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Farm Kitchen: What is everyone canning?  |
True Blue Farmgirl
662 Posts
Berkeley Springs
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Posted - Jan 08 2018 : 10:38:00 AM
Sara it sounds like you do much canning! How awesome. I do a little not much to speak of really. If I get a big batch of tomatoes or something like that I will. I canned chicken a few years ago that turned out really well. Is the yellow rose cottage another part of your home where you do all of your canning?
Farmgirl #4817-The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses. ~Hanna Rion
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

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Posted - Jan 08 2018 : 11:11:32 AM
Tiana, I moved to Paris six years ago into a little white frame house with a large deck. Next to the deck was the former owner's wood shop. I named it the Yellow Rose Cottage and turned it into my outside kitchen and craft room. It's rustic but I like it. Along with the canning gear I have my dehydrator and slow cooker out there. I have a glass top stove so I can't can in my kitchen.
It's convenient to my back door. I just walk down a couple of steps and I'm under the cottage's porch. Carrying things back and forth can be a challenge on rainy days.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
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Posted - Jan 15 2018 : 09:51:57 AM
Made 4 batches of jam this weekend and canned 3 of them.
Why only 3 you ask? (head hung in shame) As I stood there stirring my first batch of jam, smelling the goodness, I cut open and squeeze in the packet of liquid pectin.
As I did so I thought to myself - hmmm - that looks weird. Only to look at the box and see it expired almost a year ago!!! AAACK!!!
So had to scrap that batch of jam :( So sad!
Remade it and did two others.
The Sour Cherry preserves I tried next came out WAY too thick. I don't think the recipe used enough sugar - will do the Ball recipe instead next since I have tons of sour cherries left in fridge.
I think what I made will still be useable - perhaps as filling in thumbprint cookies or make as the center filling in a layer cake.
But I did get several good jars of Blueberry Strawberry Jam - added cinnamon and vanilla to that and it came out divine!
Also did a batch of Sour Cherry Strawberry - even though recipe didn't call for it I did some research and added a few tablespoons of bottled lemon juice. I know sour cherries are acidic but you always add lemon to strawberry recipes so I did it just to be safe.
Turned out perfect! Great flavor and set up great!

