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Moderator/MaryJane's Design Diva

452 Posts

Moscow Idaho
452 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2010 :  4:23:35 PM  Show Profile
In the next issue of our magazine, you'll find an article about "garage-door quilts."

The “barn quilt” folk-art movement (quilt patterns painted on wooden panels that are hung on the exterior walls of barns) started just a few years ago and now boasts more than 1,500 of these remarkable paintings in two dozen states across rural America. (Read more in our Oct/Nov 09 issue.) But quilt enthusiasts in suburban America were feeling a bit left out. The solution? Garage-door quilts.

You'll find out how to make your own garage-door quilts in our April/May "Garden Secrets" issue, on newsstands around March 16. (Subscribers: go to to see estimated delivery dates for this issue.)

Share your creations and techniques here to inspire other farmgirls! (See photo posting instructions at

Happy quilting!

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, red wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming 'WOO HOO, what a ride!'"

True Blue Farmgirl

5602 Posts


5602 Posts

Posted - Feb 19 2010 :  4:46:10 PM  Show Profile
Wow! that sounds amazing! Thanks for the heads up Carol =) I'm just now getting into quilting and have yet to make a quilt, but this sounds so inspirational! I'll be sure to check it out.

Farmgirl & sister #13

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. ~Leonardo DaVinci
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True Blue Farmgirl

17167 Posts

WACAL Gal WashCalif.
17167 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2010 :  12:23:01 PM  Show Profile
Thanx Carol for the heads-up...
Now I just need to get myself my own Barn...DH won't let me go near his "Man Cave"...LOLOL!

>^..^< Happiness is being a katmom.
"I've never met a sewing machine I didn't like!" &

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True Blue Farmgirl

6784 Posts

6784 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2010 :  12:26:50 PM  Show Profile  Send maggie14 a Yahoo! Message
It does sound amazing!! Thank you for the heads up Carol!

Friendship is not something that can be bought, it is earned.
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True Blue Farmgirl

4427 Posts

4427 Posts

Posted - Feb 20 2010 :  1:06:36 PM  Show Profile
Sounds amazing indeed, would love to be able to see it too :( Ah well, maybe SOMEDAY I can find the mag here...who knows the Dutch stores might wise up one day hehe

Hugs from Marian/Dutchy, a farmgirl from the Netherlands :)

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True Blue Farmgirl

1564 Posts

cheney wa
1564 Posts

Posted - Feb 21 2010 :  1:04:45 PM  Show Profile  Send kpaints an AOL message
Just took a break from cutting little pieces for my newest quilt and look what is going it, can't wait to see my latest issue. Wish the previous owner hadn't torn down the old barn, I could paint a quilt on it and needless to say I have the ability being a retired painting contractor! lol And Katmom, that would have made a great Farmgirl Cave for Trailer Trash this winter! :D Thanks, Carol for the info.

A person will be just about as happy as they make up their mind to be. Abe Lincoln Find your joy and live it. FG #377
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True Blue Farmgirl

353 Posts

Devers Texas
353 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2010 :  05:25:12 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Moodene's MSN Messenger address  Send Moodene a Yahoo! Message
Wondered if my little shed that looks like a mini barn would work for this???..Who knows, it might mind is a clicking now.mmm...

Love me like I am. farmgirl #801
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True Blue Farmgirl

1176 Posts

1176 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2010 :  05:40:12 AM  Show Profile
Grace, you took the words from my mouth. We have an over sized two car "man cave" with plain white doors. When I showed him the barn quilts of PA he told me "don't even think about it"..
Oh well..

Kathy H
Farmgirl Sister #81
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world..." (anomymous)
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True Blue Farmgirl

353 Posts

Devers Texas
353 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2010 :  3:11:54 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Moodene's MSN Messenger address  Send Moodene a Yahoo! Message
My hubby doesnt care what I do here since I own my given to me by my grandma...

