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A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 12:15:46 AM
Darlene...I am so glad that Lida contacted you by email. I should have done the same thing. I was getting kind of worried about you...but also knew that you were doing a lot of canning like Angela. Forgive me dear Sister for not checking on you. At least someone was thinking straight! ~ Believe me I can relate to what you are saying about difficult marriages. I could write two books on the subject myself. I totally believe in the Institute of Marriage...I just think we make the decision to marry someone with less consideration than who we are going to vote for. I think we should have to take a State Exam or something. You have to do that to get a Drivers License...why not to get a Marriage License? ~ Because my parents never fought in front of us kids...I thought marriage was Wedded Bliss and I was so shocked to find out otherwise. I believed all the Fairy Tale Books. I had very unrealistic expectations...that no human being could even measure up to. My first husband and I remain good friends to this day. We were High School Sweethearts. My second husband & I can barely stand to talk to each other. He was a Christian but one who fell off the drug and alcohol wagon and became very verbally abusive and ugly. I know that that is NOT how God designed Marriage to be. I do have the satisfaction that both of my ex-husbands asked for my forgiveness...for messing up my life. I had forgiven them years before...for my own sake more than for theirs. But I know what a blessing that was because very few women ever get to hear those words."Please Forgive Me!" Anyway...I am so sorry Darlene and Bunny for the pain you have suffered through. It grieves my heart for you. Bunny I am praying that a fresh new start will be just what you need. Darlene, you will always be in my prayers for God's Love and Peace and Protection. I wish I could just wrap my arms around you right now and just let you cry your heart out. ~ A preacher also once asked me, "What Is Marriage? Then he answered his own question..."It is an unconditional commitment between two imperfect people." I don't think you could ever get a better definition than that, nor an argument from me. That about sums it up 'perfectly'. ~ Remember that God loves you more than any man ever could, Darlene. His Love is good, gentle, pure and full of loving-kindness. Allow yourself to picture Him as your husband because the scripture tells us that He is... in Isaiah 54:5. I don't know if your husband is a Christian or not...but when he is acting ungodly towards you...jut envision your Heavenly Husband and know that He cares about what you are going through and remember that He who knows you best...loves you the most!
Blessings, Prayers and Shared Tears, ~peggy
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 05 2010 12:25:15 AM |
True Blue Farmgirl
157 Posts
157 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 05:43:11 AM
Good Morning Porch Sisters, I am back in my home after a few days away with family. It is so good to be home again! I did the kayak race yesterday- in the rain! We had an abrupt change in the weather from the 80s to the 50s overnight. So the kayak race was in a very warm river with cool air and alternating between pouring, misting and moments of sunshine. There was a mist coming off the water and all was lovely! I decided to go through both sets of small rapids on the 6 mile course. I got hung up on rocks in the second set and the boat kept wanting to turn crosswise in the water, which diesn't seem like a good idea in rushing water with rocks around. It took me 10 mibutes to get out of the rocks and continue on. I did the 6 miles in 1 hour and 33 miutes. Remember my goal of coming in last? I did it! I accomplished my goal!! Isn't it great to achieve a goal that you set for youself?
I found an elderberry patch near my mother's house and picked 8 quarts of the little buggers. Last night it took me 90 minutes to pick over 4 quarts; now I know why they are so expensive at the farmer's market!
My oldest daughter, her hubby and their 2 kids are visiting his family in Ohio for the long weekend. Our granddaughter turns 3 on Monday so they are there to clelbrate the big day with her Ohio family. We miss them but I am so glad that her Ohio grandparents are getting some time with her and her brother too. We have them the rest of the year.
Gotta run to church. I'll catch up later.
Lida |
True Blue Farmgirl
1735 Posts
1735 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 07:41:14 AM
I have been very busy the last week or so. I thought I'd take a second and weigh in on the marriage subject. I married my best friend from high school, but not until I had already married someone else and divorced. My first husband I truly believe I married just to get out of the house. I almost got arrested for harborin a known fugitive! He was wanted in ohio and no one around here knew about it. I divorced him while he was in jail and called my best friend to come comfort me. We wound up gettin married about 3 months later. We've been together for almost 13 years now. It's still a lot of work, but we decided when we got married it was forever. Period. We fight. We yell. We have days we never talk. But we stay here, together, and we work through it. That's the most important thing to us. That the other one will always be there.
