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 She was only is last day of ninth grade!
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Farmgirl Legend Chapter Leader Chapter Guru

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Sandy Hook CT
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Posted - Jun 14 2017 :  06:46:05 AM  Show Profile
Hi Farmgirls,

I am a bit in disbelief. Today, my dd, Audrey, finishes her last day of her FRESHMAN year of HIGH SCHOOL! Can you all believe it? I certainly can not. When I started blogging for MaryJane as the Suburban Farmgirl, Audrey was only SEVEN years old! So, I know many of you have watched her grow up, too. Audrey has been with me at almost every farmgirl chapter outing, (she was so cute, all gussied up in her little apron, serving as hostess when we had our first farmgirl get together).

Here's pics of when Audrey was seven, and we got to meet MaryJane.

And another one from when we met Farmsister Joey from Florida in 2013

And here's something recent:

This is us with my sweet and adorable niece. They both remind me of each other so much, and I am so happy they are close. Audrey looks up to her older cousin.

My dd is my best friend! I can't believe she has completed her first year of high school! It is amazing how fast it goes. I am one proud mama! She is growing up to be a farmgirl, too! She loves animals, bakes and cooks, loves to read and loves the outdoors. Her favorite club at school is "Forestry"! She is big on recycling and eating good, organic food. MaryJane has been an inspiration to her, too! Audrey is also a Girl Scout at Ambassador level. She will work toward a gold award next year. She is also a very talented musician and plays violin like an angel, as well as guitar.

Hug your babies! Enjoy every minute. They really do grow up fast!

Farmgirl Hugs,

Farmgirl Sister #1155
Chapter Leader, Connecticut Simpler Life Sisters
Farmgirl of the Month, January 2013

Suburban Farmgirl Blogger

True Blue Farmgirl

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Rozet Wyoming
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Posted - Jun 14 2017 :  06:58:08 AM  Show Profile
She is a beautiful young lady Nicole! My oldest is only a year younger than her. I understand you guys being so close! Looking forward to the day when she joins the Sisterhood. Sounds like she is a beautiful person both inside and out <3 Congratulations on her "graduating" from Freshman year!!!

~ Shannon, Sister # 5349
Farmgirl of the Month - January 2016
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True Blue Farmgirl

7277 Posts

7277 Posts

Posted - Jun 15 2017 :  3:56:11 PM  Show Profile
Oh my how time sure does fly. It sounds like you have raised a great and beautiful daughter! So happy to hear she is your best friend and may it stay that way for years to come. Congratulations on finishing her first year of high school. Way to go Audrey!

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Red Tractor Girl
True Blue Farmgirl

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Gainesville Fl
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Posted - Jun 16 2017 :  06:50:22 AM  Show Profile
Of my gosh, Nicole. Your daughter has grown up to be such a beautiful young lady and she looks a lot like you!! Time seems to fly by so quickly in high school years and in a wink of an eye, they graduate and are off to college or some other out of the house endeavor. Have a great Summer, you two!!

Winnie #3109
Red Tractor Girl
Farm Sister of the Year 2014-2015
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