Love me like I am. farmgirl #801
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quiltin mama
True Blue Farmgirl

436 Posts

Crescent City CA
436 Posts

Posted - Mar 01 2010 :  1:08:09 PM  Show Profile
That idea is both weird and cool to me at the same time. And I'm a quilter. I guess I don't need to worry about it much though since we don't even have a garage! ;)

my blog
handmade quilts on etsy
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True Blue Farmgirl

167 Posts

Milwaukee WI
167 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2010 :  03:13:24 AM  Show Profile
I've a seen a few here and I love them. Tried to get my DH to do it on ours a few years back and his reply was something close to "We're lucky we're getting it painted white." I'd do it myself, but the kids and the garden are more important when the weather is nice enough for painting.

If the feeling strikes again, how would you recommend working around the row of square windows at the top of the door?

Prayer costs nothing, but is worth the most.
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Fiddlehead Farm
True Blue Farmgirl

4562 Posts

Waupaca WI
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Posted - Mar 04 2010 :  03:52:02 AM  Show Profile
I wanted to do a chicken coop quilt, but we still haven't got the ordinance to keep hens passed yet so a garage quilt will be awesome!

Why not go out on a limb, that's where all the fruit is! "Mark Twain"
farmgirl sister #922
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Bag Lady Diva
True Blue Farmgirl

130 Posts

Spearfish South Dakota
130 Posts

Posted - Mar 04 2010 :  6:41:47 PM  Show Profile
Can't wait to read/see the article. I am a true quilter, my passion, next to my family......

Quilting in the Black Hills
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True Blue Farmgirl

1853 Posts

nutley nj
1853 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2010 :  7:37:51 PM  Show Profile
i love quilts and wish i knew how to make one i tried a class but everyone
in it was a pro and finished everything in one weekend i was still cuting and matching
and we don't have a lot of classes for quilters here anyone know any books that are good for beginners i can sew and have a lot of ideas like a garden quilt with all the veggies
i live two hours from the amish country and i live to go there for the quilt
but i found one in idaho that i just fell in love with and wanted so bad but the woman who made it wasn't around and they could not sell it it was a rag quilt unbelievably beautiful.
thanks deborah

inch by inch we find our way
jersey farmgirl
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Red River Hen
True Blue Farmgirl

183 Posts

Ardmore Oklahoma
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Posted - Mar 27 2010 :  7:31:55 PM  Show Profile
I saw a garage door done that way and may do mine that way. My hubby doesn't care even if it is his workshop but it is a huge door. Commercial sized since I use to keep my 4X4 in there :) I already painted all my chicken coops, they have chickens on nests, cats,
ect. on them :)

~Count your blessings instead of sheep~ (Bing Crosby) ~Nancy~
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True Blue Farmgirl

211 Posts

Billings MT
211 Posts

Posted - Apr 02 2010 :  07:15:48 AM  Show Profile
My husband is in the "don't even think about it" category. However, when there is a Farmgirl Will, there is a Farmgirl Way! I'm going to Quilt-paint a sheet of plywood and attach it on the back wooden fence in my south-facing garden... that way I'm combining my "old gold" love of gardening with my "new silver" love of quilting! And DH doesn't have "his" (ahem) garage defaced in any way... I guess the "Certified Farmgirl" MaryJane bumper sticker on my car (which he occasionally drives) is about all His Manliness can handle... (grin lovingly of course)

~TJ in Montana

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." -CS Lewis
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True Blue Farmgirl

68 Posts

Butternut WI
68 Posts

Posted - Jul 11 2010 :  1:59:24 PM  Show Profile
I can't wait to see the barn quilt issue. If you do a search on "Barn Art" you can see lots of it. We have some beautiful ones up here in Northern WI. If you have enough in not too large area, you can have a Barn Art Tour listed on one of the sites. Don't ask me which was just one of those random search things I didn't save.

Our quilt guild is talking about doing a service project that would involve doing the art part if the buildng owner is willing to pay for the supplies. AND, yes...many are done on buildings other than barns. Mine's going on a big open area of my house. Glad I'm blessed with a very tolerant hubby who is willing to climb tall ladders!!! There should be some great up and coming pictures.