I have a friend who races cars at our local track and he called needin some help today. So I gotta run.
Farmgirl Sister #1438
God - Gardening - Family - Is anything else important? |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 08:02:57 AM
Peggy-I'm so glad that you found someone to spend your life with that makes you smile, happy and at peace. That's what Mark is for me. I love him dearly. We had both been married before. I was in an abusive relationship and his wife lost a bunch of weight the had an affair. I'm glad she did cause otherwise I wouldn't have the best husband in the world. One of the reasons I got into the line of work I was in was because of my abusive relationship. I worked at a domestic violence/sexual assault hotline for eight years. It is so easy for people on the outside to say, just leave, get out but it is never that easy. Threats of what will happen if you do leave, if you don't have family or they have shunned you and he has isolated you-where are you going to go. The last year at the crisis line 9 DV shelters were always full and if you have children-that compounds it even more. Not to mention the financial aspect or the fact that you can't turn your emotions off. I'm sorry, I don't mean to rant or vent or get on a soapbox but this is a subject that I am very passionate about.
As far as being alone-I see nothing wrong with it as long as you are still active with friends but allow yourself to re-energize with solace. It is perfectly okay not to be in a relationship and to work on yourself-making yourself happy and finding out what you really want. There is a wonderful 5 minute video about a young woman being single. I should find it. I always tell my single friends that one of the best things about being single is that you eat cookie dough in bed and not have to explain yourself. LOL!
Darlene-you are a sweet, beautiful woman who has strength that carries you. Never forget that you are among friends and we are here for you and will listen with a kind and caring ear. You are a queen my friend. Hold your head high and remember that.
Bunny-think of your new beginnings as an adventure. You can reinvent yourself to be whatever you want to be. You have been given a chance only few dream of. Go for it! Embrace it and set out on that new adventure.
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 08:04:53 AM
Guys, I can't really weigh in at all, except to say that personally I know that people change, and that even a seemingly okay marriage can go up in flames. I'm going through that with my parents, and I wouldn't wist it on my worst enemy. But my grandparents set a good example of a good marriage/relationship for me. Bunny and Darlene, my prayers go out to you. Today my Mom is taking me to the mall, then homework! I really don't want to be stuck with homework tomorrow! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 08:09:35 AM
My first husband was a real corker and I let him talk me into some real strange places. I got smarter with my second and married my best friend. We almost never fought and I was sure sorry that God took him so soon. He was one I wanted to grow old with. My doctor told me it was ok to have sex after the radiation treatment as I came through better than expected especially since I refuse to use the implant thing nightly as recommended. I told the Dr that as far as I was concerned if God wanted me to marry again he was going to have to beat me over the head with the guy. I really do like not having to answer to someone as to why I need to go and give a food basket to someone rather than come home and cook dinner.
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 09:14:11 AM
Darlene, my heart goes out to you. I know what being in a damaging relationship can be like. I also know how hard it has been to be out on my own without that other person paying the bills. There are so many things to consider when you are in a bad relationship. I can only hope you have somewhere to go when you need to get away. I have been that person for a few friends. I would be there for you if I could. Just stay safe. Sounds like you have lots of positive things to keep you busy. You don't sound isolated at least. I know my next 60 days are the start of a new adventure. I have so many great ideas. But I can't tell you guys how many times I have all these wonderful ideas, dreams and they never turn out the way I need them to. I think that is my biggest scare. I know this could really turn out great or I could get stuck living with my mom.. (a very verbally abusive person by the way). I feel like I'm moving in with my worst nightmare. I keep telling myself because I'm older I'll be able to handle it differently. When I was a kid, I would just stay in my room. I became a ghost. I'm feeling like that is the only way I'll survive this. She has not changed. My sister and her family have lived with my mom and I know how she treated them. One day everything is great the next she is telling you how worthless you are because of what has happened to your life. My plan is to get out of the house as often as possible and make friends I can go and do things with. I know I'll get through this.. but I know it is going to be a storm after a while.
