just dumped their leaves that were green.

PeggyAnn - That is awesome news on how fast the house sold! WOW! Truly amazing. What size KitchenAid mixer are you buying for your family? I'm seeing the 4.5 qt at Walmart but the 5 and 6 qts on QVC. My instincts are to go bigger lol but the 4.5 might be perfectly fine for what I make and it is considerably cheaper. Then I need to pick out a color. Happy belated birthday! I totally missed it on Facebook somehow until you posted about your gifts.

Well exhaustion is setting in so I need to try to get to bed. Benny is trying to tell me about the pieces he's found to rebuild the chimney in the shop for the used oil burning furnace and it's honestly going over my head at this time. Hope everybody's week goes well!

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Wolford, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Oct 22 2018 :  1:52:29 PM  Show Profile
Tammy, Jasper is sure growing up, isn't he? He's a little doll.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

9452 Posts

Beavercreek Ohio
9452 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2018 :  03:26:37 AM  Show Profile
Tammy~prayers for everything to go smoothly with the extraction. Hoping it's not to much $$. Jasper is a cutie! Great costume.

Our little man arrived yesterday morning. A nice big boy at 9lb 7 oz. His sisters are thrilled to have a brother. I don't know how he will feel having 3 bigvsisters when he gets older. Lol. All is good and momma is doing well. Praising God for this little one.
Sister #43~1/18/2007

"Home is where we find comfort, security, memories, friendship, hospitality, and above all, family. It is the place that deserves our commitment and loyalty." William J. Bennett

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

Edited by - levisgrammy on Oct 23 2018 03:48:59 AM
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Prairie Gypsy
True Blue Farmgirl

823 Posts

Wolford North Dakota
823 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2018 :  07:38:12 AM  Show Profile
Morning ladies! Temp this morning was 16' but it's warming up quickly and is at 23' now.

Denise - congrats on the new addition! A good size one also. Our granddaughter, Hadlee, was 10 lb 6 oz when she was born so we understand chunky babies lol The girls with either ruin him or train him well for his future partner LOL

Well made Jordon meet me in Devil's Lake (DL) yesterday to return Jasper. He wasn't happy about it but I shouldn't have to drive 6 hours round trip with the road construction picking up and dropping off. By dropping him off in Devil's Lake it's two hours for me and three hours for him as there's no road construction. Jasper was not a happy camper when we left the farm although he was excited to see his daddy. I had planned to send his costume home with him so he could use it if his mother doesn't take him for Halloween and totally forgot it. At least I know it's here though so he'll be able to play with it when he's here. If it had gone home with him it would have gotten lost in that black hole.

I thought I'd get some more cleaning done after I got back but got a Snapchat from Benny as soon as I got to DL wanting me to stop in the field and ride with him on my way back so I only got the kitchen partially done and the living room didn't get touched (sigh). I need to rearrange some of the cabinets and drawers to try and get more organized. I stopped, got gas and was going to grab a pop/soda to take to the field with me and decided at the last minute to get something hot instead. Since I don't drink coffee I was going to get hot chocolate. Their hot chocolate was in their espresso machine. I noticed that they had caramel chocolate macchiatto so I decided to try a sip and see what all the hype is about - I'm in love! OMG is that addicting! Where has this been my whole life! Must add this to my grocery list for next shopping trip lol

Okay, ladies I need to get the car warmed up and get ready to head out. Have an awesome day and wish me luck at the dentist.

Farmgirl Sister # 2363
Farmgirl of the Month November 2016
Wolford, ND
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True Blue Farmgirl

1252 Posts

Fulks Run VA
1252 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2018 :  5:16:07 PM  Show Profile
Denise, congrats on the new bouncing grandson.

Farmgirl Sister #7131
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2017
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True Blue Farmgirl

1485 Posts

1485 Posts

Posted - Oct 23 2018 :  7:29:14 PM  Show Profile
hello ladies,
I would appreciate prayers. My father passed away unexpectedly yesterday. He didn't show up to work and they found him at his hotel. He passed away in his sleep I am heartbroken. We will be flying down to Houston on Thursday the funeral is Friday and flying back Saturday. I haven't flown in a while. I was at school today to get things ready and to keep mind occupied.

I had to tell my mom which was hard. My dad and her have been divorced for long while but she still needed to know. I haven't completely processed it yet but I will be home tomorrow to pack and I am sure it will be my time. This is so hard as my daddy and I were very very close. I am so glad I got to see him in July and I called every week. I did today just to hear his voice one last time.

Anyway I just wanted to check in and let you know I was here in spirit.
love and blessings,

Tea is like being in the stars with God.

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