Sunshine for your day*´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * and blessings for your heart,

Even as we dream, we begin to succeed...even as we succeed, we begin to dream again.
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True Blue Farmgirl

1308 Posts

Pella Iowa
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Posted - Jul 11 2010 :  3:04:44 PM  Show Profile
The Amish live around Kalona & there they have barn quilts which are huge but so neat!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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True Blue Farmgirl

68 Posts

Butternut WI
68 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2010 :  10:21:04 AM  Show Profile
Here is just one link to a good article and lots of "Barn Art" pictures. There are lots of sites to check out. Plus some on buildings other than barns.

Sunshine for your day*´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * and blessings for your heart,

Even as we dream, we begin to succeed...even as we succeed, we begin to dream again.
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True Blue Farmgirl

68 Posts

Butternut WI
68 Posts

Posted - Aug 16 2010 :  9:16:47 PM  Show Profile
I have a couple friends that have some barn art. They are so neat. I don't have a barn but we have a second story on our garage that has a nice big open area on the side. My dear patient and tolerable hubby thinks it's a great idea since I'm a quilter.

This block is painted on 2 big pieces of plywood which makes it 8' square. This is a wonderfully BIG barn. Can't imagine getting it up here!!!! Glad mine doesn't have to be so big.

Blessed be,*´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * soleil

Even as we dream, we begin to succeed...even as we succeed, we begin to dream again.
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Bonnie Ellis
True Blue Farmgirl

2474 Posts

Minneapolis Minnesota
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Posted - Aug 17 2010 :  11:08:59 PM  Show Profile
There is a new book out by Eleanor Burns on making barn art blocks. I know her and I am sure her book will be great. Bonnie

grandmother and orphan farmgirl
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True Blue Farmgirl

68 Posts

Butternut WI
68 Posts

Posted - Aug 18 2010 :  9:23:39 PM  Show Profile
Thanks for the heads up on the book, Bonnie. This is off topic but it driving me crazy! I see that you are from the Twin Cities and your name is ringing all sorts of bells....did you ever shop at the Country Peddler Quilt Shop? I used to work and teach there. Just curious.

Blessed be,*´¨)
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * soleil

Even as we dream, we begin to succeed...even as we succeed, we begin to dream again.
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True Blue Farmgirl

50 Posts

Lower Lake CA
50 Posts

Posted - Sep 12 2010 :  11:44:54 PM  Show Profile
Hi -

I'm new here and just wanted to say that this just started in our county in Northern CA this summer. It is really beautiful. I'm also interested in finding out if anyone here does spinning. I spin and crochet. I'm also wanting to learn to knit and have done some weaving. I also am getting back into leatherwork. I'd be interested in talking to others who enjoy the same things.


Edited by - countrygirl10 on Sep 15 2010 8:38:23 PM
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True Blue Farmgirl

950 Posts

Novi MI
950 Posts

Posted - Sep 13 2010 :  08:34:16 AM  Show Profile
I've been talking with my parents about putting a quilt square on the end of their barn for awhile now. My mom and I just can't settle on what we'd like it to look like. I've been researching how to put it all together and mount it on the barn so we'll be all ready once we come up with a design we'd like to do.

In northern Michigan there is a great barn quilt trail with about 10 or so to see, it was very neat!
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True Blue Farmgirl

161 Posts

Hayden Idaho
161 Posts

Posted - Oct 03 2010 :  4:24:10 PM  Show Profile
My husband is also in the "over my dead body..." category! His shop is his castle! But the chicken coop is painted a dull redwood and is just waiting for a makeover...Although it is probably not true to the art form, I am thinking I would like to design a square with a large mirror in the center. Just in the dreaming/thinking phase right now, because the garden is taking up all of my time.

Farmgirl #2125
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True Blue Farmgirl

992 Posts

Talladega Alabama
992 Posts

Posted - Jan 31 2011 :  04:29:14 AM  Show Profile
Hay Ya'll I want to add a block to my barn but I want it to last a bunch of years so, my question is....How do you make it last. What wood, what paint, what is the best sealer? That being said, What design? The barn is a three story and not seen from the road so maybe not, huh? I could hang it on the entrance gate or under the ranch sign (thats not much space, tho). What other applications could you SISTERS suggest??? I suppose I'm not very creative but would love to do this.

Love and Prayers,

PHR Farmgirl #1093
A good day is when you find ALL your ear tags! I wonder how my cows would like my Farmgirl apron??
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