Cherime, I laughed at the God has to beat you over the head with the next husband.. I feel the same. I have such trust issues with men now. He is going to have to be pretty special to get my attention.
Pam, Your job must be stressful and heart wrenching at times. I can't imagine how you deal with things at your end. I'm glad you have a wonderful partner to come home to.
Lida, sounds like you had a wonderful time! You rock! I wish I was there to cheer you on. The weather sounds fun. I love the rain, sunshine thing. Anyway, everyone is waking up around here.. so off I go. Have a wonderful Sunday! |
Merry Heart Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
66 Posts
66 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 2:10:47 PM
Peggy my dear sweet Pen Pal, Happy 25th Anniversary! I hope you two have many more. Lida, sounds like you had quite an adventure. It sounds really beautiful. Darlene and Bunny, I am so sorry that you have been through all of that. I have lived with an alcoholic that God changed, but not through near what others have been through. I will pray for you two and healing and comfort. I have been in trials and hard situations that I know that I got throught them only by God carrying me. You learn the reality of "The Footprints in the Sand". You don't know what to do, what to pray for or anything. God can be so real that you feel like you can just reach out and touch Him.  Darlene, we will be glad to listen to you anytime and don't you worry about it. I am sorry I haven't been on here much. It has been a busy week. My dad is to go back the last of October. They want him to bandage the ulcer or whatever is on his leg from wearing the stockings and to wear them to try that before they resort to surgery or anything like that. where he got hit by the logs, is getting a better color so we pray that it is working. My daughter is still recuperating from surgery but is gaining strength so we are thankful for that. I will try not to be so long in coming back to the porch this week. Peggy, please forgive me but I haven't written you back but will do it very soon.
I just fixed enough Banana Split pies for everyone to have a piece so just come on over and get you a slice! Yum! I will even fix you a glass of sweet tea to go with it. We are having a Labor Day cookout at the church but I fixed enough to share with you, too.
I hope you have a great Labor Day and I hope everyone gets some R & R along with some fun!
Have a great and blessed day! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 2:45:44 PM
Bunny in my case my last marriage was such a good one that I would hesitate to do it again because I am not sure that anyone could measure up AND I just like being able to call the shots without having to answer to anyone but God.
True Blue Farmgirl
406 Posts

406 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 3:24:36 PM
My goodness, the porch is full of emotions this evening.......
so many women, so many lives, so many hurts and joys! I hope you all continue to come to the porch to feel the love that is shared here! I know I love all of you, the sweet gentle loving spirits...fighting with that farmgirl spirit to survive in some very oppressive situations, some loving homes, some not so..but all in all, we all share our hearts through good and bad..thick and thin!
"Blessed is the influence of one true, loving, human soul on another." ~George Eliot |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 3:27:03 PM
Bunny...when things don't work out like we plan in our head and heart...well, my friend that is simply called "Life". I read a great quote one time that has really stuck with me it said, "LIFE is what happens while you are making plans for the future." And it is so true. Rarely does life happen the way we think we need it too...but the good thing to remember is that sometimes it actually comes out better! When that happens I know it is God and not me! If I was facing moving back in with my mother I would have all the same fears you have. But I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that you know that you just need to go make friends and find things to do that make you fulfilled as a person. Also...I would keep looking for a job that will move you out of mom's house an on to your own as soon as you possibly can. One thing you might consider doing once you get to the Dalles is keep checking the newspaper to see if anyone rents rooms or like a second floor apartment in their home etc. Sometimes that is the most affordable way to to just move up and out gradually. Just a suggestion my friend.