Will do the Ball recipe of Sour Cherry Preserves next and a batch of Indonesian Satay Sauce. Still deciding what to tackle after that! I'd really like to do some Bluebarb Jam but I'll need to find either fresh or frozen rhubarb and I'm thinking it's too early for that yet, but we'll see! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 15 2018 : 10:00:05 AM
Jaime your jars of jam are beautiful. Nothing prettier than jars of sweetness.
Too many cold days for me to plan on canning so my Yellow Rose is closed for the season. May bring my dehydrator in so I can use it no matter the weather.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
521 Posts
521 Posts |
Posted - Jan 16 2018 : 07:48:51 AM
Jaime, thank you for posting the photo. I LOVE to see canned goods cooling on a counter! One of my favorite things.
That is a great January project. I will consider the same some year when I don't have two weddings and a new grand baby to distract me! Speaking of that, my son and DIL to be are fond of mixed cocktails and want to develop some "signature drinks" for their wedding reception. Shouldn't it be perfectly fine to can simple syrups for use in the summer? They would like to create some from kiwi and lemon while they are in season here. |
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
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Posted - Jan 17 2018 : 06:11:21 AM
Sara - I think canning simple syrups is a great idea! Did a quick search and found these links:
I think I am going to make canning Jan through March a yearly tradition! Much easier to handle than in the late summer/early fall for me. That time of year is consumed with things that can't wait to be canned - like green beans and apples and also with my yearly whole house cleaning plan that leads up to the holidays. Not to mention crafting, camping trips and oh so many things!
I'm going to make a note on my calendar to buy up supplies of pectin, sugar, etc. in the summer (checking exp dates!!!) so that I am all ready to go once the holidays are over!
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 17 2018 : 07:18:01 AM
Jaime, good idea to plan ahead for winter canning.
I'm having canning redraws today. It's 13 so no way will I be canning in my Yellow Rose Cottage but Sanderson's Farm whole chicken, thighs, and legs are on sale for 79 cents a lb. I'm down to 2 24oz jars of chicken broth so I sure would like to do a couple of batches. I'll just keep telling myself their chicken goes on sale for same price about once of month so there will be other canning days for me.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
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Posted - Jan 18 2018 : 06:14:32 AM
Sara - Sorry you can't can at the moment! :(
Any chance you have room in the freezer for a small batch of stock? I frequently freeze in 1 cup amounts instead of canning it. Just a thought!
Picked up a bag of oranges and a bag of frozen raspberries last night. Will get some mangos and kiwi today. Have a few recipes in mind for this Sunday!!! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 18 2018 : 07:20:23 AM
Thanks Jaime but I think I can fire up my pressure canner on Sat - should be in the hi 50s and low 60s on Sun. Gotta love Texas weather 9 to mid 60s in one week. I'll do two batches of chicken broth in slow cooker and can on Sat & Sun.
Let us know how your recipes turn out.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
2932 Posts
2932 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2018 : 4:25:21 PM
Question for all of you canners?? I have heard of many folks that re-use their canning lids (not the rings, the actual lid). I can absolutely see how this would work, as the majority of times that I pop off a lid, it is still in perfect condition and still has the pop of a brand new lid. The folks that re-use are sure that the lid has no blemishes or dents etc. Common sense in other words. Once the jar is processed, if it has a good seal, why would it not be OK? I always test my jars by lifting them with the lid to make sure it is super secure. I always remove the rings, to insure that the ring is not creating the seal. I have not tried this yet, but may try with some applesauce that I plan to can soon. I have about 3 lids that I am going to experiment with. I know that this is not recommended, but I say, if a jar is sealed, and properly processed, shouldn't it be OK?
"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R. |
True Blue Farmgirl
4379 Posts
4379 Posts |
Posted - Jan 21 2018 : 5:10:27 PM
I too have been busy canning this weekend. Raspberry juice, cherry juice, beef stock, and cherry pie filling. last week i also did strawberry jam and tomato sauce. All out of the freezer. Need to check and see what i got left that needs canning. It was alot of work and a lot of dishes!! Glad to get so much done, and hoping to be eating more out of the freezer and canning shelves!! Lisa, my mom has always reused her canning lids. I know they say not to, and i admit i reuese them too. Good or bad, i don't know but we all are alive. hope everyones jar lids all pop!! mine all did.
Farming in WI
Michele |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2018 : 04:11:42 AM
Lisa, interesting discussion on re-using lids. My sister who has canned for forty years and is my go to person when I have questions doesn't re-use her lids. I've only been canning on a regular bases for about a year so I'm still in the learning stage. I follow the book word for word. When I have a few years of canning behind me I might feel comfortable breaking the no re-use lids rule but for now I only use new lids.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
569 Posts |
Posted - Jan 22 2018 : 06:43:21 AM
I do save my old lids but I use them for non-canning purposes. Sometimes for crafting, but I also use mason jars for storage a lot. Dried beans, DIY mixes, chocolate chips and so on. An old canning lid (washed of course) plus a ring is a frugal way to close the jar vs buying the white plastic lids - although I have some of those too!
We had guests on Saturday and then I was feeling so run down after finishing dishes and other normal Sunday chores that I just had to lay down. Never fell asleep but still felt much better during the evening. BUT that means I did not get any canning done :( Will try again next weekend! Although at this point it may have to just wait until after DS's birthday party since I will be busy with prep for that...still gives me most of the month of Feb and and March before I kick into high gear on other things... |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 23 2018 : 06:09:47 AM
I've got fresh and dried vegetables in crock-pot to pressure can vegetable broth later today.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2018 : 05:35:35 AM
Well, I'm finally canning the vegetable broth. Have 4 pints in pressure canner and left overs in ice cube tray to freeze.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
569 Posts
South Bend
569 Posts |
Posted - Jan 25 2018 : 06:22:27 AM
Woo hoo, Sara! Good job! |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Jan 27 2018 : 06:33:45 AM
Thanks Jaime.
Been canning veg broth since 5a.m. - 3 28oz jars and one pint cooling.
Ready to start the second batch of veg broth - 4 pints
Broths are one of my favorite things to can and use.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Feb 03 2018 : 11:27:14 AM
Pressured canned 4 qts veg-mix for soup. First time to try cold pack method. It was so easy. May do more if this batch turns out good.
Mix was carrots, yellow and green onions, celery with leaves, and snow peas. Found two pkg of snow peas in marked down bin and since I like snow peas in veg soup I used both pkgs. Broth was non-chorine water and 28oz can crushed tomatoes. Added one small fresh bay leaf to each jar.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Feb 06 2018 : 08:27:21 AM
2 pints hambone bouillon and 2 pints ox-tail bouillon.
Cooked both for over 18 hours in slow cooker. The hambone bouillon will make good bean soup and the ox-tail bouillon will have many uses.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
4379 Posts
4379 Posts |
Posted - Feb 07 2018 : 02:42:29 AM
hello all. I finished up my canning, I think. lol I need to finish organizing my freezers next. Got all kinds of juices done, that can be either drank or made into jelly. I did get one pot of chicken stock canned too. I made a batch of blueberry jam with chia, which was wrote about on this forum. And i dried a full dehydrator of blueberrys to use in granola or whatever. Enjoy all the good food canned into convenient jars!!
Farming in WI
Michele |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Feb 07 2018 : 04:49:02 AM
Michele your kitchen has been a busy kitchen and a busy kitchen is a happy kitchen.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
4379 Posts
4379 Posts |
Posted - Feb 08 2018 : 04:15:07 AM
you too Sara. We purchased a mehu lissa steam juicer with my sister a few years ago. Great investment if you do alot of juices and you can do alot of different veggies in it. We love it. You can cook squash in it for freezing too. the bottom pot is the water, then the next one is for catching the juice and filling jars, and the top one is a steamer basket holds the fruit. About 2 hours more or less. You fill your jars from a hose on the juice pot. it says you don't have to hot water bath the jars, so we haven't. Makes juices so simple. You can also add sugar to your fruit if you want. We don't. Happy canning!!
Farming in WI
Michele |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Feb 09 2018 : 07:20:33 AM
Have 4 pints of Caballero heirloom beans from Peru in pressure canner. It's a round white bean with a creamy texture. It's a new bean for me so I have high hopes for it.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
True Blue Farmgirl
2932 Posts
2932 Posts |
Posted - Feb 09 2018 : 08:02:50 AM
Sara You sure have an interesting variety of beans! I bet I know where you got them LOL I am canning applesauce with cranberries. I am going to re-use 3 lids from other canned goods that are in perfect condition and still have the "pop", and see how it goes. Might do some stock too, but don't really have enough to drag out the All American. That thing weighs a ton!
"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” – R.R. |
True Blue Farmgirl
7208 Posts

7208 Posts |
Posted - Feb 09 2018 : 08:21:32 AM
Lisa I love trying new beans. I have less than a cup left over from canning so they're on top of the stove now so when done I will know if they are a keeper or not.
Let us know how your experiment with the used lids turns out. Cranberries and applesauce sounds good. Happy canning.
Sara~~~ FarmGirl Sister #6034 8/25/14 FarmGirl of the Month Sept 2015. Lord put your arm around my shoulders and your hand over my mouth.
Farm Kitchen: What is everyone canning?  |