Pam...thank you for sharing the things you did about your own life and about working with victims of domestic abuse. I know that in my second marriage I felt 'stuck' for 8 years because he told me everyday that I could go (in fact he taunted me to go) but told me that I couldn't take the kids. Well, no way was I ever going to leave my children with this darranged man. And as a kids were always more important to me than any man. I stayed to protect my children from his abuse. Like Darlene has found weigh your options...and sometimes you find that you have none. I was very fortunate that at the least un-expected time he left me for two weeks and I never let him come back. I changed all the locks, went to a phsychiatrist for help, and hired an attorney. It wasn't as simple as all that sounds...but it was the break I needed and never thought I would ever get. I grabbed it and never looked back! ~Pam, I am glad that you found Mark and happiness. I love my husband dearly too and he is my best friend also.
Angela...thanks for sharing how you and your husband have dealt with diffficulties. All couples fight! But if you truly love each other you set up hard and fast ground rules. Like you said, you may yell and scream but you are committed to stick together and work through it. are such a sports girl! That is so cool. I am so glad that you did the Kayak Race. So, what if you came in finished it! I won a trophy one time for coming in last in a golf tournament. I predicted I'd be last and I was. I don't even like golf but I did it because somebody ask me to try it. There were lots of people that didn't get a trophy...but I did! LOL
Megan...I am sorry that you are experiencing this situation with your parents. Have they split up or do they just fight a lot? You are one strong girl who knows what she wants out of life and that is going to continue to launch you forward through an adventurous life. I love a woman who knows what she wants and you do...even for someone so young. I am one of your biggest fans and cheerleaders girl! YOU GO FOR THE GOLD!
Janet...So glad that you are on here now! I know you will get to a letter when you have time...and me too. I already have one started in my head to you. Does that count? LOL Thanks for the Anniversary Wishes. I asked my Kids NOT to do anything for it. It seems kind of weird on a third Marriage to make all the fuss. And each one of my boys have different Fathers which also makes it a bit strange. So, really it will seem like any other Anniversary. And that's OK with me. ~ Hope your dad doesn't have to have surgery. I will continue to pray for him. Glad your daughter is getting stronger day by day.
Cherime...your story was funny and sad. I am sorry that the Love of your Life was taken home much too soon! I feel like I have been beaten over the head with men too...but not in a good way. LOL
OK Porchies...maybe we can move on to a cheerier subject now!! Does anyone want to do a Slumber Party on the Porch tonight for our Last Hurrah of the Summer? I think that would be fun. Does anyone have a good chic flick they can bring? I will make some Peanut Butter Popcorn (it's yummy)and bring some regular popcorn for you non-peanut butter girls. I will also brings some assorted cans of soda in a cooler and my sleeping bag and pillow. So, who else wants to join me tonight? And what can you bring? Let's meet here at least by 8 pm.
Hugs & Fun, ~peggy 
Lady In Red
A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 05 2010 3:41:23 PM |
True Blue Farmgirl
608 Posts
608 Posts |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 7:28:09 PM
Peggy, and everyone else, I want to thank you guys so much! Peggy, my parents are in the process of getting their second divorce. After the first one, they got back together after two years, but I don't think after they split up again that will happen again. But, I just want to thank you all for being so supportive of me when I post my dreams on here. I get support from so many people, and hearing things like you said Peggy helps me to truly believe in myself. Back to happy subjects! I'm definitely in for a sleepover! I have some raspberry sherbet (not homemade, but it's still yummy:), and I definitely have a fair share of chick flicks! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
Merry Heart Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
66 Posts
66 Posts |
Posted - Sep 05 2010 : 8:04:04 PM
I can bring one of these pies I made today. And some French Quarter coffee and we can chat over a cup of coffee. So, girls, bring your favorite coffee cup with you!
I have to share two things that are hilarious with you. Our 3 yr. old grandson came running up to Papaw yesterday saying the commode handle wouldn't work. I think he tried to flush it too soon after someone else had. He said "Well, I guess you'll just have to change the batteries". Then tonight, we were going through some things and throwing some away. We came across a cap of my husbands and he told him to go put it in the trash. He said "But Papaw, we can make a wag (rag) out of it." Larry told him again and he kept saying that. Me and my husband were just about rolling in the floor laughing at him. He is such a hoot. He has an answer for everything.
I'll go get the pie and the coffee and be waiting on yall!
Have a great and blessed day! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1222 Posts
1222 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 06:41:23 AM
French Quarter coffee? Let me go and get the really big cup! When I lived in the F.Q. my grandfather used to take my sister and out individually for coffee and a baguette. It was nice to have his individual attention. Talking about it with my sister one time she told me that she was his favorite as the took her out by her self. As she is younger she forgot that he took me out as well. I just smiled and did not bother to correct her. He loved us both and I don't care who was his favorite. I do miss my husband. I really miss him but I know who to blame and have been doing my best to upset satan's plans on a daily basis for all I meet.
Merry Heart Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
66 Posts
66 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 07:00:53 AM
Yes, French Quarter with chicory. My aunt lived in New Orleans and my dad worked on and off in New Orleans for a total of about 6 years and he stayed with her but he came home every weekend. We kids took turns going for a week at a time in the summer and got to experience New Orleans. Daddy brought home the beignet mix, coffee, shrimp, oysters, etc. periodically. I love the food from there! Cherime, those are nice memories and so thoughtful of your grandfather. Making memories with your grandchildren is special! My late husband went on a mission trip to Rabbit Creek Community Church up there back in the early 90's. Is that anywhere near where you live? Also, my BIL, Bro. Mike Weldon has done several revivals up there, I don't remember the place on that one. Just wondered if you were familiar with either.
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day!
Have a great and blessed day! |
True Blue Farmgirl
2391 Posts
Gig Harbor
2391 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 08:03:43 AM
Aww, I missed the sleep over! All the food would have ruined any attempt at dealing with my weight. However, I did spend a wonderful evening with my older son. My youngest bailed to spend the weekend with his girl friend. He is 18 and I know what that is like. He will come and see me before I leave. But it was a nice night. Watched a movie, (the bounty hunter) it was cute. Ate too much food and just hung out on the couch. He got my front porch all cleaned up for my upcoming yard sales. It looks so nice. I'll have to spend some time out there before I leave. Yesterday was great at the shop. Not many people but 3 good shoppers. So all was not a waste. Although I would have rather spent it at home helping. Peggy, I know everything will work out the way it is suppose to. I'm just a little afraid of the unknown. I'm a bit of a control freak and am not in control of anything these days. Yes, I know God is... but he isn't sharing any info. I have 4 cats that are pretty important to me right now. So renting a room or upstairs apartment is going to be a stretch. I know I will be lead to where I need to be. I just need to listen and be calm. I'm committed to not just taking a job to get away. Then I'm trapped by a lousy job and not really getting anywhere. I'm planing on taking some classes at the local JC and getting some better skills before I go job hunting. My hope is to have at least a years worth of money for my expenses to get me on track. Well, the weather is perfect today. All the campers will be headed home. They all tend to hit the town for a last stop before heading home. I'm hoping it is a good day. Next weekend is my shop hop. That is always fun and keeps us busy for 3 days. I have to try to keep my mouth shut about leaving. I know people won't spend any money if they know I'm closing up shop. They will say they will come back for the sales and then not come. We live up a very windy road. Everyone complains about it. So I'm just telling everyone I'm closing sometime after the first of the year. But then they will all get a coupon in their freebee bags telling them to come back in 30 days for a 50% discount. Hope it works. Anyway, off to get ready for my day. Wake up all you sleepy heads. I made coffee for you and there are rasberry turnovers waiting. Later! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 09:27:47 AM
Oh Janet...that was so cute about your GS. Don't they just add the spice to Life? They say the funniest things. At our last Church...I had a group of girls that were between ages 4 and 8 that would always come running up and give me a big hug and love on me and visa-versa. I miss those little darlings...but anyway the four year old one day hugged me and then immediately ran over to her mom and whispered something to her. I hear her mom say well go tell Miss Peggy she runs back throws her arms around me again, looks up and says to me,"Miss have good smells!" For some reason Janet your grandson story triggered that again in my memory of 'Kids say the funniest things'.
Megan...Is it hard for you to deal with your parents divorcing a second time? I think the kids always suffer the most through divorce (though it is never their fault). As a parent I wish I could have spared my children that pain and I am sure your parents feel the same way. Just keep loving them despite their differences.
Monica...I loved the comments you had to share...wanted you to know that! Good thoughts!
I have slept so much this weekend from a Fibro-Flare that I feel pretty perky and rested now. Though they are saying rain today...right now it is beautiful out.
I just started another Blog Site and have added it below my signature on here. Lady In Red is my more whimsical and light side but Ponderings by Peggy will be spiritual thoughts that will come from journaling entries during my devotionals. Usually they will stem from things God is having me work through on a personal level but those are usually my most insightful writings. So, check it out once in awhile if you feel so inclined. Like I said I just started it last only one post so far.
Janet...what kind of yummy pies did you make? And the French Quarter Roast sounds wonderful. I can smell it from here. MMMMMMMMM!
Later Porchies...have a beautiful day!
blessings, ~peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
Edited by - LadyInRed on Sep 06 2010 09:33:31 AM |
Merry Heart Farm
True Blue Farmgirl
66 Posts
66 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 09:57:44 AM
Banana split pie, Peggy. I am sorry for you Fibro-flare up.
I will check out your new blog. Sounds great.
Have a great and blessed day! |
True Blue Farmgirl
6740 Posts
6740 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 10:30:53 AM
Thanks Janet...I saw you checked out my new blog. Thanks for leaving such a nice comment. You are such a sweetheart and I wish you could be close enough to be in my Bible Study too. But I feel so blessed to have you as my Pen Pal. You have enriched my life. Bless You!
A Great Big Hug, ~peggy
Lady In Red A "SMILE" Should Be A Woman's First Accessory, Then Her Purse, Shoes, and Bling! ~p.smith |
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 11:46:07 AM
Peggy, the first time I was really young, so it didn't really affect me that much. But now, obviously I'm a teenager, so it's a little harder. But I will always love them no matter what. Today's the last day of my three day weekend:( It will be spent relaxing/cleaning! I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Days! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
907 Posts

Canal Winchester
907 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 12:46:51 PM
Hi ladies, Well it's Monday and in the afternoon. I'm not much of a poster but love reading everyone else's posts. About a week ago, I posted and asked for prayers concerning a job interview. I really didn't think it went very well, however, much to my surprise I was offered the position. I knew God would lead me to where I am suppose to go, so the first week of October I start a new job.
I thank all of you who kept me in your prayers and I truly believe that it was everyones prayers that if I was suppose to get this I would. You are the most wonderful group of people I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know.
Thank you all.
I hope that I get better at the posting thingy.... but know, not a day goes by that I don't read everyones posts and smile, laugh, cry or pray for each and everyone of you.
Again Thank you all!!!
The well of nature is full today. Time to go outside and take a drink. Diane Ackerman
True Blue Farmgirl
1854 Posts
1854 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 1:16:25 PM
Congratulations Theresa! God's Blessings, Megan aka Loretta Rae
At heart, I am both a sassy city girl and a down-home country gal.
The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. |
True Blue Farmgirl
406 Posts

406 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 2:41:32 PM
Congratulations Theresa!!! Three Cheers!!!! Hip Hip Hoorah!!! Very exciting! |
True Blue Farmgirl
1485 Posts
1485 Posts |
Posted - Sep 06 2010 : 4:50:54 PM
Good evening porchies, I see yall have been mighty busy while I was away. I was at the state fair watching my children show so it was a busy weekend. I came home late last night but did grocery shopping, laundry, etc today becasue tomorrow is back to my little butterflies. I am sure they will have much to tell after being apart for few days.
I didn't get them a new fish yet so Sunshine will be a bit lonely for few more days but just not enough time with this weekend. I am pretty sure they will just love when ever Sunshine has a new friend.
well the dryer has gone off, lunches to pack, and then shower. Missed yall
love and blessings Tammy
Tea is like being in the stars with God.
Farm Sister #1889 |
A Farm of My Own: VIrtual Porch Sitting - Come Join Us!  |